New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Vinton County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Vinton County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
119,148Anderson, Sarah AZaleskidep. mother$8.00Sept., 1868
170,496Ansel, Mary AMcArthurwidow$14.00Aug., 1875
94,183Appleman, CatharineUraldep. mother$8.00May., 1867
179,801Asburg, ElizabethMcArthurwidow$10.00Jan., 1878
157,562Atkinson, James WMcArthurg.s. w. lt. foot$2.00Feb., 1879
10,006Axtell, AnnOretonwidow$8.00-
181,641Bailey, JamesVale's Millsscurvy resulting eczema$4.00Jan., 1881
61,395Barcroft, AnnMcArthurdep. mother$8.00Dec., 1865
8,926Barnes, CatharineHamden Junctionwidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1878
5,753Barnes, CynthiaMcArthurdep. mother$8.00Oct., 1876
82,435Barney, SylvanusAllensvillechr. ophthalmia$6.00-
92,710Bartlett, William SNew Plymouthwd. rt. breast affect, lungs$10.00-
103,741Belford, MaryAllensvillewidow$8.00Nov., 1867
8,413Black, HettaZaleskiwidow$8.00Nov., 1863
61,337Bliss, James H. HEagle Millsrt. shoulder & arm$12.00-
125,630Bobo, MaryVinton Stationdep. mother$8.00Mar., 1869
10,737Bowen, RachelVale's Millswidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
184,242Bray, NancyCreolawidow$12.00May, 1879
58,158Burley, EleanorBolin's Millsdep. mother$8.00Oct., 1865
152,334Burns, AndrewHamden Junctionrheumatism$6.00-
43,844Button, Olive AMcArthurwidow$8.00-
92,714Campbell, RobertHuewd. chest, dis. lungs$12.00-
56,225Carson, WmRichlandwd. r. shr$4.00Jan., 1866
129,780Casteel, John AZaleskidis. of lungs$8.00-
31,136Champlin, RachelHamden Junctionwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1881
15,622Chapman, Mary ANew Plymouthwidow$8.00-
99,790Clark, George WCreolawd. rt. leg$6.00-
3,372Colb, MichaelHamden Junctionwd. lt. thigh$4.00-
48,628Cooney, John CMcArthurwd. lt. heel$10.00-
147,748Cottrill, MaryZaleskidep. mother$8.00Feb., 1871
19,464Crowell, RuthWilkesvillewidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
185,380Curren, CatharineHamden Junctionwidow$8.00Aug., 1879
426Davis, W. B.McArthursurv. 1812$8.00June, 1871
30,140Derry, George SWilkesvillech. rheum$4.00-
49,031Dixon, JosephVale's Millsg.s. w. lt. knee$4.00-
109,201Doss, CinderellaZaleskiwidow$8.00Feb., 1868
48,630Dudleson, HenryAllensvillewd. rt. hand$4.00-
195,482Eakin, Joseph ARadcliffdiarr.$2.00Sept., 1881
24,507Erington, RachelEagle Millswidow 1812$8.00May., 1879
197,551Fitzgerald, PriscillaEagle Millsdep. mother$8.00Oct., 1882
149,198Geer, HenryRadcliffwd. back$2.00Nov., 1877
28,314Graves, EliveAllensvillewd. rt. leg$2.00May, 1864
144,615Gregory, AdamHamden Junctionwd. head$4.00Apr., 1877
152,494Hannah, Sheriff PHamden Junctiong.s. w. rt. hip$4.00Apr., 1878
179,223Hansher, JohnWilkesvilleinj. head result epilepsy$8.00Nov., 1880
117,979Harris, SusanHamden Junctiondep. mother$8.00Aug., 1868
111,398Harrison, John WWilkesvillewd. rt. hand$6.00June, 1872
103,991Hawk, George WZaleskiwidow$10.00June, 1871
111,764Hawk, MarySiverlydep. mother$8.00Apr., 1868
90,819Herrold, JohnZaleskiinjury to abdomen$8.00-
78,518Hill, Margaret JStellawidow$8.00Aug., 1867
3,872Hill, William AMcArthurinjury to abdomen$4.00-
119,953Hindman, SarahAllensvilledep. mother$8.00Oct., 1868
61,374Holleritter, Maria AZaleskiwidow$8.00-
143,496Honnolds, Harm SSiverlywd. rt. shoulder$4.00Jan., 1877
30,000Howell, William WWilkesvilleophthalmia$16.00-
150,575Johnson, ErvilleZaleskiwd. rt. foot$2.00Jan., 1878
223,464Karns, Andrew WMcArthurchr. diarr$2.00Dec., 1882
140,470Kelly, ElizabethCreolawidow$8.00Mar., 1870
183,142Keskett, ElizabethUraldep. mother$8.00Mar., 1879
100,175Kness, EliEagle Millsdis. of abdominal viscera, effects typhoid fever$2.00-
40,757Knipe, CatharineNew Plymouthwidow$8.00-
186,051Lewis, JohnWilkesvillepartial deafness & malarial pois.$8.00Mar., 1881
175,394Lowell, JohnZaleskichr. diarr., dis heart$2.00Oct., 1890
158,162Lyle, Emily EMcArthurwidow$8.00May, 1872
187,370McFadden, AliceHamden Junctiondep. mother$8.00Mar., 1880
100,824McFarland, John JRichlandwd. head, concussion of brain$6.00-
137,046McLane, JohnWilkesvilledis. eyes$24.00-
75,155McQuade, DavidZaleskiloss lt. arm$24.00-
218,856Miller, Jacob GWilkesvillescurvy$4.00Oct., 1882
61,543Miller, James BWilkesvillewd. ankle$18.00-
128,427Miller, John, jrMcArthurwd. lt. arm$8.00-
173,591Molahan, NancyZaleskidep. mother$8.00June, 1876
179,173Montgomery, Geo. W.McArthurg.s. w. lt. shoulder, side$2.00Nov., 1880
683Morrison, JohnMcArthursurv. 1812$8.00June, 1871
17,616Nelson, ClarissaWilkesvillewidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
106,570Nichols, ThomasAllensvillewd. lt. knee$8.00-
50,819Norton, EllenHawk'swidow$8.00-
62,605Norton, MichaelDundasloss part. lt. thumb, wd. Ltl arm, shoulder$4.00-
93,144Nunnemaker, Daniel JHawk'swidow$8.00-
139,561Ogier, James HHamden Junctionwd. lt. breast, affect lungs$12.00-
99,585Oiler, Andrew JWilkesvillewd. rt. thigh$8.00-
88,550Peck, LomanRadcliffw. thorax, granular, dis. eyes$18.00-
147,511Peck, WilliamEagle Millswd. r. arm$2.00Aug., 1877
13,454Peoples, MaryHamden Junctionwidow$8.00-
14,380Phillips, Perce MZaleskiwd. lt. eye$6.00-
203,122Pierce, William WWilkesvillechr. diarr., dis heart$8.00Feb., 1882
134,246Queen, JohnVale's Millswd. rt. shoulder$3.00-
196,116Rannels, William JMcArthurg.s. w. lt. hip$4.25Nov., 1881
130,889Reeves, Henry CZaleskiwd. both thighs$2.00-
108,361Reeves, Samuel, srZaleskich. inflam. of liver & kidneys$8.00-
101,465Ringer, Mary AAllensvillewidow$8.00Oct., 1867
74,384Roach, SalathielMcArthurwd. lt. hand$18.00-
120,246Robertson, Julia AZaleskidep. mother$8.00Oct., 1868
126,812Robertson, Mose JVinton Stationtyphoid fever, ect$8.00-
89,451Rose, AmosEagle Millswd. r. arm$6.00-
196,305Russell, Charles DWilkesvilledis. lungs$4.00Oct., 1881
71,581Russell, Mary AWilkesvillewidow$8.00-
23,499Sarric, Benjamin SZaleskichr. diarr$4.00-
96,021Shaffer, IsaiahHamden Junctionwd. lt. shoulder$8.00-
122,082Shiflet, LeviHawk'sinjury lt. thigh$6.00-
175,069Shotwell, John WStellag.s. w. rt. leg$2.00Oct., 1880
31,080Smather, HenryMinertonloss. lt. leg$24.00-
180,563Smith, Mathias WMcArthurg.s. w. forearm$4.00Jan., 1881
173,561Sowders, Elizabeth ANew Plymouthdep. mother$8.00June, 1876
73,274Spicer, John EZaleskiwd. rt. arm$6.00-
24,005Sprouse, SallyWilkesvillewidow 1812$8.00May, 1879
25,448Stevens, WilliamAllensvillesurv. 1812$8.00June, 1880
198,788Stewart, MariaMcArthurwidow$8.00July, 1882
5,868Stickleman, NancyWilkesvillewidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1873
75,856Strawser, LydiaEagle Millswidow 1812$8.00-
178,581Taylor, Charles WMcArthurfrosted feet$4.00Nov., 1880
175,080Taylor, James EHamden Junctiondis. of abdominal viscera$4.00Oct., 1880
223,006Thomason, CharlesCreolainj. lt. thumb, with partial loss of same$2.00Dec., 1882
147,601Thorp, Maria JMcArthurwidow$8.00Jan., 1871
185,315Tripp, Nancy AHamden Junctiondep. mother$8.00Aug., 1879
105,328Tucker, William EHamden Junctionwd. lt shoulder, arm$18.00-
93,660Turner, John WHamden Junctiondis. kidneys$6.00-
100,350Ullum, DrusiliaMcArthurwidow$8.00Oct., 1867
137,000Van Huff, ElizabethZaleskidep. mother$8.00Dec., 1869
179,748Vausky, JohnMcArthurinj. to abdm., g. s. w. rt. arm$10.00Dec., 1880
10,202Walker, MargaretEagle Millsdep. mother$8.00Dec., 1863
19,873Ward, JohnMcArthursurv. 1812$8.00Dec., 1872
152,158Warehime, JosephZaleskig.s. w. lt. thigh$2.00Apr., 1878
203,905Warner, John B. S.Wilkesvilleinj. back & rt. side from explosion shell$8.00Mar., 1882
198,843Westfall, HarvaWilkesvilleg.s. w. lt. thigh$2.00Dec., 1881
48,825Williams, Benjamin FWilkesvilleloss lt. leg$24.00-
223,020Williams, George WWilkesvillemalarial poisoning$2.00Dec., 1882
103,375Wilson, Henrietta M.New Plymouthwidow$15.00-
73,277Witherspoon, John SSiverlywd. lt. hip & thigh$20.00-
95,644Witherspoon, MarySiverlydep. mother$8.00June, 1867
43,112Wood, NathanCreolawd. rt. leg$8.00-
191,021Wortman, Henry DHamden Junctionloss index finger lt. hand$3.00June, 1881

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