New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Van Wert County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Van Wert County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
34,450Adams, JamesKoogleloss r. leg$24.00-
6,777Ainsworth, CarolineVan Wertwidow$8.00-
192,714Albright, JohnVan Wertwd. l. foot$4.00July, 1881
50,743Alexander, Geo. W.Willshirewd. l. leg$12.00-
151,825Allen, Joseph HDelphosinj. l. chest$8.00Mar., 1878
134,906Allspan, Margaret EWillshirewidow$8.00Sept., 1869
137,187Ambler, SarahVan Wertdep. mother$8.00Dec., 1869
175,467Anderson, James OVan Wertwd. l. side$6.00Oct., 1880
202,635Archer, John R.Delphoswd. l. shoulder$1.00Jan., 1882
71,845Ayers, Harrison CVan Wertwd. r. leg$4.00-
17,273Ayree, ElizVan Wertwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
50,987Babcock, Jacob RDelphosloss r. thigh$24.00-
146,977Bailey, GirardWillshirewd. r. thigh$6.00-
209,742Beamer, Geo. WVan Wertinj. l. leg$6.00May, 1883
156,014Beighley, Sidney PDelphosinjury to abdomen$8.00Oct., 1878
124,725Bennett, James HDelphoswd. l. foot$8.00-
146,608Billman, Fred'kVan Wertwd. l. hip$8.00-
45,731Billman, HenryVan Wertamp. r. foot$18.00-
31,051Black, AdamVan Wertwd. l. arm$8.00-
20,471Boham, BurrVan Wertinjury to abdomen$4.00-
43,532Bowen, CyrusVan Wertwd. r. shoulder$8.00-
175,409Bowers, JosiahDasievaricose veins & dis. lungs$8.00Oct., 1880
222,322Boyer, WilliamDelphosloss lft. index finger$3.00Dec., 1882
22,397Branam, WesleyVan Wertdis. of lungs$18.00-
118,573Brown, Norman KVan Wertdis. of abdominal viscera$18.75-
35,855Buttner, Geo.Van Wertwds. l. thigh & r. leg$5.00-
13,567Caleb, JosephDixonloss l. leg$18.00-
218,004Calhoun, AbrahamVan Wertpneumonia, dis. lungs$4.00Sept., 1882
216,094Campbell, John HDelphoschr. diarr$7.50July, 1882
96,186Capper, JohnConveyinj. spine & l. hand$12.00-
56,939Chilcot, Geo. SVan Wertwd. l. thigh$10.00-
116,516Chippinger, Delbert LVan Wertinjury to abdomen$8.00-
51,543Christ, WmDixonloss l. leg$18.00-
220,679Clark, Baldwin HWillshirewd. l. shoulder & thigh$4.00Nov., 1882
186,351Clark, Israel DVan Wertdis. heart$18.75Apr., 1881
145,785Clendenin, RobtVan Wertwd. head$8.00-
153,322Clink, Russell VMiddle Pointwd. l. forearm$8.00Sept., 1878
95,459Clouse, MichaelDullwd. r. hand$4.00-
127,631Clouse, Wm. MDullwd. r. ankle$4.00-
5,415Co, JamesVan Wertsurv. 1812$8.00Sept., 1871
105,499Coakenhour, MosesVan Wertwd. sacrum$6.00-
70,086Conn, Hiram RVan Wertfrac. l. leg & disloc. ankle, inj. to abd., l. side$12.00-
52,319Cook, Dan'lMiddle Pointloss r. thigh$24.00-
109,477Cook, Watson RVan Wertwd. r. shoulder$16.00-
201,034Coon, Jesse DVan Wertwd. r. thigh$6.00Jan., 1882
103,550Corning, James HDelphoswd. l. arm & r. thigh$12.00-
223,522Corothers, Philip CVan Wertinjury to abdomen$4.00Dec., 1882
98,383Cotterman, JohnVan Wertwd. l. leg$6.00-
96,832Cox, Geo.Koogleloss r. eye & nephritis$8.00-
133,437Crates, HenryVan Wertwd. l. leg$2.00Dec., 1872
30,237Curtis, AngelineVan Wertwidow 1812$8.00Sept, 1880
22,969Dague, AbashabaWillshirewidow$8.00-
61,682Daugherty, MaryVan Wertdep. mother$8.00Jan., 1868
100,866David, CatharineDelphosdep. mother$8.00-
157,265Davidson, JohnVan Wertwd. r. thigh$2.00Jan., 1879
152,101Davis, Sam'lDelphoswd. face$4.00Mar., 1878
182,448Davis, Thos. JVan Wertinj. back, paralysis, lameness$8.00Feb., 1881
150,635Decker, Claiborn SVan Wertwd. head$8.00Jan., 1878
166,521Delong, CatharineVan Wertwidow$10.00Nov., 1874
177,798Demint, MaryVan Wertdep. mother$8.00June, 1877
161,815Demos, Chas. WVan Wertwidow$10.00Apr., 1873
131,240Devlin, Wm.Delphoswd. l. breast$8.00-
200,005Dickman, Henry WDelphoswd. r. chest$4.00Dec., 1881
154,137Dillsaver, JonathanDelphoswd. l. leg$4.00July, 1878
48,941Downing, EliVan Wertloss l. eye & ulcers$18.00-
119,537Drake, AbrahamVan Wertchr. diarr. & dis. eyes$18.00-
116,056Dunathan, David PVan Wertwd. l. arm$8.00-
98,010Dunilon, PeterVan Wertchr. catarrh$24.00-
24,841Dunnifon, GeoVan Wertwd. r. arm, atrophy & debility$24.00-
154,650Eckfeld, John NVan Wertchr. diarr$8.00Aug., 1878
214,573Edwards, David JWillshirewd. head$6.00June, 1872
223,668Eisanbise, JohnDelphosdis. lungs$4.00Dec., 1882
9,648Eller, RachelVan Wertwidow$8.00-
151,093Elston, John HWillshirewd. l. forearm$4.00Feb., 1878
222,538Elzay, Francis MVan Wertwd. l. leg$4.00Dec., 1882
164,511Evans, Thos. SVan Wertdis. spine$3.00Feb., 1880
221,108Evers, Milton BVan Wertdis. of abd. vis., & rheum$4.00Nov., 1882
108,629Exline, Wm. TVan Wertwd. r. thigh$10.00-
65,126Farnam, Asa DVan Wertwd. r. breast & l. thigh$8.00-
145,271Farrington, AbigailVan Wertdep. mother$8.00Oct., 1870
178,608Faurot, HenriettaVan Wertwidow$10.00Sept., 1877
214,377Fester, WmVan Wertpartial deafness both ears$2.00June, 1882
161,528Fortner, CasperDelphospartial deafness & dis. heart$8.00July, 1879
2,935Fox, MaryVan Wertwidow 1812$8.00June, 1872
28,313Frankenburg, Geo. GDelphoswd. instep$2.60 2/3-
57,734Freck, WmConveywd. back, l. shlr, side & wrist$18.00Feb., 1886
207,866Fronefield, Joseph BVan Wertchr. rheum. & dis. heart$6.00May, 1882
62,244Gabret, JonasVan Wertwd. l. arm$18.00-
68,056Gandy, Clayton LDelphoswd. r. thigh$6.00-
72,755Gardner, John M.Van Wertwd. r. hip$8.00-
94,790Gaskill, JamesDixonscrofula$12.00-
99,791Gates, Geo. WWillshireinj. back, hip, & chr. rheum$4.00Sept., 1869
215,769Geppert, ThosVan Wertinjury to abdomen$4.00July, 1882
94,702Glass, Mathew GVan Wertwd. l. hand & loss fing$18.00-
147,811Gleason, Andrew JVan Wertwd. r. shoulder$6.00Aug., 1877
1,037Glenn, PriscillaVan Wertdep. mother$8.00Mar., 1863
204,497Golliver, TovaniumDelphossunstroke & dis. of heart$10.00Mar., 1882
102,047Gwinn, ZaleVan Wertwd. r. foot$10.00Nov., 1876
195,957Hall, JamesConveywd. l. arm$4.00Sept., 1881
103,551Halliwill, JohnVan Wertwd. throat$8.00-
17,818Hamilton, ElizMiddle Pointwidow$8.00-
219,601Harnley, DavidVan Wertwd. l. groin & l. axilla$8.00Oct., 1882
68,761Harnly, MillaVan Wertwidow$8.00-
22,815Harris, ArthurDelphosloss r. leg$18.00Jan., 1864
77,538Hartzog, BenjWillshirewd. both legs$12.00Feb., 1867
105,172Harvey, Obadiah HCavettamaurosis both eyes$12.00-
47,481Hatfield, MariaVan Wertwidow$8.00-
13,128High, Lucy EConveywidow$8.00-
55,139Hill, Calvin HWillshirewd. r. thigh$8.00-
78,917Hipsher, HenryVan Wertwd. l. thigh$8.00-
97,776Hipshire, JamesVan Wertdis. eyes$18.00May, 1869
150,968Hire, Thos. WVan Wertwd. r. thigh$6.00Jan., 1878
76,843Hogarth, ThosDelphoswd. l. shoulder$12.00-
142,549Holden, Holdridge CMiddle Pointdis. eyes$24.00Nov., 1876
154,463Holtsey, Geo. WVan Wertwd. both hips$8.00July, 1879
5,624Houch, SusanVan Wertwidow$8.00-
133,110Huffman, Geo. W.Van Wertwd. both thighs$8.00Apr., 1875
66,873Hughes, ElizaDelphoswidow$8.00-
112,331Hutchinson, EnochWillshirewd. l. shoulder$8.00July, 1871
21,033Ireland, Rob'tVan Wertwd. r. arm$8.00-
45,885Jackson, EleanorVan Wertwidow$8.00-
218,597Jacobs, HenryMiddle Pointdeafness$4.00Sept, 1882
80,112Jamison, Sarah EDelphoswidow$8.00Nov., 1865
11,025Jenkins, HenryDelphosloss l. arm$24.00-
34,377Johns, LouisaDelphoswidow$8.00-
213,633Johnson, Austin TVan Wertwd. face$4.00June, 1882
205,666Johnson, Dan SVan Wertwd. r. shoulder$4.00Mar., 1882
71,055Jolly, EdwardWillshirewd. l. arm$4.00-
10,352Jones, JaneWillshirewidow$8.00Dec., 1863
132,598Jones, John JWillshiredis. eyes$12.00Apr., 1875
91,456Joseph, Joshua CDixonwd. l. leg, breast & shoulder$24.00-
89,392Justus, EllenDelphoswidow$8.00-
165,974King, Ferd. JDelphoschr. diarr$12.00Mar., 1880
219,946Knott, Wm. WWillshirewd. l. arm$4.00Oct., 1882
94,732Koeppel, GabrielWillshirewd. r. side$8.00-
38,681Kolbe, JohannaDelphoswidow$8.00-
171,141Kreps, JosephDelphoschr. diarr. & dis abd. vis$4.00July, 1880
16,089Laird, EstherVan Wertwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
205,843Lang, HermanDelphosdis. eyes$4.00Mar., 1882
111,482Leaser, MartinVan Wertwd. both legs$8.00-
185,460Leasure, Geo. WConveydep. father$8.00Sept., 1879
215,018Lechleitner, AplonDelphosshell wd. r. arm$4.00July, 1882
118,734Lewis, GeoVan Wertwd. l. hand$8.00-
48,633Lindsay, WmDelphoswd. l. hip$12.00Aug., 1865
164,561Linkhart, JohnVan Wertchr. diarr$2.00Feb., 1880
131,328Loro, Geo.Van Wertbronchitis & chr. diarr$12.00-
177,913Loury, Joseph CVan Wertchr. diarr.$12.00Oct., 1880
211,776Lowery, Albert AVan Wertwd. l. leg$6.00June, 1882
117,622Lybold, AndrewVan Wertwd. l. hip$6.00-
57,298Magner, IsaiahWillshirewd. r. leg$4.00-
198,007Major, ThosWillshirewidow$10.00Dec., 1882
15,750Malick, Isma HVan Wertdis. of abdominal viscera$8.00-
210,055Mallonee, John JVan Wertwd. head$4.00May, 1882
35,316Manter, DavidVan Wertwd. mouth, loss teeth & diarr$18.00-
77,119Mauche, BarbaraWillshirewidow$8.00-
159,961McClure, Anna SVan Wertdep. mother$8.00Oct., 1872
221,100McClure, Thos.W.Van Wertchr. diarr. & rheum$8.00Nov., 1882
46,525McCollister, JonathanVan Wertwd. l. lung$8.00-
181,984McConnell, JonathanConveyinj. r. leg$4.00Feb., 1881
120,552McCoy, Alex RVan Wertvaricose veins$8.00-
223,828McDonald, ChasVan Wertrheum$4.00Dec., 1882
196,464McElvaine, Robt. GDelphoswd. r. arm$4.00Oct., 1881
185,563McGinnis, John BVan Wertwd. l. foot$4.00Mar., 1881
150,562McIntosh, RobtVan Wertdis. kidneys$8.00-
148,642McLaughlin, Henry JVan Wertwd. r. shoulder$8.00-
137,023McNeal, WmDixonwd. l. hip$16.00-
219,614Meimer, JohnWillshirewd. r. forearm$6.00Oct., 1864
174,576Merica, JohnDelphoswd. lft. side of head$4.00Oct., 1880
219,520Merrick, IsaacVan Wertchr. rheum$8.00Oct., 1882
44,587Metz, MercyAuglaizewidow$8.00-
156,334Miller, FerdinandDelphoswd. lft. leg$8.00Nov., 1878
37,391Miller, Geo.Van Wertwd. l. hand$18.00-
204,610Miller, HenryDelphoswd. lft. arm$2.00Mar., 1882
183,383Miller, IsaacDelphoswd. lft. thigh$4.00Feb., 1881
112,375Miller, JohnVan Wertwd. r. leg & l. hip$10.00-
157,206Miller, PerryVan Wertwd. l. forearm$8.00-
129,346Miller, PeterDelphoswd. r. leg$8.00-
82,272Moneysmith, Solmo'n RVan Wertwd. abdomen$4.00-
103,289Morehead, DavidConveychr. diarr.$8.00-
48,872Morris, John PVan Wertwd. l. shoulder$8.00-
107,344Morris, OwenVenedociachr. diarr$8.00-
188,716Morrison, James EVan Wertdis. eyes$8.00May, 1881
178,512Mosure, SamanthaVan Wertdep. mother$8.00Aug., 1877
173,255Moyer, Jacob OConveydis. eyes & lungs$10.00Sept., 1880
200,461Myers, WayneVan Wertlumbago$4.00Jan., 1882
18,555Norton, ExperienceVan Wertwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
81,605Oliver, SarahVan Wertwidow$8.00May, 1868
96,528Osborn, AbrahamVan Wertwd. l. hip$8.00-
170,819Owens, JamesVan Wertwd. l. arm$10.00June, 1880
570Pangle, RebeccaDelphoswidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1871
153,011Parmmer, CyrusConveywd. l. thigh$4.00May, 1878
215,331Patten, George MDelphoschr. diarr.$4.00July, 1882
144,970Payne, True PDelphosw. l. leg$8.00-
36,923Pearson, Rich'dVan Wertwd. both arms & side$14.00-
202,785Peipher, PeterDelphosw. r. hand & loss finger$2.00Feb., 1882
26,717Perry, PollyDelphoswidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1879
213,194Point, JamesDelphoswd. r. hand$4.00July, 1882
31,678Porter, Wm.Willshirewd. l. leg$4.00Aug., 1864
85,872Potter, JamesVan Wertwd. l. ankle$12.00-
185,557Price, SarahVan Wertdep. mother$8.00Sept., 1879
189,648Prine, JoelDelphosinjury to abdomen$8.00June, 1881
126,387Ramsey, JesseConveyinj. l. leg$6.00-
175,407Rearden, PatrickConveychr. bronchitis$4.00Oct., 1880
183,480Reichard, CalvinWillshireminor$8.00Mar., 1879
173,677Reid, LizzieDelphoswidow$8.00June, 1876
82,277Reser, ShieldVan Wertwd. both hips$8.00-
193,477Reul, Mary JDelphoswidow$20.00Oct., 1881
28,674Rhodes, Jane EVan Wertwidow$8.00-
158,363Rigdon, MarionDelphoswd. of abdomen$12.00Mar., 1879
193,854Rigdon, SarahDelphoswidow$8.00Dec., 1881
214,036Riker, LafayetteWillshireeczema$6.00June, 1882
135,937Riley, Dan'lConveycatarrh & dis. kidneys$14.00-
150,345Riley, David MConveywd. r. shoulder$8.00Dec., 1877
137,477Rison, DavidVan Wertchr. diarr. & bronchitis$14.00-
74,818Rison, ElizVan Wertdep. mother$8.00June, 1866
31,976Robinson, Chas. M.Middle Pointwd. r. hand & wrist$8.00-
106,484Roether, Wm. BVan Wertchr. diarr & dis. of abd vis.$14.00-
63,937Rowland, CatharineVan Wertwidow$8.00-
162,114Royer, JosephVan Wertvaricose veins, r. leg$8.00Aug., 1879
175,712Rupright, John GVan Wertwd. l. thigh$8.00Oct., 1880
156,561Sands, Rich'dVan Wertwd. r. elbow$6.00Nov., 1878
222,300Seeman, JohnWillshirewd. r. leg$6.00Dec., 1882
176,341Severs, JacobVan Wertwd. l. thigh$6.00Oct., 1880
126,496Sewell, AndersonLesliewidow$10.00-
16,871Sheets, MaryDasiedep. mother$8.00Mar., 1884
136,626Shepard, AndrewVan Wertwd. head$4.00Mar., 1881
117,403Shinabery, BenjVan Wertwd. r. thigh$6.00-
150,420Sill, Geo. W.Willshirewd. r. arm$4.00Jan., 1878
206,222Sims, BarnetWillshirewd. r. leg & amp$24.00Apr., 1883
101,828Smith, Chas. WVan Wertwd. side of face$6.00Jan., 1870
75,648Snow, SylvaiCavettwidow$8.00-
73,512Snyder, PeterVan Wertwd. l. side--
47,280Spray, Joseph CMiddle Pointloss r. arm$24.00-
31,084Springer, MargaretWillshirewidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1881
215,345Sproul, Rob't MVan Wertwd. r. groin$4.00July, 1882
223,630Sproule, JosephVan Wertwd. arm & forearm$4.00Dec., 1882
207,815Squibb, Geo. W.Van Wertdis. of eyes$4.00Apr., 1882
174,271Stanton, Sam'lVan Wertdep. father$8.00July, 1876
77,122Stewart, PhebeVan Wertwidow$8.00-
206,538Stickel, JohnVan Wertimpaired digestion$6.00Apr., 1882
129,191Stillwagon, PeterVan Wertwd. r. foot$8.00-
54,090Stinemetz, TrumanDelphoswd. l. leg$6.00-
209,258Stove, WmWillshiredis. eyes$8.00May, 1882
46,926Strock, Edw'dVan Wertwd. r. hand$8.00July, 1882
29,451Stukey, AnnaDelphosdep. mother$8.00Sept., 1864
45,979Styers, JerryDelphoswd. r. arm$18.00-
110,389Swartz, John WVan Wertchr. hepatitis & dis. lungs$8.00-
193,595Swihart, ChristenaVan Wertwidow$10.00Nov., 1881
56,047Swisher, JamesMiddle Pointloss l. thigh$24.00-
134,637Thomas, OliverVan Wertwd. r. shoulder$8.00-
77,230Thompson, ThosVan Wertinj. r. arm$8.00-
36,899Timbers, EliDelphoswd. rt. hand$6.00-
104,575Tindall, John CWillshiredis. heart$8.00-
29,341Tryon, John MDixonwd. l. groin$18.00-
165,648Underwood, Chas.Delphosdis. heart & lungs$4.00Mar., 1880
47,314Underwood, JosephVan Wertloss r. leg$24.00-
73,276Underwood, Wm.Van Wertwd. l. thigh & inj. r. eye$12.00-
45,234Updegrove, Joseph RVan Wertloss l. eye & wd. head$18.50-
155,754Van Gundy, Dan'lVan Wertwd. l. shoulder$10.00Oct., 1878
164,547Wagers, MaryConveydep. mother$8.00July, 1873
153,631Wagner, Wm. CDelphoschr. diarr$4.00June, 1878
166,680Wagoner, JosephDelphoswd. l. forearm, back & thigh$8.00Apr., 1880
81,942Walcutt, Ann EWillshirewidow$8.00Nov., 1867
119,576Walker, LewisLesliewd. l. groin$4.00-
212,396Walter, Wm. CDelphoswd. head & inj. to abd$10.50June, 1882
186,842Warich, JacobConveywd. r. leg$2.00Apr., 1881
32,091Watt, BarbaraVan Wertwidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1881
48,463Welch, DennisVan Wertwd. r. side$8.00-
221,059Wheeler, HarveyVan Wertinj. l. knee$2.00Nov., 1882
150,913White, Edwin DVenedociachr. diarr$8.00-
131,464Whitten, Chas. MVan Wertwd. r. knee$8.00-
96,182Whyman, Sam'lDelphosinj. r. ankle$5.00-
157,629Wilkinson, EliVan Wertwd. both thighs$10.00Mar., 1879
201,625Wilson, HughDelphoswd. l. leg & dis. abd. vis$6.00Jan., 1882
74,437Wilson, Oliver HDelphosinjury to abdomen$4.00-
108,442Winans, Wm. HVenedociawd. chest, dis. lungs$14.00-
215,128Wise, PeterConveychr. diarr. & dis. eyes$6.00July, 1882
6,415Wisener, ElizVan Wertwidow$8.00-
115,466Wortman, Geo. WVan Wertwd. l. hip & head & bronchitis$8.00-
196,625Young, JacobVan Wertchr. diarr. & disease of abdominal viscera$6.00Oct., 1881
27,330Zeller, Sarah ADelphoswidow$8.00-
121,672Zimmerman, Wm. HConveywd. l. elbow$6.00-

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