New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Trumbull County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Trumbull County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
102, 834Abell, LucretiaCortlanddep. mother$8.00Jan., 1869
178, 662Asper, Amelia C.West Farmingtonwidow$10.00Sept., 1877
204, 602Baehr, JohnWarrenwd. left leg$2.00Mar., 1882
185, 143Baldwin, Aceneth C.Cortlandwidow$10.00Aug., 1879
66, 796Baldwin, William C.Cortlandheart dis., caused by injury to side.$8.00-
220, 829Barb, Gabriel P.Mesopotamiainj. of r. foot$4.00Nov., 1882
208, 475Barger, EliasWest Meccavaricose veins of left leg$8.00May, 1882
16, 736Barnard, KatharineFarmingtonwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
22, 336Barnum, Martha K.Phalanxwidow$8.00-
54, 693Bartholomew, Cathar'eBrookfieldwidow$8.00-
192, 092Bartlett, Mary U.Cortlandwidow$10.00Apr., 1881
63, 514Barton, Edward P.West Farmingtondisease of lungs$4.00-
108, 137Battles, Benjamin P.Cortlandwd. left hand$8.00-
145, 272Bear, AbnerBrookfieldwd. right forearm$4.00-
204, 693Beebe, John M.Johnsonvillewd. of r. thigh$2.00Mar., 1882
90, 912Belden, Austin H.West Farmingtonabscesses hip & groin$12.00-
182, 036Bell, Mary P.Hubbardwidow$8.00Sept., 1878
208, 833Bentley, John E.Brookfieldchr. diarrhea$4.00May, 1882
111, 764Benton, AlbertFowlerdis. of eyes$8.00-
112, 246Betts, WillisKinsman-$6.00July, 1871
57, 936Biggin, JobOrangevillewd. left foot$5.00-
92, 544Bowen, MaryMineral Ridgedep. mother$8.00Apr., 1867
111, 564Bowman, WilliamMineral Ridgewd. r. hand, loss four fingers$18.00-
10, 644Bracken, Clarissa H.Kinsmanwidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
208, 827Brigden, Charles A.Mesopotamiachr. rheumatism$8.50May, 1882
195, 014Bright, Austin H.Bristolvillewd. of left arm$4.00Aug., 1881
63, 774Brockett, George D.Gustavuswd. r. shoulder$18.00-
168, 379Brockway, Darwin G.Farmdaleinj. to r. knee$4.00May, 1880
10, 301Brown, Elizabeth R.Warrenwidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1878
82, 895Brown, Mary G.Newton Fallswidow$8.00May, 1867
159, 543Burnell, James D.Orangevilleinjury to abdomen$8.00May, 1879
21, 436Burnett, Mary AnnHubbardwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
15, 724Burns, JamesWest Meccawd. left hand$4.00-
27, 956Burr, Eunice L.Bristolvillewidow$8.00Aug., 1864
163, 496Burrow, AnthonyCortlanddis. of spine & res. paralysis of r. arm & dis. of eyes.$18.00Nov., 1879
28, 951Bushnell, MarthaHartfordwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1880
149, 705Button, Johnson P.Johnsonvillewd. left side of face$4.00Dec. 1877
73, 521Byrnes, Henry H.Farmingtoninjury to abdomen$12.00-
55, 727Canfield, Henry A.Cortlandwd. left wrist$12.00-
23, 984Cannon, JamesFarmingtonsurv. 1812$8.00Aug., 1878
158, 155Carney, George W.Church Hillwd. of right thigh$6.00Mar., 1879
63, 483Carson, Jacob W.Leavittsburgwd. left leg$4.00-
45, 485Carter, Chloe M.Mineral Ridgedep. mother$8.00Apr., 1865
56, 559Carter, RileyMineral Ridgewd. l. shoul. & res. dis. chest$8.00-
76, 201Carter, William N.Brookfieldwd. right arm$6.00-
69, 661Case, JasonGreensburghdisease of heart & lungs$8.00-
43, 352Catlin, Jonathan A.Gustavuschr. diarr.$8.00-
196, 825Chaffee, JamesMeccawd. left leg$4.00Oct., 1881
173, 396Chaffee, John A.Meccadis. of eyes$8.00Sept., 1880
222, 408Chaffee, Sherburne H.Greensburghdis. of abdominal viscera$4.00Dec., 1882
29, 142Chambers, PollyGreensburghwidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1880
206, 083Champlain, EbenezerNorth Bristolinjury of spine, res. curv. of same, & loss 1st & 2d finger r. hand at last joint$8.00Apr., 1882
213, 148Chandler, Adolphus N.West Farmingtoncatarrh & resulting disease of throat, lungs & heart.$6.00June, 1882
204, 903Chandler, CharlesWest Meccainjury to abdomen$6.00Mar., 1882
58, 393Clark, MarcusNewton Fallsparalysis r. side$12.00-
153, 750Clark, MichaelFarmingtonsynovitis r. knee, chr. rheum$8.00June, 1878
140, 195Coiley, CharlesMineral Ridgeresult of sunstroke$18.00-
16, 738Colburn, Lydia M.Cortlandwidow$8.00-
125, 380Cole, Joshua V.Farmingtonchr. diarr.$12.00-
200, 000Cole, MosesViennarheumatism$8.00Dec., 1881
184, 514Collar, Martha S.Mesopotamiadep. mother$8.00June, 1879
184, 369Colvin, DennisGustavusbronchitis & res. asthma$6.00Mar., 1881
81, 926Combs, HenryMesopotamiainjury to abdomen$8.00-
222, 234Comely, FrederickGirardwd. r. thigh$4.00Dec., 1882
106, 092Cotton, FrancisJohnsonvillefrozen feet$4.00-
58, 472Cox, Charlotte E.Mesopotamiawidow$8.00-
55, 343Cox, PatrickWest Farmingtonwd. r. leg & chr. diarr.$10.00-
22, 713Craft, LaviniaViennawidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1879
173, 195Craig, WesleyBracevillewd. lower jaw; inj. r. arm$4.00Sept., 1880
93, 985Cram, RuthJohnsonvillewidow$8.00May, 1867
197, 583Craver, Mary A.Southingtonwidow 1812$10.00Nov., 1882
17, 589Crozier, Julia A.North Bloomfieldwidow$8.00-
186, 161Dabney, ChloeBristolvillewidow$14.00Nov., 1879
189, 956Dana, Mary JaneFarmingtondep. mother$8.00Feb., 1880
129, 782Darrow, Lorenzo D.West Farmingtonphthisis pulmonary$8.00-
54, 622Davis, EchminaMineral Ridge-$8.00June, 1868
181, 575Deihl, John M.Warrenwidow$12.00July, 1878
155, 560Deitrick, DelormayMeanderchr. diarr.$10.00Sept., 1878
18, 827DeWolf, HoratioKinsmanwidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1872
34, 934Dilley, JamesBrookfieldwd. left thigh$6.00-
20, 473Downer, JohnNewton Fallswd. l. side$6.00-
140, 290Downer, LucindaNewton Fallsdep. mother$8.00Feb., 1870
92, 349Drury, Augustus D.Hartforddis. of heart$8.00-
160, 512Dustman, SolomonMeanderwd. left shoulder$6.00June, 1879
85, 816Dutcher, Albert V.Cortlandwd. left leg$4.00-
215, 079Eldridge, James H.Church Hillwd. left hand$2.00July, 1882
36, 652Elliott, GeorgeNilesinj. l. knee$4.00June, 1880
130, 474Elliott, JohnWarrenwd. left leg$6.00-
201, 362Engleman, WilliamWarrendis. of abd. viscera$17.00Jan., 1882
31, 031Everitt, Edson S.Cortlandtuberculosis$8.00May, 1864
63, 973Fell, Aurelius L.Burgh Hillwd. l. thigh$6.00-
174, 145Fenton, William W.North Bristoldis. lung & sunstroke & res. dis. of nervous system.$8.00Sept., 1880
28, 805Ferguson, MargaretHubbardwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1880
89, 448Fishel, SamuelSouthingtonwd. r. thigh$6.00Nov., 1868
166, 049Fitch, Mary B. (insane)Kinsmanwidow$8.00Sept., 1874
95, 531Fitch, OrsamusCornelianwd. r. foot$3.00Feb., 1869
99, 255Fohes, Franklin J.Kinsmanwd. l. thigh$6.00Aug., 1869
34, 942Fox, EllisWarrenwd. l. arm$18.00-
12, 098Fox, John C.Warrenwd. both legs$8.00-
30, 802Fox, Wm. H.Warrenloss r. arm$24.00-
11, 395Frame, ElizabethKinsmanwidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
158, 058Freas, John R.Warrenwd. r. shoulder$4.00Mar., 1879
121, 682Fresher, ThomasWarreninjury to abdomen$6.00July, 1876
23, 536Fuller, Wm. S.West Farmingtonwd. l. side$14.00-
27, 849Fullwiler, EnsignBracevilleinjury to face$12.00-
158, 581Gale, LymanNorth Bristolrheumatism$4.00Mar., 1879
191, 127Gardner, Hannah R.Hubbarddep. mother$8.00Feb., 1881
195, 034Genger, John C.West Meccawd. of r. hand$2.00Aug., 1881
35, 245Gilkey, Ellen J.Hartfordwidow$8.00Dec., 1864
156, 993Gillis, Allen W.Kinsmandis. of lungs$10.00Dec., 1878
94, 680Gilmore, EmoryHubbardwd. both hips$6.00Jan., 1869
106, 603Goldsmidt, AbrahamNileswd. rt. arm & l. thigh$4.00Nov., 1870
39, 676Goodhart, SamuelWarreninjury to spine & paralysis of left side$12.00-
11, 508Goodrich, CatharineOrangevillewidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
189, 979Grim, Laura S.Farmingtonwidow$8.00Oct., 1880
34, 225Hake, EmosWarrenwd. right hip$15.00-
27, 685Hake, SamuelWarrenloss right arm, imbecility$18.00-
97, 083Hall, MaryTalmadgemother$8.00Oct., 1868
117, 540Hall, Oliver B.Fowlerchr. diarr. & result$12.00-
22, 132Hall, RileyFowlerinjury to abdomen & spine$8.00-
182, 275Hall, SarahFarmingtondep. mother$8.00Oct., 1878
15, 313Halsted, JohnTriumphsurv. 1812$8.00Apr., 1872
222, 574Hardy, JamesCortlandinjury to back$4.00Dec., 1882
210, 852Hart, Clinton O.Warrenpartial deafness$6.00June, 1882
166, 632Hart, RoseannahWest Farmingtonmother$8.00Dec., 1874
2, 821Hart, Sarah E.Hartfordwidow$17.00-
196, 598Harwood, AveryFarmingtonwds. left thigh & r. arm$8.00Oct., 1881
188, 654Hatch, Harlan H.West Farmingtonchr. diarrhea$15.00May, 1881
137, 441Hathaway, Allison J.Warreninjury to abdomen$6.00Jan., 1876
27, 124Hawkins, Eunice E.Warrenwidow$20.00-
82, 132Hawley, Theodore F.Girardwd. r. forearm, l. hand & l. leg$24.00-
177, 814Hayden, Clara A.Cortlandwidow$8.00June, 1877
125, 537Hays, George P.Cortlanddyspepsia$2.00Oct., 1873
218, 008Helwig, CasperMineral Ridgeinjury to abdomen$6.00Sept., 1882
16?, 542Henry, EmelineKinsmandep. mother$8.00Jan., 1874
17, 915Henry, John D.Viennachr. diarr. & gen. debility$6.00Dec., 1862
169, 602Hewey, GeorgeWest Meccadis. of heart & sh. wd. r. foot$8.00June, 1880
132, 896Hewey, Thomas H.West Meccainj. to abdomen$4.00Apr., 1875
203, 818Hickox, William D.Farmingtonspinal irr. from prison life$4.00Mar., 1882
180, 415Hill, Isaac N.Hartfordgeneral debility$4.00Dec., 1880
193, 129Hill, JosephWarrenwidow$16.00Aug., 1881
209, 795Hiltabiddle, Daniel W.Girardwd. of head$4.00May, 1882
102, 668Hirschfield, EdwardMesopotamiawd. left foot & dis. of eyes$8.00-
68, 070Hoffman, George W.Newton Fallsinjury to abdomen$6.00July, 1866
72, 598Hogle, ElizabethGreensburghwidow$8.00Jan., 1866
195, 143Holcomb, Robert N.Mesopotamiawd. of left thigh$4.00Aug., 1881
17, 935Hollenbeck, LuciusWest Farmingtoninj. to left arm & shoulder$6.00-
203, 135Hollenbeck, Vincent W.Church Hillchr. diarrhea$2.00Feb., 1882
197, 122Hughes, Howard M.West Farmingtonchr. diarrhea$6.00Oct., 1881
53, 238Hull, HiramWarrenwd. right forearm, hand, side, & left leg$14.00-
31, 297Huntley, Calvin W.Bristolvillechr. bronchitis$4.00-
23, 386Hurd, MaryMineral Ridgewidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1869
9, 414Hurd, SarahSouthingtonwidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1878
25, 558Hutson, MinervaViennawidow 1812$8.00July, 1879
79, 815Jack, Jane B.Girardwidow$8.00Aug., 1866
34, 935Jackson, Joseph M.West Farmingtonwd. of lower jaw$18.00-
71, 960Jarra, ThomasMineral Ridgeloss sight left eye$4.00-
34, 522Jenkins, JohnNileswd. r. arm$18.00-
49, 439Johnson, WilliamWest Meccaloss right arm$24.00-
141, 775Johnston, David E.Bracevillechronic diarrhea$2.00Oct., 1876
140, 560Johnston, DeborahOrangevillemother$8.00Mar., 1870
193, 812Jones, AlbertHartfordchr. diarr.$4.00Aug., 1881
175, 450Jones, AllenKinsmanchr. diarr.$12.50-
61, 381Jostatt, AlbertNilesinj. to r. leg$2.00Apr., 1866
130, 404Keen, EleanorBrookfieldwidow$8.00Jan., 1869
196, 216Kelly, JohnBracevillechronic diarrhea$4.00Oct., 1881
221, 664Kennedy, Geo. W.Nilesinj. l. leg & chest & heart dis.$4.00Dec., 1882
215, 394Kincaid, AmielNorth Bloomfieldchr. diarr.$2.00July, 1882
139, 265Kincaid, ThomasWarrenwd. left leg & dis. of heart$6.00-
16, 375King, ManellaWarrenwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
15, 128King, NancyWarrenwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
175, 421Kinsman, JohnWarrenwds. of left thigh & thumb$4.00Oct., 1880
203, 734Kirkpatrick, W. H.Warrenwd. of l. thigh, & dis. of heart$10.00Feb., 1882
147, 034Knight, Frederick H.Burgh Hillwd. of back$12.00July, 1877
122, 007Knight, Joseph H.Burgh Hilldisease of spine & effects$72.00-
23, 365Knight, Louisa E.Gustavuswidow$8.00-
185, 893Koshner, AbbyHubbardwidow$16.00Oct., 1879
196, 654Koshner, DanielHubbardchild$14.00June, 1882
13, 444Laird, LouisaKinsmanwidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1878
101, 714Lake, John P.Cortlandwd. of face$6.00-
37, 615Lamb, John H.Warrenwd. r. ankle$10.00-
148, 347Lamberson, William D.Farmingtonrheumatism$6.00Sept., 1877
1, 967Langley, JohnOrangevillesurv. 1812$8.00Aug., 1871
46, 902Latimer, James O.West Farmingtonwd. of rt. thigh$4.00-
86, 619Lattin, QuincyGreensburghshell wd. of l. hand$4.00-
197, 651Laughrin, MaryWarrenwidow$8.00Nov., 1882
203, 370Lauterman, HenryWarrenchr. diarrhea$4.00Feb., 1882
12, 000Lawton, MatildaWarrenwidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
158, 749Lease, Nelson P.Warrendisease of lungs$12.00Apr., 1879
173, 686Lewis, CatharineGirardwidow$8.00June, 1876
82, 708Lewis, Edwin D.West Farmingtonwd. lower jaw$8.00-
202, 563Lewis, John B.Mineral Ridgewd. left hip$2.00Feb., 1882
26, 277Lewis, Margaret B.Mineral Ridgedep. mother$8.00July, 1864
152, 830Lewis, PhilipMineral Ridgechild$10.00Aug., 1871
102, 402Lewis, Wm.Nileswd. both thighs & inj. to ab.$8.00-
10, 037Linsley, Lucius O.Farmdalephthisis pulmonis$8.00-
175, 453Lodwick, JonathanMeanderinj. of back$4.00Oct., 1880
138, 901Long, LewisBracevillediarrhea & results$4.00-
32, 019Loomis, SallyViennawidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1881
179, 186Loury, HughCortlandinj. to back & resulting dis. of kidneys$2.00Nov., 1880
13, 821Loveland, Edwin R.Mesopotamiawd. r. thigh$18.00-
7, 287Loveless, HuldahNewton Fallswidow 1812$8.00July, 1878
177, 689Loveless, JamesNewton Fallschr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.$8.00Oct., 1880
52, 914Luce, Jesse B.Nilesloss r. arm$24.00-
110, 398Lyman, Carlos P.Mesopotamiarheumatism$15.00-
106, 766Mackey, Robert A.Girardchr. diarr., eff'ts of typ. fever$4.00-
23, 279Mahannah, HaneyCortlandwd. l. forearm$6.00-
174, 103Mahoney, FrancesCortlandwidow$10.00June, 1876
202, 147Masters, JohnWarrenwd. of right leg & right hip$6.00Jan., 1882
76, 700Maxham, PhebeCortlandwidow$8.00-
129, 602McCalmont, RobertCortlandwd. l. leg$6.00-
189, 942McCarty, Oren L.Nilesinj. to spine & res. curv. & injury to abdomen.$18.00Dec., 1882
53, 059McConnell, JohnWarrenwd. l. hip$14.00-
130, 939McFall, Simon P.Newton Fallswd. r. index finger$3.00-
218, 097McKee, Thomas J.Girardwd. of l. arm$2.00Sept., 1882
215, 242McKinley, WilliamHubbardwd. l. arm & r. hip$4.00July, 1882
220, 103McKinnie, David K.Kinsmanasthma$4.00Nov., 1882
135, 411McLain, FloraNewton Fallsdep. mother$8.00Oct., 1869
4, 746McQuiston, FannyBrookfieldwidow$8.00-
14, 980Meacham, FannyMeccawidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
63, 453Medley, Gilbert L.Newton Fallswd. r. lung$8.00-
135, 957Meeker, David E.Newton Fallswd. l. arm$6.00-
108, 092Meeker, Harriet L.Tyrrell Hillwidow$8.00Feb., 1868
15, 706Merwin, HenryWarrenwd. r. shoulder$6.00-
5, 576Millan, Hannah M.Nileswidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1873
140, 288Miller, ChristinaGirarddep. mother$8.00Feb., 1870
40, 754Miller, Eliza A.Newton Fallswidow$8.00-
114, 903Miller, John B.Girardwd. l. arm & neck$8.00-
48, 380Miller, Joseph B.Girardanchylosis r. ankle$14.00-
196, 606Miller, Riley D.Phalanxchr. diarr. & dis. of lungs$6.00Oct., 1881
152, 577Miller, RodneyWest Farmingtondiarrhea$6.00Apr., 1878
184, 238Miller, ThomasChurch Hillinjury to abdomen$4.00Mar., 1881
40, 998Mitchell, CatharineNewton Fallsdep. mother$8.00Feb., 1865
186, 204Moffitt, HannahFarmingtondep. mother$8.00Dec., 1879
132, 169Moore, Edward W.Warrenchr. diarrhea$18.00-
87, 560Moore, George W.Warrenwd. r. forearm$2.00-
108, 701Moore, James B.Cortlandwd. both forearms & jnj. to l. leg$8.00-
192, 032Morrison, Samuel P.Cortlandchild$16.00Apr., 1881
54, 316Murdock, GeorgeFarmdalewd. l. leg$4.00-
219, 868Murphy, JohnWarrenchr. diarr., inj. to r. eye resulting in partial loss sight of both eyes.$6.00Oct., 1882
171, 166Murphy, Sarah A.Warrenwidow$8.00Nov., 1875
50, 242Nephew, Rob'tHubbardwd. of shoulder & neck$18.00-
212, 923Newhard, George A.Warrendis. of lungs$4.00June, 1882
164, 706Noble, JohnsonGustavuscatarrh$6.00Feb., 1880
90, 372Northway, Abbie P.North Bloomfieldwidow$25.00-
158, 652Northway, Sherman B.Greensburghscurvy & inj. to abdomen$6.00Apr., 1879
129, 941Norton, Samuel H.Southingtonwd. l. hand$8.00-
158, 943Oatley, EdwinFarmingtonwd. l. leg$3.00Apr., 1879
17, 867Ogan, Wm. H. H.Warrenwd. r. arm$8.00-
53, 653Oliver, George W.Girardloss r. leg$24.00-
188, 287Olmstead, Ann E.Warrenwidow$8.00May, 1880
141, 745Osborn, Harmon B.Farmingtonph. pulmonalis$4.00Oct., 1876
191, 739Osmer, Addison F.Farmingtonchr. diarr.$6.00June, 1881
35, 085Oviatt, Sarah J.Leavittsburgwidow$8.00-
59, 010Paden, SarahOrangevillemother$8.00Nov., 1865
23, 448Paft, Betsey M.West Farmingtonwidow$8.00-
5, 878Parish, CharlotteMesopotamiawidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1874
150, 095Parker, Andrew C.Kinsmanchr. diarr. & resulting dis. of abdominal viscera$4.00Dec., 1877
108, 303Parker, Sarah J.Kinsmanwidow$8.00Feb., 1868
100, 625Parks, MatildaNilesmother$8.00Oct., 1867
222, 070Parsons, Lorin G.Farmdalewd. left side of head$4.00Dec., 1882
188, 309Partridge, Elvira P.Warrenwidow$8.00May, 1880
184, 250Pelton, AugustusGreensburghchr. rheumatism$4.00Mar., 1881
144, 620Pennell, SylvenusChampiondis. of heart$10.00Apr., 1877
3, 716Perkins, MariaViennawidow$8.00-
192, 598Perringer, MichaelBristolvillerheu. & resulting dis. of heart$6.00July, 1881
126, 606Perry, PhilemonPhalanxchr. diarr. & pleurisy$8.00-
62, 622Pfouts, Edw'dHartfordwd. l. wrist$12.00Dec., 1877
11, 015Phillips, DavidPhalanxdis. of eyes, nearly total loss of sight$18.00-
50, 307Phillips, JerushaWarrenwidow$8.00June, 1865
165, 802Pierce, Zebina S.Warrendis. of abdominal viscera$8.00Mar., 1880
198, 993Pinks, Thomas R.Greensburghchr. rheumatism$4.00Dec., 1881
95, 185Pinney, SmithGreensburghwd. r. forearm$4.00-
175, 390Potter, Henry A.Warreninjury to abdomen$8.00Oct., 1880
19, 743Powell, DelilahGustavuswidow$8.00Apr., 1874
154, 965Prentice, Albert D.Championchr. bronchitis$4.00Aug., 1877
57, 843Price, EvanMineral Ridgeinj. to limb$4.00-
96, 030Price, Isaac D.Brookfielddis. of heart$4.00-
197, 587Rawdon, William H.Warreninj. to r. leg & ankle$6.00Nov., 1881
7, 064Reed, Minerva D.Warrenwidow$20.00-
189, 818Reeher, MaryWarrenwidow$12.00Sept., 1880
10, 115Reeve, SarahKinsmanwidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1878
107, 190Reid, Homer C.Warreninj. l. knee$8.50-
30, 006Reiter, John H.Warrenwd. r. forearm$4.00-
145, 474Rex, DanielNorth Bloomfieldinj. to l. shoulder$4.00May, 1877
22, 583Reynolds, JobMesopotamiainj. of spine & chr. diarr.$4.00-
148, 719Ribler, Wm. W.Girardwd. l. foot$2.00Oct., 1877
169, 509Richards, ThomasMineral Ridgechild$16.00June, 1875
191, 802Richart, William K.Newton Fallswd. l. thigh$4.00June, 1881
83, 613Robbins, RosannahCortlandwidow$8.00Oct., 1867
30, 307Robinson, NancyWarrenwidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1880
23, 662Root, NelsonKinsmanulcer r. leg$8.00-
189, 158Rosser, John M.Girardshell wd. of l. hip & knee$4.00May, 1881
7, 839Rudesill, ElizabethChampionwidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1878
13, 406Sage, MaryNorth Bristolwidow$8.00-
44, 329Sager, Jacob A.North Bristolwd. l. thigh$6.00-
61, 406Saunders, Wm. D.Nilespartial paraly. toe-joints$2.00-
194, 357Scott, LouisaWarrenwidow$8.00Feb., 1882
221, 982Seaton, LafayetteNileswd. r. side$4.00Dec., 1882
206, 987Selkirk, NicholasWarrenpartial deafness both ears$2.00Apro., 1882
197, 727Shafer, JacobsSouthingtoninj. to spine & hip$6.00Nov., 1881
165, 493Shafer, William J.Warrendiarrhœa, & dis. of liver$4.00Mar., 1880
71, 052Shaff, Daniel H.Johnsonvilledis. of heart$12.00-
145, 078Shaffer, HiramChampionwd. l. foot$4.00-
29, 460Sharrow, DanielMineral Ridgewd. l. leg$2.00-
167, 727Shively, Andrew J.Bristolvillechr. diarrhea & resulting indigestion$4.00May, 1880
138, 978Shorts, DavidNewton Fallswd. r. hand, ampt. lst, 2d fingers.$4.00Apr., 1876
188, 003Silvernail, Amon H.West Farmingtondis. of lungs$6.00May, 1881
37, 687Simpson, Lovina R.Bristolvillewidow$8.00-
48, 630Smith, Caroline A.Mesopotamiawidow$8.00Jan., 1865
49, 023Smith, George T.Warrenwd. l. hip$14.00-
158, 054Smith, John M.Latimerinjury to abdomen$6.00Apr., 1880
19, 848Smith, MathiasOrangevilleamp. r. arm at shr. joint$24.00Sept., 1874
31, 572Smith, SarahHubbardwidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1881
113, 397Smith, ThomasNilesloss sight rt. eye$4.00-
113, 397Smith, Thos.Nilesloss sight r. eye$4.00-
50, 438Snyder, John W.Coalburghdiabetes & chr. diarr. & resulting dis. of lungs$18.00-
29, 148Soule, SallyWarrenwidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1880
3, 985Sowe, Mary AmyBracevillewidow$20.00-
175, 465Spear, John A.Warreninjury to abdomen$8.00Oct., 1880
139, 943Spear, William R.Warrenwd. r. leg$8.00July, 1876
3, 778Splitstone, SarahKinsmanwidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1872
31, 050St. Onge, MichaelNilesloss l. leg$18.00-
25, 221Stevens, BenjaminWarrensurv. 1812$8.00July, 1879
25, 277Stevens, HoraceWarrensurv. 1812$8.00Sept., 1879
183, 371Stewart, HarrietWarrenwidow$10.00Mar., 1879
23, 399Stewart, Robert J.Viennaloss of thumb$2.00-
102, 972Stockton, Joseph R.Brookfieldchr. diarrhea$8.00-
23, 224Stone, George H.Mesopotamiawd. of r. leg$2.00-
180, 227Stracy, MattieWarrenwidow$10.00Mar., 1878
94, 722Stratton, Henry G.Warrenwd. r. hip$10.00Jan., 1869
11, 570Stroup, LovinaLeavittsburgwidow$8.00-
194, 250Struble, JasperCortlandchild$10.00Jan., 1882
136, 425Sutliff, Joseph J.Bristolvillefracture left leg$6.00Nov., 1875
32, 121Sutton, MargaretChurch Hillwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1882
188, 723Swager, IsaacWarrendis. of abdominal viscera$6.00May, 1881
26, 286Talbitzer, AnnaNileswidow$8.00-
141, 593Talbitzer, Chas. W.Nileswd. l. leg$4.00-
142, 084Thatcher, John W.Newton Fallsdis. of eyes$8.00Oct., 1876
110, 749Thomas, George M.Farmingtoninj. to r. knee$5.00-
68, 068Thomas, William A.Kinsmanwd. r. leg$20.00-
20, 422Thompson, AurillaHartfordwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
149, 581Thompson, James D.Leavittsburgdis. of heart & kidney$6.00Nov., 1877
190, 126Thompson, JaneWarrenwidow$8.00Oct., 1880
149, 551Tidd, Jeremiah M.Warrenasthma$10.00Nov., 1877
21, 903Todd, Emily E.Southingtonwidow$8.00May, 1864
24, 939Tracy, LinusMesopotamiasurv. 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
112, 874Travis, Chancy E.Bristolvillewd. l. hand$10.00-
23, 786Treat, JohnViennasurv. 1812$8.00Aug., 1878
44, 328Truesdale, Henry S.Viennawd. of face & right arm$8.00-
214, 805Turner, Henry P.West Farmingtonwds. l. thigh & r. elbow$2.00June, 1882
46, 357Tuttle, ChesterGreensburghleft side & lung$4.00-
9, 871Tyrill, MartinMineral Ridgevaricose veins of leg$18.00-
41, 127Vangorder, GeorgeWarrenwd. right thigh$6.00-
193, 087Vesey, WilliamWarrenwd. of back, and resulting locomotor atoria.$50.00July, 1881
90, 806Waddell, JohnCoalburghwd. l. foot$8.00-
185, 803Wagar, John L.Mesopotamiadisease of heart$6.00Mar., 1881
9, 655Wald, EllenKinsmanwidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1878
219, 342Warner, Charles M.Mineral Ridgechr. diarr.$4.00Oct., 1882
223, 013Webb, AlmonWest Meccachr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.$6.00Dec., 1882
44, 326Weirick, Albert G.Hubbardwd. of r. femur$18.00-
104, 374Werner, JohnWest Meccainj. to ab. & to r. shoulder$12.00-
36, 534White, AddisonSouthingtonwd. r. hip$31.25-
158, 141White, Lewis P.Southingtonwd. l. shoul. & res. lameness$6.00Mar., 1879
171, 971Whitten, Solomon C.Viennalumbago & recurrent diarr.$4.00Aug., 1880
133, 550Wilcox, John W.Farmingtonchr. diarr. & malarial pois$10.00-
53, 650Williams, DavidChurch Hillwd. l. elbow$12.00-
30, 155Williams, SarahTyrrell Hillwidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1880
219, 832Williard, ThomasNileswd. r. elbow$2.00Oct., 1882
27, 468Wilson, AnnWarrenwidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1879
183, 290Wilson, GeorgeWarrendisease of spine$8.00Feb., 1881
168, 460Wilson, Wesley W.Warrendiarr. & typ. fever, & resulting dis. of lungs$12.00May, 1880
12, 996Winans, ElizabethWest Meccawidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1878
74, 377Windram, RobertNorth Bloomfieldgeneral dropsy, &c$6.00-
35, 737Winters, Andrew J.West Farmingtonwd. l. shoulder$4.00-
38, 212Wise, Elisha R.Warrenloss r. arm$24.00-
101, 201Wolcott, PhilanderGreensburgh-$6.00Dec., 1869
101, 872Yeomans, AlbertWarrenwd. left thigh$10.00-
8, 673Yeomans, ElizabethKinsmanwidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1878

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