New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Ross County, Ohio

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Shelby County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Shelby County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
199, 380Ailes, Hezekiah S.Sidneyg. s. w. l. axilla$2.00Dec., 1881
109, 722Anderson, RachelTawawawidow$8.00Mar., 1868
216, 423Ault, DanielSidneyinj. of lower extremities & spine & res't'g inj. to abd.$6.00Aug., 1882
161, 577Avey, MariamHoustonwidow$8.00Mar., 1873
130, 891Baker, LucretiaAnnawidow$8.00June, 1869
184, 315Baldwin, MargaretMcCartyvillewidow$8.00May, 1879
64, 479Baldwin, NancySidneywidow$8.00Feb., 1866
193, 432Barber, EliasJackson Centreg. s. w. left side & rt. leg$6.00July, 1881
13, 456Barker, Elizabeth J.Annawidow$8.00-
208, 638Barker, JoshuaWynantdis. of abdominal viscera$4.00May, 1882
88, 933Barker, PollyWynantwidow$8.00Jan., 1867
193, 196Beevy, SusannaSidneywidow$8.00Aug., 1881
780Bennett, NehemiahSidneysurv. 1812$8.00July, 1871
150, 205Birch, Pem B.Sidneywd. face$3.00Dec., 1877
17, 896Blue, Reuben R.Sidneyparalysis$12.00June, 1880
57, 374Boger, MagdalenaPrattwidow$8.00Oct., 1865
58, 761Bolsby, MarthaHoustonwidow$8.00-
173, 438Born, Samuel F.Sidneyg. s. w. r. thigh$2.00Sept., 1880
20, 113Brelsford, HoracePlattsvilleg. s. w. l. arm$3.00-
47, 906Brown, HannahTawawawidow$8.00-
78, 401Brust, JosephineSidneywidow$8.00Mar., 1867
132, 052Bulger, JamesSidneyinjury to abdomen$8.00-
1, 470Burrows, WilliamSidneysurv. 1812$8.00July, 1871
129, 040Bushman, Herman H.Loramie'sinjury to abdomen$8.00-
22, 836Bustetter, LouisaSidneywidow$8.00-
115, 093Butler, Ludlow S.Houstonparaplegia rt. leg & iritatis spinalis$2.66 2/3-
10, 361Cannon, Richard M.Hardinsurv. 1812$8.00Jan., 1872
177, 232Charpier, PeterWynantg. s. w. l. side face$2.00Oct., 1880
56, 229Clawson, PerrySidneywd. of lower jaw$8.00-
65, 100Cochran, SarahSidneywidow$8.00Feb., 1866
128, 507Coleman, Arnold S.Jackson Centrechr. diarrhea & liver disease$6.00-
16, 740Collins, Clarissa P.Sidneywidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
86, 094Collins, LydiaBotkinswidow$8.00Nov., 1866
22, 107Conklin, Samuel J.Maplewoodg. s. w. l. hand$14.00-
193, 123Consolver, AllenLoramie'sloss index finger$3.00July, 1881
194, 595Coon, LouisaPembertonwidow$14.00Feb., 1882
2, 705Cox, HannahTawawawidow 1812$8.00May, 1872
25, 784Cumming, CatherineSidneywidow 1812$8.00June, 1879
160, 738Darst, JamesJackson Centreg. s. w. of rt. shoulder$2.00June, 1879
127, 789Davenport, David S.Hardinwd. left arm$8.00-
197, 013Davis, Henry H.Botkinsg. s. w. r. thigh$2.00Oct., 1881
63, 079Dewwese, WilliamPlattsvillewd. rt. foot$8.00-
76, 444Dill, AnnAnnawidow$8.00-
50, 989Doak, JamesKirkwoodwd. of face & rt. hand$12.00-
219, 044Dodds, JosephusPrattinjury of rt. eye$4.00Oct., 1882
191, 514Doolan, NancySidneywidow$8.00Mar., 1881
215, 383Eisenhut, GeorgeKettlersvilleg. s. w. of rt. thigh$4.00July, 1882
152, 890Ellen, GallivanSidneywidow$8.00-
17, 611Fielding, ElizabethSidneywidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
186, 987Finfrock, HenryLoramie'schr. diarrhea$2.00Apr., 1881
209, 117Graham, William M.Hardinchr. diarrhea$4.00May, 1882
11, 541Guerin, JaneAnnawidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
61, 082Haisch, ChristopherLoramie'swd. l. shoulder$2.00Apr., 1866
204, 841Hardesty, LucasSidneydis. of eyes$18.00Mar., 1882
220, 495Hasebrook, AlbertLoramie'schr. rheumatism$2.00Nov., 1882
77, 559Hemebright, Geo. W.Wynantwd. of chest & lungs$5.33 1/3Feb., 1867
148, 219Huffman, Isaac B.Sidneyinj. r. arm hand & chest$18.00-
9, 251Huffords, JohnPembertonsurv. 1812$8.00Dec., 1871
204, 845Hughes, DavidAnnarheumatism$4.00Mar., 1882
45, 224Humphreys, MaryLockingtonwidow$8.00-
98, 349Jackson, Phebe W.Sidneywidow$8.00Aug., 1867
89, 682Jacobs, SamuelPrattg. s. w. right leg$2.00-
170, 374John, SethPrattchr. diarrhea, abscess l. arm, disabling hand, r. leg, hip.$14.00June, 1880
18, 150Johnston, SarahTawawawidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
136, 192Johnston, StephenLockingtonwd. left leg$2.00Oct., 1875
64, 427Jordan, Margaret J.Plattsvillewidow$8.00-
220, 894Kelly, Solomon W.Tawawasciatica & lumbago$2.00Nov., 1882
114, 938Kite, IraSidneyg. s. w. r. hand$8.00-
12, 976Lambert, EasterBotkinswidow$8.00-
53, 068Laughlin, Joseph S.Sidneyfract. r. leg$6.00-
15, 456Leapley, LouisaSidneywidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
36, 727Leapley, Thomas C.Annadis. of spine$18.00-
64, 231Littlejohn, George W.Jackson Centreg. s. w. l. elbow$8.00-
85, 909Lozinia, ThompsonSidneywidow$8.00Nov., 1866
191, 159McClung, Mary J.Wynantwidow$10.00Feb., 1881
46, 530McClure, James F.Sidneyg. s. w. of l. hand$2.00-
114, 997McKee, Charles W.Sidneywd. l. thigh$10.00-
185, 458McKee, Thomas J.Sidneywd. r. arm dis. of eyes$4.00Mar., 1881
127, 505McVey, ThomasSidneywd. l. thigh$2.00-
13, 513Miller, Mary A.Sidneywidow$8.00-
182, 768Minick, Low J.Sidneyinj. to abd. & i. to eyes$12.00Feb., 1881
35, 190Moore, William R.Sidneyloss index fing. l. hand$5.00-
2, 137Morris, JohnSidneysurv. 1812$8.00Aug., 1871
17, 809Munk, ElizabethHoustonwidow$8.00-
218, 283Neal, John T.Tawawashell w. of l. jaw$4.00Sept., 1882
106, 259Nutt, Edmund E.Sidneydis. of eyes$15.00Apr., 1880
50, 728Olden, Lydia A.Plattsvillewidow$8.00-
208, 941Pilliod, FrancisWynantdis. throat & lungs$2.00May, 1882
49, 696Richards, MartinAnnaloss l. thumb$4.00-
45, 888Riniker, FrederickAnnawd. r. leg$6.00-
16, 741Rowell, MarthaAnnawidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
168, 401Rylatt, JamesSidneyg. s. w. of face & neck$6.00May, 1880
192, 767Schiltz, MichaelLoramie'sscurvy & resulting ulceration of r. leg$6.00July, 1881
9, 612Schmoutz, CatharineSidneywidow$8.00Dec., 1863
130, 088Schurr, Christena M.Sidneywidow$8.00June, 1869
128, 023Shafer, BarbaraSidneywidow$8.00Apr., 1869
106, 044Shull, HenrySidneywd. rt. shoulder & lung$8.00-
27, 964Smith, ElizabethJackson Centrewidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1879
46, 880Sparlin, John S.Sidneywd. rt. arm$18.00-
126, 087Stewart, ElanorPrattwidow$8.00Mar., 1869
126, 189Straight, Edward F.Sidneyinj. rt. shoulder & spine$14.00-
79, 684Strickling, Isiah J.Wynantdis. of heart & lungs$4.00-
120, 005Struble, Lewis G.Sidneywidow$10.00-
149, 293Thomas, Frank M.Hardininj. to l. hip & pelvic bone$4.00Nov., 1877
18, 662Thompson, MargaretPrattwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
34, 442Trapp, Peter M.Prattwd. r. arm$4.00-
108, 703Turner, Mary C.Annawidow$8.00Feb., 1872
71, 139Unkelholz, FrederickSidneywd. r. leg$6.00Feb., 1867
202, 199Van Fossen, Wm. M.Sidneyinjury to abdomen$2.00Jan., 1882
57, 310Walker, SarahSidneywidow$8.00Oct., 1865
91, 159Walters, EdwardSidneywd. l. eye, result loss of eye & ulceration$12.00-
104, 295Warbinton, SamuelPrattspinal meningitis & res. par.$31.25-
205, 008Weissigern, George C.Montrainjury to abdomen$4.00Mar., 1882
88, 640Wight, ElizabethSidneywidow$8.00Jan., 1867
187, 397Williams, William H.Plattsvilleg. s. w. rt. arm$4.00Apr., 1881
169, 502Williamson, Rich. M.Tawawadis. of eyes & liver$6.00June, 1880
211, 697Willis, WilliamPlattsvilleg. s. w. l. shoulder$2.00June, 1882
222, 315Wilson, Henry V.Harding. s. w. of rt. thigh$2.00Dec., 1882
29, 351Wilson, SarahSidneywidow 1812$8.00May, 1880
134, 112Wisick, Samuel S.Pembertonwd. l. leg & rt. wrist$8.00-
56, 928Wolfrum, AndrewWynantwd. of head$12.00-
42, 956Wyss, MarySidneywidow$8.00Mar., 1865
69, 978Young, Philip W.Annag. s. w. right chest$4.00-
197, 744Young, Silas D.Annag. s. w. of face$1.00Nov., 1881
83, 671Young, Stephen M.Sidneyinjury to abdomen$8.00-

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