New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Seneca County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Seneca County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
122,244Acaly, MaryWest Lodidep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1868
49,019Acker, Geo. D.Fostoriawd. r. shoulder $18.00 -
96,823Adams, MartinFostoriawd. head $8.00 -
185,395Ahlum, MariahWest Lodiwidow $8.00 Sept., 1879
111,278Albert, John Q.Fostoriachr. diarr. $6.00 -
189,129Allen, Sidney S.Fostoriawd. r. leg $2.00 May, 1881
70,075Alspaugh, MichaelGreen Springhypertrophy heart $8.00 -
173,105Altaffer, Isaac M.Adrianchr. diarr. & mal. poisoning $12.00 Sept., 1880
221,921Ames, DillenFostoriachr. diarr. $4.00 Dec., 1882
115,883Armstrong, John W.Bettsvilledis. heart & kidneys $8.00 -
25,005Arnold, MargaretKansaswidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
48,622Babbott, LewisFlat Rockwd. face $12.00 -
182,956Babcock, Margaret E.Fostoriawidow $14.00 Feb., 1879
84,703Bair, Geo.Fostoriawd. face $8.00 -
155,220Baker, Andrew L.Tiffindis. lungs $8.00 Sept., 1878
135,848Barker, Leander R.Republicfrac. l. leg $6.00 -
49,789Bartleson, CephasKansaswd. r. arm $18.00 -
15,165Bartlett, MatildaGreen Springwidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
165,635Basom, Sarah A.Bloomvilledep. mother $8.00 July, 1874
160,219Bassett, SabinaFostoriadep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1872
119,867Bean, AaronTiffinrheum., diarr., & dis. abd. vis. $6.00 -
28,363Beaner, AndrewTiffinwd. jaw $8.00 -
115,570Beans, JosephFostoriawd. r. shoul., ch. dia., & scurv. $8.00 -
75,742Beard, Eli F.Republicwd. lower jaw $12.00 -
33,973Beatty, Eliz.Tiffindep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1864
118,881Beck, ChristianGreen Springchr. diarr., rheum., varicose veins & debility $12.00 -
162,851Beck, JohnTiffindep. father $8.00 Oct., 1873
107,109Beckley, MichaelTiffinchr. diarr. & dis. heart $6.00 -
201,110Beckman, SolomonFostoriachr. diarr. $6.00 Jan., 1882
13,125Beechler, SarahTiffindep. mother $8.00 Jan., 1864
160,780Bemisderfer, Simon P.Berwickgen'l debility & dis. heart $10.00 -
72,701Benham, Geo.Fostoriawd. r. lung $8.00 Oct., 1866
47,556Bercan, Silas W.Berwickwd. r. arm $12.00 -
118,986Beverson, Wm.Fostoriachr. diarr. & gen'l debility $12.00 -
18,129Bland, MaryRepublicwidow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
223,724Bonnell, ChristianFostoriainjury to abdomen $4.00 Dec., 1882
95,187Bonnell, MosesFostoriawd. r. hand $6.00 -
121,177Borer, StephenTiffinwd. l. shoulder $8.00 -
201,284Bormuth, AdamTiffindis. eyes $2.00 Jan., 1882
174,877Bowerman, RebeccaRepublicwidow $12.00 Aug., 1876
103,515Bowersox, David B.Tiffinwd. r. hand & defects $10.00 -
120,131Boyd, James T.Bloomvillewd. r. arm $4.00 -
33,967Boyer, RebeccaBascomwidow $8.00 -
219,910Brendle, Geo.Tiffindis. lungs & chr. diarr. $12.00 Oct., 1882
51,121Bresh, DelilahTiffindep. mother $8.00 July, 1865
189,132Bretz, Amos W.Adrianwd. r. thigh $6.00 May, 1881
9,664Breyman, MallonRepublicchr. bronchitis $6.00 -
16,526Brobst, Franklin S.Bloomvillewd. l. foot, loss l. finger $14.00 -
186,116Brown, Josiah L.Green Springparalysis, loss sight l. eye $17.00 Apr., 1881
17,811Burkhalter, SarahTiffinwidow $8.00 -
150,747Byers, HenryAdrianwd. r. shoulder $4.00 -
217,643Cake, Wm. M.Fostoriachr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $25.00 Sept., 1882
192,312Carlisle, Eliz.Fostoriawidow $8.00 May, 1881
175,402Carlisle, Theo, G.Fostoriafrozen feet & ears $4.00 Oct., 1880
34,447Carpenter, Levi A.Adrianwd. l. thorax & lung $8.00 -
209,957Carper, JamesBettsvillehydrocele & dis. abd. vis. $4.00 May, 1882
30,011Cashner, JonathanBloomvilledis. of abdominal viscers $4.00 -
4,937Chance, Mathew H.Fostoriaw. l. leg $12.00 -
195,075Chance, Thos. H.Fostoriadis. lungs & heart $17.00 Aug., 1881
111,002Chaney, Chas. J.Tiffininj. l. leg $4.00 -
95,530Chaney, Wm. H.Tiffinepilepsy $18.00 -
202,414Cherry, Joseph M.Tiffinwd. l. leg $6.00 Feb., 1882
109,854Chilcoat, Joseph S.Fostoriawd. r. side & abdomen $6.00 -
120,808Chilcote, John W.Fostoriascurvy & wd. r. ankle $6.00 -
58,745Clabaugh, Levi W.Green Springw. r. arm $4.00 -
67,760Clark, James W.Fostoriawd. r. hand $2.66 2/3 -
195,664Cole, Leonard G.Tiffinwd. l. foot $4.00 Sept., 1881
189,087Collier, James T.Tiffinwd. r. arm $2.00 May, 1881
121,680Conley, Ira C.Fostoriadis. lungs & heart $10.00 -
93,740Cook, ClarkRepublicchr. diarr. $2.00 -
113,539Cook, Lloyd A.Republicwd. r. thigh $10.00 -
98,010Coonic, MaryTiffindep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1867
122,357Copley, Mary A.Fostoriawidow $8.00 Dec., 1868
82,913Corigan, PeterFostoriawd. breast & lung $4.00 -
34,687Cowgill, MiltonTiffinwd. l. arm $18.00 -
54,665Cramer, AdamFostorialoss l. leg $24.00 -
131,905Craun, JohnAdrianchr. diarr. & heart dis. $18.00 -
42,764Cross, Hamilton J.Kansasdis. lungs & heart $6.00 -
92,311Culver, Sam'lTiffinwd. l. thigh $6.00 -
16,916Currigan, EdwardTiffinwd. r. arm $16.00 -
124,045Davidson, James H.Bettsvillewd. l. thigh & l. foot $8.00 -
102,892Davis, Chas. R.Fostoriainjury to abdomen $4.00 -
73,511Daywalt, Wm. J.Tiffinwd. r. side & elbow $14.00 -
221,102Deal, PhilipTiffinchr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $6.00 Nov., 1882
220,974Decker, JacobAdrianchr. diarr. & dis. abd. vis. $8.00 Nov., 1882
54,250Denias, CarolineFlat Rockdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1865
121,679Dennis, ValentineBloomvillewd. l. elbow $2.00 -
99,160Dewyant, MichaelRepublicwd. r. shr. $10.00 Sept., 1877
117,542Dick, Robt. W.Tiffinchr. diarr. $10.00 -
50,897Dicken, John W.Fostoriawd. l. foot & rheum. $12.00 -
114,272Dickens, Jesse S.Fostoriahemorrhage of lungs $18.00 -
73,024Dildine, Albert M.Fostoriawd. r. thigh, hip, & l. foot $12.00 -
175,466Dildine, Lvdia G.Fostoriadep. mother $8.00 July, 1876
6,476Ditto, Eliz.Tiffinwidow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1875
116,138Doran, John V.Tiffindis. lungs, liver & kidneys $6.00 -
142,706Drake, AsaTiffindis. spine $8.00 -
67,808Duesler, LouisaWest Lodiwidow $8.00 -
6,466Durr, AmalyTiffinwidow $8.00 Oct., 1863
111,893Dutly, PatrickFostoriadis. of abdominal viscera $18.00 -
8,292Earl, SusannahTiffinwidow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 1878
110,880Easterbrook, Thos.Republictyphoid pneumonia $2.00 Mar., 1872
28,464Eaton, Alex. H.Adrianwd. l. forearm $4.00 -
34,299Echelbery, PeterBloomvillewd. r. arm $6.00 -
112,683Egli, JacobAdrianwd. head $6.00 -
151,321Ely, Chas. S.Tiffininjury to abdomen $4.00 Mar., 1878
21,219Emerson, Wm. H.Kansasphthisis $8.00 Dec., 1863
100,527Emmons, LorenzoFostorialoss r. eye, wd. l. arm, & chr. diarr. $12.00 Sept., 1871
204,487Ennis, John B.Republicchr. diarr. & rheum. $8.00 Mar., 1882
8,865Fail, CatharineBloomvillewidow $8.00 -
62,213Falladeane, JohnTiffinwd. l. hand & loss thumb $8.00 -
137,495Fatzinger, Til. W.Melmoredis. eyes $6.00 Jan., 1870
68,257Feasel, Geo. D.Bettsvillewd. r. arm $10.00 -
155,156Febles, Geo.Fostoriadis. heart $6.00 Sept., 1878
100,462Ferguson, Herman R.Green Springinfl. rheum. $4.00 Oct., 1869
177,628Ferris, MaryFostoriawidow $25.00 June, 1877
185,212Fielding, SarahKansasdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1879
176,081Fink, Dan'l Y.Adrianasthma $4.00 Oct., 1880
199,220Fink, John F.Adrianchr. rheum. $4.00 Dec., 1881
131,316Fisher, David W.Bloomvillerheum., dis. heart, & inj. r. shoulder $12.00 May, 1875
178,929Fitz, Geo. W.Green Springwd. r. arm $2.00 Nov., 1880
61,096Flyn, PeterTiffinwd. l. foot $4.00 Apr., 1866
6,098Ford, JohnsonAdriansurv. 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1871
119,265Foster, JonasFostoriachr. rheum. $15.00 -
89,884Fox, James B.Fostoriawd. l. leg $8.00 -
44,085Fox, Robt.Fostoriavaricose veins $18.00 -
137,343Frankhouser, SolomonBettsvillewd. r. hip $4.00 Jan., 1876
104,381Franklin, Alex G.Fostoriawd. r. ankle $6.00 -
115,973Fravor, JohnBascomwd. r. arm & l. shoulder $8.00 -
109,288Frederick, DelilahTiffinwidow $8.00 May, 1868
63,455Frees, John W.Fostoriawd. r. arm & pleurodynia $10.00 -
6,925Frick, MagdalenaTiffinwidow $8.00 -
107,410Fritcher, Geo. W.Fostoriachr. diarr. & hypertrophy $18.00 Mar., 1873
28,581Fulhaber, Sydna J.Fostoriawidow $20.00 -
-Gale, HenryGreen Springchr. diarr. $6.00 Nov., 1882
47,375Gebaner, Johanna R.Bascomwidow $8.00 -
90,220Georea, KateBloomvillewidow $8.00 Feb., 1867
27,222Gessler, FrancisTiffindep. mother $8.00 July, 1864
81,173Gibson, HenryAdrianwd. both legs $12.00 -
218,463Gittinger, Wm. H.Green Springwd. l. arm $2.00 Sept., 1882
140,518Godfrey, JohnFostoriadis. feet $8.00 -
160,922Gollatue, HenryFostoriadis. lungs $12.00 June, 1879
96,137Green, John G.Fostoriakidney dis. $4.00 Mar., 1869
118,516Greis, Peter J.Tiffinaneurism of aorta $10.00 -
48,464Grimes, ElizAdrianwidow $8.00 -
167,303Grove, AbrahamGreen Springdis. heart $8.00 Apr., 1880
46,948Grove, CatharineFostoriawidow $8.00 -
158,782Grummel, HenryTiffindis. of lungs & stomach $12.00 Apr., 1879
188,394Gruver, JohnBettsvilledis. throat & lungs $4.00 May, 1881
193,324Guisbert, Emma D.Green Springwidow $10.00 Sept., 1881
19,778Haas, ChristinaTiffinwidow $8.00 -
212,466Hahn, Fred'kGreen Springchr. diarr. $4.00 June, 1882
101,952Hale, AllenFostoriadis. heart, lungs, & diarr. $18.00 -
35,048Hale, RuthFostoriadep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1864
142,402Hall, Geo. W.Fostoriawd. l. hip & buttock $4.00 Nov., 1876
145,638Harley, John D.Fostoriawd. l. foot & chr. diarr. $6.00 June, 1877
98,649Harman, Wm.Adrianwd. r. shoulder & chest $18.00 -
112,435Hart, Francis M.Tiffinwd. r. arm $8.00 July, 1871
94,095Hartsock, Sarah A.Fostoriawidow $8.00 May, 1867
33,285Hawkins, Timothy B.Adrianwd. r. arm $6.00 -
138,336Hays, MargaretFostoriadep. mother $20.00 Jan., 1870
153,746Hazen, JacobFostoriawd. r. arm $2.00 June, 1878
79,514Heath, Edw'd E.Republicwd. r. thigh $6.00 -
126,103Heilman, Geo. E.Fostoriawd. r. foot $4.00 Dec., 1873
14,274Heisserman, HenryTiffinwd. l. thigh $12.00 -
54,230Hemingway, Geo. R.Republicwd. l. thigh $8.00 -
199,921Hemminger, LewisGreen Springwd. r. cheek & neuralgia $4.00 Dec., 1881
112,929Herrig, MathiasTiffinwd. r. leg & l. foot $4.00 Aug., 1871
34,476Herzog, FelixTiffinwd. l. leg $14.00 Nov., 1864
186,791Heslington, Thos. C.Tiffindis. spine $2.00 Apr., 1881
97,945Hiteshew, AlfredFostoriawd. r. groin & inj. to ab. $8.00 -
165,567Hodge, John H.West Lodidis. lungs $2.00 Mar., 1880
23,546Hollabaugh, ElizaFostoriawidow $8.00 -
60,409Holt, NelsonBloomvillewd. l. wrist & head $15.00 Mar., 1866
79,480Hoote, Conrad J.Tiffinwd. l. hand & r. lung $10.00 -
81,048Hoover, John A.Fort Senecawd. breast $6.00 -
141,662Hopkins, Eliz. M.Republicdep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1870
92,766Hospebaun (or Hospehaun), Geo.Tiffinwd. l. hip $18.00 -
89,159Hostler, bentonFostoriawd. l. leg $6.00 -
157,501Hubbell, Dan'lAdrianinjury to abdomen $8.00 Feb., 1879
129,886Huffsey, JohnTiffinscurvy, gen'l debility & diarr. $4.00 Sept., 1873
41,997Hunt, Frank M.Reedstownwd. l. thigh $4.00 May, 1865
216,866Hutchinson, DavidGreen Springscurvy $6.00 Aug., 1882
208,585Iler, IsaacTiffininj. back & chest $6.00 May, 1882
104,864Irwin, ValentineFostoriawd. r. thigh & forehead $10.00 -
174,569Jackson, Charles H.Tiffinwd. l leg & l. forearm $3.00 Oct., 1880
157,160Jackson, Leonard M.Bettsvilledep. father $8.00 Apr., 1872
181,355Jennings, Silas H.Fostoriawidow $10.00 June, 1878
127,852Johnson, PhilipTiffindis. liver & dis. heart $8.00 -
97,783Jones, John A. C.Bettsvillewd. head $2.00 May, 1869
166,455Jordan, PriscillaRepublicwidow $12.00 Nov., 1874
80,008Kaufman, AdamFostoriawd. l. hand $10.00 -
182,854Kaup, EmmaTiffinwidow $10.00 Jan., 1879
222,273Keffer, Peter D.Tiffininj. r. ankle & l. foot $4.00 Dec., 1882
4,992Keiber, JacobBloomvillesurv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1871
120,366Keller, LeviAdrianwd. l. thigh $3.00 -
131,834Kelly, Francis M.Fostoriadis. eyes $8.00 -
27,850Keppelmeyer, FrankTiffinwd. r. leg $18.00 -
110,882Kintz, Wm. J.Tiffinwd. r. hip $6.00 -
14,330Kirn, ChristianTiffinwd. l. forearm $18.00 July, 1863
140,960Kiser, Lorenzo D.Fostoriachr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $6.00 -
129,058Kisling, GeoAdrianch. diarr. $18.00 -
114,789Kissinger, James H.Tiffinwd. r. hip $8.00 -
50,380Kistner, ChristianFostoriawd. l. hand $10.00 -
24,602Knepple, John C.Tiffinpart. anchylosis l. knee-joint $6.00 -
37,875Koch, MatildaMorriswidow $8.00 -
56,561Koohen, JeffersonFostorialoss both eyes $72.00 -
38,036Kreidler, Chas. W.Fostorialoss r. leg $24.00 -
134,864Landis, HiramAdrianchr. diarr. $2.00 -
3,340Lauchrist, MargaretTiffinwidow $17.00 -
129,176Laux (or Lanx?), SusanTiffinwidow $8.00 Apr., 1869
21,245Lawrence, EllenKansasdep. mother $8.00 May, 1864
87,185Lawrence, James L.Kansaswd. r. heel $6.00 -
41,949Leech, EmelineFostoriawidow $8.00 -
40,218Leech, Wm. H. H.Fostorialoss r. arm & wd. l. $24.00 -
41,896Leitner, Andrew J.Tiffinwd. l. hand $6.00 -
73,273Leitner, JuliusBascomwd. r. wrist & abdomen $8.00 -
113,195Leonard, Jonathan R.Fostoriachr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $6.00 -
172,473Lewis, John R.Tiffindebility $6.00 Aug., 1880
195,856Lewis, OrenTiffindis. lungs $4.00 Sept., 1881
182,148Lewmans, ElizFostoriadep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1878
159,487Limbaugh, ChristianFostoriainj. spine $4.00 May, 1879
25,934Linhart, John M.Fostorialoss l. arm $18.00 -
123,393Livensparger, LouisAdrianwd. l. forearm $3.00 -
105,574Longly, Saml I.Kansaschr. diarr. $6.00 -
62,548Loranz, Maria Josep'neTiffindep. mother $8.00 Jan., 1866
103,246Ludwig, Eliza A.Tiffindep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1867
65,226Luman, DavidFostoriawd. l. ankle $8.00 -
98,248Lumbar, Francis A.Republicdis. kidneys & chr. hepatitis $14.00 -
184,219Lyle, Robt.Tiffinchr. diarr. $12.75 -
202,767Lytle, Wm.Bloomvillewd. l. leg $4.00 Feb., 1882
109,357Madison, IrenaRepublicwidow $8.00 Mar., 1868
199,288Maloney, Thos. H.Fostoriadis. lungs & diarr. $12.00 Dec., 1881
114,121Manecke, Wm.Fostoriawd. r. thigh $4.00 -
213,652Maring, James S.Fostoriawd. l. thigh $4.00 June, 1882
114,697Martin, Jacob W.Fostoriawd. head & l. thigh $6.00 -
55,338Martin, James H. F.Green Springloss 3 fingers l. hand $10.00 -
147,258Mayers, Wm. H.Tiffinwd. r. shoulder $4.00 July, 1877
18,194McCauley, AnnTiffinwidow $8.00 -
172,935McCracken, John L.Fostoriameasles & pharyngitis $2.00 Aug., 1880
139,985McDaniel, James H.Tiffinchr. diarr. $6.00 -
129,868McMeen, David W.Fostoriawd. r. arm & l. thigh $6.00 -
24,375Meitzler, John H.Tiffinfrac. clavicle $8.00 -
49,329Meller, CarolineTiffindep. mother $8.00 Jan., 1865
186,493Merchant, Walter J.Green Springbronchitis $2.00 Apr., 1881
176,399Mesnard, LewisTiffinwd. r. side & r. heel $2.00 Oct., 1880
123,583Metcalf, Geo.Siamwd. r. shr. $6.00 -
53,653Metz, Eliz.Tiffinwidow $15.00 -
187,177Miller, HenryFostoriachr. diarr. & inj. spine $6.00 Apr., 1881
174,818Miller, John W.Tiffindep. father $8.00 Aug., 1875
109,678Miller, John W.Bascomdis. eyes $2.00 -
111,168Miller, Wm. H. H.Adrianwd. abdomen $24.00 -
189,240Miller?, Wm. M.Tiffindis. heart $12.00 May, 1881
55,549Mills, Wilmot A.Republicwd. skull bone $8.00 -
143,939Mirer, JohnBettsvillechr. diarr. & rheum. $6.00 Mar., 1877
198,502Mohler, John H.Fostoriawd. l. thigh $8.00 Nov., 1881
50,732Moore, Jas. C.Adrianwd. chest $18.00 -
58,876Mowen, David C.Fostoriaamp. r. arm $24.00 -
203,175Mowry, DavidFostoriainj. l. ankle $4.00 Feb., 1882
109,138Murray, Adam C.Tiffinwd. r. forearm $4.00 -
28,040Myers, Fred'kTiffinwd. l. leg $14.00 -
81,171Myers, Geo. W.Adrianchr. diarr. $4.00 -
178,299Myers, James W.Tiffinwd. r. hand, r. shoulder $6.00 Oct., 1880
83,353Myers, Joseph P.Tiffinwd. l. breast $6.00 -
142,630Needry, John F.Kansaswd. l. hand $4.00 Nov., 1876
187,231Neff, Abby A.Green Springwidow $8.00 Mar., 1880
29,675Neff, Cynthia E.Bettsvillewidow $8.00 -
15,958Negele, Wm.Tiffinwd. l. arm $18.00 -
201,078Neikirk, DavidRepublicchr. diarr. $4.00 Jan., 1882
155,634Nesbit, Sam'lAdrianwd. l. leg $4.00 Sept., 1878
62,765Newcomber, HenryFostoriawd. head $18.00 -
92,434Newson, Wm.Fostoriawd. l. leg $6.00 -
98,280Niebel, ElijahFostoriachr. diarr. & sore eyes $6.00 -
65,314Nighswander, MartinFort Senecawd. l. leg $8.00 -
114,053Norton, James A.Tiffininj. l. side & arm $10.00 -
175,746Norton, John W.Bloomvilleinj. l. foot & side $4.00 Oct., 1880
111,762Ogden, Herbert G.Bloomvillewd. l. arm $6.00 -
67,922Olds, Gilbert O.Bloomvillewd. l. shoulder $6.00 -
95,186Olds, Hubert B.Bloomvillewd. l. side $6.00 -
81,938Orwig, HannahTiffindep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1866
178,304Osborn, JoelFostoriainjury to abdomen $8.00 Oct., 1880
109,857Ostirhold, Derick D.Bascomchr. rheum. $12.00 -
7,119Pains, SarahWest Lodiwidow 1812 $8.00 July, 1878
36,476Palmer, MelvinFostorialoss r. arm & wd. l. $18.00 -
107,388Pennell, BernyFostoriadis. heart $24.00 -
218,694Perin, Austin G.Green Springvaricose veins & rheum. $4.00 Oct., 1882
188,160Peters, Joseph D.Adriandis. head, spine, ears, & nose $8.00 May, 1881
204,342Petticord, John G.Green Springwd. r. arm $7.50 Mar., 1882
98,220Pettys, HubertRepublicdis. kidneys & bladder $2.00 -
54,955Plummer, CarolineAdrianwidow $8.00 -
193,802Portz, EvaFostoriadep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1881
196,707Post, Wm.Siamscurvy $8.00 Oct., 1881
99,878Preble, EdwardFostoriainj. spine & inj. to abd. $6.00 -
39,863Price, JosephTiffinwd. l. hip $18.00 -
151,055Pruden, Geo. E.Adrianloss r. eye, injury to abdomen $10.00 Feb., 1878
84,852Ranch, CatharineTiffindep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1866
32,408Read, Sally W.Omarwidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1882
223,194Reed, Hanson M.Adrianchr. diarr. & rheum. $3.00 Dec., 1882
124,092Reeme, Dan'l E.Tiffindis. heart $8.00 -
165,439Reese, Jacob S.Tiffinerysipelas $21.00 Mar., 1880
50,097Reese, JosephKansaswd. l. arm $18.00 -
218,158Reinholt, HenryBascomchr. diarr. $4.00 Sept., 1882
51,128Rhodes, Dan'lTiffinwd. r. arm $15.00 -
6,593Rice, NancyAdriandep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1863
103,756Richard, Wm.Bloomvillechr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $10.00 -
85,494Ricketson, Chas.Republicinuury to abdomen $4.00 -
124,194Rineman, JohnTiffinchr. diarr. $6.00 -
160,625Ringle, GeoAdriandis. of abdominal viscera $12.00 June, 1879
206,710Ringle, JohnAdrianinj. l. side & back $2.00 Apr., 1882
96,795Ritchard, Wm. H.Fostoriachr. diarr. $6.00 -
126,750Ritz, Elias M.Tiffininj. to abd. & rheum. $18.00 -
175,393Robenalt, Wm.Republiclumbago, dis. kid's & bladder $4.00 Oct., 1880
155,955Roberts, Sam'lCarrothersdis. of abd. vis. & dis. heart $10.00 Oct., 1878
133,600Robertson, JohnBloomvillechr. diarr. $8.00 -
10,547Robinson, Delia E.Republicwidow $20.00 -
143,051Robinson, James W.Green Springchr. diarr $4.00 Jan., 1877
136,685Robinson, Mary E.Republicdep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1869
105,323Robinson, Wm. H.Republicchr. diarr. $12.00 -
100,612Rogers, James P.Republicdis. lungs & kidneys $4.00 -
100,982Rollins, Wm.Fostoriainj. r. leg & scurvy $18.00 -
106,879Rosenberger, SarahBettsvillewidow $8.00 Jan., 1868
189,948Rosetter, Wm.Fostoriacatarrh. $4.00 June, 1881
83,691Ross, Wm.Green Springchr. diarr., rheum., dis. eyes $18.00 -
-Royer, CatharineFlat Rockdep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1879
118,766Saul, Geo.Cromer'swd. abdomen $4.00 -
183,421Saum, CatharineFostoriadep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1879
75,360Saum, SolomonFostoriawd. l. hand & dis. eyes $8.00 -
45,788Sawyer, JacobTiffinwd. l. forearm $6.00 -
190,564Schmidt, BrunoTiffinwidow $12.00 Dec., 1880
125,801Schmutz, NancyTiffinwidow $8.00 Mar., 1869
42,215Schreiner, AndrewTiffinwd. l. arm $4.00 -
48,892Schupp, John G.Adrianwd. r. leg $8.00 -
51,129Schuster, JacobBettsvillewd. l. foot $12.00 -
182,707Schuster, JohnGreen Springwidow $10.00 Dec., 1878
184,171Schwab, CarolineFostoriawidow $12.00 May, 1879
136,605Scott, SusanGreen Springwidow $8.00 Nov., 1869
127,723Seaman, JohnGreen Springdis. of abdominal viscera $8.00 -
36,014Sebold, JohnAdrianwd. hip joint $6.00 -
129,864Shadle, Wm. H.Flat Rockchr. diarr. $6.00 Sept., 1874
23,993Shaull, MaryTiffinwidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
75,746Shaw, John W.Republicwd. r. leg $24.00 -
110,397Shaw, Wm.Tiffindis. lungs & inj. l. hip & back $16.00 -
128,519Shelt, SabinaFostoriawidow $8.00 May, 1869
33,682Sherman, EldridgeTiffinwd. r. shoulder $18.00 -
94,889Shetterly, James K.Republicwd. r. leg $4.00 -
125,241Shober, MalindaAdrianwidow $8.00 Feb., 1869
158,292Shriver, AnnTiffinwidow $22.00 -
164,645Shuman, Amos C.Kansaswidow $16.00 Apr., 1874
115,165Sibold, CasperTiffinwd. r. knee $6.00 -
159,317Sidel, JacobFostoriadep. father $8.00 -
147,406Siple, Benj. F.Bloomvillechr. diarr. $2.00 July, 1877
173,979Sipple, RichardFostoriachr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $4.00 Sept., 1880
88,902Six, DelilahTiffinwidow $8.00 -
63,003Slaymaker, Rufus H.Green Springwd. r. thigh & r. breast $8.00 -
210,380Smith, HenryAdrianch. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $8.00 June, 1882
98,322Smith, Leon S.Republicinj. back & side $10.00 -
175,413Snyder, EliFostoriacatarrh & asthma $8.00 Oct., 1880
83,227Snyder, John W.Bettsvillewd. r. hand $4.00 -
88,467Sohn, James A.Tiffinchr. diarr. $10.00 -
6,598Sorg, LisetteTiffinwidow $8.00 Oct., 1863
98,296Sorg, MariaBettsvillewidow $8.00 Aug., 1867
102,118Speier, Wm.Tiffinwd. r. shoulder $20.00 -
71,955Spencer, Sam'lAdrianwd. l. thigh & dis. eyes $18.00 -
105,473Spooner, Henry K.Republicinj. to abd. & heart dis. $18.00 -
179,381Spooner, Jesse M.Republicwd. r. leg & tenderness of r. ing. ring. $6.00 Dec., 1880
8,952Springer, John C.Fostoriachr. diarr. $8.00 Aug., 1858
174,322Sprout, Benj. F.Kansaschr. diarr. & dis. heart $4.00 Sept., 1880
103,744Stadlebauar, MaryTiffindep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1867
120,188Stearns, OrrinFostoriadis. lungs & heart $4.00 -
41,647Stearns, SylvesterFostoriawd. l. shoulder $18.00 -
7,104Stem, AmandaTiffinwidow $30.00 -
105,448Stewart, Francis R.Fostoriawd. r. thigh $6.00 -
123,621Stewart, James R.Tiffinwd. r. shoulder & leg $4.00 -
80,049Stimpson, JohnFlat Rockwd. r. shoulder $6.00 -
105,032Stone, HarrietRepublicdep. mother $20.00 Dec., 1867
223,629Stransbaugh, Wm. G.Republicchr. diarr. $4.00 Dec., 1882
118,880Strawman, John G.Fostoriadis. feet $8.00 -
32,519Stroliper, MariaTiffinwidow $8.00 -
90,172Strong, RebeccaGreen Springwidow $8.00 Feb., 1867
118,124Swigart, Wm. H.Bloomvillechr. rheum. $6.00 -
200,492Synder, David W.Fostoriainj. l. knee $4.00 Jan., 1882
47,273Tanner, AugustusAdrianloss l. arm $24.00 -
202,681Teel, John A.Green Springwd. r. shoulder $2.00 Feb., 1882
162,200Teel, Wm. A.Bloomvilledis. eyes $12.00 Aug., 1879
214,280Terwilliger, John M.Flat Rockrheum. $8.00 June, 1882
96,578Thatcher, Wm. P.Republicdis. liver & lungs $14.00 -
107,733Thomas, JacobBettsvilleophthalmia $8.50 -
16,903Thompson, JohnTiffinwd. l. foot $3.00 -
180,524Thorn, CatharineTiffinwidow $8.00 Mar., 1878
45,611Tifft, Geo. G.Fostoriawd. r. thigh, hip, & leg $6.00 -
193,556Tisdale, Chas. C.Republicepilepsy $14.00 July, 1881
204,994Trumbo, PlinyFostoriachr. diarr. & spinal irritat'n. $4.00 Mar., 1882
157,248Tubbs, Geo.Republicwd. r. foot $8.50 Jan., 1879
16,091Turner, Rachel K.Bettsvillewidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
147,807Van Blow, JohnTiffinwd. l. arm $4.00 Aug., 1877
93,217Van Horn, Wilson S.Adrianfrac. l. wrist $4.00 -
140,299Van Nest, JohnTiffinchr. diarr. & dis of abd. visc. $8.00 Aug., 1876
62,276Van Nest, JosephTiffinanchylosis r. knee joint $8.00 -
139,487Van Slack, EllenFostoriawidow $8.00 -
159,810Van Tassel, Sarah A.Green Springdep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1872
76,272Van Vliet, Mary J.Republicwidow $8.00 -
21,797Vanderpool, Geo.Tiffininjury to abdomen $6.00 -
104,379Veon, John F.Tiffinvaricose veins $12.00 -
110,296Vosburgh, Harmon J.Fostoriavaricose veins $12.00 -
27,379Wadams, LucretiaGreen Springwidow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1879
162,072Waggoner, ElizAdriandep. mother $8.00 May, 1873
175,040Wagner, Dan'lTiffininj. of back $8.00 Oct., 1880
104,508Wagner, Fred'kTiffinwd. l. leg $5.00 -
126,953Wahrer, FrankTiffinchr. rheum. & chr. diarr. $6.00 -
96,345Wall, Tabitha J.Republicwidow $8.00 Jan., 1867
187,643Walters, John W.Fort Senecadis. lungs $6.00 Apr., 1881
116,804Watson, ElizaFostoriadep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1868
125,355Watson, Enoch B.Bloomvillewd. head, hand, loss finger $8.00 -
28,507Watson, RuthBloomvillewidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1880
91,747Watson, Thos. A.Bloomvillerheum. $6.00 -
73,316Weaver, AlpheusFostoriawd. r. hand $14.00 -
157,249Weaver, Dan'lFostoriadis. lungs $12.00 Jan., 1879
169,328Weed, David S.Adrianchr. rheum. & dis. heart $24.00 June, 1880
25,056Welsh, SarahFostoriawidow $8.00 -
118,775Wendling, TheresaKansasdep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1868
19,328Werner, FredkFostoriawd. r. thigh $18.00 -
111,954Werner, Wm.Fostoriainj. r. ankle $6.00 -
199,988Westover, SheldonAdrianchr. diarr. $4.00 Dec., 1881
59,248Whealan, JohnTiffinloss l. thigh $24.00 -
123,515Whealon, Patrick S.Tiffindis. lungs & heart $16.00 -
92,736White, Rob'tBloomvillechr. diarr. & phthisis pulmonalis $4.00 -
140,190Whiteman, HarmanTiffindis. liver & rheum. $5.00 Aug., 1876
133,281Whitmore, John A.Carrotherswd. l. thigh & inj. to abdomen $8.00 -
174,791Whitmore, RebeccaTiffindep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1876
12,723Wickerham, Eliz. J.Fostoriawidow $8.00 -
176,331Williams, JohnKansasdep. father $8.00 Feb., 1877
101,956Williams, Richard R.Fostoriawd. r. shoulder $6.00 -
111,632Winch, Francis F.Green Springwd. l. breast & shoulder $10.00 -
189,693Wise, ElizaSiamdep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1880
122,873Wise, HenryFostoriachr. rheum. $4.00 -
178,303Wise, LeviFostoriarheum. & dis. eyes $8.00 Oct., 1880
104,579Wiseman, AndrewFostoriainj. r. knee $18.00 -
159,043Witler, JonathanRepublicchr. gastritis $8.00 Apr., 1879
187,474Woessner, DorotheaFostoriadep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1880
130,961Wolf, Fred'kBloomvillewd. r. leg $6.00 -
62,758Wolf, JacobTiffinwd. l. leg $4.00 -
35,666Wood, Bridget L.Fostoriawidow $8.00 Dec., 1869
91,317Woodruff, Joel G.Republicwd. r. arm $6.00 -
211,632Worman, John J.Fostoriadis. heart & rheum. $6.00 June
132,228Wymer, John F.Fostoriadis. lungs & chr. diarr. $12.00 -
133,729Yates, PorterGreen Springchr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $8.50 -
223,021Yeager, Jacob C.Tiffindis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Dec., 1882
52,581Yeager, Jacob F.Tiffinwd. face $18.00 -
111,295Young, WalterFostoriadis. lungs $12.00 -
127,560Zimmerman, John B.Tiffinchr. diarr. & rheum. $4.00 -
78,044Zimmerman, JosiahKansaswd. face $8.00 -
181,952Zimmerman, RebeccaFostoriawidow $8.00 Sept., 1868
138,981Zuern, Geo.Tiffinchr. diarr. $4.00 -

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