New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Sandusky County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Sandusky County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
29,814Allen, PattyRollersvilledep. mother$8.00Sept, 1864
18,302Amaden, HarrietFremontwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
104,506Anderson, James HClydescurvy & dis. of stomach & spleen$4.00-
216,431Anderson, WilliamLindseydis. of rt. hip$4.00Aug., 1882
196,600Babcock, Daniel, alias JamesClydewidow$12.00June, 1882
122,257Bailey, AnnieClydewidow$8.00Dec., 1868
80,226Balvione, EliasFremontwd. rt. leg$4.00-
15,722Barnes, James WGibsonburghwd. left knee$8.00-
59,784Bartlett, Aaron WClydewd. right hand$8.00-
123,761Bates, Abram WFremontchr. diarr$4.00-
23,003Bay, CatharineFremontwidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1879
98,940Beeman, Marvin AClydeg.s.w. left leg$4.00June, 1882
115,228Beery, John VFremontinjury to abdomen$15.00-
28,320Bender, JacksonLindseywd. rt shoulder$8.00-
158,218Bennett, Charles HGibsonburghg.s.w. of rt. knee$1.00Mar., 1879
14,436Binkley, MelanchtonFremontwd. left foot$8.00-
24,512Bixler, NancyFremontwidow$8.00-
150,544Blosser, SamuelBurgoonpartial loss 3d finger left hand and chr. Diarr$8.00-
124,047Bohler, PeterFremontg.s.w. left leg$6.00-
22,319Booth, Mary MClydewidow$8.00-
85,865Bower, William DFremontg.s.w. left thigh$12.00-
5,274Brinkerhoff, SarahFremontwidow 1812$8.00-
147,200Burgess, Roswell SFremontw. of back$2.00July, 1877
20,434Burket, SophiaRollersvillewidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
15,486Burrough, AngelineFremontwidow$8.00-
28,710Caldwell, LucindaFremontwidow$8.00-
146,303Cane, SamuelLindseypartial deafness$2.00-
109,088Caricorn, PeterFremontchr. rheum & dropsy$12.00-
135,506Carley, JohnFremontdis. of bowels$4.00-
23,741Carpenter, AlasonFremontsurv. 1812$8.00Aug., 1878
32,790Carpenter, Mary AFremontwidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1882
78,021Carpenter, Mary ALindseywidow$8.00Mar., 1867
219,899Chapman, James FClydechr. diarr$15.00Oct., 1882
3,508Charles, AlmanFremontvertigo, rest. of sunstroke$4.00Jan., 1863
25,018Chroninger, SusannaMillersvillewidow 1812$8.00June, 1879
220,839Clark, LeanderFremontmalarial poisoning & res. of$6.00Nov., 1882
19,244Clinefelder, Sarah ABurgoonwidow$8.00Aug., 1867
114,263Collins, JohnFremontg.s.w. top head$8.00-
26,784Cone, ArmenalFremontwidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1879
13,443Coonrod, SarahVickerywidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1878
32,538Covert, RachelClydewidow 1812$8.00June, 1882
129,541Crandal, MarshalClydeg.s.wd. rt. hand$2.00-
180,240Crann, Henrietta LBurgoonmother$8.00Mar., 1878
186,119Crann, Leander MBurgoondis. of abdominal viscera$12.00Apr., 1881
55,346Davis, CharlesFremontw.r. arm, hand, & l. side$14.00-
117,878Davis, FrancisFremontvaric. conditi. of l. sper. vein$3.00-
3,203Deal, DavidFremontsurv. 1812$8.00Aug., 1871
169,670Dilenschenider, JosFremontg.s.w. l. thigh & chr. diarr$10.00June, 1880
112,471Donnell, JamesHelenachr. diarr & dis. spine$7.50-
119,352Down, IsaacHelenachr. diarr$4.00-
175,456Easterwood, CharlesFremontdis. of heart$2.00Oct., 1880
183,221Eaton, Mary HClydewidow$20.00Mar., 1879
11,609Evans, ElizabethFremontwidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
53,360Faugboner, JohnLindseywd. r. knee$4.00Nov., 1865
67,602Fergeson, WilliamFremontw. head & result loss of r. eye and dis of brain$8.00-
216,171Fitch, John GFremontdis. of abdominal viscera$4.00Aug., 1882
159,994Fletcher, La QuinoFremontg.s.w. r. arm$2.00May, 1879
88,644Flowers, Charls. FFremontw. l. leg and hip$18.00-
144,113Fowler, Benjamin FGibsonburghinjury to abdomen$8.00Mar., 1877
750Francisco, CatharineFremontwidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1871
6,994Francisco, James RFremontchr. diarr$8.00-
90,204Frech, MathewFremontw. l. knee & reslt. var. veins$12.00-
16,877Friar, HenryGibsonburghloss sight of l. eye affecting sight of r. eye$6.00Sept., 1863
431George, JosephClydesurv., 1812$8.00June, 1871
107,622Gephart, GeoFremontchr. diarr & dis of abd. vis$8.00-
186,208Gilyer, FrederickFremontg.s.w. r. arm$2.00Apr., 1881
102,048Ginther, JohnFremontw. r. shoul, side & left arm$12.00-
96,227Golden, Caroline GBurgoonwidow$8.00-
49,797Gould, BradleyClydeloss l. eye & use r. arm$18.00-
29,065Grabel, NancyFremontwidow$8.00-
125,552Griggs, Harvey WVickeryw. r. arm & l. hand$6.00-
16,836Grover, MargaretFremontwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
156,672Grubs, SarahClydewidow$8.00Mar., 1872
162,905Gurst, Geo. W.Fremontg.s.w. r. arm$2.00Oct., 1879
216,887Hafford, James HFremontinj. of back & partial paral.$15.00Aug., 1882
11,755Hafford, SarahFremontwidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
56,242Hanson, Sarah PFremontwidow$17.00Sept., 1865
159,035Harris, SusanClydewidow$8.00July, 1872
142,331Hawk, LewisFremontwidow$10.00Apr., 1870
91,764Haydon, OliverClydemeasles, whooping cough, &c$8.00-
129,467Hershey, Oliver PFremontwd. left wrist$2.00-
25,534Higley, HezekiahClydesurv. 1812$8.00Dec., 1880
111,634Hines, ThomasClydeinjury to abdomen$8.00-
79,406Holcomb, Eliza MClydewidow$8.00Aug., 1867
53,438Hoorer, JosephClydeloss r. forearm & g.s.w. l. wrist$24.00Aug., 1866
139,303Huffman, MichaelFremontinj. rt. forearm$5.00May, 1876
69,864Indlekofer, CunigundiFremontwidow$8.00-
32,901Jackson, William HClydewd. rt. arm$18.00-
174,086Jarvis, AlbertFremontinjury to abdomen$2.00Sept., 1880
223,328Jones, HezekiahMillersvilleg.s.w. l. thi$2.00Dec., 1882
118,668Kane, HenryLindseywd. rt shoulder & rt. thigh$8.00-
188,212Keil, WmWoodvilleg.s.w. of left thigh$1.00May, 1881
32,914Kelsey, James MClydewd. left breast$18.00-
92,846Kimble, JuliusClydesurg'l treatment, inj. back$8.00-
22,127Kline, AndrewFremontwd. l. shoulder$15.00-
19,783Klushman, BarbaraLindseywidow$8.00-
10,304Knapp, CatharineFremontwidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1878
104,812Kramb, Henry JLindseychr. rheumatism$18.00-
137,185Levinstine, FrederickFremontwidow$8.00Dec., 1869
147,998Lockwood, LacindaFremontwidow$8.00Feb., 1871
16,317Logan, JamesFremontdropsy & chr. diarr$6.00-
193,171Long, MatildaFremontwidow$8.00Aug., 1881
104,838Lord, Alexander RClydechr. diarr$5.66 1/2-
31,545Macomber, Geo. W.Fremontampt. l. leg$18.00-
115,457Mahlon, AugustFremontloss index finger r. hand$3.00-
116,294Maurer, WilliamFremontw. left wrist$3.00-
133,493May, HiramClydewidow$8.00Mar., 1869
80,382May, MargaretFremontwidow$8.00Mar., 1872
159,997McCreery, WmTownsendchr. diarr$6.00May, 1879
23,363McElroy, EmiraClydewidow$8.00-
110,502McKinley, ElizaClydewidow$8.00Mar., 1868
165,856McPherson, CynthiaClydewidow$50.00Aug., 1874
182,576Miller, EllenFremontwidow$8.00Nov., 1878
81,483Miller, JohnFremontw. of face$4.00-
94,108Miller, Wm. AFremontw. of left thigh$8.00-
220,102Millions, HomerFremonttotal deafness r. ear$1.00Nov., 1882
124,336Millions, MarcellusFremontdis. of heart$4.00-
32,153Millions, Mary AFremontwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1882
183,210Mitchell, Robert AHelenag.s.w. neck & back$7.50Feb., 1881
128,839Mitchell, UriahLindseypalpitation heart$4.00-
120,555Moore, Le RoyClydechr. rheum$10.00-
97,299Morrill, James HClydeinj. l. kidney & spine$12.00-
98,302Murry, LavinaLindseywidow$8.00Oct., 1867
163,419Muth, MariaFremontwidow$8.00Dec., 1875
118,528Myers, EdwardBlack Swampwd. of rt shoulder$6.00-
13,823Myers, Geo.Fremontw. s. leg$6.00-
222,359Naylor, William PRollersvilleg.s.w. l. thigh$4.00Dec., 1882
112,025Neason, Anvinette BFremontwidow$8.00Apr., 1865
201,583Nesbit, JamesFremontdis. of eyes$8.00Jan., 1881
25,882Odell, CyrusWoodvillewd. below knee joint$8.00-
125,685Ott, ValentineClydescurvy & results$2.00-
125,789Overmyer, HomerLindseyinjury to abdomen$4.00-
149,317Parish, John EFremontwd. r. shoulder$2.00Nov., 1877
204,862Parrish, IsaacFremontg.s.w. of r. shoulder$4.00Mar., 1882
80,117Perrin, Phebe MClydewidow$8.00Jan., 1869
39,222Pool, Sarah AClydewidow$17.00-
55,735Poorman, WmFremontw. of face & chr. diarr$8.00-
63,944Potter, Jeremiah AFremontwidow$8.00-
20,901Prior, MaryFremontwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
16,559Rawson, FannyFremontwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
200,352Ream, JonathanHelenacamp fever, diarr, & result. Dis of kidneys & liver$4.00Jan., 1882
28,940Rearick, John EFremontwd. r. knee$2.00-
119,404Reed, Levi BClydedis. of lungs and heart$24.00-
62,007Reidy, IrenaClydewidow$8.00-
79,494Rinehart, Amenia EClydewidow$8.00Oct., 1867
168,702Robber, ChristinaClydewidow$8.00Apr., 1875
31,779Robinson, ElizabethClydewidow 1812$8.00June, 1881
217,789Rock, GeorgeBlack Swampvaricose veins legs & chr. dia$8.00Sept., 1882
217,896Rogers, MosesFremontpharyngetes, res. of measles$2.00Sept., 1882
163,581Rooney, MichaelFremontg.s.w. both hips$4.00Nov., 1879
163,236Roush, Henry JRollersvillediarr. & dis. of left hip$8.00Oct., 1879
75,227Rowe, SusanLindseywidow$8.00-
136,439Royce, George SGibsonburghwd. r. leg$4.00Aug., 1877
133,126Royer, Sam'lClydew. l. leg$6.00Apr., 1875
45,400Russell, Obid CRollersvillew. l. foot$2.00-
193,060Ryane, NathanClydechr. diarr$4.00July, 1881
58,121Scanlon, JohnFremontwd. l. arm$18.00-
14,212Schill, JohnFremontwd. r. arm$4.00-
49,017Schwartz, JosephFremontwd. r. leg$8.00-
134,574Scott, ElijahClydediarr. & rheum l. side$6.00July, 1875
32,672Secor, LaurettaClydewidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1882
87,902Shaft, Charles FClydewd. left hand$8.00-
108,135Shell, AbsalomFremontchri. diarr & debility$4.00-
126,619Shell, JonathanFremontw. r. foot$2.00Feb., 1874
116,139Sherwood, Wm. DFremontchr. diarr$4.25-
52,610Shindoff, JosephBurgoonwd. rt. breast$8.00-
133,399Shoalts, JacobClydeinjury to spine$4.00-
8,830Shorts, HubertClydechr. diarr & tubercular consump.$18.00Feb., 1858
201,089Shuman, JohnFremontg.s.w. r. foot$2.00Jan., 1882
210,112Simerson, AlonzoClydechr. diarr. & dis. of lungs$6.00May, 1882
87,628Sinclair, Maria CFremontwidow$15.00-
184,990Smith, Caroline MFremontwidow$8.00July, 1879
15,157Smith, ElizabethFremontwidow$8.00May, 1864
175,687Smith, FlorianFremontg.s.w. rt. knee$2.00Oct., 1889
170,960Smith, John OClydewidow$10.00Nov., 1875
178,563Smith, LeviClydechr. diarr & resulting dis. of kidneys and lungs$8.00Nov., 1880
102,219Snyder, Samuel A. J.Fremontrheum. l. hip & knee$10.00-
151,861Snyder, SusannahFremontwidow$8.00July, 1871
145,952Spieldenner, FrankBlack Swampchr. diarr$2.00-
153,218Spohn, JoelFremontg.s.w. nose$2.00May, 1878
133,608Spokn, DanielHelenainjury to abdomen$6.00May, 1875
128,725Sprout, SamuelMillersvillechr. catarrh$2.00-
190,952Stark, EmmaClydewidow$8.00Jan., 1881
50,733Stevens, James MLindseyloss l. arm$25.00-
19,472Stevens, Winfield SLindseywd. r. shoulder$18.00-
139,646Stevenson, WilliamClydewd. left shoulder$2.00-
33,443Stewart, Mary LFremontwidow$8.00Oct., 1864
123,225Stine, ReubenFremontchr. rheum$6.00-
188,339Stoll, JohnFremontdis. of lungs$4.00May, 1881
134,796Sturtevant, AntonetteClydewidow$8.00Sept., 1869
76,714Sturtevant, Russell ZClydesunstroke, res. dis. of brain$10.00-
7,353Swank, SarahFremontwidow$8.00Nov., 1874
63,572Sweet, DanTownsendg.s.w. l. arm$2.00-
124,117Sweet, EuniceTownsenddep. mother$8.00Jan., 1869
8,127Swint, HenryFremontchr. diarr$3.00-
191,865Thomas, HerbertRollersvillepleurisy$4.00June, 1881
20,897Thompson, MarthaFremontwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
32,412Thompson, MarthaFremontwidow 1812$8.00May, 1882
25,283Tillotson, SophiaClydewidow$20.00June, 1864
50,999Timanus, Richard HClydewd. r. ilium$4.00-
115,987Titus, Giles JWoodvillewd. rt. hip$8.00-
211,829Tuckerman, JohnFremontinjury of r. ankle$2.00June, 1882
124,760Tyler, John WFremontulcer l. leg, result of fever$4.00-
119,266Tyler, Morris EFremontwd. in face$20.00-
173,938Underhill, HarlowFremontinjury to abdomen$8.00Sept., 1880
53,489Vandike, HenryFremontw. l. hand$4.00-
182,070Walters, JosephFremontg.s.w. l. arm$2.00Feb., 1881
124,929Wanrer, SamuelLindseychr. diarr$4.00-
15,783Ward, William SClydewd. of lft. foot$4.00-
77,868Warner, EstherClydewidow$8.00-
135,849Watterson, Cornelia AClydewidow$17.00Oct., 1869
156,258Webster, Samuel HFremontwd. l. shoulder$2.00Nov., 1878
117,366Welker, GeorgeClydechr. diarr & epilepsy$8.00-
11,305Werner, RebeccaWoodvillewidow$8.00-
10,430West, RoxannaClydewidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1878
27,461White, Mary FClydewidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1879
24,953White, Nancy JClydewidow$15.00-
147,376Will, George HFremontwidow$8.00Jan., 1871
117,791Williams, Geo. FFremontw. r. arm & loss little finger$8.50-
185,919Williamson, Mary EFremontwidow$8.00Oct., 1879
159,867Wilson, EzekielLindseyg.s.w. l. thigh$4.00May, 1878
545Witmer, HarrietFremontwidow$8.00-
121,254Wolf, MarkusFremontchr. diarr & chr. hepatitis 10 & rheum. & neuragia-
1,686Worst, HannahFremontwidow$8.00-
140,856Wright, FranklinGibsonburghwd. r. thigh$4.00-
175,041Wright, LafayetteClydevaricose veins l. leg & foot$6.00-
46,901Wytt, Marvin BClydewd. of groin$8.00-
179,274Young, AnthonyFremontchr. diarr$4.25-
138,134Yount, HannahRollersvillewidow$8.00Jan., 1870
67,267Ziegler, LewisFremontloss 2nd finger r. hand$4.00-
95,761Zimmerman, ElizabethRollersvillewidow$8.00June, 1867
96,136Zimmerman, LewisFremontw. r. scapula & arm$6.00-

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