New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Miami County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Miami County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
201,790Ainlin, JamesPiquainjury both hands$2.00Jan. 1882
213,942Ainsworth, RobertPiquawound left hip$4.00June 1882
34,505Alexander, Melville W.Piquawound right arm$2.00-
24,211Allen, MerabPiquawidow 1812$8.00May 1879
223,652Altick, John P.Potsdamdisease of eyes$4.00Dec. 1882
21,241Amos, Mary A.Piquawidow$8.00-
8,089Anderson, ElizabethTroywidow 1812$8.00Aug. 1878
154,136Arnold, Henry J.West Miltonwound left thigh$6.00July 1878
121,769Ashton, Mary P.Piquawidow$10.00Dec. 1868
213,809Bagford, JohnAlconyg.s.w. forearm$4.00June 1882
28,006Baker, Sarepta M.Piquawidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1879
59,616Baldock, LafayettePiquawound left arm$18.00-
51,081Banman, JacobTroyinjury to back$8.00-
192,971Barr, Nicholas M.Piquainjury of eyes$2.00July 1881
173,276Barrett, Edwin P.Troydisease of abdominal viscera$6.00Sept. 1880
112,526Barrett, Russell C.Covingtondisease of lungs & liver$18.00-
189,086Bauschepper, HenryPiquawounds left thigh & left leg$6.00May 1881
177,020Beach, John L.Pleasant Hilldeafness of both ears, nearly total$4.00Oct. 1880
165,501Beall, Chas. F.West Miltonwound left hip$2.00Mar. 1880
60,721Beamer, JohnFletcherwound right leg$4.00-
207,956Beck, William C.Bradforddisease of lungs$8.00May 1882
144,076Benjamin, JohnTippecanoe Citydisease of lungs$4.00-
190,580Betzler, GeorgeFletcherdisease of lungs$4.00June 1881
77,923Bevington, JaneCovingtonwidow$8.00-
54,691Bevington, SamuelCovingtonwound left leg$2.00-
180,440Billow, Milton S.Pleasant Hilldisease of lungs$6.00Jan. 1881
149,715Blackford, JohnFletcherwound right leg$4.00-
173,972Bond, WilliamPiquawound left knee$4.00Sept. 1880
150,098Bortz, JacobPotsdamwound left shoulder & arm$1.00Dec. 1877
145,881Bortz, JonasPotsdamdependent father$8.00Nov. 1870
183,191Bottorff, DavidCovingtondisease of heart$6.00Feb. 1881
206,128Bowles, DavidPiquawound right foot, back & shoulder, saber cut right cheek$4.00Apr. 1882
23,308Bowman, Samuel C.Piquawound right leg$4.00-
142,896Boyce, TheodoreTippecanoe Citywound left hand$4.00-
22,106Brandon, Richard W.Pleasant Hillopacity of cornea$31.25-
104,706Brandon, Samuel H.Pleasant Hillwound left arm$17.25-
56,995Brown, Martin L.Covingtonwound left thumb & leg$10.00Jan. 1866
177,770Bryant, NancyTroydependent mother$8.00June 1877
55,066Bunz, BarbaraPiquawidow$20.00-
124,632Burke, Margaret M.Troydependent mother$8.00Feb. 1869
58,242Burkett, JesseTroyloss left leg$18.00-
153,524Butcher, CharlesPiquawound back, disease of eyes$24.00June 1878
157,995Butt, George W.Covingtonwound right thigh$4.00Mar. 1879
155,772Butterfield, AmosCovingtonchronic diarrhea, & disease of lungs$8.00-
164,436Byrkett, Ahijah B.Troywound left ankle & shoulder wound left shoulder$3.00Jan.1 880
50,994Byrkett, Francis M.Tippecanoe Citywound left arm$18.00-
157,762Byrkett, William F.Troywound left side & neck$2.00Mar. 1879
147,515Cable, Isaac WPleasant Hillchronic diarrhea$6.00-
21,410Chapman, CalvinCovingtonwound left hand$6.00-
33,982Chase, David R.West Miltongranulated eyelids$8.00-
44,443Clapp, IsaacPleasant Hillwound in head$10.00-
70,891Clark, RosannahCovingtonwidow$8.00-
202,484Class, John C.Fletcherdisease of lungs$2.00Dec. 1877
101,587Clifton, Mary C.Tippecanoe Citywidow$8.00Oct. 1867
3,348Coleman, Julius A.Troywound left thigh$5.00-
222,235Collins, George B.Tippecanoe Cityinjury to abdomen$4.00Dec. 1882
67,238Collins, PhebePiquawidow$8.00-
77,317Collins, WilliamTippecanoe Cityfracture right leg$4.00-
17,732Conrad, MaryPiquawidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1879
130,425Converse, Daniel H.Tippecanoe Citydisease of eyes$24.00-
49,437Cooper, JohnTroywound left lung$14.00-
55,748Crapsey, JacobPiqualoss left arm$18.00-
92,806Cress, Eliza A.Troydependent mother$8.00Apr. 1867
13,706Culbertson, Rhoda J.Troywidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1878
146,914Curtis, SamuelTroyinjury to abdomen$4.00-
47,890Dabus, LeonardFletcherwound right side face$8.00Jan. 1867
46,411De Bra, Daniel W.Pleasant Hillwound left arm$12.00-
222,330Denman, Jos.Piquadisease of kidneys & liver$8.00Dec. 1882
108,152Detrick, George F.Piquawound left thigh$6.00-
52,925Dill, LewisPiquainjury right legs$8.00-
218,669Diltz, DavidCovingtonchronic diarrhea$8.50Oct. 1882
137,624Dollinger, George S.Covingtonshell wound right thigh$2.00-
48,545Dollinger, John S.Covingtonwound right foot$8.00-
200,518Dollison, SilasTroyfracture right leg$2.00Jan. 1882
118,419Doubler, AdamTroyvaricose veins$8.00-
17,586Douglass, WilliamBradforddisease of spine$6.00-
3,246Drury, Harriet E.Troydependent mother$20.00-
83,316Duncan, WilliamWest Miltonwound left arm$2.66 2/3-
148,891Dunham, James C.Covingtondisease of throat$5.00-
166,777Ely, George W.Pleasant Hillchronic diarrhea, resulting disease of abdominal viscera$12.00Apr. 1880
153,645Emrich, JohnTippecanoe Citywound left hip$6.00May 1878
86,248Emrick, SusannahTroydependent mother$8.00Nov. 1866
34,691Erdemiller, Margaret E.Troydependent mother$17.00Nov. 1864
215,295Esty, James H.Troywound left leg, varicose veins$4.00July 1882
97,375Etter, LeviBradforddisease of eyes$6.00Mar. 1869
69,871Evans, ThomasPiquawound right side$4.00-
31,148Evans, William A.Troywound left arm & shoulder$24.00-
200,661Falkner, LeviCovingtonwound right thigh$2.00Jan. 1882
60,302Farling, HenryPotsdamwound left thigh$6.00-
203,755Farmer, Jos.Piquadisease of spine$4.00Mar. 1882
180,372Feltenberger, SarahTippecanoe Citydependent mother$8.00Mar. 1878
157,217Flammer, BernardCovingtonwound right thigh$2.00Jan. 1879
192,825Flesh, MosesPiquawound right arm & forearm$4.00July 1881
61,537Fletcher, Chester B.Covingtonwound left tibia$4.00Apr. 1865
40,933Folker, SamuelWest Miltonwound right leg, resulting atrophy$24.00Feb. 1869
121,183Fouts, JohnWest Miltonwound left lung$16.00Aug. 1873
151,100Fraley, Daniel W.Troywound right side$4.00Feb. 1878
41,649Frank, Samuel D.Troywound left elbow$18.00Apr. 1865
9,704Freaker, WilliamCovingtonchronic pleurisy, resulting in lung disease$8.00-
59,158Freshom, WilliamCovingtonwound right leg$20.00-
107,107Funk, AlbertTroydisease right eye$4.00Dec. 1870
69,849Funk, AnnaTippecanoe Citydependent mother$8.00Apr. 1866
187,869Gahagan, Hannah M.Troydependent mother$19.00Apr. 1880
219,316Gear, HarrisonPiquawound right knee & pleurisy$4.00Oct. 1882
48,937Gearhart, DrusillaPiquawidow$8.00-
196,568Georghegan, JamesPiquadisease of eyes, injury right shoulder$8.00Oct. 1881
6,660Gilbert, RebeccaCovingtonwidow$8.00-
179,480Gordon, RobertPleasant Hillinjury right hip$7.00Dec. 1880
161,908Gorman, John A.Troyrheumatism$4.00Aug. 1879
40,931Green, GeorgeTroyloss left leg$18.00Apr. 1865
28,309Grosvenor, FrancesTroywidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1879
156,353Grosvenor, Royal W.Piquawound right thigh$2.00Nov. 1882
61,086Gump, JacobFletcherwound right thigh$2.00May 1871
167,462Haines, SamuelPiquaeffects of sciatica, nerve of right side$4.00May 1880
19,778Hall, Harvey W.Laurachronic synovitis$2.66 2/3Nov.1863
48,143Hammon, Richard H.Piquawound left arm$12.00-
20,568Hard, CinderellaPiquawidow$8.00-
71,927Harris, MaryAllen'swidow$8.00-
84,425Harrison, John C.Bradfordconjunctivitis both eyes$8.00-
141,562Harter, Barton S.Tippecanoe Citywound of head$4.00-
145,507Hazen, AugustusTroyloss sight left eye & varicose veins right leg$8.00-
121,180Hellopeter, BenjaminCovingtonwound left hip$8.00Nov. 1876
215,950Helpman, DavidTroychronic diarrhea & diseased abdominal viscera$6.00July 1882
10,638Hetzler, Margaret A.Fletcherwidow 1812$8.00July 1871
21,347Hiatt, ElizabethAllen'swidow 1812$8.00Mar. 1879
105,921Hicksenhytzer, John J.Ellemanswound right arm$4.00Oct. 1870
110,305Hill, Josiah L.Fletcherwound right arm$8.00-
173,170Hollinger, Frederick A.Piquawound right thigh$2.00Sept.1 880
48,765Hunt, GustavusPiquawound left thigh$2.00-
75,152Hurse, MaryTroydependent mother$8.00-
128,545Hutchins. Joseph P.Troyinsanity$31.25June 1874
215,173Iddings, Jefferson D.Pleasant Hillpartial loss index finger, g.s.w.$2.00July 1882
90,444Ingalls, JoshuaCovingtonwound right lung$16.00-
12,975Ireland, ElvinsWest Miltonwidow$20.00-
4,253Jacobs, MargaretPiquawidow$8.00-
219,917Johnson, Andrew J.Covingtonwould left hand$4.00Oct. 1882
206,842Johnson, WilliamPiquawound left leg$2.00Apr. 1882
187,456Jones, BiddyWest Miltonwidow$8.00Mar. 1880
96,686Jones, PeterPiquaconsumption$4.00Apr. 1869
53,495Jordan, La Roy S.Piquawound right side$4.00Nov. 1854
42,785Kauffman, Jeremiah D.Covingtonwound right eye, &c.$18.00May 1865
197,025Kaufman, JohnBradfordwound of both hips$4.00Oct. 1881
4,537Kearns, Jos.Piquasurvivor 1812$8.00Sept. 1871
80,276Kelly, EliTroywound left side of chest$11.25-
223,463Kendell, MadisonCovingtonlumbago & debility, results of prison life$4.00Dec. 1882
18,843Kessler, AnnaTroydependent mother$8.00-
45,371Kessler, Mary J.Troydependent mother$8.00-
201,547Kessler, William H.West Miltonwound left leg & loss sight right eye$6.00Jan. 1882
111,565Kiefer, SamuelPiquamental imbecility$31.25-
187,021Kiliani, ElizabethTroydependent mother$10.00Feb. 1880
93,902Kimble, NancyTroydependent mother$8.00May 1867
827Kirkpatrick, RebeccaCasstownwidow$8.00-
183,031Kiser, WilliamCovingtoninjury to abdomen$8.00Feb. 1881
98,382Kiser, William I.Fletcherwound right leg$6.00-
82,795Knapp, BenjaminTroyinjury to abdomen$6.00-
181,104Kunkehman, LucindaWest Miltondependent mother$8.00May 1878
-Kunz, WilliamWest Miltonwound left arm$8.00-
123,351Landis, Isaac A.Troywound left wrist & right knee$8.00-
14,341Lane, PeterFletchersurvivor 1812$8.00Mar. 1872
36,447Larger, AppaloniaPiquawidow$8.00-
2,703Leavell, BarbaraTroydependent mother$8.00-
197,672Lee, MarthaPleasant Hillwidow$8.00Nov. 1882
138,225Lent, Daniel H.Piquawound left leg$4.00-
84,426Leonard, MorganCovingtonwound left leg$6.00-
118,529Lewis, JamesWest Miltonwound right hand$8.00-
74,109Lewis, Jos.Troywound left arm, injury left chest and heart and epilepsy$14.00-
151,401Licklider, David E.Piquaax wound left thigh$4.00Mar. 1878
215,809Liedel, WilliamTroywound left thigh$6.00July 1882
64,230Lind, Robert L.Troywound left hand$3.00-
222,181Lindsay, Charles W.Covingtoninjury to right knee$2.00Dec. 1882
89,446Linggen, Christian B. F.Covingtoninjury right knee$2.66 2/3-
125,798Logan, ElizabethTroydependent mother$10.00-
205,679Long, AdamCovingtonchronic diarrhea, disease abdominal viscera$4.00Mar. 1882
65,524Louthan, William M.Potsdamwound of back & arm$6.00-
86,151Lowery, WilliamWest Miltoninjury of left hip$6.00-
150,797Macey, ObedTroywound of mouth$4.00Jan. 1878
33,450Mahaffey, Grace A.Ellemanswidow$8.00-
12,143Manning, ClarksonAllen'ssurvivor 1812$8.00Feb. 1882
211,886Marietta, JohnPiquachronic bronchitis, chronic diarrhea & disease of abdominal viscera$4.00June 1882
145,158Marshall, JasperPleasant Hillwound left foot$6.00-
23,364Martin, CharlotteTroywidow$8.00-
95,443Martin, Mary E.Covingtonwidow$8.00Aug. 1869
3,843McConnaughey, DianaBrandtwidow$8.00-
42,173McConnell, SarahLaurawidow$8.00-
37,712McDonald, LeanderTroychronic diarrhea$2.00-
34,930McFall, Andrew J.Troywound right shoulder$4.00-
21,741McKinley, MaryAllen'swidow 1812$8.00Mar. 1879
154,502McNeely, MartinPiquawound left arm$2.00July 1878
23,904Miller, EliasPiquasurvivor 1812$8.00Aug. 1878
189,603Miller, ElizabethFletcherwidow$8.00Feb. 1867
134,498Miller, MichaelBradfordchorea$72.00July 1875
189,823Miller, SamuelWest Miltondisease of eyes$4.00June 1881
175,375Minnick, ValentinePleasant Hillwound right foot, & injury right side$4.00Oct. 1880
180,617Minton, James O.Pleasant Hillwound right forearm$2.00Jan. 1881
8,218Mooney, EdwardCovingtonsurvivor 1812$8.00Nov. 1871
189,616Morgan, IsaacPiquadisease of eyes$14.00June 1881
82,278Morris, Mary N.Troydependent mother$8.00Aug. 1866
200,475Morton, Jos.West Mintonloss 2 toes right foot$2.00May 1882
173,543Muchmore, Thomas H.Piquairritation of brain & spinal cord, prison life$8.00Sept. 1880
88,566Myers, BarbaraFletcherdependent mother$8.00-
172,288Myers, HenryPleasant Hillwound of head$2.00Aug. 1880
193,851Nasmyth, Alexand. H.Troywidow$12.00Dec. 1881
141,815Nicodemus, HarrisonCovingtonwound left thigh$4.00-
52,694North, AmosPleasant Hillophtahalmia$18.00-
25,276North, ElizabethTroywidow 1812$8.00June 1879
91,855Oberly, DanielTroywound neck$31.25-
94,895Owen, LeviTippecanoe Cityinjury right shoulder$4.00-
149,893Palsgrove, TilmanPleasant Hillinjury right wrist$8.00Dec. 1877
178,505Pardue, Harrison L.Piquachronic diarrhea & injury to back$8.00Nov. 1880
128,247Patterson, DavidBradfordwidow$10.00Apr. 1869
70,997Patterson, Jos. M.Piqualoss right arm$24.00-
21,670Patty, William H.Pleasant Hillwound right side$12.00-
180,994Paul, Anna B.Troydependent mother$16.00May 1878
151,968Penney, CatharineTroydependent mother$8.00July 1871
8,917Penry, HannahWest Miltonwidow$8.00Nov. 1863
73,514Peppinger, CorneliusPotsdamwound right wrist$8.00-
50,369Perston, William H.Piquascorbutus$8.00-
29,722Pike, CatharineCovingtonwidow 1812$8.00June 1880
158,632Porter, George M.Covingtondisease of heart$6.00Apr. 1879
171,872Porter, Richard N.Covingtonwound of head & left hand$4.00July 1880
167,584Powell, John W.Pleasant Hillwound left side$4.00Apr. 1880
7,981Power, JohnPiquainjury to lungs & diaphragm by being run over by wagon$4.00-
220,931Priest, WilliamTroydisease of eyes & head$4.00Nov. 1882
29,996Purviance, ElizabethCovingtonwidow 1812$8.00July 1880
53,549Ragan, MarthaPiquawidow$8.00-
49,333Ralston, RachelFletcherwidow$12.00July 1880
148,536Rapp, Elijah M.Casstownwound right hand$3.00Oct. 1877
164,345Reddick, SamuelWest Miltonwound right knee$21.00Jan. 1880
182,288Redinbaugh, NancyPiquadependent mother$8.00Oct. 1878
49,154Reiber, JacobPleasant Hillwound left tibia$14.00-
152,962Ress, GeorgePiquainjury to abdomen$6.00May 1878
20,871Reyburn, Ann S.Tippecanoe Citywidow 1812$8.00Mar. 1879
22,464Reynolds, RushCovingtonparalysis lower extremities$24.00-
77,850Rhoden, John R.Tippecanoe Citywound forehead$6.00-
79,682Rike, John L.Piquainjury to right knee$8.00-
29,677Robb, WylieLauraloss right leg$24.00June 1864
96,999Roger, David C.Troywound right leg & right humerus$8.00-
142,118Roney, SilasTroydisease of kidneys$10.75Oct. 1876
106,180Rousch, JacobPiquawound right thigh$6.00-
111,166Ruby, WilliamGinghamsburghloss index finger right hand$2.00-
122,348Rutherford, John H.Casstowninjury to spine & kidneys, resulting disease of kidneys$6.00-
80,642Ryan, Gavin W.Troywound right side$2.00-
25,980Ryan, WilliamBradfordwound of neck$2.00-
208,690Saner, GeorgeTroydisease of eyes$4.00May 1882
12,721Schmidt, MaryPiquawidow$8.00-
119,183Schnell, CharlesTroychronic diarrhea$4.00-
138,580Schobey, WilliamTroywound left leg$4.00-
25,015Scott, WilliamTroysurvivor 1812$8.00Apr. 1879
201,608Scott, WilliamTroywound of head$2.00Jan. 1882
889Shanks, PeterFletchersurvivor 1812$8.00July 1872
136,024Shell, Henry H.Pleasant Hillwound left cheek, neuralgia$6.00-
183,678Shellaberger, DeW. H.Covingtondisease of head, resulting disease of ears$7.50Mar. 1881
125,799Shrall, BarshebaPiquawidow$8.00Mar. 1869
173,936Shue, BenjaminTroydisease of kidneys & bladder$8.00Sept. 1880
43,888Shuler, ConradPiquawound right knee$13.00-
48,016Shuler, William A.Troywound left shoulder$8.00-
42,988Simes, Edward D.Covingtonwound right knee$7.50-
180,186Simes, Thomas J.Covingtonpistol wound right shoulder$1.00Dec. 1880
191,983Small, Mary A.Piquawidow$16.00Apr. 1881
183,970Small, Priscilla J.Piquawidow$17.00Apr.1879
89,762Smith, CatharineFletcherwidow$8.00Nov. 1878
194,984Smith, James H.Piquawound right arm$2.00Aug. 1881
174,067Smith, James P.Covingtoninjury to back & right arm$2.00Sept. 1880
139,649Smith, PhilipCovingtonwound right knee$5.00-
119,579Smith, Randolph E.Piquawound right shoulder$6.00-
168,165Smith, Samuel M.Troyurinary fistula from abscess of perineum$31.25May 1880
191,008Smithman, William H.West Miltonwound right knee$6.00June 1881
72,956Smittle, CatharinePleasant Hillwidow$8.00-
161,986Speelman, Benjamin F.Covingtonwound left thigh$4.00Aug. 1879
180,294Speelmann, GeorgeCovingtonwound right thigh$1.00Dec. 1880
186,136Spencer, Priscilla M.Troywidow$12.00Nov. 1879
122,022Stahl, SusanCovingtonwidow$8.00Dec. 1868
169,640Starry, Levi D.Piquapartial deafness$2.00June 1880
2,778Statler, Samuel K.Piquawound right leg$2.00-
19Statler, SarahTroywidow 1812$8.00June 1871
55,714Street, Nancy A.Piquawidow$8.00-
205,985Stuhlman, HenryPotsdamwound left arm$2.00Apr. 1882
33,845Swindler, Harry H.Tippecanoe Citywound left arm$4.00-
139,946Swisher, AlexanderLauradisease of heart$10.00-
159,623Taylor, Elizabeth C.Covingtonwidow$10.00Sept. 1872
149,412Teverbaugh, SolomonPiquawound left thumb$50.00Nov.1 877
154,180Thompson, James L.Piquawound left arm$2.00July 1878
87,646Thompson, MaryCovingtonwidow$8.00Dec. 1866
175,666Thompson, ReubenPleasant Hilldisease of heart from measles$2.00Oct. 1880
54,320Thompson, SamuelPiquawound right hand$6.00-
295,565Toms, George O.Troyinjury to abdomen$7.50Mar. 1882
149,123Tyler, AaronPiquadependent father$8.00June 1873
188,171Ullery, David S.Polowound left breast & shoulder$6.00May 1881
7,412Ullery, ElizabethTroywidow 1812$8.00July 1879
169,643Vose, David L.West Miltondisease of eyes$6.00June 1880
155,405Wade, John W.Fletcherdisease of lungs$6.00Sept. 1878
49,704Walker, Henry C.Pleasant Hillwound left leg$8.00-
92,632Walters, HannahEllemansdependent mother$8.00Mar. 1869
177,911Walton, Fred'k. W.Piquachronic diarrhea$10.00Oct. 1880
49,705Warner, DavidTroywound right leg$8.00-
9,320Waters, Alonzo M.Piquaeffects of brain fever$6.00-
203,083Watson, Josiah P.Troypartial deafness, results of malaria & catarrh$1.00Feb. 1882
10,322Weatherhead, ElizabethTroywidow 1812$8.00Oct. 1878
6,761Weatherhead, MargaretTroywidow 1812$8.00Apr. 1876
14,643Weaver, ElizabethTroywidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1879
2,438Webb, JohnCasstownsurvivor 1812$8.00Aug. 1871
180,157Weddle, OliverPleasant Hillwidow$12.00Feb. 1878
82,128Weldy, HazelWest Charlestoninjury to spinal column$2.00-
36,516Werts, Mary A.Allen'swidow$8.00-
206,727Wesco, HenryAlconydiseased abdominal viscera, dyspepsia$6.00Apr. 1882
112,686Wesler, John J.Tippecanoe Citychronic diarrhea & rheumatism$3.00-
49,489Wheaton, Benjamin B.Allen'swidow$4.00-
22,790Wherfel, Jacob B.Troyinjury to hip & paralysis left leg$4.00-
48,017Whitaker, Levi W.Covingtonwound left foot$6.00-
205,072Whiteside, Franklin W.Troywound left thigh, right leg$6.00Mar. 1882
52,750Whitmer, George W.Pleasant Hillwound of neck$8.00-
147,075Whittaker, LouisaTroywidow$8.00Apr. 1869
66,438Widmer, EllenTroywidow$17.00Mar. 1866
15,920Wiler, Jerome B.Troy-$20.00Aug. 1863
82,534Williams, Henry H.Troyparalysis right leg$24.00-
177,371Williams, IsaacTroywidow$10.00May 1877
22,899Williamson, HenryBradfordsurvivor 1812$8.00July 1878
94,627Winans, John C.Troyinjury to elbow$14.00Dec. 1868
104,377Wintersteen, ManvilleTroywound left side chest$6.00-
175,693Wissinger, AugustusWest Miltonchronic diarrhea$2.00Oct. 1880
27,382Wolcott, SarahAllen'swidow 1812$8.00Oct. 1879
8,646Woods, LutherPiquasurvivor 1812$8.00Nov. 1871
28,949Worley, ElizabethCovingtonwidow 1812$8.00Mar. 1880
210,153Wotter, Hiram, alias Hiram FairbanksBradfordwound left arm & back$6.00May 1882
196,557Wroten, William H.Pleasant Hillwound back, spinal irritation$8.00Oct. 1881
83,314Yingot, Jos.Covingtonwound left side, &c.$6.00-
124,882Young, ElizaEllemanswidow$8.00Feb. 1869
181,019Young, JeannettaCovingtondependent mother$8.00May 1878
67,821Young, Jos.Lauragranulated eyelids$8.00-
26,221Young, NancyWest Charlestonwidow 1812$8.00Aug. 1879
94,309Yount, SamuelPleasant Hillwound left thigh$4.00-
84,949Yount, SolomonCovingtoninjury to heart & lungs$4.00-
68,648Zuck, DavidPiquawound right shoulder$10.00-

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