New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hocking County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Hocking County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
85,817Adcock, Henry SWebb Summitwd.l.forearm $12.00 -
89,728Baird, AmosCarbon Hillwd.right thigh and resulting atrophy of leg and thigh. $8.00 -
68,731Baker, Thomas ELoganwd.r.foot $8.50 -
202,957Beougher, William DRockbridgechr.diarrhea $4.00 Feb., 1882
59,238Blosser, FrederickCarbon Hillinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
73,233Bowlby, ElizaLoganwidow $8.00 -
128,231Brewer, Amos PMondaywd.of back & neck $2.00 -
12,564Brian, SophiaGibesonvillewidow $8.00 -
19,659Brown, SarahS. Bloomingvillewidow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
156,785Brown, Thomas JLogang.s.w.of neck $3.00 Dec., 1878
73,576Buchanan, NathanOrbistonwd.l.leg $6.00 -
71,842Buck, Alfred HSwanwd.left shoulder $6.00 -
32,788Buckingham, Wm. DUnion Furnacewd.r.leg $4.00 -
69,261Campbell, SinerSouth Perrywidow $8.00 -
150,573Carpenter, CatharineSwandept.mother $8.00 May, 1871
86,396Carrel, LebbeusMiddle Forkchr.diarrhea $2.00 -
194,220Cave, Benj. ESouth Perryg.s.w.left shoulder $6.00 Aug., 1881
119,064Charlton, JohnCarbon Hillwd.right shoulder $2.00 -
15,799Cheser, SarahLoganwidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
15,092Clark, ElizabethLoganwidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
216,768Clark, William MMondayg.s.w.r.arm $1.00 Aug., 1882
173,702Clowe, Craven WLoganinjury to abdomen $4.00 Sept., 1880
47,743Collins, Ann ELoganwidow $8.00 May, 1865
148,495Conkle, RachelLoganwidow $8.00 Mar., 1871
77,643Connett, MatildaLogan- $8.00 -
196,679Cooper, JosephusS. Bloomingvilleg.s.w.of face $1.00 Oct., 1881
184,674Crupper, ElishaRockbridgedis.of r.leg $2.00 Mar., 1881
45,602Davis, AmaziahHaydenvilleinjury l foot $6.00 -
56,190Davis, HenryGoredisease of heart $6.00 -
83,342Davis, MaryLoganwidow $8.00 Sept., 1866
67,910Davis, Robt. TSouth Perryinjury to abdomen $4.00 -
113,644Dehaven, MalindaHayneswidow $8.00 May, 1868
94,481Delp, LouisLogang.s.w.right breast $8.00 -
105,804Derr, Thomas JLoganwd.right thigh $6.00 -
221,815Devore, IsaacLoganchr.diarr.& dis.abd.visc $4.00 Dec., 1882
28,343Dunkle, JacobGoreloss right arm above elbow $24.00 -
19,970Evans, ElizabethEnterprisewidow $8.00 Mar., 1879
173,037Evans, Margaret SGorewidow $10.00 Apr., 1876
181,944Fauble, JohnRockbridgedis.of lungs $6.00 Feb., 1881
140,194Ferris, OliverLoganwd.l.shoulder & arm $2.00 Aug., 1876
176,084Fisher, LouisLogang.s.w.r.arm $2.00 Oct., 1880
149,549Floyd, GeorgeSouth Perrychr.rheum.& dis.of heart$18.00Nov., 1877
109,887Floyd, Thaddeus SLoganinjury l.side & back $18.00 -
71,926Fortune, MalindaLaurelvillewidow $8.00 -
174,037Fought, ElizabethGibesonvillewidow $8.00 Jan., 1876
173,185Fox, JacobLogang.s.w.r.shoulder $2.00 Sept., 1880
175,020Friend, AsaSouth breast and stomach and res.gastritis. $12.00 Oct., 1880
33,797Friend, JohnSouth Perryloss l.leg $18.00 Oct., 1864
60,957Friesner, ChristenaLoganwidow $8.00 -
70,848Fuller, William HLoganwd.r.breast & effects $6.00 -
167,723Gabelin, CharlesGoreshell wd.of r.hip and disease of lungs.$8.00 May, 1880
120,139George, JamesGibesonvillewd.r.thigh $6.00 -
65,824Glasgow, CatharineLoganwidow $8.00 -
22,042Green, ElizabethCarbon Hillwidow $8.00 -
141,433Griffin, SylvesterS. Bloomingvillechr.diarrhea$3.00 Sept., 1876
68,268Guess, JasonLoganw.r.shoulder $2.00 July, 1866
43,827Hafler, JosephLoganwd.l.leg & r.thigh $4.00 -
53,943Hamilton, MaryLoganwidow $8.00 -
32,849Hatton, AbrahamGibesonvillechr.rheumatism $1.00 -
67,508Hawken, ElizabethLoganwidow $8.00 -
102,929Herman, GotliebRockbridgewd.r.hand $3.00 Apr., 1870
58,254Hone, Mary ACedar Grovewidow $8.00 -
62,443Hood, AmyGibesonvillewidow $8.00 -
121,185Hood, ThomasGorewd.left arm $4.00 Jan., 1873
185,567Hooper, CatharineIslesboroughwidow $12.00 Sept., 1879
56,656Howdyshell, Samuel SWebb Summitwd.r.hip $12.00 -
45,221Huffman, HileyS. Bloomingvillewidow $8.00 -
193,529Hufford, Nicodemus DLoganchr.diarrhea $10.00 July, 1881
88,568Hull, Zenus ACarbon Hillwd.l.thigh $4.00 -
169,626Huls, William HRockbridgedis.of lungs & liver; chr.diarr., res.dis.of abd.vis. $15.00 June, 1880
174,544Hunsaker, JohnLoganshell wd.r.hand $2.00 Oct., 1880
98,634Hurless, HannahMiddle Forkwidow $8.00 Aug., 1867
116,024Hutchison, ThomasGibesonvillewd.l.thigh $4.00 Mar., 1872
6,468Iler, AnnaRock Housewidow $8.00 -
219,129Iles, George WLogandis.of lungs $2.00 Oct., 1882
103,593Irwin, NaomiLoganwidow $8.00 Nov., 1867
195,072Johnson, BenjaminGoredis.of eyes & resulting total blindness. $72.00 Aug., 1880
114,963Johnson, ElizabethS. Bloomingvillewidow $8.00 June, 1868
6,712Johnson, ElizabethSwanwidow $8.00 Nov., 1875
75,268Johnson, ThomasOrbistonwd.r.hand $4.00 -
174,804Johnston, ElizabethHayneswidow $8.00 Aug., 1876
204,933Jones, JohnLaurelvillechr.rheumatism $6.00 Mar., 1882
191,648Jones, John WLogang.s.w.of left thigh $4.00 June, 1881
137,340Jones, William HLoganwd.r.thigh $6.00 -
33,752Kennedy, WilliamS. Bloomingvillewd.of l.thigh & dis.of abdominal viscera. $8.00 -
184,895Kepler, SusannahWebb Summitdept.mother $8.00 July, 1879
29,049Kinser, DiannaRockbridgewidow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1880
108,920Kontner, Isaac DLoganwd.over l.eye & dis.rectum $12.00 -
69,869Lee, Sarah JSwanwidow $8.00 -
89,947Lehman, DavidLoganwd.r.leg $8.00 -
46,949Lehman, SusannahLoganwidow $8.00 -
195,047Leighty, John WSandrunchr.diarrhea $4.00 Aug., 1881
69,269Lindsey, CatharineHayneswidow $8.00 -
107,443Loomis, Russell JCarbon Hillg.s.w.of right arm $2.00 Apr., 1880
117,364Martin, AlexanderLaurelvillewd.rt.thigh $4.00 -
187,972Matheny, James CHaydenvilleg.s.w.both shoulders $4.00 May, 1881
33,207Mauk, Samuel SSwanloss r.leg $18.00 -
146,526McAllister, IsaacLogan- $8.00 Dec., 1870
13,822McArthur, ByronLoganw.l.shoul.& chest $8.00 -
43,553McBroom, Emily ERock Housewidow $8.00 -
22,060McBroon, RobertGibesonvillesurv. 1812 $8.00 May, 1878
171,778McClelland, SamuelSouth Perrychr.diarrhea $4.00 July, 1880
35,091McDonald, MargaretLoganwidow $8.00 -
7,544McFadden, MarthaS. Bloomingvillewidow $8.00 July, 1881
82,220McGinniss, William SRockbridgewd.l.shoulder & thorax, resulting dis.of lungs. $14.00 -
25,203Metter, HannahHayneswidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
33,206Miller, David ALoganwd.l.hip $18.00 -
175,813Miller, George MHaydenvilleg.s.w.of right leg and thigh and left forearm. $6.00 Oct., 1880
3,599Miller, JacobEwingg.s.w.right tendo achillis $4.00 -
165,842Morlan, Jacob SGibesonvillechr.rheumatism $6.00 Mar., 1880
76,509Mowrey, Emily TSwanwidow $8.00 -
3,981Mowry, CarolineGorewidow $8.00 -
148,878Myers, RhodaLoganwidow $8.00 Mar., 1871
81,280Nutter, Thomas SLoganwd.l.hip $8.00 -
77,599Odell, HannahGibesonvillewidow $8.00 -
23,666Ogden, SarahLoganwidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
23,670Patton, Phebe SHaydenvillewidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
91,679Pierce, ChristopherGibesonvilleloss left thumb $2.00 -
143,826Rainey, DianaS. Bloomingvillewidow $8.00 July, 1870
120,546Raymond, AugustusGibesonvillewd.r.thigh $12.00 -
213,667Redick, WesleySwang.s.w.r.thigh $4.00 Jan., 1882
22,706Reid, MatildaHayneswidow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
121,953Ricketts, Francis ALoganinj.l.shoulder & l.arm $4.00 -
221,041Rizar, John JLogang.s.w.of head over left eye $6.00 Nov., 1882
196,665Rodman, Samuel JLoganulcer on r.foot $2.00 Oct., 1881
218,878Russell, GeorgeS. Bloomingvilledis.of abdomen, with ascites $4.00 Oct., 1882
10,574Schlotterback, JohnSwanamp.l.thigh $24.00 -
59,822Scoville, ElizabethLoganwidow $8.00 -
100,714Sherrin, JeanettaGorewidow $8.00 Oct., 1867
156,690Shields, WilliamGreendalechr.diarrhea $4.00 Nov., 1878
146,337Shoemaker, MargaretLoganwidow $10.00 Dec., 1870
88,647Shultz, SabinaLoganwidow $8.00 Jan., 1867
179,798Skiver, HesterHaydenvillewidow $8.00 Jan., 1878
110,301Slateser, James KGorewd.right leg $6.00 -
126,657Sleigh, Henry CSwanwd.l.thigh $8.00 -
181,750Smart, IsabelleGorewidow $14.00 Aug., 1878
20,423Smith, CatharineS. Bloomingvillewidow $8.00 -
161,148Smith, HenryLoganchr.rheum $4.00 June, 1879
170,743Smith, SarahRockbridgewidow $8.00 Oct., 1875
125,150Smith, SusannahGibesonvillewidow $8.00 Feb., 1869
198,076Spencer, JamesCarbon Hillg.s.w.l.leg $1.00 Nov., 1881
71,948Spurgeon, ReubenGoreloss thumb and index finger of right hand. $8.00 -
19,462Starr, Sarah NGorewidow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
137,584Stedem, John head $14.00 -
15,308Stewart, ElizabethLoganwidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
137,422Stokely, Rufus PS. Bloomingvillewd.r.forearm & mouth $6.25 Jan., 1876
214,496Strentz, John WLogancontused w.r.shoulder res.stiffness of shoulder. $2.00 Sept., 1882
218,074Stultz, HarveyLogang.s.w.both knees $4.00 Sept., 1882
123,508Stump, James HLaurelvillew.l.arm $5.00 -
12,806Stump, MarySouth Perrywidow $8.00 Dec., 1878
87,627Swackhammer, Mary AHayneswidow $8.00 Dec., 1866
36,018Sweet, George WGibesonvillew.l.leg implicating knee $14.00 -
146,466Tannehill, NathanielLoganwd.r.hand $1.00 June, 1877
51,136Taylor, AnnS. Bloomingvillewidow $8.00 Sept., 1864
53,065Terrel, Leroy SWebb Summitwd.of spine $18.00 -
159,600Thomas, GlennLoganchr.rheumatism $6.00 May, 1879
88,641Thompson, CatharineLoganwidow $8.00 Jan., 1867
94,394Thompson, GeorgeLoganloss r.thumb & index fing $6.00 -
143,275Thompson, James WUnion Furnacewd.r.leg $4.00 -
197,255Thompson, Mary SLoganwidow $8.00 Sept., 1882
84,741Thompson, WilliamLoganinjury to abdomen $6.00 -
46,594Tigner, CharlesSandrunwd.r.hand & foot $8.00 -
151,061Timberlake, SamuelHaynesvaricose veins left leg $6.00 Feb., 1878
50,960Tool, SusanLoganwidow $17.00 Dec., 1863
168,816Van Horn, John WGoreg.s.w.of head $6.00 May, 1880
140,712Voorhees, Thomas BGibesonvilledisease of lungs $6.00 Aug., 1876
96,190Waltz, MosesRockbridgeinj.l.leg, &c $10.00 -
93,117Washburn, ElizaUnion Furnacewidow $8.00 Apr., 1867
197,591Watts, AnnLoganwidow $8.00 Nov., 1882
108,307Weaver, JacobLoganwd.right foot $4.00 -
90,928Weaver, MahalaSouth Perrywidow $8.00 Feb., 1867
130,335Welty, Abraham CLogannervous debility $4.00 -
196,851Weltz, Mary ALoganwidow $12.00 July, 1882
77,805West, Hugh HIslesboroughwd.l.shoulder $4.00 -
100,768Westenberger, Amaziah.Rockbridgefracture of l.humerus $6.00 -
80,169Westlake, LydiaLoganwidow $8.00 Aug., 1866
189,761Whitcraft, David BGibesonvillechronic diarrhea $4.00 June, 1881
15,315Whitsell, AnnaGibesonvillewidow $8.00 Jan., 1879
218,700Williams, LutherCarbon Hillrheumatism $2.00 Oct., 1882
208,460Williams, William GLogang.s.w.both legs $10.00 May, 1882
192,366Wolfe, John CS. Bloomingvilledisease of heart $8.00 July, 1881
12,119Woltz, Peter LRockbridgewd.l.arm & shoulder $6.00 -
22,802Wooden, abd $18.00 -
158,513Woodward, Chas. LStarrinjury to abdomen $2.00 Mar., 1879
79,318Woolever, JohnCedar Groveparalysis left side, arm, and leg. $24.00 -

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