New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Harrison County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Harrison County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
165,151Aiken, JamesJewettwidow$8.00June 1874
30,670Alexander, MargaretCadizwidow 1812$8.00Oct. 1880
114,213Anderson, William B.Jewettg.s.w. right leg$4.00-
50,530Angel, HenryGermanoloss of left arm above elbow$24.00-
35,332Angus, Margaret A.Freeportwidow$8.00-
167,161Auld, David L.Cadizdisease of lungs and deafness left ear$5.00-
12,560Battin, Margaret C.Freeportwidow$8.00-
45,009Beatty, Eliza J.Meanswidow$8.00-
7,604Benedict, SarahGermanowidow$8.00Oct. 1863
21,202Blackford, MahalaCadizwidow$8.00-
58,177Boals, John F.Cadizwound left leg$6.00-
191,126Bone, Alfred E.Harrisvilleinjury to abdomen$2.00June 1881
92,759Boor, William H.Bowerstownwound left shoulder$8.00-
100,170Bowling, George W.New Athenswound right thigh$4.00-
181,655Brennan, SarahCadizwidow$8.00July 1878
11,721Brokan, SarahNew Athenswidow 1812$8.00Nov. 1878
5,604Brooks, MarthaShort Creekwidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1880
143,992Brown, MatildaCadizwidow$8.00Aug. 1870
7,323Buchanan, ElizabethNew Athenswidow 1812$8.00July 1878
7,112Busby, DeborahJewettwidow 1812$8.00July 1878
124,628Campbell, IsaacMoorefieldg.s.w. mouth$18.00-
108,871Carothers, MargaretDeersvillewidow$8.00Feb. 1868
168,202Carter, JosephCadizwound left forearm & right leg & loss sight right eye$8.00May 1880
207,858Carter, WilliamCadizwound right hand$21.00May 1882
148,227Case, Mary E.Short Creekwidow$8.00June 1867
161,768Cecil, John W.Freeportwidow$10.00-
180,293Chandler, PhilanderFreeportloss part left index finger$2.00Dec. 1880
118,619Christian, LucySciowidow$8.00Sept. 1868
100,860Cole, Farlin B.Hopedalechronic rheumatism$50.00-
125,669Cole, Mathew S.Conottonlung disease$18.00-
12,513Colvin, SusannahFreeportwidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1878
31,887Conaway, BettyLaceyvillewidow 1812$8.00July 1881
111,562Copeland, Thomas W.Tippecanoeg.s.w. both thighs$8.00-
183,025Cox, Samuel T.Tippecanoediseased lungs, results of typhoid fever$6.00Feb. 1881
63,157Croskey, Jasper N.Germanowound of chest$24.00-
22,927Cummings, John W.Deersvilleg.s.w. left heel$4.00-
179,167Davis, Elias W.Tappandiarrhea$4.00Nov. 1880
173,505Davis, LorenzoCadizshell wound left thigh$2.00Sept. 1880
41,317Day, Sarah A.Cadizwidow$8.00-
79,001Denning, NewtonHopedaleg.s.w. of rt. side of face & lft. lower jaw$4.00-
61,718Derry, Jacob M.Freeportloss right leg above knee$24.00-
223,040Dickerson, JoshuaCadizchronic rheumatism & disease of rectum, resulting chronic diarrhea$6.00Dec. 1882
203,916Donaldson, WilliamBowerstownrheumatism$4.00Mar. 1882
190,803Donovan, JohnCadizwound right knee$2.00June 1881
173,217Downard, MargaretCadizwidow$10.00May 1876
25,849Duffield, Christina H.Germanowidow 1812$8.00July 1879
95,768Fields, AmandaShort Creekwidow$8.00-
132,107Fogle, JohnCadizwound right hand$4.00Apr. 1880
182,946Fogle, JohnCadizwidow$10.00Feb. 1879
96,637Ford, Stephen D.Freeportinjury to left shoulder$18.00May 1869
36,047Fowler, HannahHarrisvillewidow$8.00Dec. 1864
87,345Furbay, ReeseCadizloss left leg$24.00-
132,193Furguson, Benj. E.Hopedalewound left chest$6.00Mar. 1875
96,830Garvin, CatharineNew Athenswidow$8.00July 1867
120,136Garvin, DavisCadizwound right hand$3.00-
44,070Garvin, John M.Cadizwound right leg$18.00June 1865
42,932Giles, MarthaCadizwidow$8.00-
201,675Goff, JohnSciog.s.w. of head$1.00Jan. 1882
189,923Golbraith, JamesTippecanoeinjury to abdomen$8.00June 1881
8,211Gottsholl, DanielMiller's Stationsurvivor 1812$8.00Nov. 1871
169,858Gould, DanielSciowidow & child$10.00June 1875
20,425Granfell, MaryTappanwidow 1812$8.00Mar. 1879
141,663Gray, SamuelJewettdisease of heart & atrophy muscles of left shoulder$12.00-
101,186Greenwalt, Hannah L.Freeportwidow$8.00Nov. 1867
21,685Grimes, LandonCadizwound left arm$18.00-
217,058Grove, William S.Cadizdisease of spine$4.00Aug. 1882
52,562Gundy, AnnBowerstownwidow$8.00-
197,298Guthrie, Andrew J.Deersvilleinjury to abdomen$4.00Nov. 1881
58,464Guthrie, ElizabethJewettwidow$8.00Oct. 1865
78,035Guthrie, Nathaniel C.Deersvillewound left leg & right thigh$8.00Mar. 1867
193,393Gutshall, GideonNew Rumleyg.s.w. left breast$2.00July 1881
47,482Hall, Mary A.Smyrnawidow$8.00June 1867
125,206Handy, JohnCadizwound left knee$4.00-
45,841Harrison, Albert J.Cadizloss right arm$24.00-
39,360Harvey, LouisaMoorefieldwidow$8.00-
158,263Hays, AncoCadizwidow$10.00June 1872
4,119Hearn, BarbaraCadizwidow$8.00Jan. 1863
42,563Henderson, WilsonHarrisvillewound left leg$4.00-
48,775Henry, MathewScioloss left leg$24.00-
214,870Hess, DavidJewettchronic rheumatism$4.00June 1882
75,534Hess, SusanSciowidow$8.00-
139,945Highes, Joseph A.New Athenswound right arm$2.00July 1876
28,044Hillyer, HenryDeersvillediarrhea$2.00May 1864
60,105Hilton, SarahCadizwidow$8.00May 1867
173,943Hines, Christian A.Deersvillesunstroke & resulting vertigo$4.00Sept. 1880
79,917Hines, George W.Deersvilleloss left leg$18.00-
195,088Hobbs, Alonzo M.Smyrnag.s.w. right leg$2.00Aug. 1880
193,313Hoffman, Thomas B.Cadizinjury of back$8.50July 1881
168,642Hood, Edward B.Cadizwound left arm$4.00May 1880
114,422Howell, David M.Hopedalewound left hip$6.00-
167,023Howser, GasawayNew Athensfather$8.00Jan. 1875
180,212Hurless, SenySciowidow$10.00Mar. 1878
55,242Huston, Galon S.Smyrnawound left hand$8.00-
4,759Johnson, ElizabethShort Creekwidow 1812$8.00Sept. 1873
173,402Jones, SamuelNew Athensg.s.w. right leg$1.00Sept. 1880
175,389Jumps, John H.Cadizchronic diarrhea & resulting diseased abdominal viscera$8.00Oct. 1880
3,511Kerr, SamuelShort Creeksurvivor 1812$8.00Feb. 1873
8,413Knox, MaryFreeportwidow 1812$8.00Sept. 1878
8,988Lacey, Anna J.Laceyvillewidow 1812$8.00Sept. 1878
58,178Lamb, Lemuel B.Short Creekwound left arm$6.00-
97,890Lanning, ElizabethNew Athenswidow$8.00Aug. 1867
208,591Lee, Albert W.New Athenschronic diarrhea & resulting disease of liver$4.00July 1882
16,619Lee, RuthGermanowidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1879
158,930Liggett, TheodoreHopedaleg.s.w. of left leg & disease of eyes$8.00Apr. 1879
151,428Liggett, William M.Hopedaleg.s.w. right leg$2.00Mar. 1878
11,987Lightner, JosiahShort Creekwound left thigh$4.00-
27,754Livingston, AlbertSmyrnag.s.w. of neck$18.00Apr. 1864
42,757Mansfield, Henry O.Cadizwound right leg & knee$15.00-
190,194Mansfield, William W.Cadizg.s.w. left thumb$2.00June 1881
147,379Martin, AlbertCadizchronic diarrhea$8.00-
223,688Martin, SamuelCadizsunstroke and resulting neuralgia & atrophy of left side$8.00Dec. 1882
4,120Matlock, MaryCadizwidow$8.00July 1863
199,290Maxwell, SamuelCadizinjury to left leg$2.00Dec. 1881
170,093McBride, JamesNew Athensdisease of heart$4.00June 1880
28,415McCormick, Allen R.Cadizwound left shoulder$18.00-
46,007McCoy, William H.Cadizdisease of lungs$24.00-
63,563McCready, MargaretCadizwidow$20.00Jan. 1865
150,310McDevitt, ThomasScioloss of index & injury middle finger left hand$4.00-
101,322McElravy, Thomas C.Harrisvillewound right leg$15.00-
104,227McFadden, AlbertCadizwound left thigh$4.00-
124,735McKinney, Theodore T.Deersvillewound of face, affecting eyes$8.00-
183,793McMillan, WilliamNew Athensfather$8.00Apr. 1879
51,982McPeck, John E.Jewettwound left leg$8.50-
29,333Mealy, Franklin K.Cadizwound left leg$6.00-
127,532Mercer, John T.Short Creekwound of mouth$8.00Feb. 1841
175,047Miller, JosephusTappanpartial loss right second finger from gsw$2.00Oct. 1880
68,658Miller, Mary A.Cadizwidow$8.00Apr. 1866
142,888Miser, HenryGermanoasthma$31.25Dec. 1876
205,253Moore, Robert L.Moorefielddisease of lungs$8.00-
30,259Moorhead, SarahCadizwidow 1812$8.00Aug. 1880
127,209Morgan, James W.Cadizwound right shoulder$2.00-
15,303Morris, EleanorNew Athenswidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1879
9,884Mummy, AnneLaceyvillewidow 1812$8.00Oct. 1878
111,952Murdock, DavidHarrisvilleshell wound of breast$18.00-
145,611Nichols, MarthaCadizwidow$8.00Oct. 1880
164,900Oglevee, HughNew Athensg.s.w. left thigh$4.00Feb. 1880
43,585Parks, JamesMoorefieldwound of neck$10.00-
31,739Parry, SarahFolkwidow 1812$8.00May 1881
32,281Patterson, JaneNew Athenswidow$8.00Oct. 1864
192,437Patton, George M.New Athensg.s.w. in right shoulder & left thigh$4.00July 1881
28,560Patton, JaneShort Creekwidow 1812$6.00-
100,091Pearce, John S.Cadizwound left shoulder$15.00-
182,964Pearson, ElizabethCassvillewidow$10.00Jan. 1879
4,401Penn, EllenHopedalewidow$8.00-
99,403Pennock, MaryCadizwidow$8.00Sept. 1867
38,669Plummer, Mary J.New Athenswidow$17.00-
155,057Price, William H. H.Bowerstowndisease of spine$8.00Aug. 1878
118,193Ramage, William E.Tappanwound right shoulder$8.00-
191,628Ramsey, Maggie A.Deersvillewidow$8.00Mar. 1881
196,918Rea, William P.Cadizdisease of abdominal viscera$6.00Oct. 1881
47,783Reynolds, Leander J.Piedmontwound left hand & wrist joint$12.00-
3,250Rider, GeorgeJewettsurvivor 1812$8.00Aug. 1871
217,273Romans, JosephFreeportdiseased heart & chronic diarrhea$8.00Aug. 1882
69,848Roser, MargaretJewettwidow$8.00Apr. 1866
93,699Saunders, MariaHopedalewidow$20.00-
135,121Scott, James M.Cadizinjury to right knee$8.50Aug. 1875
54,067Scott, Parnelia A.Moorefieldwidow$8.00-
101,643Sergent, AmosHarrisvillewound of face$16.00-
134,486Shortwell, IsaacSmyrnawound left shoulder$6.00-
192,699Simmonds, CatherineJewettwidow$12.00June 1881
56,557Simmons, JoshuaNew Rumleywound of jaw$8.00-
12,898Simmons, MargaretNew Rumleywidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1878
121,235Simonton, Finley I.Deersvilledisease of heart & lungs$6.00-
10,484Smith, MaryCadizwidow 1812$8.00Oct. 1878
43,126Smith, NatahnTippecanoeamputation left thigh$24.00-
118,469Thompson, Harvey L.Jewettwound right thigh$4.00-
205,775Thompson, Jas.Harrisvillerheumatism$4.00Mar. 1882
101,746Trusliel, AnnConottonwidow$8.00Oct. 1867
150,705Vanhorn, WesleyNew Athenswound left hip$4.00Jan. 1878
178,758Walker, John M.Cadizchronic diarrhea and resulting functional dis. of heart$2.00Nov. 1880
5,750Watson, Eliza J.Hopedalewidow$8.00Sept. 1863
140,930White, Arthur B.Short Creekdisease right thigh$6.00-
139,774Wiggins, Hannah F.Cadizwidow$8.00Feb. 1879
82,211Wilson, William H.Jewettwound left shoulder$18.00-
11,311Worthington, Sarah H.Harrisvillewidow$8.00Dec. 1863
83,258Young, Edward B.Cadizwound left hand & right thigh$4.00-
89,108Young, NancyCadizwidow$8.00Jan. 1867

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