New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hardin County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Hardin County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
95,747Arbogast, George WRoundheadscurvy l. leg $6.00 -
51,251Arnold, Thomas WForestchr. hepatitis $4.00 -
27,725Bailey, John CKentonloss l. leg $24.00 -
12,997Baldwin, Mary AAdawidow 1812 $8.00 Dec-1878
167,526Bales, John HKentonchr. diarr $8.00 May-1880
105,260Ballard, John HAdawd. r. thigh $5.00 -
48,557Banker, ElizabethPattersonwidow $8.00 Jun-1865
214,398Banni, John WYelvertonwd. r. thigh $4.00 Jun-1882
163,244Barlow, SarahKentonwidow $17.00 Dec-1873
40,281Barnhart, ElizabethMt. Victorywidow $8.00 -
169,642Batcher, JacobDunkirkchr. rheum $12.00 Jun-1880
198,024Beans, Aaron BDunkirkwidow $8.00 Dec-1882
116,863Beery, Sarah AForestwidow $8.00 Aug-1868
219,414Beltz, Lewis JForestwd. r. wrist & hnd $2.00 Oct-1882
37,705Berges, William GKentonwd. r. hip & both feet $10.00 -
218,292Bernheisel, Jacob SForestchr. diarr & res. indiges $4.00 Sept-1882
103,407Bishop, Wm FDunkirkwd .l. foot $6.00 -
93,855Black, George WAdawd. r. thumb $2.00 -
167,035Black, John HAdawd. r. forearm $2.00 Apr-1880
165,161Black, RobertAdainj, to abdomen $6.00 Mar-1880
45,578Bolander, John EKentonwd. l. arm & r. hnd $8.00 -
202,955Bolenbaugh, AbramKentondebility, res. of sunstroke $8.00 Feb-1882
58,114Boltz, DanielYelvertonwd. r. arm $10.00 -
213,805Boods, GeorgeKentonwd. of mouth $4.00 Jun-1882
32,857Born, John UKentonwd. r. thigh $6.00 -
208,352Born, William GKentonmalarial poisoning, chr. diarr. & res. dis. abd. vis. $8.00 May-1882
24,859Bostwick, MaryKentonwidow $8.00 Jun-1864
38,135Bower, Reuben TDunkirkwd. r .wrist $8.00 -
192,721Bowman, Benj. FKentonwd. l. forearm & r. arm $6.00 Jul-1881
38,987Bratton, MaryAdawidow $8.00 Jan-1865
163,429Brayton, Rufus MNorth Washingtonchr. diarr & dis of spine, result. muscular atrophy $50.00 Nov-1879
73,802Bricely, AlbertKentonwd. both feet $12.00 -
186,280Broches. SamuelAdachr. diarr, with indigestion & funnet'l dis. of heart $4.00 Apr-1881
77,921Bronson, Rebecca L EDunkirkwidow $8.00 -
173,139Brown, Mary JaneKentonwidow $8.00 Apr-1876
199,395Brown, Thomas BKentonwd. l. leg $4.00 Dec-1881
70,626Brumm, CharlesKentonwd. l. shr. $6.00 -
141,861Burch, ElizabethDunkirkwidow $8.00 Apr-1870
100,864Burdett, JohnPattersonwd. back & head $8.00 -
21,615Bushong, PhebeRidgewaywidow $8.00 -
32,605Campbell, JohnKentonwd. both legs $8.00 -
---,646Cantwell, Sarah SKentonwidow $30.00 -
58,751Carder, John HKentonwd. l. arm $8.00 -
88,830Carter, JohnMt. Victorywd r. foot $8.00 -
189,072Ceedle, ElizaRidgewaydep mother $8.00 Jul-1880
195,255Christopher. Wm HAdachr. diarr & scurvy $4.00 Sept-1881
137,404Clark, JacobAdawd. calf r. leg $8.00 -
147,507Clayton, JonathanKentonloss 4 toe l. foot $2.00 -
74,371Clemons, Thomas MKentonwd. r. arm $18.00 -
74, 368Cline, Wilson SRidgewaywd. r. leg $4.00 -
214,560Clingerman, Jacob CDunkirkshell wd. l. breast & l. forearm $2.00 Jul-1882
31,964Collier, CharlesKentonwd. r. leg $24.00 -
49,033Columber, RichardKentonwd. l. foot $4.00 -
216,459Conklin, Alfred GForestchr. diarr $4.00 Aug-1882
13,472Conner, PatrickAdasurv. 1812 $8.00 Mar-1872
34,473Connor, JacobKentonwd. r. leg $10.00 -
148,480Cook, Samuel WForestinj. abdom. & dis. kidneys $10.00 -
31,974Cooper, WilliamSilvercreekwd. l. arm $18.00 -
115, 113Cox, Myron RForestwd. both legs $8.00 -
172,851Cremblebine, JohnKentonwd. r. side $2.00 Aug-1880
100,291Cronly, MartinMt. Victorywd. r. hand $5.00 -
189,134Crow, Ezram BRidgewaywd. r. hand $5.00 May-1881
96,145Curl, Charles HKentonwd. l. thigh $8.00 -
152,820Curl, Thomas BKentonwd. l. hnd $6.00 Apr-1878
178,500Curtis, Erastus RDunkirkrheum & result atrophy & par. paralysis of both legs $18.00 Nov-1880
97,788Cutting, Alanson PKentonwd. r. shr. $176.50 -
151,939Darst, John SDunkirkwd. l. arm $6.00 Mar-1878
181,840Davis, Elizabeth AAdawidow $19.00 Aug-1878
30,828Davis, Lewis MDunkirkwd. r. foot $16.00 -
64,167Dearth, PrudenceAdawidow $8.00 -
145,843Derry, NancyAdawidow $8.00 Nov-1870
219,585Dickson, JohnKentonchr. diarr $4.00 Oct-1882
63,274Dodds, Joseph OKentonwd. r. shr. $2.00 -
146,887Donard, John AAdawd. r. thigh $4.00 Jul-1877
189,175Dougherty, JosephAdawidow $8.00 Jul-1880
105,793Druschel, GeorgeKentonwd. r. leg $6.00 -
141,435Dunson, LewisKentonwd. r. knee $6.00 -
79,378Durbin, John PKentonwd. l. leg $8.00 -
26,594Dye, JosephForestwd. l. groin & inj. to abdom. $10.00 -
221,646Ebert, GeorgeDunkirkdis of eyes $4.00 Dec-1882
31,966Edgar. William DDunkirkwd. r. arm $18.00 Aug-1864
79,404Eggerman, ElizabethAdawidow $8.00 Apr-1867
115,388Elasser, LouisKentonwd. r. leg $4.00 Oct-1880
181,958Ellis, William MKentoncontused wd. r. chest & result. pl'risy & pneumonia $4.00 Feb-1881
57,101Elwood, NancyAdawidow $8.00 -
171,337Engle, Joseph GAdainj. of spine $4.00 Jul-1880
191,989Eshleman, ElizabethKentonwidow $8.00 Apr-1881
87,926Everhart, JacobKentonwd. skull $6.00 Jul-1869
190,368Fillmore, ConradKentoninj. to back, breast, & rheum - Jun-1881
213,463Forbing, JacobKentonwd. l. elbow $2.00 Jun-1882
23,236Freed, HearyDunkirkwd. r. ar, $14.00 -
143,277French, GroveyDunkirkwd l. foot $6.00 -
192,730Garmuth, GodfreyKentonwd. r. side $2.00 Jul-1881
205,998Garrett, Charles CAdadis of brain, result sunstroke $4.00 Mar-1882
42,745Gibson, Samuel JKentonwd. r. arm $6.00 -
62,488Giililoud, ValentineForestwd. r. arm $4.00 -
54,416Gilbert, Edward WAdaloss 3d & 4th fing. l. hnd $4.00 Dec-1865
188,703Gilbert, John JDunkirkwd. of neck & r. thigh $6.00 May-1881
15,152Gilbert, Phebe AForestwidow $8.00 -
189, 141Gillen, AugustusDunkirkasthma $8.00 May-1881
144,856Ginder, William HKentondis. of spine fr. typhoid fever $3.00 Apr-1877
10,013Glenn, Mary JKentonwidow $8.00 -
195,457Goff, VernumMt. Victorydep father $8.00 Apr-1882
156,640Gordon, Catharine AKentonwidow $8.00 Mar-1872
-59,371Gordon, DavidKentondis of eyes $4.00 Apr-1879
135,799Gordon, RebeccaSilvercreekwidow $8.00 Oct-1869
120,263Gouser, MartinAdachr. rheum $6.00 -
199,064Graham, JosephAdawd. r. shr. $2.00 Dec-1881
19,182Green, HesterRidgewaywidow 1812 $8.00 Feb-1879
98,344Grimes, William HMt. Victoryinj. to abdom. $8.00 Jan-1869
120,812Griner, DanielAdawd. l. side $4.00 Jan-1873
156,961Griner, IsaacAdachr. rheum $8.00 Dec-1878
130,803Guthrie, HughForestinj. to hnd $2.00 Nov-1877
142,031Hager, Levi EMt. Victorydis of kidneys $6.00 Nov-1877
48,770Haggard, ThomasKentonwd. l. leg & r. thigh $10.00 -
172,258Hague, SarahMt. Victorywidow $8.00 Feb-1876
195,399Hall, Richard AAdawd. left side of neck $2.00 Sept-1881
197,733Hanley, MariaAdawidow $16.00 Nov-1882
9,654Harlison, SarahKentonwidow 1812 $8.00 Oct-1878
120,128Harriott, JuliaAdawidow $8.00 Oct-1868
213, 979Harris, WilliamDunkirkchr. diarr $4.00 Jun-1882
164,240Hartwell, Oliver CMt. Victorywidow $14.00 May-1879
63,441Heater, HenryForestwd. l. thigh $8.00 -
173,875Hebenthal, LewisDunkirkwd. l. forearm & l. arm $2.00 Sept-1880
203,146Heffelfinger, JamesAdawd. r. forear, $4.00 Feb-1882
118,960Held, Philip jrKentonwd. l. arm $6.00 -
104,001Heller, PhillipForestinj. of spine $2.00 -
88,973Helms, AaronDunkirkwd. hip & inj. to abdomen $8.00 -
104, 711Henkle, Isaac NRoundheadwd. r. thigh $4.00 -
193,846Herman, CatharineKentonwidow $10.00 Dec-1881
29,849Herring, LydiaKentonwidow $8.00 -
186,968Hinebaugh, ShowDunkirkchr. diarr & resulting dis.abdom. vis. $8.00 Apr-1881
20,893Hitchcock, KeziahAdawidow 1812 $8.00 Mar-1879
192,998Hodge, Alexander HDunkirkpartial deafness of both ears $4.00 Jul-1881
101,502Hoge, Solomon LKentonwd. l. shr. $15.00 Dec-1869
201, 386Holmes, Jacob AKentonfrac. of r. clavicle $2.00 Jan-1882
135,469Hoover, WilliamAdawd. l. foot $4.00 Aug-1875
14,379Hopkins, Eunice PForestwidow $8.00 -
8,860Horn, MaryForestwidow $8.00 Nov-1863
184,408Howe, MercyDunkirkwidow $8.00 Feb-1882
60,990Hudson, Sarah FRoundheaddep mother $8.00 Dec-1865
132,758Hulbert, Charles WRoundheadwd. of head $6.00 Apr-1875
69,283Huntley, RachelDunkirkwidow $8.00 Apr-1866
175,709Huston, CunninghamDunkirkwd. l. arm $2.00 Oct-1880
87,882Hutchinson, JohnAdawd. r. arm $10.00 -
173,370Hutchinson, Joseph MDunkirkwd. r. hnd $4.00 Sept-1880
29,792James, IsaacKentonwd. l. hip $6.00 -
204,934Jeffers, George WYelvertonchr. diarr $6.00 Mar-1882
138,683Johnson, CatharineAdawidow $12.00 -
76,506Johnson, Elizabeth AMt. Victorywidow $8.00 -
131,503Johnson, JohnAdachr, rheum $8.00 -
11,369Johnson, JohnKentonsurv. 1812 $8.00 Jan-1872
218,646Johnson, MiltonDunkirkinj. to l. knee $4.00 Oct-1882
102,591Jones, John WMt. Victorydis of heart $4.00 -
118,225Jones, RichardKentonwd. l. hnd $4.00 -
58,548Jones, SarahDunkirkwidow $8.00 Oct-1864
58,315Jordan, Philip WKentonchr. diarr & heart dis $8.00 -
29,808Keenan, SarahKentonwidow 1812 $8.00 Mar-1879
66,661Kelley, CarolineKentonwidow $8.00 -
215, 539Kelly, Benj. FMt. Victoryweakness of ankles $4.00 Jul-1882
317,876Kennedy, AaronKentonwd. l. arm $4.00 -
167,389Kibler, WmDunkirkinf, to abdom. & inj, of back $8.00 Apr-1880
53,945Kindel, Sarah AAdawidow $8.00 Aug-1865
169,157Kirschner, JacobinaKentonwidow $8.00 May-1875
167,587Klingler, Geo MAdatyphoid fever, paralysis & resulting dis. of ears $6.00 -
220,283Kniceley, JohnKentondyspepsia $4.00 Nov-1882
95,528Koller, Henry CKentonwd. r. hip $6.00 -
202,762Koplin, AaronMt. Victorywd. r. upper jaw $4.00 Feb-1882
202,046Kraft, CharlesKentonwd. l. chest & back $4.00 Feb-1882
66,080Kraner, SolomonKentonwd. l. shr. $20.00 -
194,782Lake, William BKentonwidow $12.00 Mar-1882
193,238Lang, James WKentonpiles $2.00 Jul-1881
99,215Lanning, WmKentonwd. l. arm $4.00 Apr-1869
202,562Latimore, John SMt. Victorychr. diarr & night blindness $2.00 Feb-1882
215,966Lawrence, Patrick CAdachr. diarr. $4.00 Jul-1882
172,268Lease, Rebecca AYelvertonwidow $14.00 Feb-1876
28,280Leeper, MarthaKentonwidow 1812 $8.00 Dec-1879
196,527Lemons, Pleasant HKentonwd/ l. hnd $2.00 Oct-1881
112,419Leslie, Wm FDunkirkwd. r. side $6.00 -
97,431Levington, HenryAdaloss r. arm $18.00 -
35,039Lewis, Mary AnnKentonwidow $20.00 -
31,967Lightner, JohnKentonchr. diarr & dis. of abd. vis. $6.00 -
156,781Liles, Joseph HForestwd. l. chest & dis. of heart $4.00 Sept-1881
177,028Lloyd, WilliamAdaaneurism of abd. aorta $8.00 Oct-1880
110,516Longbaugh, Elijah CDunkirkwd of face $8.00 -
175,696Loniso, HerbertKentonshell contusion of spine & res. atrophy of l. hip $4.00 Oct-1880
190,957Lowe, JamesRoundheadinj. to l. thigh $4.00 Jun-1881
58,117Luther, PerryPattersonwd of spine $8.00 -
154,942Mahan, Samuel SRoundheadwd. l. wrist $2.00 Aug-1878
78,387Major, Henry ADunkirkwd. l. ar, $2.00 -
160,078Marquis, SamuelDunkirkchr. diarr $2.00 Dec-1880
159,494Marshall, Samuel JMt. Victoryax wd. c heel $2.00 May-1879
16,100McAtee, Alfred MMt. Victorywd. l. elbow $18.00 -
151,617McCann, RachelGrantwidow $8.00 Jul-1871
32,853McCann, SylvesterDunkirkwd. r. arm $12.00 -
20,708McCloud, EliasKentonwd. r. chest & lungs $10.00 -
82,521McClurg, Sarah EForestwidow $8.00 Nov-1867
210,060McConnell, James BKentonwd. r. breast $5.00 May-1882
62,768McElroy, Thomas DAdachr. diarr $4.00 -
33,747McFarland, ElizaKentonwidow $8.00 -
207,438McGinnis, MichaelKentonepilepsy $8.00 Apr-1882
207,998McGregor, Geo MAdawd. r .thigh $2.00 May-1882
185,462McIlvain, William HKentonchr. rheum & result. dis.of heart $12.00 Mar-1881
175,672McLaughlin, IsaacKentoninj. of back $6.00 Oct-1880
154,268McNeal, John WRoundheadchr. diarr $6.00 Jul-1878
194,967Mertz, JamesDunkirkinj. of head & resulting partial deafness both ears $4.00 Aug-1881
98,279Mick, HenryKentonwd. l. groin $4.00 -
4,708Miller, MaryMt. Victorywidow $8.00 -
72,388Miller, NancyAdawidow $8.00 -
26,650Minor, Abner CForestchr. rheum $8.00 -
56,420Minshall, SarahMt. Victorywidow $8.00 -
4,918Monson, WilmotKentonsurv. 1812 $8.00 Sept-1871
103,233Morey, DelanoGrantwd. l. hip $4.00 -
26,289Morrow, Wm HAdaloss l. arm $24.00 -
2,314Mowan, BaltzarAdachr. diarr (Navy) $6.00 Dec-1876
6,783Mowan, CatharineAdawidow 1812 $8.00 Jun-1876
8,846Murphy, HannahKentonwidow $8.00 -
132,841Myers, Alfred TKentonpartial deafness $4.00 May-1878
92,728Naus, John PKentonwd. l. thigh & chr. diarr $24.00 -
174,573Naus, WilliamForestdis. of l/ shr. $1.00 Oct-1880
167,160Newell, William MRidgewaygenl. debility result of typhoid fever $17.00 Apr-1880
130,948Newkum, MargaretKentonwidow $8.00 Jun-1869
99,122Noel, WilliamKentonwd/ r/ thigh $6.00 -
184,039Norman, Henry CKentonneuralgia, catarrh, chr, diarr. & res. dis. of abd. vis. $12.00 Mar-1881
94,720Ochs, HenryKentonwd. l. arm $ 2.66 1/3 -
180,146Ormsby, Morris SRidgewayinj to r. shr. $6.00 Dec-1880
131,686Osborn, GeorgeSilvercreekwd of neck $6.00 -
211,123Overly, Samuel WKentonincised wd. r. hnd $4.00 Jun-1882
28,219Owens, Mary AnnKentonwidow 1812 $8.00 Aug-1879
215,820Pague, AlfredKentonvar. veins of r. leg & thigh $4.00 Jul-1882
129,970Palmer, ElizabethPattersonwidow $8.00 Jun-1869
79,709Park, George AForestloss l. leg $21.00 -
125,644Parrott, JacobKentoninj of back $20.00 -
-23,765Patrick, Martha AMt. Victorywidow $17.00 Jan-1869
192,438Pealer, WilliamDunkirkdis. of spine & resulting dis. of kidneys & bladder $12.00 Jul-1881
99,121Peoples, JohnAdawd. l. arm $8.00 -
128,550Phillips, William HKentoninj, r, shr, $20.00 -
138,331Pierce, Wilbur FForestwd. r. shr. $10.00 -
124,738Pisel, ThomasForestwd. l. leg $6.00 -
121,721Pool, James BKentonwd. r. leg & dis of eyes $6.00 -
210,336Potter, HarrisonYelvertonchr. diarr $4.00 Jun-1882
121,725Povenmire, MahlonDunkirkwd. l. thigh & inj, to abdomen $6.00 -
174,175Predmore, DanielAdachr. diarr, following measles $4.00 Sept-1880
82,100Pugh, Samuel AAdawd. r. hnd $4.00 -
213,088Ragan, JohnKentondis. of adbom. viscera $8.00 Jun-1882
61,090Rarey, Alfred KKentonwd. of neck & c $15.00 -
201,190Ream, EliDunkirkinj. to head, with result, dis. of brain & chr. rheum $8.00 Jan-1882
98,046Reilly, Perry SPattersonwd. l. leg $6.00 -
198,399Resma, Jasper NKentoninj. to abdom & inj of l.foot & ank. $8.00 Nov-1881
168,173Ridgeway, JosephKentonwd r. arm $2.00 May-1880
192,762Riegel, EliasDunkirkchr. diarr & rheum $6.00 Jul-1881
184,473Roberts, Henry PAdadis of bladder & kidneys $12.00 Mar-1881
221,033Robinson, James HKentonchr. diarr $6.00 Nov-1882
63,485Robinson, James SKentonwd. l. scapula $30.00 -
29,107Rockhill, SarahAdawidow $8.00 -
132,197Rogall, AlbertAdawd. left side $10.00 Mar-1875
165,091Rogers, IsraelKentoninj. of l. knee $4.00 Mar-1880
74,170Ross, James YKentonchr. conjunctivtis $31.25 -
97,639Rumbaugh, Thomas HAdawd. r. shr. & arm $12.00 -
118,344Rutledge, Thomas JAdawd. l. arm $4.00 -
99,405Sageser, BarbaraKentonwidow $8.00 Sept-1867
175,826Sayer, NoahNorth Washingtonwd. r. knee & partial deafness $6.00 Oct-1880
175,731Schindewolf, WilliamKentoninj. to abdom. & wd. l. thigh $4.00 Oct-1880
149,197Schiver, HenryForestwd. r. thigh $6.00 Sept-1877
110,872Scott, John SKentonwd. r. arm $4.00 -
153,066Sedars, WilliamKentonwd. r. illium $6.00 May-1878
106,699Serks, DavidAdawd. r .shr. $2.00 -
108,373Shaffer, Samuel AForestwidow $12.00 Apr-1875
214,071Shank, Wm BDunkirkwd. l. shr. $2.00 Jun-1882
61,094Shannon, EnosDunkirkwd. l. leg $8.00 -
46,259Shawhan, FrederickKentonwd. r. thigh $10.00 -
138,753Shertzer, SilasMt. Victorywd of neck $8.00 Nov-1875
48,008Sherwood, ZebediahPattersonwd. l. leg $8.00 -
102,083Showe, UzziahDunkirkbronchial trouble $18.00 Feb-1870
64,575Shuck, John LKentonwd. l. arm $18.00 May-1866
39,878Shull, Edward FDunkirkwd. l. foot & ankle $12.00 -
187,195Shultz, HenryRoundheaddis r. eye $2.00 Apr-1881
40,221Sieg, JacobRidgewaywd. l. leg $12.00 -
153,952Siegley, JohnDunkirkinj. to abdom. & dis. feet $14.00 Jun-1878
78,441Smith, Jane MMt. Victorymother $8.00 Jun-1866
3,894Smith, Mary EKentonwidow $8.00 Jul-1863
175,070Smith, MiltonDunkirkch. diarr. & dis of abdom. viscera & gen. debility $8.00 Apr-1880
7,570Smith, RhodaPattersonwidow 1812 $8.00 Aug-1878
212,789Smith, Thomas JKentonchr. diarr $4.00 Jun-1882
70,999Snodgrass, DavidKentondis. r. foot $20.00 -
222,370Sommers, GeorgeRoundheaddis of eyes $2.00 Dec-1882
213, 539Sorgen, EdwardKentonchr. diarr $8.00 Jun-1882
151,730Soule, RachelForestwidow $8.00 Apr-1873
113,492Southard, Robert WKentonwd. l. thigh $6.00 -
183,668Spangler, Simon BForestwidow $10.00 Apr-1879
145,823Spurlock, ElizaRoundheadwidow $8.00 Nov-1870
135,257Steagall, John WKentonwd. r. thigh $2.00 -
25,103Steel, MaryRidgewaywidow $8.00 -
3,450Stevenson, Sarah AKentonwidow $8.00 -
95,442Stewart, JamesMt. Victorydislocation r. shr. $4.00 -
120,739Stimmel, Michael MKentonchr. diarr $25.00 -
190,213Storer, CharlesAdadis. of lungs $8.00 Jun-1881
158,630Stout, John ADunkirkchr. bronchitis $6.00 Apr-1879
143,571Stout, WilliamKentonloss 2d & 3d fing. r. hnd $4.00 Jan-1877
221,421Strimpel, Benj.Kentonwd/ both legs $6.00 Nov-1882
49,699Strong, Luther MKentonwd. l. arm $30.00 -
111,396Strong, Wesley AKentonwd. in neck $6.00 -
66,254Strunck, J. FranklinAdawd. r. hnd $6.00 -
65,990Sullinger, William R HForestloss of grat toe & distortion of r. foot $8.00 -
101,223Summers, Francis WRidgewaywd. l. leg $8.00 -
190,163Summersville, SusanAdawidow $8.00 Oct-1880
54,417Sutermister, GodfreyKentonwd. l. leg $8.00 -
215,346Sutermister, JacobKentondis. of eyes $2.00 Jul-1882
82,628Sutherland, MargaretKentonwidow $8.00 Oct-1867
116,740Swartz, George WForestparalysis $6.00 Oct-1881
100,453Thomas, Joseph SKentonwd. l. breast $8.00 -
128,306Thompson, James SForestwd. r .arm $4.00 -
94,160Thompson, JanePattersondep mother $8.00 May-1867
163,970Thorn, CassandraAdawidow $8.00 Feb-1874
186,705Thrailkill, nancy JKentonwidow $12.00 Jan-1880
128,862Titsworth, Richard LMt. Victorywd. l. hip & heart dis $10.00 -
91,743Tressel, George CKentonwd. l. forearm $8.00 -
49,846Tucker, ElizabethKentonwidow $8.00 Jun-1865
122,874Turner, SamuelAdawd. l. arm $4.00 -
1-2,691Tussing, HarmonKentonchr. rheum $4.00 Nov-1881
97,208Vansky, SilasKentondis of kidneys $8.00 -
169,845Vansky, ZachariahKentonshell wd. l. shr. $4.00 Jun-1880
97,381Walker, Walter RDunkirkwd .r .hnd $8.00 -
96,078Walters, ZipporahRoundheadwidow $8.00 Jun-1867
75,737Warper, Edward CForestwd. lower jaw $6.00 -
189,113Watt, Marietta BKentonwidow $19.00 Jul-1880
56,275Watt, SamuelAdawd. r. forearm $18.00 -
71,946Welch, DanielYelvertonwd. l. leg $6.00 -
92,638Welker, MaryDunkirkwidow $8.00 Apr-1867
171,159Wells, John AForestdis of r. hip $6.00 Jul-1880
56,198Wetherill, james GKentonwd. r. wrist $14.00 -
29,921White, EstherForestwidow $8.00 -
77,186White, JosephSilvercreekwd. lower jaw $18.00 -
47,902Wilcox, George WRoundheadwd. r. arm $7.00 -
56,157Williams, George WRoundheadwd. l. hnd $12.00 -
156,741Williams, Mary AKentonwidow $8.00 Mar-1872
145,309Williams, ThomasAdawd. of back $4.00 -
148,346Willis, JesseForestwd. l. thigh $4.00 -
190,819Wilson, CatharineKentonwidow $8.00 Jan-1881
194,401Wilson, ElizabethAdawidow $8.00 Feb-1882
199,371Wilt, JacobKentonwd. r. shr. $4.00 Dec-1881
200,634Wolff, JohnKentondis of lungs $6.00 Jan-1882
93,136Wood, James JDunkirkwd. l. hnd $10.00 -
171,779Wooley, StephenAdachr. diarr & results $8.00 Jul-1880
40,917Young, AlbertKentonwd. l. leg $8.00 -
31,742Young, Sarah MAdawidow 1812 $8.00 May-1881
188,025Zahner, JosiahDunkirkinj. to abdom. $8.00 May-1881
71,174Zigler, WilliamDunkirkwd .r. leg $16.00 -
8,372Zugschwert, AlbertKentondiarr & rheum $18.00 -

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