New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Crawford County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Crawford County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
105,080Ambrosier, DanielTirow.r.lung $8.00 -
181,734Armbruster, AugustBucyrusdis.of eyes $8.00 Jan., 1881
72,822Badgley, CharlotteGalionwidow $8.00 -
178,168Baer, DavidBucyruss.w.l.side $1.00 Oct., 1880
72,511Bair, MaryBucyruswidow $8.00 -
78,588Barclay, MarthaBucyrusmother $8.00 July, 1866
223,102Barnett, Thomas JBucyrusdis.of eyes $4.00 Dec., 1882
31,993Benson, RuthBucyruswidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1881
143,736Berstle, John HPoplarw.r.sholdr $6.00 -
105,232Blackburn, Wm. PCrestlinew.l.ankle $8.00 -
117,880Blackston, WmGalionheart dis $8.00 -
209,935Blowers, Sam'l SBucyrusch.diarr $2.00 May, 1882
46,504Blythe, JohnGalionw.l.thigh $8.00 -
189,791Bogan, John ANorth Robinsonloss of finger, ch.diarr $4.00 June, 1881
12,524Brown, DavidBucyrussurv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
218,807Burnison, AlexGalions.w.r.thigh and head $2.00 Oct., 1882
213,586Burnison, WmCrestlinerheum & dis.of lungs $6.00 June, 1882
195,803Caldwell, Sybil APoplarwidow $8.00 May, 1882
175,419Carpenter, Jeremiah JCrestlinech.rheum $8.00 Oct., 1880
86,018Carson, John RCrestlinew.l.thigh $4.00 -
192,296Caskey, Lewis HGalionpartial loss r.thumb $2.00 July, 1881
215,071Cassel, Dan'l OGalionw.l.hand $2.00 July, 1881
31,173Castle, Phebe AnnBucyruswidow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1881
75,436Cerr, WmGalionw.head & ch.diarr $6.00 -
9,225Clink, JamesBiddlew.l.leg & loss l.eye $8.00 -
5,497Close, HarveyPoplarsurv. 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1871
42,620Collins, Mary LTirowidow $8.00 -
127,099Cook, JohnCrestlinew.r.sholdr $12.00 -
9,015Cook, SilasGalionch.diarr $4.00 -
194,631Cory, Robt. WLykensw.l.forearm $2.00 Aug., 1881
146,889Couts, JacobBucyrusw.of head $4.00 July, 1877
194,300Cowden, Rob'tGalionw.r.hip $7.50 Aug., 1881
39,786Crall, SimonSulphur Springsw.l.thigh $12.00 -
214,722Craner, ChristianNew Winchesterw.l.thigh $4.00 June, 1882
95,188Croninger, JacobNew Washingtoninjury to abdomen $4.00 -
125,110Crouse, IsaacSulphur Springsw.l.hip $6.00 -
195,077Curren, Allen MBucyrusch.diarr & dis.of abd.vis $8.00 Aug., 1881
145,230Dewalt, WmCrestlinew.left thigh $6.00 -
175,265Dicks, MarySulphur Springsmother $8.00 Oct., 1876
154,461Diday, JohnGalionw.of back over l.hip $4.00 July, 1878
223,448Dixon, Mordecai PBucyrusch.diarr $4.00 Dec., 1882
75,402Doersh, LorenzoSulphur Springsw.l.thigh $12.00 -
51,139Doll, ChristianaBucyruswidow $8.00 -
175,676Dunlap, BenjPoplarw.l.sholdr $4.00 Oct., 1880
179,646Dunmire, Jas. HCrestlineneuralgia $8.00 Dec., 1880
183,815Eberth, John HBucyrusch.dysentery $6.00 Mar., 1881
211,244Elder, David LGalionchr.diarr $4.00 June, 1882
20,542English, JohnGalionloss r.leg $24.00 -
203,968Everitt, AmbroseLiberty Cornersdis.of eyes $4.00 Mar., 1882
53,386Fenical, NoahCrestlinew.r.side $8.00 Nov., 1865
167,208Fitzsimmons, Ann EBucyrusmother $8.00 Jan., 1875
8,859Fleming, SophiaCrestlinewidow $8.00 -
70,611French, LavinaBucyruswidow $8.00 Apr., 1866
139,567Fry, AlfredSulphur Springsw.both thighs, &c $8.00 June, 1876
101,943Fulton, Matthew HBucyrusw.l.sholdr $6.00 -
213,170Gowing, Geo. ESulphur Springsw.l.hand, rheum., dis.heart $8.00 June, 1882
209,785Graft, ChasBucyrusw.r.sholdr, thigh, & scurvy $6.00 May, 1882
101,996Gravell, Oswald EBucyruss.w.r.arm $6.00 June, 1870
118,347Haas or Hass, back $8.00 Aug., 1872
182,951Harter, John HOceolainjury to abdomen $20.00 Feb., 1881
170,373Harvey, NancyBucyrusmother $8.00 July, 1875
122,233Hase, Geo.Sulphur Springslameness l.leg $8.00 -
203,763Heckart, r.ankle $2.00 Mar., 1882
113,163Heffelfinger, JasGalionw.r.arm $8.00 -
55,144Herriott, WmGalionw.r.arm $2.00 Jan., 1866
162,189Hershner, AdamGalionw.l.leg $4.00 Aug., 1879
162,286Hilborn, JohnTirorheum., injury to abdomen $8.00 Sept., 1879
222,258Hillis, Wm. DBucyrusch.diarr $2.00 Dec., 1882
169,604Hites, DavidSulphur back & spine $8.00 June, 1880
184,698Hoefnagel, Fred'kBucyrusinjury to abdomen $8.00 Mar., 1881
100,886Hollenbaugh, FrankBucyrusw.r.leg - -
136,056Hoover, Geo. WCrestlineloss 2 fing.l.hand $2.00 Sept., 1875
167,601Hoover, WmCrestlines.w.r.thigh $2.00 Apr., 1880
137,202Howell, Geo. PSulphur Springsw.l.jaw $10.00 Dec., 1875
162,022Huhn, ChristianGalionch.rheum $8.00 Aug., 1879
129,080Jackson, ThosNew Washingtonfrac.l.leg $4.00 July, 1874
116,700Jeffrey, Sam'l WTirow.of breast, afft'g lungs $12.00 -
159,483Johnson, Fred'k WGalionfrac.l.thigh $2.00 Apr., 1879
113,501Jones, AmeliaCrestlinemother $8.00 May, 1868
189,060Jourden, Dan'l CBucyrusch.rheum $4.00 May, 1881
25,416Jump, IsaacGaliondis.of eyes $8.00 -
179,170Kahl, ChasBucyrusrheum $4.00 Nov., 1880
21,716Kanzleiter, Dan'lBucyruslaryngitis and bronchitis $4.00 Sept., 1882
6,767Karis, SusannahSulphur Springswidow $8.00 May, 1876
178,294Keiss, r.sholdr $3.00 Oct., 1880
180,414Keller, Harrison SBucyrusinj.r.leg & dis.of lungs $4.00 Dec., 1880
195,585Kimble, Sarah JaneBucyruswidow $16.00 May, 1882
18,454Kinsely, CatharineBroken Swordwidow $8.00 Apr., 1864
142,442Kirby, John EOceolaw.l.thigh $6.00 -
145,073Koons, Sam'l BSulphur Springss.w.of head $8.00 May, 1877
160,146Lane, Henry GBucyrusw.l.side of head & thigh $4.00 May, 1879
25,555Lantz, SusannaBucyruswidow 1812 $8.00 July, 1879
151,378Laus, ThosSulphur Springsw.of neck $4.00 Mar., 1878
24,745Leach, MaryBroken Swordwidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
175,212Lepert, Conrad BGalioninjury to abdomen $8.00 Oct., 1880
209,380Lewis, Jacob BCrestlinew.2 toe l.foot $2.00 May, 1882
21,401Longandaffer, FrankCrestlinew.r.thigh $4.00 -
55,234Longwell, AsburyPoplarw.l.leg $6.00 -
134,471Lyybarger, PorterBucyrusch.diarr $8.00 -
93,265Mathias, Ann MBucyruswidow $8.00 Apr., 1867
66,080McBride, LouisaBroken Swordwidow $8.00 -
51,193McCullough, HarveySulphur Springsw.r.shoulder $8.00 -
208,855McCurdy, Jas. NBucyrusrheum & dis.of heart $8.00 May, 1882
121,241McCutchen, WmBucyruslung dis $4.00 -
164,592McLaughlin, r.leg $4.00 Feb., 1880
145,409McMichael, John ABucyrusinj.l.sholdr $4.00 Sept., 1881
222,796Mellon, Jacob CCrestlinew.r.heel $4.00 Dec., 1882
193,170Merrihew, Emma LBucyruswidow $8.00 Aug., 1881
52,436Miller, John WLykenspar.anchy.l.wrist joint $3.00 -
204,328Miller, Levi LPoplarfrac.r.arm $4.00 Mar., 1882
112,542Miller, Wm. HBucyrusw.through body l.side of back. $8.00 -
175,977Moderwell, Jas. QBucyrusw.r.thigh - -
164,773Mollenkopf, JosBucyrusw.l.hand $4.00 Feb., 1880
91,449Monsmith, FrankGalionw.l.hip $6.00 -
147,519Moore, AndrewPoplarw.l.thigh $6.00 Aug., 1877
193,195Moore, Eliza AnnBucyrusmother $8.00 Aug., 1881
18,007Morris, MaryBucyruswidow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
44,077Morton, John HGalionw.r.leg $18.00 -
74,667Morton, RachelBucyruswidow $8.00 -
192,924Morton, RosannahBucyrusmother $8.00 July, 1881
24,076Mulligan, JohnBucyrusanchy.knee joint $18.00 -
67,892Neer, Cynthia AGalionmother $8.00 Mar., 1866
142,500Newhouse, MichaelNorth Robinsoninj.r.arm $4.00 -
131,216Noblet, ThosNew Winchesterwidow $8.00 July, 1869
206,085O'Davis, JohnCrestlinerheum $4.00 Apr., 1882
16,785O'Flyng, LydiaBucyruswidow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
201,079Ozier, GaylordCrestlinescurvy & debility $4.00 Jan., 1882
139,092Parcher, SallyBucyrusmother $8.00 June, 1870
204,541Parry, ThosCrestlinew.r.foot $4.00 Mar., 1882
71,283Pence, Henry APoplarw.both legs $6.00 -
83,683Pierce, JaneGalionmother $8.00 Sept., 1866
173,545Piles, ZachariahSulphur Springsinjury to abdomen $4.00 Sept., 1880
79,123Price, SarahBucyrusmother $8.00 Mar., 1869
48,148Pritchard, John RGalionw.l.breast $15.00 -
9,506Reck, Luther MGalionw.l.sholdr $8.00 -
22,582Reynolds, Wm. HOceolaw.l.elbow $6.00 -
99,710Rigby, MajorGalionw.r.sholdr $4.00 -
77,121Roberts, ElizabethGalionwidow $8.00 -
12,192Robinson, SarahCrestlinewidow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
172,492Rupersberger, HenryBucyrusw.sholdr., arm, & hand, & injury to abdomen. $10.00 Aug., 1880
195,158Russell, John WGalionrheum $2.00 Aug., 1881
100,351Russell, MaryGalionwidow $8.00 Oct., 1867
153,916Schaads, BenjCrestlinew.of hand $4.00 June, 1878
164,093Scheckler, Wm. HBucyrusrheum. & heart dis $8.00 Jan., 1880
223,846Schnider, GeoCrestlineinj.r.side, chest, & arm $6.00 Dec., 1882
36,445Sharp, Catharine EGalionwidow $17.00 -
93,357Sloop, JoshuaCrestlinew.r.hip, abd., &c $10.00 -
201,598Smith, MartinNew Washingtonw.r.hip $4.00 Jan., 1882
127,080Snider, Alfred r.foot & ankle $6.00 -
173,418Snodgrass, DavidCrestlinew.l.wrist $6.00 Sept., 1880
73,034Snyder, Jas. M. R.Crestlinew.l.side & hip $8.00 -
31,806Snyder, ValentineCrestlinedis of heart $12.00 -
153,857Songer, RuthBucyruswidow $12.00 Oct., 1871
161,764Spiggle, Sam'lGalionw.l.thigh $4.00 July, 1879
167,452Springer, Mathias MNew Washingtonblindness $72.00 May, 1880
142,252Stewart, Geo. HBucyrusw.of back $6.00 -
55,850Stock, ChristianaNew Washingtonwidow $8.00 -
222,996Strahl, Benj. JCrestlinew.of head $4.00 Dec., 1882
187,225Striker, MillyNew Washingtonwidow $14.00 Mar., 1880
148,698Struble, AbrahamGalionw.r.thigh $2.00 -
89,183Sutherland, GeoNew Washingtonw.ankle & l.side $8.00 -
221,705Swonger, Emer LNorth Robinsoninj.of chest $4.00 Dec., 1882
153,115Thatcher, Orrin SPoplarch.rheum $18.00 May, 1878
175,721Thomas, HenryGaliondis.of heart $6.00 Oct., 1880
31,947Torrence, Mary ASulphur Springswidow $8.00 -
221,191Trago, Sam'l WTirow.l.thigh $2.00 Nov., 1882
202,373Tucker, John MGalionch.diarr. & dis.of heart $4.00 Feb., 1882
148,296Uhl, JacobNew Washingtonw.of neck $6.00 Sept., 1877
104,378Uttz, Jacob CNew Washingtonw.r.foot $4.00 -
19,952Vance, Wm. HPoplarloss 2 fing's r.hand $8.00 -
172,242Wade, EdwardBucyrusdis.of heart $12.00 Aug., 1880
126,519Walsh, LambertBucyrusdiarr. & lung dis $24.00 -
173,251Warden, Nathan CGalionloss of thumb r.hand $4.00 Sept., 1880
99,587Warden, Wm PNew Winchesterw.r.hip $4.00 -
176,400Weaver, Washington CNew Washingtonw.r.forearm $4.00 Oct., 1880
82,423Weirick, Sally ANew Winchesterwidow $8.00 Oct., 1867
79,274Weston, JohnSulphur Springsw.r.knee $16.00 -
21,909Wild, AntonGalionw.r.thigh $8.00 -
54,122Williams, GeoGalionw.l.forearm $5.00 -
150,755Williams, HenryBucyrusch.rheum $6.00 -
82,297Williams, Sam'l GGalionw.elbow, r.side $4.00 -
37,092Williston, John HBucyrusw.l.sholdr $18.75 -
113,783Wilson, AlfredCrestlinew.r.forearm $6.00 -
11,520Wilson, HenryPenn Linesurv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
38,861Yaley, Mary ATiromother $8.00 Jan., 1865
2,160Youngman, MaryBucyrusmother $8.00 May, 1863
217,014Zellner, EdwinPoplarch.diarr $4.00 Aug., 1882

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