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January 1, 1883
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1883 Clermont County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of original Allowance |
197,893 | Altman, Michael W. | Bethel | chr. Diar.&dis. Of abd. Vis. | $8.00 | Nov. 1881 |
29,243 | Armstrong, Elizabeth | Goshen | widow | $8.00 | - |
119,576 | Armstrong, Joseph | Bethel | wd. R't thigh | $4.00 | - |
198,431 | Ashton, Felix L. | Edenton | g. s. w. rt. Shoulder | $4.00 | Nov. 1881 |
93,667 | Avery, Andrew J. | Moscow | dis. Of abdominal viscera | $18.00 | - |
19,720 | Badgley, George H. | Neville | wd. Rt. hand | $8.00 | - |
23,066 | Barber, Elizabeth A. | Felicity | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 1879 |
61,769 | Barker, William H. | Owensville | wd. Lt. leg | $10.00 | - |
164,647 | Barnes, William McK. | Williamsburgh | dis. Heart, lungs | $4.00 | Feb. 1880 |
147,513 | Barr, Andrew J. | Felicity | g. s. w. left thigh | $2.00 | - |
41,037 | Beall, Wm. N. | Point Isabel | inj. To breast | $4.00 | Apr. 1865 |
31,890 | Beckett, Amy | Amelia | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 1881 |
84,080 | Behymer, Freeman | Peoples | wd. Head | $18.00 | - |
89,294 | Behymer, Lovina | Withamsville | widow | $8.00 | Jan. 1867 |
114,281 | Behymer, Margaret | Marathon | widow | $8.00 | June 1868 |
161,132 | Berlew, Jane | Chilo | dep. Widow | $8.00 | Feb. 1873 |
5,599 | Berry, Isaac | Williamsburgh | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Oct. 1871 |
15,306 | Bettle, Sarah | New Richmond | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
13,292 | Bishop, Rebecca | Williamsburgh | widow | $8.00 | - |
193,308 | Black, Dorcas | Amelia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sep. 1881 |
104,384 | Blackburn, James K. | Felicity | wd left thigh | $8.00 | - |
16,501 | Blair, Catharine | Bantam | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
195,512 | Blair, Christopher | New Richmond | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Sep. 1881 |
58,388 | Blalock, Wesley | Williamsburgh | wd. Lt. knee joint | $18.00 | - |
122,769 | Bond, George | New Richmond | wd.R.hand, loss 1 & 2 fing.12 | $12.00 | - |
115,094 | Botts, Shim | Batavia | wd. Rt. Shoulder & sides | $8.00 | - |
69,665 | Boulware, Leonidas | Williamsburgh | inj. Rt. Hand | $18.00 | - |
75,533 | Brace, Mary | Edenton | widow | $8.00 | June 1866 |
36,313 | Bragdon, Laura | Locust Corner | widow | $8.00 | - |
183,501 | Bredwell, Laura F. | Felicity | widow | $12.00 | Mar. 1879 |
30,001 | Broch, William | Owensville | inj. Left knee | $4.00 | - |
219,304 | Brown, Alonzo R. | Chilo | dis. Heart, result. Dropsy | $6.00 | Oct. 1882 |
188,693 | Brown, Courtland | Batavia | dis. Of heart | $6.00 | May 1881 |
94,547 | Brown, Margaret M. | New Richmond | widow | $8.00 | May 1867 |
65,759 | Brown, Quincy A. | Bethel | dis. Of eyes | $4.00 | - |
204,743 | Brown, William H. | Bethel | dis. Of eyes | $4.00 | Mar. 1882 |
19,277 | Brush, Mary A. | Felicity | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 1879 |
171,135 | Bryant, Mary | New Richmond | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 1875 |
8,077 | Bull, Caroline | Batavia | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 1878 |
183,150 | Burgenmayer, Karol'a | New Richmond | widow | $14.00 | Mar. 1879 |
23,263 | Burke, Olive M. | Williamsburgh | widow | $8.00 | - |
189,688 | Burroughs, Elizabeth | Bantam | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sep. 1880 |
18,421 | Bushman, Martha | Point Pleasant | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 1879 |
209,436 | Caldwell, James C. | Williamsburgh | dis. Heart | $4.00 | May 1882 |
187,020 | Calhoun, Elizabeth | Nicholsville | widow | $8.00 | Feb. 1880 |
204,750 | Campbell, William V. | Chilo | inj. Right knee | $4.00 | Mar. 1882 |
27,780 | Carpenter, Sarah | Laurel | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 1879 |
201,036 | Carr, Alonzo | Neville | g. s. w. lt. leg | $4.00 | Jan. 1882 |
118,349 | Chatterdon, Ezra | Williamsburgh | rupture r. side | $4.00 | - |
125,741 | Clare, George | Bethel | g. s. w. l't foot | $5.00 | - |
173,127 | Clark, Elizabeth | Chilo | dep. Widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1876 |
8,812 | Clark, Elizabeth | Goshen | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sep. 1878 |
103,769 | Clark, William | Bantam | inj. Of back | $4.00 | - |
35,320 | Clark, William R. | Felicity | loss l. arm above elbow | $24.00 | - |
175,932 | Coleman, Jane | Laurel | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1877 |
101,467 | Collins, Julia | New Richmond | widow | $8.00 | Oct. 1867 |
103,900 | Combs, James M. | Elenor | wd. Lt. thigh | $4.00 | - |
36,180 | Combs, Wesley A. | Owensville | wd. Lt. leg | $2.00 | - |
119,662 | Compton, John E. | Henning's Mills | wd. Rt. Thigh | $2.00 | - |
60,201 | Conover, Elias | Edenton | g. s. w. rt. Thigh | $6.00 | - |
202,917 | Convey, James A. | Point Isabel | g. s. w. lt. shoulder | $4.00 | Feb. 1882 |
78,357 | Cooper, Flerence | Owensville | widow | $8.00 | - |
110,886 | Cordry, William | Williamsburgh | dis. Heart | $8.00 | - |
198,138 | Crabb, Louden H. | Smith's Landing | inj. Rt. Side & scurvy | $4.00 | Nov. 1881 |
131,995 | Cramer, Elizabeth A. | Newtonsville | widow | $8.00 | July 1869 |
207,684 | Cramer, Elliott | Williamsburgh | scurvy result. Abcess l. leg | $4.00 | Apr. 1882 |
196,574 | Curlis, Susan E. | Afton | widow | $10.00 | June 1882 |
206,939 | Davis, John | Withamsville | diarr., dis. Lungs & rheum. | $7.50 | Apr. 1882 |
96,147 | Dean, Sarah | Chilo | dep. Widow | $8.00 | June 1867 |
222,543 | Demaris, Jacob B. | Felicity | dis. Of abdominal viscera | $4.00 | Mar. 1879 |
20,439 | Denham, Sarah | Bethel | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 1879 |
187,372 | Denton, Susan | Loveland | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 1880 |
112,807 | Dillon, Isaac E. | Loveland | wd. Lt. shoulder | $3.00 | - |
26,871 | Dixon, Francess | Felicity | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sep. 1879 |
4,799 | Dolby, Luther | Nicholsville | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Sep. 1871 |
159,414 | Donelly, Mariah | New Richmond | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 1872 |
15,090 | Donham, Elizabeth | Bantam | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
132,655 | Donham, Jacob | Lindale | g. s. w. rt. Shoulder | $4.00 | - |
186,353 | Dore, William | Williamsburgh | dis. Heart, lungs | $10.00 | Apr. 1881 |
196,755 | Dougherty, William | Batavia | chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | Oct. 1881 |
81,951 | Doughman, Thomas J. | Goshen | wd. Left thigh | $12.00 | - |
170,874 | Drake, James H. | Henning's Mills | dis. Eyes | $6.00 | June 1880 |
146,857 | Dumford, John R. | Edenton | inj. Left eye | $4.00 | July 1877 |
28,411 | Ellis, Sarah C. | Batavia | widow | $15.00 | - |
26,227 | Elrod, Mary Jane | Nicholsville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 1879 |
37,992 | Emery, Julia | Loveland | widow | $20.00 | - |
165,631 | English, Ellen | Chilo | dep. widow | $8.00 | July 1874 |
86,202 | Eppert, Elizabeth | Lindale | widow | $8.00 | Nov. 1866 |
149,710 | Featherly, William | Loveland | wd. Lt. arm | $18.00 | Dec. 1877 |
114,702 | Fee, Price T. | Felicity | wd. l thigh, res. Var. veins | $4.00 | Dec. 1871 |
37,634 | Fields, Sarah | Batavia | widow | $8.00 | - |
92,290 | Fisher, Mary | Mulberry | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1867 |
222,552 | Folks, Charles B. | Clermontville | g. s. w. rt. Leg | $2.00 | Dec. 1882 |
180,639 | Ford, Elizabeth | Felicity | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1878 |
485 | Fox, Sarah | Bethel | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sep. 1871 |
26,355 | Frambs, Mary | Felicity | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 1879 |
212,443 | Frazier, Edward | Wiggonsville | dis. Lungs | $6.00 | June 1882 |
51,296 | Frazier, Frances M. | Bethel | wd. L. side face under eye | $6.00 | - |
47,963 | Frazier, Nancy | Bethel | widow | $17.00 | - |
37,229 | Fry, Margaret | Chilo | widow | $8.00 | - |
190,692 | Furgison, John | Felicity | dis.Lungs result. Dis.heart | $12.00 | Jan. 1881 |
212,686 | Gardener, George W. | Amelia | dis. Kidneys | $4.00 | June 1882 |
107,511 | Geer, Sallie A. | Tobasco | widow | $19.00 | - |
197,061 | Geer, Sallie J. | Tobasco | widow | $19.00 | Aug. 1882 |
165,973 | Gilleau, George I. | Amelia | chills fever, result debilit | $18.00 | Mar. 1880 |
199,322 | Glasgow, John H. | Bethel | g. s. w. of r. shoulder | $2.00 | Dec. 1881 |
15,774 | Goodwin, Lucina | Felicity | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
196,094 | Graham, Henry | Goshen | inj. Rt. Knee | $4.00 | Sep. 1881 |
111,174 | Gravett, Marenda | Point Isabel | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1868 |
148,447 | Grether, Charles | Milford | lumbago | $4.00 | - |
77,216 | Greyson, Frank | Felicity | wd. Face, result. Loss lt. eye, affecting rt. Eye | $16.00 | - |
164,826 | Griffith, Elizabeth | Goshen | widow | $12.00 | May 1874 |
9,888 | Guy, Ann | Milford | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct. 1878 |
15,094 | Haines, Catharine | Olive Branch | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
133,372 | Haines, Sarah E. | Nicholsville | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 1869 |
159,810 | Halfhill, Lewis | Laurel | partial deafness | $2.00 | May 1879 |
154,795 | Halleman, Malinda D. | Batavia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Dec. 1871 |
214,200 | Haney, Jacob | Batavia | rheum. Result. Dis. Eyes | $4.00 | June 1882 |
34,250 | Hanna, Elmira C. | Bethel | widow | $8.00 | - |
197,107 | Hannaford, Mary J. | Loveland | widow | $10.00 | Aug. 1882 |
198,250 | Harbaugh, David C. | Bethel | g. s. w. head | $4.00 | Nov. 1881 |
92,284 | Harris, Elizabeth | Amelia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr. 1867 |
44,028 | Hawkins, Rezin | New Richmond | wd. Lt. arm | $8.00 | - |
167,458 | Helmering, Charlotte | New Richmond | widow | $8.00 | Sep. 1877 |
125,291 | Hicks, Nancy V. | Smith's Landing | dep. mother | $8.00 | Feb. 1869 |
183,307 | Hill, James A. | Goshen | catarrh, chr. Diarr. Result. dis. Of abdominal viscera | - | - |
168,576 | Hill, James W. | Bethel | widow | $22.00 | Apr. 1875 |
18,118 | Hobson, Elizabeth | Marathon | widow | $8.00 | - |
1,096 | Hodges, Elizabeth | Batavia | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 1871 |
16,835 | Holland, Hannah | Bantam | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 1879 |
128,363 | Hopkins, Charles B. | Amelia | general debility | $8.00 | May 1874 |
215,390 | House, Edwin L. | New Richmond | g. s. w. r. leg | $2.00 | July 1882 |
166,421 | Howser, Nancy A. | Neville | dep. mother | $8.00 | Nov. 1874 |
195,824 | Hutton, George W. | Williamsburgh | loss part third toe rt. Foot result. Mecrosis. | $4.00 | Sep. 1881 |
15,670 | Ingalls, Mary | Amelia | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
58,246 | Irwin, Russell B. | Goshen | wd. Rt. Arm | $16.00 | - |
206,501 | Israel, Jabez T. | Bethel | inj. L't eye | $4.00 | Apr. 1882 |
183,090 | Jackson, Samuel H. | Nicholsville | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Feb. 1881 |
175,545 | Jacob, Mary | Neville | widow | $8.00 | Nov. 1876 |
140,323 | Jacobs, Bart | Felicity | inj. Rt. Arm | $4.00 | - |
1,838 | James, Arthur | Batavia | - | $8.00 | July 1871 |
5,419 | Jamieson, John | Batavia | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Sep. 1871 |
188,145 | John, James S. | Batavia | dep. Father | $8.00 | May 1880 |
16,096 | Johnson, Mary | Neville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
16,220 | Johnson, William | Batavia | g. s. w. of neck | $3.75 | - |
83,617 | Jones, Ann M. | Amelia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sep. 1866 |
201,065 | Julien, Joshua | Milford | inj. To back, result. Dis. of spine | $4.00 | Jan. 1882 |
111,769 | Kell, George | Batavia | wd. Rt. Hip | $8.00 | - |
186,011 | Kennedy, Vene S. | Batavia | widow | $17.00 | Nov. 1879 |
11,217 | Kill, Martha J. | Goshen | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 1878 |
197,303 | Killinger, Henry | Milford | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Nov. 1881 |
196,699 | King, Frank L. | Felicity | widow | $12.00 | June 1880 |
196,330 | Kipp, John | Goshen | ulcers of both legs | $12.00 | Oct. 1881 |
8,981 | Kirgan, Mary | Amelia | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sep. 1878 |
120,738 | Kirkbride, Dudley | Williamsburgh | wd. Rt. Forearm and hip | $8.00 | - |
67,796 | Knott, Phebe J. | Newtonsville | widow | $8.00 | Oct. 1868 |
207,122 | Krauth, Adam | New Richmond | loss of sight rt. Eye, defective vis. L. eye, deaf both ears | $8.00 | Apr. 1882 |
205,471 | Kress, Christian | New Richmond | chr.Diarr & dis. Of abd Vis. | $4.00 | Mar. 1882 |
62,248 | Kyle, Elizabeth | Monterey | widow | $8.00 | - |
57,848 | Landsdale, Francis K. | Owensville | wd. Hand & arm | $4.00 | - |
147,246 | Lane, Marth | Withamsville | widow | $8.00 | Jan. 1871 |
6,464 | Lang, Anna | Bethel | widow | $8.00 | - |
22,288 | Lanham, Elizabeth A. | Felicity | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 1879 |
174,198 | Layman, Emeline | Goshen | widow | $8.00 | June 1876 |
138,368 | Leanham, Notley | Felicity | chr. Rheum | $8.00 | - |
130,156 | Leicht, Eva | New Richmond | dep. Mother | $8.00 | June 1869 |
21,026 | Lennon, John | Miamiville | wd. R. thigh | $6.00 | - |
110,544 | Levi, Willis | Felicity | wd rt. Forearm | $4.00 | - |
194,354 | Lewis, Laura E. | Batavia | widow | $18.00 | Feb. 1882 |
17,728 | Lindsey, Elizabeth | New Richmond | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 1879 |
206,505 | Lukemire, Peter | Marathon | chr. Diarr. | $6.00 | Apr. 1882 |
154,811 | Lutz, John | New Richmond | varicose veins r. leg | $2.00 | Aug. 1878 |
193,850 | Manning, Nancy | Point Isabel | dep. mother | $8.00 | Dec. 1881 |
208,064 | Markley, Martin V. | Mount Caramel | g. s. w. rt. thigh | $3.75 | May 1882 |
156,895 | Markley, Truman C. | Withamsville | g. s. w. lt. foot | $4.00 | Dec. 1878 |
76,922 | Masters, Dorcas | Goshen | widow | $8.00 | - |
139,439 | Matson, William D. | Moscow | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | - |
23,979 | Mattox, Eliza | Locust Corner | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 1878 |
209,472 | Mattox, Levi L. | Bethel | chr. Diarr. | $6.00 | May 1882 |
196,658 | Maxwell, Sarah | Hill's Station | dep. Mother | $8.00 | June 1882 |
93,123 | McAdams, Elizabeth A. | Williamsburgh | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1867 |
207,358 | McAdams, Isaac N. | Williamsburgh | dis. Kid. & blad. Res. Dis. Heart | $10.00 | Apr. 1882 |
66,079 | McCollum, Nancy | Williamsburgh | widow | $8.00 | - |
117,709 | McDonough, Mary E. | New Richmond | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 1868 |
216,532 | McDulin, Charles | Moscow | chr. Rheum. Result dis. Heart | $18.00 | Aug. 1882 |
137,751 | McFarland, Joseph W. | Neville | injury to abdomen | $5.00 | - |
93,346 | McGuire, Rebecca E. | Neville | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1867 |
133,012 | McGuire, William | New Richmond | wd. Rt. Foot | $3.00 | - |
16,219 | McKee, Andrew B. | Felicity | wd. L. side | $17.00 | - |
195,002 | McKibben, James W. | Point Pleasant | g. s. w. back, shoulder | $12.00 | Aug. 1881 |
118,671 | McKinnel, Walter S. | Newtonsville | wd. Lt. leg | $2.00 | - |
182,269 | McLefresh, Joseph | Chilo | partial loss r. index finger | $2.09 | Feb. 1881 |
45,891 | McMahon, John W. | Bethel | wd. L't leg | $5.34 | - |
57,300 | McMillen, Theophilus C | Felicity | wd. Rt. Leg | $5.00 | - |
201,990 | McMInnis, Eli | Mount Repose | saber wd. R. hand | $2.00 | Jan. 1882 |
71,352 | McNair, Archibald | Salt Air | wd. Rt. Wrist | $7.00 | - |
203,823 | Mertz, John F. | New Richmond | bronchitis | $2.00 | Mar. 1882 |
138,563 | Middleton, Edward | Felicity | wd. Left hip | $6.00 | - |
146,308 | Mofford, John | Laurel | hydrocele rt. Side | $8.00 | - |
49,362 | Moore, Eliza E. | Batavia | widow | $17.00 | - |
21,482 | Moore, Sarah C. | Felicity | widow | $17.00 | - |
222,618 | Moorhead, Erastus S. | Williamsburgh | varicose veins, both legs | $2.00 | Dec. 1882 |
77,190 | Moorhead, Thomas W. | Williamsburgh | wd. Rt. Shoulder | $5.34 | - |
219,326 | Morris, John | Nine Mile | chr. Diarr. | $4.00 | Oct. 1882 |
185,464 | Morris, Lydia A. | Bethel | widow | $8.00 | Sep. 1879 |
177,011 | Morton, John H. | New Richmond | dis. Spine | $6.00 | Oct. 1880 |
195,686 | Mount, Amey | Batavia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | May 1882 |
80,476 | Myers, George W. | Goshen | wd. Left shoulder | $6.00 | - |
162,598 | Neal, Francis M. | Moscow | g. s. w. lt. thigh | $4.00 | Oct. 1879 |
104,199 | Newkirk, Mary A. | New Richmond | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Dec. 1867 |
27,433 | Nienhuser, John L. | Loveland | wd. Shoulder, cl. | $18.00 | - |
145,592 | Nighswander, Andrew | Milford | loss index fing. Wd. L. leg | $5.00 | May 1877 |
26,020 | Ogden, Sarah A. | Point Isabel | widow | $8.00 | July 1879 |
144,987 | O'Neil Michael | Neville | g. s. w. face | $4.00 | May 1877 |
28,150 | Osbourn, Sarah | Newtonsville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 1879 |
22,081 | Parker, Elizabeth | Moscow | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 1879 |
125,802 | Patterson, Louisa | Mulberry | dep. mother | $8.00 | Mar. 1869 |
221,572 | Patterson, William M. | Lindale | g. s. w. lt. hip, lt. knee | $4.00 | Dec. 1882 |
188,899 | Paul, Michael | Glen Este | chr. Diar., result. Dis. Of abdominal viscera | $2.00 | May 1881 |
32,522 | Paxton, Eliza M. | Loveland | widow 1812 | $8.00 | June 1882 |
151,283 | Pearce, Albert | New Richmond | g. s. w. rt. Forearm | $2.00 | Feb. 1878 |
142,889 | Peck, John | Chilo | total blindness | $72.00 | - |
53,546 | Perkiser, Marth J. | Neville | widow | $8.00 | - |
145,263 | Perry, John | Edenton | dis. Kidneys | $6.00 | May 1877 |
193,534 | Phillips, Elizabeth | Neville | widow | $8.00 | Oct. 1881 |
45,399 | Pickelheimer, Wm. D. | New Richmond | loss r. arm | $24.00 | - |
131,292 | Pickett, James | Milford | wd. Rt. Hand | $6.00 | - |
164,034 | Pierce, Rachel | Edenton | widow | $12.00 | Feb. 1874 |
17,974 | Poland, Nathaniel | Elenor | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | July 1872 |
149,410 | Price, Alexander K. | Laurel | chr. Rheum | $18.00 | Nov. 1877 |
1,873 | Price, Elizabeth | Miamiville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 1872 |
105,776 | Price, Sarah | Nicholsville | widow | $8.00 | Jan. 1868 |
204,419 | Pride, Jacob F. | Bethel | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Mar. 1882 |
58,669 | Purdum, Jesse L. | Loveland | wd. chest | $8.00 | - |
215,717 | Queal, John O. | Miamiville | g. s. w. face, r. foot | $2.00 | July 1882 |
202,171 | Ralls, William J. | Bethel | g. s. w. l't leg | $2.00 | Jan. 1882 |
206,045 | Raper, Charles W. | Williamsburgh | dis. lungs | $4.00 | Apr. 1882 |
193,110 | Raper, Fanny | Batavia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Aug. 1881 |
79,273 | Reddick, Elisha | Marathon | wd. Rt. Thigh | $4.00 | - |
111,766 | Reed, Caroline | Marathon | dep. mother | $8.00 | Apr. 1868 |
132,858 | Reed, Josephus | Nine Mile | wd. Great toe lt. foot | $2.00 | - |
127388 | Rich, William W. | Loveland | wd. Lt. foot | $4.00 | - |
82,276 | Richardson, John | Bantam | wd. Foot by axe | $8.00 | - |
203,946 | Ricker, Benjamin J. | Locust Corner | g. s. w. lt. hand, loss of index finger, g. s. w. of arm, r. side | $7.50 | Mar. 1882 |
186,328 | Ritter, Arthur C. | Moscow | chr. Rheum. , dis. Skin | $4.00 | Apr. 1881 |
220,387 | Rowe, William S. | Williamsburgh | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Nov. 1882 |
20,875 | Rust, Jane | Moscow | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 1879 |
22,281 | Ryan, Mary E. B. | New Richmond | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 1879 |
206,225 | Schafer, John | New Richmond | g. s. w. lt. arm | $2.00 | Apr. 1882 |
115,856 | Schenz, Mathias | New Richmond | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | - |
33,687 | Schuler, John | New Richmond | wd. L. thigh, r. arm & side | $6.00 | - |
16,994 | Scott, Ann M. | Moscow | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
71,180 | Scott, Edward | Batavia | wd. Rt. Shoulder | $14.00 | - |
148,801 | Seal, John H. | Mount Caramel | inj. To rt. Eye | $4.00 | Oct. 1877 |
175,986 | Sebexen, Louisa | Mount Caramel | widow | $14.00 | Jan. 1877 |
4,180 | Sellyett, Augusta A. | Moscow | widow | $8.00 | - |
120,815 | Sherman, William N. | Amelia | wd. Chest | $6.00 | - |
196,580 | Short, Levi W. | Amelia | dis. Of abdominal viscera | $4.00 | Oct 1881 |
121,597 | Shumard, Joseph | Belfast | hypertrophy of heart, emaciation | $6.00 | - |
109,693 | Shumard, Mary | Goshen | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 1868 |
129,481 | Sighs, Archy F. | Bantam | wd. Left leg | $6.00 | - |
145,822 | Simmons, Thomas C. | Felicity | total blindness | $72.00 | - |
149,558 | Simon, William | Moscow | g. s. w. l. shr. | $2.00 | Nov. 1877 |
40,924 | Simons, Philotus | New Palestine | loss lt. leg | $24.00 | - |
74,762 | Sims, Margaret F. | Williamsburgh | widow | $8.00 | June 1866 |
11,977 | Slade, Joanna | Batavia | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 1878 |
79,306 | Slone, Catharine | Milford | widow | $8.00 | Dec. 1869 |
98,572 | Slone, Susan | Marathon | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 1867 |
110,176 | Smith, Charles | Williamsburgh | opthalmia | $8.00 | - |
167,165 | Smith, Enoch N. | Williamsburgh | rheumatism | $2.00 | Apr. 1880 |
31,899 | Smith, Margaret | Owensville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 1881 |
9,891 | Smith, Nancy | Williamsburgh | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct. 1878 |
152,514 | Snider, Sarah | Belfast | dep. Mother | $8.00 | July 1871 |
168,298 | Snider, William | New Palestine | dep. father | $8.00 | Mar. 1875 |
164,882 | South, Philip T. | Bethel | dis. heart | $18.00 | Feb. 1880 |
217,813 | Stabler, Benjamin F. | Milford | g. s. w. rt. Wrist | $4.00 | Sep. 1882 |
32,142 | Stall, Christiana | Tobasco | widow | $8.00 | - |
126,636 | Stevens, George W. | Williamsburgh | wd. Left foot | $4.00 | - |
90,929 | Steward, Jane | Marathon | widow | $8.00 | Feb. 1867 |
121,198 | Stewart, Rebecca | Milford | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Nov. 1868 |
195,111 | Story, Thomas | Goshen | g. s. w. l. leg | $2.00 | Aug. 1881 |
78,397 | Stover, Alfred | Williamsburgh | wd. Rt. hand | $5.00 | - |
203,459 | Straight, William R. | Bethel | rheumatism | $2.00 | Feb. 1882 |
146,488 | Stratton, Aaron | Neville | inj. To rt. Hip & back | $8.00 | June 1877 |
7,889 | Strickland, Mark | Stone Lick | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 1871 |
73,250 | Stroup, Jerina | Lindale | widow | $8.00 | - |
95,954 | Stuart, Mary | Perins' Mills | dep. mother | $8.00 | June 1867 |
1,221 | Stull, Henry | Newtonsville | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | July 1871 |
79,686 | Stymetts, Francis W. | Owensville | wd rt. Leg | $4.00 | - |
215,205 | Sutton, Harvey W. | New Richmond | chr. Diarr., inj. To l. leg, r. ankle | $10.00 | July 1882 |
137,170 | Temple, Andrew J. | Lindale | wd. Lt. shoulder | $3.00 | Dec. 1875 |
213,116 | Temple, Bynum | Amelia | inj. To left knee | $8.00 | June 1882 |
164,901 | Temple, George W. | Lindale | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Feb. 1880 |
122,468 | Thompson, John W. | Bethel | inj. To abd., sunstroke & result. | $12.00 | - |
11,143 | Thompson, Margaret | Mount Caramel | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 1878 |
131,343 | Thoms, William H. | Felicity | dis. Of lungs | $8.00 | - |
75,857 | Thomsburg, Margaret A. | Mount Repose | widow | $8.00 | - |
27,173 | Tice, Maria | Bethel | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sep. 1879 |
80,822 | Tice, Melissa | Batavia | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 1867 |
98,905 | Tolin, William W. | Felicity | wd. R. foot | $4.00 | - |
194,718 | Towner, Emeline | New Richmond | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 1882 |
96,373 | Townsley, John F. | Locust Corner | shell wd. Lt. hip | $4.00 | - |
32,223 | Townsley, Lovenia M. | Batavia | widow | $8.00 | - |
90,348 | Tribby, Elizabeth A. | Bethel | widow | $8.00 | Jan. 1869 |
202,268 | Turner, John | Newtonsville | g. s. w. lt. thigh | $6.00 | Jan. 1882 |
198,547 | Ulrey, George B. | Bethel | dis. Of lungs & result dis. of throat | $2.00 | Nov. 1881 |
56,230 | Usher, James | Hill's Station | wd. Left thigh | $10.00 | - |
157,758 | Van Briggle, Eugene | Felicity | inj. To left foot | $4.00 | Mar. 1879 |
12,994 | Vanderwort, Martha | Loveland | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 1878 |
94,023 | Vanlandingham, M.B. | Neville | inj. To lt. leg | $6.00 | - |
90,030 | Vanmalley, Rosannah | Newtonsville | dep. mother | $8.00 | Apr. 1867 |
4,411 | Vanosdal, Sarah | Williamsburgh | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 1872 |
219,012 | Vanosdol, John W. | Bethel | dis. Of eyes | $4.00 | Oct. 1882 |
126,830 | Varley, Benjamin E. | Williamsburgh | dis. Of abdominal viscera | $12.00 | - |
102,796 | Wageman, John H. | Henning's Mills | wd. L. thigh | $2.00 | - |
8,980 | Waits, Catharine | Marathon | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sep. 1878 |
80,930 | Waits, Elizabeth | Batavia | widow | $8.00 | Dec. 1867 |
18,100 | Waits, Mary | Williamsburgh | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 1879 |
122,467 | Waits, Mathias | Afton | Dis. Lungs | $8.00 | - |
133,464 | Warbinton, John | Smith's Landing | shell wd. L.side, g.s.w.l.hd | $4.00 | - |
178,365 | Watson, Mary | Batavia | dep. mother | $8.00 | Aug. 1877 |
175,707 | Wayland, Alvidas | Batavia | chr. Rheum | $4.00 | Oct. 1880 |
9,765 | White, John | Williamsburgh | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct. 1878 |
1,467 | William, Elizabeth | Batavia | widow | $15.00 | - |
- | William, Rosson | Batavia | - | $3.00 | - |
77,927 | Willis, Eliza | Williamsburgh | widow | $8.00 | July 1866 |
146,482 | Willis, Thomas M. | New Richmond | dis. eyes | $6.00 | - |
124,269 | Wood, Robert | Afton | dis. Rt. Arm | $18.00 | - |
96,889 | York, Benjamin | Bantam | w. face and neck | $14.00 | - |
10,269 | Youse, Mary A. | Withamsville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct. 1878 |
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