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New York Genealogy | Niagara County New York Genealogy
1883 Niagara County, New York List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
3,581 | Abbey, Jeremiah | Orangeport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug., 1871 |
183,868 | Absalom, Viah | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1879 |
180,344 | Adams, Mary A. | Ransomville | mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
85,388 | Allen, Harsey E. | Johnson's Creek | g. s. w. left shoulder | $2.00 | June, 1865 |
17,359 | Allen, Walter | Newfane | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | June, 1871 |
1,923 | Andrews, Uri | Middleport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | May, 1874 |
43,138 | Anthony, Lyall | Niagara Falls | wound l. arm | $18.00 | May, 1865 |
22,311 | Arnold, Margaret | Royalton | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr., 1879 |
181,111 | Atchison, Anna | Wilson | mother | $8.00 | May, 1878 |
140,172 | Atkins, Emily | Pekin | mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1870 |
173,739 | Austey, Sarah | Middleport | widow | $8.00 | June, 1878 |
78,616 | Babcock, Eugene L. | Gasport | disease | $4.00 | Mar., 1867 |
14,169 | Bacon, Mary | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1879 |
75,719 | Bailey, Perrin C. | Lockport | wound lower part body | $10.00 | Dec., 1866 |
170,881 | Bailey, Phebe | Johnson's Creek | mother | $8.00 | Oct., 1875 |
32,127 | Baker, Jemima | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1882 |
161,247 | Baker, Stephen C. | Ransomville | g. s. w. both hands | $6.00 | June, 1879 |
167,464 | Balcom, Horatio | Ransomville | injury of back | $4.00 | Mar., 1880 |
95,481 | Bale, Mary | Lewiston | widow | $8.00 | June, 1867 |
187,663 | Barnes, Romaine A. | Lockport | rheumatism | $7.50 | Apr., 1881 |
13,134 | Barrett, Silas | Youngstown | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
77,519 | Barry, Margaret | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | July, 1866 |
61,803 | Bartman, Henrietta | Beach Ridge | mother | $8.00 | Jan., 1866 |
16,237 | Bartram, Lucinda | Niagara Falls | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1866 |
184,602 | Baugham, Eleanor C. | Wilson | widow | $10.00 | June, 1879 |
22,984 | Beach, Sarah | Cambria | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr., 1879 |
136,892 | Beauman, Abigail | Middleport | mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1860 |
73,661 | Benjamin, Albert | Orangeport | wound r. ankle | $2.00 | Nov., 1866 |
150,146 | Bennett, Catherine | Pendleton | widow | $8.00 | May, 1871 |
26,981 | Bennett, Hercy | Somerset | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept., 1879 |
74,526 | Bennett, Mary T. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1866 |
21,195 | Bennett, Matilda | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar., 1879 |
36,013 | Benson, Anne | Youngstown | widow | $8.00 | July, 1868 |
28,130 | Benson, Rachel | Gasport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec., 1879 |
141,206 | Berger, John W. | Sanborn | int. fever & results | $4.00 | Sept., 1876 |
9,259 | Betts, Eveline | Wilson | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept., 1878 |
154,480 | Bickford, Sarah A. | Middleport | mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1871 |
179,596 | Bigelow, Ransom E. | Wilson | dis. eyes | $12.00 | Dec., 1880 |
54,873 | Bingham, John P. | North Ridge | wound left hip | $6.00 | Jan., 1866 |
76,806 | Bisbee, Joshua | Ridge Road | g. s. w. r. shoulder & lung | $8.00 | Jan., 1867 |
68,489 | Blackmer, Marana | Gasport | mother (reported dead) | $8.00 | Apr., 1866 |
218,426 | Blair, William | Youngstown | injury left leg | $4.00 | Sept., 1882 |
155,226 | Bodenson, Sebastian | Wendelville | dis. of eyes | $12.00 | Sept., 1878 |
173,940 | Boothroyd, John S. | Johnson's Creek | inj. to spine, res. in curvature | $18.00 | Sept., 1880 |
88,323 | Boulton, Alfred S. | Gasport | wound left arm | $4.00 | Jan., 1868 |
115,047 | Boyd, Thaddeus B. C. | Suspens'n Bridge | wd. lft. ankle | $2.00 | - |
49,639 | Boyle, Agnes | Lockport | widow | $17.00 | June, 1865 |
30,434 | Boys, John, jr | Johnson's Creek | wound of leg | $18.00 | June, 1864 |
82,008 | Braddock, Alexander H. | Middleport | chronic rheumatism | $24.00 | June, 1867 |
46,637 | Bradley, Elizabeth | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | May, 1868 |
14,219 | Bradley, Sophronia | Wilson | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1879 |
54,282 | Bristoff, Gustave | Lockport | loss of leg | $24.00 | Dec., 1865 |
53,334 | Brotherson, Cornelius | Lockport | loss of leg | $18.00 | Nov., 1865 |
8,947 | Brown, Anna | Newfane | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept., 1878 |
63,369 | Brown, Caroline | Niagara Falls | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1866 |
123,757 | Brown, James S. | Lockport | g. s. w. r. leg | $4.00 | June, 1873 |
180,182 | Brown, S. Eliza | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1878 |
64,344 | Bruce, Alva | Pekin | g. s. w. rt. thumb, arm, cheek, & ear | $8.00 | - |
131,723 | Bulman, Samuel | Lockport | father | $8.00 | July, 1869 |
89,604 | Burdick, George W. | Middleport | g. s. w. left thigh | $2.00 | Mar., 1869 |
34,577 | Burge, George H. | North Ridge | dis. lung | $12.00 | Feb., 1865 |
59,190 | Burk, William T. | Lockport | wound both thighs | $8.00 | May, 1866 |
200,875 | Burke, Francis | Lockport | g. s. w. left shoulder | $10.00 | Jan., 1882 |
151,834 | Burns, Martha A. | Olcott | mother | $8.00 | July, 1871 |
154,915 | Burns, Winifred | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Dec., 1871 |
60,326 | Burroughs, Bingham | Lockport | wound r. shoulder | $8.00 | June, 1869 |
15,129 | Burroughs, Roxy A. | Wilson | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1866 |
73,481 | Bush, William W. | Lockport | wound left arm | $5.00 | Dec., 1868 |
124,246 | Butler, Mary E. | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1869 |
147,290 | Butler, Richard | Middleport | dis. eyes & urinary organs | $24.00 | July, 1877 |
66,941 | Byrne, Catherine | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1867 |
55,125 | Cane, John | Wright's Corners | wound l. hand | $8.00 | Jan., 1886 |
28,027 | Canfield, Sarah C. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1867 |
42,446 | Cantllion, Sarah | Youngstown | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1867 |
23,629 | Carney, William | Lockport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | July, 1878 |
192,677 | Carnine, Alcinda | Youngstown | dep. mother | $8.00 | June, 1881 |
50,548 | Carter, Henry W. | Middleport | g. s. w. left arm | $12.00 | Oct., 1865 |
141,055 | Casey, John M. | Lockport | father | $8.00 | Mar., 1870 |
215,066 | Chapman, William | Lockport | gen'l debility from ch. diar. | $8.50 | July, 1882 |
182,194 | Chase, Sarah D. | Lockport | mother | $15.00 | Oct., 1878 |
102,250 | Clift, Lucy C. | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1867 |
84,582 | Coe, Bradford E. | Suspens'n Bridge | loss middle finger l. hand | $6.00 | Jan., 1873 |
182,012 | Coffeen, Esther | Niagara Falls | mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1878 |
129,257 | Cole, Erga | Wilson | g. s. w. left thigh | $4.00 | July, 1874 |
145,676 | Coleman, Asher T. | Olcott | deafness r. ear, result g. s. w. | $8.00 | June, 1877 |
183,248 | Collins, Homer A. | Pekin | chr. diarr., rheum., dis. heart | $18.00 | Mar., 1881 |
51,256 | Compton, James | Middleport | wound left leg & r. lung | $12.00 | Oct., 1865 |
30,447 | Comro, Charles | South Wilson | wound r. thigh | $24.00 | June, 1864 |
129,489 | Cone, Margaret | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | May, 1869 |
52,271 | Connally, Daniel | Barker's | loss leg, w. l. shoulder, eye, & wrist. | $24.00 | Nov., 1865 |
91,603 | Connell, Ann | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1867 |
173,129 | Connell, William H. | Suspens'n Bridge | dis. heart & dis. of abd. vis. | $8.00 | Sept., 1880 |
20,680 | Cook, Hannah A. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | June, 1868 |
179,950 | Cook, Malvinia L. | Lockport | widow | $30.00 | Feb., 1878 |
171,711 | Cooney, Martin | Gasport | chronic diarrhea | $2.00 | July, 1880 |
138,130 | Copley, Maria | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Jan., 1870 |
115,968 | Cormoell, Siley G. | Niagara Falls | g. s. w. l. hand | $4.00 | Mar., 1872 |
104,410 | Coulter, William A. | Lockport | disease of lungs | $8.00 | Mar., 1882 |
53,278 | Cowan Sophronia A. | Youngstown | mother | $8.00 | Aug., 1865 |
26,655 | Cox, Edward H. | Pekin | wound left leg | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
13,444 | Crampton, William | Lockport | loss of arm | $24.00 | June, 1863 |
48,326 | Crane, Jeremiah | Ransomville | g. s. w. rt. thigh | $6.00 | Aug., 1865 |
50,381 | Crowell, Julia A. | Newfane | mother | $8.00 | July, 1865 |
165,087 | Crowley, Edward | Lockport | dis. lungs & chron. diar. | $18.00 | Feb., 1870 |
48,789 | Culver, Francis S. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | June, 1865 |
83,102 | Curren, Ann | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Jan., 1869 |
209,636 | Daggett, Henry T. | Lockport | dis. of abdominal viscera | $4.00 | May, 1882 |
2,961 | Daily, David | Olcott | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug., 1871 |
72,161 | Daley, Emily | Shawnee | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1867 |
143,339 | Daly, Mary | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | June, 1870 |
141,414 | Daumarkel, Gabriel | Lockport | g. s. w. right ankle | $2.00 | Sept., 1876 |
137,050 | Davenport, Phebe A. | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Dec., 1869 |
12,761 | Davenport, Thomas H. | Lockport | wound left thigh | $4.00 | June, 1863 |
54,642 | Day, Philinder | Wilson | mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1865 |
85,938 | Deehow, Christian | North Ridge | wound of thigh | $8.00 | Dec., 1868 |
37,319 | Delong, Mary C. | Lockport | widow | $17.00 | Jan., 1865 |
22,118 | Dickinson, Chauncey | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | May, 1878 |
155,793 | Dickson, Henry C. | Reynale's Basin | inj. to back & kidneys | $8.00 | Oct., 1878 |
69,108 | Donnelly, Margaret J. | Suspens'n Bridge | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1866 |
57,971 | Doran, Catherine | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | May, 1867 |
43,209 | Drake, Mary A. | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
131,917 | Dramcrow, William H. | Lockport | g. s. w. through l. shoulder | $4.00 | Feb., 1875 |
46,878 | Duffy, Rosanna | Niagara Falls | mother | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
9,564 | Dutcher, Cinthia A. | Somerset | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct., 1878 |
112,057 | Dutcher, Smith | Barker's | g. s. w. l. shoulder | $4.00 | July, 1865 |
145,160 | Dutton, William A. | Sanborn | g. s. w. r. thigh | $4.00 | May, 1877 |
78,293 | Earl, Susannah M. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | July, 1866 |
106,930 | Early, Mary | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1868 |
73,164 | Elton, Homer J. | Sanborn | g. s. w. loss2d & 3d toes l. foot | $8.00 | Oct., 1866 |
68,955 | Empey, Catharine C. | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
83,813 | Empion, William | Lockport | chronic diarrhea | $8.00 | Dec., 1875 |
14,652 | Englehart, Francis A. | Middleport | loss of arm | $24.00 | July, 1863 |
42,554 | Engler, Frances | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1866 |
71,879 | Erion, Mary | Coomer | mother | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
84,861 | Ernest, Henry A. | Lockport | erysipelas r. leg | $6.00 | Sept., 1867 |
9,815 | Evans, Annie | Wright's Corners | mother | $8.00 | Dec., 1863 |
40,790 | Farley, John | Lewiston | w. left leg | $6.00 | Apr., 1863 |
60,587 | Fennail, Julia | Barker's | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1867 |
182,587 | Fisk, Alfred | Somerset | laxity knee-joints & results | $4.00 | Feb., 1881 |
153,947 | Fitts, James M. | Lockport | g. s. w. left hip | $5.00 | June, 1878 |
100,325 | Fitzgerald, James | Wilson | g. s. w. r. foot, loss sm. & r. toe | $6.00 | Oct., 1860 |
185,975 | Flayler, Charles W. | Lockport | g. s. w. left thigh & l. leg | $12.25 | Mar., 1881 |
59,185 | Follett, Byron M. | Lockport | wound left thigh | $4.00 | Mar., 1866 |
200,270 | Folsom, Hiram A. | Newfane | dis. r. eye, inj. to abdomen | $12.00 | Jan., 1882 |
- | Fox, Joanna | Middleport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1879 |
139,602 | Fox, Margaret | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1870 |
70,682 | Frankle, John | Lockport | wound l. hip, loss r. eye | $12.00 | Sept., 1866 |
78,882 | Fuye, John M. | Lockport | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Mar., 1867 |
135,320 | Gailer, John F. | Lockport | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Aug., 1875 |
9,861 | Gardner, Lucy | Johnson's Creek | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct., 1878 |
156,136 | Gaskill, Charles B. | Niagara Falls | g. s. w. r. thigh | $7.50 | Oct., 1878 |
97,922 | Gaskill, William H. | Ransomville | wound left hip | $6.00 | May, 1869 |
55,645 | Gibson, Sophia P. | Newfane | widow | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
67,795 | Gleeson, Hugh | Newfane | loss both legs | $72.00 | July, 1866 |
28,991 | Gobele, Martha | Ransomville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar., 1880 |
12,576 | Goutremont, Sarah | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec., 1878 |
91,680 | Grager, Conrad | Niagara Falls | wd. rt. arm | $4.00 | June, 1868 |
179,880 | Graham, Mary | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1878 |
177,439 | Graves, James R. | Lower Lockport | injury of r. side | $4.00 | Oct., 1880 |
5,212 | Graves, Lucy C. | Suspens'n Bridge | widow | $8.00 | Apr., 1868 |
100,894 | Graves, William H. | Lockport | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Nov., 1869 |
12,393 | Gray, Clarissa | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov., 1878 |
38,671 | Green, Aaron | Gasport | loss of foot | $18.00 | Mar., 1865 |
14,604 | Green, Carlista | Suspens'n Bridge | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1879 |
25,543 | Green, Lucinda | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug., 1879 |
173,241 | Griswold, Adrian M. | Johnson's Creek | g. s. w. both shoulders | $8.00 | Sept., 1880 |
80,728 | Gunther, Charles | Lockport | wound r. shoulder | $24.00 | May, 1867 |
83,077 | Hagerman, Joseph | Niagara Falls | wound rt. forearm | $4.00 | July, 1867 |
159,340 | Hall, Henry H. | Middleport | g. s. w. left arm | $4.00 | Apr., 1879 |
166,858 | Hammond, Andrew J. | Middleport | deafness r. ear, result g. s. w. | $1.00 | Apr., 1880 |
158,833 | Handerson, William | Lockport | rheum. & dis. heart | $12.00 | May, 1879 |
108,165 | Haney, Patrick | Lockport | father | $8.00 | Feb., 1868 |
33,162 | Harch, Charles W. | Wolcottsville | wound left forearm | $18.00 | Oct., 1864 |
63,062 | Harrington, Catharine | Olcott | mother | $8.00 | Jan., 1866 |
5,328 | Harrington, Catharine | Pekin | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1868 |
197,932 | Hartley, Thomas | County Line | g. s. w. back | $2.00 | Nov., 1881 |
170,613 | Harvey, Norman | Ransomville | father | $8.00 | Sept., 1875 |
84,371 | Harvy, William, jr. | Rapids | g. s. w. head | $31.25 | Aug., 1867 |
180,099 | Hawkins, Helen F. | Middleport | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1878 |
139,698 | Hawood, Lyman C. | Lockport | g. s. w. r. leg | $4.00 | July, 1876 |
132,212 | Hearn, Patrick | Olcott | g. s. w. lower jaw | $8.00 | Mar., 1875 |
209,014 | Heintz, Henry | Beach Ridge | g. s. w. l. leg | $4.00 | May, 1882 |
24,341 | Hermon, Catherine | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
136,646 | Hiam Robert | Pekin | g. s. w. right forearm | $4.00 | Dec., 1875 |
179,250 | Hill, Helen J. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1877 |
56,358 | Hinchy, Fernando | Middleport | loss left leg | $18.00 | Oct., 1866 |
48,719 | Hoacher, Christian B. | Shawnee | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1868 |
103,702 | Hoffman, William P. | West Somerset | typhoid fever & diarr. | $4.00 | Dec., 1870 |
196,098 | Holmes, George A. | Lockport | chronic diarrhea | $4.00 | Sept., 1881 |
114,659 | Hopkins, Timothy | Niagara Falls | fract. lft. leg | $4.00 | Nov., 1871 |
197,805 | Hosmer, Lewis C. | Youngstown | dis. heart, result bronchitis | $7.50 | Nov., 1881 |
43,957 | Hotchkin, James H. | Coomer | wound head & res. epilepsy | $3.25 | June, 1865 |
112,630 | Howder, Electa | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1869 |
114,149 | Huggins, William Q. | Sanborn | wound r. thigh & results | $8.00 | Oct., 1871 |
106,387 | Hunter, Margaret A. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1868 |
31,505 | Hurlbert, Clarissa | Middleport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr., 1881 |
42,388 | Hyde, William H. | West Somerset | g. s. w. rt. hand & left ilium | $8.00 | Mar., 1872 |
95,599 | Ines, Warren A. | Lockport | rheumatism | $4.00 | Feb., 1869 |
187,118 | Jennings, Harriet M. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1880 |
152,780 | Johnson, Alex W. | Wilson | g. s. w. left side | $2.00 | Apr., 1878 |
39,519 | Johnson, Jay K. | Wilson | wound left lung | $8.00 | Mar., 1865 |
196,156 | Johnson, Sarah | Niagara Falls | mother | $8.00 | June, 1882 |
162,075 | Jones, William | Lockport | g. s. w. both thighs | $2.00 | Aug., 1879 |
133,116 | Kaderli, Jacob | Royalton | g. s. w. left ankle | $2.00 | Apr., 1875 |
195,576 | Kahler, William O. | Lockport | piles | $4.00 | Sept., 1881 |
68,776 | Kane, Patrick | Lockport | wound in head | $4.00 | July, 1866 |
50,845 | Karchner, Lorina | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1866 |
151,628 | Karrigan, Thomas | Olcott | chronic diarrhea | $6.00 | Mar., 1878 |
81,033 | Kennedy, Moses | Lockport | wound r. shoulder & lung | $8.00 | May, 1867 |
144,547 | Kenny, William | Newfane | g. s. w. head | $6.00 | Apr., 1877 |
21,702 | Ketcham, Lois | Middleport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar., 1879 |
195,884 | King, Mary E. | Lewiston | widow | $14.00 | May, 1882 |
90,045 | King, William | Lewiston | g. s. w. left thigh & rheum | $24.00 | Apr., 1868 |
15,890 | Kinne, Anne | Rapids | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1879 |
138,864 | Kinne, Anson | Lockport | g. s. w. neck | $4.00 | Apr., 1876 |
218,849 | Klamear, Chas. J. W. | St. Johnsburgh | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Oct., 1882 |
188,599 | Klechammer, Joseph | Youngstown | injury of head | $6.00 | May, 1881 |
85,031 | Kline, Daniel F. | Lockport | g. s. w. right shoulder | $12.00 | Sept., 1867 |
13,652 | Kline, Paul | Suspens'n Bridge | partial deafness | $2.00 | June, 1863 |
109,159 | Knobel, Frederick | Pendleton | injury to left ankle | $8.00 | Apr., 1871 |
81,952 | Korff, Christian | Maple Street | g. s. w. left knee | $8.00 | June, 1867 |
87,146 | Kuyler, John | Lockport | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Nov., 1867 |
35,592 | Laeker, Charles B. | Lockport | wound right arm | $18.00 | Nov., 1866 |
203,291 | Lake, John R. | Wilson | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Feb., 1882 |
66,207 | Lamb, Martha | Wilson | mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1866 |
38,160 | Lambert, Jennie | Lockport | widow | $17.00 | Jan., 1865 |
53,749 | Langton, Mathew | Lockport | wd. rt. elbow | $14.00 | - |
140,559 | Laurence, Olive | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1870 |
92,100 | Layland, James | Reynale's Basin | wound arm & back | $2.00 | Sept., 1868 |
65,088 | Leason, John | Gasport | wound left shoulder | $3.00 | Dec., 1872 |
100,119 | Leonard, Patrick | Lockport | g. s. w. left hip | $3.00 | Sept., 1869 |
144,595 | Levers, Maria A. | Johnson's Creek | mother | $8.00 | Aug., 1870 |
78,767 | Liger, Gatien A. | Lewiston | wound left leg | $2.00 | Feb., 1872 |
192,214 | Lloyd, John E. | Youngstown | dis. lungs & catarrh | $2.00 | June, 1881 |
23,696 | Longyear, Francis P. | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | May, 1879 |
17,416 | Lovell, Mercy C. | Pendleton Centre | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1879 |
81,603 | Lovell, Seth M. | Lockport | wound l. shoulder | $10.00 | May, 1867 |
86,131 | Luff, William | Hartland | fracture rt. leg | $6.00 | Oct., 1867 |
181,185 | Lusk, Thomas A. | Gasport | chronic diarrhea | $2.00 | Jan., 1881 |
82,880 | Lyke, Albert E. | Lockport | g. s. w. lower jaw | $5.00 | July, 1867 |
196,069 | Mackey, Barnet A. | Gasport | partial deafness | $2.00 | Sept., 1881 |
48,265 | Maginnis, Romelia | Lockport | widow | $20.00 | June, 1865 |
22,594 | Marks, Lucretia A. | Wilson | widow | $17.00 | May, 1864 |
147,806 | Marsh, Melissa M. | Johnson's Creek | mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
22,745 | Mather, Clarissa | Johnson's Creek | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr., 1879 |
1,866 | Mayer, Joseph P. L. | Suspens'n Bridge | - | $24.00 | - |
147,430 | Mayne, James B. | Wright's Corners | scurvy | $8.00 | July, 1877 |
107,510 | Mayne, James S. | Wright's Corners | disease of neck | $4.00 | Jan., 1871 |
98,918 | McAdams, James | Lewiston | g. s. w. right arm | $18.00 | Dec., 1880 |
35,730 | McCallum, Abraham M. | Youngstown | loss left arm | $24.00 | Dec., 1864 |
8,977 | McCoy, Catherine | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1863 |
153,126 | McCraner, Patrick | Lockport | g. s. w. r. thigh | $2.00 | May, 1878 |
196,817 | McDonnell, Samuel | Lockport | chr. rheumatism | $18.00 | Oct., 1881 |
66,153 | McDonough, Michael | Lockport | wound of mouth | $6.00 | June, 1866 |
64,430 | McKinley, James J. | Ridge Road | wound l. breast & arm | $4.00 | May, 1866 |
14,545 | McLean, Lucy | Middleport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1879 |
98,981 | McLellan, Agnes | Hess Road Station | mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1867 |
11,441 | Mix, Henry E. | Newfane | g. s. w. shoulder and back | $4.00 | May, 1863 |
117,854 | Montonna, David H. | Johnson's Creek | g. s. w. of head | $8.00 | July, 1872 |
223,690 | Mooney, Francis | Lockport | asthma | $8.00 | Dec., 1882 |
223,690 | Mooney, Francis | Lockport | asthma | $8.00 | Dec., 1882 |
110,107 | Moore, Elizabeth | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1868 |
56,467 | Moore, Mary | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1865 |
83,274 | Morrison, Eliza A. | Wilson | mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1866 |
209,674 | Mortimer, Thomas | Middleport | loss of left eye, affection r. eye | $6.00 | May, 1882 |
112,900 | Morton, Simeon | Sanborn | father | $8.00 | May, 1868 |
139,290 | Moses, Nancy C. | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1870 |
63,418 | Mount, James | Lockport | dis. eyes | $8.00 | May, 1866 |
107,404 | Mountpleasant, Char'te | Suspens'n Bridge | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1868 |
147,732 | Muldoon, Thomas | Lockport | dis. of eyes | $4.00 | Aug., 1877 |
56,053 | Murphy, Charles A. | Suspens'n Bridge | g. s. w. left thigh | $18.00 | Sept., 1866 |
155,900 | Murray, Louisa | Olcott | mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1872 |
73,546 | Murray, Maria H. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | May, 1866 |
47,143 | Nerleer, Elizabeth M. | Wolcottsville | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1868 |
162,662 | Neuman, Smith J. | Pekin | disease of feet | $6.00 | Oct., 1879 |
211,303 | Newell, Charles H. | Newfane | paralysis agitans | $18.00 | June, 1882 |
173,046 | Newton, Janette T. | Lockport | widow | $10.00 | Apr., 1876 |
22,172 | Nichols, Baebet | Lockport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | June, 1878 |
200,752 | Nichols, Earl H. | Lockport | chron. diarr. and indigestion | $2.00 | Jan., 1882 |
160,209 | Nimblet, Joseph | Lockport | inj. to abd., dis. heart, debil | $12.00 | May., 1879 |
199,981 | Niseman, John | Sanborn | shell w. left side | $1.00 | Dec., 1881 |
187,643 | Noonan, Ann | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1880 |
69,036 | Northrop, Edwin H. | Pendleton | gran. eyelids | $4.00 | Aug., 1866 |
67,632 | O'Conner, Mathew | Lockport | g. s. w. left shoulder | $8.00 | July, 1866 |
148,856 | O'Hara, Robert | North Ridge | dis. of eyes | $8.00 | Oct., 1877 |
57,430 | Olds, Francis G. | Youngstown | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1867 |
18,747 | Oliver, Reuben W. | Lockport | inj. to ribs and spine | $4.00 | Oct., 1863 |
106,849 | Oliver, Thomas | Gasport | injury to abd., inj. r. ankle | $12.00 | Dec., 1870 |
172,854 | Olmsted, Louisa | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1876 |
220,797 | Owens, Chester D. | Johnson's Creek | g. s. w., partial loss r. thumb | $2.00 | Nov., 1882 |
191,022 | Palley, Mary E. | Lockport | widow | $10.00 | Jan., 1881 |
176,517 | Papton, Emma | Lockport | widow | $12.00 | Feb., 1877 |
37,314 | Passage, Susannah | Suspens'n Bridge | widow | $8.00 | June, 1868 |
59,311 | Peacock, Wm. H. H. | Middleport | g. s. w. lft. thigh | $6.00 | - |
164,157 | Peck, Martin M. | Somerset | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1874 |
30,788 | Perrrigo, Amy D. | Hess Road Station | widow | $8.00 | July, 1867 |
59,809 | Perry, Barsina | Hess Road Station | widow | $8.00 | May, 1868 |
10,404 | Perry, Demas | Lockport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1872 |
2,959 | Perry, Samuel A. | Lockport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug., 1871 |
113,147 | Pethit, Maria | South Wilson | mother | $8.00 | May, 1868 |
40,531 | Phepps, Phebe | Ransomville | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1867 |
181,494 | Pickweil, Thomas | Lockport | fracture r. leg | $2.00 | Jan., 1881 |
154,097 | Pierce, Earle | North Ridge | sunstroke | $4.00 | June, 1878 |
14,608 | Pike, Jane | Wilson | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1879 |
39,884 | Pike, William S. | Lockport | g. s. w. left leg | $6.00 | Mar., 1865 |
60,592 | Piscard, Caroline | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1866 |
178,364 | Plain, Sarah | Ridge Road | mother | $8.00 | Aug., 1877 |
12,580 | Pomroy, Julia | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec., 1878 |
69,028 | Powers, William H. | Lockport | wound l. arm | $4.00 | Aug., 1866 |
17,821 | Powley, Elizabeth | Youngstown | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1879 |
195,093 | Prenster, Johauna F. | Suspens'n Bridge | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1882 |
22,307 | Priesch, George | Lockport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | June, 1878 |
11,780 | Proper, Mary | Middleport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov., 1878 |
62,928 | Pyle, Ruth A. | Sanborn | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1866 |
196,666 | Ramsey, John R. | Lockport | g. s. w r. ank., incised w. r. hd | $4.00 | Nov., 1881 |
193,474 | Ramshaw, Peter | Somerset | g. s. w. right leg | $1.00 | July, 1881 |
221,306 | Ransom, Alfred | Lockport | var. veins r. leg | $5.00 | Nov., 1882 |
174,272 | Reando, John | Lockport | g. s. w. left hip | $2.00 | Sept., 1880 |
110,187 | Reed, Ira A. | Lockport | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | May., 1871 |
86,787 | Reigle, Andrew | Sanborn | loss little finger r. hand | $2.00 | Jan., 1869 |
22,007 | Reynolds, Abel | Middleport | scald of right leg | $6.00 | Mar., 1876 |
24,138 | Richardson, Abigail | Reynale's Basin | widow 1812 | $8.00 | May, 1879 |
89,039 | Richardson, Jacob H. C. | Lockport | total blindness | $72.00 | - |
150,354 | Richardson, Marg't C. | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | May, 1871 |
10,159 | Richmond, Experience | Wilson | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct., 1878 |
51,508 | Rink, William | Wolcottsville | anchylosis r. ankle | $5.00 | Oct., 1865 |
151,505 | Riordan, Charles | Middleport | g. s. w. right forearm | $4.00 | Mar., 1878 |
76,803 | Robinson, John A. | Niagara Falls | wound of face | $12.00 | Jan., 1867 |
18,216 | Robinson, Sarah | Sanborn | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1879 |
95,348 | Robinson, William | Newfane | chron. rheum | $16.00 | Feb., 1869 |
132,856 | Roche, Catherine | Middleport | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1869 |
30,981 | Romiy, Julia A. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Dec., 1867 |
38,375 | Rose, Louisa M. | East Wilson | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov., 1867 |
151,669 | Rouse, Courtland | Ransomville | dis. kidneys | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
8,166 | Sage, Sally | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug., 1878 |
81,691 | Salisbury, Electy A. | Sanborn | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1866 |
189,342 | Samson, Edwin | Lockport | g. s. w. left hip | $2.00 | May, 1881 |
38,158 | Samson, Lucinda | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1866 |
29,937 | Schall, Charles H. | Wolcottsville | loss r. thigh | $24.00 | June, 1864 |
42,469 | Schoonmaker, Mark A. | Youngstown | wound l. arm & r. hand | $10.00 | May, 1865 |
50,510 | Scott, James | Johnson's Creek | wound left foot & ankle | $10.00 | Oct., 1865 |
48,443 | Seaton, Betsey | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1867 |
153,240 | Shaver, Emily | North Hartland | mother | $8.00 | Aug., 1871 |
209,594 | Shaver, William H. | North Hartland | scurvy | $6.00 | May, 1882 |
49,645 | Shearer, William H. | East Lockport | face deformity, loss eye, g. s. w. | $6.00 | July, 1876 |
93,987 | Sheehan, Mary | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1867 |
79,693 | Shino, Helen | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | July, 1866 |
69,240 | Shlar, Herman | Middleport | g. s. w. right arm | $4.00 | Nov., 1871 |
52,517 | Shomers, Peter | Niagara Falls | loss right thigh | $24.00 | Nov., 1865 |
168,857 | Silk, John | Lower Lockport | loss part middle finger l. hand | $2.00 | May, 1880 |
27,147 | Silsby, John D. | Orangeport | g. s. w. left chest | $4.00 | Apr., 1864 |
17,428 | Simons, Persis | East Wilson | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1879 |
46,399 | Sinsel, George | Lockport | wound skull, affecting mental & physical power. | $18.00 | July, 1865 |
67,864 | Smith, Looma C. | Hartland | wound | $15.00 | Aug., 1866 |
56,321 | Smith, William | South Wilson | result of sickness | $4.00 | Jan., 1866 |
196,924 | Southard, Mary Celia | Lockport | widow | $10.00 | Aug., 1882 |
96,524 | Spaid, Charlotte M. | Suspens'n Bridge | widow | $8.00 | June, 1867 |
15,924 | Spaulding, Tamerson | Middleport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1879 |
170,644 | Spencer, George | Newfane | dis. of heart | $8.00 | June, 1880 |
59,858 | Spencer, Mary E. | Youngstown | widow | $8.00 | Apr., 1867 |
12,764 | Staats, William H. | Newfane | loss r. eye & dis. l. eye | $8.00 | June, 1863 |
77,316 | Stacy, Mary | East Lockport | mother | $8.00 | June, 1866 |
59,964 | Steinson, Prudence A. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1867 |
22,757 | Stockwell, Stephen | East Wilson | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | July,. 1878 |
72,328 | Stone, Charlotte | West Somerset | widow | $8.00 | Apr., 1867 |
102,289 | Storron, Ann | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1867 |
92,223 | Strain, Helen E. | Middleport | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1862 |
185,984 | Strong, Angeline | Lockport | widow | $17.00 | Nov., 1879 |
82,576 | Sturges, Lambert Z. | Johnson's Creek | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | June, 1867 |
43,970 | Summers, Catherine | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1864 |
113,037 | Suter, Caroline | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | May, 1868 |
196,052 | Swan, Mary | South Wilson | mother | $8.00 | June, 1882 |
73,879 | Swarthout, Sarah | Olcott | dep. mother | $8.00 | May, 1866 |
28,145 | Sweet, Esther | East Wilson | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec., 1879 |
193,262 | Talcott, Horace | Middleport | bronchitis & dis. lungs | $2.00 | July, 1881 |
81,696 | Taylor, Mary A. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1867 |
8,949 | Thompson, Mary | Ridge Road | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept., 1878 |
98,988 | Thompson, Sarah A. | Suspens'n Bridge | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1867 |
170,085 | Thorne, Daniel B. | Johnson's Creek | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | June, 1880 |
17,340 | Thornton, Ann | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | May, 1876 |
87,971 | Thornton, Charlotte | North Ridge | widow | $8.00 | Dec., 1866 |
197,774 | Thorp, Samuel | Lockport | minor | $10.00 | Nov., 1882 |
10,226 | Town, Jeriah | Royalton | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Oct., 1878 |
22,424 | Townsend, John D. | Barker's | widow 1812 | $8.00 | June, 1878 |
157,403 | Tracy, Martin | Middleport | father | $8.00 | Apr., 1872 |
62,897 | Tucker, Mary Ann | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Jan., 1866 |
152,197 | Tulloh, Christian | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | July, 1871 |
58,971 | Turner, Eliza | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1865 |
150,301 | Turner, Mariah | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | May, 1871 |
136,135 | Tyler, Alzina | Middleport | mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1860 |
70,928 | Tyler, John | Middleport | partial paralysis arm | $24.00 | Jan., 1867 |
806 | Underhill, Elizabeth | Reynale's Basin | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct., 1871 |
38,108 | Urtel, Frederick | Lockport | w. left arm | $18.00 | Sept., 1866 |
34,785 | Van Horn, John D. | Olcott | wound right forearm | $18.00 | Oct., 1866 |
4,564 | Van Slvck, Elizabeth | Pekin | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan., 1873 |
52,268 | Vaughan, Hiram A. | Somerset | g. s. w. r. thigh | $18.00 | Nov., 1865 |
192,916 | Vincent, Charles E. | Lockport | injury r. hand | $1.00 | July, 1861 |
25,645 | Vitty, Elizabeth | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
57,289 | Von Wagoner, E. | Niagara Falls | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1867 |
17,854 | Walbridge, Annie | Lockport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1879 |
56,450 | Walker, John | Lockport | loss left leg | $18.00 | Aug., 1886 |
193,093 | Walsh, William E. | Niagara Falls | g. s. w. face affecting eyes | $4.00 | July, 1881 |
143,874 | Warren, Catherine | Reynale's Basin | widow | $8.00 | July, 1870 |
188,249 | Warren, James | Newfane | chron. rheum & dis. heart | $14.00 | May, 1881 |
198,062 | Warren, Mary | East Wilson | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec., 1882 |
194,870 | Warren, Naomi D. | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1882 |
67,518 | Warren, Soloman | Ransomville | g. s. w. left hand | $12.00 | July, 1866 |
67,108 | Weaver, Edwin D. | Lockport | effects sunstroke | $8.00 | May, 1878 |
176,801 | Webb, George W. | Lockport | g. s. w. right hand, loss thumb | $6.00 | Oct., 1880 |
164,518 | Wells, Sarah | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1874 |
56,762 | Welster, Harriet | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1867 |
76,819 | Wertman, William W. | Rapids | wound r. hip | $8.00 | Jan., 1867 |
148,029 | West, Jane J. | Middleport | mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
118,090 | Westcoat, Hannah | Hartland | mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1868 |
45,478 | Wheeler, Elvira Z. | Lockport | widow | $8.00 | Apr., 1865 |
116,309 | Wheelock, Lois | Lockport | mother | $8.00 | July, 1868 |
50,393 | Williams, Alice M. | Somerset | widow | $20.00 | July, 1865 |
149,364 | Wilson, Lurow D. | Lockport | partial paralysis and debility | $20.00 | Nov., 1877 |
191,936 | Winthrop, William | Lockport | inj. to right knee | $2.00 | June, 1881 |
61,460 | Woods, George | Maple Street | g. s. w. face | $6.00 | Apr., 1866 |
23,705 | Woodworth, Charles A. | Youngstown | g. s. w. face, caus'g blindness | $50.00 | Feb, 1864 |
96,609 | Wright, Amy | Wright's Corners | widow | $8.00 | June, 1867 |
73,799 | Wright, Benjamin D. | Royalton | dis. of abd. vis. & chr. diarr. | $4.00 | Nov., 1866 |
190,224 | Wright, John L. | Lockport | disease of heart | $8.00 | June, 1881 |
46,739 | Wright, Lee R. | Wright's Corners | g. s. w. lft. leg, thigh, & head | $8.00 | - |
522 | Young, Valinda F. | La Salle | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept., 1871 |
132,352 | Zimmerman, Franklyn | Niagara Falls | chronic diarr. | $6.00 | Mar., 1875 |
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