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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Cortland County, New York

January 1, 1883

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1883 Cortland County, New York List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
13,768Close, PollyBlodgett Millsact of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
21,863Stowell, LucinsBlodgett Millsact of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00May, 1878
70,811Carr, SolomonBlodgett Millsinjury to abdomen$2.00July, 1865
76,735Cludester, Wm.Blodgett Millsrheum.$2.00Oct., 1864
213,538Smith, Cyrus A.Cheningog. s. w. lft. Buttock$4.00June, 1865
197,214McChesney, EvertCheningochr. Diarr.$6.00July, 1865
212,963Widger, Lorenzo D.Cheningog. s. w. lft. Side neck and chr. Rheum.$6.00June, 1865
143,912Cummins, JohnCheningog. s. w. rt. Leg$6.00Feb., 1877
163,286Mynard, ElizaCheningodep. Mother$8.00Aug., 1873
23,553Weeks, ElizaCincinnatusact of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
21,732Riddell, CharlotteCincinnatusact of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
22,952Popple, MaryCincinnatusact of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
170,603Whitehead, AaronCincinnatuschron. Rheum.$6.00June, 1880
118,482Wood, Olive D.Cincinnatusdep. mother$8.00Dec., 1862
85,234Miner, Emeline E.Cincinnatuswidow$8.00Oct., 1864
60,793Rogers, TamsonCincinnatuswidow$8.00June, 1864
5,016Halbert, Saralla J.Cincinnatuswidow$8.00Aug., 1862
80,683Ellsworth, DillanaCincinnatuswidow$8.00Oct., 1865
52,258Wheeler, Jerome F.Cortlandampt. Lft. Thumb$4.00Nov., 1865
76,182Welch, Susan L.Cortlandwidow$8.00June, 1866
166,957Sweet, Wm. M.Cortlandg. s. w. rt. Hip$2.00Oct., 1864
21,032Edmonds, WilhelminaCortlandwidow$8.00Aug., 1862
18,955Ford, CarolineCortlanddep. mother$8.00Mar., 1862
13,665Simmons, George S.Cortlandsurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1871
10,898Turner, CharlesCortlandsurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1871
166,719Monroe, MariaCortlanddep. mother$8.00July, 1864
23,532Baker, Hannah M.Cortlandwidow$8.00May, 1863
82,241Earle, Luana B.Cortlanddep. mother$8.00Mar., 1864
17,823Clark, Lucinda M.Cortlandact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
92,610Kinney, Sophia B.Cortlanddep. mother$8.00Mar., 1865
39,797Baker, Orrina A.Cortlandwidow$8.00May, 1863
63,462Carter, Lucinda A.Cortlandwidow$8.00Mar., 1865
60,179Hicks, Mary A.Cortlandwidow$8.00Oct., 1864
127,871Thompson, Lucy A.Cortlanddep. mother$8.00Mar., 1869
170,447Pender, Giles S.Cortlanddep. Father$8.00May, 1865
111,110Minard, Charlotte A.Cortlandwidow$8.00July, 1864
59,555Bishop, Watts L.Cortlandcoxalgia l. side$8.00Mar., 1866
52,269Waters, Alexander S.Cortlandloss rt. Leg$24.00Nov., 1865
84,669Brayman, DeforestCortlandwd. Lft. Leg$4.00Sept., 1867
85,584Dyke, WilliamCortlandg. s. w. rt. Forearm$2.00Oct., 1867
44,464Hammond, Calvin L.Cortlandwd. Lft. Thigh$2.00June, 1865
91,977Bentley, Byron D.Cortlandchr. Diarr.$8.00July, 1868
160,485Dexter, Mary A.Cortlandwidow$8.00Mar., 1867
11,657Crandall, BetseyCortlandact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
7,163Simons, Abigail O.Cortlandact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
10,140Brown, LorendaCortlandact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
17,552Johnson, SallyCortlandact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
19,975Clearwood, Delana M.Cortlandwidow$8.00Apr., 1864
174,650Jefferun, MaryCortlandwidow$8.00Apr., 1872
158,325Dowd, MaryCortlandwidow$10.00May, 1871
64,894Waters, George L.Cortlandwd. Rt. Hand$2.00Nov., 1865
73,439Colegrove, JohnCortlandwd. Lower jaw$3.00Jan., 1865
27,873Lord, Wm. D.Cortlanddis. Of eyes$7.50June, 1863
93,690Clark, John G.Cortlandinj. Lft. Ankle joint$8.00June, 1865
96,249Decker, Alexander H.Cortlandwd. Lft. Hand$2.00Feb., 1865
24,543Sager, AaronCortlandwd. Pelvis$10.00Mar., 1863
94,984McDargh, Joseph E.Cortlandwd. Rt. Leg$2.00July, 1865
74,628Barber, OrlandoCortlandaseites and sacea$4.00July, 1865
92,572Byram, Samuel M.Cortlandinj. To abd., wd. Lft. Thigh$10.00Nov., 1864
207,147Taylor, Amariah W.Cortlandchr. Rheum.$4.00June, 1862
221,324Tuttle, Abel G.Cortlandchr. Diarr.$4.00June, 1865
29,055Rindge, SceptaCortlandwd. Rt. Leg and lft. Ankle$4.00Mar., 1864
84,979Grady, Michael J.Cortlandheart dis.$6.00July, 1865
85,067Graham, R. D.Cortlandwd. Lft. Forearm$2.00July, 1865
75,713Stout, JaredCortlandchron. Bronchitis$2.00Aug., 1865
127,454Davis, John M.Cortlanddis. Of lungs$4.00Jan., 1874
94,002Lyman, Andrew J.Cortlandinjury to abdomen$4.00May, 1865
95,602Westfall, Herman M.Cortlandg. s. w. thro. Body$8.00Feb., 1869
15,749Card, John W.Cortlandg. s. w. lft. Leg$2.00Sept., 1865
193,342Phillips, Henry M. T.Cortlandg. s. w. lft. Foot$1.00June, 1865
220,798Putman, JamesCortlandg. s. w. rt. Shoulder and back$4.00June, 1865
145,582Henning, DanielCortlandg. s. w. both legs$4.00June, 1876
165,854Crampton, ThomasCortlandg. s. w. lft. Hand$4.00Jan., 1863
176,141Beers, David C.Cortlandg. s. w. rt. Thigh, lft. Hip, and injury to abdomen$10.00Aug., 1865
150,600Johnson, DanielCortlandg. s. w. rt. Index finger$2.00Dec., 1862
22,390Valentine, Richard S.Cortlandg. s. w. rt. Foot$4.00Jan., 1864
27,290Higgins, NormanCortlandwd. Lft. Forearm, rt. Forefinger$18.00Apr., 1864
27,315Krapp, Jacob S.Cortlandchr. Diarr.$4.00Apr., 1864
30,327Barnes, Barnard, 2dCortlanddis. Of eyes$18.00June, 1864
77,612Stanton, Lucy AnnCortlandwidow$8.00June, 1877
42,200Mervine, Matilda A.Cortlandwidow$8.00-
40,841Gardiner, ElizabethCortlanddep. mother$8.00Mar., 1870
15,298Green, PalmeterCortland Villagesurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1871
12,390Terrell, JohnCortland Villagesurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1871
97,357Scofield, AnnaniasCortland Villagechr. Rheum., heart dis.$12.00Apr., 1869
95,777Hollenbeck, Charles B.Cortland Villagedis. Lungs and heart, nerv. Debil.$4.00July, 1865
74,229Rood, WalterCortland Villagewd. Lft. Arm$2.00June, 1865
126,359Van Renssalaer, JohnCortland Villagechr. Orchitis, and c.$6.00Jan., 1874
21,882Medes, IraCortlandvilleact of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00May, 1878
184,383Rorapaugh, BuellCuylerminor of$10.00Oct., 1878
47,512Brown, CorneliaCuylerdep. mother$8.00Sept., 1864
32,226Blanchard, LauraCuyleract of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00Aug., 1881
167,157Warner, Hiram G.Cuylerchr. Diarr., dis. Abd. Viscera$6.00Apr., 1880
58,075Scott, CynthiaCuylerwidow$8.00Sept., 1864
30,749Thomas, PollyCuyleract of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00Feb., 1880
175,115Steele, George W.Cuylerg. s. w. rt. leg$2.00Feb., 1865
28,654Shufelt, LorenzoCuylerresec. Pt. l. humerus$18.00Feb., 1864
62,982Waters, Henry D.Cuylerwd. R. hand$12.75Sept., 1865
123,067Kinney, IraCuylerg. s. w. l. forearm$4.00May, 1873
156,686Button, MarionDe Ruyterg. s. w. both shoulders$3.00Nov., 1878
23,471Sergent, ArnoldDe Ruyterconsumption and rheum.$8.00Oct., 1862
184,189Crandall, Marco P.De Ruyterrheumatism$6.00June, 1865
146,169Hicks, GeorgeEast Freetowng. s. w. l. side of face$1.00June, 1877
54,359Lyon, Pardon H.East Homerwd. Rt. Leg$6.00June, 1865
163,364Beattie, JohnEast Homervaricose vs. r. leg and lumbago$6.00July, 1865
97,274Miller, George P.East Homerdis. Of spine$2.00Sept., 1865
57,136Henry, John B.East Homerinjury to abdomen$4.00Jan., 1864
73,073Avery, Martha A.East Homerwidow$8.00June, 1864
46,669Lavin, ThomasEast Homerg. s. w. lft. hand$4.00July, 1865
73,813Galivan, Juliann A.East Homerdep. mother$8.00Aug., 1864
79,517Wood, ParleyEast Riverwd. Rt. Shoulder$2.00Apr., 1865
134,161Huffman, WesleyEast Scottshell wd. Lft. Thigh$8.00June, 1875
25,064Stevens, ElishaEast Scottact of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00Apr., 1879
93,305Wheeler, Mary AnnEast Scottwidow$8.00Nov., 1864
141,750Potts, CharlotteFreetownwidow$8.00June, 1863
44,568Van Vost, William S.Freetown Cornerswd. Rt. Thigh$6.00June, 1865
47,568Brown, Milford M.Freetown Cornersg. s. w. face$8.00Aug., 1865
215,999Riley, Wm.Harforddis. Of eyes$8.00Oct., 1865
213,428Culver, Lewis R.Harfordg. s. w. rt. Hand, loss index$8.00Sept., 1881
18,654Holmes, Zeh.Harfordparalysis, typhoid fever$14.00Oct., 1863
171,679Bradley, Horace W.Harfordg. s. w. rt. Thigh$2.00July, 1865
94,150Hawley, HiramHarfordwd. Lft. Knee, varicose veins$6.00Dec., 1868
86,122Smith, AllenHarfordwd. Neck and lft. Shoulder$8.00Oct., 1867
135,526Rice, Shadrack B.Harforddep. father$8.00Dec., 1866
163,907Haskell, DianaHarforddep. mother$8.00Apr., 1865
28,016Morse, EllenHarfordwidow$8.00June, 1861
28,129Berrey, EuniceHarfordwidow$8.00Feb., 1864
181,290Banker, CatharineHarforddep. mother$8.00Feb., 1878
15,896Jones, DorothyHarford Millsdep. mother$8.00Oct., 1862
21,854Daniels, HemanHarford Millsact of Mar. 9, 1878$8.00May, 1878
181,189Burlingame, Charles C.Harford Millsdis. Liver, stomach, abdominal viscera, and typhoid fev.$4.00July, 1865
208,673Hackett, EronHarford Millschr. Diarr., dis. Abd. Viscera, and asthma$8.00June, 1865
127,498Kells, JobHarford Millsg. s. w. lft. leg$4.00Apr., 1874
182,328Decker, Benjamin H.Harford Millsdis. Of eyes$6.00June, 1865
122,784Neff, AlexanderHarford Millsg. s. w. lft. leg$6.00Apr., 1873
88,631Fox, MercyHomerdep. mother$8.00June, 1864
23,608Gurnee, AmandaHomeract of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
191,533Schermerhorn, ElizaHomerdep. mother$8.00Jan., 1862
184,880Goff, John A.Homerdep. father$8.00Jan., 1879
164,853Marble, JaneHomerdep. mother$12.00Aug., 1873
179,412Briggs, MargetteHomerwidow$8.00Sept., 1870
184,620Miller, AngelineHomerwidow$8.00Nov., 1870
180,227McGrath, KateHomerwidow$10.00May, 1871
198,932Conner, James S.Homerdep. father$8.00Jan., 1875
65,573Owen, Wilson G.Homerwd. Rt. Shoulder and back$12.00June, 1866
72,304Killean, Thomas, Jr.Homerwd. Lft. Hand and rt. Hip$10.00Oct., 1866
69,084Pindar, Elijah B.Homerloss 3d and 4th fingers lft. Hand$6.00Aug., 1866
25,600Sanders, Samuel E.Homerg. s. w. lft. foot$3.75Mar., 1864
158,537Hammond, FranklinHomerdis. Of lungs$4.00Mar., 1879
12,147Castle, EmmaHomeract of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
42,754Kinney, Elizabeth L.Homerwidow$8.00May, 1864
14,118Adams, Arville A.Homerwidow$20.00July, 1863
163,533Curtis, Myron B.Homerchr. Diarr.$4.00May, 1863
84,243Barnes, BarneyHomerwd. Rt. thigh$4.00July, 1865
66,359Porter, Lucien W.Homerg. s. w. rt. Shoulder$6.00July, 1865
108,829Davidson, Robert G.Homerinjury to abdomen$4.00July, 1865
162,636Miller, CharlesHomerg. s. w. rt. leg$4.00July, 1865
220,192Miles, JosephHomerg. s. w. rt. Hip, rt. Foot, ulcer, varicose veins$6.00Nov., 1862
67,516Stebbins, George W.Homerwd. Lft. leg$4.00Oct., 1865
94,512Davis, WalterHomerwd. Lft. Temple and thigh$2.00Dec., 1864
92,699Blye, Henry E.Homerdis. Of kidneys$4.00July, 1865
161,281Uncklen, John A.Homerg. s. w. lft. leg$3.00June, 1865
82,702Mills, RanslaerHomerchr. Rheum.$4.00Jan., 1867
15,351Smith, Cath.Homer-$8.00Jan., 1879
19,479Turner, JaneHomerheart dis.$12.00Nov., 1863
158,970Lawson, Charles E.Homerg. s. w. head$4.00Apr., 1879
44,403Masten, Hannah L.Hunt's Cornerwidow$8.00July, 1864
32,305Seely, Ellen H.Lapeerdep. mother$8.00Feb., 1863
209,365Davis, AlfredLittle Yorkchr. Diarr.$4.00Oct., 1865
27,681Blashfield, Zenas M.Little Yorkwd. Lft. arm$14.00Apr., 1864
30,185Albro, SallyLittle Yorkwidow$8.00May, 1864
127,940Hopkins, AdolphusMarathondis. Of lungs$3.00Apr., 1874
209,467Keyes, Aaron G.Marathondis. Of heart$4.00May, 1865
47,267Underwood, Ogden G.Marathonloss rt. Thumb2.66 2/3Apr., 1865
38,565Morgan, JohnMarathonparalysis, and c.$8.00Apr., 1872
11,586Webster, George W.Marathonloss lft. Arm$24.00June, 1874
178,021Curley, MartinMarathong. s. w. lft. Leg and thigh$6.00Nov., 1864
189,066Mitchell, Otis M.Marathonchr. Diarr. And dis. Lungs$8.00Jan., 1864
160,545Blair, FrankMarathong. s. w. lft. Hand, loss 1st jt. Little finger$1.00June, 1865
11,505Husted, ElizaMarathonact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
25,881Harrington, DollyMarathonact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
12,595Butman, Henry R.Marathonchronic nephritis$6.00June, 1863
79,518Courtney, OscarMarathonwd. Back and head$6.00Apr., 1867
53,890Johnson, EugeneMarathonrheum.$4.00Nov., 1865
56,769Pierce, WebsterMarathonwd. Rt. Elbow$18.00Jan., 1866
190,664Cusick, CatherineMarathondep. mother$8.00Aug., 1863
175,833Robinson, Lovel W.Marathondep. father$8.00July, 1875
197,011Chapman, Thomas E.Marathondis. Of kidneys and indigestion$6.00July, 1865
69,778Reed, Mary AnnMcGrawvillewidow$8.00Mar., 1865
48,714Leo. MaryMcGrawvilledep. mother$25.00Dec., 1864
23,948Smith, Jesse E.McGrawvilleact of March 9, 1878$8.00Aug., 1878
117,431Garlick, Frederick A.McGrawvilleampt. Rt. Thigh$24.00June, 1872
190,171Brown, Nathaniel G.McGrawvillechr. Rheum. And heart dis.$6.00July, 1865
73,659Alger, Charles O.McGrawvilleinjury to abdomen$4.00May, 1865
32,284Palmer, George R.McGrawvilleheart dis.$6.00Apr., 1863
6,444Foster, CharlotteMcGrawvillewidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1873
7,011Carr, DavidMcGrawvillesurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1871
29,737Carpenter, AlonzoMcGrawvilleinjury to abdomen$2.00June, 1864
38,669Owen, DariusMcGrawvillewd. Rt. Leg$14.00Mar., 1865
47,668Beers, Charles F.McGrawvilleloss lft. arm$24.00Aug., 1865
61,061Powers, Daniel S.McGrawvilleg. s. w. lft. Leg$6.00Apr., 1866
49,567Richardson, Isaac M.McGrawvilleg. s. w. lft. Hand$18.00Sept., 1865
122,007Dodge, ArtemasMcGrawvilledep. father$8.00June, 1866
188,427Price, AlonzoMessengervilleg. s. w. lft. Shoul., side neck$2.00June, 1865
95,462Bacon, Wm. A.Messengervillewd. Lft. Hand$2.00Aug., 1865
104,851Peak, Wm.Messengervilleinj. To spine$3.00Oct., 1864
32,108Smith, George W.Messengervilleloss lft. Leg$18.00July, 1866
34,476Egbertson, ArenathPrebledep. mother$8.00Nov., 1864
60,815Thompson, Wm.Preblewd. Rt. thigh$4.00July, 1865
172,941Francis, Adelbert W.Prebleg. s. w. lft. Hip, inj. To abd. Dis. Of abd. Viscera$10.00June, 1865
2,193Briggs, JohnPreblesurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1871
61,594Croby, Sarah L.Preblewidow$8.00Mar., 1865
20,488Hayner, ElizabethPrebleact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
30,279Briggs, NancyPrebleact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1880
17,159Tolly, CatharinePrebleact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
30,385Topping, FrancesPreblewidow$8.00July, 1863
212,158Wright, Smith S.Prebleg. s. w. rt. Thigh$4.00May, 1865
1,021Dager, PeterPreblesurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1871
138,432Morton, RandallPrebledep. father$8.00Nov., 1864
66,018Peters, Fannie A.Prebledep. mother$8.00May, 1863
46,777Fisk, Nancy A.Scottwidow$8.00Aug., 1864
22,849Ferry, HarmonyScottact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
189,293Cochran, Wm.Scottinjury to abdomen$4.00Oct., 1865
119,783Burgess, HarrietScottwidow$8.00Sept., 1865
54,493Richardson, Sarah M.Scottwidow$8.00Sept., 1864
223,074Maxson, George W.Scottloss two phalanges fingers, index finger rt. Hand, g. s. w. $3.00June, 1865
187,879Sweet, Charles H.Scottshell wd. Rt. Side$2.00July, 1865
6,872Clark, LoisScottdep. mother$8.00Oct., 1863
74,441Blumdin, ThomasScottinjury to abdomen$5.00Nov., 1866
64,844Butts, ReubenScottg. s. w. both legs$6.00July, 1865
55,199Maybury, John R.Scottwd. Forefing. And thumb rt. Hd.$4.00Jan., 1866
33,466Barnes, JohnSolonloss rt. Arm above elbow$24.00Oct., 1864
32,567McGwyre, SamuelSolonwd. Rt. Knee jt.$4.00Sept., 1864
49,293Harvey, Aramintha L.Solonwidow$8.00Oct., 1864
103,663Patterson, RobertSouth Cortlandchron. Diarr. And requelae$8.00June, 1870
65,783Dabal, EmelineSouth Cortlandwidow$8.00Oct., 1864
8,828Brandon, MarySouth Cortlandact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
195,197Francis, Caroline G.South Cortlanddep. mother$8.00Nov., 1862
36,170Griswold, Daniel P.South Cortlandloss rt. leg$24.00Dec., 1864
174,747Clark, MalvinaTaylordep. mother$8.00Apr., 1873
141,945Fuller, SusanTaylordep. mother$8.00Jan., 1865
42,771Miner, George W.Taylor Centerchr. Diarr., g. s. w. rt. Shoul.$8.00-
28,669Wallace, DavidTexas Valleyloss lft. leg$18.00Mar., 1864
196,505Quinn, ElviraTexas Valleydep. mother$8.00Sept., 1864
208,792Nelson, Judson C.Truxtonchron. Diarr. And rheum.$18.75July, 1862
121,891Hackett, Eliza J.Truxtondep. mother$8.00Dec., 1868
221,556Lansing, AlexanderTruxtonmalarial pois$6.00July, 1865
83,080Lansing, CorneliusTruxtoninj. To abd., wd. Both thighs$8.00Aug., 1866
139,477Hicks, EdwardTruxtong. s. w. of back$6.00Jan., 1874
149,366Goddard, James L.Truxtong. s. w. face, inj. To vision$10.00Apr., 1877
59,419Reagan, ThomasTruxtoninjury to abdomen, and varicose veins rt. Leg$8.00Mar., 1866
51,019Hartnett, DanielTruxtonloss rt. Arm$24.00Oct., 1865
132,841Burlingame, Henry A.Truxtong. s. w. lft. Shoulder$4.00Nov., 1874
12,146Daniels, MaryTruxtonact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
182,410Thompson, ChloeTruxtondep. mother$8.00Jan., 1878
155,515Rent, Almira R.Truxtondep. mother$8.00Aug., 1871
149,373Peters, George W.Truxtong. s. w. rt. Side, lung$6.00Nov., 1877
85,518O'Donahue, GeneraTruxtondep. mother$8.00June, 1864
30,446Fuller, BurdettUnion Valleychron. Diarr.2.66 2/3Apr., 1864
55,142Porter, ArenathUnion Valleywidow$8.00Sept., 1863
72,154Angel, Mary AnnUnion Valleydep. mother$8.00Aug., 1863
27,503Corter, A. LymanUnion Valleywd. Rt. Leg$18.00Apr., 1864
52,227Cotton, Joseph L.Union Valleyg. s. w. rt. Arm and lft. Thigh$4.00Nov., 1865
175,412Wilcox, HarrietUnion Valleydep. mother$8.00-
96,698Tripp, John D.Virgilinjury to abdomen$4.00Sept., 1868
78,880Ehle, JohnVirgilloss index and middle fingers rt. Hand$4.00July, 1865
94,417Lathrop, Jared R.Virgilchr. Cardiac dis.$4.00June, 1865
173,961Hollenbeck, AlbertVirgildis. Stomach and kidneys$6.00Oct., 1864
71,142Davenport, Jemima S.Virgilwidow$8.00Mar., 1865
22,328Baker, PollyVirgilact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
28,670Hall, PollyVirgilact of March 9, 1878$8.00Mar., 1878
54,235Lang, Charles H.Virgilg. s. w. lft. Shoulder, lft. Thigh, and inj. To abdomen$14.00Dec., 1865
120,642Williams, Marvin B.Virgilg. s. w. both thighs$3.00May, 1865
138,703Palmatier, NelsonVirgilg. s. w. rt. Shoulder$2.00Aug., 1865
161,017Hicks, George W.Virgilg. s. w. left index finger$2.00July, 1865
6,206Low, JaneVirgilwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1871
28,116Hazard, Rachel C.Willettwidow$8.00Mar., 1863
35,539Lynch, Eunice B.Willettwidow$8.00Dec., 1862
134,959Neal, ElizabethWillettwidow$8.00Sept., 1869
184,322Leroy, JacobWillettdep. father$8.00Aug., 1862

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