New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Chenango County, New York

January 1, 1883

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1883 Chenango County, New York List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
193,568Adams, MartinOxfordwd. l. foot$4.00 June, 1865
122,951Adams, Vincent LNorwichinjury to abdomen$10.00 Nov., 1872
22,015Alcott, Cordelia ASherburnewidow$30.00 Aug., 1862
15,129Aldrich, Ann CNorwichwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
183,889Aldrich, BolivarOxforddis. lungs and heart$6.00 June, 1865
12,243Allen, MirandaBeaver Meadowswidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1878
150,554Ames, FranklinNorwichwd. l. arm$4.00 Oct., 1877
160,870Ames, Marsena BNorwichdis. lungs$4.00 Mar., 1863
89,002Andrews, HenryAftonwd. back$6.00 May, 1865
28,553Atherton, MarthaNew Berlinwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
183,867Atwell, AgnesColumbuswidow$8.00 Nov;, 1878
23,145Avery, Jno. SGreenesurv. 1812$8.00 July, 1878
52,935Aylsworth, RhodaOxfordwidow 1812$8.00 Oct., 1864
184,783Baker, Erwin A.Oxfordspinal dis., locomotes ataxia$50.00 Mar., 1881
209,918Baker, Thomas SNorwichinj. l. mid. fing., & e$2.00 May, 1865
182,016Barber, Jane KLincklaen Centredep. mother$8.00 Aug., 1877
188,081Barnes, SallyPlymouthdep. mother$8.00 Dec., 1862
96,264Barr, Harriet NOtselicwidow$8.00 Oct., 1864
14,095Barr, Nancy ANorwichwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
143,486Barrows, Geo. MMcDonoughinj. to abdomen$4.00 Nov., 1876
57,812Bassett, Joel FOtselic Centreloss l. thi$24.00 Feb., 1866
204,688Bauner, DanielBainbridgech. diarr$4.00 July, 1865
170,922Beaman, Isaac HLincklaeninj. to head & result epilep$12.00 June, 1865
15,840Beardsley, RhodaCoventrywidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
177,995Beckwith, Franklin ERockdaleinj. spine$6.00 June, 1865
4,807Beech, EmeliaPitcherwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
60,342Belts, EphraimGreenedis. l. eye$4.00 Jan., 18x4
29,624Benedict, LydiaBennettsvillewidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
15,709Benson, Lydia AGreenewidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
81,042Benton, EmmettAftonwd. l. side & should$18.00 -
93,589Betts, Louisa MOxfordwidow$8.00 Mar., 1864
187,449Bingham, Henry DBainbridgewd. l.f.arm$2.00 June, 1865
186,862Bliven, Jno. CNorwichdis. lungs$8.00 Mar., 1865
215,226Bolt, MerrittGermanerysip. r. arm & abscess & atrophy$4.00 June, 1863
126,999Bolt, Wm. AGreenech. diar., hemorr$6.00 Sept., 18xx
162,929Boughton, Sarah BBainbridgedep. mother$8.00 July, 1872
81,232Bowers, GilfordGuilfordwd. l. foot$6.00 May, 1867
62,612Bowers, LucyOxfordwidow$8.00 Oct., 1863
94,738Bowers, Wm. WNorwichwd. l. lung$5.00 June, 1864
15,477Breed, OrindaFharsliawidow$8.00 Aug., 1863
149,592Briggs, LymanBeaver Meadowsfroz. feet$4.00 June, 1876
211,367Brigham, Wm HBeaver Meadowschr. diarr. & dis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Feb., 1863
60,510Brookins, Jno. ENorwichwd. across back$6.00 June, 1865
17,193Brookins, SamanthaOxfordwidow$8.00 July, 1862
100,849Brookins, Wm. HNorwichwd. r. leg$6.00 July, 1865
193,796Brown, DavidNorth Pitcherwd. l. thi., & c$6.00 Jan., 1863
10,880Brown, Esther ASherburnewidow$25.00 July, 1862
196,269Brown, Flora MPlymouthwidow$16.00 Apr., 1880
68,943Brown, Geo. WOtselic Centrewd. both this$6.00 June, 1865
89,262Brown, Henry FMcDonoughparaly. r. leg$18.00 Feb., 1868
195,835Brown, RussellEast Pharsaliadep. father$8.00 Sept., 1864
222,145Brown, ThomasAftonwd. l. thi$6.00 May, 1863
152,184Brown, WilliamHorseheadsch. diarr$4.00 July, 1876
59,803Brownell, LouisaColumbuswidow$8.00 Nov., 1865
81,043Bullis, Wm. MSherburnecrushing hand$4.00 Mar., 1863
111,622Bullock, Dyer DNorth Norwichinj. spine, & c$24.00 June, 1870
172,327Bunnell, UritaBeaver Meadowswidow$8.00 Aug., 1864
58,698Burch, Hannah CNew Berlindep. mother$17.00 Oct., 1864
86,255Burdick, Henry DLincklaen Centrech. rheum$7.50 Oct., 1867
133,836Burditt, Wm. TAftonwd. rt. leg$6.00 Dec., 1874
184,076Burlingame, James LHolmesvilledep. father$8.00 June, 1878
193,497Burlinson, JasBainbridgedis of abd. vis. & mal. pois$4.00 Sept., 1865
57,338Burlison, Sarah AMt. Uptonwidow$8.00 Nov., 1864
169,165Burroughs, Jno. WGreeneminor$12.00 Feb., 1875
31,808Burrows, PattyEast Pharsaliawidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1881
26,594Burrows, PheanaRockdalewidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
117,647Butler, JosephAftondis. lungs, rheum., & dis. heart$24.00 -
16,238Button, MariaColumbuswidow$8.00 July, 1863
152,999Cadwell, Charles HFharsliawd. r. foot$4.00 July, 1875
11,486Cadwell, Lavina BNorwichwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
62,795Cady, LydiaGreenedep. mother$8.00 May, 186x
81,024Calvert, JeremiahEast McDonoughdis. heart$18.00 May, 1867
71,544Camp, EmilyHolmesvilledep. mother$8.00 Jan., 1863
35,651Camp, Joab JGuilfordwd. l. leg$8.00 Sept., 1864
29,295Campbill, MariaGreenewidow$8.00 Oct., 186x
57,216Cannon, JosephGuilfordwd. l. lung$8.00 Feb., 1866
219,194Carnell, Daniel V.Mt. Uptonepilep. fr. brain fever$8.00 June, 1865
84,825Carpenter, SallyOxforddep. mother$8.00 Oct., 1866
188,120Case, Truman ENorwichdis. liver$6.00 Sept., 1865
106,721Cerncross, Leion EPlymouthwd. r. leg$4.00 May, 1865
46,547Champion, Robert DNorth Pitcheramp. r. arm$18.00 July, 1865
8,468Champlin, MarionSherburnewidow$8.00 Dec., 1862
68,942Chappell, AbramNew Berlinwd. r. hand$6.00 July, 1866
12,590Church, Eliza MOxfordwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1863
5,726Clark, MercySherburnewidow 1812$8.00 Apr.,, 1873
45,957Clark, Sinus RBainbridgeloss r. leg$20.00 Mar., 1865
62,281Clarke, CharlesNew Berlinwd. r. arm$12.00 Nov., 1865
64,811Cobb, Chauncey WBainbridgewd. jaw & thi$8.00 Apr., 1865
205,767Cogshall, Curtis SNorwichwd. l. thi$4.00 July, 1865
190,362Cole, Pary FAftonerysip., dis. kid., & rheu$6.00 Dec., 1881
124,698Colson, PhilanderElmirawd. l. cheek & abscess l. kid$6.00 Nov., 1871
154,742Condrin, MaryNorwichdep. mother$8.00 Oct., 1871
138,876Conger, Abel BNorwichax cut l. arm$8.00 Apr., 1876
52,249Conmb, OrsonNorwichwd. thr. ileum$24.00 Nov., 1865
-Cook, George RBainbridgeg.s. w. lft. hip$6.00 -
8-,459Cook, LucindaSherburnewidow$8.00 July, 1864
142,490Cooley, Olive ROxfordwidow 1812$8.00 June, 1869
196,192Cork, JaneGreenewidow$8.00 Jan., 186x
11,549Corker, JaneNorwichwidow$8.00 Sept., 1862
92,819Corl, Dwight MOtselic Centrewd. l. wrist$5.00 Sept., 1868
8,458Cornell, Susan FMt. Uptonwidow 1812$8.00 Nov., 1878
51,230Cotton, Gilbert ENorth Norwichloss l. leg$18.00 Oct., 1865
85,228Cowing, Andrew JMt. Uptonwd. wrist & hand$4.00 Sept., 1867
192,788Coy, DianaEast Pharsaliawidow$16.00 June, 1877
456,685Coye, GeoLincklaenwd. r. thi$6.00 Feb., 1878
60,573Crain, Van BurenNorwichwd. r. knee jt$18.00 Mar., 1866
28,345Crawford, AffieNew Berlindep. mother$8.00 June, 1862
85,977Crumb, LuciusEast Pharsaliainjury to abdomen$12.00 June, 1865
196,201Cushman, Chas. PNew Berlinwd. r. thi$4.00 June, 1865
155,918Dailey, David PMcDonoughdis. lungs$12.00 Aug., 1877
204,089Dain, Charles WNorwichdis. spine$4.00 June, 1865
70,699Daniels, ChasCoventrywd. l. arm$15.00 Sept., 1866
24,147Darling, CemanthaLincklaenwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
205,229Darling, Lewis EPitcherdis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Aug., 1865
125,221Davis, AustinOtselicwd. r. thi$6.00 June, 1873
153,380De Lavan, Samuel AGuilforddis. lungs$4.00 Sept., 1864
60,820Denton, Joel MNorwichwd. l. arm$6.00 Mar., 1866
13,968Derby, JohnAftoninj. of head$18.00 July, 1863
189,295Dibble, DanielMt. Uptonch. diarr & dis. of abd. vis$6.00 June, 1865
24,992Dibble, RusselMt. Uptonsurv. 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
14,999Dodge, CatharineNew Berlinwidow$8.00 Apr., 1863
180,949Dolan, Delia AMcDonoughdep. mother$8.00 May, 1876
170,203Dolan, JamesOxfordch. diarr. & dis. of abd'l visc$6.00 July, 1865
67,975Dran, Francis HPlymouthwidow 1812$8.00 Sept., 1861
8-,953Duley, JuliaSherburnewidow$8.00 June, 1864
209,438Dutcher, AndrewColumbusstrain l. side & hip$2.00 July, 1865
152,467Dye, Adam DMt. Uptonch. diarr$6.00 Mar., 1878
107,751Dye, NovesNorwichinjury to abdomen$8.00 Aug., 1864
170,780Eccleston, LorenOxfordepilep$18.00 June, 1865
181,393Eggleston, Alden BGermandis. l. hip jt. result of fever$8.00 June, 1865
66,366Ellis, AdicusNew Berlinamp. l. thi$24.00 June, 1866
127,233Ellis, AmenzoNew Berlinwd. r. wrist$4.00 July, 1873
28,867Ellsworth, Marcha EPitcher Springswidow$8.00 Feb., 1864
174,442Evans, IsaacNorwichwd. l. arm$4.00 July, 1865
192,554Evans, King DNorwichch. bronch. & par. deaf$8.00 Dec., 1862
133,201Felton, Joseph HEast Pharsaliawd. r. wrist & thi$4.00 Dec., 1873
124,932Figary, Oscar MNorth Norwichwd.l. foot$8.00 Feb., 1867
101,888Finn, PatrickBainbridgewd. l. thi$4.00 Jan., 1870
29,193Fisher, NancySherburnewidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
150,480Fitch, David BNorwichwd. r. should$2.00 Sept., 1876
25,375Fitch, Isaac PNorwichwd. l. leg$8.00 Mar., 1864
12,213Foot, DesireNew Berlinwidow$8.00 Feb., 1863
165,813Ford, SusanPrestondep. father$8.00 May, 1870
46,768Foster, JnoGreenewd. r. shoulder & back$10.00 July, ----
52,108Foster, MariahOxfordwidow$8.00 Sept., 1864
77,022Fox, Lewis HPitcherch. diarr.$6.00 Mar., 1865
182,722Francisco, DelosBainbridgech. rheum$8.00 June, 1865
171,975Freely, Freeland PColumbusinjury to abdomen$4.00 July, 1865
30,326French, Isaac NNorwichwd. face$8.00 Jan., 1863
162,373Frink, Charles CNorwichdis of lungs$4.00 Sept., 1879
138,734Gaffaney, HughBainbridgewd. rt. thi$4.00 Nov., 1874
114,196Gale, Gelania AEast McDonoughdep. mother$8.00 June, 1868
53,152Gale, TheresaNorwichwidow$8.00 Nov., 1863
198,165Ganley, PatrickOxfordch. rheu$4.00 July, 1865
65,284Gates, SophiaNorwichwidow$8.00 Jan., 1865
23,529Gawley, MargaretOxforddep. mother$8.00 Aug., 1863
81,3-0Gifford, Eunice ABainbridgewidow$8.00 Oct., 1864
179,760Gilbert, DorcasOxforddep. mother$15.00 Feb., 1863
218,059Gilbert, ScottMt. Uptondhr. diarr., dis. lungs & ab. vis$8.00 June, 1863
214,860Godfrey, Jno. JGuilford Centerdis. lungs & kid. result of typh. fever$12.00 June, 1863
105,246Gorven, OwenSherburnedep. father$8.00 Sept., 1864
177,335Grannis, Girdon EGreenechr. diarr$6.00 June, 18xx
71,556Grant, FideliaRockdalewidow$8.00 Mar., 1864
209,293Green, James FNorwichch. diarr., & c$8.00 Nov., 1863
112,184Green, LovinaOxfordwidow$8.00 July, 1865
207,548Greenfield, JnoEast Pharsaliachr. diarr. & typh. fever & dropsy$6.00 Aug., 1865
92,615Griswold, Mathew CNorwichphthisis pulmonalis, & c$17.00 Jan., 1864
139,295Guernsey, Malinda CBeaver Meadowsdep. mother$8.00 July, 1863
10,673Haight, LewisNew Berlinloss l. arm above elbow$24.00 Apr., 1863
193,522Halbert, Henry HNorwichch. diarr., dis. of abd. viscera$6.00 June, 1865
160,423Hall, Chas. HNorwichinj. l. wrist, ch. diarr$18.00 May, 1879
173,370Hall, Geo. WNorwichch. diarr., & c$12.00 Mar., 1864
209,236Hamilton, IsaacBainbridgedis. heart$10.00 Nov., 1865
65,291Hancock, DeliaNorwichwidow$8.00 Dec., 1864
145,306Hand, Alex. WBennettsvillewd. l. hip$8.00 May, 1877
122,672Handef, Chas. OAftonch. diarr., dis. liver & rectum, & dis. of abd. viscera$10.00 -
84,462Hanraham, JnoNorwichwd. r. l. jaw, neck, & inj. to ab$18.00 Aug., 1867
185,904Harens, Sally AOxforddep. mother$8.00 Oct., 1864
195,538Harkin, MaryNorwichdep. mother$8.00 Sept., 1861
213,180Harrington, Merville EMcDonoughwd. l. thi$6.00 June, 1865
213,627Harrington, Silas NEast Pharsaliach. diarr. & ch. rheum$6.00 June, 1865
158,436Harriott, Thomas BOxfordinjury to abdomen$4.00 Mar., 1879
177,156Harris, Jno. JGreenevaricose l. side$6.00 May, 18xx
187,697Haves, JamesNorwichdis. stomach$6.00 June, 1865
30,893Haynes, John JNorwichwd. l. leg$12.00 July, 1864
177,966Heady, LouisaNorwichdep. mother$8.00 Feb., 1877
96,547Hemenway, ChasOxfordwd. l. leg$8.00 Mar., 1869
43,942Henry, PatrickNorwichwd. r. hip$12.00 June, 1865
187,763Herrington, StephenNorwichwidow$8.00 June, 1862
23,695Higgins, TherezaBeaver Meadowswidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
17,161Hill, RuthPlymouthwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
78,193Hilliard, JnoBeaver Meadowswd. l. leg$6.00 Mar., 1867
220,853Hines, JosephLincklaenInjury to abdomen$6.00 Mar., 1864
13,513Hinman, Sally MariahPitcherwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
206,179Hinman, SophronasAftonwd. rt. arm$6.00 June, 1865
81,645Hoff, HubbardBainbridgewd. rt. leg$18.00 May, 1867
24,133Holdredge,Rhoda ACoventrywidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
23,531Holdridge, Anna MMcDonoughwidow$8.00 June, 1863
208,050Holdridge, Waley PMcDonoughwd. of abdom$4.00 Feb., 1863
97,128Holmes, HenryNorwichwd. rt. hand$2.00 Nov.,1864
36,568Holmes, OrinOtselicwd. l. f. arm$8.00 Jan., 1865
185,754Holmnes, BetseyNorwichdep. mother$8.00 Feb., 1863
192,409Hopkins, CyrusAftonmalarial poisoning$4.00 July, 1881
25,756Hotchkiss, Mary AGreenedep. mother$8.00 July, 186x
132,894House, DanielNorwichchr. rheum., heart dis$12.00 Apr., 1875
92,713House, JaneBainbridgedep. mother$8.00 Sept., 1864
72,302Houston, James AAftonwd. rt. side & loss r. f. fing$8.00 -
9,567Hubby, LauraColumbuswidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
149,16-Hunt, WarrenPrestondep. father$8.00 July, 1865
9,568Huntley, Julia ASherburnewidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
143,988Hyde, Chauncey DNorwichch. diarr., & c$8.00 Mar., 1877
7,762Hyer, CelestiaMt. Uptonwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
197,333Hyzee, Minerva MAftondep. mother$8.00 Sept., 1882
183,368Ireland, MilesNorth Norwichch. diarr$6.00 Apr., 1863
181,755Ireland, Nelson LNorwichch. diarr., & c$6.00 Sept., 1865
27,972Isbel, HarveyHolmesvillech. diarr$6.00 Aug., 1864
184,794Jackson, Lura MBennettsvillewidow$8.00 Aug., 1864
200,949Jacobs, Geo. ANorwichmusc. atrophy$8.00 June, 1862
141,143Janes, Wright MNorth Norwichinj. l. leg$8.00 Aug., 1876
158,593Jaquins, ChasBainbridgeinj. rt. knee$12.00 Nov., 1865
207,560Johnson, Isaac NelsonBainbridgech. diarr. & dyspep$4.00 July, 1865
135,469Johnson, Thomas BGreenewd. l. side$2.00 Feb., 1875
176,888Jones, Jno. BGreenedep. father$8.00 Aug., 187x
206,371Jones, Walter GMcDonoughparaly$4.00 June, 1865
199,745Justice, Hiram NPitcherwd. l. arm$4.00 May, 1865
63,844Kellogg, Mary ANew Berlinwidow$8.00 Aug., 1864
197,675Kinney, Alfred SNorwichtyph. fever, & c$12.75 Aug., 1862
190,189Kinyon, Bradford COxfordch. diarr. & dis. of abd'l visc$8.00 June, 1865
212,102Kirby, Wm. RBainbridgewd. l. side$2.00 Oct., 1864
151,623Knapp, Francis MBennettsvillewd. rt. hand$6.00 Mar., 1878
207,428Knickerbocker, J. HMcDonoughch. diarr$4.00 June, 1865
63,845Knickerbocker, Sus'n ANorwichwidow$8.60 Mar., 1865
94,362Laman, Wm. LCoventryvillewd. l. leg$4.00 June, 1865
73,086Lamphere, Chas. FMt. Uptonwd. l. arm & inj. back & L. eye$10.00 Oct., 1866
96,256Lanfair, BetseyRockdaledep. mother$8.00 Oct., 1864
43,873Langdon, MalvinaGreenewidow$8.00 July, 1864
192,215Latimer, Nathan GAftonwd. rt. elbow$2.00 June, 1865
132,709Law, WilliamNorth Pharsaliawd. r. knee & ch. diarr$10.00 Mar., 1876
68,187Lawrence, Wm SSouth New Berlinlss. rt. eye, g.s.w. face, lft eye$10.00 -
28,837Leathers, Mary ANorwichwidow$8.00 -
49,733Lerisee, Luransa ASherburnewidow$8.00 June, 1865
98,835Lewis, Austin RNorwichg. s. w. wrist & rt. thigh$8.00 July, 1869
150,180Lofdell, JnoAftonwd. l. thi$4.00 June, 1876
70,806Lothridge, Charles HNorwichfract. rt. tibia$6.00 May, 1865
197,577Luther, OtisFharsliawd. r. leg$4.00 July, 1865
84,588Lyon, JosiahBainbridgewd. l. f. arm$6.00 July, 1865
190,005Main, SubmitNorth Norwichdep. mother$8.00 Sept., 1864
49,418Mallory, Geo. AOxfordwd. face and ch. diarr$18.00 Sept., 1865
33,285Mapes, TheresaElmirawidow$8.00 Oct., 1864
202,143Marsh, AlbertPine Citydis. liver$2.00 May, 1865
193,852Martin, Thomas WGreenedis. heart result of typh & int. fevs., & var. veins l. leg$6.00 July, 18xx
188,228Marvin, Amelia AGreenewidow$10.00 May, 187x
183,327Marvin, PhebeGreenewidow$8.00 Oct, 1878
195,571Mathewson, JerushaEast Guilforddep. mother$8.00 June, 1863
59,028Mayhew, AdalineCoventrydep. mother$8.00 Jan., 1865
58,063McBirney, GeoGreenewd. rt. breast$12.00 Feb., 1866
208,857McIntyre, DavisNew Berlinch. diarr$24.00 Oct., 1863
103,870McLane, JosephPitcherwd. l. hip and groin$6.00 Oct., 1864
159,847McLaughlin Edgar AElmirawd. l. hand$2.00 Apr., 1865
137,744Mead, Gideon CGuilfordch. diarr.$14.00 Feb., 1876
60,191Miller, Caroline AGuilfordwidow$8.00 Oct., 1864
197,717Miller, Lucasta HNorwichwidow$8.00 Feb., 1872
84Miller, LucyNorwichwidow$8.00 Dec., 1861
25,190Miner, Harriet MOxfordwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
213,382Moak, Frederick ANew Berlininjury to abdomen$8.00 Oct., 1864
206,036Moak, Harris PGreenescurvy$4.00 July, 18xx
179,555Monroe, Fred'k DNorwichgen. debility & neural$4.00 Oct., 1865
170,649Monroe, IsraelPrestonwd. abdomen and knee$6.00 June, 1865
30,137Monroe, OrlandoEast Pharsaliachr. diarr.$2.00 Nov., 1863
60,062Monroe, Salmon HEast Pharsaliafract. l. thi$12.00 Mar., 1866
35,817Montgomery, Henry SPlymouthwd. l. leg$18.00 Dec., 1864
162,628Morenus, ChasSherburneinjury to abdomen$8.00 June, 1865
201,989Morey, WilliamNorwichasthma$4.00 Feb., 1862
135,182Morton, Cecelia BNorwichwidow$8.00 Mar., 1869
18,558Mosher, PaulineGuilfordwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
190,610Mungle, Wm. srMt. Uptonwd. l. arm$1.00 Jan., 1881
213,065Murphy, MathewNorwichwd. l. leg$4.00 Jan., 1863
57,980Murry, LauraLincklaenwidow$8.00 Aug., 1864
210,321Nash, Martin MGuilfords. stroke & ch. diarr$4.00 July, 1865
165,709Nash, Wm. OGuilforddis. kid$4.00 June, 1865
22,946Neideck, MargaretOxfordwidow$8.00 Oct., 1862
133,801Newby, Wm. WAftonwd. l. leg$6.00 Feb., 1875
181,568Newton, CarolineOxforddep. mother$8.00 Apr., 1878
154,384Newton, Giles WNorwichdyspep$8.00 July, 1872
186,618Nichols, MargaretOxforddep. mother$8.00 Mar., 1863
11,382Niles, LucyGermanwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
85,172Norris, Jno. ROxfordwd. r. leg$12.00 Sept., 1867
155,803Northrop, Albert GGreenevar. veins & ulc. l. leg$15.00 Oct., 18xx
143,233Norton, HenryNorwichwd. l. hand$6.00 Jan., 1877
27,150Numbulo, Wm. HNew Berlinwd. r. thi$6.00 Apr., 1864
26,335Odell, AliciaAftonwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
209,035O'Leary, TimothyGreeneinj. to back & dis. of spine$4.00 Mar., 1863
153,956Olmstead, SylvesterNorwichdis. lungs$6.00 May, 1865
12,994Owens, SalmonOxfordwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
31,345Packard, BetseyAftonwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1881
76,176Palmer, MargaretBainbridgewidow$8.00 June, 1866
112,275Palmer, RachelBainbridgedep. mother$8.00 Apr., 1868
211,685Parker, PhilanderPlymouthch. diarr.$4.00 Aug., 1863
53,715Paul, Ashel WNorth Pharsaliaconsump$8.00 May, 1865
197,783Paul, Mary SPlymouthwidow$16.00 May, 1881
186,078Payne, Geo. WBainbridgedis. lungs & kid$8.00 June, 1865
196,214Payne, Phebe JGuilford Centerdep. mother$8.00 Aug., 1864
64,413Peck Morgan DNew Berlinwd. l. elbow$8.00 Mar., 1873
187,006Peck, Presson RAftonwd. chest$4.00 July, 1865
22,730Pendleton, RhodaNorwichwidow 1812$8.00 June. 1878
3,821Per Lee, Maria SNorth Norwichwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
45,128Perry, Jno. QPitcherwd. r. f. arm$6.00 July, 1865
153,370Pettit, MariaSherburnewidow$8.00 Mar., 1864
13,034Phebe, CookeAftonwidow 1812$8.00 Dec., 1878
149,832Phelps, EdwinOxfordaxe w. r. hand$2.00 Dec., 1876
60,501Phetteplace, JulianNorwichch. opthal., & e$18.00 Mar., 1866
22,259Phillips, AlonzoAftonwd. l. wrist$18.00 -
141,687Phillips, Leonard DIreland Millsch. bron$12.00 Oct., 1876
211,800Phillips, SylvesterMt. Uptonwd. l. leg & ch. rheum$8.00 June, 1865
49,540Phinney, Franklin BBainbridgewd. rt. leg$18.00 Sept., 1865
212,226Pierce, DanielNorth Pitcherwd. r. arm$6.00 June, 1865
696Pierce, RachelPitcherwidow$8.00 July, 1866
56,464Pike, Ensign MNorwichwd. r. leg$18.00 Jan., 1866
218,874Pike, Henry HNorwichch. diarr., & c$6.00 Sept., 1865
28,566Pitsley, Benj'n WAftonchor. fr. wd. head$7.00 -
54,198Place, Robert DNew Berlindis. heart, & c$8.00 July, 1865
157,611Platt, TitusNorth Norwichrheum$20.00 Aug., 1863
182,732Poole, Maria LMcDonoughdep. mother$8.00 Jan., 1878
218,651Potter, OrrinNorwichrheum$4.00 June, 1863
122,601Pritchard, Frederick SOtselicwd. face$6.00 Oct., 1872
183,283Quinn, PatrickNorwichwd. r. f. arm$4.00 July, 1865
17,179Randall, HannahNorwichwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
205,879Read, Edwin CGreenetypho mal. fev., affecting head & stomach$2.00 June, 18xx
27,143Record, Robert HOtselicwd. r. side face$14.00 Apr., 1864
148,767Reed, JnoNew Berlinloss l. leg above knee$24.00 Jan., 1877
28,778Richardson, SoprinaOtselicwidow 1812$8.00 Mar.,1878
118,471Robb, Jno., 1stAftonwd. r. leg$6.00 -
185,032Roberts, JosephNew Berlinwd. l. thumb$4.00 June, 1865
77,101Robinson, EllenNew Berlindep. mother$8.00 July, 1864
55,406Roby, PrudenceCoventryvilledep. mother$8.00 June, 1864
59,349Rockwell, JesseGreenewd. l. elbow$8.00 -
27,732Rogers, FannyOxfordwidow 1812$8.00 Aug., 1879
188,835Rosa, JamesOxforddis. lungs & heart$8.00 Sept., 1863
100,568Rosa, LeviBrisbendis. lft. thigh$12.00 Oct., 1869
46,051Rouse, David WNew Berlinwd. l. foot$8.00 July, 1865
190,394Rowbinson, Theod'e BGreenewd. l. arm$2.00 Aug., 1865
93,786Rupley, Jacob, alias RippleNorwichg. s. w. lft. elbow$4.00 -
163,061Ryan, AndrewNorwichminor$10.00 Jan., 1873
16,441Sackett, EstherGreenewidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 187x
193,258Sage, Ransom ECoventryvillewd. head$4.00 June 1865,
90,657Sanders, Almira SAftonwidow$8.00 Aug., 1867
131,833Sanders, ElectaPlymouthdep. mother$8.00 May, 1864
91,997Sanders, Louisa AMcDonoughwidow$8.00 July, 1863
163,591Sanders, Olive LNorwichdep. mother$8.00 July 1873
27,100Sanford, MitchellOtselic Centrewd. of breast & r. hand$12.00 Apr., 1864
56,470Sannick, PeterNorwichloss 3d, 4, & 5 fings. l. hand$16.00 Jan., 1866
152,129Santmyre, JnoBeaver Meadowsdis. lungs$10.00 Apr., 1878
173,871Sargent Clarissa ANorwichwidow$8.00 Aug., 1870
77,410Sayles, John C., jrNorwichwd. l. side$14.00 Feb., 1867
99,138Secor, CynthiaMt. Uptondep. mother$8.00 Aug., 1867
218,892Secor, Perry FBainbridgemal. pois. & rheum$6.00 June, 1865
56,684Seeber, Catharine FCoventryvillewidow$8.00 Dec., 1871
77,545Sennick, CatharineNorwichwidow$8.00 Sept., 1865
136,886Sexton, SamuelNorwichch. rheum$8.00 Nov., 1875
56,625Shapley, Samuel COxforddis. lungs$8.00 Jan., 1866
56,472Sharp, ElmoreNorwichwd. l. thi$8.00 Jan., 1866
174,070Shaver, MelvinaNorwichdep. mother$8.00 Apr., 1873
130,060Shaw, CatharineGermandep. mother$8.00 Aug., 1864
182,376Shaw, MartinCoventryvillewd. l. brst & dis. lungs$12.00 Feb., 1881
108,477Sheldon, Jerry JAftondep. father$8.00 Sept., 1869
222,842Shepherd, Alfred CNorwichdis. heart$6.00 Aug., 1863
91,056Shipman, AnnMcDonoughwidow$8.00 Aug., 1863
15,453Shippey, DavidSouth New Berling.s.w. rt. arm & side$6.00 Aug., 1863
19,871Shippey, MariaPrestonwidow 1812$8.00 May, 1878
28,652Sill, Lydia DNew Berlinwidow$8.00 June, 1863
207,510Simmons, ChaunceyGreenech. diar. & dis. of abd. vis$4.00 Sept., 18xx
135,237Sliter, RobertNorwichwd. l. groin$6.00 Aug., 1875
11,779Smith, Charlotte DCoventrywidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
83,984Smith, Daniel DBainbridgeres. of sunstroke & mal. fev.$24.00 Aug., 1867
173,408Smith, EleazerOxfordwd. l. ankle$6.00 May, 1865
17,168Smith, Eliza TMcDonoughwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
194,568Smith, George PAftondis. lungs$6.00 Sept., 1881
176,137Smith, Isaac NAftonwd. rt. arm$6.00 May, 1863
68,826Smith, Jane LGreenedep. mother$8.00 Apr., 18xx
22,842Smith, JnoNorwichwd. r. leg$8.00 Jan., 1864
78,200Smith, NelsonErinwd. l. side head$8.00 Mar., 1867
215,046Smith, PeterAftonch. diarr & rheum$8.00 July, 1865
34,760Smith, Phebe EGreenewidow$8.00 May, 1864
197,410Smith, Rufus CGuilfordasthm. & bronch. result fr. measles$4.00 Oct., 1864
50,285Snow, Orson MNorwichwd. r. knee jt$6.00 Sept., 1865
126,829Snyder, JeromeNorwichwd. r. hip$3.00 Apr., 1873
17,391Soule, LeroyOtselic Centrewd. l. thi$18.00 Sept., 1863
174,805Springsteen, LuanaGreenedep. mother$8.00 Nov., 1873
36,722Stafford, Samuel SOxfordwd. nates$17.00 Jan., 1865
20,094Stanley, BetseyNorwichwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
158,489Stanton, EdwinIreland Millswd. l. arm & rt. side$4.00 Mar., 1879
142,091Stanton, Jno. WOtselicwd. r. should. & neck$6.00 Oct., 1876
64,890Stanton, Robert ANorwichwd. l. hand$4.00 June, 1866
2,565Starr, ElectaSherburnewidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
124,123Starr, Julius MNorwichch. diarr., & c$8.00 July, 1873
171,116Stedman, Ellis WGreenewd. l. thi$6.00 May, 1865
96,622Stere, Lansing LNew Berlininj. back$8.00 Mar., 1869
170,173Stewart, David PAftonwd. l. hand$12.00 June, 1880
30,599Stiles, SamuelNorwichhaemoptysis, rheum., & dis. lungs$12.00 July, 1864
47,526Stoddard, Sarah JNew Berlinwidow$8.00 Nov., 1862
170,197Stringham, Geo. WGreenech. diarr. & dis. liver & rec'm$12.00 June, 188x
188,205Sutton, Catharine MNorth Pitcherdep. mother$8.00 Aug., 1862
191,853Swift, Hiram MAftonwd. back of neck$4.00 June, 1865
141,872Tanner, Bradford BNorwichwd. head, & c$6.00 Oct., 1876
209,167Tanner, Gerret SNorth Norwichdis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 -
196,246Taylor, DavidNorwichminor$27.00 Dec., 1881
8,913Terrell, James AOxfordch. rheu$8.00 June, 1858
164,525Thayer, Nelson ANorwichch. bronchl$4.00 Feb., 1880
144,189Thomas, KacsahGreenedep. mother$8.00 Apr., 187x
172,259Thompson, CatharineNorwichwidow$8.00 Aug., 1874
216,379Thompson, ClarkGreenech. diar. & dis. of abd. vis$4.00 July, 18xx
203,691Thompson, JaphetGreenech. diarr., dis. of abdominal viscera, & inj. of back$6.00 June, 186x
53,911Thompson, Joseph ENorwichwd. r. elbow pl$12.00 Nov., 1865
47,004Thompson, LewisOxfordwd. r. leg$8.00 Aug., 1865
19,319Thompson, SallyNorwichwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
92,782Thompson, Stephen DOtselic Centrewd. r. leg & frac. 6th & 7th ribs$6.00 Aug., 1868
23,378Thorp, EdwardNorwichwd. r. hand$8.00 Feb., 1864
156,250Throop, Geo. BNew Berlininj. spine$6.00 June, 1877
165,780Tight, JnoAftongravel$8.00 Mar., 1880
179,850Tillet, Benj'nNorwichpartial deaf$4.00 Oct., 1865
39,230Tillson, Geo. MNorwichwd. arm above elbow$24.00 Mar., 1865
172,562Tinkham, LorellNew Berlinwd. r. thi$2.00 Nov., 1862
212,243Titus, IsaacGreenech. diar. & dropsy$4.00 Apr., 18x5
184,067Titus, SophroniaAftondep. mother$8.00 Nov., 1879
79,403Towner, CalvinBainbridgewd. l. arm$4.00 Apr., 1867
6,923Travis, PollyGreenewidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
82,319Tripp, James SBennettsvillewd. rt. hand$8.00 June, 1867
47,005Tyler, Daniel WGreenewd. l. thi$8.00 Aug., 1865
188,841Tyler, Jno. BEast Pharsaliainjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1865
17,951Tyler, Olive JOtselicwidow$8.00 Apr., 1863
85,503Utter, OrlandoGuilfordwd. l. arm$8.00 Sept., 1867
83,300Van Ostrand, Elenor COxfordwidow$8.00 Aug., 1863
205,126Van Tassell, UriOxfordch. diarr. & dis. of abd'l visc$6.00 July, 1865
154,745Voltz, JacobNorwichwd. r. knee jt$4.00 Mar., 1878
193,897Wagner, Julia E. SNorwichwidow$10.00 Oct., 1872
5,650Wales, DanforthPlymouthwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
146,829Wan Glone, Michael SPrestonwd. r. arm$2.00 May, 1876
128,038Warner, Alvah HRockdaleinj. r. hip and ankle$8.00 May, 1874
726Waters, Benj'nGreenesurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
163,350Waters, Henry AOxfordfract. l. clar. and inj. r. hip$8.00 Nov., 1879
217,214Watson Jas. MBainbridgesaber wd. l. knee$10.00 Aug., 1865
42,726Weaver, WmSherburnedis. bth. eyes & e$50.00 May, 1865
128,676Webb, Artemus JGreenech diar$6.00 Dec., 18xx
50,280Webster, Edwin MMt. Uptonloss rt. eye$12.00 Sept., 1865
19,841Webster, MaryNorwichwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
179,882Weiler, EllenSherburnewidow$8.00 May, 1864
166,860Wescott, Cyrus JMilfordwd. l. hand$2.00 June, 1865
63,963Westcott, ClarissaOxforddep. mother$8.00 Feb., 1865
49,635White Chas. TNew Berlinloss r. eye$18.00 Sept., 1865
156,682White, IsaiahNorth Pharsaliawd. r. arm$2.00 Mar., 1876
164,315White, JnoNorth Pharsaliach. diarr. & dis. lungs$10.00 Jan., 1880
100,331White, SolomonNorth Pharsaliawd. l. jaw$6.00 Oct., 1872
216,394Whiting, ChaunceyElmiradebil. result & s. stroke$4.00 July, 1865
147,841Wicks, DavidNorwichwd. l. thi$4.00 Aug., 1877
60,070Widger, Catharine CEast Pharsaliawidow 1812$8.00 Apr., 1865
164,437Wilbur, AbigailOxfordwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1878
152,136Wilcox, Altazera LNorwichwidow$8.00 June, 1864
181,280Wilder, Wm. HAftonwd. l. wrist & coutus. on r. sd$6.00 June, 1865
212,617Wiley, Jas. HBainbridgeinj. of spine$4.00 Feb., 1863
216,033Wilkins, Wallace AAftonpar. loss 4th toe l. foot fr. frost bite, & dis of abd. vis.$6.00 May, 1865
129,835Williams, Chas. LGreenewd. of head$8.00 Sept., 187x
185,812Williams, EmeryAftonch. diarr. & hemmorr$6.00 May, 1865
144,190Wood, Geo. ENorwichdis. eyes$12.00 Mar., 1877
169,989Wood, Josiah ANorwichinj. to abdom. & ner. debil$8.00 Mar., 1864
47,007Wood, WmOxfordwd. l. leg$18.00 Aug., 1865
193,26-Wood, Wm HSherburnesunstroke, & c$4.00 Nov., 1863
156,820Woodhouse, WmNorth Chemungwd. r. arm$2.00 Jan, 1878
178,292Woods, HarveyGuilfordwd. r. arm & dis. kid$16.00 Oct., 1880
-32,162Words, GeorgeAftonl. of leg fr. synovitis of knee$24.00 -
55,617Wrench, Jno. WAftonwd. l. hip & shoul$6.00 -
145,833Wycoff, Emily SNorwichwidow$8.00 Nov., 1864
153,760Wylie, Samuel SGreeneinj. l. knee$6.00 June, 1878
186,966Yaples, SamuelAftonchr. diarr$2.00 June, 1865
126,034Yaples,ReedAftonchr. diarr$8.00 Dec., 1876
128,867Young, Seth JRockdalech. diarr$12.00 Mar., 1874
46,587Zieman, EarnestMt. Uptonwd. hip & head$24.00 July, 1865

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