1883 Cayuga County, New York List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
90,727 | Abbott, Almira | Westbury | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1866 |
53,337 | Acker, Edw. R | Cato | wd. Both thi., & c | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
70,733 | Adams, Geo | Fair Haven | wd. Face, & c | $12.00 | Sept., 1866 |
19,561 | Adams, Phebe | Meridian | - | $8.00 | Sept., 1878 |
182,462 | Adell, Juliett | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | July, 1877 |
70,115 | Albring, Phebe | Niles | - | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
149,029 | Alfred, Edgar | Port Byron | g. s. w. l. hand | $3.00 | Feb., 1877 |
129,181 | Alkinbrack, David | Weedsport | dep. father | $8.00 | Oct., 1862 |
107,141 | Allen, Henry J | Port Byron | wd. L. side & spin. Meningitis | $72.00 | - |
92,914 | Alliger, Cornelius B | Auburn | wd. L. leg | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
21,722 | Ames, Isabel C | Moravia | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
82,475 | Anderson, Edw | Auburn | g. s. w. l. thi | $6.00 | June, 1867 |
41,594 | Andrews, Hannah M | Moravia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1862 |
142,558 | Applegate, Chas., Jr. | Meridian | total deafness & diarr | $13.00 | May, 1875 |
17,157 | Archer, Elizabeth | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
137,175 | Armstrong, Sarah | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
535 | Arnold, Susannah | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | July, 1866 |
61,961 | Atwater, Mary A | Poplar Ridge | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1866 |
85,389 | Augur, Romain | Victory | g. s. w. rt. thi | $4.00 | Oct., 1866 |
77,690 | Austin, Julia T | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
82,594 | Ayles, Celinie J | Victory | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1864 |
122,151 | Bacon, Geo. W | Auburn | sunstroke & c | $20.00 | July, 1872 |
107,335 | Baeley, Chas | Cayuga | inj. of spine | $18.00 | Jan., 1871 |
30,190 | Baird, Abigail | Moravia | widow | $30.00 | June, 1864 |
25,538 | Baker, Jonas | New Hope | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | - |
58,415 | Baldwin, Maria | Goodyear's | widow | $8.00 | - |
105,155 | Ball, Geo | Fair Haven | g. s. w. l. breast | $12.00 | June, 1874 |
63,645 | Ballard, Stephen W | Moravia | wd. Rt. hand | $6.00 | June, 1865 |
117,187 | Bancroft, Albert | Fair Haven | paraly. L. side | $8.00 | June, 1872 |
90,068 | Barber, Catharine A | Meridian | - | $8.00 | Jan., 1865 |
48,333 | Barker, Thos. S | Weedsport | w. rt. Foot | $6.00 | Aug., 1865 |
8,099 | Barnes, Harriet A | Auburn | act March 9, 1883 | $8.00 | - |
150,823 | Barnes, Melissa H | Sterling | widow | $10.00 | May, 1871 |
15,452 | Barnes, Zipporah P | Meridian | - | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
62,089 | Bartlett, Mary A. | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | May, 1865 |
9,263 | Bassett, Sarah | Auburn | act March 9, 1887 | $8.00 | Mar., ---- |
183,267 | Bateman, William | Auburn | g. s. w. l. thi., vari. Veins | $6.00 | June, 1865 |
8,451 | Beach, Roxy | Auburn | act March 9, 1888 | $8.00 | Mar., ---- |
160,722 | Beardsley, Jane | Victory | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1872 |
212,622 | Beardwell, Horatio | Moravia | g. s. w. rt. hand | $6.00 | Jan., 1865 |
193,316 | Beebe, Lydia T | Westbury | dep. Mother | $8.00 | May, 1865 |
19,133 | Belknap, Anna | Spring Lake | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
151,624 | Bell, James | Weedsport | g. s. w. r. thigh | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
130,754 | Bell, Thomas J | Auburn | inj. to abd., varicose veins | $12.00 | Nov., 1874 |
130,754 | Bell, Thomas J | Auburn | inj. To abd., varicose veins r. l. | $12.00 | Nov., 1874 |
143,113 | Benedict, Fordyce H | Weedsport | inj. To spine | $8.00 | June, 1865 |
34,159 | Benjamin, Eliza A | Port Byron | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1863 |
11,451 | Bennett, Oliver S | Five Corners | g. s. w. rt. Arm | $18.00 | June, 1866 |
133,841 | Bentley, Frederick A | Martville | g. s. w. of breast | $6.00 | May, 1865 |
81,754 | Bessie, Allen C | Cato | wd. L. hand | $2.00 | Aug., 1865 |
12,216 | Bessy, Lucinda | Conquest | widow | $8.00 | Dec., 1862 |
99,457 | Bessy, Mary J | Martville | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1866 |
19,971 | Bigelow, Eliza R. | Atwater | widow | $8.00 | July, 1863 |
169,544 | Bigler, Frederick | Weedsport | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Apr., 1963 |
121,425 | Blakeman, Hiram | Emerson | chron. Diarr | $12.00 | Feb., 1873 |
88,987 | Blakie, Mary | Sterling Valley | dep. Mother | $8.00 | June, 1865 |
81,447 | Blanvelt, Peter P | Forestville | chron. Rheum | $4.00 | May, 1867 |
132,235 | Blythe, James | Sterling Valley | dep. father | $8.00 | Nov., 1862 |
170,777 | Bodly, Mary Ann | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1871 |
13,772 | Bodman, Sylvia | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Feb.,1863 |
196,377 | Booth, Jane L | Sterling | widow | $8.00 | Dec., 1879 |
84,240 | Booth, Nathan | Moravia | w. l. leg | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
22,306 | Bouck, Martha | Goodyear's | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
159,272 | Bowen, Wm. M | Moravia | sunstroke, heart dis | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
192,232 | Bowers, Joseph L | Locke | minors of | $12.00 | Nov., 1878 |
73,478 | Boynton, Judson C | Westbury | w. l. shoul. & lung | $8.00 | Oct., 1866 |
165,595 | Boynton, Wm. II | Auburn | sever. Deafness | $6.00 | Sept., 1861 |
2,436 | Bradford, Sarah II | Aurora | dep. Mother | $10.00 | Apr., 1879 |
113,138 | Bradley, Erwin L | Westbury | inj. To breast | $2.00 | Aug., 1871 |
116,279 | Breed, George | Five Corners | g. s. w. l. hand | $2.00 | Apr., 1872 |
47,582 | Breese, William | Fleming | g. s. w. l. knee & inj. To abd | $12.00 | Aug., 1865 |
30,906 | Breitmaier, Agatha | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
110,208 | Bridges, Thomas C | Sterling | g. s. w. l. shoul | $10.00 | May, 1871 |
29,793 | Brightman, Elizabeth P | Aurora | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1864 |
44,106 | Brill, Rosetta A. | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Oct.,1864 |
121,427 | Brink, Charles | North Victory | g. s. w. l. shoul | $4.00 | Apr., 1870 |
32,054 | Brinkerhoff, Susan | Owasco | - | $8.00 | - |
185,245 | Bristen, Jamers | Union Springs | inj. Rt. Foot | $4.00 | Oct., 1863 |
88,324 | Brockway, Christopher | Five Corners | w. l. arm & breast | $8.00 | Sept., 1871 |
42,599 | Brown, Jno H | Weedsport | w. rt. shoul | $6.00 | May, 1865 |
197,226 | Brown, Olive | Cato | - | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
157,678 | Brown, Osscar A | New Hope | g. s. w. l. hand | $4.00 | Sept., 1864 |
89,644 | Brown, Sarah | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1864 |
172,672 | Brusil, Ann | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1871 |
14,540 | Buck, Jane A | Five Corners | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
12,078 | Buck, Rebecca | Meridian | - | $8.00 | - |
157,745 | Buckley, Michael | Auburn | loss ring fin. L. h | $6.00 | Mar., 1879 |
188,262 | Bull, John | Weedsport | g. s. w. rt. hand | $8.00 | June, 1865 |
211,160 | Burgess, Allen | Auburn | chr. Diarr | $4.00 | June, 1864 |
157,752 | Burghduff, Geo. W | Conquest | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Sept., 1865 |
186,711 | Burns, Lettie Jane | Auburn | widow | $14.00 | Sept., 1878 |
128,631 | Butler, William H | Fair Haven | g. s. w. rt. Foot | $2.00 | June, 1865 |
178,258 | Cain, Benj. S | Scipioville | varicose veins, chr. Diarr | $2.00 | Nov., 1864 |
31,744 | Cain, Lydia N | Martville | act Mar. 9, '78 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
165,966 | Cain, Sarah Ann | Scipioville | dep. Mother | $8.00 | July, 1865 |
31,613 | Caldwell, Elizabeth | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | 1881 |
43,274 | Caller, Cornelius | Ira Hill | g. s. w. head, imp. Vision | $10.00 | May, 1865 |
209,948 | Cannon, Edw. J | Moravia | chr. Diarr., dis. Lungs | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
30,634 | Cannon, Phebe A. | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Sept.,1864 |
67,957 | Card, Sally Ann | Dresserville | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1865 |
106,443 | Carjonelle, Morgan | Sennett | frac. L. forearm | $4.00 | Sept., 1864 |
11,421 | Carner, Charlotte | Cayuga | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
39,413 | Carpenter, Lewis G | Auburn | rheum r. hip | $24.00 | Sept., 1866 |
61,878 | Carr, Eliza | Union Springs | - | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
23,001 | Carter, John | Cayuga | g. s. w. l. thi. With necrosia | $24.00 | Jan., 1864 |
161,230 | Cary, Dan'l, alias Larkins | Auburn | g. s. w. l. arm | $14.00 | July, 1865 |
141,554 | Castor, Alonzo | Victory | dis. Of eyes | $24.00 | Jan., 1874 |
171,105 | Catley, Phebe | Auburn | widow | $17.00 | Dec., 1872 |
88,579 | Catlin, David | Weedsport | tubercular phtisis | $24.00 | Jan., 1866 |
81,275 | Catlin, Squire B | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | May, 1867 |
32,942 | Caulkins, Thomas N | Auburn | chr. diarr., dis. liver | $4.00 | Sept., 1864 |
126,019 | Chapman, Addison G | Westbury | chron diarr | $8.00 | Dec., 1873 |
117,639 | Chapman, Charles | Westbury | dis. Lungs & liver & dis. Ht | $24.00 | July, 1872 |
170,236 | Chapman, Jerome | Westbury | g. s. w. h. & inj. To abdomen | $6.00 | May, 1865 |
42,153 | Chase, Selieh J | Cato | wd. Rt. Arm | $18.00 | May, 1865 |
135,208 | Christman, Wm. H | Auburn | g. s. w. l. thi. | $2.00 | Oct., 1874 |
152,570 | Chuscaden, Wm.L | Montezuma | loss l. thumb | $4.00 | Dec., 1876 |
28,912 | Clank, Jno D | Moravia | w. low. Jaw & l. wrist | $6.00 | July, 1863 |
113,917 | Clark, Jno. S | Auburn | g. s. w. l. leg | $30.00 | Oct., 1871 |
123,060 | Cleaveland, Martin V | Sempronius | ulcers r. leg | $8.00 | May, 1873 |
143,597 | Cloheay, Jno | Auburn | g. s. w. r. thi. & leg | $2.00 | Feb., 1876 |
191,325 | Cobb, Anna M. | Auburn | widow | $10.00 | Feb., 1879 |
77,433 | Coburn, Willard B | Sennett | w. l. elbow | $10.00 | Feb., 1867 |
213,444 | Codner, Egbert | Auburn | chr. Diarr. & dis. Abd. Viscera | $6.00 | July, 1865 |
133,769 | Coghlen, Jeremiah | Sherwood | rheum. & dis. Heart | $18.00 | June, 1875 |
138,116 | Colburn, Henry B | Auburn | g. s. w. l. arm | $6.00 | June, 1875 |
113,347 | Collins, Jeremiah | Fleming | insanity | $50.00 | Sept., 1871 |
48,264 | Connell, Liraina M | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | - |
59,606 | Conner, Almira A | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Nov., 1864 |
50,871 | Constant, Edw. II | Auburn | w. rt. Arm | $18.00 | Oct., 1865 |
2,415 | Conway, Catharine | Auburn | - | $17.00 | May, 1863 |
129,324 | Cook, Chas | Locke | dis. L. lung | $12.00 | July, 1874 |
43,847 | Cook, Cyrus O | Auburn | w. r. h. | $8.00 | June, 1865 |
66,541 | Cook, Nancy | New Hope | widow | $8.00 | May, 1865 |
24,931 | Cook, William | Meridian | - | $8.00 | Mar., 1879 |
114,797 | Copum, Frederick | Auburn | g. s. w. r. thi & head, & c | $12.00 | Dec., 1871 |
22,693 | Corcoran, Joanna | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
80,851 | Cornell, Joseph B | Port Byron | wd. L breast | $16.00 | May, 1867 |
60,766 | Courtney, Catharine | Union Springs | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1864 |
185,161 | Coy, Clark | Auburn | g. s. w. r. thi. | $4.00 | Nov., 1864 |
102,532 | Coy, Eliza | Neipio Centre | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1864 |
177,175 | Crawfoot, Chas. F | Venice Centre | dis. Liv. & dyspepsia | $4.00 | Aug., 1864 |
142,025 | Crippen, Anna | Martville | - | $8.00 | Nov., 1864 |
70,252 | Crocker, Geo. W | King's Ferry | w. back | $8.00 | July, 1872 |
22,254 | Cronk, Jasper | Auburn | act March 9, 1880 | $8.00 | June, 1878 |
85,166 | Crosby, Alpheus H | Port Byron | phthisis | $12.00 | Sept., 1867 |
68,774 | Cruthers, Leander | Moravia | w. l. hand | $8.00 | May, 1865 |
32,294 | Cuddeback, Eliza J | Niles | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1862 |
70,813 | Cuddeback, Nelson | Niles | - | $3.00 | Sept., 1866 |
213,824 | Culver, Francis M | Culver's Point | dis. Liver & dis. Abd. Viscera | $4.00 | Feb., 1864 |
26,329 | Culver, Rebecca | Fleming | - | $8.00 | - |
60,265 | Cuppernull, Sarah J | Sterling | - | $8.00 | Aug., 1864 |
141,277 | Curren, Jacob | Spring Lake | chron. rheum | $4.00 | May, 1876 |
20,497 | Cutler, Salina | Moravia | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
74,719 | Cuykendall, Arch. M. N | Dresserville | wd. L. wrist | $18.00 | Nov., 1866 |
33,080 | Dalton, Stephen R | Locke | chr. Diarr | $8.00 | Sept., 1874 |
159,205 | Dane, John | Aurora | g. s. w. l. foot | $4.00 | June, 1863 |
166,852 | Daniels, Lorenzo | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Dec., 1862 |
84,065 | Darrow, Peter | Niles | chr. Diarr | $6.00 | July, 1865 |
83,335 | Davenport, Humphrey | Moravia | g. s. w. rt. side | $12.00 | Feb., 1872 |
192,923 | David, George E | Union Springs | minors of | $10.00 | Jan., 1880 |
19,214 | Davis, James B | Moravia | thypoid fever | $18.00 | Nov., 1863 |
84,128 | Day, Dwight | Moravia | chr. Rheum | $4.00 | July, 1863 |
27,926 | De Camp, Agnes | Union Springs | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Aug., 1879 |
141,870 | De Witt, Henry | Sempronius | g. s. w. rt. leg | $2.00 | Sept., 1875 |
112,061 | Dean, Cassius M | Moravia | g. s. w. l. hand | $6.00 | May, 1865 |
168,723 | DeCasper, Peter | Auburn | g. s. w. rt. Side | $4.00 | Aug., 1865 |
53,294 | Decker, Jacob | North Victory | w. l. thi | $18.00 | Nov., 1865 |
164,206 | Defendorf, Edwin | Niles | malarial fever effects | $4.00 | July, 1865 |
148,057 | Denel, David H | Auburn | g. s. w. l. h. & l. leg | $6.00 | May, 1877 |
130,082 | Derby, Lucy E. | Auburn | dep. Mother | $8.00 | May, 1869 |
31,252 | Devereaux, Mary | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | - |
141,535 | Deyo, Esther A | Scipioville | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1864 |
55,415 | Dinehart, Elizabeth | Port Byron | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1864 |
47,718 | Dinehart, Geo. W | Port Byron | w. l. ankle | $6.00 | Aug., 1865 |
146,345 | Dodd, Wm. | Atwater | g. s. w. head | $2.00 | June, 1875 |
98,781 | Dodge, Betsey | North Victory | - | $8.00 | June, 1863 |
185,934 | Dodge, Hiram B | Port Byron | dis. Of eyes & inj. R. shoul | $6.00 | Mar., 1864 |
106,035 | Donahue, James | Auburn | g. s. w. l. thi. | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
52,274 | Donald, Jonathan | East Venice | w. back & l. arm | $14.00 | Nov., 1865 |
41,363 | Donnelly, Margaret | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Feb.,1865 |
169,988 | Dorsey, Mary | Cayuga | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1872 |
8,162 | Doud, Cynthia | Victory | - | $8.00 | - |
146,616 | Dougherty, Rose | Auburn | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Dec., 1870 |
19,857 | Dow, Sabrina | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | - |
178,667 | Dresser, Sally Ann | Forestville | dep. Mother | $8.00 | July, 1876 |
106,158 | Dudley, Frederick A | King's Ferry | shell w. l. hand | $12.50 | June, 1865 |
123,524 | Dudley, Theron C | Meridian | g. s. w. severing index fin | $3.00 | Jan., 1873 |
27,278 | Dull, Franklin | Sterling Valley | shell w. head | $24.00 | Feb., 1866 |
112,055 | Dumas, Henry | Sterling Valley | g. s. w. r. breast & ch. Diarr | $4.00 | July, 1865 |
22,321 | Dunham, John | Emerson | w. l. shoul | $18.00 | Dec., 1863 |
85,068 | Dunks, Jno | Locke | g. s. w. l. hip | $4.00 | Sept., 1866 |
116,766 | Durbin, Edwin | Owasco | wd. Lft. Thi | $6.00 | May, 1872 |
66,630 | Durkee, Morton E | Union Springs | loss sight r. eye, & c | $13.00 | June, 1864 |
138,836 | Durnin, Thomas | Auburn | g. s. w. thro. stom | $8.00 | Apr., 1876 |
120,314 | Dwyer, James | Auburn | varicose veins r. l | $12.00 | Dec., 1872 |
165,743 | Dwyer, Mary A | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | June, 1870 |
89,770 | Eaman, Edgar | Port Byron | inj. To abd. & inj. To back | $18.00 | Mar., 1868 |
18,920 | Eaton, Fanny | Auburn | act March 9, 1884 | $8.00 | - |
24,440 | Edes, Christopher | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Oct., 1878 |
205,786 | Edwards, David | Glen Haven | varicose veins l. leg | $4.00 | July, 1865 |
69, 589 | Eggleston, Marietta | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1865 |
134,391 | Elliott, Nathan, jr | Port Byron | chr. Diarr | $12.00 | Nov., 1874 |
157,209 | Emerson, Ansel | Auburn | g. s. w. r. index fin | $2.00 | Aug., 1872 |
185,986 | Emery, Seward | Westbury | part. Deaf. & chron. Diarr | $12.00 | June, 1865 |
92,044 | Emory, Andrew | Goodyear's | inj. L. knee | $8.00 | July, 1868 |
10,271 | Ereanbrack, Amos H | Moravia | dis. Of eyes | $4.00 | Feb., 1863 |
80,882 | Fallan, Margaret | King's Ferry | dep. Mother | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
194,892 | Fell, Ellwood II | Auburn | chr. Diarr | $15.00 | Feb., 1864 |
41,029 | Fennesy, Catharine | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1865 |
11,485 | Fiero, Jane | Auburn | act March 9, 1885 | $8.00 | - |
166,293 | Fink, Sophronia R | Cato | dep. Mother | $8.00 | June, 1874 |
87,287 | Fisher, Chas. A | Victory | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
61,912 | Fisher, Harriet F | Westbury | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1862 |
156,960 | Fisk, Jno. G | Auburn | g. s. w. l. thi | $4.00 | Dec., 1874 |
195,337 | Fitch, Eugene D | Westbury | sunstroke & results | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
84,357 | Fleming, Wm. R | Victory | g. s. w. l. h., rt. Sho., & l. wrist | $6.00 | Dec., 1865 |
7,735 | Flint, Cornelius R | Sempronius | kid. Dis., inflam. Blad | $8.00 | Oct., 1863 |
221,525 | Flynn, Francis | Merrifield | dis. Of eyes | $2.00 | July, 1865 |
122,582 | Flynn, Thomas S | Auburn | g. s. w. l. hip | $1.00 | Apr., 1873 |
36,187 | Foley, Margaret | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
7,151 | Fordyee, Louisa E | Neipio Centre | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1862 |
69,153 | Forman, Orlando J | Weedsport | g. s. w. l. thigh | $8.00 | Sept., 1869 |
144,245 | Forman, Wm. J | Sterling Valley | g. s. w. l. knee, inj. To abd | $6.00 | Sept., 1865 |
89,155 | Forshee, Susan | Montezuma | dep. Mother | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
10,566 | Foster, David H | Sempronius | - | $8.00 | - |
11,472 | Foster, Eunice B | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1863 |
187,254 | Foster, Martha C | Throopsville | widow | $10.00 | Jan., 1873 |
27,970 | Fox, Arthur B | Genoa | g. s. w. r. elbow | $12.00 | May, 1864 |
220,259 | Fox, David | Aurora | loss fourth r. fin. | $2.00 | Sept., 1865 |
58,112 | Frair, Mary | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1864 |
20,072 | French, Sophronia | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1863 |
66,355 | Fritts, Harvey M | Moravia | loss l. arm | $24.00 | June, 1866 |
27,369 | Fuller, Esther | Locke | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | May, 1879 |
151,663 | Fuller, Henry | Spring Lake | chron. diarr | $6.00 | Feb., 1878 |
105,102 | Gannon, Ann | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | Aug., 1862 |
66,719 | Gantley, Patrick | Sterling Valley | g. s. w. l. femur | $6.00 | June, 1866 |
123,556 | Ganty, Frank | Spring Lake | g. s. w. l. side | $18.00 | Oct., 1872 |
61,331 | Gardner, Antoinette B | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | May, 1863 |
8,626 | Gaston, Ann | Fleming | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
54,240 | Gater, Wm. W | Auburn | w. l. thi | $12.00 | Dec., 1865 |
25,464 | Gates, Amanda | Fair Haven | - | $8.00 | Mar., ---- |
77,922 | Gates, Augustus | Montezuma | loss l. arm | $24.00 | Mar., 1867 |
90,138 | Gault, Olney K | Weedsport | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
214,091 | Getchell, Otis H | Auburn | vari. Veins r. leg & dis. Abd., vis | $4.00 | May, 1863 |
211,398 | Gibbs, Wm. H | Sterling Valley | chr. Rheum | $6.00 | May, 1864 |
87,032 | Gifford, Henry | Levanua | wd. Rt. Foot | $8.00 | July, 1865 |
191,167 | Gilbert, Upton | North Victory | dis. Eyes & debility | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
41,906 | Gillespie, Mary | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1861 |
174,607 | Gillett, Sally Ann | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1875 |
3,584 | Gilmore, Wm | Montezuma | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
27,382 | Glasier, Cunthia M | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1862 |
138,669 | Goodell, Norman | Conquest | par. Deafness | $2.00 | Oct., 1875 |
122,805 | Gooding, Zephaniah W | Auburn | chr. Diarr | $5.00 | - |
223,456 | Goodrich, James S | Auburn | chr. Diarr | $8.00 | Aug., 1863 |
84,414 | Goodrich, Jerusha A | Auburn | widow | $30.00 | Sept., 1866 |
146,362 | Goodyear, Lucius A | Goodyear's | s.wd. R. sh. & l. side of head | $2.00 | Sept., 1875 |
46,546 | Gould, Benj. F | Sherwood | loss l. arm, r. eye, and opacity r. eye | $31.25 | July, 1865 |
125,747 | Gould, Dan'l A | Auburn | rheum | $8.00 | Nov., 1873 |
179,490 | Grant, James R | Auburn | minors of | $10.00 | Dec., 1876 |
173,992 | Grant, Margaret | Scipioville | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1862 |
62,269 | Grant, Phebe Ann | Cato | - | $8.00 | Oct., 1864 |
47,675 | Grant, Robert | Auburn | s. w. l. ank | $14.00 | Aug., 1865 |
64,254 | Graves, William | Aurora | loss rt. arm | $24.00 | May, 1866 |
122,284 | Gray, Sam'l P | Weedsport | erythenia result imprisonm | $4.00 | July, 1872 |
63,102 | Greenfield, Charles H | Niles | loss l. arm | $24.00 | May, 1866 |
58,824 | Greenfield, Rachel J | New Hope | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
137, 983 | Griffin, Lawrence | Auburn | g. s. w. r. arm | $8.00 | Feb., 1876 |
197,566 | Grinnell, Jno | Poplar Ridge | s. w. r. ank | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
30,907 | Grinnell, Sylvia | Genoa | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1864 |
13,025 | Grinnell, Wm. H | Auburn | s. wd. L. shoul | $18.00 | June, 1863 |
192,828 | Guest, Theodore M | Locke | dis. Lungs & chr. Diarr | $18.00 | Nov., 1865 |
3,429 | Guillis, Isaac | Moravia | surv. 1813 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
9,701 | Guyat, Maria A | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Dec., 1862 |
162,287 | Hadcock, Dennis | North Victory | inj. Back & ulcers | $8.00 | Sept., 1879 |
45,334 | Hair, Parmelia | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1864 |
166,420 | Haleck, Nancy A | Westbury | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Aug., 1873 |
9,456 | Hall, Diedamia | Montezuma | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
84,420 | Halleck, Simpson | Cayuga | loss mid. Fin. Of l. h | $3.00 | Jan., 1867 |
9,857 | Halstead, Elizabeth | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | - |
58,833 | Hamilton, Mahala | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
21,823 | Hamilton, Melissa | Auburn | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Jan., 1863 |
94,335 | Hapeman, Judson W | Cato | inj. Rt. Ft. & ank | $7.50 | Dec., 1865 |
184,463 | Haring, Hannah | Auburn | dep. Mother | $8.00 | July, 1863 |
81,609 | Harrington, Martin | Auburn | dis. Lungs | $8.00 | May, 1867 |
13,794 | Hart, Betsey | Conquest | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
152,326 | Hart, Frederick R | Venice Centre | rheum | $14.00 | Apr., 1878 |
122,857 | Hart, Jane | Aurora | - | $8.00 | May, 1865 |
28,030 | Haskall, Luda | Como | widow | $8.00 | May, 1863 |
23, 949 | Haskell, Rosanna | Venice Centre | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1867 |
19,573 | Hassha, Sarah | Sterling Valley | - | $8.00 | - |
68,184 | Havens, Mary | Sempronius | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1866 |
130,669 | Havens, Wm | Auburn | s. wd. l. knee | $14.00 | Nov., 1874 |
188,723 | Hayden, Lydia A. | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1878 |
84,393 | Hemstreet, Francis | Port Byron | wd. L. wrist & hip | $10.00 | Aug., 1867 |
112,897 | Hendricks, Elizabeth | Sterling Centre | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1865 |
107,683 | Henkel, Augustus | Fleming | inj. Of head | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
37,702 | Hickey, Patrick | Spring Lake | loss rt. Leg & inflam & ulce. Rt. Stump | $24.00 | Feb., 1865 |
185,355 | Hill, Chas. S | Fair Haven | ulcer l. leg | $6.00 | Jan., 1864 |
61,618 | Hills, Clarissa B | North Fair | dep. Mother | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
18,956 | Hills, Ira W | North Fair | g. s. w. rt. leg | $6.00 | June, 1871 |
26,062 | Hinman, Chas. A | Moravia | g. s. w. rt. arm | $18.00 | Mar., 1864 |
67,142 | Hitchcock, Chas. A | Auburn | wd. Rt. Thi. & lft h | $7.50 | - |
119,689 | Hitchcock, James B | Aurora | g. s. w. l. leg &thi | $4.00 | Dec., 1871 |
17,374 | Hitchcock, Sam'l P | Port Byron | w. l. leg | $10.00 | Sept., 1863 |
35,155 | Hoagland, Adelia M | Auburn | dep. Mother | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
32,435 | Hobbs, Charlotte | Auburn | act Mar. 9, '78 | $8.00 | June, 1881 |
161,367 | Hoff, Jno | Union Springs | vari. Veins l. leg & thi | $12.00 | July, 1879 |
211,005 | Hoff, Ksek W | Union Springs | g. s. w. l. forearm | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
174,660 | Holihan, Thomas | Auburn | chr. Diarr. & dis. Of abd. Vis | $8.00 | Oct., 1880 |
46,088 | Holliday, Mary A | Weedsport | dep. Mother | $8.00 | July, 1863 |
34,810 | Holmes, Ellen | Sterling | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1864 |
28,141 | Holmes, Julia A | Auburn | act March 9, 1881 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
31,434 | Hooker, Polly | Victory | - | $8.00 | - |
95,650 | Hopkins, Aucill D | Auburn | g. s. w. rt. Shoul. & jaw | $8.00 | Dec., 1871 |
187,800 | Hotchkiss, Amanda | Moravia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
22, 394 | Howell, Susan | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1863 |
83,078 | Howland, Caleb H | Fair Haven | w. lft. Side & e | $12.00 | July, 1867 |
170,148 | Howland, Wm. | Auburn | - | $8.00 | - |
23,692 | Howlett, Lucy P | Auburn | act March 9, 1882 | $8.00 | - |
17,178 | Hoyt, Polly | New Hope | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
96,748 | Huchcock, Frederick | Auburn | dislo. Lft shoul | $8.00 | Apr., 1869 |
178,018 | Hugbes, Hugh | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $20.00 | Nov., 1864 |
89,000 | Hughson, Sylvester L | Auburn | inj. Rt. Leg & ank | $6.00 | Aug., 1865 |
85,066 | Hunt, Byren | Five Corners | w. l. arm & side | $4.00 | Sept., 1867 |
37,837 | Hunter, Matthew M | Cato | wd. Lft. Ank | $12.00 | Feb., 1865 |
41,047 | Hurd, Chas. A | Port Byron | w. l. leg & effect | $8.00 | Apr., 1865 |
130,988 | Hurd, Cynthia | Cayuga | - | $8.00 | Nov., 1867 |
207,112 | Hutchins, Jno F | Auburn | dis. Abd. Viscers, sunstroke | $24.00 | Oct., 1864 |
81,038 | Hutchinson, Allen | Throopsville | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
35,602 | Hyde, Caroline | Sterling | - | $8.00 | Mar., 1862 |
38,218 | Hyzer, Cordelia | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
31,853 | Ingraham, Mary | Locke | dep. Mother | $8.00 | May, 1862 |
25,121 | Irland, Polly | Sterling Valley | - | $8.00 | - |
51,778 | Jackman, Bridget | Auburn | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Oct., 1864 |
31,535 | Jackway, Geo | North Victory | g. s. w. rt. Shoul | $12.00 | Aug., 1864 |
143,831 | Jacob, Brong | Sterlingville | rheum. & partial deaf | $8.00 | Feb., 1877 |
53,126 | Jago, Margaret | Auburn | dep. Mother | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
24,798 | James, Sarah J | North Victory | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1863 |
87,145 | Jaquette, Alpheus | Owasco Lake | wd. Rt. arm | $6.00 | Nov., 1867 |
13,769 | Jenkins, Alzinia | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | Feb., 1863 |
15,473 | Jenkins, Rob't | Auburn | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
62,611 | Jewell, Charlotte | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
95,597 | Johnson, Albert | Weedsport | hydrocele rt. Side | $4.00 | May, 1865 |
81,274 | Johnson, Martin M | Locke | w. rt. Shoul | $10.00 | May, 1867 |
142,992 | Johnson, Sidney W | Auburn | chr. Diarr., dis. Kid | $6.00 | Dec., 1876 |
99,475 | Johnson, William | Auburn | g. s. w. rt. Thi | $4.00 | Aug., 1869 |
91,834 | Jones, Angeline | Fair Haven | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1864 |
181,418 | Jones, Jno L | Ledyard | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
183,292 | Jones, Marinda | Moravia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Jan., 1863 |
223,580 | Jones, Orin | Montezuma | chr. Diarr | $4.00 | July, 1865 |
220,639 | Jones, Wm. Henry | Auburn | chr. Diarr | $4.00 | Nov., 1864 |
28,446 | Joralemon, Tunis | Meridian | hemphegia & phtisis | $18.00 | June, 1869 |
132,667 | Kattenborn, Francis | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
39,262 | Kelland, Jno | Auburn | loss rt. Eye & g. s. w. face | $12.00 | Mar., 1865 |
217,476 | Kennedy, Terence J | Auburn | dis. Of liv | $25.00 | July, 1865 |
146,279 | Kenyon, Vincent A | Moravia | chr. Diarr | $8.00 | Mar., 1875 |
28,429 | Kimbal, Margaret | Cato | - | $8.00 | - |
5,055 | King, A. Augusta | Goodyear's | do | $8.00 | Dec., 1862 |
63,546 | King, Hannah C | Sherwood | dep. Mother | $8.00 | June, 1863 |
18,218 | King, Olive | Auburn | act March 9, 1879 | $8.00 | - |
62,695 | Kirby, Mary | Dresserville | - | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
55,053 | Kirst, Ann | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Sept., 1874 |
148,771 | Knapp, Chas. E | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Oct., 1877 |
142,023 | Knapp, Sophronia | Moravia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1870 |
87,210 | Kopp, Frederick | Auburn | w. l. shoul | $6.00 | July, 1865 |
154,148 | Kratner, Daniel | Venice Centre | vari. Veins rt. Leg | $4.00 | Nov., 1876 |
102,128 | Kyle, Saml. P | Cayuga | inj. Back & l. heel | $2.00 | June, 1866 |
91,681 | Laberteaux, Sarah | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Mar., 1867 |
113,076 | Lafavor, James M | Westbury | inj. Chest & back | $12.00 | Aug., 1873 |
208,415 | Laird, William R | Auburn | chron. Diarr | $8.00 | June, 1865 |
66,713 | Landing, Henry S | Fleming | g. s. w. back & r. lung | $6.00 | May, 1869 |
113,686 | Landon, Joseph | Union Springs | chron. diarr | $8.00 | Sept., 1871 |
31,246 | Lapey, Amanda | Auburn | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
149,676 | Lapey, Chas. H | Moravia | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | Apr., 1877 |
9,356 | Latimer, Amanda | Weedsport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
31,378 | Lattin, Maria | Scipioville | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Oct., 1880 |
178,087 | Lawless, Jno T | Auburn | g. s. w. l. thi | $2.00 | Aug., 1865 |
193,537 | Lawrence, David | Auburn | inj. Lft side | $2.00 | May, 1865 |
63,449 | Lawrence, Matilda | Locke | - | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
43,183 | Lee, Mary | Meridian | - | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
1,485 | Lee, Robt. B | Auburn | inj. To breast | $4.00 | Feb., 1871 |
163,662 | Leigh, Joseph E | Auburn | dis. Of bt | $4.00 | July, 1865 |
193,324 | Letterman, Frank | Auburn | g. s. w. of head | $2.00 | Sept., 1865 |
113,895 | Lewis, Charles W | New Hope | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Oct., 1874 |
176,428 | Lewis, Mary E | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1873 |
114,837 | Lillie, Jabez | Moravia | g. s. w. face & l. shoul | $4.00 | Jan., 1871 |
191,131 | Lillis, Wm | Auburn | minors of | $10.00 | Aug., 1876 |
137,817 | Locke, James E | Sennett | chr. Diarr., dis. Liv. & lungs | $18.00 | Feb., 1876 |
139,821 | Lockwood, Lorinda | Martville | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1865 |
145,756 | Lockwood, Sophia C | Port Byron | - | $20.00 | Nov., 1864 |
196,419 | Love, Sarah Ann | Owasco | - | $8.00 | Dec., 1863 |
51,061 | Lovelace, Castle P | Auburn | w. l. thi. & c | $24.00 | Oct., 1865 |
161,099 | Lucas, Charlotte | Conquest | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1872 |
205,487 | Lyon, Geo. W | Norwich | dis. Of throat, bron., & asthma | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
176,332 | Lyon, Hattie | Glen Haven | widow | $14.00 | Jan., 1876 |
191,182 | Lyons, John | Forestville | dis. Of lungs & inj. L. leg & vari. Veins | $6.00 | June, 1865 |
23,045 | Lytle, Samuel | Westbury | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | July, 1878 |
112,244 | MacDonald, Clinton D | Auburn | g. s. w.l. thi. & f'arm, inj. L. ft | $30.00 | July, 1871 |
208,069 | Mahoney, Timothy | Kelloggsville | g. s. w. l. leg | $4.00 | Sept., 1865 |
66,519 | Maloney, Jno E | Auburn | g. s. w. l. breast | $4.00 | June, ----- |
72,127 | Maloney, Margaret | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | May., 1864 |
170,691 | Maltbie, James M | Auburn | inj. Rt. Hip from ulcer | $4.00 | May, 1865 |
8,352 | Manro, Sibel | Throopsville | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
8,660 | Marston, Louisa | Owasco | - | $8.00 | May, 1863 |
114,340 | McCarty, Morgan | Weedsport | chr. Diarr. & rheum | $18.00 | Nov., 1871 |
42,826 | McCord, Daniel | Auburn | loss l. thi | $24.00 | May, 1865 |
53,705 | McCumber, Geo | Auburn | loss l arm above el | $24.00 | Nov., 1865 |
29,935 | McDowell, Johnson | Auburn | loss l. leg | $18.00 | June, 1864 |
181,894 | McFarland, Ann E | Sterling | widow | $10.00 | Mar., 1874 |
204,612 | Mcgraw, Franklin f | Auburn | chron. Diarr | $4.00 | Aug., 1865 |
23,410 | McGuigan, Chas. | Atwater | act. March 9, '78 | $8.00 | July, 1878 |
6,656 | McIntyre, Ira | Martville | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
166,170 | Mckillop, Catharine | Levanua | - | $8.00 | Sept., 1867 |
172,141 | McKinny, Lydia | Moravia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1876 |
112,711 | McKissick, Mary J | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | June, 1866 |
91,337 | McLaughlin, Gertrude | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | Aug., 1865 |
189,629 | McLaury, Wm. S | North Victory | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | July, 1865 |
56,139 | McNamara, Cornelius | Auburn | g. s. w. l. shoul | $8.00 | Jan., 1866 |
11,963 | Mead, Elias A | Moravia | w. lft. H | $17.00 | May, 1863 |
1,214 | Mead, Polly | Port Byron | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
13,579 | Merrill, Jennie | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1863 |
22,426 | Merrill, Villare | Auburn | act March 9, 1886 | $8.00 | June, ----- |
66,850 | Miles, Phebe | King's Ferry | - | $8.00 | Jan., 1865 |
65,045 | Miller, Austin | Victory | frac. Rt. Forearm | $12.00 | June, 1866 |
162,086 | Miller, Maria | Westbury | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1873 |
56,212 | Mink, Mary | Montezuma | widow | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
72,324 | Minzil, Abigail | Union Springs | widow | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
69,585 | Moore, Wm. C | Auburn | loss l. grt. Toe | $4.00 | Aug., 1865 |
5,544 | Morgan, Lucretia | Venice Centre | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
89,272 | Morris, Mabala | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Jan., 1867 |
108,409 | Morse, Barton | Moravia | injury to abdomen | $12.00 | - |
2,144 | Mosely, Lois | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | July, 1868 |
74,774 | Moss, Eliza | Moravia | dep. Mother | $15.00 | Oct., 1864 |
134,238 | Mowbray, Joseph | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Apr., 1875 |
186,148 | Muldoon, John | Fleming | inj. To abdomen & loss voice | $12.00 | Feb., 1865 |
35,546 | Mulvy, James | Auburn | hypertrophy of heart | $18.00 | Dec., 1864 |
28,444 | Munn, Hosea | Moravia | g. s. w. forearm | $6.00 | May, 1864 |
113,538 | Munson, Abraham | Weedsport | g. s. w. l. arm | $6.00 | Sept., 1871 |
165,021 | Murphy, Edw | Sherwood | chr. Rheum | $4.00 | May, 1862 |
64,100 | Murphy, Jno | Auburn | shell w. r. knee | $8.00 | May, 1866 |
164,885 | Myers, Mary | Fleming | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1873 |
181,248 | Nagell, Elmira | Auburn | widow | $12.00 | Mar., 1876 |
31,695 | Nickason, James C | Auburn | w. l. arm | $18.00 | Oct., 1866 |
108,563 | Nugent, Jno | Union Springs | inj. L. arm, chest & side & cystitis | $12.00 | Mar., 1871 |
65,572 | Oakley, Elijah | Spring Lake | loss 3rd fin. R. h | $2.00 | May, 1865 |
125,039 | Obid, Simon | Genoa | amp. R. forefin. From g. s. w. | $3.00 | Sept., 1873 |
33,152 | O'Bien, James J | Cato | wd. Lft. Leg | $12.00 | Oct., 1864 |
51,996 | O'Brien, Patrick | Montezuma | frac. Rt. Thigh bone | $6.00 | Feb., 1872 |
9,085 | O'Brien, Terrence | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | Jan., 1859 |
6,585 | Odell, Allice | Kelloggsville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov., 1874 |
101,560 | O'Mara, Denis | Auburn | g. s. w. l. hand | $8.00 | Dec., 1869 |
67,210 | O'Neil, Mary | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1864 |
23,899 | Owen, Mosier | Port Byron | loss l. arm above el | $24.00 | Feb., 1864 |
139,570 | Palmer, Levi E | Auburn | g. s. w. l. arm | $3.00 | July, 1875 |
193,246 | Palmer, Morton M | Aurora | g. s. w. l. thi | $4.00 | May, 1865 |
6,618 | Palmer, Sally | Goodyear's | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec., 1874 |
6,224 | Palmer, Susan | Auburn | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
32,804 | Palmeter, Sally | Meridian | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | July, 1882 |
38,984 | Parker, Earland S | Auburn | w. l. hand & l. mid. Tin., & c | $7.00 | Mar., 1865 |
121,028 | Parker, Edw. D | Auburn | g. s. w. l. thi. & chr. Diarr | $10.00 | Oct.,1871 |
177,613 | Parker, Mary A. | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | May, 1876 |
196, 504 | Parker, Philip | Auburn | dep. father | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
18,257 | Parks, Lucy | Union Springs | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1861 |
35,287 | Parr, Lucy A | Goodyear's | widow | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
85,627 | Patchey, John | Ledyard | dis. Liv., spl'n, dropsy, & diarr | $4.00 | May, 1867 |
135,476 | Paterson, Chas. H | Weedsport | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Aug., 1875 |
177,255 | Pattridge, Catharine | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | July, 1867 |
150,817 | Pease, Abby K | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1870 |
206,645 | Pelt, Frederick T | Auburn | g. s. w. rt. Shoul | $11.25 | Aug., 1869 |
130,593 | Pelton, Stephen | North Victory | chron. Bron. & catar | $12.00 | Oct., 1874 |
75,551 | Perkins, Wm. J | Auburn | wd. Rt. Shoul | $4.00 | - |
83,285 | Perry, Sarah Ann | Montezuma | - | $8.00 | Jan., 1865 |
11,404 | Peters, Herman | Dresserville | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
126,086 | Peterson, Agusta M | Auburn | widow | $20.00 | Mar., 1869 |
32,566 | Pettit, Dortastus | Fair Haven | wd. Rt. Arm | $6.00 | July, 1863 |
114,810 | Phelps, Newton J | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Dec., 1871 |
200,975 | Pickard, Conrad | Auburn | chron. Diarr | $4.00 | Aug., 1865 |
26,189 | Pickard, Jane | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | July, 1863 |
4,031 | Pierce, Betsey | East Venice | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
139,499 | Pierce, Cha. O | Goodyear's | loss sight lft. Eye | $8.00 | May, 1876 |
220,382 | Pierce, Jno W | Weedsport | g. s. w. l. h. & par. L. index fin | $4.00 | May, 1863 |
141,648 | Pinckney, Lumon | Port Byron | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Sept., 1876 |
207,193 | Pitcher, John | Auburn | g. s. w. l. h. & back | $4.00 | Sept., 1865 |
7,328 | Platt, Rebecca | Moravia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Oct., 1863 |
81,263 | Posson, Edw | Sterling Station | wd. Rt. Ankle & epilepsy | $24.00 | May, 1867 |
187,379 | Post, Horace G | Fleming | rheum. & dis.of ht | $6.00 | May, 1863 |
14,313 | Potter, Delia | Auburn | act Mar. 9, '80 | $8.00 | - |
115,176 | Powers, Cyrus | Moravia | chr. Diarr | $11.33 | Feb., 1871 |
85,980 | Quigley, Margaret | Auburn | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1866 |
7,341 | Ramford, George | North Victory | loss l. arm | $24.00 | - |
174,267 | Randall, Frank | Port Byron | g. s. w. l. side | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
138,702 | Randall, Perry | Port Byron | g. s. w. l. leg | $2.00 | July, 1873 |
70,820 | Ransier, Geo. R | Port Byron | chr. Diarr. And rheum | $8.00 | Sept., 1866 |
115,230 | Reed, Sam'l S | Locke | loss l. h.accidental g. s. w. | $18.00 | Jan., 1872 |
67,028 | Reidy, Margaret | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1865 |
195,989 | Renahan, James | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | Sept., 1865 |
121,075 | Rennin, Robert | Auburn | g. s. w. rt. Arm | $4.00 | Jan., 1873 |
25,451 | Reynolds, Daniel | Moravia | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | June, 1880 |
32,032 | Reynolds, Geo. W | Conquest | gen. anasarea, dis. Ht. & kid | $17.00 | May, 1863 |
18,591 | Reynolds, Lucy | Moravia | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
198,276 | Reynolds, Robert W | Dresserville | g. s. w. l. leg | $1.00 | June, 1865 |
206,111 | Rhonbottom, Mortimer | Montezuma | inj. Rt. Hand | $2.00 | Nov., 1865 |
11,715 | Rich, Hannah | Cato | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
188,567 | Rich, Jacob | Auburn | rheum | $8.00 | Aug., 1865 |
173,178 | Rich, Wm. B | Port Byron | inj. To abd., piles, & c | $12.00 | June, 1865 |
67,514 | Richardson, Geo. W | Auburn | inj. To l. ank | $20.00 | July, 1866 |
10,228 | Richardson, Jno | Sempronius | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
115,456 | Richardson, Jno | Moravia | g. s. w. rt. arm | $18.00 | Jan., 1872 |
9,570 | Richardson, Rhoda | Moravia | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
13,026 | Richardson, Susan | Dresserville | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
13,712 | Rinehan, Michael | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $14.00 | June, 1863 |
132,364 | Rinehart, Philip H | Fair Haven | loss r. forefin | $3.00 | Oct., 1874 |
47,046 | Roberts. Geo | Auburn | g. s. w. l. hand | $8.00 | Dec., 1871 |
11,782 | Robinson, Ann D | Poplar Ridge | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
82,832 | Rodgers, Wm | Weedsport | scurvy & ingul. Ht. dis | $18.00 | July, 1867 |
74,618 | Roe, Eliza | Moravia | dep. Mother | $17.00 | Feb., 1865 |
60,084 | Root, James P | Victory | loss l. arm | $24.00 | Mar., 1866 |
110,543 | Rose, Ellen | Moravia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
176,140 | Roseboom, Garret P | Auburn | dis. L. ear | $4.00 | May, 1865 |
41,234 | Ross, Joanna | Levanua | widow | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
127,205 | Rotenhiser, Wm. B | Weedsport | catarrh | $8.00 | Aug., 1865 |
103,197 | Ruleff, Jno | Cato | g. s. w. l. thi | $6.00 | May, 1870 |
77,815 | Runnell, Amos A | Auburn | g. s. w. of face | $8.00 | Feb., 1867 |
93,372 | Russell, Alfred | Auburn | chr. Nephritis | $24.00 | - |
220,116 | Russell, Chas. H | Ledyard | g. s. w. both shoul | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
30,253 | Rust, Henrietta M | Weedsport | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1862 |
937 | Ryan, Elinore | New Hope | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
147,949 | Ryan, Wm | Auburn | sunstroke & chr. Diarr | $12.00 | Dec., 1874 |
165,036 | Sabina, Wilbur P | Victory | chr. Diarr | $4.00 | May, 1864 |
154,576 | Saint, Leonard C | Fair Haven | g. s. w.lft.thi. | $4.00 | Aug., 1878 |
134,373 | Salsbury, David | Auburn | chr. Rheum | $8.00 | Mar., 1875 |
194,929 | Salver, Alex B | Auburn | chron. Diarr | $12.00 | Oct., 1862 |
21,057 | Sample, Catharine | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
46,052 | Sampson, Alonzo M | Sterlingville | g. s. w. rt. leg | $4.00 | May, 1865 |
190,063 | Samson, Silas A | Martville | chr. Rheum | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
93,040 | Sanborn, Orseanms | Fair Haven | g. s. w. lft. Shoul. & back | $18.00 | Sept., 1868 |
37,377 | Savery, John E | Auburn | wd. L. forearm | $15.00 | Mar., 1864 |
122,325 | Sayler, Eugene S | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $10.00 | Mar., 1873 |
32,401 | Schermehorn, Burdett | Cayuga | g. s. w. rt. leg | $6.00 | Sept., 1864 |
16,764 | Scott, Abram | Victory | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
139,296 | Scott, Joanna | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Aug., 1865 |
122,148 | Scott, Wesley | Auburn | partial paralysis l. arm | $8.00 | Mar., 1873 |
33,471 | Scully, Jane | King's Ferry | widow | $8.00 | Aug., 1863 |
25,545 | Searing, Jno S | Poplar Ridge | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
189,720 | Sears, Ella | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | June, 1879 |
100,260 | Seeber, Jno L | Ledyard | g. s. w. lft. Leg | $4.00 | Sept., 1871 |
63,096 | Setright, Patrick | Cato | wd. L. arm & chest | $18.00 | July, 1865 |
158,661 | Shafer, Abram S | Fair Haven | lung dis | $8.00 | Sept., 1864 |
54,039 | Shapley, Chas. H | Auburn | wd. L. thi | $8.00 | Mar., 1868 |
177,626 | Shaver, Abijah B | Auburn | rheum. & ht dis | $8.00 | Oct., 1880 |
70,410 | Shaw, Betty Ann | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
60,258 | Shaw, Margaret | Moravia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Aug., 1863 |
112,739 | Shearman, Brice | Sterlingville | chr. Diarr., dis abd. Vis., & c | $4.00 | Feb., 1871 |
195,985 | Shehan, Jno | Auburn | minors of | $16.00 | Oct., 1876 |
31,910 | Sheldon, Lydia | Auburn | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug., 1881 |
179,775 | Sherman, Alexander | Moravia | minor of | $10.00 | Jan., 1877 |
81,392 | Sherman, Lester | Cato | wd. L. shoul | $8.00 | May, 1867 |
214,046 | Sherman, Robt | Fair Haven | g. s. w. of back | $2.00 | June, 1862 |
56,459 | Sherman, Saml | Fair Haven | g. s. w. lft. Shoul. & lung | $14.00 | Jan., 1866 |
56,630 | Shillinburg, Peter | Owasco | wd. Lft. Foot | $6.00 | July, 1865 |
161,302 | Shimer, Geo | Moravia | dis. Of bladder | $2.00 | Aug., 1865 |
182,746 | Shimer, Rachel A | Moravia | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
97,965 | Shook, Sally | Aurora | - | $8.00 | Aug., 1867 |
82,577 | Showers, Chas. H | Fair Haven | g. s. w. l. arm & b. legs | $6.00 | June, 1867 |
70,005 | Simmons, Geo | Union Springs | chr. Nephritis | $8.00 | Feb., 1865 |
96,535 | Skelton, Thomas | Weedsport | g. s. w. rt. thi | $7.00 | Mar., 1869 |
11,228 | Slater, Ann | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1863 |
155,606 | Slayton, Edwin M | Port Byron | dis. Of kid | $15.00 | Sept., 1878 |
124,126 | Slocum, Albert | Locke | lung dis | $4.00 | Feb., 1873 |
170,115 | Smith, Benj. T | Union Springs | dis. Of lungs | $4.00 | Nov., 1865 |
56,452 | Smith, Electa | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | Jan., 1864 |
93,793 | Smith, Lorenzo | Weedsport | w. rt shoul | $4.00 | May, 1865 |
89,971 | Smith, Maria | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | Mar., 1865 |
70,282 | Smith, Oliver M | Sterling | - | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
121,382 | Smith, Phebe | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
53,842 | Smith, Ruth | Venice | widow | $8.00 | Nov., 1864 |
122,025 | Smith, Turman T | Ira Hill | dis. Of eyes | $24.00 | Mar., 1873 |
187,877 | Smith, Wm. P | Moravia | dis. Of skin | $4.00 | Dec., 1862 |
44,620 | Snyder, Albert | Spring Lake | loss rt. Leg | $18.00 | June, 1865 |
90,789 | Souls, Hobart W | Auburn | head dis | $8.00 | May, 1865 |
- | Sperry, Nelson D | Auburn | bron. Ch. Diarr | $8.00 | June, 1882 |
7,334 | Spickerman, Abraham | Westbury | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
158,314 | Spickerman, John | Goodyear's | g. s. w. of back | $6.00 | May, 1865 |
14,890 | Springer, Cynthia | Sempronius | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
66,149 | Springer, Elisha | Niles | g. s. w. of chest | $6.00 | June, 1865 |
206,994 | Spurr, Edwin | Victory | g. s. w. of back | $2.00 | May, 1865 |
192,368 | Squyer, Ellen F | Goodyear's | widow | $20.00 | Apr., 1879 |
16,842 | St. Croix, Louis P. De | North Victory | w. l. leg | $4.00 | June, 1863 |
23,689 | Stagg, Sarah | Cato | - | $8.00 | Sept., ---- |
186,547 | Stearns, Fanny M. J. | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | May, 1879 |
20,566 | Stewart, Robt. M | Sterling Valley | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
28,336 | Stewartm Anice | Owasco | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
77,053 | Stillwell, Rasselas R | Port Byron | inj. R. h. | $8.00 | May, 1869 |
53,751 | Stoddard, Ada | Moravia | widow | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
57,670 | Stone, Elizabeth M | Auburn | widow | $15.00 | Jan., 1865 |
53,302 | Stone, Rosaline L | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1864 |
150,703 | Strong, Chapman L | Auburn | sunstroke | $6.00 | Jan., 1878 |
33,935 | Strong, Rebecca J | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
60,250 | Stupp, Chas. J | Auburn | g. s. w. l. h. & l. shoul | $4.00 | Mar., 1866 |
101,765 | Stupp, Frank J | Auburn | g. s. w. of face | $8.00 | June, 1865 |
118,917 | Sturge, Philip | Weedsport | g. s. w. of head | $7.50 | Sept., 1872 |
70,804 | Sullivan, Mary | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
161,369 | Swift, Eunice E | Port Byron | - | $17.00 | Mar., 1873 |
12,208 | Swift, Rachel | Montezuma | - | $8.00 | May, 1863 |
14,624 | Sylvester, Clark | Sterling Valley | wd. Face, affect. Eyes | $8.00 | Dec., 1862 |
25,464 | Symonds, Sirenus | Como | wd. Rt. Hip | $4.00 | Dec., 1863 |
123,434 | Tanner, Geo. L | Auburn | g. s. w. thro. Rt. Shoul. & b | $18.00 | May, 1873 |
16,327 | Tarbox, Mary C | North Fair | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
211,343 | Taylor, Smith | Port Byron | g. s. w. l. side of neck | $2.00 | June, 1865 |
160,347 | Taylor, Wm. H | Westbury | g. s. w. face & neck | $6.00 | Apr., 1871 |
213,318 | Taylor, Wm. H | Weedsport | partial deafness | $6.00 | June, 1865 |
14,949 | Teachout, Jane | Victory | - | $8.00 | - |
9,715 | Teed, Daniel | Moravia | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
134,850 | Teller, Mary E | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | Oct., 1864 |
55,096 | Temey, Thomas | Aurora | varicose veins l. leg | $2.00 | June, 1865 |
143,850 | Terry, James | Auburn | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Aug., 1871 |
2,033 | Terry, Wm | Dresserville | g. s. w. l. thi | $6.00 | July, 1878 |
113,039 | Terwilliger, Cath | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | May, 1868 |
9,811 | Terwilliger, Elizabeth | Sennett | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Oct., 1862 |
111,856 | Thatcher, Rachel | Forestville | widow | $8.00 | Apr., 1865 |
185,680 | Thomas, Emma A | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | Mar., 1879 |
29,939 | Thomas, Jno A | Moravia | loss rt. Leg | $18.00 | Apr., 1864 |
143,222 | Thompson, Ira D | Auburn | g. s. w. lft leg | $3.00 | Sept., 1875 |
40,243 | Thompson, Laura E | Meridian | widow | $8.00 | Oct., 1863 |
109,936 | Tidd, Wm | Moravia | chr. Rheum | $8.00 | May, 1871 |
55,096 | Tierney, Mary | Aurora | widow | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
123,549 | Tifft, Jno | Moravia | chr. Dis. Of liver | $3.00 | June, 1873 |
15,843 | Tilford, Nancy | Sterling Valley | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
163,650 | Tinker, Jefferson | Sempronius | s. wd. Rt. Leg | $2.00 | Sept., 1865 |
177,627 | Titus, Stephen M | Moravia | chr. Diarr | $4.00 | Aug., 1865 |
130,038 | Tompkins, Warren B | Scipioville | chr. Dir. Of bowels | $8.00 | Sept., 1874 |
120 | Townsend, Hiram | Auburn | g. s. w. of thi | $5.00 | May. 1854 |
54,635 | Trair, Jay E | New Hope | g. s. w. rt. leg | $8.00 | Jan., 1866 |
64,421 | Travis, Simpson | Auburn | g. s. w. rt. Hand | $12.00 | May, 1866 |
135,036 | Trulan, Harriet S | Sennett | - | $17.00 | Jan., 1879 |
23,951 | Tryon, Casper D | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Aug., 1878 |
60,489 | Turner, Edw | Weedsport | amp. Lft. Thigh | $24.00 | Mar., 1866 |
148,156 | Turner, Julia | Cato | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1871 |
129,419 | Tyler, Francis L | Sennett | g. s. w. rt. hand | $4.00 | Dec., 1873 |
17,033 | Upham, Abijah | Westbury | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
218,905 | Upham, Daniel K | Westbury | dis. Of eyes | $2.00 | June, 1865 |
37,374 | Upham, Geo. H | Auburn | chr. Diarr | $6.00 | Jan., 1865 |
119,322 | Vader, Bishop | Auburn | g. s. w. l. thi. | $6.00 | Apr., 1872 |
180,670 | Van Alstine, Olive | Westbury | widow | $10.00 | Mar., 1877 |
74,535 | Van Arsdale, Mary A | Owasco | widow | $8.00 | May, 1864 |
82,940 | Van Kleck, Wm. H. | Auburn | dis. bt. & rheum | $4.00 | Aug., 1865 |
67,964 | Van Marter, Philinda | Sterlingville | widow | $8.00 | Jan., 1865 |
50,093 | Van Middlesworth, I | Auburn | tumor rt. Side | $4.00 | May, 1865 |
17,232 | Van Patten, Frederick | Sterling Station | wd. L. thi. & rt. Hip | $10.00 | Sept., 1863 |
120,903 | Van Schaick, Aurealia | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | June, 1864 |
74,787 | Van Vleck, Sarah E | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | June, 1865 |
226 | Van Wagner, Cornelia | Weedsport | widow | $8.00 | - |
8,030 | Vann, Rebecca | Meridian | - | $8.00 | - |
47,029 | Vasseler, Geo W | Victory | wd. L. thi | $3.00 | May, 1865 |
64,495 | Verplank, Geo. W | Port Byron | w. l. thi | $8.00 | Oct., 1865 |
54,559 | Wakeley, Betsey E | Locke | widow | $8.00 | Mar., 1863 |
146,376 | Waldron, Charlotte | Sennett | widow | $8.00 | Dec., 1862 |
181,796 | Walker, Alfred S | Cato | chr. Rheum., dis. Liv | $6.00 | Nov., 1864 |
172,671 | Walker, Diana | Cayuga | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Nov., 1872 |
93,481 | Wallace, Hellen | Owasco | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Apr., 1867 |
12,582 | Ward, Mary J | Weedsport | - | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
73,445 | Ware, Clarence | Port Byron | g. s. w. l. foot | $12.00 | Oct., 1864 |
169,217 | Ware, Mary | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | Oct., 1867 |
46,393 | Warren, Richard | Port Byron | g. s. w. rt. thi | $5.00 | Feb., 1870 |
188,980 | Waters, Mary | Cayuga Village | dep. Mother | $8.00 | Sept., 1861 |
22,735 | Watkins, Susan S | Weedsport | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Oct., 1878 |
187,506 | Weber, John | Auburn | chr. Rheum & diarr | $8.00 | June, 1865 |
56,441 | Webster, Wm. E | Auburn | wd. Lft thi | $18.00 | Jan., 1866 |
28,335 | Webter, Julia | Auburn | act. Mar. 9, '78 | $8.00 | Aug., 1879 |
25,466 | Weeks, Geo. H | King's Ferry | g. s. w. l. leg | $4.00 | June, 1877 |
120,031 | Wells, James B | Moravia | rheum | $8.00 | - |
185,802 | Wells, Julia A | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | June, 1871 |
136,329 | Wendover, James | Victory | g. s. w. rt. leg | $4.00 | July, 1875 |
62,970 | Wendover, Jno. V | Auburn | frac. Rt. Femur | $18.00 | Sept., 1865 |
116,554 | Wendover, Wm. C | Victory | amp. R. index fin. & chr. Diarr | $6.00 | Apr., 1872 |
168,786 | West, Sally | Levanua | dep. Mother | $8.00 | May, 1873 |
63,090 | Westfall, Sidney J | Auburn | loss rt. Arm | $24.00 | May, 1866 |
17,551 | Wethey, Amy | Port Byron | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
171,201 | Wheeler, Sarah Ann | Auburn | mother | $8.00 | May, 1874 |
190,657 | Whipple, Charles C | Genoa | inj. L. side & dis. Of kid | $4.00 | June, 1862 |
66,178 | Whipple, Edwin M | Auburn | wd. Rt. Shoul | $10.00 | June, 1866 |
178,359 | Whipple, Emmet | Locke | dis. Of h't, chr. Diarr, & piles | $8.00 | Oct., 1880 |
22,750 | White, Alanson | Sennett | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | July, 1878 |
7,158 | White, Anna | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Oct.,1863 |
2,856 | White, Eunice | Locke | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |
170,432 | White, Jno H | Meridian | minor of | $10.00 | Mar., 1874 |
110,196 | Whitling, Asalph | Venice | g. s. w. rt. Wrist | $2.00 | Aug., 1865 |
54,035 | Whittield, Eben | Auburn | inj. Rt. Side & l. h | $17.00 | Dec., 1865 |
183, 789 | Wickes, Sterling W | Auburn | g. s. w. rt. Leg | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
56,442 | Wiggins, Chas | Fair Haven | g. s. w. rt. Shoulder | $18.00 | Jan., 1866 |
130,299 | Wiggins, Jefferson G | Auburn | g. s. w. l. leg | $4.00 | Sept., 1873 |
187,894 | Wilber, Lewis F | Bethel Corners | chr. Diarr., inj. To abd | $12.00 | July, 1865 |
121,306 | Wilcox, Edw. H | Auburn | inj. L. leg | $10.00 | Jan., 1873 |
38,736 | Wilcox, Vashti II | Auburn | widow | $8.00 | Dec., 1862 |
91,259 | Wilde, Hiram | Weedsport | total blindness | $72.00 | June, 1868 |
60,488 | Wilkins, Wm | Moravia | hypertrophy of heart | $6.00 | Feb., 1870 |
23,412 | Williams, Jni | Fair Haven | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | July, 1878 |
178,620 | Williams, Nathan C | New Hope | chr. Diarr | $8.00 | July, 1865 |
136,264 | Wilman, Adolph | Auburn | g. s. w. l. h. & arm | $15.00 | Mar., 1875 |
65,558 | Wilson, Amos | Port Byron | wd. Rt. Thi | $4.00 | Jan., 1868 |
25,799 | Wilson, Catharine | Victory | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
117, 306 | Wilson, David | Victory | g. s. w. l. h. & rt. Shoul | $2.00 | Dec., 1870 |
183,564 | Wilson, Elanor | Port Byron | - | $8.00 | Nov., 1876 |
32,092 | Wilson, Philip B | Port Byron | wd. Lft. Arm | $18.00 | Mar., 1864 |
93,537 | Wilson, Robt | Weedsport | g. s. w. lft. Thi | $8.00 | Oct., 1868 |
88,478 | Wilson, William J | Weedsport | wd. Rt. Thigh | $6.00 | Jan. , 1868 |
161, 750 | Wood, Wm. A | Auburn | dep. Father | $8.00 | Apr., 1873 |
56,461 | Woodall, Jn. J | Auburn | wd. L. leg & head | $4.00 | June, 1865 |
196,035 | Wooding, Edmund C | Auburn | dis. Of heart | $8.00 | Jan., 1865 |
34 | Woodworth, Elijah | Auburn | wd. Rt. Hand | $7.50 | - |
24,280 | Woodworth, Mary M | Union Springs | widow | $8.00 | - |
20,482 | Worden, Ann | Auburn | act Mar. 9, '79 | $8.00 | Mar., 1878 |
185,769 | Wormer, Henry | Fair Haven | chr. Rheum., dis. Of ht. | $12.00 | Apr., 1862 |
178,356 | Wormwood, Chas. V | Auburn | dis. Abdominal viscera | $4.00 | Nov., 1864 |
104,408 | Wright, Sam'l N | Auburn | g. wd. L. leg | $3.00 | July, 1865 |
294,729 | Wright, William A | Sennett | g. s. w. r. knee | $2.00 | July, 1865 |
72,356 | Wyman, Arnold | Montezuma | g. s. w. l. thigh | $18.75 | - |
42,668 | York, Lucy A | Kelloggsville | widow | $8.00 | July, 1864 |
113,137 | Young, Benj. F | Sempronius | g. s. w. l'ft shoul. & back | $6.00 | Aug., 1871 |
32,093 | Young, Harriet L | East Venice | act March 9, 1878 | $8.00 | May, 1881 |
11,566 | Young, Hiram | Atwater | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb., 1871 |