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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Cayuga County, New York

January 1, 1883

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1883 Cayuga County, New York List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
90,727Abbott, AlmiraWestburywidow$8.00 Nov., 1866
53,337Acker, Edw. RCatowd. Both thi., & c$4.00 June, 1865
70,733Adams, GeoFair Havenwd. Face, & c$12.00 Sept., 1866
19,561Adams, PhebeMeridian-$8.00 Sept., 1878
182,462Adell, JuliettAuburnwidow$8.00 July, 1877
70,115Albring, PhebeNiles-$8.00 July, 1864
149,029Alfred, EdgarPort Byrong. s. w. l. hand$3.00 Feb., 1877
129,181Alkinbrack, DavidWeedsportdep. father$8.00 Oct., 1862
107,141Allen, Henry JPort Byronwd. L. side & spin. Meningitis$72.00 -
92,914Alliger, Cornelius BAuburnwd. L. leg$4.00 June, 1865
21,722Ames, Isabel CMoraviaact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
82,475Anderson, EdwAuburng. s. w. l. thi$6.00 June, 1867
41,594Andrews, Hannah MMoraviadep. Mother$8.00 Sept., 1862
142,558Applegate, Chas., Jr.Meridiantotal deafness & diarr$13.00 May, 1875
17,157Archer, ElizabethWeedsport-$8.00 Mar., 1878
137,175Armstrong, SarahAuburnmother$8.00 July, 1864
535Arnold, SusannahMoraviawidow$8.00 July, 1866
61,961Atwater, Mary APoplar Ridgewidow$8.00 Jan., 1866
85,389Augur, RomainVictoryg. s. w. rt. thi$4.00 Oct., 1866
77,690Austin, Julia TMoraviawidow$8.00 July, 1864
82,594Ayles, Celinie JVictorywidow$8.00 Oct., 1864
122,151Bacon, Geo. WAuburnsunstroke & c$20.00 July, 1872
107,335Baeley, ChasCayugainj. of spine$18.00 Jan., 1871
30,190Baird, AbigailMoraviawidow$30.00 June, 1864
25,538Baker, JonasNew Hopeact March 9, 1878$8.00 -
58,415Baldwin, MariaGoodyear'swidow$8.00 -
105,155Ball, GeoFair Haveng. s. w. l. breast$12.00 June, 1874
63,645Ballard, Stephen WMoraviawd. Rt. hand$6.00 June, 1865
117,187Bancroft, AlbertFair Havenparaly. L. side$8.00 June, 1872
90,068Barber, Catharine AMeridian-$8.00 Jan., 1865
48,333Barker, Thos. SWeedsportw. rt. Foot$6.00 Aug., 1865
8,099Barnes, Harriet AAuburnact March 9, 1883$8.00 -
150,823Barnes, Melissa HSterlingwidow$10.00 May, 1871
15,452Barnes, Zipporah PMeridian-$8.00 Mar., 1878
62,089Bartlett, Mary A.Auburnwidow$8.00 May, 1865
9,263Bassett, SarahAuburnact March 9, 1887$8.00 Mar., ----
183,267Bateman, WilliamAuburng. s. w. l. thi., vari. Veins$6.00 June, 1865
8,451Beach, RoxyAuburnact March 9, 1888$8.00 Mar., ----
160,722Beardsley, JaneVictorydep. Mother$8.00 Nov., 1872
212,622Beardwell, HoratioMoraviag. s. w. rt. hand$6.00 Jan., 1865
193,316Beebe, Lydia TWestburydep. Mother$8.00 May, 1865
19,133Belknap, AnnaSpring Lakeact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
151,624Bell, JamesWeedsportg. s. w. r. thigh$4.00 June, 1865
130,754Bell, Thomas JAuburninj. to abd., varicose veins$12.00 Nov., 1874
130,754Bell, Thomas JAuburninj. To abd., varicose veins r. l.$12.00 Nov., 1874
143,113Benedict, Fordyce HWeedsportinj. To spine$8.00 June, 1865
34,159Benjamin, Eliza APort Byrondep. Mother$8.00 Sept., 1863
11,451Bennett, Oliver SFive Cornersg. s. w. rt. Arm$18.00 June, 1866
133,841Bentley, Frederick AMartvilleg. s. w. of breast$6.00 May, 1865
81,754Bessie, Allen CCatowd. L. hand$2.00 Aug., 1865
12,216Bessy, LucindaConquestwidow$8.00 Dec., 1862
99,457Bessy, Mary JMartvillewidow$8.00 Sept., 1866
19,971Bigelow, Eliza R.Atwaterwidow$8.00 July, 1863
169,544Bigler, FrederickWeedsportinjury to abdomen$8.00 Apr., 1963
121,425Blakeman, HiramEmersonchron. Diarr$12.00 Feb., 1873
88,987Blakie, MarySterling Valleydep. Mother$8.00 June, 1865
81,447Blanvelt, Peter PForestvillechron. Rheum$4.00 May, 1867
132,235Blythe, JamesSterling Valleydep. father$8.00 Nov., 1862
170,777Bodly, Mary AnnAuburnmother$8.00 Apr., 1871
13,772Bodman, SylviaAuburnwidow$8.00 Feb.,1863
196,377Booth, Jane LSterlingwidow$8.00 Dec., 1879
84,240Booth, NathanMoraviaw. l. leg$4.00 June, 1865
22,306Bouck, MarthaGoodyear'sact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
159,272Bowen, Wm. MMoraviasunstroke, heart dis$4.00 June, 1865
192,232Bowers, Joseph LLockeminors of$12.00 Nov., 1878
73,478Boynton, Judson CWestburyw. l. shoul. & lung$8.00 Oct., 1866
165,595Boynton, Wm. IIAuburnsever. Deafness$6.00 Sept., 1861
2,436Bradford, Sarah IIAuroradep. Mother$10.00 Apr., 1879
113,138Bradley, Erwin LWestburyinj. To breast$2.00 Aug., 1871
116,279Breed, GeorgeFive Cornersg. s. w. l. hand$2.00 Apr., 1872
47,582Breese, WilliamFlemingg. s. w. l. knee & inj. To abd$12.00 Aug., 1865
30,906Breitmaier, AgathaAuburnwidow$8.00 May, 1864
110,208Bridges, Thomas CSterlingg. s. w. l. shoul$10.00 May, 1871
29,793Brightman, Elizabeth PAurorawidow$8.00 Sept., 1864
44,106Brill, Rosetta A.Auburnwidow$8.00 Oct.,1864
121,427Brink, CharlesNorth Victoryg. s. w. l. shoul$4.00 Apr., 1870
32,054Brinkerhoff, SusanOwasco-$8.00 -
185,245Bristen, JamersUnion Springsinj. Rt. Foot$4.00 Oct., 1863
88,324Brockway, ChristopherFive Cornersw. l. arm & breast$8.00 Sept., 1871
42,599Brown, Jno HWeedsportw. rt. shoul$6.00 May, 1865
197,226Brown, OliveCato-$8.00 July, 1864
157,678Brown, Osscar ANew Hopeg. s. w. l. hand$4.00 Sept., 1864
89,644Brown, SarahAuburnwidow$8.00 Aug., 1864
172,672Brusil, AnnAuburnmother$8.00 Apr., 1871
14,540Buck, Jane AFive Cornersact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
12,078Buck, RebeccaMeridian-$8.00 -
157,745Buckley, MichaelAuburnloss ring fin. L. h$6.00 Mar., 1879
188,262Bull, JohnWeedsportg. s. w. rt. hand$8.00 June, 1865
211,160Burgess, AllenAuburnchr. Diarr$4.00 June, 1864
157,752Burghduff, Geo. WConquestinjury to abdomen$4.00 Sept., 1865
186,711Burns, Lettie JaneAuburnwidow$14.00 Sept., 1878
128,631Butler, William HFair Haveng. s. w. rt. Foot$2.00 June, 1865
178,258Cain, Benj. SScipiovillevaricose veins, chr. Diarr$2.00 Nov., 1864
31,744Cain, Lydia NMartvilleact Mar. 9, '78$8.00 Mar., 1878
165,966Cain, Sarah AnnScipiovilledep. Mother$8.00 July, 1865
31,613Caldwell, ElizabethWeedsport-$8.00 1881
43,274Caller, CorneliusIra Hillg. s. w. head, imp. Vision$10.00 May, 1865
209,948Cannon, Edw. JMoraviachr. Diarr., dis. Lungs$4.00 June, 1865
30,634Cannon, Phebe A.Auburnwidow$8.00 Sept.,1864
67,957Card, Sally AnnDresservilledep. Mother$8.00 Feb., 1865
106,443Carjonelle, MorganSennettfrac. L. forearm$4.00 Sept., 1864
11,421Carner, CharlotteCayugaact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
39,413Carpenter, Lewis GAuburnrheum r. hip$24.00 Sept., 1866
61,878Carr, ElizaUnion Springs-$8.00 Apr., 1864
23,001Carter, JohnCayugag. s. w. l. thi. With necrosia$24.00 Jan., 1864
161,230Cary, Dan'l, alias LarkinsAuburng. s. w. l. arm$14.00 July, 1865
141,554Castor, AlonzoVictorydis. Of eyes$24.00 Jan., 1874
171,105Catley, PhebeAuburnwidow$17.00 Dec., 1872
88,579Catlin, DavidWeedsporttubercular phtisis$24.00 Jan., 1866
81,275Catlin, Squire BAuburninjury to abdomen$8.00 May, 1867
32,942Caulkins, Thomas NAuburnchr. diarr., dis. liver$4.00 Sept., 1864
126,019Chapman, Addison GWestburychron diarr$8.00 Dec., 1873
117,639Chapman, CharlesWestburydis. Lungs & liver & dis. Ht$24.00 July, 1872
170,236Chapman, JeromeWestburyg. s. w. h. & inj. To abdomen$6.00 May, 1865
42,153Chase, Selieh JCatowd. Rt. Arm$18.00 May, 1865
135,208Christman, Wm. HAuburng. s. w. l. thi.$2.00 Oct., 1874
152,570Chuscaden, Wm.LMontezumaloss l. thumb$4.00 Dec., 1876
28,912Clank, Jno DMoraviaw. low. Jaw & l. wrist$6.00 July, 1863
113,917Clark, Jno. SAuburng. s. w. l. leg$30.00 Oct., 1871
123,060Cleaveland, Martin VSemproniusulcers r. leg$8.00 May, 1873
143,597Cloheay, JnoAuburng. s. w. r. thi. & leg$2.00 Feb., 1876
191,325Cobb, Anna M.Auburnwidow$10.00 Feb., 1879
77,433Coburn, Willard BSennettw. l. elbow$10.00 Feb., 1867
213,444Codner, EgbertAuburnchr. Diarr. & dis. Abd. Viscera$6.00 July, 1865
133,769Coghlen, JeremiahSherwoodrheum. & dis. Heart$18.00 June, 1875
138,116Colburn, Henry BAuburng. s. w. l. arm$6.00 June, 1875
113,347Collins, JeremiahFleminginsanity$50.00 Sept., 1871
48,264Connell, Liraina MAuburnwidow$8.00 -
59,606Conner, Almira AWeedsport-$8.00 Nov., 1864
50,871Constant, Edw. IIAuburnw. rt. Arm$18.00 Oct., 1865
2,415Conway, CatharineAuburn-$17.00 May, 1863
129,324Cook, ChasLockedis. L. lung$12.00 July, 1874
43,847Cook, Cyrus OAuburnw. r. h.$8.00 June, 1865
66,541Cook, NancyNew Hopewidow$8.00 May, 1865
24,931Cook, WilliamMeridian-$8.00 Mar., 1879
114,797Copum, FrederickAuburng. s. w. r. thi & head, & c$12.00 Dec., 1871
22,693Corcoran, JoannaAuburnwidow$8.00 June, 1864
80,851Cornell, Joseph BPort Byronwd. L breast$16.00 May, 1867
60,766Courtney, CatharineUnion Springsdep. Mother$8.00 Mar., 1864
185,161Coy, ClarkAuburng. s. w. r. thi.$4.00 Nov., 1864
102,532Coy, ElizaNeipio Centredep. Mother$8.00 Sept., 1864
177,175Crawfoot, Chas. FVenice Centredis. Liv. & dyspepsia$4.00 Aug., 1864
142,025Crippen, AnnaMartville-$8.00 Nov., 1864
70,252Crocker, Geo. WKing's Ferryw. back$8.00 July, 1872
22,254Cronk, JasperAuburnact March 9, 1880$8.00 June, 1878
85,166Crosby, Alpheus HPort Byronphthisis$12.00 Sept., 1867
68,774Cruthers, LeanderMoraviaw. l. hand$8.00 May, 1865
32,294Cuddeback, Eliza JNileswidow$8.00 Sept., 1862
70,813Cuddeback, NelsonNiles-$3.00 Sept., 1866
213,824Culver, Francis MCulver's Pointdis. Liver & dis. Abd. Viscera$4.00 Feb., 1864
26,329Culver, RebeccaFleming-$8.00 -
60,265Cuppernull, Sarah JSterling-$8.00 Aug., 1864
141,277Curren, JacobSpring Lakechron. rheum$4.00 May, 1876
20,497Cutler, SalinaMoraviaact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
74,719Cuykendall, Arch. M. NDresservillewd. L. wrist$18.00 Nov., 1866
33,080Dalton, Stephen RLockechr. Diarr$8.00 Sept., 1874
159,205Dane, JohnAurorag. s. w. l. foot$4.00 June, 1863
166,852Daniels, LorenzoAuburninjury to abdomen$8.00 Dec., 1862
84,065Darrow, PeterNileschr. Diarr$6.00 July, 1865
83,335Davenport, HumphreyMoraviag. s. w. rt. side$12.00 Feb., 1872
192,923David, George EUnion Springsminors of$10.00 Jan., 1880
19,214Davis, James BMoraviathypoid fever$18.00 Nov., 1863
84,128Day, DwightMoraviachr. Rheum$4.00 July, 1863
27,926De Camp, AgnesUnion Springsact March 9, 1878$8.00 Aug., 1879
141,870De Witt, HenrySemproniusg. s. w. rt. leg$2.00 Sept., 1875
112,061Dean, Cassius MMoraviag. s. w. l. hand$6.00 May, 1865
168,723DeCasper, PeterAuburng. s. w. rt. Side$4.00 Aug., 1865
53,294Decker, JacobNorth Victoryw. l. thi$18.00 Nov., 1865
164,206Defendorf, EdwinNilesmalarial fever effects$4.00 July, 1865
148,057Denel, David HAuburng. s. w. l. h. & l. leg$6.00 May, 1877
130,082Derby, Lucy E.Auburndep. Mother$8.00 May, 1869
31,252Devereaux, MaryPort Byron-$8.00 -
141,535Deyo, Esther AScipiovillewidow$8.00 Oct., 1864
55,415Dinehart, ElizabethPort Byronwidow$8.00 Sept., 1864
47,718Dinehart, Geo. WPort Byronw. l. ankle$6.00 Aug., 1865
146,345Dodd, Wm.Atwaterg. s. w. head$2.00 June, 1875
98,781Dodge, BetseyNorth Victory-$8.00 June, 1863
185,934Dodge, Hiram BPort Byrondis. Of eyes & inj. R. shoul$6.00 Mar., 1864
106,035Donahue, JamesAuburng. s. w. l. thi.$4.00 June, 1865
52,274Donald, JonathanEast Venicew. back & l. arm$14.00 Nov., 1865
41,363Donnelly, MargaretAuburnwidow$8.00 Feb.,1865
169,988Dorsey, MaryCayugawidow$8.00 Aug., 1872
8,162Doud, CynthiaVictory-$8.00 -
146,616Dougherty, RoseAuburndep. Mother$8.00 Dec., 1870
19,857Dow, SabrinaWeedsport-$8.00 -
178,667Dresser, Sally AnnForestvilledep. Mother$8.00 July, 1876
106,158Dudley, Frederick AKing's Ferryshell w. l. hand$12.50 June, 1865
123,524Dudley, Theron CMeridiang. s. w. severing index fin$3.00 Jan., 1873
27,278Dull, FranklinSterling Valleyshell w. head$24.00 Feb., 1866
112,055Dumas, HenrySterling Valleyg. s. w. r. breast & ch. Diarr$4.00 July, 1865
22,321Dunham, JohnEmersonw. l. shoul$18.00 Dec., 1863
85,068Dunks, JnoLockeg. s. w. l. hip$4.00 Sept., 1866
116,766Durbin, EdwinOwascowd. Lft. Thi$6.00 May, 1872
66,630Durkee, Morton EUnion Springsloss sight r. eye, & c$13.00 June, 1864
138,836Durnin, ThomasAuburng. s. w. thro. stom$8.00 Apr., 1876
120,314Dwyer, JamesAuburnvaricose veins r. l$12.00 Dec., 1872
165,743Dwyer, Mary AAuburnwidow$8.00 June, 1870
89,770Eaman, EdgarPort Byroninj. To abd. & inj. To back$18.00 Mar., 1868
18,920Eaton, FannyAuburnact March 9, 1884$8.00 -
24,440Edes, ChristopherWeedsport-$8.00 Oct., 1878
205,786Edwards, DavidGlen Havenvaricose veins l. leg$4.00 July, 1865
69, 589Eggleston, MariettaAuburnwidow$8.00 Aug., 1865
134,391Elliott, Nathan, jrPort Byronchr. Diarr$12.00 Nov., 1874
157,209Emerson, AnselAuburng. s. w. r. index fin$2.00 Aug., 1872
185,986Emery, SewardWestburypart. Deaf. & chron. Diarr$12.00 June, 1865
92,044Emory, AndrewGoodyear'sinj. L. knee$8.00 July, 1868
10,271Ereanbrack, Amos HMoraviadis. Of eyes$4.00 Feb., 1863
80,882Fallan, MargaretKing's Ferrydep. Mother$8.00 June, 1864
194,892Fell, Ellwood IIAuburnchr. Diarr$15.00 Feb., 1864
41,029Fennesy, CatharineAuburnwidow$8.00 Feb., 1865
11,485Fiero, JaneAuburnact March 9, 1885$8.00 -
166,293Fink, Sophronia RCatodep. Mother$8.00 June, 1874
87,287Fisher, Chas. AVictoryinjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1865
61,912Fisher, Harriet FWestburydep. Mother$8.00 Sept., 1862
156,960Fisk, Jno. GAuburng. s. w. l. thi$4.00 Dec., 1874
195,337Fitch, Eugene DWestburysunstroke & results$4.00 June, 1865
84,357Fleming, Wm. RVictoryg. s. w. l. h., rt. Sho., & l. wrist$6.00 Dec., 1865
7,735Flint, Cornelius RSemproniuskid. Dis., inflam. Blad$8.00 Oct., 1863
221,525Flynn, FrancisMerrifielddis. Of eyes$2.00 July, 1865
122,582Flynn, Thomas SAuburng. s. w. l. hip$1.00 Apr., 1873
36,187Foley, MargaretAuburnwidow$8.00 June, 1864
7,151Fordyee, Louisa ENeipio Centrewidow$8.00 Nov., 1862
69,153Forman, Orlando JWeedsportg. s. w. l. thigh$8.00 Sept., 1869
144,245Forman, Wm. JSterling Valleyg. s. w. l. knee, inj. To abd$6.00 Sept., 1865
89,155Forshee, SusanMontezumadep. Mother$8.00 May, 1864
10,566Foster, David HSempronius-$8.00 -
11,472Foster, Eunice BAuburnwidow$8.00 Feb., 1863
187,254Foster, Martha CThroopsvillewidow$10.00 Jan., 1873
27,970Fox, Arthur BGenoag. s. w. r. elbow$12.00 May, 1864
220,259Fox, DavidAuroraloss fourth r. fin.$2.00 Sept., 1865
58,112Frair, MaryAuburnwidow$8.00 Oct., 1864
20,072French, SophroniaMoraviawidow$8.00 Feb., 1863
66,355Fritts, Harvey MMoravialoss l. arm$24.00 June, 1866
27,369Fuller, EstherLockeact March 9, 1878$8.00 May, 1879
151,663Fuller, HenrySpring Lakechron. diarr$6.00 Feb., 1878
105,102Gannon, AnnAuburnmother$8.00 Aug., 1862
66,719Gantley, PatrickSterling Valleyg. s. w. l. femur$6.00 June, 1866
123,556Ganty, FrankSpring Lakeg. s. w. l. side$18.00 Oct., 1872
61,331Gardner, Antoinette BMoraviawidow$8.00 May, 1863
8,626Gaston, AnnFlemingact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
54,240Gater, Wm. WAuburnw. l. thi$12.00 Dec., 1865
25,464Gates, AmandaFair Haven-$8.00 Mar., ----
77,922Gates, AugustusMontezumaloss l. arm$24.00 Mar., 1867
90,138Gault, Olney KWeedsportinjury to abdomen$8.00 Apr., 1864
214,091Getchell, Otis HAuburnvari. Veins r. leg & dis. Abd., vis$4.00 May, 1863
211,398Gibbs, Wm. HSterling Valleychr. Rheum$6.00 May, 1864
87,032Gifford, HenryLevanuawd. Rt. Foot$8.00 July, 1865
191,167Gilbert, UptonNorth Victorydis. Eyes & debility$4.00 June, 1865
41,906Gillespie, MaryAuburnwidow$8.00 Sept., 1861
174,607Gillett, Sally AnnAuburnwidow$8.00 Sept., 1875
3,584Gilmore, WmMontezumasurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
27,382Glasier, Cunthia MAuburnwidow$8.00 Mar., 1862
138,669Goodell, NormanConquestpar. Deafness$2.00 Oct., 1875
122,805Gooding, Zephaniah WAuburnchr. Diarr$5.00 -
223,456Goodrich, James SAuburnchr. Diarr$8.00 Aug., 1863
84,414Goodrich, Jerusha AAuburnwidow$30.00 Sept., 1866
146,362Goodyear, Lucius AGoodyear'ss.wd. R. sh. & l. side of head$2.00 Sept., 1875
46,546Gould, Benj. FSherwoodloss l. arm, r. eye, and opacity r. eye$31.25 July, 1865
125,747Gould, Dan'l AAuburnrheum$8.00 Nov., 1873
179,490Grant, James RAuburnminors of$10.00 Dec., 1876
173,992Grant, MargaretScipiovillewidow$8.00 Oct., 1862
62,269Grant, Phebe AnnCato-$8.00 Oct., 1864
47,675Grant, RobertAuburns. w. l. ank$14.00 Aug., 1865
64,254Graves, WilliamAuroraloss rt. arm$24.00 May, 1866
122,284Gray, Sam'l PWeedsporterythenia result imprisonm$4.00 July, 1872
63,102Greenfield, Charles HNilesloss l. arm$24.00 May, 1866
58,824Greenfield, Rachel JNew Hopedep. Mother$8.00 Apr., 1864
137, 983Griffin, LawrenceAuburng. s. w. r. arm$8.00 Feb., 1876
197,566Grinnell, JnoPoplar Ridges. w. r. ank$4.00 June, 1865
30,907Grinnell, SylviaGenoadep. Mother$8.00 Sept., 1864
13,025Grinnell, Wm. HAuburns. wd. L. shoul$18.00 June, 1863
192,828Guest, Theodore MLockedis. Lungs & chr. Diarr$18.00 Nov., 1865
3,429Guillis, IsaacMoraviasurv. 1813$8.00 Feb., 1871
9,701Guyat, Maria AAuburnwidow$8.00 Dec., 1862
162,287Hadcock, DennisNorth Victoryinj. Back & ulcers$8.00 Sept., 1879
45,334Hair, ParmeliaAuburnwidow$8.00 Aug., 1864
166,420Haleck, Nancy AWestburydep. Mother$8.00 Aug., 1873
9,456Hall, DiedamiaMontezumaact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
84,420Halleck, SimpsonCayugaloss mid. Fin. Of l. h$3.00 Jan., 1867
9,857Halstead, ElizabethPort Byron-$8.00 -
58,833Hamilton, MahalaAuburnwidow$8.00 July, 1864
21,823Hamilton, MelissaAuburndep. Mother$8.00 Jan., 1863
94,335Hapeman, Judson WCatoinj. Rt. Ft. & ank$7.50 Dec., 1865
184,463Haring, HannahAuburndep. Mother$8.00 July, 1863
81,609Harrington, MartinAuburndis. Lungs$8.00 May, 1867
13,794Hart, BetseyConquestact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
152,326Hart, Frederick RVenice Centrerheum$14.00 Apr., 1878
122,857Hart, JaneAurora-$8.00 May, 1865
28,030Haskall, LudaComowidow$8.00 May, 1863
23, 949Haskell, RosannaVenice Centrewidow$8.00 Mar., 1867
19,573Hassha, SarahSterling Valley-$8.00 -
68,184Havens, MarySemproniuswidow$8.00 Mar., 1866
130,669Havens, WmAuburns. wd. l. knee$14.00 Nov., 1874
188,723Hayden, Lydia A.Auburnwidow$8.00 Nov., 1878
84,393Hemstreet, FrancisPort Byronwd. L. wrist & hip$10.00 Aug., 1867
112,897Hendricks, ElizabethSterling Centredep. Mother$8.00 Apr., 1865
107,683Henkel, AugustusFleminginj. Of head$8.00 Feb., 1871
37,702Hickey, PatrickSpring Lakeloss rt. Leg & inflam & ulce. Rt. Stump$24.00 Feb., 1865
185,355Hill, Chas. SFair Havenulcer l. leg$6.00 Jan., 1864
61,618Hills, Clarissa BNorth Fairdep. Mother$8.00 June, 1864
18,956Hills, Ira WNorth Fairg. s. w. rt. leg$6.00 June, 1871
26,062Hinman, Chas. AMoraviag. s. w. rt. arm$18.00 Mar., 1864
67,142Hitchcock, Chas. AAuburnwd. Rt. Thi. & lft h$7.50 -
119,689Hitchcock, James BAurorag. s. w. l. leg &thi$4.00 Dec., 1871
17,374Hitchcock, Sam'l PPort Byronw. l. leg$10.00 Sept., 1863
35,155Hoagland, Adelia MAuburndep. Mother$8.00 May, 1864
32,435Hobbs, CharlotteAuburnact Mar. 9, '78$8.00 June, 1881
161,367Hoff, JnoUnion Springsvari. Veins l. leg & thi$12.00 July, 1879
211,005Hoff, Ksek WUnion Springsg. s. w. l. forearm$4.00 June, 1865
174,660Holihan, ThomasAuburnchr. Diarr. & dis. Of abd. Vis$8.00 Oct., 1880
46,088Holliday, Mary AWeedsportdep. Mother$8.00 July, 1863
34,810Holmes, EllenSterlingdep. Mother$8.00 Nov., 1864
28,141Holmes, Julia AAuburnact March 9, 1881$8.00 Mar., 1878
31,434Hooker, PollyVictory-$8.00 -
95,650Hopkins, Aucill DAuburng. s. w. rt. Shoul. & jaw$8.00 Dec., 1871
187,800Hotchkiss, AmandaMoraviadep. Mother$8.00 May, 1864
22, 394Howell, SusanAuburnwidow$8.00 Sept., 1863
83,078Howland, Caleb HFair Havenw. lft. Side & e$12.00 July, 1867
170,148Howland, Wm.Auburn-$8.00 -
23,692Howlett, Lucy PAuburnact March 9, 1882$8.00 -
17,178Hoyt, PollyNew Hopeact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
96,748Huchcock, FrederickAuburndislo. Lft shoul$8.00 Apr., 1869
178,018Hugbes, HughAuburninjury to abdomen$20.00 Nov., 1864
89,000Hughson, Sylvester LAuburninj. Rt. Leg & ank$6.00 Aug., 1865
85,066Hunt, ByrenFive Cornersw. l. arm & side$4.00 Sept., 1867
37,837Hunter, Matthew MCatowd. Lft. Ank$12.00 Feb., 1865
41,047Hurd, Chas. APort Byronw. l. leg & effect$8.00 Apr., 1865
130,988Hurd, CynthiaCayuga-$8.00 Nov., 1867
207,112Hutchins, Jno FAuburndis. Abd. Viscers, sunstroke$24.00 Oct., 1864
81,038Hutchinson, AllenThroopsvilleinjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1865
35,602Hyde, CarolineSterling-$8.00 Mar., 1862
38,218Hyzer, CordeliaWeedsport-$8.00 Apr., 1864
31,853Ingraham, MaryLockedep. Mother$8.00 May, 1862
25,121Irland, PollySterling Valley-$8.00 -
51,778Jackman, BridgetAuburndep. Mother$8.00 Oct., 1864
31,535Jackway, GeoNorth Victoryg. s. w. rt. Shoul$12.00 Aug., 1864
143,831Jacob, BrongSterlingvillerheum. & partial deaf$8.00 Feb., 1877
53,126Jago, MargaretAuburndep. Mother$8.00 May, 1864
24,798James, Sarah JNorth Victorywidow$8.00 Sept., 1863
87,145Jaquette, AlpheusOwasco Lakewd. Rt. arm$6.00 Nov., 1867
13,769Jenkins, AlziniaMoraviawidow$8.00 Feb., 1863
15,473Jenkins, Rob'tAuburnsurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
62,611Jewell, CharlotteWeedsport-$8.00 Apr., 1864
95,597Johnson, AlbertWeedsporthydrocele rt. Side$4.00 May, 1865
81,274Johnson, Martin MLockew. rt. Shoul$10.00 May, 1867
142,992Johnson, Sidney WAuburnchr. Diarr., dis. Kid$6.00 Dec., 1876
99,475Johnson, WilliamAuburng. s. w. rt. Thi$4.00 Aug., 1869
91,834Jones, AngelineFair Havenwidow$8.00 Sept., 1864
181,418Jones, Jno LLedyardinjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1865
183,292Jones, MarindaMoraviadep. Mother$8.00 Jan., 1863
223,580Jones, OrinMontezumachr. Diarr$4.00 July, 1865
220,639Jones, Wm. HenryAuburnchr. Diarr$4.00 Nov., 1864
28,446Joralemon, TunisMeridianhemphegia & phtisis$18.00 June, 1869
132,667Kattenborn, FrancisAuburnmother$8.00 July, 1864
39,262Kelland, JnoAuburnloss rt. Eye & g. s. w. face$12.00 Mar., 1865
217,476Kennedy, Terence JAuburndis. Of liv$25.00 July, 1865
146,279Kenyon, Vincent AMoraviachr. Diarr$8.00 Mar., 1875
28,429Kimbal, MargaretCato-$8.00 -
5,055King, A. AugustaGoodyear'sdo$8.00 Dec., 1862
63,546King, Hannah CSherwooddep. Mother$8.00 June, 1863
18,218King, OliveAuburnact March 9, 1879$8.00 -
62,695Kirby, MaryDresserville-$8.00 July, 1864
55,053Kirst, AnnAuburnwidow$8.00 Sept., 1874
148,771Knapp, Chas. EAuburninjury to abdomen$8.00 Oct., 1877
142,023Knapp, SophroniaMoraviadep. Mother$8.00 Apr., 1870
87,210Kopp, FrederickAuburnw. l. shoul$6.00 July, 1865
154,148Kratner, DanielVenice Centrevari. Veins rt. Leg$4.00 Nov., 1876
102,128Kyle, Saml. PCayugainj. Back & l. heel$2.00 June, 1866
91,681Laberteaux, SarahWeedsport-$8.00 Mar., 1867
113,076Lafavor, James MWestburyinj. Chest & back$12.00 Aug., 1873
208,415Laird, William RAuburnchron. Diarr$8.00 June, 1865
66,713Landing, Henry SFlemingg. s. w. back & r. lung$6.00 May, 1869
113,686Landon, JosephUnion Springschron. diarr$8.00 Sept., 1871
31,246Lapey, AmandaAuburnact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
149,676Lapey, Chas. HMoraviainjury to abdomen$6.00 Apr., 1877
9,356Latimer, AmandaWeedsportsurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
31,378Lattin, MariaScipiovilleact March 9, 1878$8.00 Oct., 1880
178,087Lawless, Jno TAuburng. s. w. l. thi$2.00 Aug., 1865
193,537Lawrence, DavidAuburninj. Lft side$2.00 May, 1865
63,449Lawrence, MatildaLocke-$8.00 July, 1864
43,183Lee, MaryMeridian-$8.00 June, 1864
1,485Lee, Robt. BAuburninj. To breast$4.00 Feb., 1871
163,662Leigh, Joseph EAuburndis. Of bt$4.00 July, 1865
193,324Letterman, FrankAuburng. s. w. of head$2.00 Sept., 1865
113,895Lewis, Charles WNew Hopeinjury to abdomen$8.00 Oct., 1874
176,428Lewis, Mary EAuburnwidow$8.00 Mar., 1873
114,837Lillie, JabezMoraviag. s. w. face & l. shoul$4.00 Jan., 1871
191,131Lillis, WmAuburnminors of$10.00 Aug., 1876
137,817Locke, James ESennettchr. Diarr., dis. Liv. & lungs$18.00 Feb., 1876
139,821Lockwood, LorindaMartvilledep. Mother$8.00 Apr., 1865
145,756Lockwood, Sophia CPort Byron-$20.00 Nov., 1864
196,419Love, Sarah AnnOwasco-$8.00 Dec., 1863
51,061Lovelace, Castle PAuburnw. l. thi. & c$24.00 Oct., 1865
161,099Lucas, CharlotteConquestdep. Mother$8.00 Sept., 1872
205,487Lyon, Geo. WNorwichdis. Of throat, bron., & asthma$4.00 June, 1865
176,332Lyon, HattieGlen Havenwidow$14.00 Jan., 1876
191,182Lyons, JohnForestvilledis. Of lungs & inj. L. leg & vari. Veins$6.00 June, 1865
23,045Lytle, SamuelWestburyact March 9, 1878$8.00 July, 1878
112,244MacDonald, Clinton DAuburng. s. w.l. thi. & f'arm, inj. L. ft$30.00 July, 1871
208,069Mahoney, TimothyKelloggsvilleg. s. w. l. leg$4.00 Sept., 1865
66,519Maloney, Jno EAuburng. s. w. l. breast$4.00 June, -----
72,127Maloney, MargaretAuburnmother$8.00 May., 1864
170,691Maltbie, James MAuburninj. Rt. Hip from ulcer$4.00 May, 1865
8,352Manro, SibelThroopsvilleact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
8,660Marston, LouisaOwasco-$8.00 May, 1863
114,340McCarty, MorganWeedsportchr. Diarr. & rheum$18.00 Nov., 1871
42,826McCord, DanielAuburnloss l. thi$24.00 May, 1865
53,705McCumber, GeoAuburnloss l arm above el$24.00 Nov., 1865
29,935McDowell, JohnsonAuburnloss l. leg$18.00 June, 1864
181,894McFarland, Ann ESterlingwidow$10.00 Mar., 1874
204,612Mcgraw, Franklin fAuburnchron. Diarr$4.00 Aug., 1865
23,410McGuigan, Chas.Atwateract. March 9, '78$8.00 July, 1878
6,656McIntyre, IraMartvillesurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
166,170Mckillop, CatharineLevanua-$8.00 Sept., 1867
172,141McKinny, LydiaMoraviadep. Mother$8.00 Feb., 1876
112,711McKissick, Mary JAuburnwidow$8.00 June, 1866
91,337McLaughlin, GertrudeAuburnmother$8.00 Aug., 1865
189,629McLaury, Wm. SNorth Victoryinjury to abdomen$8.00 July, 1865
56,139McNamara, CorneliusAuburng. s. w. l. shoul$8.00 Jan., 1866
11,963Mead, Elias AMoraviaw. lft. H$17.00 May, 1863
1,214Mead, PollyPort Byronwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
13,579Merrill, JennieAuburnwidow$8.00 Mar., 1863
22,426Merrill, VillareAuburnact March 9, 1886$8.00 June, -----
66,850Miles, PhebeKing's Ferry-$8.00 Jan., 1865
65,045Miller, AustinVictoryfrac. Rt. Forearm$12.00 June, 1866
162,086Miller, MariaWestburydep. Mother$8.00 Apr., 1873
56,212Mink, MaryMontezumawidow$8.00 May, 1864
72,324Minzil, AbigailUnion Springswidow$8.00 June, 1864
69,585Moore, Wm. CAuburnloss l. grt. Toe$4.00 Aug., 1865
5,544Morgan, LucretiaVenice Centrewidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
89,272Morris, MabalaWeedsport-$8.00 Jan., 1867
108,409Morse, BartonMoraviainjury to abdomen$12.00 -
2,144Mosely, LoisMoraviawidow$8.00 July, 1868
74,774Moss, ElizaMoraviadep. Mother$15.00 Oct., 1864
134,238Mowbray, JosephAuburninjury to abdomen$4.00 Apr., 1875
186,148Muldoon, JohnFleminginj. To abdomen & loss voice$12.00 Feb., 1865
35,546Mulvy, JamesAuburnhypertrophy of heart$18.00 Dec., 1864
28,444Munn, HoseaMoraviag. s. w. forearm$6.00 May, 1864
113,538Munson, AbrahamWeedsportg. s. w. l. arm$6.00 Sept., 1871
165,021Murphy, EdwSherwoodchr. Rheum$4.00 May, 1862
64,100Murphy, JnoAuburnshell w. r. knee$8.00 May, 1866
164,885Myers, MaryFlemingwidow$8.00 Jan., 1873
181,248Nagell, ElmiraAuburnwidow$12.00 Mar., 1876
31,695Nickason, James CAuburnw. l. arm$18.00 Oct., 1866
108,563Nugent, JnoUnion Springsinj. L. arm, chest & side & cystitis$12.00 Mar., 1871
65,572Oakley, ElijahSpring Lakeloss 3rd fin. R. h$2.00 May, 1865
125,039Obid, SimonGenoaamp. R. forefin. From g. s. w.$3.00 Sept., 1873
33,152O'Bien, James JCatowd. Lft. Leg$12.00 Oct., 1864
51,996O'Brien, PatrickMontezumafrac. Rt. Thigh bone$6.00 Feb., 1872
9,085O'Brien, TerrenceAuburninjury to abdomen$6.00 Jan., 1859
6,585Odell, AlliceKelloggsvillewidow 1812$8.00 Nov., 1874
101,560O'Mara, DenisAuburng. s. w. l. hand$8.00 Dec., 1869
67,210O'Neil, MaryMoraviawidow$8.00 Oct., 1864
23,899Owen, MosierPort Byronloss l. arm above el$24.00 Feb., 1864
139,570Palmer, Levi EAuburng. s. w. l. arm$3.00 July, 1875
193,246Palmer, Morton MAurorag. s. w. l. thi$4.00 May, 1865
6,618Palmer, SallyGoodyear'swidow 1812$8.00 Dec., 1874
6,224Palmer, SusanAuburnwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
32,804Palmeter, SallyMeridianact March 9, 1878$8.00 July, 1882
38,984Parker, Earland SAuburnw. l. hand & l. mid. Tin., & c$7.00 Mar., 1865
121,028Parker, Edw. DAuburng. s. w. l. thi. & chr. Diarr$10.00 Oct.,1871
177,613Parker, Mary A.Auburnwidow$8.00 May, 1876
196, 504Parker, PhilipAuburndep. father$8.00 May, 1864
18,257Parks, LucyUnion Springswidow$8.00 Mar., 1861
35,287Parr, Lucy AGoodyear'swidow$8.00 May, 1864
85,627Patchey, JohnLedyarddis. Liv., spl'n, dropsy, & diarr$4.00 May, 1867
135,476Paterson, Chas. HWeedsportinjury to abdomen$8.00 Aug., 1875
177,255Pattridge, CatharineAuburnmother$8.00 July, 1867
150,817Pease, Abby KMoraviawidow$8.00 Mar., 1870
206,645Pelt, Frederick TAuburng. s. w. rt. Shoul$11.25 Aug., 1869
130,593Pelton, StephenNorth Victorychron. Bron. & catar$12.00 Oct., 1874
75,551Perkins, Wm. JAuburnwd. Rt. Shoul$4.00 -
83,285Perry, Sarah AnnMontezuma-$8.00 Jan., 1865
11,404Peters, HermanDresservillesurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
126,086Peterson, Agusta MAuburnwidow$20.00 Mar., 1869
32,566Pettit, DortastusFair Havenwd. Rt. Arm$6.00 July, 1863
114,810Phelps, Newton JAuburninjury to abdomen$8.00 Dec., 1871
200,975Pickard, ConradAuburnchron. Diarr$4.00 Aug., 1865
26,189Pickard, JaneAuburnwidow$8.00 July, 1863
4,031Pierce, BetseyEast Venicesurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
139,499Pierce, Cha. OGoodyear'sloss sight lft. Eye$8.00 May, 1876
220,382Pierce, Jno WWeedsportg. s. w. l. h. & par. L. index fin$4.00 May, 1863
141,648Pinckney, LumonPort Byroninjury to abdomen$8.00 Sept., 1876
207,193Pitcher, JohnAuburng. s. w. l. h. & back$4.00 Sept., 1865
7,328Platt, RebeccaMoraviadep. Mother$8.00 Oct., 1863
81,263Posson, EdwSterling Stationwd. Rt. Ankle & epilepsy$24.00 May, 1867
187,379Post, Horace GFlemingrheum. & dis.of ht$6.00 May, 1863
14,313Potter, DeliaAuburnact Mar. 9, '80$8.00 -
115,176Powers, CyrusMoraviachr. Diarr$11.33 Feb., 1871
85,980Quigley, MargaretAuburndep. Mother$8.00 Nov., 1866
7,341Ramford, GeorgeNorth Victoryloss l. arm$24.00 -
174,267Randall, FrankPort Byrong. s. w. l. side$4.00 June, 1865
138,702Randall, PerryPort Byrong. s. w. l. leg$2.00 July, 1873
70,820Ransier, Geo. RPort Byronchr. Diarr. And rheum$8.00 Sept., 1866
115,230Reed, Sam'l SLockeloss l. h.accidental g. s. w.$18.00 Jan., 1872
67,028Reidy, MargaretAuburnwidow$8.00 Mar., 1865
195,989Renahan, JamesAuburninjury to abdomen$6.00 Sept., 1865
121,075Rennin, RobertAuburng. s. w. rt. Arm$4.00 Jan., 1873
25,451Reynolds, DanielMoraviaact March 9, 1878$8.00 June, 1880
32,032Reynolds, Geo. WConquestgen. anasarea, dis. Ht. & kid$17.00 May, 1863
18,591Reynolds, LucyMoraviaact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
198,276Reynolds, Robert WDresservilleg. s. w. l. leg$1.00 June, 1865
206,111Rhonbottom, MortimerMontezumainj. Rt. Hand$2.00 Nov., 1865
11,715Rich, HannahCatoact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
188,567Rich, JacobAuburnrheum$8.00 Aug., 1865
173,178Rich, Wm. BPort Byroninj. To abd., piles, & c$12.00 June, 1865
67,514Richardson, Geo. WAuburninj. To l. ank$20.00 July, 1866
10,228Richardson, JnoSemproniussurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
115,456Richardson, JnoMoraviag. s. w. rt. arm$18.00 Jan., 1872
9,570Richardson, RhodaMoraviaact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
13,026Richardson, SusanDresservilleact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
13,712Rinehan, MichaelAuburninjury to abdomen$14.00 June, 1863
132,364Rinehart, Philip HFair Havenloss r. forefin$3.00 Oct., 1874
47,046Roberts. GeoAuburng. s. w. l. hand$8.00 Dec., 1871
11,782Robinson, Ann DPoplar Ridgeact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
82,832Rodgers, WmWeedsportscurvy & ingul. Ht. dis$18.00 July, 1867
74,618Roe, ElizaMoraviadep. Mother$17.00 Feb., 1865
60,084Root, James PVictoryloss l. arm$24.00 Mar., 1866
110,543Rose, EllenMoraviadep. Mother$8.00 July, 1864
176,140Roseboom, Garret PAuburndis. L. ear$4.00 May, 1865
41,234Ross, JoannaLevanuawidow$8.00 June, 1864
127,205Rotenhiser, Wm. BWeedsportcatarrh$8.00 Aug., 1865
103,197Ruleff, JnoCatog. s. w. l. thi$6.00 May, 1870
77,815Runnell, Amos AAuburng. s. w. of face$8.00 Feb., 1867
93,372Russell, AlfredAuburnchr. Nephritis$24.00 -
220,116Russell, Chas. HLedyardg. s. w. both shoul$4.00 June, 1865
30,253Rust, Henrietta MWeedsportwidow$8.00 Oct., 1862
937Ryan, ElinoreNew Hopesurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
147,949Ryan, WmAuburnsunstroke & chr. Diarr$12.00 Dec., 1874
165,036Sabina, Wilbur PVictorychr. Diarr$4.00 May, 1864
154,576Saint, Leonard CFair Haveng. s. w.lft.thi.$4.00 Aug., 1878
134,373Salsbury, DavidAuburnchr. Rheum$8.00 Mar., 1875
194,929Salver, Alex BAuburnchron. Diarr$12.00 Oct., 1862
21,057Sample, CatharineWeedsport-$8.00 Mar., 1878
46,052Sampson, Alonzo MSterlingvilleg. s. w. rt. leg$4.00 May, 1865
190,063Samson, Silas AMartvillechr. Rheum$4.00 June, 1865
93,040Sanborn, OrseanmsFair Haveng. s. w. lft. Shoul. & back$18.00 Sept., 1868
37,377Savery, John EAuburnwd. L. forearm$15.00 Mar., 1864
122,325Sayler, Eugene SAuburninjury to abdomen$10.00 Mar., 1873
32,401Schermehorn, BurdettCayugag. s. w. rt. leg$6.00 Sept., 1864
16,764Scott, AbramVictorysurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
139,296Scott, JoannaWeedsport-$8.00 Aug., 1865
122,148Scott, WesleyAuburnpartial paralysis l. arm$8.00 Mar., 1873
33,471Scully, JaneKing's Ferrywidow$8.00 Aug., 1863
25,545Searing, Jno SPoplar Ridgesurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
189,720Sears, EllaPort Byron-$8.00 June, 1879
100,260Seeber, Jno LLedyardg. s. w. lft. Leg$4.00 Sept., 1871
63,096Setright, PatrickCatowd. L. arm & chest$18.00 July, 1865
158,661Shafer, Abram SFair Havenlung dis$8.00 Sept., 1864
54,039Shapley, Chas. HAuburnwd. L. thi$8.00 Mar., 1868
177,626Shaver, Abijah BAuburnrheum. & ht dis$8.00 Oct., 1880
70,410Shaw, Betty AnnWeedsport-$8.00 Apr., 1864
60,258Shaw, MargaretMoraviadep. Mother$8.00 Aug., 1863
112,739Shearman, BriceSterlingvillechr. Diarr., dis abd. Vis., & c$4.00 Feb., 1871
195,985Shehan, JnoAuburnminors of$16.00 Oct., 1876
31,910Sheldon, LydiaAuburnwidow 1812$8.00 Aug., 1881
179,775Sherman, AlexanderMoraviaminor of$10.00 Jan., 1877
81,392Sherman, LesterCatowd. L. shoul$8.00 May, 1867
214,046Sherman, RobtFair Haveng. s. w. of back$2.00 June, 1862
56,459Sherman, SamlFair Haveng. s. w. lft. Shoul. & lung$14.00 Jan., 1866
56,630Shillinburg, PeterOwascowd. Lft. Foot$6.00 July, 1865
161,302Shimer, GeoMoraviadis. Of bladder$2.00 Aug., 1865
182,746Shimer, Rachel AMoraviadep. Mother$8.00 Mar., 1878
97,965Shook, SallyAurora-$8.00 Aug., 1867
82,577Showers, Chas. HFair Haveng. s. w. l. arm & b. legs$6.00 June, 1867
70,005Simmons, GeoUnion Springschr. Nephritis$8.00 Feb., 1865
96,535Skelton, ThomasWeedsportg. s. w. rt. thi$7.00 Mar., 1869
11,228Slater, AnnAuburnwidow$8.00 Mar., 1863
155,606Slayton, Edwin MPort Byrondis. Of kid$15.00 Sept., 1878
124,126Slocum, AlbertLockelung dis$4.00 Feb., 1873
170,115Smith, Benj. TUnion Springsdis. Of lungs$4.00 Nov., 1865
56,452Smith, ElectaAuburnmother$8.00 Jan., 1864
93,793Smith, LorenzoWeedsportw. rt shoul$4.00 May, 1865
89,971Smith, MariaPort Byron-$8.00 Mar., 1865
70,282Smith, Oliver MSterling-$8.00 Apr., 1864
121,382Smith, PhebeAuburnmother$8.00 Apr., 1864
53,842Smith, RuthVenicewidow$8.00 Nov., 1864
122,025Smith, Turman TIra Hilldis. Of eyes$24.00 Mar., 1873
187,877Smith, Wm. PMoraviadis. Of skin$4.00 Dec., 1862
44,620Snyder, AlbertSpring Lakeloss rt. Leg$18.00 June, 1865
90,789Souls, Hobart WAuburnhead dis$8.00 May, 1865
-Sperry, Nelson DAuburnbron. Ch. Diarr$8.00 June, 1882
7,334Spickerman, AbrahamWestburysurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
158,314Spickerman, JohnGoodyear'sg. s. w. of back$6.00 May, 1865
14,890Springer, CynthiaSemproniusact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
66,149Springer, ElishaNilesg. s. w. of chest$6.00 June, 1865
206,994Spurr, EdwinVictoryg. s. w. of back$2.00 May, 1865
192,368Squyer, Ellen FGoodyear'swidow$20.00 Apr., 1879
16,842St. Croix, Louis P. DeNorth Victoryw. l. leg$4.00 June, 1863
23,689Stagg, SarahCato-$8.00 Sept., ----
186,547Stearns, Fanny M. J.Moraviawidow$8.00 May, 1879
20,566Stewart, Robt. MSterling Valleysurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
28,336Stewartm AniceOwascoact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
77,053Stillwell, Rasselas RPort Byroninj. R. h.$8.00 May, 1869
53,751Stoddard, AdaMoraviawidow$8.00 July, 1864
57,670Stone, Elizabeth MAuburnwidow$15.00 Jan., 1865
53,302Stone, Rosaline LAuburnmother$8.00 Apr., 1864
150,703Strong, Chapman LAuburnsunstroke$6.00 Jan., 1878
33,935Strong, Rebecca JPort Byron-$8.00 May, 1864
60,250Stupp, Chas. JAuburng. s. w. l. h. & l. shoul$4.00 Mar., 1866
101,765Stupp, Frank JAuburng. s. w. of face$8.00 June, 1865
118,917Sturge, PhilipWeedsportg. s. w. of head$7.50 Sept., 1872
70,804Sullivan, MaryAuburnmother$8.00 May, 1864
161,369Swift, Eunice EPort Byron-$17.00 Mar., 1873
12,208Swift, RachelMontezuma-$8.00 May, 1863
14,624Sylvester, ClarkSterling Valleywd. Face, affect. Eyes$8.00 Dec., 1862
25,464Symonds, SirenusComowd. Rt. Hip$4.00 Dec., 1863
123,434Tanner, Geo. LAuburng. s. w. thro. Rt. Shoul. & b$18.00 May, 1873
16,327Tarbox, Mary CNorth Fairact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
211,343Taylor, SmithPort Byrong. s. w. l. side of neck$2.00 June, 1865
160,347Taylor, Wm. HWestburyg. s. w. face & neck$6.00 Apr., 1871
213,318Taylor, Wm. HWeedsportpartial deafness$6.00 June, 1865
14,949Teachout, JaneVictory-$8.00 -
9,715Teed, DanielMoraviasurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
134,850Teller, Mary EAuburnmother$8.00 Oct., 1864
55,096Temey, ThomasAuroravaricose veins l. leg$2.00 June, 1865
143,850Terry, JamesAuburninjury to abdomen$4.00 Aug., 1871
2,033Terry, WmDresservilleg. s. w. l. thi$6.00 July, 1878
113,039Terwilliger, CathPort Byron-$8.00 May, 1868
9,811Terwilliger, ElizabethSennettdep. Mother$8.00 Oct., 1862
111,856Thatcher, RachelForestvillewidow$8.00 Apr., 1865
185,680Thomas, Emma APort Byron-$8.00 Mar., 1879
29,939Thomas, Jno AMoravialoss rt. Leg$18.00 Apr., 1864
143,222Thompson, Ira DAuburng. s. w. lft leg$3.00 Sept., 1875
40,243Thompson, Laura EMeridianwidow$8.00 Oct., 1863
109,936Tidd, WmMoraviachr. Rheum$8.00 May, 1871
55,096Tierney, MaryAurorawidow$8.00 June, 1864
123,549Tifft, JnoMoraviachr. Dis. Of liver$3.00 June, 1873
15,843Tilford, NancySterling Valleyact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
163,650Tinker, JeffersonSemproniuss. wd. Rt. Leg$2.00 Sept., 1865
177,627Titus, Stephen MMoraviachr. Diarr$4.00 Aug., 1865
130,038Tompkins, Warren BScipiovillechr. Dir. Of bowels$8.00 Sept., 1874
120Townsend, HiramAuburng. s. w. of thi$5.00 May. 1854
54,635Trair, Jay ENew Hopeg. s. w. rt. leg$8.00 Jan., 1866
64,421Travis, SimpsonAuburng. s. w. rt. Hand$12.00 May, 1866
135,036Trulan, Harriet SSennett-$17.00 Jan., 1879
23,951Tryon, Casper DWeedsport-$8.00 Aug., 1878
60,489Turner, EdwWeedsportamp. Lft. Thigh$24.00 Mar., 1866
148,156Turner, JuliaCatowidow$8.00 Jan., 1871
129,419Tyler, Francis LSennettg. s. w. rt. hand$4.00 Dec., 1873
17,033Upham, AbijahWestburysurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
218,905Upham, Daniel KWestburydis. Of eyes$2.00 June, 1865
37,374Upham, Geo. HAuburnchr. Diarr$6.00 Jan., 1865
119,322Vader, BishopAuburng. s. w. l. thi.$6.00 Apr., 1872
180,670Van Alstine, OliveWestburywidow$10.00 Mar., 1877
74,535Van Arsdale, Mary AOwascowidow$8.00 May, 1864
82,940Van Kleck, Wm. H.Auburndis. bt. & rheum$4.00 Aug., 1865
67,964Van Marter, PhilindaSterlingvillewidow$8.00 Jan., 1865
50,093Van Middlesworth, IAuburntumor rt. Side$4.00 May, 1865
17,232Van Patten, FrederickSterling Stationwd. L. thi. & rt. Hip$10.00 Sept., 1863
120,903Van Schaick, AurealiaWeedsport-$8.00 June, 1864
74,787Van Vleck, Sarah EWeedsport-$8.00 June, 1865
226Van Wagner, CorneliaWeedsportwidow$8.00 -
8,030Vann, RebeccaMeridian-$8.00 -
47,029Vasseler, Geo WVictorywd. L. thi$3.00 May, 1865
64,495Verplank, Geo. WPort Byronw. l. thi$8.00 Oct., 1865
54,559Wakeley, Betsey ELockewidow$8.00 Mar., 1863
146,376Waldron, CharlotteSennettwidow$8.00 Dec., 1862
181,796Walker, Alfred SCatochr. Rheum., dis. Liv$6.00 Nov., 1864
172,671Walker, DianaCayugadep. Mother$8.00 Nov., 1872
93,481Wallace, HellenOwascodep. Mother$8.00 Apr., 1867
12,582Ward, Mary JWeedsport-$8.00 Mar., 1878
73,445Ware, ClarencePort Byrong. s. w. l. foot$12.00 Oct., 1864
169,217Ware, MaryPort Byron-$8.00 Oct., 1867
46,393Warren, RichardPort Byrong. s. w. rt. thi$5.00 Feb., 1870
188,980Waters, MaryCayuga Villagedep. Mother$8.00 Sept., 1861
22,735Watkins, Susan SWeedsportact March 9, 1878$8.00 Oct., 1878
187,506Weber, JohnAuburnchr. Rheum & diarr$8.00 June, 1865
56,441Webster, Wm. EAuburnwd. Lft thi$18.00 Jan., 1866
28,335Webter, JuliaAuburnact. Mar. 9, '78$8.00 Aug., 1879
25,466Weeks, Geo. HKing's Ferryg. s. w. l. leg$4.00 June, 1877
120,031Wells, James BMoraviarheum$8.00 -
185,802Wells, Julia APort Byron-$8.00 June, 1871
136,329Wendover, JamesVictoryg. s. w. rt. leg$4.00 July, 1875
62,970Wendover, Jno. VAuburnfrac. Rt. Femur$18.00 Sept., 1865
116,554Wendover, Wm. CVictoryamp. R. index fin. & chr. Diarr$6.00 Apr., 1872
168,786West, SallyLevanuadep. Mother$8.00 May, 1873
63,090Westfall, Sidney JAuburnloss rt. Arm$24.00 May, 1866
17,551Wethey, AmyPort Byronact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
171,201Wheeler, Sarah AnnAuburnmother$8.00 May, 1874
190,657Whipple, Charles CGenoainj. L. side & dis. Of kid$4.00 June, 1862
66,178Whipple, Edwin MAuburnwd. Rt. Shoul$10.00 June, 1866
178,359Whipple, EmmetLockedis. Of h't, chr. Diarr, & piles$8.00 Oct., 1880
22,750White, AlansonSennettact March 9, 1878$8.00 July, 1878
7,158White, AnnaAuburnwidow$8.00 Oct.,1863
2,856White, EuniceLockesurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871
170,432White, Jno HMeridianminor of$10.00 Mar., 1874
110,196Whitling, AsalphVeniceg. s. w. rt. Wrist$2.00 Aug., 1865
54,035Whittield, EbenAuburninj. Rt. Side & l. h$17.00 Dec., 1865
183, 789Wickes, Sterling WAuburng. s. w. rt. Leg$4.00 June, 1865
56,442Wiggins, ChasFair Haveng. s. w. rt. Shoulder$18.00 Jan., 1866
130,299Wiggins, Jefferson GAuburng. s. w. l. leg$4.00 Sept., 1873
187,894Wilber, Lewis FBethel Cornerschr. Diarr., inj. To abd$12.00 July, 1865
121,306Wilcox, Edw. HAuburninj. L. leg$10.00 Jan., 1873
38,736Wilcox, Vashti IIAuburnwidow$8.00 Dec., 1862
91,259Wilde, HiramWeedsporttotal blindness$72.00 June, 1868
60,488Wilkins, WmMoraviahypertrophy of heart$6.00 Feb., 1870
23,412Williams, JniFair Havenact March 9, 1878$8.00 July, 1878
178,620Williams, Nathan CNew Hopechr. Diarr$8.00 July, 1865
136,264Wilman, AdolphAuburng. s. w. l. h. & arm$15.00 Mar., 1875
65,558Wilson, AmosPort Byronwd. Rt. Thi$4.00 Jan., 1868
25,799Wilson, CatharineVictoryact March 9, 1878$8.00 Mar., 1878
117, 306Wilson, DavidVictoryg. s. w. l. h. & rt. Shoul$2.00 Dec., 1870
183,564Wilson, ElanorPort Byron-$8.00 Nov., 1876
32,092Wilson, Philip BPort Byronwd. Lft. Arm$18.00 Mar., 1864
93,537Wilson, RobtWeedsportg. s. w. lft. Thi$8.00 Oct., 1868
88,478Wilson, William JWeedsportwd. Rt. Thigh$6.00 Jan. , 1868
161, 750Wood, Wm. AAuburndep. Father$8.00 Apr., 1873
56,461Woodall, Jn. JAuburnwd. L. leg & head$4.00 June, 1865
196,035Wooding, Edmund CAuburndis. Of heart$8.00 Jan., 1865
34Woodworth, ElijahAuburnwd. Rt. Hand$7.50 -
24,280Woodworth, Mary MUnion Springswidow$8.00 -
20,482Worden, AnnAuburnact Mar. 9, '79$8.00 Mar., 1878
185,769Wormer, HenryFair Havenchr. Rheum., dis. Of ht.$12.00 Apr., 1862
178,356Wormwood, Chas. VAuburndis. Abdominal viscera$4.00 Nov., 1864
104,408Wright, Sam'l NAuburng. wd. L. leg$3.00 July, 1865
294,729Wright, William ASennettg. s. w. r. knee$2.00 July, 1865
72,356Wyman, ArnoldMontezumag. s. w. l. thigh$18.75 -
42,668York, Lucy AKelloggsvillewidow$8.00 July, 1864
113,137Young, Benj. FSemproniusg. s. w. l'ft shoul. & back$6.00 Aug., 1871
32,093Young, Harriet LEast Veniceact March 9, 1878$8.00 May, 1881
11,566Young, HiramAtwatersurv. 1812$8.00 Feb., 1871

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