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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Union County, New Jersey

January 1, 1883

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1883 Union County, New Jersey List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
73,403Anderson, Stewart MRahway-$4.00Oct., 1866
1,853Andrews, AmosPlainfieldw abdomen$10.00Feb., 1876
16,018Atkins, AlfredRosellew l arm$18.00Aug., 1863
115,542Austin, Henry CElizabethw l arm$6.00Feb., 1872
135,918Ayers, Wm BPlainfieldw r thigh$8.00Sept., 1875
98,673Babcock, Wm HRahwayinjury to abdomen$4.00July, 1869
58,355Badgley, AmosSpringfieldw r shoulder$4.00Feb., 1866
180,371Bailey, ColumbusLyonsw l leg$2.00Dec., 1880
144,977Bailey, Wm PPlainfieldparalysis agitans$72.00May, 1877
78,935Beckman, Mary EWestfieldwidow$8.00July, 1866
59,140Bell, JasElizabethloss r thigh$24.00Mar., 1865
35,571Bernhard, TheresaRahwaywidow$8.00Oct., 1867
39,139Bodwell, Jas LRahway-$15.00Mar., 1866
93,876Boles, Albert HElizabeth1 3 & 4 fing r hd & w breast$14.00Nov., 1864
169,598Bonnell, Edward CElizabethdiarr &c$6.00June, 1880
94,645Boyle, Jno T.Rahway-$5.00-
143,491Bragga, CamilloElizabethw l arm$4.00Jan., 1877
1,386Brantingham, C. A.Plainfieldwidow$8.00May, 1875
190,894Brill, LucindaRahwaymother$15.00Jan., 1881
74,390Broderick, Phebe EElizabethwidow$8.00Dec., 1866
28,721Broudstetter, Wm.Elizabeth-$18.00May, 1864
23,847Brown, NathanElizabethsurv 1812$8.00Aug., 1878
64,377Burlem, Sylvester B.Rahwayw r arm$14.00May, 1866
48,373Burns, MaryElizabethwidow$8.00Oct., 1867
28,302Burrows, Martha HPlainfieldwidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1879
121,420Bussing, EdwinWestfieldw r thigh & effects$8.00Feb., 1873
41,787Butler, AnnElizabethwidow$8.00Feb., 1863
30,235Butler, SarahElizabethwidow$8.00Sept., 1867
42,700Cannon, JosephElizabeth-$4.00May, 1863
174,278Carigan, ThosRahwayw r thigh$4.00Sept., 1880
203,403Carman, Ira CElizabethinjury to abdomen$10.00Feb., 1882
125,285Carroll, PaulElizabethinj r hand$6.00Oct., 1873
146,162Cary, Johnson WElizabethw l shoulder$1.00June, 1877
124, 586Chandler, maryPlainfieldmother$8.00Feb., 1869
165,193Cladet, Jno JRahwayinr r leg var veins both legs$17.50Mar., 1880
130,527Clark, ElizabethElizabethwidow$30.00June, 1869
149,227Clark, RobtSummitw r leg$4.00Nov., 1879
40,196Connelly, JasElizabethw l wrist$8.00Mar., 1863
172,391Conover, Wm. HElizabethch rheu$2.00Aug., 1880
151,275Cook, Alfred LWestfieldch diarr & rheum$24.00-
74,890Cook, Cyrus EElizabeth--Dec., 1865
96,604Cook, Emma LRahwaywidow$8.00June, 1867
14,549Corwine, AnnestaRosellewidow$8.00Feb., 1864
122,683Cotton, MaryElizabethmother$8.00Dec., 1868
47,989Cox, ElizaWestfieldwidow$8.00Mar., 1869
79,437Crane, Augustus BRahway-$4.00Apr., 1867
5,684Crane, EsthaUnionwidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1872
15,319Crane, MaryUnionwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
20,456Crane, Sarah AnnPlainfieldwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
34,146Crowell, Thos LRahwayw r forearm$18.00Nov., 1864
167,365Cunliff, Jno SElizabethw l thigh$2.00Apr., 1880
20,464Darcy, Eliza AnnSummitwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
214,283Dealey, JamesElizabethw l leg$2.00June, 1882
31,687Decker, SarahRahwaywidow 1812$8.00May, 1881
-DeHart, Mary HElizabethwidow$20.00-
9,896Deochual, ConradRahwayinjury to abdomen$4.00Aug., 1862
160,389Dickert, JosephElizabethdis left eye$4.00June, 1879
45,206Doane, Thaddeus OPlainfieldw l side head$6.00May, 1877
101,165Doty, CorneliusLyonsw l ankle$4.00-
40,569Dougherty, MichaelElizabethw l arm$12.00Apr., 1863
76,495Douglass, Frank WElizabethw forearm$5.33-1/2Jan., 1867
96,709Downer, BarbaraElizabethwidow$8.00July, 1867
164,450Drake, Jas MadisonElizabethdis of abdominal viscera$8.00Jan., 1880
43,175Drake, Silas DElizabeth-$18.00May, 1863
34,281Dunham, Wm HRahwayloss left arm$24.00Nov., 1864
142,943Dunn, ThomasWestfieldinj left leg$5.00Sept., 1876
4,909Eaton, Eliza PPlainfieldmother$8.00Aug., 1863
186,877Eaton, GeoPlainfieldsh w head$4.00Apr., 1881
7,416Edgar, LydiaWestfieldwidow 1812$8.00July, 1878
127,231Ellwood, JamesElizabethw head and heart dis$8.00Mar., 1874
123Elwes, CatherineElizabethwidow$25.00Aug., 1858
153,909Emmens, James HLyonsw r leg$2.00June, 1878
204,165Erlewmeyer, AlbrechtElizabethw l leg$2.00Mar., 1882
193,511Faulks, WmPlainfieldinj to spine$4.00July, 1881
61,993Fine, JarvisElizabeth-$4.00Apr., 1866
180,546Fisher, IsaacSpringfieldw l chest &c$4.00Jan., 1881
12,148Foley, JnoRahwayw r arm$4.00Dec., 1874
185,248Force, Mary LPlainfieldmother$8.00Aug., 1879
18,487Fore, Mary ERahwaywidow$8.00Apr., 1880
108,022Fox, ThosElizabethw l leg$2.00May, 1868
166,926Franklin, Jno DElizabethw r thigh$2.00Apr., 1880
78,248Frazy, Wm RRahway-$6.00Nov., 1872
71,821Freeman, Sarah MRahwaywidow$8.00-
46,734Gaffny, AbbyElizabethwidow$8.00-
116,201Garthwaite, Sam'lUnionw chest &c$2.00Apr., 1872
179,845Gehring, JnoRahwaych rheum$2.00Dec., 1880
189,902Glazier, Eliza J FRahwaymother$8.00Oct., 1880
208,121Godshalk, SamuelWestfieldch bronchitis & rheum$2.00May, 1882
11,579Golden, DorcasElizabethwidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
3,135Goodwin, Ezra S.Elizabeths stke & results of fev & ag$17.50Apr., 1881
198,346Goodwin, Jno A., alias JukeschwanPlainfieldsh w l hip ch rheum$12.00Nov., 1881
14,853Gouge, CatharineElizabethwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
64,236Green, Wm. HElizabethw l leg$3.00May, 1866
31,022Hade, CatharineElizabethwidow$8.00-
26,088Hall, SusanLindenwindow 1812$8.00July, 1879
181,289Halstead, Geo WElizabethw r thigh$4.00Jan., 1881
2,051Hamilton, Annie L. F.Elizabethwidow$27.00Jan., 1875
22,695Hanek, PeterElizabethw loss 2 fing left hand$6.00Jan., 1864
74,468Harris, ChaunceyElizabeth-$10.00Nov., 1866
170,174Harris, Wm HRahwayinj r knee$4.00June, 1880
179,569Harvey, Jno HRahwayin to abdomen & ch rheum$10.00Dec., 1880
91,474Hawley, Seth EPlainfieldw l chest &c$10.00June, 1868
7,342Healey, MaryRahwaywidow$8.00-
204,103Heath, GeoRahwaydis eyes$8.00Mar., 1882
184,518Hedden, WmPlainfieldw l forearm$4.00Mar., 1881
30,925Heim, GottleibElizabethw l ft loss sight r eye$6.00July, 1861
45,970Henderson, ArchibaldElizabethloss l leg$24.00July, 1865
128,762Henry, Wm.Elizabeth-$8.00June, 1874
30,989Himter, JnoRahwayloss left arm$24.00July, 1864
31,856Hodgins, GeoElizabeth-$8.00May, 1864
180,356Hoekle, JnoRahwayw r leg &c$4.00Dec., 1880
213,742Holstein, OscarUnionampt r foot$18.00June, 1882
41,987Jenkins, Augustus GElizabethw r wrist$18.00May, 1865
185,207Jewell, SarahPlainfieldmother$8.00Aug., 1879
88,607Johnson, AgnesRahwaymother$8.00Jan., 1867
197,571Jones, Obediah FRahwayw l side head$2.00Nov., 1881
169,612Kab, CatharineElizabethmother$8.00June, 1875
65,240Kearney, EllenPlainfieldwidow$8.00-
80,756Kentz, JuliaElizabethwidow$8.00-
17,086King, Gilbert SRoselleloss left arm$24.00Sept., 1863
140,166Kleyle, XavierElizabethinjury to abdomen$4.00Aug., 1876
204,522Knapp, Arthur WElizabethw l shoulder$4.00Mar., 1882
31,176Knapp, Benj FMadison-$18.00July, 1864
13,479Laing, Noah SRahwayw fracture l ankle$12.00June, 1865
58,259Laing, Sarah ERahwaywidow$8.00-
134,236Lambert, EugeneElizabethw face & arm$12.00-
28,591Lely, MargaretPlainfieldwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1880
57,816Leonard, JnoElizabethw r elbow$12.00Apr., 1874
13,966Linbarger, MaryRahwaymother$8.00Feb., 1864
371Long, JnoElizabethloss left arm$24.00Sept., 1866
60,032Lunger, CarolinePlainfieldwidow$8.00-
75,765Luster, Robert G.Elizabeth-$2.00Dec., 1866
87,660Lutz, Jno BElizabethw l thigh$13.00July, 1874
149,228Lyon, WashingtonSpringfieldw l shoulder$2.00Nov., 1877
197,739Mahan, Mary HelenaElizabethwidow$30.00Nov., 1882
32,595Mandeville, EmmaRahwaydep mother$8.00Dec., 1864
149,808Marsh, Reuben GSpringfieldw l thigh$5.00Dec., 1877
7,583Martin, Isabella MElizabethwidow$20.00-
25,775Martin, JnoElizabethloss left arm$24.00Mar., 1864
58,376Maxson, JoannaPlainfieldwidow$8.00-
128,324Mayson, JosephUnionw r leg thigh$4.00May, 1874
183,382McCabe, JnoElizabethinj left leg$14.00Feb., 1881
22,698McDermott, PatrickElizabeth-$6.00Oct., 1872
184,894McDonald, JasElizabethch diarr$4.00Mar., 1881
175,221McGeehan, danielSpringfieldinj of head$6.00Oct., 1880
122,978McGum, PeterElizabethw l leg$3.00May, 1872
14,030McMahon, MichaelElizabethw r shoulder$4.00June, 1863
109,515Merrick, AlbertRahwaych diarr$14.00Apr., 1871
30,395Miller, Wm. HElizabethloss left arm$24.00June, 1864
27,921Miner, Oscar P.Lindeninsanity from typhoid fever$8.00Nov., 1862
212,741Mollison, Henry LPlainfieldw r ft$2.00June, 1882
173,676Moneton, MahalaPlainfieldwidow$8.00June, 1876
33,094Moore, ElizabethRahwaydep mother$17.00Oct., 1864
210,898Moore, Geo WPlainfielddis r eye$6.00June, 1882
133,252Moore, Samuel SPlainfieldw l wrist$8.00Nov., 1875
188,603Morse, Epraim CPlainfieldloss r eye$6.00May, 1881
52,989Muddell, EbenezerRahway-$5.66-2/3Nov., 1865
1,631Muldam, Elizabeth HElizabethwidow$30.00-
166,735Mulick, ConorElizabethinj and varicose veins l leg$6.00June, 1880
187,048Mundy, RobtPlainfieldw r leg$2.00Apr., 1881
195,388Murphey, AnnElizabethmother$8.00Apr., 1882
188,897Naylor, JacobPlainfieldw l ankle$6.00May, 1881
193,573Neal, WmPlainfieldfather$8.00Nov., 1881
63,583Neal, Wm TElizabethloss r arm$24.00May, 1866
95,995Newbury, ed S EElizabeth-$15.00Aug., 1871
15,792Nichols, Mary AnnPlainfieldwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
36,712Oliver, Jos BRahway-$18.00Jan., 1865
83,666Packard, Jos CElizabethw l ankle$4.00-
7,567Patten, Sarah TElizabethwidow$15.00Sept., 1882
156,306Paul, Jas DElizabethsh w l hip$4.00Nov., 1878
25,714Petit, maryElizabethwidow$8.00Mar., 1867
211,313Piteairn, Jno MElizabethinjury to abdomen$2.00June, 1882
165,672Platt, Maria LElizabethwidow$20.00July, 1874
35,494Plum, Geo MRahway-$18.00Dec., 1864
135,899Pope, Christopher DPlainfieldw l hand$5.00Sept., 1875
39,682Powell, Stephen HElizabethloss r leg$24.00May, 1865
2,117Poysher, MiriamRahwaymother$8.00Oct., 1875
134,771Pratzner, Jno GPlainfieldw r hand &c$6.00July, 1875
130,114Price, Geo MElizabethvaricose veins l leg$4.00Sept., 1874
172,374Putnam, EllisRahwayinj r shoulder &c$6.00Aug., 1880
59,612Randolph, Albert FPlainfieldw l shoulder &c$12.00Mar., 1866
57,817Randolph, AnthonyRahwayloss l arm$24.00Feb., 1866
173,399Randolph, CarolineElizabethwidow$8.00May, 1876
2,249Randolph, Sam'l FPlainfield-$8.00June, 1876
208,222Rappleyea, Jerome NPlainfieldch diarr$20.00May, 1882
31,136Raw, LeonhartElizabethw r hip$6.00July, 1864
118,264Reed, JamesElizabethw l arm$4.00Aug., 1872
166,296Reed, James WElizabethinj head & r hip$6.00Apr., 1880
158,222Reidelbach, MichaelLyonsinjury to abdomen$4.00Mar., 1879
79,234Reinhald, MichaelRahway-$4.00Mar., 1867
90,887Rennard, RoseElizabethwidow$8.00-
218,241Rhodes, Nathan CElizabethpartial loss l index fing inj left mid fing$4.00Sept., 1882
170,050Riedinger, BenjElizabethw head and heart dis$4.00June, 1880
1,384Roach, Jno BElizabeth-$5.00-
24,634Roberts, Ann E.Plainfieldwidow 1812$8.00June, 1879
3,079Robinson, HettyElizabethwidow$13.33-1/2-
203,329Rosenbower, Fred'kElizabethw of knee$4.00Feb., 1882
3,589Ryno, Susan WPlainfieldwidow$8.00-
79,637Ryno, WmRahwayw l leg$6.00Apr., 1867
168,201Sally, Benj YElizabethch diarr$2.00May, 1880
165,048Schewes, Martha LRahwaywidow$8.00May, 1874
137,338Scott, Henry CElizabethw r thigh$5.00Jan., 1876
197,729Seabring, PhilipElizabethw l knee$4.00Dec., 1881
122,591Sebaal, Fred'kRahwayw r hand &c$12.00Apr., 1873
107,494Seiman, MaryElizabethwidow$8.00-
178,730Sergeant, AlexPlainfieldw r ft$2.00Nov., 1880
5,104Sheldon, MaryPlainfieldwidow$8.00-
196,072Shipley, ElizabethRahwaywidow$8.00-
122,772Siess, GeoElizabethw r arm$4.00Apr., 1873
138,407Silkworth, John GRahwaych diarr$10.00Mar., 1876
147,335Silvers, Chas HPlainfieldw r arm$2.00July, 1887
190,643Simpson, Chas HRahwaych diarr$6.00June, 1881
43,841Smith, Jas BPlainfieldw thro' body$6.00June, 1865
163,649Smith, MontrovillePlainfieldw left hand$1.00Nov., 1879
56,728Snow, Emily CElizabethwidow$25.00Oct., 1865
158,345Somers, Wm FElizabethinj to head$6.00Mar., 1879
44,704Sorrell, daniel rElizabeth-$5.00June, 1863
17,096Spaulding, Chas FElizabethamp r arm$24.00Sept., 1875
34,120Spear, DavidWestfieldw r hand$8.00-
131,642Spicer, Jas GElizabethw r hand &c$4.00Jan., 1875
210,514Squier, Theodore ESpringfieldtotal deafness r ear$1.00June, 1882
22,528Starr, AlbartusPlainfieldsurv 1812$8.00June, 1878
76,127Stover, Geo WPlainfield-$10.00Jan., 1867
154,957Strien, Wm.Plainfieldw l shoulder$6.00Aug., 1878
89,547Stuckey, JacobElizabethw face$4.00-
82,858Stuckey, JnoElizabethw both thighs$16.00July, 1867
159,452Swain, Wm HSummitw l thigh$4.00Apr., 1879
148,741Talmadge, Absalom SRahwayw head and heart dis$6.00Oct., 1877
16,426Taylor, WmSpringfield-$8.00Sept., 1863
31,089Ten Eyck, Jane AnnElizabethwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1881
152,687Ten Eyck, Mary AnnSummitmother$8.00Aug., 1871
103,994TenBroeck, Peter IPlainfieldw r hip$6.00July 1870
163,607Thomas, Isaac CElizabethw r thigh$4.00Nov., 1879
176,461Thomas, Sophia SScotch Plainswidow$17.00Feb., 1877
2,462Thompson, Wm.Elizabethw r breast$6.00Jan., 1878
6,304Tooker, JoannaRahwaywidow$8.00-
30,736Totten, HarrietRahwaywidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1880
30,984Towle, Robt HRahway-$18.00July, 1864
67,022Townley, Alonzo CPlainfieldw r forearm$6.00June, 1866
35,304Townley, MaryWestfieldmother$8.00Dec., 1864
197,100Trapp, LawrenceElizabethinj left ankle$6.00Oct., 1881
89,952Treat, Catharine ERahwaywidow$8.00Feb., 1867
150,722Trowbridge, Henry AElizabethw both thighs$4.00Jan., 1878
20,221Tucker, AbigailElizabethwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
173,499Urniston, Dan'l GRahwayw abdomen$4.00Sept., 1880
197,328Vail, SarahLPmother$8.00Sept., 1882
53,144Van Cleaf, JnoRahway-$18.00Nov., 1865
179,547Van Hart, MartinElizabethdis heart$6.00Dec., 1880
184,658Van Pelt, Jno WElizabethw r side back$2.00Mar., 1881
109,227Vanderveer, Andrew HElizabethw r thigh$4.00Apr., 1871
111,467VanHorn, DorcasRahwaymother$8.00-
166,775Vanhorn, Jno WElizabethresults of measles$6.00Apr., 1880
68,094VanSeckle, BulahRahwaywidow$8.00-
175,213Walker, RobtPlainfieldrheum &c$4.00Oct., 1889
111,740Ward, Caleb WRahwayw chest &c$4.00July, 1871
91,404Ward, JnoElizabeth-$4.00June, 1868
83,047Ward, WmRahway-$4.00Mar., 1869
206,726Webster, Andrew MNew Providencesh w back$4.00Apr., 1882
20,454Weed, MaryElizabethwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
37,118Weiglr, HenryRoselle-$6.00Jan., 1865
93,118Weis, GeoElizabeth-$4.00Sept., 1868
54,902Welch, BridgetElizabethwidow$8.00Nov., 1867
42,549Wells, Frank SPlainfieldw l hand$3.40May, 1863
13,854Wescote, Julia APlainfieldwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
21,256Westerfield, CorneliusPlainfieldsurv 1812$8.00Dec., 1874
29,108Westpfohl, CharlesPlainfieldw body$8.00Sept., 1870
191,319Whelan, Mary AElizabethwidow$22.00Feb., 1881
190,409Whitehand, ClarksonRahwayw l forearm$2.00June, 1881
19,687Whitely, Francis M.Plainfieldinj spine w left hip$2.00Nov., 1863
163,698Wilbur, Chester BSpringfieldminor$10.00Jan., 1874
21,793Wilke, HenryElizabethw r ft$4.00Dec., 1883
168,471Willett, LewisPlainfieldw l arm$1.00May, 1889
171,442Williams, Jas HElizabethsunstroke$4.00July, 1866
184,554Williams, Jas HPlainfieldw r thigh$2.00Mar., 1881
141,061Williams, Mitchell CPlainfielddis heart$12.00-
68,903Williams, WhitedRahway-$4.00July, 1866
1,307Williamson, Susan T. E.Elizabethwidow$30.00June, 1873
10,104Wilson, JasElizabethinjury to abdomen$4.00Dec., 1862
184,853Wilson, JnoWestfieldw head$2.00Mar., 1881
15,574Winans, ElizabethRahwaywidow$8.00-
13,904Winans, SamuelLyonssurv 1812$8.00Mar., 1872
161,658Wode, GeoElizabethfather$8.00Apr., 1873
52,476Young, Margaret AElizabethwidow$8.00-
180,782Zohne, ElizabethElizabethwidow$8.00-

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