New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

January 1, 1883

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1883 Hillsborough County, New Hampshire List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
33923Abbott, Daniel C.Massabesicg.s.wd. rt. foot & dis. heart$12.00 -
217964Adams, Eben H.Hillsboroughg.s.wd. rt. hand$3.00 Sep 12, 1882
2279Adams, Emily A.Nashuawidow (Navy)$8.00 Nov 19, 1877
4856Adams, Harriet W.Bedfordwidow$8.00 -
278137Adams, Horace B.Nashuainjury to abdomen$6.00 -
206318Adams, SamuelBedforddis. heart$8.00 Apr 7, 1882
5652Adst, Nancy J.Hillsboro' Bridgewidow$8.00 Sep 7, 18631
170577Aiken, AndrewGoffstownchr. diarrh. & res.$50.00 -
32708Aldrich, Lyman W.Manchesterg.s.wd. l thigh & res.$6.00 -
4027Allen, KateNashuawidow$8.00 July 20, 1863
182624Ames, Addie E.Milfordwidow$10.00 Dec 9, 1878
156249Ames, Waitey L.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Mar 4, 1872
185886Amlaw, JuliaNashuamother$8.00 Oct 20, 1879
187785Amsden, Martha C.Milfordmother$8.00 Apr 14, 1880
217362Andrews, Joseph F.Nashuamal. poisoning$18.75 Aug 29, 1882
35852Angell, SylvesterHillsboroughdislocation rt. arm$18.00 -
64726Annis, Mary S.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
95200Annis, Susan G.Litchfieldwidow$8.00 May 28, 1867
10222Atherton, Henry B.Nashuawound to groin$10.00 Jan 28, 1863
196057Atwood, Elizabeth M.North Branchmother$8.00 June 10, 1882
40615Austin, Albert S.Amherstg.s.wd. r. forearm$4.00 -
88797Austin, Charles A.Petersboroughinjury to head$5.50 Feb 3, 1868
94983Ayres, MarthaManchesterwidow$8.00 May 22, 1867
120066Badger, Henry E.Manchesterg.s.wd. leg bel. knee$6.00 -
61303Bailey, Amos C.Francestownwound left shoulder$31.25 -
27011Bailey, CalvinPetersboroughg.s.wd. rt. index fing.$7.00 -
57998Bailey, JosephManchesterg.s.wd. rt. forearm$16.00 -
59530Bailey, Willis W.South Merrimackg.s.wd. left leg$4.00 -
60022Baker, AlexisHudsong.s. wd. l. hip & pelvis$6.00 -
188865Baker, MatildaManchesterwidow$8.00 June 26, 1880
106746Balch, John C.Manchesterdeafness rt. ear fr. inj.$1.00 -
93398Balcom, Charles H.New Ipswichchr. diarrh.$8.00 -
22011Ball, ThomasNashuawidow 1812$8.00 May 13, 1878
158031Ballou, AlbertBrooklineg.s.wd. rt. thigh$6.00 -
33298Barker, John A.Manchesterwd. of head$12.00 -
119521Barker, Levi, jr.Nashuag.s.wc. right thigh$6.00 -
148858Barnard, GallagherManchester inj. r. foot.$10.00 -
213268Barnes, James H.Manchesterdisease of lungs$8.00 June 30, 1882
213421Barnett, JohnNew Ipswichrheu, & chr. diarrh.$8.00 June 30, 1882
28882Barney, Hiram E.Nashualoss rt. leg bel. knee$18.00 -
11815Barr, ClarissaManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Nov 18, 1878
23582Barrett, AliceNashuawidow 1812$8.00 May 5, 1879
8973Barrett, SallySouth Wearewidow 1812$8.00 Sep 18, 1878
46949Bartlett, JohnGoffstown Centrewd. left hand$10.00 -
83673Bates, CalvinManchesterloss both feet$72.00 -
70884Bates, George L.Manchesterwound in head$24.00 -
3193Battles, SalomeManchestermother$8.00 June 20, 186_
63389Bauvais, DolphisPetersboroughamp. right leg$18.00 May _, 1866
182150Beach, John T.Manchesterchr. rheu, & dis. heart$8.00 Feb 4, 1881
33195Bean, Climena C.Reed's Ferrywidow$8.00 -
288Bean, John W.Francestownsurv. 1812$8.00 June 22, 1871
3785Bean, MalvinaManchesterwidow$8.00 -
20192Beard Samuel J.Mount Vernong.s.wd.left knee$10.00 -
49506Beard, Cleaveland C.Reed's Ferryg.s.wd. rt ankle$10.00 -
136852Beard, WilliamNew Bostonfather$8.00 Nov 29, 1869
60465Beardsley, MaryAmoskeagmother$8.00 Nov 27, 1865
109391Beman, Alfred H.Nashuachron. Diarrh.$9.50 -
50159Bennett, Andrew JNew Bostong.s.wd. rt. forearm$4.00 -
25159Bennett, MaryNashuamother$8.00 June 24, 1864
91304Beverly, MarkNashuasciatica right hip$6.00 -
171441Bickford, AbigailAmoskeagmother$8.00 Dec 23, 1875
53309Bixby, Augustus H.Francestowng.s.wd. left thigh$10.00 -
87214Black, Harriet W.Manchestermother$8.00 Nov 30, 186_
161640Blake, Martha W.Nashuawidow$8.00 Apr 5, 1873
191806Blake, Walter W.Milfordfather$8.00 Apr 14, 1881
195270Blanchard, Charlotte C.Milfordmother$8.00 Apr 15, 1882
145001Bliss, Charles H.Nashuachron. diarrh$8.00 May 2, 187_
21284Blood, AliceMount Vernonwidow$8.00 -
76971Blood, Eliza B.Nashuamother$8.00 June 26, 1866
52531Booth, JohnHillsboro' Bridgewd. of head$8.00 -
18863Boutell, David W.North Branchchr. rheum. & paralysis$24.00 -
173892Boutelle, Albert E.Milfordchr. diarrh.$4.00 Sep 24, 1880
100184Boutwell, AbramSouth Lyndeboroughch. diarrh. & mal.$2.00 Oct 2, 1869
31386Boutwell, EllenS. W. Peterboroughwidow$8.00 -
11869Boutwell, Lucy C.Brooklinewidow$8.00 -
207015Boutwell, Ramsey C.Hollischr.diarrh., chills & fever$8.00 Apr 17, 1882
147666Bowers, GeorgeNashuainjury left ankle$7.50 Aug 15, 187_
30210Bowers, MenvillePetersboroughwd. side & thigh$4.00 June 27, 1864
159489Bowie, Joseph V.Weareg.s.wd. right side$2.00 May 2, 1879
89617Bowker, Caroline A.Manchestermother$8.00 -
70383Bowman, Lydia A.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Apr 19, 1866
42817Boyce, Hannah R.Petersboroughmother$8.00 Mar 14, 1865
18874Boyle, EdwardManchesterdis. of abdominal viscera and res.$12.00 -
174902Breed, Enoch W.Weareg.s.wd. rt. wrist$2.00 Oct 6, 1880
59159Brigham, Edward H.Nashuashell wd. rt. thigh$12.00 -
17768Brooks, Betsey V.Antrimwidow$8.00 -
186682Brooks, Ellen A.Nashuawidow$8.00 Jan 16, 1880
193069Brown EllenAntrimwidow$10.00 Aug 11, 1881
11828Brown HannahEast Deeringwidow 1812$8.00 Nov 18, 1878
114506Brown, CharlesNashuag.s.wd. rt. foot$2.00 -
73955Brown, Joseph A.Nashuachr. diarrh.$8.00 -
21979Brown, SamuelManchestersurv. 1812$8.00 May 4, 1878
32803Brown,AnnaEast Deeringwidow 1812$8.00 Dec 9, 1882
1040Bruce, Charles F.Petersboroughinj. to spine & res. (Navy)$8.00 -
214068Bruce, John N.Manchesterintermit. fever& res.$8.25 June 30, 1882
10340Buckham, John D.Greenfieldinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
128840Bugbee, Sarah L.Hancockmother$8.00 May 8, 1869
9586Bullard, LydiaPetersboroughmother$8.00 Oct 3, 1878
3042Burnes, AnnManchesterwidow$8.00 -
87162Burnham, Charles H.Amherstg.s.wd. left side$2.00 -
198729Burnham, Fletcher W.Nashuag.s.wd. face$2.00 Dec. 6, 18_
35148Burnham, IsraelNashuawd. left leg from axe$16.00 -
17164Burnham, Oramus W.Nashuainflammation left leg$10.00 -
59818Burns, Clifford K.Manchesterg.s.wd. mouth & neck$12.00 -
170947Burns, Lucilla M.Nashuawidow$8.00 Nov 5, 1875
215225Burpee, Cyrus S.Manchesterinj. of bac. l. leg & rheum.$15.00 July 25, 1882
187556Bush, EllenNashuawidow$12.00 Mar 20, 1880
75882Buswell, Jacob P.Manchestersunstroke$8.00 -
491Butler, JacobSouth Greenfiedsurv. 1812$8.00 June 27, 1871
32364Butler, PeterManchesterloss l. arm ab. elbow$24.00 -
123664Butler, ThomasFrancestownfather$8.00 Jan 20, 1869
14370Butrick, BetseyHudsonwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 7, 1879
136773Butt, Orlando GeorgeHillsboro' Bridgeshell wd. left hand$2.00 Nov 22, 1875
8176Butterfield, Candacemanchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Aug 28. 1878
338Butterfield, JosephFrancestownsurv.1812$8.00 June 23, 1871
18203Butterfield, SallyManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Feb 17, 1879
30339Button, Sarah J.Nashuawidow$17.00 -
160730Byrne, JeremiahManchesterdis. eyes$8.00 June 11, 1879
18613Calef, Hattie M.Manchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Feb 19, 1879
1922Calley, Janes S.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
208169Cameron, Henry G.Nashuainjury to abdomen$4.00 May 6, 18_
207532Campbell, Charles L.Manchesterax.wd. left foot$2.00 Apr 27, 1882
55704Campbell, Mary A.Bedfordwidow$8.00 -
20906Campbell, SilasBedfordg.s.wd. l. forearm$2.00 May 19, 1882
213594Campbell, William, alias Campbell, GrisimManchesterdisease lungs & res.$4.00 June 30, 1882
216630Cannon, Stillman P.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$4.00 Aug 16, 1882
86614Carey, AnnManchesterwidow$8.00 Nov 26, 1866
64050Carney, MargaretManchestermother$8.00 Feb 3, 186_
169130Carr, James R.Manchesterax wd. left foot$2.00 June 3, 1880
129801Carraway, JosephGoffstowng.s. wd. hand & 1 mid. fin.$3.00 Sep 16, 187_
52781Carter, AlonzoHillsboro' Bridgeshell wd. rt. leg$4.00 -
88592Carter, AngelnaManchestermother$8.00 Jan 7, 186_
126974Casey, John J.Nashuag.s.wd. rt. arm$2.00 Feb 20, 18_
86870Cash, MaryManchestermother$8.00 Nov 23, 186_
37481Caswell, Mary E.Manchesterwidow $20.00-
26546Caswell, TimothyNashuag.s.wd. rt. leg$12.00 -
45494Center, SamuelManchesterloss rt. arm ab. elbow$24.00 -
122603Chalifoux, VitalNashuawd. rt. arm$2.00 Apr 5, 1873
51882Chamberlin, John R.Pelhamdisease of eyes$18.00 -
52779Chamberlin, William N.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. shoulder$18.00 -
221510Chapin, Lorenzo B.North Wearevaricose veins l. leg$4.00 Dec 1, 1882
33946Chaplin, Kimball J.Pelhamwound head$8.00 Oct 29, 1864
24931Chase, Deborah J.Mount Vernonwidow$8.00 -
115080Chase, HoraceNashuafather$8.00 June 20,1868
92152Chase, James  W.Manchesterepilepsy$4.00 July 18, 1868
40087Chase, Mary E.Wearewidow$8.00 -
15884Chase, PhileniaPelhamwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 22, 1879
106837Cheney, SamuelManchesterg.s.wd. l. leg$6.00 -
2998Chickering, Sophia E.Milfordmother$8.00 June15, 1863
167821Chumard, RobertMilfordchr. diarrh.$4.00 May 6, 1880
192548Clancy, JohnManchesterg.s.wd. head & res.$4.00 July 12, 1881
9350Clapp, Eliza J.Nashuawidow$8.00 -
28903Clark, Adalaid S.Manchesterwidow$8.00 July 25, 1866
193735Clark, ClaraPetersboroughmother$8.00 Dec 7, 1881
30171Clark, George A.Manchestershell wd. nose & left shouler$14.00 -
124235Clark, Hannah F.Manchestermother$8.00 Feb 4, 186_
49998Clark, Joseph B.Manchesterwd. rt. foreamm$20.00 Sep 23, 1865
11539Clark, Luther W.Manchesterwd. left foot$6.00 -
161722Clark, MayhewManchesterchron. rheum.$2.00 July 31, 1879
98167Clay, ElizabethManchesterwidow$8.00 -
105979Clayton, Edwin L.Manchesterg.s.wd. hand, loss l. thumb$4.00 -
28096Clement, Mary JaneNashuawidow$8.00 Aug 13, 1864
208478Clements, John K.Hollispistol shot wd. rt. foot$4.00 May 10, 1882
112271Clough, George S.Manchesterchills & fever & pal. heart$6.00 Jul 26, 1871
23241Clough, John F.Manchesterg.s.wd. rt. knee$10.00 -
52541Cobb, David W.Manchesterg.s.w. l. hand & sh'r$8.00 -
55324Cobb, Elizabeth C.Manchestermother$8.00 Sep, 12,186_
175094Coburn, Horace C.Nashuainjury of spine$6.00 Oct 12, 18_
69552Coburn, Sarah P.Nashuamother$8.00 Apr 12, 1866
11187Cody, WalterManchesterg.s.wd. rt. thigh$18.00 -
87790Coffin, Jason L.Milfordg.s.wd. b. hands & rt. sho.$12.00 -
29433Cogswell, Edward P.Manchesterinjury to spine$6.00 -
62463Colburn, Armia M.Nashuawidow$8.00 -
196498Colburn, Henry T.Hudsonpartial paralysis$4.00 Oct 11, 1881
40484Colburn, JosiahHollisg.s.wd. rt. elbow$8.00 -
39486Colby, DanielFrancestowndisease lungs$4.00 -
167449Colby, MaryFrancestownmother$8.00 Feb 8, 1875
45462Cole, Lydia M.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
193273Collins, Nancy J.Deeringmother$8.00 Sep 5, 1881
23050Colton, SarahNashuawidow 1812$8.00 Apr 23, 1879
161101Comstock, WalterHancockinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
140925Conant, Albert S.South Lyndeboroughg.s.wd.right foot$4.00 -
147107Conant, Harriet E.Amherstwidow$8.00 Jan 13, 1871
180284Conant, Rachel F.Greenfieldmother$8.00 Mar 8, 1878
222413Conley, George W.Deeringg.s.wd. rt. foot$2.00 Dec.14, 1882
61926Connell, ThomasMilforddis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 -
61925Conner, William F.Bedfordg.s.wd.back$8.00 -
178661Connolly, ThomasManchestersunstroke and inj. to head$25.00 -
39739Connor, CatharineManchesterwidow of John$8.00 June 30, 1865
8126Conway, ElizabethAmherstwidow$800 -
23237Cook, JaneNashuawidow 1812$8.00 Apr 25, 1879
11275Cook, MinervaNashuawidow$8.00 Mar 9, 1878
17998Cook, Orange S.Hillsboro' Bridgeg.s.wd. left leg$8.00 -
30596Copin, Phidelia M.Hancockmother$8.00 Sep 19, 1864
126138Copp, ElbridgeNashuag.s.wd. rt. side  & l. s.$17.00 -
7816Copp, JasonManchesterchron, diarrh.$8.00 -
76275Corbin, HezekiahGoffs Fallsinjury to abdomen$12.00 -
139782Corbin, RuhamaGoffs Fallsmother, Levi W.$8.00 Feb 16, 1870
14425Corliss, Martha A.Francestownwidow$8.00 -
146242Cotter, EdwardHillsboro' Bridgeg.s.wd. right thigh$4.00 -
13711Cotton, Sarah A.Nashuawidow$8.00 -
14798Courtney, DennisNashuamal. pois'g$8.00 -
175167Coy, ElizabethPetersboroughmother$8.00 Oct 3, 1876
88023Craige, Clark E.Hillsboro' Up. Vil.chr. diarr.$4.00 -
27627Cram, Azro D.South Lyndeboroughg.s.wd.left hand$8.00 -
29781Cram, George W.South Lyndeboroughwd. rt. maxillary bone$18.00 -
192302Cram, HiramPetersboroughpartial loss left grt.toe$2.00 July 7, 1881
196299Crane, HartwellEast Deeringfather$8.00 June 22, 1882
22570Creighton, George L.Masondiarrh$8.00 -
190517Creighton, William A.Masonfather$8.00 Dec 9, 1880
50045Cressy, MaryManchesterwidow$8.00 -
57841Crockett, Lucy IManchestermother$8.00 Oct 20, 186_
206Cronan, Emily F.Petersboroughwidow$8.00 -
61958Crooker, Geoge E.Nashuag.s.wd. l. leg$10.00 -
12613Crosbie, Mary J.Manchestermother$8.00 Jan 22, 186_
9952Crosby, Almira L.Milfordwidow$8.00 -
58192Crosby, John W.Milfordloss rt. arm ab. elbow$24.00 -
179565Crosby, Nancy M.Nashuawidow$8.00 Dec 31, 1877
106744Crosby, WilliamMilfordfather$8.00 -
8662Cross, BetseyNashuawidow 1812$8.00 Sep 16, 1878
49772Crowley, Timothy Nashuag.s.wd. left thigh$20.00 -
117269Cuddy, PatrickManchesterg.s.wd.left wrist$600 June _, 1872
165104Cummings, Cynthia B.Petersboroughmother$8.00 June 9, 1874
194704Cummings, Sylvia M.Manchesterwidow$12.00 Mar 11, 1882
31640Cummins, RachelManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 May 7, 1881
179199Currier, Hiram H.Manchesterrheumatism$4.00 Nov 29, 1880
40782Currin, Valentine W.Manchesteiinjury to abdomen$14.00 -
193504Curtis, Hiram F.Wiltoninj. rt. knee & ankle$12.00 July 28, 1881
188225Cushing Louisa  J.Milfordwidow$8.00 May 13, 1880
194417Cutler, Julia A.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Feb 13, 1882
79054Cutter, Albert O.North Branchsaber wd. rt. arm$6.00 -
141855Dane, John P.Nashuag.s.wd. left arm$6.00 -
25576Dane, Martha A.Hudsonwidow 1812$8.00 -
222533Danforth, Gilman S.East Deeringtypho-mal. fever & res.$2.00 Dec 15, 1882
203406Danforth, JohnManchesterg.s.wd.head & l. thigh$8.00 -
12347Dannis, BarneyManchesterg.s.w. r. breast$4.00 -
6158Dareah, BetseyManchestermother$8.00 Sep 23, 186_
167763Darracott, Harriet E.Milfordwidow$8.00 May 5, 1875
5382Darrah, Sarah E.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
128817Davis, BetseyGoffstownmother$8.00 May 8, 1869
22836Davis, Caleb C.Amherstg.s.wd. l. leg$18.00 -
69319Davis, EdsonAmherstwd. right foot$2.00 Aug. 1886
31678Davis, ElmiraNew Ipswichwidow$8.00 -
11057Davis, JohnManchestersurv. 1812$8.00 Jan 17, 1872
181694Davis, Lois W.Goffstown Centremother$8.00 July 29, 1878
14259Davis, Lydia M.Nashuawidow$17.00 Feb 16, 1864
48334Davis, MaryManchestermother$8.00 June 2, 186_
15019Davis, MaryMilfordwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 16,1879
27649Davis, MaryMilfordwidow 1812$8.00 Nov 6, 1879
36486Davis, PollyNew Ipswichmother$8.00 Dec 27, 1864
19428Davis, Richard E.Manchesterg.s.wd. body & l. thigh$18.00 -
98166Davis, Sarah, W.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Aug 9, 1867
164470 ?Davis, Timothy M.Manchesterrheum., ch. & f., & dis. lungs$6.00 Jan 31, 1880
183349Davis, Warren J.Manchesterinj. r. thigh, & c$8.00 Feb 26, 1881
25375Day, Hopy S.Goffstownwidow 1812$8.00 July 3, 1879
20289Dearborn, Elvira B.South Wearewidow$8.00 -
8498Dearborn, MarthaManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Sep 7, 1878
26513Dearborn, Samuel G.Nashualoss vision$12.50 Apr 8, 18_
55947Dempsey, BridgetNashuawidow$8.00 -
189806Devan, WilliamManchesterdislocation rt. elbow$12.00 June 3, 1881
113921Dickerman, Sophia E.Nashuawidow$8.00 May 27, 1868
53022Dickey, Nathaniel E.Benningtonwd. leg & left arm$8.00 -
149648Digman, WalterManchesterrheumatism$24.00 -
137837Dimick, Chester E,Manchesterg.s.wd. l. arm$2.00 Feb 14,1876
145598Dinsmore, John F. G.Manchesterg.w. wd. left hand$2.00 May 31, 1877
59741Diven, CatherineNew Ipswichwidow$8.00 -
3096Dodge Lucinda S.Benningtonwidow$8.00 -
200520Dodge, GeorgeManchesterg.s.wd. rt. leg and malaria$6.00 Jan 10, 1882
177616Donnally, MaryNashuawidow$8.00 June 2, 1877
142529Dore, BetseyManchesterwidow$8.00 -
98762Dougherty, CatharineManchesterwidow$8.00 Aug 29, 1869
22002Dow, Mary K.Nashuamother$8.00 May 18, 1864
125389Dow, SamuelManchesterfather$8.00 Mar 1, 186_
152360Dowd, MaryManchesterwidow$8.00 July 27, 1871
20861Dowd, PatrickManchesteramp.r.arm ab. elbow$24.00 Dec _, 1863
195884Dowd, PatrickManchestersunstroke$6.00 Sep 19, 1881
87346Downing, MaryMasonwidow$8.00 -
88054Downs, Cimena E.Nashuawidow$8.00 Dec 19, 1866
120236Downs, JamesPetersboroughg.s.wd. rt leg$8.00 -
187824Doyle, HannahManchesterwidow$22.00 Apr 16, 1880
68811Doyle, JuliaMilfordmother$8.00 Apr 6, 1866
114354Doyle, MaryNashuawidow$8.00 -
15356Drake, James B. K.Templeinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
135620Drake, MarthaNew Bostonmother$8.00 Oct 16, 1869
50021Draper, John S.Greenfieldwd. left jaw$5.33?Nov 17, 1865
162846Draper, Thomas J.South Lyndeboroughfather$8.00 Oct 14, 1873
31575Drew, Lydia A.Manchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Apr 15, 1881
211942Drown, Frederick L.Manchesterrheumatism$4.00 June 21, 1882
116985Dudley, Hallis O.Manchestereffects of sunstroke$24.00 -
213158Duffy, OwenManchesterg.s. wd. l. leg & res.$4.00 June 30, 1882
208379Duffy, Ross C.Nashuamal. pois. & rheum.$4.00 May 9, 18_
3378Dugan, PeterManchestermal. pois & res. (Navy)$4.00 May 1, 1882
52922Dumas, JuliaManchesterwidow$8.00 -
21288Dunbar, Jane F.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
147848Duncklee, Joel W.Milfordfather$8.00 Feb 9, 1871
9290Duncklee, Sarah A.Francestownwidow 1812$8.00 Sep 26, 1878
207416Dunham, William G.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$3.75 Apr 25, 1882
33347Durant, George W.Nashuawd. rt. arm$18.00 -
18629Duval, CarlosNashuainj. rt. knee$10.00 -
73817Eaton, RobertOil Mill Villageg.s.wd.l. sh., side & rt. hd.$8.00 -
3849Eaton, RoxannaManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Sep 6, 1872
7439Eaton, SarahAntrimwidow 1812$8.00 Aug 22, 1878
146028Eaton, Susan E.Hillsboro' Bridgemother$8.00 Nov 21,1870
36414Edgerly, Eugenia P.Nashuawidow$20.00 Dec 24, 1864
190824Edwards, Charles W.Templechr. diarrh$6.00 June 17, 1881
11099Elliott, EstherAmherstwidow 1812$8.00 Nov 8, 1878
187095Elvin, Jane A.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Feb 27, 1880
49999Emery, Ira P.Manchesterds. of abdominal viscera$14.00 -
125818Emery, Lewis I.Brooklineg.s.wd.abdomen$6.00 Oct 23 1882
84154Emmott, ThomasManchesterg.s.wd. l. forearm$6.00 -
61299Emory, William H.Manchesterwd. left shoulder$8.00 -
191315Esty, Edgar W.North Branchg.s.wd. l thigh$6.00 June 25, 1881
205785Everett, Henry H.Manchesterchr. diarrh. & dis heart$12.00 Mar 31. 1882
31617Evleth, Seba H.Petersboroughwidow 1812$8.00 May 5, 1881
17439Farmer, Lydia C.New Ipswichwidow Peter, 1812$8.00 Feb 11, 1879
1440Farnham, Martha A.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
??Farnham, Martha H.Manchestermother (Navy)$8.00 Mar 22, 186_
77296Fassett, Myra T.Manchesterwidow$8.00 June 29, 1866
42564Fay, Joseph B.Amherstwd. l. leg$8.00 May16, 1865
4026Fellows, Fanny B.Nashuawidow$8.00 -
223045Ferry, BernardManchesterinj. l. should. & ankle$4.00 Dec 19, 1882
106867Fife, Sarah F.Nashuawidow$8.00 Jan 21, 1868
90350Fiffield, Stephen S.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$4.00 -
122077Fisher, SarahPetersboroughwidow of Ornis$8.00 -
56762Fitch, SarahNew Bostonmother$8.00 Oct 2, 1865
90396Flanders, Frank B.Goffstownloss both legs$72.00 -
161690Flanders, Frank B.Petersboroughg.s.wd. right leg$4.00 -
17288Flanders, George W.Nashuawd. thumb$2.66 Sep26, 18_
192703Flanders, Sarah A.Goffstownwidow$8.00 June 27, 1881
115186Fletcher, WalterMasonfather$8.00 -
166249Floyd, Jonathan E.Manchesterinjury to back$4.00 Apr 1, 1880
36420Floyd, Lucina W.Hudson Centrewidow$8.00 -
174336Foise, John B.Nashuag.s.wd. l. shoulder$6.00 Oct 1, 18_
61461Foley, HonoraManchestermother$8.00 -
59575Foley, MauriceAmoskeagg.s.wd. rt. arm$6.00 -
64053Follansbee, Abigail B.Nashuamother$8.00 Feb 3, 1866
15640Follansbee, JohnMount Vernong.s.wd. rt. shoul. & rt.thigh$4.00 -
59914Follansbee, Ruth A.Nashuawidow$8.00 Nov 21, 1865
107180Follett, Herbert E.Templeg.s.w.l. arm$4.00 -
117909Foote, Elizabeth W.Greenfieldmother$8.00 Aug 28, 1868
15583Foote, JaneGoffstownwidow$8.00 -
102764Foote, SophroniaSouth Merrimackmother$8.00 Nov 11, 1867
18529Forbush, Nathan C.Petersboroughloss 2d finger l. hand$3.00 Mar 11, 1871
81275Foss, HannahManchesterwidow$8.00 Aug 18, 1866
181669Foster, Charles E,Manchesterdislocation l. shoulderS8.00Jan 26, 1881
138586Foster, Martha A.Hillsboro' Up. Vil.mother$8.00 Jan 17, 1870
67740Foster, NathanNashuachr. diarrh.$6,00-
16381Fowle, Sarah J.Amherstwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 30, 1879
59576Fox, MargaretManchestermother$8.00 Nov 29, 186_
125137Francheur, Caroline C.Manchestermother$8.00 Feb 24, 186_
173218Freeto, Sarah E.Manchesterwidow$8.00 May 2, 1876
84118French, John A.Brooklineg.s.wd. l. hand & inj. l. hip$6.00 -
153478French, Jonathan L.Nashuag.s.wd. left foot$8.00 -
204494Frye, Harvey T. H.West Wiltonchr. diarrh$4.00 Mar 16, 1882
25126Fuller, CharlotteManchesterwidow$8.00 -
171028Fullerton, JohnManchestermal. pois'g & res.$8.00 June 30, 1880
156076Furnald, True O.Manchesterg.s.wd. r. forearm$6.00 -
46290Gallagher, Mary A.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
194803Gamble, John S.Manchesterinj. and loss sight r. eye$4.00 Aug 24, 1881
22839Gardner, Charles H.Nashualoss left thigh$24.00 -
21285Garland, AliceGoffstown Centrewidow$8.00 -
171389Garland, JeremiahNashuachr. diarrh. & mal. pois.$17.00 July 19, 18_
135259Garman, Elbridge G.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$18.00 -
46355Garvey, JohnNashuainj. to spine$8.00 -
90455Gay, AlonzoNashuares. of sunstroke$18.00 -
59655Gay, ElizabethNashuamother$8.00 Nov 16, 1865
186961Gemmell, CatharineManchesterwidow$16.00 Feb 14, 1880
163625George, AlbertManchesterinj. l. chest and shoulder$2.00 Nov 21, 1879
73473George, Harvey H.Wearel. ring finger l. hand$2.00 Oct 30, 1866
25014George, SallieManchestermother$8.00 June 22, 186_
182051Gibson, Charlotte A.New Bostonwidow$8.00 Sep 25, 1878
20696Gibson, DanielNashuag.s.wd. l. knee$6.00 -
168795Gibson, Francis N.New Ipswichint'm't fever & res.$8.50 May 28, 1880
48235Gibson, Samuel O.Hillsboroughloss rt. forearm$18.00 -
147380Gilbert, FrancisManchestervar.v. rt. leg and inj. rt. ab.$14.00 -
15493Gilson, DavidNashualoss left leg$18.00 -
37117Glidden, WilliamManchesterloss rt. arm ab. elbow$24.00 -
146941Glines George E.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. foot$2.00 July 5. 1877
57843Goddard, ElizaGreenfieldwidow$8.00 -
75497Goings, AustinManchesterchr. diarrh.$8.00 -
10075Goodwin, MaryManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Oct 15, 1878
41038Gordon, Hannah K.Nashuamother$8.00 Feb 16,1864
165285Gordon, WilliamGreenfieldchills and fever$15.00 Mar 5, 1880
31425Gould , LydiaHillsboro' Bridgewidow 1812$1,812 Mar 24, 1881
32647Gould, Alonzo F.Nashuadis. of lungs$6.00 -
91654Gould, BenjaminSouth Lyndeboroughg.s.wd. head & face$12.00 -
7093Gould, CynthiaBrooklinewidow 1812$8.00 June 22, 1878
191622Gould, Horace S.South Merrimackinjury to abdomen$4.00 June 29, 1881
38364Gould, Phebe A.Hillsboro' Bridgewidow$8.00 -
48399Gould, WarrenBrooklineg.s.wd. rt. knee$4.00 -
17757Gove, Belinda H.North Wearewidow$8.00 -
134654Gove, Mahala M.Wearemother$8.00 Sep 22, 1869
59528Grace, Arabella E.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
145666Gray, Augustus W.Benningtong.s.wd. r. forearm$6.00 June 2, 1877
43164Gray, Frank L.Manchesterg.s.wd. lower jaw$18.00 -
196728Greely, James B.Nashuag.s.wd. l.side, arm, & head$25.00 Oct 17, 18_
53598Green AsenathNorth Branchmother$8.00 Aug 17, 1865
67852Green, JamesAntrimg.s.wd, left foot$4.00 -
62538Greenwood, Edmund Q.S. W. Peterboroughdisease heart$6.00 Apr 28, 1866
108683Greenwood, LeRoy P.Petersboroughg.s.wd. rt. thigh$2.00 -
178107Griffin, Cynthia J.Nashuamother$8.00 July 10,1877
100185Grinnell, Charles H.Hillsboro' Centerinjury to spine$72.00 -
38298Habey, MaryManchesterwidow$8.00 -
125988Hackett, ThomasManchesterfather$8.00 Mar 12, 186_
190022Haddo, Mary B.Manchestermother$8.00 Oct 12, 188_
13681Haden, PeterNew Ipswichsurv. 1812$8.00 Sep 1, 1871
20407Hadley, GilbertNew Bostong.s.wd. rt. hand, l. thumb$6.00 -
42866Hadley, RodneyManchesterg.s.wd.b. legs and l. foot$12.00 May 20, 1865
23748Hadley, Sarah G.Petersboroughmother$8.00 June 3, 1864
73413Hale, Charles A.Holliswd.r.breast & c$4.00 Oct 28, 1866
75296Haley, RichardNashuag.s.wd.rt.side of face$18.00 -
72145Hall, Alonzo P.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$4.00 Oct 2, 1866
8062Hall, Amanda M.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
67621Hall, Isaac W.Nashuag.s.wd. rt. hand$10.00 -
199645Hall, LukeNashuag.s.wd. left thigh$4.00 Dec 22, 18_
41655Halligan, BridgetNashuawidow$8.00 Mar 13, 1865
30974Hamblett, Mary T.Milfordwidow 1812$8.00 Dec 20, 1880
117052Hamilton, AlfredEast Wearewidow$8.00 Aug 4, 1868
157263Hancock, Mary L.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Apr 13,1872
43943Hannaford, Susan C.S. W. Peterboroughwidow$8.00 Mar 27, 1865
49597Hardy, William H.Petersboroughsunstroke & wd. lower jaw$18.00 -
3385Hargadon, PeterManchestermal. pois & res. (Navy)$4.00 May 9, 1882
142014Harmon, HannahPetersboroughmother$8.00 Apr 15, 1870
67165Harnon, Charles W.Nashuafracture lower jaw$12.00 July_, 1866
42450Harriman, JohnAmoskeagg.s.wd.l. forearm$2.00 -
5939Harriman, Mary A.Manchestermother$8.00 Sep 17, 186_
220634Harris, George H.Nashuachr. diarrh$4.00 Nov. 18, 18_
57567Harris, Mary A,New Bostonwidow$8.00 Oct 17, 1865
189439Hart, Mary A.North Branchmother$8.00 Aug 16, 1880
170793Hart, Matilda H.Goffstown Centremother$8.00 Oct 20, 1875
148706Hartshorn, SusannahSouth Lyndeboroughmother$8.00 Mar. 18, 1871
4260Haselton, SusanMassabesicmother$8.00 July 29, 1863
20172Haskill, AndrewPetersboroughsurv. 1812$8.00 Jan 24, 1873
184178Haskins, Hannah J.Nashuawidow$17.00 May 16, 1879
181551Hastings, Grecley W.Manchesterinj. rt. ankle and leg$4.00 Jan 24, 1881
68286Haswell, Abby A.Reed's Ferrymother$8.00 Mar 30, 1866
72448Hatch, Appleton M.Milfordinjury to back$4.00 -
27646Haven, Marcia A.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
49675Hayden, Alfred P.Nashuag.s.wd. rt hand$8.00 -
30774Hayden, Daniel W.Hollisfracture cranium$8.00 -
4633Hayden, Ophelia C.Nashuawidow of Austin B.$8.00 Aug 11, 1863
89010Hays, Frank B.Nashualoss rt. arm$24.00 -
27983Head, ReliefPetersboroughwidow 1812$8.00 Nov 29, 1879
30124Heald, alias Conner, LouisaNashuamother$8.00 -
129246Heald, Eunice L.Milfordwidow$8.00 May 18, 1869
38369Heath, Lucinda M.West Deeringwidow$8.00 Jan 18, 1865
112265Heath, MaryGoffstown Centremother$8.00 -
220041Heath, Thorndike P.Manchesterg.s.wd.rt. shoulder$4.00 Oct 31, 1882
5832Hebard, Harriet T.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
198586Hemenway, William W.Milfordshell wd. rt. leg$3.75 Dec 2. 1881
145036Henderson, WilliamMerrimackg.s.wd. rt. side head$12.00 -
156372Hennessay, JohnManchesterchr. rheum.$18.00 Nov.12, 1878
35942Henshaw, DexterNew Ipswichery.,inflam & gang. rt. hand$18.00 -
45872Hickey, BridgetNashuamother$8.00 Apr 27, 1865
15465HickokManchesterg.s.frac. skull$18.00 -
74340Hildreth, George V.Nashuarheum.$8.00 -
209791Hill, Frank T.Manchesterinj. of back$6.00 May 29, 1882
79055Hill, HarveyManchesterwd. left hand$18.00 -
25466Hobart, LucretiaHolliswidow$8.00 June 24, 1864
70561Hodgman, Harriet N.Nashuawidow$8.00 -
32151Hodgman, JohnBedfordwd. left arm$18.00 -
158246Hodgman, John P.Amherstg.s.wd. leg.pois. & res.$18.00 -
217879Hoit, John B.Manchesterrheum. and res., dis heart$6.00 Sep 8, 1882
915Holcomb, Sarah JaneMilfordwidow$8.00 -
12781Holt, Charles F.Antrimwd. upper jaw$18.00 -
45342Holt, MaryNashuawidow$8.00 -
177580Holt, Otis N.Francestownchills & fever$2.00 Oct 25, 1880
109001Holton,James S.West Deeringg.s.wd. rt. hand$8.00 -
33593Hood, Frank PMilfordwd. to back$8.00 -
622Hopkins, BenjaminWiltonsurv. 1812$8.00 June 30, 1871
22568Hopkins, CharlesThornton's Ferryg.s.wd. rt. shoulder$14.00 -
166046Houllihen, PatrickAmoskeagshell wd. causing injury to abdomen$8.00 Mar 30, 1880
32306Howard, John F.Templechron. diarrh.$8.00 -
141061Howard, RachelNashuawidow$8.00 Feb 23, 1870
43369Howe, George L.Petersboroughdisease lungs & rheum.$12.00 -
2892Howe, Lydia H.Nashuawidow (Navy)$10.00 Aug 9, 1881
183399Hoyt, Sarah M.Manchesterwidow$14.00 Mar 21, 1879
191062Hubbard, Stimpson L.Manchesterinj. l. ankle joint$4.00 June 21, 1881
162786Humphrey, Benajah D.Nashuainjury to abdomen$10.00 -
149298Huntington, SybilNashuamother of John P.$8.00 Apr 8, 1874
15538Hurlburt, Sarah F. W.Manchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 20, 1879
151767Hutchinson, John G.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. knee$4.00 Mar 16, 1878
82597Hutchinson, Justin E.Milfordchr. diarrh.$8.00 -
23747Ingalls, Daniel T.Thornton's Ferrysurv. 1812$8.00 Aug 10, 1878
116965Jenkins, Melvin J.Manchesterchr. diarrh. and chills and f.$10.00 -
90604Jenks, George E.Goffstowng.s. wd. rt. groin$8.00 -
124105Jewett, LouisaNashuamother$8.00 Jan 29, 1869
2238Johnson, Ann MaryAmherstwidow$8.00 -
156235Johnson, AsburyHudsong.s.wd. l. jaw$8.00 Nov 17, 1878
77837Johnson, Caleb L.Goffstownwd. l. leg$8.00 -
217774Johnson, Edgar C.Nashuag.s.wd. l. leg$4.00 Sep 2, 18_
212207Johnson, John A.Mount Vernoninjury to abdomen$4.00 June 23, 1882
123005Johnson, Samuel S.Milforditerm't fever & ague$4.00 -
213631Johnson, ThomasManchesterSunstroke and chr. diarrh.$6.00 June 30, 1882
45444Johonnett, Emerson L.Goffstowng.s. wd. l. thigh & asthma$10.00 -
178848Jones, Edwin R.Manchestervar.v. b. legs and mal. fever$12.00 Nov 22, 1880
50038Jones, Elbridge P.Nashuadis. heart$6.00 -
205466Jones, George F.Greenvilleinjury left foot$4.00 Mar 29, 1882
47572Jones, Nancy H.Nashuamother$8.00 May 22, 1865
45593Joss, Emily A.Nashuawidow$8.00 Apr 25, 1865
32720Kean, HannahManchesterwidow$8.00 -
9740Keith, Lucretia P.Wiltonmother$8.00 Dec 4, 1863
105172Kelcher, MaryManchestermother$8.00 Jan 6, 186_
183373Kelley, Warren M.Manchestermalarial poisoning$15.00 Feb 28, 1881
121255Kelly, John L.Manchesterinjury to abdomen$12.75 Jan 27, 1873
181930Kelly, ThomasManchesterinj. r. knee, and var. veins$8.00 Feb 1, 1881
161584Kenaston, MaryManchestermother$8.00 Mar 31, 187_
25813Kendall, Simeon F.Amherstinjury spine$24.00 -
13803Keniston, George H.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. arm & r. leg$24.00 -
179456Kenney, JamesPetersboroughsunstroke, chr diarrh.$10.00 Dec 6, 1880
159815Kenny, Hiram C.Manchesterg.s.wd. rt. knee$4.00 May 12, 1879
200275Kenny, MichaelManchesterg.s.wc. l. chest$2.00 Jan 5, 1882
183655Kessler, JamesManchesterg.s.wd. head and right thigh$4.00 Mar 5, 1881
39190Keys, HannahNashuawidow$8.00 Jun 25, 1865
34738Keyser, SamuelNashuachr. rheum.$18.00 -
169316Kidder, Charles M.Goffstownfather$8.00 May 28, 1875
48240Kidder, Nathan P.Manchesterloss left leg$18.00 -
70090Kierven, JamesManchesterwd. l. arm$6.00 -
70739King, Dana W.Nashuadis. of abdominal viscera$10.00 Sep 7, 18_
222178Kingsbury, Newell A.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$4.00 -
11970Klein, BetseyBrooklinemother$8.00 Jan 12, 1864
35897Klenert, John F.Nashuag.s.wd. l. thigh$8.00 -
21056Knowles, Samuel P.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$6.00 -
10253Knowlton, William R.New Ipswichinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
171118Ladd, Irena J.Manchesterwidow$12.00 Nov 19, 1875
171395Lamarch, FrankManchesterinj. to head and res.$6.00 July 19, 1880
171912Lamb, Frederick W.Manchesterdis l. lung and sciatic rheum.$8.00 Aug 2, 1880
56740Lambert, EdwardNashuag.s.wd. l. arm & res.$6.00 -
53609Lamprey, Lyman H.Manchesterg.s.wd. l.arm$8.00 -
15014Lane, JaneManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 16, 1879
49465Laney, Levi B.East Wearewd. rt. shoulder$18.00 -
90180Langdell, LucyWiltonmother$8.00 Feb 13, 1867
67675Langley, David B.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. shoulder$8.00 -
73082Lapoint, GilbertNashuawound rt. foot$4.00 Oct_, 1866
37960Lathe, James W.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. hand$14.00 -
195630Laton, Eliza J.Nashuawidow$8.00 May 12, 1882
190843Lavoy, JosephNashuachr. diarrh$8.00 June 17, 18_
74324Law, John F.Nashuag.s.wd.l.grt. toe & mal pois.$6.25 -
25429Lawson, GeorgeManchesterg.s.wd. rt. arm and l. foot$18.00 -
30753Leaf, JosephManchesterwd. right arm$18.00 -
65754Lease, SallyManchesterwidow$8.00 -
57771Leathers, Harriet M.Petersboroughwidow$8.00 -
67122Lee, Charles H.Hancockwd. right ankle$8.00 -
37476Lee, Esther H.Hancockmother$8.00 Jan 9, 1865
24022Lee, Susan R.Petersboroughwidow$8.00 -
90464Libbey, Mary M.Manchesterwidow$12.00 Feb 18, 1867
192542Libby, Rebecca E.Amoskeagwidow of James C.$8.00 June 8, 1881
127138Lindsay, DorothySouth Lyndeboroughmother$8.00 Apr 6, 1869
18138Locke, Elisha E.Benningtong.s.wd.l. hand$6.00 -
23598Longee, George F.New Ipswichorg. dis. of heart$8.00 -
13685Longee, JaneMerrimackwidow 1812$8.00 Dec 23, 1879
35318Looney, EllenManchesterwidow$8.00 -
35651Loveland, SusanManchestermother$8.00 Dec 3.186_
79759Lowell, Elizabeth R.Manchesterwidow$15.00 July 31, 1866
197351Luce, Nancy C.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Sep 29, 1882
155081Lull, Abigail L.New Bostonmother$8.00 Dec 27, 1871
8798Lull, Mary A.Milfordwidow$30.00 Nov 23, 1863
195163Lund Susan J.Milfordmother$8.00 Apr 8, 1882
75237Lund, WilliamHollisinjury to abdomen$4.00 Dec 15, 1866
11851Lynch, AnnaAmherstwidow 1812$8.00 Nov 23, 1878
59576Lyons, JohnNashuawd. rt. shoulder$18.00 -
155816Lyons, NewmanNashuashell wd. l. hip$2.00 Oct 11, 18_
158476Madderson, Charles J.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. hand$6.00 -
75516Mahoney, DanielWiltoninj. to chest & ribs$8.00 -
26858Mahoney, MichaelManchesterg.s.wd. rt. forearm$14.00 -
2282Mahoney, MurtyManchesterfather (Navy)$8.00 Nov 20, 1877
42701Mahoney, PatrickManchesterg.s.wd. rt. cheek$12.00 -
2190Major, AzubahNashuaWidow 1812$8.00 Mar 28, 1872
49886Manning, RuelManchesterwd. left leg$4.00 Sep 21, 1865
61750Mansur, JosephNashuag.s.wd. rt. leg$4.00 Apr_, 1866
630Mansur, Lucinda M.New Ipswichwidow$8.00 Feb 21, 1863
54576Mara, MichaelManchesterloss l. eye and inj. rt. eye$8.00 -
121735Marcy, Ephraim B.Manchesterg.s.wd. head$6.00 -
146802Marsh,  Charles E.Greenvilleg.s.wd. l hip l. arm$16.00 July 3, 1877
198601Martin, AugustusManchesterShell wd. l. leg$2.00 Dec 2, 1881
198832Martin, EdwardManchesterg.s.wd. l. shoulder$2.00 Dec. 7. 1881
195982Martin, Elvira J.Manchesterwidow$19.00 June 7, 1882
57627Martin, Mary M.Manchestermother$8.00 May 1, 187_
71447Maxwell, William H.Manchesterwd. left hip$5.00 Sep 19, 1866
44897Maye, JosephEast Weareloss r. arm ab. elbow$24.00 -
145743Mayhew, Charles H,Manchesterg.s. wd. face$2.00 -
159787McAllister, Henry S.Manchesterchr. diarrh. and deaf b. ears$10.00 May 10, 1879
191706McAneny, JamesNashuamal. pois. & res.$8.00 June 30, 18_
148351McCaffey, Margaret J.Nashuawidow$8.00 Mar 29, 1871
196150McCarthy, CorneliusWiltong.s.wd. rt. forearm$4.00 Sep 29, 1881
58378McCarthy, MargaretWiltonwidow$8.00 -
28497McCarty, CatherineManchestermother$8.00 Aug 20, 186_
177324McCarty, EugeneManchesterg.s.wd. l. hand$2.00 Oct 22, 1880
69551McDonald, Mary A.Nashuamother$8.00 Apr 12, 1865
198068McDonough, WinifredManchesterwidow$8.00 Dec 13, 188_
123163McElroy, SamuelManchesterg.s.wd. rt thigh and res.$8.00 -
153336McEwen, JoannaNashuawidow$10.00 Sep 4, 1871
130630McGilvery, George F.Nashuag.s.wd. l. leg$2.00 Nov 2, 18_
858McGilvray, Robert M.Petersboroughg.s.wd. both legs$8.00 -
104178McGuken, MargaretGreenfieldmother$8.00 Dec 5. 1867
25158McKean, AdalineNashuamother$8.00 June 24, 1864
91355McKenna, BridgetManchesterwidow$8.00 Mar 15, 1867
59191Meighen, MaryNashuamother$8.00 Sep 25,1865
20043Meister, ElizabethNashuawidow$8.00 -
23007Merriam, AsaMasonsurv. 1812$8.00 July 11, 1878
202573Merrill, Augustus B.Manchesterpar. loss l. index finger$2.00 Feb 9, 1882
41872Merrill, CatharineManchesterwidow$8.00 -
897Merrill, Elizabeth A.Nashuawidow$8.00 Mar 10, 1863
175981Merron, JamesManchesterminor of$10.00 Jan 4, 187_
153051Merron, Mary A.Manchesterwidow$10.00 Aug 22, 1871
140826Messer, Eliza M.Greenfieldwidow$15.00 Mar 10, 1870
7438Miller, AugustaTemplewidow$15.00 -
9437Miller, RebeccaTemplewidow$15.00 -
22474Mills, EzekielMilfordwidow 1812$8.00 June 20, 1878
61926Mills, Xenohhon E.Milfordchr. diarrhea$4.00 -
45581Miner, HenryManchesterg.s.wd. head, loss l. eye$18.00 -
186899Minot, WilliamGoffs Fallsmal. pois'g & res.$6.00 Apr 15, 1881
120610Mitchell, John W.Manchesterminor of$10.00 -
173619Mitchell, Samuel L.Goffs Fallsg.s.wd. left leg$7.50 Sep 16, 1880
110169Mitcher, ElizaManchestermother Amasa Niles$8.00 Jan 16, 186_
55703Monahgan, SarahNashuamother$8.00 Sep 18, 1865
10974Monroe, AsenathHillsboro' Centerwidow 1812$8.00 Nov 8, 1878
182626Moore, Dorothy AnnNashuawidow$8.00 Dec 7, 1878
85967Moore, Sarah E.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Nov 2, 1866
158163Moore, Sophia M.Nashuamother$8.00 May 31, 1872
86701Morey, Noell D.Nashuag.s.wd. rt. foot$8.00 -
111418Moriarty, CorneliusManchesterchr. rheum.$10.00 June _, 1871
152462Morrow, MaryManchesterwidow$8.00 July 29, 1871
73149Morse, Andrew J.Manchesterloss l. thumb$4.00 -
133798Movar, Jacob W.Manchesterchr. diarrh$17.00 -
147922Mulligan, AnnManchesterwidow$8.00 Feb 11, 1871
78697Mullin, MichaelManchesterpartial blindness$12.00 -
35548Murphy, Albert L.Petersboroughg.s.wd. l. side$6.00 -
17211Murphy, HonoraManchestermother$8.00 -
38273Murphy, JohnManchesterloss l. forearm$18.00 -
184235Murphy, MaryManchesterwidow$8.00 May 22, 1879
211431Muzzey, Hiram W.Antrimlumbago$2.00 June 15, 1882
101771Muzzey, Warren H.Hillsboro' Bridgeg.s.wd. l thigh$72.00 -
146102Newton, Lois C.Manchestermother$8.00 Nov 23, 187_
71680Nichols, Grovenor D.Nashuainjury to abdomen$12.00 -
29100Nichols, JamesPetersboroughamp. rt. arm$24.00 -
15879Nichols, William H. H.Manchesterwd. l. arm$18.00 -
170162Nolan, ThomasNashuag.s.wd. l. arm$4.00 June 24, 1880
30296Noone, Frank J.Petersboroughg.s..wd. breast$4.00 -
69821Norton, Rianzo M.Manchestersores on thighs, ef. of fever$2.00 2/3Aug.22, 1866
40842Nottage, Hannah M.Nashuamother$8.00 Feb 13, 1865
141012Nurse, Jesse B.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. hand and head$4.00 -
63835Nutting, Charles P.New Ipswichg.s.wd.rt. arm$10.00 -
68289O.Niel, MaryManchesterwidow$8.00 -
142324O'Brien, JuliaManchesterwidow$8.00 Apr 25, 187_
196503O'Brien, MaryManchesterwidow$8.00 June30, 188_
168762O'Brien, PatrrickManchesterg.s.wc. l. wrist$12.00 -
194685O'Day, PatrickManchesterinjury to abdomen$4.00 Aug 22, 1881
187858O'Donnell, Maurice, alias Dolan O' DonnellManchestermal. pois'g and res.$50.00 May 3, 1881
212745O'Grady, MichaelManchestershell wd. top of head$8.50 June 28, 1882
178881O'Grady, ThomasManchesterpar. partalysis rt. leg$18.00 Nov 22, 1880
53018Olmstead, AdeliaManchesterwidow$8.00 Aug 8. 186_
6109Ordway, FannyFrancestownmother$8.00 Sep 22, 1863
14943Osborn, Betsey S.Petersboroughwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 15, 1879
194559Osborn, ThomasGreenvillefather of John$8.00 Feb 23, 1882
91478Osborne, Jesse B.South Weareg.s.wd. l. arm & res.$6.00 -
159598Osgood, Mary A.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Sep 10, 187_
19398Osgood, Susannah C.North Lyndeborowidow 1812$8.00 Mar 1, 1870
7502Otis, CatherineGoffstownwidow$8.00 -
18695Page, BetseyGoffstown Centrewidow 1812$8.00 Feb 19, 1879
26903Page, Enoch C.Antrimeffects of dropsy$18.00 -
162017Paige, Horace C.Manchestermalarial poisoning$2.00 Aug 8, 1879
156460Parker, Corwin's, neck & jaws$8.00 Nov 14, 1878
13140Parker, Josephine G.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
33278Parker, Ruth N.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Aug 19, 186_
49406Parkhurst, George W.Bedfordloss l. forearm$18.00 -
56254Parrett,Bridget MManchesterwidow$8.00 -
64281Patten, JaneBedfordmother$8.00 Feb 7, 1866
81832Patterson, George E.South Merrimackrheumatism & c.$4.00 -
14005Peabody, Daniel A.Amherstchr. diarrh$4.00 July 9, 1863
12643Peabody, Ezra BMilfordg.s.wd. hip & nates$4.00 -
130246Peabody, MaryNorth Branchmother$8.00 June 10, 1869
186458Peasley, NathanielNorth Weareminor of$14.00 Dec 26, 1879
31000Pecoy, AlickGoffstowng.s.wd. head$4.00 -
177624Pelica, EdwardManchesterg.s.wd. l. hand and face$4.00 Oct 26, 1880
29330Perey, Tamesin H.Greenfieldwidow 1812$8.00 May 7, 1880
49718Perham, RodneyWiltong.s.wd. l. forearm$2.00 -
185094Perkins, AdelaideManchesterwidow$8.00 June 10, 187_
192256Perkins, John R.Milfordchr. diarrh. & mal.$4.00 June 30, 1881
150991Perkins, JosephManchesterulcers rt. leg$2.00 May 16, 1879
34589Perry, Christopher C.Manchesterdisease heart$4.00 Nov 26, 1864
204413Perry, George F.Manchesterg.s.wd.rt. arm$2.00 Mar 14, 1882
142137Perry, Hiram R.Hancockg.s. wds. rt. arm, sh., & l. ankle$6.00 -
53968Pettingill, John H.Manchesterdisease liver and lungs$6.00 -
13474Philbrick, AchsahWearesurv. 1812$8.00 Dec 20, 1878
37434Phillips, John H.Nashuainj. back & l. shoulder$8.00 -
63931Phillips, WarrenNashuachr. diarrh. & deafness$8.00 May 22, 18__
93181Pierce, Ellen S.Petersboroughwidow$8.00 -
88366Pierce, Willam BManchesterinjury to abdomen$8.00 Jan 17, 1868
182346Pike, Francis H.Manchesterinjury to abdomen$8.00 Feb 9, 1881
9627Pillsbury, FrancenaNashuawidow$8.00 -
194498Plaisted, James W.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$10.50 Aug 17, 1881
104543Pond, AaronNashuag.s.w. rt. leg$3.00 -
8957Poor, MarthaGoffstown Centrewidow 1812$8.00 -
127568Pope, Joseph P. B.Hollisinj. back & side$24.00 -
183738Powell, Charles A.Manchesterpartial loss l. index fing.$4.00 Feb 15, 1881
6625Powers, Mary JaneNashuawidow$8.00 Oct 5, 1863
1338Powers, Susan C.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
200758Pratt, Charles H. New Ipswichinj. r. hand & thumb$4.00 Jan 14, 1882
56509Prescott, LetticeManchestermother$8.00 Sep 29, 186_
192273Price, CarolineManchestermother$8.00 May 13, 188_
141031Prichard, William H. H.Petersboroughg.s.wd. rt. arm$4.00 Aug 19, 1876
35519Pritchard, George HHillsboro' Bridgeloss l. arm ab. elbow$24.00 -
69183Proctor, David E.Wiltonwd. rt. hip$5.00 Aug 11, 1866
31527Purrington, Elijah P.Weareloss l. arm at elbow$24.00 -
30909Putnam, AbigailSouth Lyndeboroughwidow 1812$8.00 Dec 8, 1880
136888Putnam, Horace C.Nashuadisease rt. hand$6.00 -
11374Putnam, SamuelAntriminjury to abdomen$4.00 May 4, 1863
23841Putnam, Sarah B.South Lyndeboroughwidiw 1812$8.00 May 10, 1879
58028Putnam, Sylvanus B.Manchesterloss rt.arm ab. elbow$24.00 -
50048Quaid, Mersilvia A.Bedfordwidow$8.00 June 27, 1865
80518Quimby, Lucinda M.Manchestermother$8.00 Aug 10, 186_
134905Quinn, BridgetNashuawidow$8.00 Sep 27, 1869
67971Ragan JeremiahPetersboroughloss left thumb$4.00 -
176950Rankin Abel G.Manchesterdisease heart$18.00 Oct 20, 1880
121058Ranno, Sopronia G.Manchestermother$8.00 Nov 13, 186_
152523Read, John G.Merrimackg.s.wd. r. th. & pt. rt. ind. f.$4.00 -
100140Read. Charles F.Manchesterex. head left left femur$18.00 -
179021Reardon, WilliamManchesterg.s.w. face and mouth$8.00 Nov 26, 1880
79615Reed, Sarah E.Manchesterwidow$8.00 July 11, 1867
126883Reynolds, MaryManchestermother$8.00 May 13, 186_
134829Rice, Roxanna M.Milfordmother$8.00 Sep 25, 1869
64527Richards, RobertNew Bostonloss rt. arm ab. forearm$24.00 -
186867Richardson Pluma C.Francestownwidow$17.00 Feb 5, 1880
96811Richardson, Carlton C.Manchesterchr. diarrh. and dis. heart$24.00 -
34030Richardson, Hannah H.New Ipswichwidow$8.00 -
59383Richardson, MalvinaMilfordwidow$8.00 Nov 12, 1865
208943Richardson, Silas J.Goffstownchr. colitis & res.$6.00 May 17, 1881
17466Roach, MaryHillsboroughwidow 1812$8.00 Feb 11 1879
56428Robbins, Isaiah, jr.Nashuag.s.wd. rt side neck$8.00 -
22808Robbins, LucindaAmherstwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1879
20231Robbins, Mary N.Nashuawidow 1812$8.00 Mar 5, 1879
90632Robbins, RebeccaBrooklinemother$8.00 -
70239Robbins, Susan W.Nashuamother$8.00 Apr 18, 1866
173520Robertson, SolonManchesterdisease heart$2.00 Sep 14, 1880
172835Robinson, Ellen M.Manchesterwidow$12.00 Mar 27, 1876
34066Rogers, William H.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. arm$8.00 -
158223Rollins, CalvinManchesterg.s.wd. l. thigh$4.00 Mar 28, 1879
155696Ross, SarahSouth Lyndeboroughmother$8.00 Jan 29,1872
174151Rouke, WilliamManchesterminor of$10.00 -
87641Rowe, Charles E.Manchesterloss rt. eye and inj. l. eye$10.00 -
183555Roy FrancisEast Wearescurvy & dis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Mar 2, 1881
169030Royleigh, SusanHillsboroughmother$8.00 May 13, 1875
22092Russell, EbenezerSouth Merrimacksurvivor of ?$8.00 May 22, 1878
183776Russell, Helen J.Wiltonwidow$8.00 Apr 12, 1879
16038Sargent, HannahGoffstownmother$8.00 Mar 16, 1864
216119Sargent, Jeremiah A.Massabesicinj, to back$4.00 May 31, 1882
52784Sargent, John A.Manchesterg.s.wd.r. shoulder & res.$14.00 -
17165Sargent, LarkinManchesterinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
177209Sargent, Willard E.Manchesterinj. rt. arm& res.$6.00 -
161156Saturley, Mary J.Manchesterwidow$8.00 Feb 15, 187_
126076Saunders, Hannah A.Masonmother$8.00 Mar 15, 1869
220307Sawyer, JudsonqNashuachills & fever & res.$6.00 Nov 4, 18_
189896Scanlon, MichaelWiltondisease lungs$6.00 June 4, 1881
?Scates, Emily L.Nashuawidow (Navy)$8.00 -
182508Schwartz, Frederick L.East Wearedisease lungs$4.00 Feb 11, 1881
156092Scott, William P.Manchesterg.s.wd. rt. leg$18.00 -
169892Searles, LoamiManchesterg.s.wd. l. shoulder$4.00 June 16, 1880
180629Seavey, CharlesBedfordg.s.wd. l. shoulder & back$2.00 Jan 5, 1881
25013Seavey, Lavinia A.Manchesterwidow$8.00 June 22, 186_
1438Severance, DorothyManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 16, 1872
102295Sevey, DelenaNashuawidow$8.00 Nov 2, 1867
161028Shattuck, AlfredHudsonpar. deaf, b. ears, & rheu.$8.00 -
10314Shattuck, Carrie O.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
79217Shattuck, George W.Antrimg.s.wd. l. shoulder$6.00 -
76291Shattuck, Joseph C.Brooklinesunstroke$4.00 Jan 17, 1867
170892Shattuck, PhebeGreenfieldmother$8.00 Oct 27, 1875
139683Shattuck, Tyler M.Nashuainjury to abdomen$12.75 -
6020Shea, HannahNashuamother$8.00 Sep 19, 1863
82501Shea, John 1stNashuainj. chest & l. side$8.00 -
91547Sheeban, JeremiahManchesterinjury to abdomen$12.00 -
31756Sherwood, Amanda M.Manchestermother John M$17.00 Oct 1, 186_
57842Shirley, NancyManchesterwidow$8.00 -
164470 ?Simmons, Albion R.Manchesterg.s.w. l. leg$13.00 -
33324Simmons, ClarissaHillsboroughmother$8.00 Oct 28, 1864
155355Simonds, John S.Manchesterg.s.wd.l. forearm$4.00 Sep 12, 1878
64119Simpson, Sabina W.Nashuamother$8.00 Feb 5, 1866
52792Sleeper, CharlesFrancestowninj.r. leg$18.00 -
185580Sloan, GeorgeAmherstfather$8.00 Sep.24, 1879
31281Smith, Abbie E.Hudson Centrewidow$8.00 -
43465Smith, AbigailNashuamother$8.00 -
55003Smith, AbigailNashuamother$8.00 Sep 6, 1865
85317Smith, DonaldManchestermal. taxaemia$12.00 -
208086Smith, Elias B.Hancockg.s.wd. rt. thigh$6.00 May 4, 1882
13392Smith, Elizabeth M.Nashuawidow 1812$8.00 Dec 20, 1878
93369Smith, George B.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$3.00 -
23935Smith, Harriet A.Nashuawidow$8.00 -
40758Smith, Jerome E.Nashuag.s.wd.rt.forearm$8.00 -
28881Smith, Lewis W.South Lyndeboroughchr. diarrh.$4.00 -
15586Smith, Lucy A.Masonwidow$8.00 Mar 9, 1864
100244Smith, MariaHillsboroughwidow$8.00 Oct 7, 1867
56012Smith, MarthaReed's Ferrymother$8.00 Sep 22, 1865
48965Smith, Melissa P.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
59531Smithwick, PeterSouth Merrimackg.s.wd. forearm$6.00 -
8006Snow, MariahBedfordwidow 1812$8.00 Aug 27, 1878
67324Solan, ThomasManchesterloss left leg$24.00 -
152333Southard, NathanielManchesterg.s.wd.abdomen$2.00 Apr 10, 1878
77491Spalding, Helen M.Milfordwidow$15.00 -
15029Spaulding, Caroline W.New Ipswichwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 16, 1879
19399Spaulding, LydiaWiltonwidow 1812$8.00 Mar 1, 1879
31812St. Francoise, MarianeManchestermother$8.00 Oct 3, 186_
119839Staple, Lydia C.Nashuamother$8.00 Oct 10, 1868
166170Stearns, William D.Wiltong.s.wd. left side$7.50 Mar 31, 1880
155534Stetson, Sarah B.Nashuamother$8.00 Jan 19, 1872
94144Stevens, Aaron F.Nashuawd. rt. thigh$15.00 Dec 4, 18_
14529Stevens, Andrew W.Benningtong.s.wd.rt.forearm$12.00 -
65476Stevens, Daniel W.Goffstown Centreg.s.wd. face & neck$12.00 -
42662Stevens, George F.Nashuaamp. l. arm$24.00 -
115090Stevens, LouisaManchestermother$8.00 -
39152Stevens, PriscillaMilfordwidow$8.00 Jan 24, 1865
57660Stevens, SamuelNashuawd. rt. leg$4.00 Feb 9, 18_
16186Stevens, SarahAmoskeagwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 28, 1879
49924Stevens, WilliamManchesterg.s.wd. rt. arm$18.00 -
32805Stiles, BeulahPelhamwidow 1812$8.00 Dec 8, 1882
23074Stimson, Mary E.Milfordwidow$8.00 -
15030Stinchfield, BetseyBedfordwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 16, 1879
146244Stocker, Orin A.Manchesterchills & fever$4.00 June 25, 1877
31734Stoddard, Aziel, alias AshaeManchesteramp. l. leg$24.00 -
12653Stover, Charles P.Manchesterdis. liver$24.00 Jan 26, 1875
41775Strain, AnnManchestermother$8.00 Feb 27, 186_
58584Strain, Cornelius W.Manchesterdisease lungs$5.00 Feb 24, 1866
8512Straw, Lydia AnnManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 Sep 7, 1878
77181Strong, Henry B.Goffstowndisease lungs$12.00 -
192623Sturtevant, Nancy P.Manchesterwidow$12.00 June 16, 188_
204988Sullivan OwenManchesterinj. to l. thigh$2.00 Mar 22.1882
207914Sullivan, DanielManchestershell contusion rt. chest$4.00 May 1, 1882
132184Sullivan, James 2dNashuashell wd. rt. shoulder$12.00 Mar _, 1875
94025Sullivan, JosephNashuadis. of abdominal viscera$14.00 -
167637Sullivan, MaryNashuawidow$14.00 Feb 23, 1875
125903Sullivan, Michael S.Nashuag.s.wd. l.ankle$6.00 -
2435Sweetser, Alvira M.Wiltonwidow$8.00 -
148000Sylvester, HadleyNew Bostong.s.wd. rt foot$4.00 -
5013Taggart, FideliaPetersboroughwidow$8.00 -
79890Tate, JohnManchestershell wd. l. hand$12.00 Apr 15, 1867
205207Tatman, GeorgeManchesterchr. diarrh.$8.00 Mar 25, 1882
23917Tebbetts, JohnEast Benningtonsurv. 1812$8.00 Aug 20, 1878
189966Tebbetts, MaryNew Ipswichmother$8.00 Oct 8, 1880
17289Tennant, Matthew P.Goffstowng.s.wd. rt. leg$6.00 -
133802Tenney, Benjamin F.Wiltonfather$8.00 -
196853Tenney, Edwin J.Wearedis. of lungs & res.$8.00 Oct 19, 1881
72553Thayer, Charles G.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$2.00 Oct 13,1866
189096Thompson, Eliza M.Nashuawidow$14.00 Oct. 11, 1880
48115Thompson, Harriet P.Nashuamother$17.00 May 30, 1865
79323Thompson, Joseph S.Goffstownwd. rt. arm$4.00 -
22244Thresher, HenryManchestersurv. 1812$8.00 June 4, 1878
180181Thurlow, Isaac W.Nashuamal. fever, injury to abdomen$15.00 Dec 23, 1880
56431Thwing, WallaceManchesterl. fore arm & s. s.w. rt. hand$24.00 -
216313Tilton, NathanManchesterchr. rheum$4.00 Aug 12, 1882
29026Tinker, Alvah G.Nashualoss left arm$24.00 -
159322Tinley, MichaelManchesterg.s.w. l. foot$2.00 Apr 24, 1879
210522Titus, Jerome B.Manchestermal. poisoning$4.00 June 5, 1882
36511Tobin, Amanda J.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
101433Tonert, ThomasManchesterinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
124750Toole, MartinManchesterminor of$10.00 Feb 15, 186_
18670Towle, ElizaNashuawidow$8.00 Dec 17, 1863
49775Townsend, HoraceBedfordg.s.wd. rt. foot$8.00 -
33034Tracy, Sarah M.Nashuawidow$25.00 -
219145Trudall, PeterManchesterg.s.wd. rt. side head$8.00 Oct 12, 1882
157362Truel, Nathaniel L.South Merrimackchr. diarrh.$4.00 Jan 11, 1879
54817Truell, Caroline P.Nashuawidow$8.00 Sep 2, 1865
133278Tucker, Samuel N.Francestownchr. rheum.$18.00 -
174066Tuttle, Nathaniel A.Manchesterpartial deafness$2.00 Sep 27, 1880
104956Twiss, Hirim V.Manchesterg.s.wd. rt. foot$6.00 -
165728Untiet, GertrudeManchesterwidow$8.00 July 24, 187_
167442Upton, JosephWiltonminor of$10.00 Feb 6, 1875
10671Vickery, Ellen N.Goffs Fallswidow$15.00 Dec 17, 1863
124875Vining, Abion L.Nashuag.s.wd. rt. leg$4.00 -
190101Vose, Eliza J.Hillsboro' Bridgewidow$8.00 Oct 25, 1880
203351Wadleigh, JohnManchesterg.s.wd. rt. leg$3.75 Feb 21, 1882
74071Wakefield, SarahManchesterwidow$8.00 May 25,186_
67953Waldron, Laura H.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
10285Walker, Eliza C.East Deeringwidow 1812$8.00 Oct 21, 1878
134830Walker, Mary G.New Ipswichmother$8.00 Sep 25, 1869
42484Wallace, Charles B.Greenfieldamp. 2d fing. l. hand$4.00 -
25467Wallace, Mary E.Petersboroughmother$8.00 June 28, 1864
169360Walton, CharlesTemplevaricose veins l. leg$4.00 June 7, 1880
397307Warren, Henry F.Milfordg.s.wd. l. foot$2.00 Apr 22, 1882
1004Warren, Mary J.Nashuawidow$20.00 Mar 16, 1863
14948Washburn, CharletteHancockwidow 1812$8.00 Jan 15, 1879
22682Washburn, WatsonPetersboroughwidow 1812$8.00 July 2, 1878
219430Wason, Charles E.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. forearm$4.00 Oct 29, 1882
3690Waters, BridgetNashuawidow$8.00 July 8, 1863
19670Way, Lucius A.Wiltonl. pt. thumb & pt.l. f., f. rt. h.$5.00 Nov 16, 1863
171642Webster, David O.Manchesterchr. rheum. & chr. diarrh.$24.00 -
18207Webster, JohnHudsonsurv. 1812$8.00 Aug 1, 1872
3420Webster, Martha M.Manchesterwidow$8.00 -
167290Webster, William A.Manchesterchr. diarrh.$25.00 -
35436Weir, William W.Manchesterg.s.wd. rt hand$8.00 -
122893Welch, JamesManchesterwd. left leg$8.00 -
159084Welch, JohnManchesterinjury rt. shoulder$2.00 Apr 18, 1879
92269Wells, Charles D.Manchesterasthma$8.00 -
1460Wells, Eliza J.Nashuawidow (Navy)$30.00 -
82455Wells, WalterNashuainjury to abdomen$4.00 -
17401West, Henry GSouth Lyndeboroughg.s.wd. l. knee$18.00 Sep_, 1863
2436Weston, Elvina H.Hancockwidow$20.00 May 27, 1863
15274Weston, Julia M.New Ispwichwidow$8.00 -
36937Weston, Samuel B.Nashuag.s.wd. l. arm$14.00 -
220743Wetherbee, John F.Manchesterdisease heart$6.00 Nov 20, 1882
43138Wheeler, Mary W.Nashuawidow$8.00 -
45394Wheeler, Seth B.Templewd, chest, bowels & rt. side$4.00 -
127746Wheeler, TheodoreNashuafather$8.00 Apr 16, 1869
213559Whipple, Henry G.Manchesterdisease lungs & throat$8.00 June 30, 1882
193490Whitaker, Henry P.Hillsboro' Bridgeg.s.wd.head, rt. thigh$4.00 July 27, 1881
21558White, Caroline E.Nashuawidow of Harvey$8.00 -
22621White, ChanceyAntrimwd. left leg$8.00 Jan 12, 1864
197491White, CharlesHudsondis. heart & throat$6.00 Nov 10, 1881
130291White, JamesManchesterfather$8.00 June 11,186_
88711White, MartinPetersboroughwd. rt. thigh$6.00 Jan 30, 1868
37885White, WilliamTempleg.s.wd. rt. lung$8.00 -
213697White, William S.New Ipswichchr. diarrh.$4.00 June 30, 1882
59821Whitney, Cyrus O.Wiltong.s.wd. left arm$1.00 Mar 17, 1866
216601Whittemore, Charles O.Nashuachr. diarrh.$8.00 Aug. 15, 18_
145619Whittemore, Jacob I.Manchesterg.s.wd. rt. foot$1.00 June 1, 1877
72972Whittemore, John J.Nashuatyphoid fever & res.$4.00 -
110878Whittier, Sarah H.Nashuamother$8.00 -
118852Wilber, L. AlbareNashuag.s.wd. l. leg$4.00 -
51876Wiley, George E.Manchesterg.s.wd. left arm$6.00 -
210967Wilkins, Charles L.Mount Vernonchr. diarrh & mal.$4.00 June 10, 1882
93872Wilkins, solindaPelhammother$8.00 May 4, 1867
188248Wilkins, William W.Manchestermararial pois & res.$12.00 2/3May 6, 1881
173050Willand, HerbertManchesterfever & ague & dis. heart$12.00 Sep 4, 1880
23604Willey, John H.Manchesterdisease heart$12.00 -
79218William, JohnManchesterg.s.wd. rt. leg$8.00 -
71287Williams, NathanielManchesterintermit. fever$4.00 Sep 17, 1866
102762Williams, Robert E.Manchesterfather$8.00 -
15107Williams, Susan K.Nashuawidow$8.00 -
180477Wilmont Lucius W. P.Hudsonminor of Willard W.$12.00 -
47002Wilson, BetseyNashuawidow$8.00 -
33862Wilson, Elihu B.Nashuag.s.wd. rt. hand$12.00 -
223380Wilson, FrankManchesterchr. diarrh.$4.00 Dec 22, 1882
28145Wilson, Martha J.New Ipswichwidow$8.00 -
139458Wilson, Stephen M.Manchesterg.s.wd. l. hand$2.00 June 1, 1876
96654Wilson, William H.New Ipswichchr. diarrh$4.00 -
194199Winn, George E.Lyndenboro'chr. diarrh.$4.00 Aug 9, 1881
2598Winn, MargaretFrancestownmother$8.00 June 4, 1863
8314Wood, LucindaWiltonwidow 1812$8.00 Sep 5, 1878
80995Wood, SylvesterHillsboro' Bridgeinj rt. foot$4.00 -
634Woodbridge, OsgoodGreenfieldsurv. 1812$8.00 June 3, 1871
168026Woodbury, Daniel L.Manchesterinj. l. elbow$4.00 May 14, 1880
48556Woodman, John L.Manchesterwd. l. thigh$18.00 -
55325Woods, Emily A.Milfordwidow$8.00 -
23048Woodward, Mary C.Nashuawidow 1812$8.00 Apr 23, 1879
13991Worcester, AuzubahGoffs Fallswidow 1812$8.00 Jan 3, 1879
181602Worcester, JohnGoffs Fallsdis. heart & res.; dis lungs$8.00 Jan 24, 1881
104405Worden, Martin V.New Bostong.s.wd. lft. foot$3.00 Feb 7, 1866
149131Worth, Julia A.Manchestermother$8.00 Mar 31,187_
37488Worthing, William P.Manchesterg.s.w. l. thigh$6.00 -
67972Wright, Albert F.New Ipswichwd. right hand$4.00 -
163815Wright, JohnNashuafather$8.00 Jan 27, 1874
12141Wright, MaryManchesterwidow of Parker, 1812$8.00 Nov 25, 1878
176463Wright, SusanNashuawidow 1812$8.00 Feb 22, 1877
26253Wyman, Amos A.Hillsboro' Bridgest & bay. wd. l. thigh$4.00 -
49314Wyman, EdsonManchesterg.s.wd. left hand$8.00 -
94737Wyman, ElizaAmherstmother$8.00 May 17, 1867
194289Wyman, George W.Manchesterintermit fever$4.00 Aug 10, 1881
19039Young, ThomasSouth Lyndeboroughwd. head & c.$6.00 -

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