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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Pawnee County, Nebraska

January 1, 1883

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1883 Pawnee County, Nebraska List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
185, 153Ball, Dennis RTable Rockminor of$10.00 Aug., 1879
150, 220Lawrence, AndrewPawnee Citydis liver$6.00 Dec., 1877
156, 937Peck, George CTable Rockdis eyes$4.00 Dec., 1878
22, 848Karns, Caroline MPawnee Citywidow $8.00 Feb., 1866
157, 606Lehaman, John H alias LaymanTable Rockdis eyes$2.00 Feb., 1879
147, 046Fairbank, H E WTable Rockmother$8.00 Jan., 1871
150, 406Retchless, WmPawnee Citydis lungs$4.00 Jan., 1878
164, 051Linning, DanielPawnee Citychr diarr$6.00 Jan., 1880
181, 460McManes, AndrewPawnee Citydis heart$8.00 Jan., 1881
201, 724Moore, Sanford VPawnee Citymalar pois$8.50 Jan., 1882
154, 446Olney, James AWolf Creekabscess r side abd$2.00 July, 1878
151, 546Ubbelohde, J C JPawnee Citywidow $8.00 June, 1871
158, 374Herron, Mary FBurchardwidow$8.00 June, 1872
24, 641Shirley, Ann PPawnee CityWidow 1812$8.00 June, 1879
210, 252Hough, Edgar GTable Rockg.s.w l leg$6.00 June, 1882
73, 420Fox, Mary BTable Rockwidow $8.00 Mar., 1867
126, 760Lockard, Sarah EPawnee Citymother$8.00 Mar., 1869
19, 487Russell, MaryMission CreekWidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
165, 530McCoy, JohnPawnee Citynasal catarrh$8.00 Mar., 1880
205, 114Moore, Jacob WPawnee Cityinjury to abdomen$4.00 Mar., 1882
203, 925Halderman, Wm JPawnee Cityg.s.w l thigh$4.00 Mar., 1882
194, 995Allen, CatherinePawnee Citymother$8.00 Mar., 1882
104, 734Stewart, EleanorPawnee Citymother$8.00 Nov., 1868
220, 227Hadden, IsaacPawnee Cityg.s.w r hand$6.00 Nov., 1882
177, 383Colony, Oliver L PPawnee Citychr diarr$6.00 Oct., 1880
162, 283Enrigh, Jacob CPawnee Citychr diarr$6.00 Sept., 1879
15, 088Rowlby, SamuelBurchardw l hand$6.00 -
78, 867Swen, Isaac ABurchardloss left arm$24.00 -
106, 566Myer, FrederickCincinnatichr rheum$16.00 -
146, 199Boston, JamesCincinnatig.s.w r side$2.00 -
53, 628Train, Joseph BMission Creekg.s.w l heel$8.00 -
63, 438Reed, Thomas AMission Creekg.s.w l wrist$8.00 -
44, 825Gifford, Wm MNew Homeg.s.w r leg$8.00 -
133, 072Wood, EdgarPawnee Cityg.s.w face$4.00 -
99, 091Miles, Clarence RPawnee Citypartial deafness$4.00 -
144, 585Mumford, Thomas TPawnee Citydis eyes$4.00 -
21, 221Bispham, MaskelPawnee Cityloss r eye & c$10.00 -
164, 363Davenport, MiltonPawnee Cityinj back & head$8.00 -
141, 770Bodle, JosephPawnee Cityinj back $8.00 -
66, 498Shepherd, EdwardPawnee Cityw r thigh$6.00 -
-Sawtell, Clarence SPawnee Cityw r hand$4.00 -
14, 206De Condres, Louis CPawnee Cityamp r arm$24.00 -
112, 906Butler, Wm APawnee Citydis lungs$24.00 -
139, 024Hutton, Hugh WPawnee Citychr diarr$8.00 -
114, 673Wolf, Charles MPawnee Cityg.s.w r thigh$16.00 -
73, 345Sims, ButlerPawnee Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
113, 373Scott, Robert WPawnee Cityg.s.w r hip$8.00 -
30, 901Shaw, John WTable Rockg.s.w l leg$18.00 -
16, 056Patterson, Wm PTable Rockw l arm$4.00 -
74, 001Merwin, Henry FTable Rockloss two fingers$8.00 -
53, 063Triloff, Wm FTable Rockw l arm$10.00 -
25, 355Davis, Ambrose DTable Rockw l thigh$8.00 -
95, 623Tennis, Frank VTable Rockloss r eye $8.00 -
68, 835Kerns, George DTable Rockloss l leg$18.00 -
50, 719Nye, Chester FWolf Creekg.s.w r arm & c$10.00 -

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