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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Johnson County, Nebraska

January 1, 1883

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1883 Johnson County, Nebraska List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
213, 707Armstrong, ThomasCrab Orchardchr diarr$6.00 June, 1882
122, 871Baker, ElizabethTecumsehwidow $8.00 Dec., 1868
38, 813Barber, ChaunceyVestainj spine$6.00 -
194, 213Bass, WmTecumsehchr neuralgia$4.00 Aug., 1881
56, 831Baty, Alvin PTecumsehg.s.wd r arm$8.00 -
178, 208Bierbower, WmTecumsehchr diarr$3.75 Oct., 1880
22, 027Bisby, JamesElk Creekg.s.wd r leg$4.00 -
175, 739Blystone, Wm JTecumsehinj r hip$6.00 Oct., 1880
208, 477Broome, PeterSpring Creekg.s.wd l thigh$2.00 May, 1882
73, 669Brown, Ezekiel ATecumsehg.s.wd r shoul$8.00 -
96, 909Brown, Jefferson DTecumsehg.s.wd l shoul$8.00 -
67, 550Buffum, Joseph WTecumsehinj l leg, r hand$10.00 -
150, 030Buskill, Barbara ESterlingwidow $8.00 -
37, 682Canfield, AlfredTecumsehg.s.wd r knee$8.00 -
218, 120Clark, Elijah LTecumsehepilepsy$6.00 Sept., 1882
145, 278Conklin, Daniel CTecumsehlung dis$8.00 May, 1877
55, 161Curtis, Harrison JTecumsehinj l leg, r hand$10.00 -
205, 298Dillon, Job ATecumsehspinal dis$8.00 Mar., 1882
157, 271Dilworth, Warren SCrab Orchardchr rheum$8.00 Jan., 1879
133, 324Due, Jacob STecumsehinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
87, 105Evans, Chauncy ATecumsehshell wd r side$6.00 -
128, 916Gue, Francis ATecumsehscurvy, chr diarr$18.00 -
173, 811Harris, CharlesSterlingg.s.wd l thigh$4.00 Sept., 1880
190, 921Heckathorn, Alice ETecumsehwidow $8.00 Jan., 1881
151, 914Henderson, William JElk Creek-$4.00 Mar., 1878
23, 017Henry, David PTecumsehloss l leg$24.00 -
163, 567Holden, John HTecumsehg.s.w r arm$4.00 Nov., 1879
15, 313Holmes, Ruth ATecumsehwidow $17.00 Mar., 1864
170, 067Howard, James NCrab Orcharddis eyes$4.00 June, 1880
71, 601Howarth, HenryTecumsehg.s.wd l arm$6.00 -
141, 194Huston, RobertTecumsehchr bronchitis$10.00 Sept., 1876
206, 774Karnes, Elijah STecumsehg.s.wd r thigh$6.00 Apr., 1882
53, 242Kiler, Jacob PTecumsehloss l eye, g.s.wd$10.00 -
40, 906Lawrence, James ATecumsehloss l leg$24.00 -
195, 578Long, John GSterlingchr diarr$4.00 Sept., 1881
184, 025McDae, OwenTecumsehdis lungs $8.00 Mar., 1881
76, 049McDougle, LeanderTecumsehchr rheum$10.00 -
53, 150McManara, JohnTecumsehg.s.wd r arm$8.00 -
205, 690Meyer, AdolphusVestag.s.wd l foot$4.00 Mar., 1882
199, 659Miller, Nelson ESterlingdis lungs & diarr$4.00 Dec., 1881
25, 800Montz, JaneTecumsehwidow $8.00 Nov., 1868
140, 260Moore, Kimber ASterlingsunstroke$10.00 -
137, 932Orr, Belinda JTecumsehwidow $8.00 Dec., 1869
196, 915Overman, LeviVestag.s.wd l thumb$2.00 Oct., 1881
72, 669Platt, PurdyTecumsehg.s.wd l thigh$8.00 -
128, 078Ponner, CharlesTecumsehdeafness ears$4.00 May, 1874
75, 959Pratt, Lucius ETecumsehwd l hand$8.00 -
67, 692Prosser, JosephSmartvilledis lungs$4.00 -
147, 680Sabin, George WTecumsehshell wd r arm$4.00 Aug., 1877
87, 244Salzman, AndrewTecumsehg.s.wd r thigh$8.00 -
186, 830Seaser, Samuel RTecumsehparalysis l limbs$50.00 Apr., 1880
204, 062Seay, James HSpring Creekinj l hand$4.00 Mar., 1882
158, 646Shaw, Isaac NTecumsehg.s.wd l thigh$4.00 Apr., 1879
177, 536Smith, Benj FTecumsehminor$10.00 -
60, 256Smith, Gabriel AVestawd l heel$6.00 -
216, 351Smith, Wm JTecumsehchr diarr$6.00 Aug., 1882
186, 178Snyder, Henry ATecumsehg.s.wd l hand$2.00 Apr., 1881
124, 786Snyder, Wm GTecumsehg.s.wd r leg$8.00 -
109, 363Sowders, Wm PTecumsehg.s.wd l arm$3.00 -
51, 742Sterrett, Ferdinand MTecumsehg.s.wd neck$24.00 -
162, 942Taylor, FranklinTecumsehdis eyes$8.00 Oct., 1879
31, 234Thompson, James MElk Creekparalysis lower limbs$24.00 -
42, 910Tracy, VictorElk Creekwd r knee$10.00 -
323, 221Versaw, FrancisSpring Creekg.s.wd l leg$2.00 Dec., 1882
79, 591Vetter, JoshuaTecumsehconjunctivitis$18.00 -
167, 080Wilcox, LeviSterlingg.s.wd r leg$6.00 Apr., 1880
57, 921Williams, Charles WSpring Creekwd arms$18.00 -
155, 884Williams, IsaiahElk Creekg.s.wd r lung$4.00 -
130, 631Winkler, John RCrab Orchardcut r leg$10.00 -
29, 206Young, FrancesSpring CreekWidow 1812$8.00 Apr., 1880
83, 369Young, SimonTecumsehwd r side$2.00 -
82, 481Zobas, Wm WTecumsehfrac r leg--

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