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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hamilton County, Nebraska

January 1, 1883

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1883 Hamilton County, Nebraska List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
-Ames, George RAurorag.s.w r shou$18.00 Sept., 1880
148, 747Ball, Wm JSaint Joeg.s.w lf foot$3.00 Oct., 1877
164, 600Barten, Robinson NSaint Joesh wd l knee$16.00 Feb., 1880
86, 777Bates, DelevanAurorag.s.w head$30.00 -
-Buckley, JamesAurorainj to head$6.00 -
223, 728Cain, George WAuroratotal blindness$72.00 Dec., 1882
86, 356Cannon, JamesLeonardg.s.w rt thigh$6.00 -
179, 411Clark, Marshall JSaint Joeg.s.w rt hip$6.00 Dec., 1880
32, 135Clark, Mathias MLertong.s.w l thigh$6.00 -
185, 908Curtis, Alonzo BFarmers Valleymalarial poisoning$4.00 Mar., 1881
175, 855Curtis, Dennison FAurorainj rt ankle$6.00 Oct., 1880
165, 630Curtis, George S AFarmers Valleypar deafness$4.00 Mar., 1880
211, 946Dehart, WoodfordMarquettechro diarr$4.00 June, 1882
112, 383Fiss, Thom JAurorag.s.w wrist$12.00 -
7, 363Fodge, Martha JAurora-$8.00 Oct., 1867
111, 706Garan, MatthiasAurorag.s.w rt scapula$8.00 -
26, 384Garon, Frank PAurorag.s.w lf foot$6.00 -
145, 590Graham, Robert WMarquetteg.s.w r hand$2.00 May, 1877
24, 581Groves, Elizabeth AAurorawidow$8.00 June, 1864
60, 231Gummere, Currency AAurorag.s.w lf shou$12.00 -
185, 343Holmes, Francis VAurorag.s.w head$8.00 Mar., 1881
84, 450Hower, GeorgeHamptong.s.w back$8.00 -
21, 016Kimball, John NAurorag.s.w rt leg$4.00 -
177, 120Lakin, Wm MAuroradis kidneys$18.00 Oct., 1880
62, 589Land, JosephStockhamg.s.w lt thigh$8.00 -
29, 423Machamer, Thos JAurorawd r leg$8.00 -
195, 152Mallemee, Henry CAurorag.s.w r side$2.00 Aug., 1882
203, 305McAllister, JamesAurorafrac of shou$2.00 Feb., 1882
99, 966McCowin, Wm HMarquetteg.s.w lf side$8.00 -
29, 718McCutcheon, Reuben PSaint Joeg.s.w bth thighs$12.00 -
219, 954McKibben, ChasAurorag.s.w l thigh$4.00 Oct., 1882
194, 828Misner, AlvaHamptonchro diarr$8.00 Aug., 1881
205, 324Mitchell, Marvin CAurorainjury to abdomen$4.00 Mar., 1882
192, 251Montgomery, Francis MHamptong.s.w rt leg$6.00 June, 1881
16, 901Noble, Frederick AAuroradis stomach$10.00 -
112, 597Pierce, JohnAurorachro rheu$18.00 -
158, 472Ridgley, RichardMarquetteg.s.w head$6.00 Mar., 1879
185, 640Sears, George NMarquettedis lungs$4.00 Mar., 1881
59, 106Simmons, Tillitha AAuroramother$8.00 Nov., 1865
177, 065Skelton, Joseph WSaint Joeinj to shou$8.50 Oct., 1880
11, 635Smith, Eliza AAurorawidow$8.00 Feb., 1867
44, 988Smith, John M WAuroraloss lf arm$24.00 -
61, 620Spellman, Chas EAurorawd lf breast$6.00 -
177, 041Swanson, MaryOtismother$8.00 Apr., 1877
167, 094Wall, Richard HAurora-$10.00 Jan., 1875
79, 600Ward, CharlotteSaint Joewidow$8.00 July, 1868
14, 920Ward, Wm HMarquetteg.s.w bth hands$4.00 -
137, 953Watson, John HMarquettewd r hand$4.00 -
75, 032Williamson, Hiram FAurorawd l hip$6.00 -
155, 533Wood, DanielHamptonloss rt finger$3.00 Sept., 1878
217, 034Woods, John WAuroraincised wd l hand$4.00 Aug., 1882
139, 162Yeoman, GulbertAurorag.s.w rt hand$6.00 -

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