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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Clay County, Nebraska

January 1, 1883

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1883 Clay County, Nebraska List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
117,806Alexander, Oliver P.Fairfieldg.s.w. left arm, leg$8.00 -
96,556Andrews, SusanFairfieldwidow$8.00 June 1870
150,506Athey, John O.Fairfieldchronic diarrhea$6.00 -
104,537Backus, SylvanusHarvardw. left leg$6.00 -
121,374Barker, Algernon S.Fairfieldamp. left great toe$4.00 -
123,244Barthelman, George C.Harvardinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
46,897Bennett, MarcusHarvardg.s.w. right side$8.00 -
46,656Bigelow,Cornelia J.Harvardwidow$8.00 May 1865
71,833Birmingham, Orlo W.Harvardpartial paralysis side$12.00 -
175,737Brann, JosephSuttong.s.w. left side, right leg, &c.$8.00 Oct. 1880
22,949Brewer, EugeneFairfieldw. left thigh, &c.$8.00 -
103,293Brewer, LeanderFairfielddis. lungs, chr. diarr.$18.00 -
74,398Brown, EzraHarvardg.s.w. left side$8.00 -
215,432Bryant, Lewis M.Spring Ranchdisease of kidneys$4.00 July 1882
146,583Butterfield, WilliamFairfieldw. left thigh $4.00 -
118,204Carmey, JamesGlenvilleg.s.w. right leg$6.00 -
-Carr, Peter M.Harvardsurv. 1812$8.00 -
116,306Chandler, Alexander B.Suttong.s.w. right thigh, inj. spine$18.00 -
194,793Childerston, John W.Fairfieldinjury to abdomen$4.00 Aug. 1881
181,376Childs, Irwin J.Fairfielddis. heart$12.00 Jan. 1881
172,184Clark, Isaac N.Suttondisease of eyes$6.00 Aug. 1880
88,891Close, William E.Fairfieldg.s.w. left hip$18.00 -
168,423Coen, EdmundSuttong.s.w. right thigh$2.00 May 1880
195,049Crosser, MaryInlandmother$8.00 Apr. 1882
73,727DeGraff, CharlesHarvardg.s.w. right hip$4.00 Oct. 1880
17,567Dewstoe, Samuel R.Harvarddebility$4.00 -
108,936Dinsmore, John B.Suttoninjury right leg$10.00 -
43,351Donnell, JamesSuttong.s.w. left leg$8.00 -
57,119Draper, MahitableEdgarwidow$8.00 Apr. 1867
184,683Dunn, Slocum S.Harvardchronic diarrhea$20.00 Mar. 1881
27,039Easter, GideonEdgarsur. 1812$8.00 Sept. 1879
79,541Elder, Thompson R.Suttonchr. diarr., dis. of abd. vis.$8.00 -
22,304Elwood, LymanDavisg.s.w. left hip$6.00 -
110,655Emerick, JohnFairfieldloss thumb, first finger right hand$7.00 -
106,590Fosdick, Franklin E.Harvardloss sight left eye, &c.$8.00 -
196,147Fulgroat, JohnHarvardg.s.w. right index finger$2.00 Sept. 1881
163,545Galer, George H.Harvardw. right arm$1.00 Nov. 1879
130,597Gallentine, JosephHarvardg.s.w. right hand$6.00 -
86,541Graham, John G.Edgarangular curva spine$24.00 -
116,127Gray, AlvinHarvardg.s.w. left thigh$8.00 Apr. 1872
116,801Grove, LymanHarvardg.s.w. right leg$10.00 -
164,744Hale, JohnEdgartotal blindness$72.00 Feb. 1880
214,324Hamilton, William R.Inlandloss part left little finger$2.00 June 1882
117,705Hascloh, FrederickHarvardg.s.w. knee, thigh$6.00 -
161,944Hayes, James M.Edgarsunstroke$4.00 Apr. 1879
194,129Hendrickson, WilliamEdgarfather$8.00 Jan. 1882
100,424Hess, Amasa P.Harvardg.s.w. left foot$4.00 -
38,037Hill, JamesFairfieldg.s.w. left knee$6.00 -
18,171Howard, RebeccaEdgarwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1879
187,230Ingalsbe, MariaHarvardmother$8.00 Mar. 1880
151,543Jenkins, AaronHarvardg.s.w. left thigh$4.00 Mar. 1878
118,367Johns, MaryEdgarmother$8.00 Sept. 1868
168,027Johnston, James F.Edgarw. left side$2.00 Feb. 1880
78,559Jones, Stephen B.Harvardg.s.w. left leg$6.00 -
77,382Klingerman, CharlesEdgarw. left arm$8.00 -
189,601Land, JacksonSuttondisease of eyes$10.00 June 1882
117,845Latone, CharlesClay Centerinjury to abdomen$8.00 Oct. 1874
149,231Lee, George W.Harvarddis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 -
112,798LeHerr, Joseph L.Suttons.w. left shoulder$8.00 -
-Limbocker, George W.Harvardinfl. rheum. left arm$13.33 1/2-
24,265Linton, Julia A.Suttonwidow$8.00 Sept. 1867
-Locke, Philena K.Edgarmother$8.00 -
144,670Lump, JohnInlandinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
147,872Lunn, CharlesClay Centerdis. lungs$4.00 Aug. 1877
124,730Lybarger, GeorgeFairfieldg.s.w. left lung$8.00 Apr. 1873
205,488Lyons, William W.Glenvilleg.s.w.left hand, &c.$2.00 Mar. 1882
126,642Marsh, Deborah C.Clay Centerwidow$8.00 Apr. 1869
129,628Marsh, George W.Clay Centerg.s.w. right foot$3.00 -
83,322Massie, Jeremiah B.Fairfieldw. right shoulder$18.00 -
103,559McCluskey, PatrickEdgarwound right thigh$6.00 -
123,900McCormich, JamesDavisdisease of heart$10.00 July 1873
213,384McCormick, AndrewGlenvilleg.s.w. left leg$4.00 June 1882
80,363Megure, Joseph F.Harvardg.s.w. left shoulder$6.00 -
108,443Moger, Edward J.Harvardinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
13,132Montgomery, Thos. P. F.Edgarg.s.w. right groin$4.00 -
194,030Morrow, John C.Harvarddis. kidneys$11.25 Aug. 1881
219,331Myer, JosephGlenvilleg.s.w. back$2.00 Oct. 1882
165,500Myers, ThomasFairfieldinjury to abdomen$8.00 Mar. 1880
87,701Nagel, NicholasDavisg.s.w. left knee$6.00 -
42,748Neighbor, Elihu G.Glenvilleg.s.w. left leg$6.00 -
119,399Nettleton, Daniel M.Spring Ranchw. left hip$6.00 -
164,600Newnhaur, HowardSuttong.s.w. right elbow$4.00 Feb. 1880
112,013Owens, LeahFairfieldmother$8.00 Oct. 1868
54,526Reley, Ancil A.Fairfieldloss right leg$18.00 -
194,379Rice, Hiram E.Glenvilleinjury to abdomen$2.00 Aug. 1881
168,749Sacrison, Jonas PeterEdgarinjury right knee$8.00 June 1880
190,330Seymour, Francis M.Edgarg.s.w. left arm$4.00 June 1881
109,231Sides, AlexanderHarvarddisease of eyes$12.00 -
102,583Siefkin, Hero S.Harvardinjury right arm$8.00 -
217,777Skinnear, John A.Edgarinjury right ankle$6.00 Sept. 1882
218,164Sloat, Samuel C.Harvardinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
202,077Smith, William W.Suttong.s.w. right thigh$8.00 Feb. 1882
35,192Squires, MariaFairfieldwidow$8.00 -
128,704Stiles, David M.Harvardg.s.w. right thigh$6.00 -
34,807Stone, Ezekiel J.Harvardamp. right arm$24.00 -
162,732Sumner, EphraimClay Centerdis. lungs$2.00 Oct. 1879
2,342Swallow, AlexanderHarvardg.s.w. right thigh$2.00 -
160,537Synott, JohnGlenvilleminor of$10.00 -
167,302Updike, EdwardHarvardg.s.w. left leg$4.00 Apr. 1880
139,134Van Tress, Turner W.Harvardg.s.w. left knee$4.00 Apr. 1879
102,995Wooden, Joseph w.Fairfieldloss right eye$4.00 -
213,938Yager, JohnSuttonfrac. 3 ribs left side, dis. pleura$6.00 June 1882

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