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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Adams County, Nebraska

January 1, 1883

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1883 Adams County, Nebraska List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
149,399Adams, Elmer E.Juanitainjury to abdomen$4.00 Nov. 1877
137,452Ahlbright, FrederickHastingspoisoned arrow wd. leg$8.00 -
159,761Anderson, ElizabethJuanitamother$8.00 Oct. 1872
13,120Baldwin, George W.Kenesawwd. arm$4.00 June 1863
43,288Barlow, Nathan C.Hastingschr. diarr., dis. kidneys$6.00 -
55,549Barnard, BetseySilver Lakewidow$8.00 Sept. 1865
158,558Bassett, Jeremiah J.Hastingsw. right thigh$2.00 -
46,042Baxter, NancyHastingswidow$8.00 Apr. 1865
198,305Beach, JamesJuanitadis. lungs$8.00 Nov. 1881
118,896Benjamin, Aaron F.Hastingsg.s.w. neck$6.00 -
203,618Bowen, Adna H.Hastingsdis. kidneys$3.75 Feb. 1882
42,606Brannan, GeorgeHastingsg.s.w. head, leg$12.00 -
112,401Brass, Nathan L.Juanitadis. liver, spleen$10.00 -
46,329Brown, Alfred H.Juanitaloss left arm$24.00 -
122,631Brown, John B.Kenesawg.s.w. wrist$4.00 -
61,596Brown, William H.Hastingsg.s.w. leg$6.00 -
113,990Burton, Riley D.Hastingsdis. eyes$12.00 -
152,043Caltrin, AlansonHastingsw. right leg$6.00 Mar. 1878
12,789Carroll, ThomasAyrg.s.w. back$8.00 -
23,034Carson, Mary B.Hastingswidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1879
132,490Carter, Jonathan R.Hastingsinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
104,075Carter, Robert C.Juanitaophthalmia$4.00 -
103,073Chase, Avesy W.Hastingspartial paralysis $10.00 -
54,858Cole, Albert V.Juanitag.s.w. arm$18.00 -
38,245Colman, solomonJuanitag.s.w. foot$6.00 -
140,340Corbin, NathanielHastingsinj. to hip, side$10.00 -
159,028Culver, Otis, E.Hastingsg.s.w. knee$4.00 Apr. 1879
217,652Davis, MarcusRoselanddis. lungs$8.50 Aug. 1882
175,319Davis, Thomas E.Hastingsdis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 Oct. 1880
155,459Decker, MosesAyrfather$8.00 Jan. 1872
24,575Douglass, George E.Hastingsinjury to abdomen$8.00 Mar. 1864
107,134Drake, Henry E.Hastingsvavular, dis. eyes$10.00 -
46,306Drake, William T.Juanitag.s.w. left hand$8.00 -
35,893Dyer, JohnAyrchronic diarrhea$8.00 -
24,067Easton, SilasRoselandg.s.w. arm$8.00 -
213,355Felt, Lucius H.Hastingsinjury to ankle, back$4.00 June 1882
169,092Frank, Joseph S.Kenesawdis. eyes, heart$6.00 June 1880
40,387Godfrey, ElijahJuanitainjury to abdomen$8.00 -
23,248Gorman, John O.Hastingsw. left arm$18.00 -
120,102Griswold, David M.Mayflowerinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
103,009Hall, Isaac A.Hastingsg.s.w. leg$6.00 Apr. 1870
178,135Hartgrave, John P.Morsevilleg.s.w. toe$1.00 Oct. 1880
146,773Hawley, Levi P.Hastingsg.s.w. side$1.00 -
93,153Hensel, William S.Hastingsw. left arm$2.00 Sept. 1868
208,294Hill, Algie S.Hastingsg.s.w. knee$2.00 May 1882
14,916Hodges, PerryKenesawinj. side by shell$96.00 -
175,599Hopper, William W.Hastingsg.s.w. arm$2.00 Oct. 1880
38,895Houghtaling, Hiram E.Hastingsg.s.w. leg$8.00 -
210,862Hoy, Lewis J.Hastingsinjury left side & lumbar region$4.00 June 1882
69,856Huntworth, ElizabethJuanitawidow$8.00 -
205,314Hutchinson, George T.Hastingschronic diarrhea$4.00 Mar. 1882
-Jones, Horatio D.Hastingsdiarrhea, disease of abdominal viscera, epilepsy$24.00 Dec. 1878
31,072Keller, William F.Juanitag.s.w. left foot$6.00 -
34,620Kent, John L.Kenesawg.s.w. left arm$10.00 -
114,161Laird, James T.Hastingsg.s.w. side chest$6.00 -
112,931Lealand, Davis M.Hastingsg.s.w. thigh$6.00 -
135,111Livingston, HartfordHastingsinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
219,521Marshall, JohnHastingsg.s.w. hand$2.00 Oct. 1882
164,023McCully, William R.Hastingsg.s.w. head, varicose veins$6.00 Jan. 1880
192,427McDaniel, FrankAyrpartial paralysis arm$6.00 July 1881
106,477McDaniel, Wm. W.Ayrwd. arm, shoulder, leg$12.00 -
59,607McIntyre, Guy C.Hastingsg.s.w. leg$4.00 -
53,675Menster, HermanMayflowerg.s.w. arm$10.00 -
142,202Merrell, John F.Roselandg.s.w. breast, side$6.00 -
112,760Metzer, NicholasJuanitainjury to abdomen$10.00 -
71,991Miller, GeorgeHastingsamp. left leg$24.00 -
159,027Mitchell, Gilbert H.Hansenchronic diarrhea$4.00 Apr. 1879
158,676Monroe, Stephen C.Juanitachronic diarrhea$10.00 Apr. 1879
177,251Moore, AlbertAyrdis. heart, dis. of abd. vis.$8.00 Oct. 1880
43,080Morgan, JacobRoselandloss left arm$18.00 -
75,065Morledge, Robert R.Hastingsinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
145,362Noll, Benjamin F.Hastingsg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 -
96,322Norton, Mary S.Juanitawidow$8.00 June 1867
87,561Nutter, William S.Hastingsloss right leg$18.00 Dec. 1867
146,067O'Konnis, Ekke P.Hastingsmother$8.00 Nov. 1870
163,112Palmer, Myron E.Hastingsg.s.w. face $2.00 Oct. 1879
68,274Parks, George W.Morsevilleg.s.w. foot$6.00 -
213,896Peters, Melancthon W.Hastingsg.s.w. shoulder, wrist$4.00 June 1882
72,422Phillio, Wm. W.Ayrdis. eyes$11.25 Nov. 1882
103,837Plank, JohnHastingsdisease heart$12.00 -
156,530Powers, Jane B.Hansenwidow$8.00 Mar. 1872
176,153Pressly, John T.Morsevilleg.s.w. hand, lung disease$12.00 Oct. 1880
34,421Radley, Franklin B.Ayrwd. lung$8.00 -
9,031Reader, ElizabethAyrmother$8.00 Nov. 1863
177,212Rhoades, Peleg H.Hastingsg.s.w. leg$6.00 Oct. 1880
136,421Richards, Wilson S.Juanitag.s.w. foot$4.00 -
216,661Ridley, William C.Hastingsdisease heart$8.00 Aug. 1882
25,311Rinker, FrederickHastingsw. hip$18.00 -
199,548Rogers, AlexanderHastingsdis. lungs$4.00 Dec. 1881
136,673Rose, JamesHastingsg.s.w. finger$3.00 -
75,165Ruzzell, Oliver A.Juanitaspn. right knee joint$4.00 -
138,914Salsbury, SamuelJuanitag.s.w. finger$2.00 -
153,029Sanford, James M.Mayflowerg.s.w. chest & back$8.00 May 1878
202,977Sault, John T.Hastingschronic diarrhea$4.00 Feb. 1882
102,751Schofield, Thomas D.Hastingsdis. of heart$17.00 -
194,381Scudder, Marion, jr.Juanitachr. diarr., dis. abd. viscera$6.00 Aug. 1881
204,726Smith, AlexanderHastingsinjury to abdomen$3.75 Mar. 1882
59,714Smith, Benjamin F.Juanitaloss right arm$18.00 -
212,778Snyder, James A.Hastingsg.s.w. thigh$4.00 June 1882
120,013Spencer, Harlon N.Hastingsw. face, loss of sight$8.50 Nov. 1872
60,261Stever, OrlandoJuanitaloss right leg$18.00 -
166,979Swift, Jacob A.Juanitadis. rectum, dis. abd. viscera$8.00 Apr. 1880
94,613Tatman, EliasHastingsg.s.w. shoulder, lung$18.00 -
199,571Tatman, John W.Ayrchr. diarr., disease of bad. vis.$8.00 Dec. 1881
144,543Thompson, Abel S.Kenesawchronic rheumatism$12.00 -
104,700Towner, Henry B.Hastingsw. left elbow, shoulder$12.00 -
50,504Van ruskirk, MosesJuanitaamp. arm$24.00 -
141,762Van Sickle, BenjaminJuanitadis. of abdominal viscera$18.00 Oct. 1876
150,169Van Vranken, Edw. A.Hastingsaphonia$4.00 Dec. 1877
61,252Watkins, EmmaJuanitawidow$8.00 Apr. 1868
222,212Whitman, Isaac A.Hastingsrheumatism, chronic diarrhea$8.00 Dec. 1882
-Whitman, Shepard B.Hastingsw. right arm$4.00 -
99,637Wilcox, George H.Juanitag.s.w. arm$10.00 -
-Wilkinson, Daniel S.Hastingsg.s.w. face, jaw$8.00 -
186,234Williams, WilliamHastingsfather$20.00 Dec. 1879
210,402Wington, Alonzo L.Hastingsdis. lungs$6.00 -
129,675Wirt, Dian B.Hastingsg.s.w. elbow$8.00 Sept. 1874
130,722Work, George F.Hastingsg.s.w. face$6.00 -
11,474Worthington, SarahHastingswidow$8.00 Jan. 1873
97,344Yocum, Aaron D.Hastingsdis. heart $24.00 -
-Young, JohnHastingsinjury to spine$8.00 -
100,151Zimmer, NicholasHastingsophthalmia$4.00 -

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