New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Webster County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Webster County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
178,404Adams, Henry C.Marshfielddisease of lungs$2.00 Nov., 1880
172,811Antry, Benj. F.Seymourloss of 3d finger left hand$2.00 Aug., 1880
211,644Barnhart, DavidWaldoinj to spine$4.00 June, 1882
198,200Bartlett, Margaret V.Marshfieldwidow, &c$14.00 Dec., 1882
110,982Becerdite, WebsterElklandloss of sight r't eye$4.00 June, 1871
12,488Blunt, JamesMarshfieldparalysis of arms & shoulder$6.00 -
98,619Breedlove, JamesHendersonwd. left side of head$8.00 June, 1869
37,627Bruton, Mary J.Marshfieldwidow$8.00 -
6,394Bruton, NancyHendersonwidow 1812$8.00 Nov., 1874
181,390Bryan, William H.Marshfieldg. s. w. left forearm, &c$6.00 Jan., 1881
41,230Bumganer, Rudolph A.North Viewwd. of back$4.00 Apr., 1865
116,644Burks, Willis F.Marshfielddisease of eyes$18.00 -
175,888Campbell, Mary A.Marshfielddep. mother$8.00 Dec., 1876
186,833Caple, David M.Marshfieldminor of$10.00 Jan., 1880
55,435Chaney, Richard M.Seymourg. s. w. right leg$6.00 -
18,332Clark, Ashford W.Marshfieldg. s. w. right hand, &c$6.00 -
28,623Coward, MaryHendersonwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1880
94,973Curtright, JamesMarshfieldwd. right arm, &c$4.00 -
108,933Dalton, Wm. H.Marshfieldg. s. w. left leg & necrosis$10.00 -
125,294Davis, William G.Elklandg. s. w. left forearm$4.00 Oct., 1873
34,424De Treese, Amos L.Elklandwidow$8.00 Nov., 1864
195,595Dena, Luke T.Marshfieldchr. rheum. & dis. of eyes$4.00 Sept., 1881
152,403Denney, George D.Sarvis Pointdisease of eyes$8.00 Apr., 1878
146,987Denny, JohnSeymourg. s. w. right arm$1.00 July, 1877
207,863Dodson, William F.Marshfielddisease of right eye$2.00 May, 1882
202,379Elliott, John W.Elklandsunstroke & results$8.00 Feb., 1882
83,203Ellis, Leander J.Duncanwd. left leg$4.00 July, 1867
130,980Epps, SusanWaldowidow$8.00 June, 1869
155,440Flat, AaronMarshfieldasthma$8.00 -
116,198Good, John H.Marshfieldg. s. w. l. leg$8.00 -
17,579Goodwin, ThomasMarshfieldinjury to abdomen$12.00 -
35,105Graver, Joshua H.Marshfieldwd. left great toe$2.00 Dec., 1864
15,721Green, LewisMorningtonsurv. 1812$8.00 Apr., 1872
106,197Hall, MargaretMarshfieldwidow$8.00 Jan., 1868
97,626Hancock, Mary M.Seymourwidow$8.00 July, 1867
95,444Hardy, David C.Panther Valleyg. s. w. b. th's & foreh'd, &c.$10.00 -
58,761Hargis, Lorenzo D.Marshfieldwd. right arm$18.00 -
32,391Harley, ElizabethSeymourwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1882
44,486Hinkle, JesseMarshfieldg. s. w. right hand$8.00 -
20,607Holdway, AmerSarvis Pointsurv. 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
92,146Hoover, Rachel C.Marshfieldwidow$17.00 -
141,060Howard, JonathanMarshfielddis. of eyes and spine$12.00 Aug., 1876
63,988Humble, Jesse M.Rogersvillewd. right knee$10.00 -
203,766Isenberg, WilliamMarshfieldg. s. w. right arm$2.00 Mar., 1882
140,871Johnson, MalindaMarshfieldwidow$8.00 Mar., 1870
114,910Johnson, Pamelia J.Marshfieldwidow$8.00 June, 1868
20,639Johnston, ElizabethNianguawidow$8.00 -
152,739Johnston, Lucinda R.Sarvis Pointwidow$8.00 Aug., 1871
56,404Justic, WilliamMarshfieldwd. right hand$4.00 Jan., 1866
153,010Keller, EmelineMarshfieldwidow$8.00 Aug., 1871
155,932Keller, JosephSarvis Pointg. s. w. left wrist$4.00 -
212,708King, JohnMarshfielddis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 June, 1882
198,490Kulmel, LouisSarvis Pointg. s. w. of head & deafness$4.00 Nov., 1881
77,407Lacy, JohnMarshfieldsunstroke$6.00 -
34,296Larimer, IsaacNianguag. s. w. of face$12.00 -
64,630Lathrop, HarryMarshfieldloss of right arm, &c$24.00 -
110,461Lee, ElizabethSarvis Pointwidow$8.00 -
23,434Lee, Sarah H.Hazenwidow$8.00 May, 1864
204,779Lee, Wm. H.Marshfieldg. s. w. left arm & back$2.00 Mar., 1882
57,624Livens, HendrickSeymourg. s. w. face$2.00 Feb., 1866
135,904Marshall, JamesHazenvaricose veins left leg$8.00 -
48,609Martin, Wm. A.Marshfieldwd. right shoulder$8.00 -
75,285Matney, MaryWaldowidow$8.00 -
28,851McNeely, ThenliousDuncang. s. w. l. knee & face$8.00 -
221,670McWilliams, John H.Seymourchro. diarrhea$6.00 Dec., 1882
157,800Medley, MargaretPanther Valleydep. mother$8.00 May, 1872
154,439Miller, George A.Seymourloss of sight left eye$4.00 July, 1878
105,033Miller, JohnTeaguesinjury to abdomen$4.00 Aug., 1870
32,287Milliken, LevinaMarshfieldwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1882
19,287Mingus, SarahDuncanwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1879
127,749Philpott, David A.Sarvis Pointloss of sight right eye$4.00 Sept., 1874
12,23_Pleasant, Thomas J.Marshfieldg. s. w. left arm$2.00 -
76,766Pogue, MarthaSarvis Pointwidow$8.00 -
149,475Prince, LucindaNorth Viewwidow$8.00 Apr., 1871
31,986Ray, ZalphaMarshfieldwidow 1812$8.00 Oct., 1881
122,482Robertson, Daniel W.Marshfieldg. s. w. right arm$4.00 Apr., 1873
139,184Robertson, Green L.Marshfieldinj. to right leg$6.00 May, 1876
137,599Robertson, Thomas J.Seymourg. s. w. rt. shoulder & l. leg$8.50 Jan., 1876
188,433Robinson, John H.Marshfielddis. of lungs$4.00 May, 1881
170,685Rockland, Charles F.Marshfielddis. of heart$12.00 June, 1880
186,280Rogan, MaryHazendep. mother$8.00 Dec., 1879
172,894Rose, LucindaHendersondep. mother$8.00 Apr., 1876
83,116Sabin, George W.Seymourinj. of left hip$2.00 -
176,832Smith, JamesSeymourg. s. w. of back & left leg$8.00 Oct., 1880
43,143Smith, Lydia V.Panther Valleywidow$8.00 -
71,482Stafford, Benj. F.Seymourg. s. w. right shoulder & lung$12.00 -
119,631Tammer, John H.Sarvis Pointinjury to abdomen$17.00 -
201,447Thompson, LeonidasMarshfieldchro. diarrhea$4.00 Jan., 1882
117,776Walker, DanielHazeng. s. w. left leg$4.00 July, 1872
105,963Whipple, JohnFordlandparalysis$20.00 Oct., 1870
155,402White, MatildaNianguawidow$8.00 Jan., 1872
158,608Wilkinson, Clayton H.Hendersonchronic diarrhea$4.00 Apr., 1879
151,042Wilkinson, George W.Nianguag. s. w. left shoulder$3.00 Feb., 1878
137,943Williams, HezekiahPanther Valleyg. s. w. left thigh$6.00 -
73,763Wilson, WilliamMarshfieldg. s. w. left thigh$4.00 Nov., 1866
168,093Winshow, Orlando R.Marshfielddis. of eyes$4.00 May, 1880
78,708Wright, Salinda A.Sarvis Pointwidow$8.00 -
16,768York, Andrew M.Hendersong. s. w. of head$12.00 -

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