New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Vernon County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Vernon County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
57,740Anton, EppenauerSchell Citywound of back$4.00 Feb., 1866
177,059Bane, Garner H.Nevadaminors of$27.00 Apr., 1877
86,374Barkley, William B.Walkerg. s. w. left ankle$8.00 -
129,203Barr, JamesMetzg. s. w. left leg$4.00 June, 1874
190,238Best, Samuel C.Carbon Centreg. s. w. rt. knee$6.00 -
199,860Betz, Henry J.Nevadag. s. w. left thigh$4.00 Dec., 1881
109,198Bickford, John C.Sheldonwd. l. thigh$8.00 Feb., 1878
121,838Bradford, JoshuaWalkerwd. rt. leg below knee$6.00 -
11,698Brand, JamesCarbon Centre$8.00 Jan., 1872
40,444Brittain, Jane E.Nevadawidow$8.00 Feb., 1865
38,503Brockman, ShelbyMoundsg. s. w. left wrist involving loss use of l. hand & wrist$18.00 -
204,000Brown, WilliamMontevallog. s. w. (above) left hip$2.00 Mar., 1882
187,735Cattrell, FranklinNevadainj. to eye from g. s . wd.$12.00 -
41,552Conklin, James M.Nevadaloss r. forearm$18.00 -
182,353Cox, Ulysses D.Deerfielddisease of eyes$4.00 Feb., 1881
91,061Creamer, John A.Avolachr. diarrhea$24.00 -
134,628Curver, Nancy G.Nevadawidow$8.00 Sept., 1869
60,925Davis, John A.Nevadaloss rt. foot$18.00 -
117,918Davis, WilliamSchell Cityg. s. w. loss r. fin.$3.00 -
68,564Dilman, Wm. P.Schell Cityvaricose veins and ulcers l. leg$18.00 -
94,600Dorman, HenryMontevallog. s. w. rt. hand$10.00 -
187,593Erdmann, Sebastian A.Schell Citysunstroke & result. nervous debility and dis. of heart$18.00 Apr., 1881
68,351Feege, PatrickNevadag. s. w. right thigh$4.00 July, 1866
151,816Fowler, Grover G.Schell Cityg. s. w. wd. lft. leg$3.00 Mar., 1878
52,331Frances, Wm. H. H.Moundswd. breast$8.00 -
100,103George, Alfred K.Montevallochr. diarrhea$8.00 Sept., 1869
34,022Gossett, James F.Montevalloinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
150,199Hamilton, Thomas A.Drywoodwd. l. shoulder$4.00 -
134,703Harrison, George H.Nevadadeafness$2.00 Feb., 1878
57,166Hereford, FranklinNevadag. s. w. right arm$6.00 -
196,326Hershey, Samuel E.Montevallominors of$10.00 June, 1882
5,789Higgins, ElinorWalker$8.00 Dec., 1873
161,529Hucht, WilliamWalkerg. s. w. right knee$6.00 -
213,035Hunt, John M.Nevadainj. of l. wrist$8.00 June, 1882
16,716Huston, SanfordClaytong. s. w. l. arm$4.00 -
90,188Hyatt, Henry C.Schell Cityw. l. thigh$8.00 -
213,491Jones, Milleson D.Ellisch. diarrhea$4.00 June, 1882
58,528Kicker, CharlesNevadawound left arm$8.00 -
148,705Knight, Charles H.Nevadainjury to abdomen$6.00 -
208,922Lair, William H.Sheldong. s. wd. of both thighs$8.00 May, 1882
24,807Leach, William H.Sheldonwound of abdomen$8.00 Mar., 1864
17,161Lee, John S.Nevadag. s. w. rt. arm$4.00 -
107,990Lee, LeviSchell Cityinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
25,500Lile, Michael S.Nevadag. s. w. l. hand, r. breast$12.00 -
163,116Lockwood, Jason L.Schell Cityg. s. rt. chest$6.00 -
91,024Mallony, Daniel H.Montevalloch. dysentery$8.00 -
120,005Martin, Willis D.Montevallowd. l. hand and forearm$6.00 -
158,493McCollouch, ThomasCarbon Centreg. s. w. rt. knee$2.00 Mar., 1879
31,356McConnell, UriahHooverdis. of eyes$10.00 -
122,624McDonald, JamesNevadainj. l. knee$12.00 -
86,464McFarland, Thomas W.Nevadatotal blindness$72.00 -
21,914McKinley, Michael R.Nevadawd. neck and r. hand$6.00 -
149,389McMurtry, Robert L.Walkerw. l. thigh$4.00 Nov., 1877
191,687Meacham, William B.Sheldoninjury to abdomen$8.00 June, 1881
4,084Morris, HowardSheldong. s. w. l. thigh$8.00 -
184,460Morris, PerrinEllisdis. of r. ehye and cicatrices on legs from small-pox$6.00 Mar., 1881
147,717Nichols, Ozen B.Nevadawd. r. leg$4.00 -
185,019Palmer, Daniel Nevadag. s. w. rt. ankle$1.00 Mar., 1881
157,052Pemberton, PollyNevadadep. mother$8.00 Apr., 1872
23,432Phipps, Thomas J.Nevadainjury to abdomen$4.00 -
20,494Reavis, HiramMontevallo$8.00 Mar., 1873
30,031Richey, Nancy H.Nevada$8.00 July, 1880
216,971Rimbey, TheophilusClaytong. s. w. of left knee$2.00 Aug., 1882
122,020Roper, Benj.Walkerwd. l. lung$8.00 -
1,405Satterlee, ElizabethMoundswidow$8.00 -
171,274Schumann, HenryWalkerg. s. w. r. side of head & face$4.00 July, 1880
27,480Senat, ElizabethNevadawidow$8.00 Oct., 1879
192,622Shanton, John B.Nevadach. diarrhea$2.00 July, 1881
110,430Shinn, William M.Nevadadisease left lung$8.00 -
131,639Shoulders, William W.Nevadag. s. w. rt. arm$4.00 -
93,560Shute, JosephMoundsophthalmia$8.00 Oct., 1868
10,706Snock, IsabelClayton$8.00 -
16,994Story, Oliver P.Sandstoneg. s. w. l. shoul$8.00 Sept., 1863
193,075Sullivan, Orlando J.Moundsrheumatism & chr. diarrhea$12.75 July, 1881
140,891Teel, PeterNevadainjury of back$8.00 -
160,401Testerman, James M.Nevadag. s. w. left arm$4.00 June, 1879
56,406Teubner, DavidCarbon Centrewound left shoulder$18.00 -
10,766Tompkins, Laura E.Deerfieldwidow$8.00 -
143,006Truskett, John O.Nevadarheumatism$8.00 -
58,465Turner, LeviNevadaamp. left arm$18.00 -
211,150Tyre, GeorgeAvolainj. r. leg resulting varicose veins$6.00 June, 1882
114,130Tyree, William F.Avolatotal blindness$72.00 -
76,686Van Meter, Amanda E.Hooverwidow$8.00 July, 1867
131,728Vaughin, John T.Nevadawound face, l. arm$6.00 -
22,616Warren, Wm. W.Montevallowound chest & thigh$8.00 -
58,018White, HenryNevadawd. l. arm$12.00 -
97,837Whitton, George W.Nevadawound of left shoul$2.00 -
86,279Williams, GeorgeNevadawound rt. forearm$10.00 -
201,282Wilson, John H.Walkerdisease of heart$6.00 Jan., 1882
108,756Wilson, ThomasCarbon Centreg. s. w. rt. foot$2.00 -
95,321Wormley, Abram V.Schell Citywound l. arm$6.00 -
191,904Wright, EdwinSchell Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00 June, 1881
125,965Yelton, Benjamin F.Nevadag. s. w. rt. leg$8.00 -
129,808Young, John C.Little Osagewound face producing deafness l. ear$8.00 -

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