New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Saint Clair County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Saint Clair County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
191,076Andrews, Maria WTabervillewidow$8.00Feb. 1881
175,083Beardslee, David JOsceolawd. of rt. shoulder $6.00Oct. 1880
4,243Bishop, Wm.Chalk Levelspinal irritation & results$18.00-
45,658Boyd, Hiram CAppleton Cityg.s.w. of rt. hip $18.00-
126,682Brown, JnoTiffinshell wd. lft. Hand$8.00-
2,031Burk, PollyRoscoewidow (act June 3, 1858)$8.00-
187,442Clark, Sarah MOsceoladependent mother$8.00Mar. 1880
63,050Clark, Wm. DAppleton Citywd. of lft. leg $8.00-
1?9,354Clear, Philip HLowry Cityg.s.w. lft. hip & thigh$18.00-
107,843Clemmens, Geo. WRoscoewd. lft. Hand$2.00-
178,770Cockrell, Heazlett PJohnson Cityg.s.w. of rt. lung $4.00Nov. 1880
88,253Conway, HughRoscoeg.s.w. of lft. foot $8.00Feb. 1863
153,898Cope, Albert FJohnson Cityinj. r. ankle$6.00June 1878
118,696Cowder, KilbernJohnson Cityparalysis of motor nerves from measles$72.00-
42,604Creson, ElizabethOsceolawidow   $8.00-
206Davis, WileyOsceolasurv. 1812$8.00June 1871
152,169Dawson, JnoJohnson Cityg.s.w. left thigh$4.00Apr. 1878
24,591Estes, ElizabethRoscoewidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1879
179,246Falcon, AlbertAppleton Cityinj. to rt. foot & chr. diarrh.$8.00-
192,123Freeman, David GOsceolachr. diarrhea $8.00June 1881
35,097Galloway, WmOsceolawd. of l. jaw & r. should $8.00-
100,549Glendining, JnoRoscoeg.s.w. of left breast$4.00-
41,840Good, WinchesterTabervilleg.s.w. of rt. arm $18.00-
82,190Griffith, Samuel JAppleton Cityw.r. hand $4.00-
121,984Haviland, JacobAppleton Cityg.s.w. of rt. leg $6.00-
134,908Hinkley, Cornelius FAppleton Citychr. diarrhea $2.00July 1875
18,749Howard, Wm.Collinssurv. 1812$8.00Aug. 1872
54,744Kates, ElishaOsceolaloss of lft. arm abv. Elbow$24.00-
144,783Kennedy, Jas RLowry Cityinj. to left leg$12.00-
148,715Kennedy, Xanthus MAppleton Citywd. rt. thigh $4.00Oct. 1877
145,346Kinzey, Sarah FOsceolawidow$8.00Oct. 1870
158,799Leonard, Sarah COsceolawidow$8.00July 1872
133,051Lever, HenryOsceolaulcers of lft. leg $14.00Apr. 1875
136,228Lewis, Abraham B.B.Chalk Levelchr. rheumatism $10.00Oct. 1875
165,509Linney, James HOsceolag.s.w. rt. thigh & chr. diarr.$11.00Mar. 1880
159,961Martin, Robt.Johnson Citywd. rt. side of head$2.00May 1879
27,110McClelland, NancyJohnson Citywidow 1812$8.00Sept. 1879
126,045McConnell, Marg't HOsceolawidow$8.00Mar. 1880
221,468McFarlen, Jacob BAppleton Citydis. of abdominal viscera$4.00Nov. 1882
203,177McGauthy, RobtOhioinjury of abdoment$4.00Feb. 1882
210,292Mock, Jas. MAppleton Cityg.s.w. of rt. arm $2.00June 1882
22,648Neal, Luticia AOsceolawidow$15.00Sept. 1873
169,463Prier, Benj. NChalk Leveldis. of left leg$8.00June 1880
147,806Proctor, EdwardRoscoedis. of lungs$6.00-
98,081Pursley, JnoJohnson Cityg.s.w. of rt. chest $12.00-
137,746Ray, Geo. WAppleton Cityinjury of abdoment$6.00-
128,957Reeder, Lewis FRoscoechr. conjunctivitis $8.00-
73,929Rood, Jno LAppleton Cityg.s.w. thro' lung & rt. side $8.00-
175,611Rosburgh, ThosChalk Levelchr. rheum., par. paraly. l. leg $18.00Oct. 1880
54,735Rothgeb, JonesLowry Cityamp. left. arm abv. elbow $24.00-
101,820Scott, JosephOhio-$4.00-
21,126Slasholtz, Mary JRoscoewidow$8.00-
184,351Stufflebeam, JaneOsceoladependent mother$8.00June 1879
188,754Terry, JnoAppleton Citydis. of spine$6.00May 1881
29,374Titus, James WLowry Cityg.s.w. lft. forearm & l. side $8.00-
102,691Topping, HarrietLowry Citydependent mother$8.00Nov. 1867
198,614Trumbo, Geo. WAppleton Cityg.s.w. of lft. should $4.00Dec. 1881
87,270Weeden, Sherwood SOsceolawd. of rt. arm & hip$8.00No. 1867
194,440Westcott, Lemuel KAppleton Cityg.s.w. neck & r. arm $15.00Aug. 1881
127,971Wolfe, Geo. WOsceolag.s.w. of lft. foot $8.00May 1874
160,842Yarnell, Narcissa CRoscoewidow$8.00June 1873
148,470Zener, MathiasAppleton Cityg.s.w. of head$12.00-

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