New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Saline County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Saline County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
90,265Adams, James WFairvillewound left leg$2.66 1/2Apr. 1868
98,907Allen, EmilyMiamiwidow$8.00 Aug. 1867
203,386Anschutz, AugustNew Frankfortdisease of lungs$8.00 Feb. 1882
125,722Aulgur, John LMarshallg.s.w. right foot$3.00 Nov. 1872
7,592Ayres, Nancy GCambridgewidow$8.00 Aug. 1878
23,498Bange, ChristianNew Frankfortwound right and$2.00 Feb. 1864
26,512Beaaley?, MarthaHerndonwidow$8.00 Aug. 1879
20,528Bevans, Mary AMount Leonardwidow$8.00 May 1880
194,789Bohlken, JohnNew Frankfortshell wound of back$4.00 Aug. 1881
32,429Booker, Martha AMiamiwidow$8.00 June 1882
28,405Brown, Julia AFairvillewidow$8.00 Jan. 1880
157,774Burnside, John SMarshallg.s.w. right leg$2.00 -
98,520Canick, IsaacBrownsvilleg.s.w. & loss of two fingers of left hand$2.00 June 18??
51,382Carter, Robert EMalta Bendloss left arm above elbow$24.00 -
130,370Claycomb, William THerndondisease spinal cord$8.00 -
25,374Cooper, RhebeArrow Rockwidow$8.00 July 1879
110,027Cratger, JacobMarshalldis. r. hip$14.00 -
19,832Crawford, MargreyBrownsvillewidow$8.00 Mar. 1879
74,380Crockett, EdwinMarshallwound right arm$5.33 1/3-
30,284Davis, NancyLittle Rockwidow$8.00 Sept. 1880
87,708Deibel, PatrickNew Frankfortwound of both hands$8.00 Dec. 1867
70,506Downing, JosaiahSlaterwound right hand$8.00 -
191,391Duckworth, PleasantMarshallminors$12.00 Mar. 1881
134,956Duffy, George MMarshallg.s.w. right side$2.00 July 1875
81,550Dummins, George Marshallwound right shoulder$6.00 -
209,971Elliott, Robert MNew Frankfortg.s.w. left knee$4.00 May 1882
185,993England, Teresa DMalta Benddep. mother $8.00 Nov. 1879
213,082Engle, Jesse DRidge Prairieshell consustion of r. hip $4.00 June 1882
47,668Fitzgibbone, MargaretMarshallwidow$8.00 May 1865
107,554Franks, Henry HBrownsvillechronic diarrhea$8.00 -
168,138Gadbery, William MMiamig.s.w. right leg & left foot$6.00 May 1880
6,146Gibba, Aaron, CBrownsvilledisease of spine & kidneys from injury to back$20.00 -
15,926Goode, PhilipMiamisurv. 1812$8.00 Apr. 1872
8,295Harl, BaldwinFairvillesurv. 1812$8.00 Nov. 1871
71,364Hayes, JanesMarshallwidow$8.00 Apr. 1866
134,054Henry, Benjamin FMiamig.s.w. right arm$15.00 -
29,041Hicklin, NancyBrownsvillewidow$8.00 Apr. 1880
9,516Hildreth, Freemen LSlaterg.s.w. left ankle$8.00 -
132,307Hill, EwingRidge Prairiedis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 -
205,655Howard, John WSlaterg.s.w. right knee & rheum$8.00 Mar. 1882
15,108Huff, Martin VMiamig.s.w. left thigh$12.00 -
47,686Hugger, SophiaMarshallwidow$8.00 -
162,157Hughes, ArmandaFairvillewidow$8.00 May, 1873
192,188Hupp, OrmondMiamig.s.w. left arm$2.00 June 1881
70,604Jackosn, HenryMarshallwound right thigh$4.00 Sept. 1866
176,632Jackson, George WFairvilleinjury to left arm & left side, vertigo & disease of lungs$20.00 Oc. 1880
215,176Johnson, George WBrownsvilleg.s.w. right foot$2.00 July 18?2
161,564Jutz, AntonLittle Rockinj. r. hip$4.00 July 1879
15,166Kenyon, SarahMiamiwidow$8.00 Jan. 1879
178,887King, RobertGilliamw.l. leg$6.00 Nov. 1880
153,246Kinnaman, AlbertMalta Bendinjury of lungs$4.00 May 1878
21,511Kirkpatrick, RuthBrownsvilledep. mother $8.00 May 1864
211,179Klaushofer, JacobNew Frankfortg.s.w. left hand$4.00 June 1882
33,626Knoderer, David CSlaterg.s.w. of left lung$6.00 -
12,609Lankford, JesseMarshallsurv. 1812$8.00 Feb. 1872
20,605McCormick, ThomasNew Frankfortsurv. 1812$8.00 Apr. 1873
143,419Merit, DriggsCambridgeinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
6,831Miller, Calvin JBrownsvillefracture of left arm$17.00 -
136,660Moore, Robert HArrow Rockg.s.w. l. leg $3.00 Nov. 1875
21,893Morris, SamuelLittle Rocksurv. 1812$8.00 June, 1878
8,081Nave, HenryArrow Rocksurv. 1812$8.00 Nov. 1871
29,034Nelson, HannahArrow Rockwidow$8.00 Apr. 1880
149,211Nivert, ChristNew Frankfortinjury right leg$8.00 -
151,727Owens, Wm.Slaterwound left ankle$2.00 Mar. 1878
214,479Owings, Uriah HSlaterchronic rheumatism$4.00 June 1882
154,599Parker, Aaron MSlaterwound right ankle$6.00 Aug. 1878
29,325Pemberton, MilleyBrownsvillewidow$8.00 May 1880
104,809Pennell, Robert WMarshallsciatic rheumatism left leg$6.00 -
135,118Raley, SamuelMarshallcatarrh & disease of eyes$6.00 -
22,482Reed, A. JudsonBrownsvillechronic rheumatism$18.00 -
134,455Riggs, Lewis NNortoninjury to abdomen$4.00 July 1875
22,578Robion, BenoniMarshallsurv. 1812$8.00 June 1878
9,563Ruckle, SamuelRidge Prairiesurv. 1812$8.00 Dec. 1871
30,386Saunders, CatharineBrownsvillewidow$8.00 Sept. 1880
97,284Sill, Samuel JMalta Benddisease of left leg$6.00 -
67,849Smith, ThomasCambridgeg.s.w. right forearm$4.00 -
205,555Spurgeon, John ABrownsvilleg.s.w. right thigh$4.00 Mar. 1882
148,982Stevens, JonathanMiamiamp. right thumb$4.00 Oct. 1877
21,569Stewart, Wm. FSlaterwound left arm$18.00 -
14,070Tandy, Martha HBlackburnwidow$8.00 Jan. 1879
79,677VanShoick, HenryBrownsvilleg.s.w. right leg$4.00 Apr. 1867
116,392Vardiman, John TFairvillew.l. leg$2.00 -
8,106Wilhite, JamesCambridgesurv. 1812$8.00 Nov. 1871
220,326Wilson, Jesse LMiamig.s.w. left hand$6.00 Nov. 1882
213,133Yerger, George Slaterinjury to abdomen$4.00 June 1882

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