New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
McDonald County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 McDonald County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
4, 221Anderson, PinkneyRocky Comfortloss l. arm at shoulder$24.00-
53, 956Berry, Charles BIndian Springsg.s.w.r. wrist$18.00Nov., 1865
7, 062Beshears, WilliamIndian Springschr. Diar. & effects$8.00-
90, 705Boswell, Andrew JTribulationwd. Rt. Thigh$6.00-
134, 747Bowles, SereptiaTiff Citywidow$8.00Aug., 1876
167, 168Brady, JohnPinevilleinj. Of left leg$8.00-
122, 801Buxton, Thomas RIndian Springsg.s. wd. Thigh & leg$8.00-
56, 024Christian, Nancy CRocky Comfortwidow$17.00-
213, 829Cornelison, WilliamErieshell wd. Of r. shoulder$2.00June, 1882
93, 458Donica, WilliamIndian Springswd. Rt. Jawbone$6.00-
196, 683Edwards, Elias WPinevilleg.s.w. of neck$2.00Oct., 1881
35, 184Elderkin, Adam BCavernag.s.w. left tibia$12.00-
41, 316Elderkin, EstherCavernawidow$8.00-
96, 297Elliott, James MPinevilleg.s. wd. L. arm, leg & r. thumb$8.00-
124, 804Elston, Alex'rPinevillewd. L. wrist$6.00-
16, 252Faulkner, James LPinevilleg.s.w. left hand$8.00-
-Gillie, David GSouth West Cityloss of index & mid fingers of r. hand$6.00-
145, 203Gist, WilliamSaratogag.s.w. rt. Shoulder$4.00May, 1877
73, 973Graham, MiltonSaratogag.s.w.l. breast$25.00-
159, 566Hackney, ElizabethPinevillemother$8.00Sept., 1872
180, 348Harrelson, ElizabethIndian Springsmother$8.00Mar., 1878
152, 432Hodge, MosesBethpageg.s.w. left hip$4.00Apr., 1878
155, 709Hoffman, Henry JCavernag.s.w. left leg$6.00-
55, 611Holland, Wiley SGateswd. Right leg$17.00Jan., 1866
204, 228James, WilliamElk Millsg.s.w. left thigh$2.00Mar., 1882
138, 166Kemp, MurphyIndian Springsdisease of eyes$24.00Mar., 1876
14, 188Landers, Henry BPinevilleg.s.w.l. hand$18.00-
29, 688Lawhead, Silas ATiff Cityg.s.w. neck$5.33June, 1864
26, 249Mitchell, Elizabeth MRocky Comfortwidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1879
160, 383Moore, Francis MRocky Comfortulcer of l. ankle$4.00June, 1879
186, 771Muskrat, DanielSouth West Cityg.s.w.r. thigh$4.00Apr., 1881
135, 156Nichols, Frederick ETwin Springsg.s.w.l. shoul$2.00Aug., 1875
110, 028Parish, William LPinevilleotorrhea$4.00May, 1871
97, 706Petty, James WBethpageg.s.w. rt. Lung$8.00-
40, 305Powers, Ephram LTiff Citywd. L. wrist$18.00-
196, 711Prater, Sarah BPinevillewidow & minor child$14.00June, 1882
209, 156Reed, Elisha DSaratogapterygion of both eyes$4.00May, 1881
69, 934Rickabaugh, IraPinevillew. r. knee$10.00-
220, 209Schrader, Henry  LPowellloss part of l. little finger$1.00Nov., 1882
19, 770Spirlock, MielTribulationsurv. 1812$8.00Dec., 1872
190, 880Starkey, WesleyPinevilleg.s.w. neck$2.00June, 1881
32, 995Webb, William HPinevilleg.s.w. left leg$6.00-
129, 730White, James MPinevilleshell wound of head above right eye$4.00Sept., 1874
169, 687Williams, Russell WIndian Springsg.s.w.r. forearm$5.00June, 1880
191, 735Winslow, EmmaSouth West Citywidow & minor child$12.00Apr., 1881
29, 565Winton, JohnTwin Springshemiplegia of left side$24.00-
20, 704Woodall, GeorgeSouth West Citysurv. 1812$8.00May, 1873

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