New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Maries County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Maries County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
145,347Atkins, Stephen RSteen's Prairieg.s.w. rt. shoulder $4.00 May 1877
88,149Brandin, John HTaverng.s.w. hip, leg, breast, hands & c$18.00 -
33,039Cechnan, FerdinandLane's Prairiewd. left side$6.00 Sept. 1864
141,083Cofler, George WSteen's Prairiedisease of eyes$12.00 -
217,834Duncan, William HViennarheumatism$4.00 Sept. 1882
160,498Gillespie, Sarah Viennawidow$8.00 Dec. 1872
176,790Grooms, LouisaVichymother$8.00 Mar. 1877
214,431Hibler, William JHigh Gateg.s.w. right leg$2.00 June 1882
106,375Hughes, GeorgeSteen's Prairieg.s.w. right thigh$6.00 -
34,039James, Levi HVichywd. r. forearm$6.00 -
114,626Leek, JaneClifty Dalemother$8.00 June 1868
58,527Martin, Jams OTaverng.s.w. left foot$4.00 -
38,759Martz, Lindon Steen's Prairieg.s. wds. both thighs$14.00 -
32,840Noblitt, John AClifty Dalew.l. elbow $12.00 -
131,971Pendleton, MaryMantonwidow$8.00 July 1869
154,656Rowden, Isaac DTaverng.s. wds. l. thigh & back & inj'y of shoulder$14.00 -
12,318Thompson, MaryMantonwidow$8.00 Jan. 1864
100,491Walker, James MLane's Prairieg.s.w. rt. arm $8.00 -
123,832Williams, MicajahMariessunstroke$16.00 July 1873
172,804Wilson, Geo. WVanclevedis. of lungs$4.00 Aug. 1880

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