New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Franklin County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Franklin County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
24,433Alt, MichaelOakfieldloss of rt. leg below knee$18.00 -
169,465Angel, Sarah LShotwellmother$8.00 June, 1875
218,353Arnold, Wiatt WCatawissachro.diarr.,dis.of abd.vis., and dis. Of lungs$6.00 Sept., 1882
42,035Bakeman, LouisMosellewd. of left leg$10.00 -
17,812Ball, Thomas HWashingtoninjury to abdomen$4.00 -
25,495Barron, ZachariahDundeesurv. 1812$8.00 July, 1880
91,470Bay, MatthewCalvywd. of right arm$6.00 June, 1868
3,156Billup, AnnUnionwidow 1812$8.00 July, 1862
31,074Bird, ElizabethDry Branchwidow $8.00 -
265,758Brodhun, CharlesSpring Bluffg.s.w. of breast$6.00 Mar., 1882
151,509Brown, MarthaWashingtonwidow$8.00 Jan., 1871
178,525Buddermeier, HermanWashingtong.s.w. of left knee & varicose veins rt. Leg$6.00 -
198,165Burkhart, HenryCampbelltonminor$12.00 Dec., 1882
179,161Butler, LymasMaune's Storechron. bronchitis$8.00 Nov., 1880
22,431Cain, MargaretSaint Clairwidow$8.00 -
19,522Caldwell, MaryWashingtonwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
153,853Chaney, WilliamPacificg.s.w. of left forearm$6.00 -
107,324Clark, Edmund APacificrheumatism & heart disease$18.00 -
198,660Cole, HenrySouth Pointdis. heart & lungs$6.00 Dec., 1881
179,243Conner, James WSullivandis. lungs & heart$12.00 -
89,187Dawson, Felix GMosellewd. of rt. arm$8.00 -
20,609Day, MargaretUnionwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
118,867Duernter, UrsulaSaint Clairmother$8.00 Sept., 1868
120,162Erskin, ElizabethPacificwidow$8.00 Oct., 1868
38,404Finke, HenryBergerloss of left arm at elbow$24.00 -
142,907Frazier, WmSullivanparalysis$18.00 -
28,508Ganett, WilliamPacificwd. of both hips, &c$24.00 -
207,344Gardner, Miles WPacificvar. veins both legs & chr. Diarr$12.00 Apr., 1882
36,273Gaston, KessiahPacificwidow$8.00 -
165,598Heideureich, JohnNew Havenscorbutus & rheumatism$18.00 -
179,078Helling, Marie S. CWashingtonwidow$8.00 Nov., 1877
23,459Helm, JuliusGray's Summitinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
100,291Houfschmidt, PetersGrubvilleinjury to abdomen$4.00 Oct., 1869
92,981Housen, JacobShotwellwd. left shou$8.00 -
129,096Journey, JamesPacificloss of rt. eye. aff. left$6.00 -
150,250Laulinger, LewisSpring Bluffdis. heart$8.00 -
9,068Lero, FrederickPacificinj. of rt. ankle$10.00 -
109,642Lessauluier, Joseph CPacificg.s.w. of rt. leg$8.00 Apr., 1871
55,746Lewis, WmGrubvilleamp. l. leg$18.00 July, 1866
25,472Lock, ElizabethSaint Clairwidow 1812$8.00 July, 1879
186,309Lucas, GeorgeJeffriesburghg.s.w. of right hand$6.00 Apr., 1881
32,078Martin, Maria ABoleswidow 1812$8.00 Dec., 1881
177,829Marx, JacobMoselleamp. little finger rt. hand$2.00 Oct., 1880
203,178McCollister, CarrolDry Branchg.s.w. rt. side of head & ear$4.00 Feb., 1882
158,096McEuen, Wm. JStantong.s.w. of rt. breast$3.00 -
223,589Mead, BradfordUniontotal blindness$72.00 Dec., 1882
80,801Montgomery, Wm. FSaint Clairg.s.w. rt. hip$50.00 -
134,627Mullen, Mahlon SCatawissag.s.w. of rt. arm$2.00 July, 1875
204,174Murry, John H. HRobertsvilleg.s.w. rt. hand & left thigh$4.00 Mar., 1882
182,440Oliver, SalinaWashingtonwidow$8.00 Nov., 1878
46,131Passman, LouisBergerwd. of right hand$6.00 July, 1865
152,311Patton, AlfredCatawissadisease of heart$8.00 Apr., 1878
 - - - - - - -Peterson, EmileDry Branchwd. of groin$6.00 -
207,779Philips, GeorgePacificchr. diarr., dis. of abdominal viscera, &c$8.00 Apr., 1882
18,021Philips, JaneJeffriesburghwidow$8.00 -
28,268Philips, SusannahSaint Clairwidow$8.00 -
13,104Potts, SusanCatawissawidow 1812$8.00 Dec., 1878
9,602Rapps, MargaretJeffriesburghwidow$8.00 -
22,954Reynolds, Sarah RGray's Summitwidow 1812$8.00 Apr., 1879
17,338Roberts, Archibald HGray's Summitsurv. 1812$8.00 June, 1872
34,427Rohlfing, CatharineWashingtonwidow$8.00 -
84,281Row, NicholasPacificfracture of left leg$14.00 -
3,992Rutherford, Rachel PGray's Summitwidow 1812$8.00 Sept., 1872
223,704Schaub, John ABergerinjury to abdomen$4.00 Dec., 1882
72,346Schurick, CarolineUnionwidow$8.00 -
148,369Seal, ThomasCatawissag.s.w. of left knee$4.00 Sept., 1877
67,959Shouhozy, BernhardBoleswd. of left breast$8.00 -
152,676Snyder, Theodore MSullivanchron. bronchitis$6.00 -
22,430Studdard, BaseySullivanwidow$8.00 -
157,171Taylor, Matcus EPacificg.s.w. left hand & rt. leg$6.00 Jan., 1879
19,831Triplett, Eliza AnnGray's Summitwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
201,318Tuithy, Harrison RPacificg.s.w.l. hand & loss mid.fing$4.00 Jan., 1882
40,365Uering, WmSullivanwd. rt. thigh$4.00 Mar., 1865
191,953Wade, William HRobertsvilledisease of lungs$8.00 -
102,846Walter, ErnstLabaddieg.s.w. of rt. hand$10.00 -
41,582Ware, LucindaSpring Bluffwidow$8.00 -
113,081Ware, MaryCatawissawidow$8.00 May, 1868
43,298Waterman, HenryWashingtonwd. of rt. foot$2.00 May, 1865
95,698Weinch, FrederickSpring Bluffwd. rt. chest & shou$4.00 -
151,497Wenkel, FrederickChampion Cityg.s.w.r. thigh$4.00 Mar., 1878
101,133Wentzell, RudolphUnionloss sight l. eye$24.00 -
117,391West, Mary JaneShotwellwidow$8.00 Aug., 1868
52,718Wiese, Henry GWashingtonwd. of rt. leg$8.00 -
114,814Wiseman, CatharineShotwellmother$8.00 -
123,011Wood, William WPacificwd. rt. arm & chr. gastritis$6.00 -
20,729Young, PaciaSaint Clairmother$8.00 Apr., 1864
205,601Zeis, HenryPacificfrost-bite & amp.rt. thigh$24.00 Mar., 1882

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