New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Daviess County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Daviess County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
193987   Bell, William H   Bancroft   chronic diarrhea      6 00  Aug., 1881
137653   Berry, Key Green   Jameson  bronchitis, results dis. Heart      8 00-
11494   Bostaph, William  Coffeysburgh  wd. Right shoulder    18 00-
188026   Bowers, Phillip  Coffeysburgh  injury to abdomen      8 00-
15528   Bristow, Catharine   Bancroft   widow      8 00-
201148   Brooks, William T  Coffeysburgh   g.s.w. Left leg      2 00  Jan., 1883
182756   Chadwick, Levi  Coffeysburgh   injury to abdomen      4 00  Feb., 1881
150451   Corbin, William H   Bancroft  g.s.w. Hip      4 00-
198317   Cotrall, Wesley  Coffeysburgh   disease eyes      4 00    Nov., 1881
138052   Critten, Joseph  Coffeysburgh   g.s.w. l. side, neck, l. shol.       4 00    Feb., 1876
173599   Curtis, George H  Coffeysburgh   mus. Cotr. Left knee      4 00    Sept., 1880
177245   Davis, Michael  Coffeysburgh   injury to abdomen      8 00  Oct., 1880
163784   Dorris, John W   Jameson chronic diarr          6 00 Dec., 1879
189219   Hall, John   Jameson g.s.w. Right thigh          4 00 May, 1881
193427   Harden, Bathseba  Coffeysburgh   mother      8 00 Sept., 1881
155343   Harrison, Romine   Jameson would 2d finger l hand          2 00 Sept., 1878
199174   Hendricks, Abraham F   Bancroft  chron. Diarr      4 00  Dec., 1881
98456   Hendricks, William R   Bancroft  wd left arm      6 00-
120540   Johnson, John S   Bancroft   g.s.w. l. leg      4 00-
95456   Keck, John O. A.  Coffeysburgh   inj. Right knee    15 00  Feb, 1889
143656   Ketcham, Merrit D  Coffeysburgh   var. veins & ulcers r. leg    12 00 Feb., 1877
118150   Kneeht, Frederick  Coffeysburgh   wd. Left temple & chest      8 00-
196696   Kost, David L  Coffeysburgh   disease lungs      4 00    Oct., 1881
167203   Land, James   Bancroft   disease lungs      2 00  Apr., 180
146287   Laudis, Sophia  Coffeysburgh   widow      8 00  Dec., 1870
96229   Lay, John D  Coffeysburgh   ampt. r. arm above elbow    24 00-
124268   Long, John M  Coffeysburgh   g.s.w. Left hip      6 00-
167610   McGee, Joseph H  Coffeysburgh   loss sight right eye      4 00 Apr., 1881
191703   Moreno, Fernando  Coffeysburgh   g.s.w. Left forearm      4 00    June 1881
102962   Netherton, George T  Coffeysburgh   g.s.w. Left arm      4 00-
199535   Perry, Henry F   Bancroft   g.s.w. Left hip    10 00-
135491   Reed, Abraham  Coffeysburgh   chron. Bronchitis      8 00-
37113   Rottman, Henry  Coffeysburgh   wd. Right leg    13 00-
131150   Royston, William H   Jameson  shell wd. Left leg      4 00   Dec. 1874
208513   Ryan, Samuel S   Bancroft   chr. Diarr. & imp. Vis. L. eye    15 00  May 1883
180159   Sampson, Daniel  Coffeysburgh   dis. Lungs      8 00 Dec., 188-
161000   Schuybart, Marion S   Bancroft   g.s.w. r. thigh      4 00  June 1879
4072   Searcy, Francis   Alta Vista  Surv. 1812    $8 00  Sept., 1871
76238   Stevenson, William W  Coffeysburgh   wd. Left shoulder & deafness    20 00-
         ........   Thompson, Robert   Bancroft  opthalmia      8 00-
64145   Travis, CharlesAlta Vista  loss left leg    18 00-
142175   Youtsey, David   Bancroft   g.s.w. Neck & lower jaw      4 00  Oct., 1876

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