New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Bates County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Bates County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
202,400Adams, WileyButlerdisease of eyes$4.00 Feb. 1882
166,072Allen, Harrison PButlerepilepsy$18.00 Mar. 1880
125,457Anderson, William DRich Hillminor of$10.00 -
112,176Andrews, Wm. M.M.Rich Hillg.s.w. left ankle$4.00 -
69,650Badger, Joseph JRich Hillchronic diarrhea$16.00 -
147,745Bailey, AnnieRich Hillwidow$10.00 Feb. 1871
65,233Baker, Rebecca EDanawidow$8.00 -
147,747Bartleth, Wm. FAltonainj. to eyes$6.00 Aug. 1877
84,002Beek, Robert WAdrianwd. right fott$2.66 2/3-
7,240Boswell, Jane CButlerwidow 1812$8.00 July 1878
37,561Bowers, MaryButlerwidow$8.00 July 1867
159,111Braden, David TMulberrychr. diar. & dis. of heart$6.00 -
18,968Britton, JohnRich Hillsurv. 1812$8.00 Sept. 1872
193,899Brooks, Elias FJohnstownchronic diarrhea$2.00 Aug. 1881
36,308Brooks, Ira WPleasant Gapg.s.w. left hand & wrist$8.00 -
23,838Brown, CatharineJohnstownwidow 1812$8.00 June 1879
4,580Brown, JeremiahRich Hillg.s.w. back. rt. Side & spine$4.00 -
129,736Bruce, Napoleon BRich Hillinj. to abdom. & inj. to head$8.00 Sept. 1874
120,748Brumback, NewtonAdriang.s.w right thigh$6.00 -
204,664Brummett, Wm. CDanag.s.w. left leg  $7.50 Apr. 1882
63,539Brundige, GeorgeAdriang.s.w. left leg & thigh$14.00 -
157,675Burrows, WilliamButlerinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
10,073Calhoun, John WBurdettwd. of chest$10.00 -
61,668Campbell, JamesRich Hillfract. of patella$6.00 -
142,014Carlton, David MButlerg.s.w. left arm$3.00 Oct. 1876
142,347Carter, James HRich Hillinj. to back, & c.$8.00 -
15,829Chillis, RokertRockvilleg.s.w. left knee$8.00 -
95,305Chitwood, JoshuaHudsonwd. in neck$4.00 -
1,339Cochran, EllenAdrianwidow $8.00 Aug. 1870
137,445Cole, NelsonMulberryg.s.w. of face$18.00 Jan. 1876
170,381Conwell, DavidHudsondis. of lung & diar.$6.00 June 1880
175,323Cook, Norman WRich Hillinjury to abdomen$10.00 Oct. 1880
156,284Copeland, Thomas CRich Hillchr. diar. & dis. of liver$18.00 -
85,044Coulter, David MRosierg.s.w. left foot & c.$12.00 -
184,865Covent, James MHumescurvy$4.00 Mar. 1881
145,530Cowan, Samuel SVirginiag.s.w. left knee$4.00 May 1877
44,470Crist, Alexander HButlerg.s.w. left hand$12.00 -
79,561Darah, Robert WButlerloss of index finger$2.66 2/3-
213,726Davis, FreemanButlerchr. rheumatism $20.00 June 1882
137,470Dent. SylvesterButlerpleurisy$4.00 -
49,434Dever, NancyRockvillewidow$8.00 June 1865
9,494Eyman, HenyAdrianwd. right knee$12.00 -
170,680Faulkner, Levi TButlerminor of$10.00 Sept. 1875
92,853Felter, JacobButlerg.s.w. right thigh$6.00 -
197,365Finch, Curtis LPapinsvilleg.s.w. left index finger$3.00 July 1877
93,264Fisher, JoshuaButlerg.s.w. left thigh$8.00 -
152,745French, Fred'k RRich Hilldisease of kidney$4.00 Apr. 1878
27,674Gardener, CharlesVirginiaw.r. hand $3.00 -
204,652Gibson, HarveyButlerrheumtish & dis. of eyes$8.00 Mar. 1882
71,427Gillihan, Thomas JButlerloss of eyesight$8.00 -
210,657Grab, PeterPapinsvilledisease of eyes$6.00 June 1882
184,694Grissom, James HRich Hillchro. diarrhea & results$8.00 Mar. 1881
213,738Hackworth, Rhodes MRich Hillg.s.w. right leg  $8.00 June 1882
21,235Hardesty, HarmeniaButlerwidow$8.00 -
88,846Hart, WarrenHudsonwd. left thigh$12.00 -
181,257Hartley, Lucy AButlerwidow$17.00 June 1878
151,105Harvey, ReubenButlerg.s.w. left knee$4.00 Feb. 1878
23,450Haskins, WilliamRich Hillsurv. 1812$8.00 July 1878
142,800Haynes, ElizahButlerg.s.w. right great toe$4.00 Dec. 1876
73,016Henry, WilliamRich Hillshell wd. right ankle$6.00 -
23,639Hill, Mary AButlerwidow 1812$8.00 May 1879
79,060Hitshew, James HButlerdis. heart $16.00 -
217,439Hockett, ThomasVintong.s.w. left side & hand$4.00 Aug. 1882
29,562Hodges, Nancy EAltonawidow 1812$8.00 May 1880
109,659Hofsess, AdamHumedisease of eyes$4.00 Apr. 1871
96,315Hogge, HiramButlerwd. ing'l regions & thigh$10.00 -
192,144Howard, JamesCove Citydisease of lungs$4.00 -
209,455Hudson, William FRich Hillscurvy, asthma & c.$8.00 May. 1882
18,183Huggins, Thomas JButlerwd. left leg$5.33 1/3-
88,445Irwin, Perry CLone Oakdisease of lungs$12.00 -
170,884Jamesson, JosiahRich Hillinjury to abdomen$2.00 June 1880
177,591Jones, CatharineAltonawidow, & c$8.00 June 1877
166,593Keigley, John GButlerdis. of heart$8.00 Apr. 1880
89,765Kershaw, Catharine EMulberrywidow$17.00 Feb. 1875
220,176Kile, RobertDanadisease of lungs$50.00 Nov. 1882
64,456Lamphere, Alonzo D.C.Danag.s.w. r. hip$6.00 -
130,607Lee, RileyRich Hillscurvy$6.00 -
147,824Lemastress, Richard PButlerg.s.w. left knee$4.00 Aug. 1877
88,652Mathews, ElizabethMulberrydep. mother $8.00 Jan. 1867
156,812McKinsey, Lewis WRich Hillg.s.w. left great toe$2.00 Dec. 1878
200,460Meeker, Silas ARockvilleg.s.w. left forearm  $2.00 Jan. 1862
223,760Mefford, Vincent W.Mayesburghdisease of lungs$4.00 Dec. 1882
197,433Melton, Delilah AAdrianwidow, & c$14.00 Oct. 1882
199,185Mikesell, Geo. MSpraguechronic diarrhea$8.00 Dec. 1881
151,849Mills, John HVintong.s.w. of neck$12.00 Mar. 1878
20,853Mishey, JohnRich Hillwd. of hip, & c.$12.00 -
135,406Mitchell, John RPleasant Gapg.s.w. rt. hand, lft. shr., & c.$8.00 Aug. 1875
157,879Montgomery, ThomasRich Hillg.s.w. left side of adbomen$2.00 Mar. 1879
9,862Moore, Allran PButlerg.s.w. right leg, l. breast & c.$18.00 -
192,434Naylor, James MButlerch. diar. & dis. of liver$4.00 July 1881
207,495Offill, James ASpragueg.s.w. of head$4.00 Apr. 1882
40,858O'Neal, ElizaMayesburghwidow$8.00 -
108,082Orr, Isaac NRich Hilldis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 -
176,048Page, John Adriang.s.w. right wrist & back$8.00 Oct. 1880
61,045Parke, Benj. FAdriang.s.w. right hand$4.00 -
40,753Pate, ThomasRich Hillg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 -
140,211Patterson, Noah FVirginialoss of sight right eye & c.$8 -
53,077Patty, CatharineButlerdep. mother  $8.00 Aug. 1865
209,692Peniwell, Ephraim KAdrianfever, varix & c$8.00 May 1882
51,214Phillips, LucinaBurdettwidow$8.00 July 1865
86,423Plotts, John CButlerg.s.w. l. forearm$10.00 -
219,281Porter, Erastus AHumediar. & results of measles$4.00 Oct. 1882
116,189Price, Enoch JButlerg.s.w. left arm$6.00 Apr. 1872
13,505Requa, Wm. CButlersurv. 1812$8.00 Mar. 1872
50,363Riley, John HBurdettamp. left leg above knee$24.00 -
105,952Robbins, Asa DBurdettwd.left shoulder$5.00 Oct. 1870
216,341Salloe, Joel MButlerdisease of right leg$4.00 Aug. 1882
200,358Schofield, Joseph MButlerg.s.w. right foot & c.$8.00 Jan. 1882
24,749Selvey, Elizabeth JRich Hillwidow$8.00 -
167,652Sheane, AndrewButlerloss sight of right eye$4.00 Apr. 1880
165,357Sherman, DanielButlerdis. abd. vis & gen'l debility$8.00 -
217,580Shoopman, George WMulberryg.s.w. left foot$4.00 Aug. 1882
144,742Simmons, John JWalnut Creekg.s.w. left arm$12.00 -
34,106Sites, Andrew JAdrianwd. left hand$8.00 -
155,011Slein, WilliamCove Cityg.s.w. right breast$6.00 -
147,336Slevens, Horace FAdriang.s.w. right knee$4.00 July 1877
122,358Smart, Joseph JButlerwd. left thigh$3.00 -
115,132Smith, Betsey CButlerdep. mother & c.$8.00 July 1868
206,058Smith, Chester KMarvelg.s.w. left thigh$2.00 Apr. 1882
207,641Smith, JosephRich Hillg.s.w. right arm$2.00 Apr. 1882
182, 513Smith, Melvin OAdriang.s.w. of lower jaw$2.00 Feb. 1881
173,529Snider, John WRich Hillg.s.w. left thigh$6.00 Sept. 1880
160,878Snyder, David WButlerg.s.w. left forearm & diar.$6.00 -
208,088Stopp, Edwin AAdriang.s.w. of abdomen$2.00 May 1882
167,024Stotts, John ORich Hilldisease of heart$4.00 Apr. 1880
52,902Sutherland, Martin OButlerwd. right foot$10.00 -
41,894Taylor, CeliaRich Hillwidow$8.00 Mar. 1865
59,769Tennant, ChristopherButlerloss of left arm$24.00 Mar. 1866
125,182Thornburgh, James MVintoninjury to abdomen$14.00 -
201,212Thornburgh, Wm. BVintonresults of impure vaccinat'n$2.00 -
68,442Thurston, SamuelRich Hill-$4.00 Oct. 1866
30,677Tibbetts, William WButlerloss l. arm $18.00 -
110,153Tilman, Anderson MHumeg.s.w. left breast$6.00 -
90,483Tinsley, James HBurdettwd. right thigh$4.00 Apr. 1868
69,165Trindle, John CRich Hillwd. left arm$8.00 Aug. 1866
201,931Trowbridge, James FRich Hillchro. diarr., deafness, & c.$4.00 Jan. 1882
161,883Tuttle, James JAdriandis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 -
194,389Vanderpool, John Adrianlumbago$4.00 Aug. 1881
54,977Vanhog, MaryHudsonwidow$8.00 -
217,587VanHorn, Benj.Burdettdisease of eyes$4.00 Aug. 1882
90,625Wehnes, JohnPrairie Cityshell wound left leg$8.00 -
143,825Welker, MarvinJohnstowng.s.w. left arm$6.00 -
91,486Weller, ReubenRich Hilldisease of heart$16.00 -
77,606West, SamuelWalnut Creekg.s.w. right shoulder$6.00 -
190,517Westfall, ReubenPleasant Gapg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 June 1881
162,561Widdows, EllenVirginiadep. Mother$8.00 July 1873
160,037Williams, Wm. HVintong.s.w. of right hand$4.00 -
60,240Winchell, Clinton DRich Hillg.s.w. l. thigh, & c.$14.00 -
93,904Wooten, JohnVintong.s.w. right hip$6.00 -
108,930Working, Jacob MButlerinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
132,349Wright, Thomas jJohnstownwd. of chest & lungs$10.00 -
114,364Wright, Thomas   Mulberryinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
53,246Wyatt, Hiram CButlerg.s.w. left side$4.00 Nov. 1865

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