New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Wayne County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Wayne County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
103Ackley, Francis B.Waynewidow $8.00 July, 1871
80,677Adams, Lurany B.Detroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Aug., 1866
144,159Albee, Harry C.Detroitw. l. arm & side $12.00 -
188,257Albert, ChristRockwoodwd. l. leg $1.00 May, 1881
44,519Alexander, Geo. H.Grosse Isleinj. to spine $6.66⅔ -
35,276Aley, JamesDetroitloss l. arm $18.00 -
50,630Allen, Chas. F.Detroitwd. r. side & elbow and l. hip $18.00 -
40,350Allen, R'b't. F.Waynechronic diarrhea & disease heart $24.00 -
55,525Allen, SamuelDetroitloss l. eye and injury to right $8.00 June, 1868
98,577Allen, SquireDetroitwd. l. thigh $4.00 -
194,626Allyn, Mary A.Detroitwidow $14.00 Mar., 1882
128,266Alsop, MaryDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 -
94,302Altfeld, HenryDetroitg. s. w. l. shoulder $6.00 -
165,842Altmar, CatharineDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1874
107,498Amrhine, John M.Detroitg. s. w. r. leg $4.00 -
95,293Anderson, JamesDetroitwd. l. hip $3.00 -
117,084Anderson, Phil. H.Detroitg. s. w. r. foot $4.00 -
62,952Archbold, RalphDetroitchr. pleurisy $3.00 -
32,066Armour, Mary S.Detroitwidow $18.00 -
26,816Arnold, Andrew J.Detroitwd. l. heel $6.00 -
220,567Arnold, HenryBeldeng. s. w. both thighs $4.00 Nov., 1882
119,381Astrom, LouisDetroitg. s. w. l. hip & abdomen $2.00 -
91,344Atkinson, Wm. T.Detroitpulmonalis tuberculos $10.00 -
82,331Atwood, Reynolds C.Detroitshell wd. l. side, arm & hips $2.00 -
71,749Aubrey, Almira E.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
74,660Augustine, Mary E.Greenfieldwidow $8.00 -
202,036Austin, Abner D.Bell Branchg. s. w. l. hand $2.00 Jan., 1882
110,164Austin, Wm. C.Detroitinj. to back & side $3.00 May, 1871
61,446Babcock, Harriet M.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
52,529Back, RosinaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
23,578Backus, Mary L.Detroitwidow $30.00 -
76,019Baker, Warren A.Detroitdis. of lungs $18.00 Jan., 1867
184,318Ballard, MargaretDetroitwidow $8.00 May, 1879
39,665Barber Jas. M.Detroitloss r. leg $18.00 -
166,857Bardell, GeoDetroitloss 4 fings. l. hand $14.00 Apr., 1880
69,315Baril, FrancisDetroitg. s. w. l. hand $3.00 Aug., 1866
105,780Bark, JohnDetroitdeafness $8.00 Oct., 1870
100,126Barlow, AdolphDetroitg. s. w. r. thigh $6.00 Sept., 1866
201,479Barrett, Dan'l. F.New Bostonw. l. forearm $4.00 Jan., 1882
160,462Barrows, Milo W.Detroitherpetic erups., lupina thigh $12.75 June, 1879
76,859Barry, Edwd.Detroitdisln. l. ankle, &c $12.00 -
20,559Barsha, FrancesGrosse Islewidow 1812 $8.00 -
11,990Barthelmas, John G. F. W.Detroitg. s. w., rheum., & dis. of eyes $24.00 -
17,394Barton, Hiram G.Detroitminors of $10.00 June, 1876
82,496Bates, Wm. C.Detroitwd. l. thigh $2.66⅔ June, 1867
160,085Batsford, Wm. B.Detroitdis. of lungs $24.00 May, 1879
125,824Bauer, LawrenceDetroitheart disease & ulcers from scurvy $12.00 Nov., 1873
189,128Baxter, Elvira E.Detroitwidow $30.00 July, 1880
10,542Baxter, Jas.Detroitinj. to arm & hand $8.00 -
65,762Bayes, Lorenzo D.Detroitinj. left foot $6.00 -
127,135Baylam, JohnDetroitg. s. w. of head $12.00 Mar., 1874
47,445Beals, Wesley L.Plymouthloss l. arm $24.00 -
102,770Beaubiem, LucieDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Nov., 1869
51,032Becherer, PaulDetroitinj. abdm. $5.00 Oct., 1865
148,251Beebe, Julia A.West Sumpterwidow $8.00 Feb., 1871
80,713Beik, JohnDetroitg. s. wd. r. leg $6.00 -
43,347Beiret, RachelFlat Rockwidow $8.00 -
7,810Belford, JohnDetroitwd. chest $8.00 -
172,397Bell, Wm. J.Detroitdis. of heart $8.00 Aug., 1880
34,826Bellis, MaryDetroitwidow $8.00 Sept., 1869
162,813Bennett, John W.Detroitdis. of eyes $3.75 Oct., 1879
93,535Bennett, Marg'tWaynewidow $8.00 Apr., 1867
201,286Bensfield, NicholasDetroitg. s. w. r. leg $2.00 Jan., 1882
172,400Benz, JosephDetroitrheum. & result, dis. heart $10.00 Aug., 1880
180,279Berdan, HarrisonWayneinj. of back $3.75 Dec., 1880
18,433Berry, Marg'tDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Apr., 1864
33,933Bertram, Jno. B.Detroitw. head $8.00 Oct., 1864
75,121Betz, FrancesDetroitwidow $8.00 -
41,191Beyette, RosalieEcorsewidow $8.00 -
177,237Biddle, MaryDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Apr., 1877
221,726Bierkaup, HenryDetroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 Dec., 1882
99,161Bigelow, Albt. E.Detroitg. s. w. l. thigh $3.00 July, 1869
6,161Birch, PhiletusDetroitchr. dis. liver & bowels $18.00 -
54,771Bird, Peter C.Romulusg. s. w. l. thigh $18.00 -
74,724Black, JohnGreenfieldg. s. w. l. foot $2.00 Nov., 1866
157,603Blackman, JohnDetroitrheumatism $8.00 Feb., 1879
42,100Blackwell, JohnDetroitg. s. w. r. arm $6.00 -
146,893Blake, Erastus G., alias BallowDetroitg. s. w. l. breast $20.00 July, 1877
45,431Blakely, Spencer H.Detroitinj. l. elbow $3.00 -
197,053Blanchard, W. H.Detroitchr. diarr. & reslt. dis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Oct., 1881
57,156Bleke, FrankDetroitamp. at l. shoulder $5.00 -
196,589Bloomer, Danl. M.Detroitg. s. w. l. knee & shell wd. l. hip $4.00 Oct., 1881
21,636Bodinis, Wm.Detroitwd. l. arm $5.00 -
87,046Bohn, Eva R.Detroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Nov., 1866
134,405Bolger, Robt.Detroitg. s. w. l. thigh $4.00 June, 1875
84,479Bolio, Mary M.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
31,038Bolton, Robt.Detroitwd. knee by saber $4.00 July, 1864
4,784Boncher, HenryDetroit- $8.00 Sept., 1871
136,483Bondy, Frank T.Beldenheart dis. $10.00 Nov., 1875
57,329Bossarda, MaryGreenfielddep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1865
133,959Bowlin, Jas.Detroitloss index finger $3.00 June, 1875
190,675Bowman, Geo. W.Elmg. s. w. l. leg $1.00 June, 1881
71,068Boyd, Chas.Detroitwd. l. arm & breast $5.00 -
172,665Brackner, Chas.Detroitg. s. w. r. side head $2.00 Aug., 1880
97,798Braden, JohnDetroitfracture r. clavicle $4.00 -
108,112Bradley, JudsonDetroitg. s. w. r. side $8.00 Feb., 1887
123,746Brady, Jeremiah D.Detroitrheum. & ch. diarr. $10.00 -
70,469Bralsen, MichaelDetroitg. s. w. of head and effects $6.00 Sept., 1866
50,022Brast, EmanuelTaylor Centrewd. r. thigh $5.00 -
45,896Breethaupt, AndDetroitwd. r. leg $5.00 July, 1866
60,786Brehmer, JohnDetroitwd. lumbar region $3.00 Mar., 1866
110,700Breman, AnnDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Mar., 1868
49,781Brevoort, Jane M.Grosse Isledep. mother $30.00 Juen, 1865
201,642Brimming, JacobBeldenshell wd. r. knee $4.00 Jan., 1882
223,283Brink, Geo.Waynechr. diarrh. $4.00 Dec., 1882
2,980Brodhead, Archange M.Grosse Islewdow $30.00 -
52,267Broin, Mary O.Detroitdep. mother $8.00 July, 1865
9,087Broner, Joseph N.Detroitdis. of eyes $12.00 May, 1859
73,873Bronson, JayDetroitg. s. w. r. arm $4.00 -
64,750Broughton, GeoFlat Rockg. s. w. l. hand $16.00 -
154,748Brow, PeterGrosse Isleg. s. wd. l. arm $4.00 Aug., 1880
-Brown, Alfred N.Plymouthw. l. iliac region $24.00 -
149,095Brown, Geo. P.DetroitSpinal meningitis $6.00 -
77,108Brown, Wm.Detroitwd. r. thigh $12.00 -
162,809Brownson, Henry F.Detroitg. s. w. r. hand & head $14.25 Oct., 1879
173,062Bruner, Fred. R.Detroitg. s. w. l. chest $2.00 Sept., 1880
16,888Bryant, JohnBellevilleloss l. arm $18.00 -
70,473Buckley, DanielDetroitdisltn. ankle $5.00 Sept., 1866
10,979Bucklin, MaryRawsonvillewidow $8.00 -
53,154Budlong, Arthur M.Detroitg. s. w. r. hip $10.00 -
196,897Bullock, Nettie S.Detroitwidow $12.00 Aug., 1882
189,467Burger, JosephDetroitchr. rheum. $8.50 June, 1882
21,543Burkhart, Nelson W.Detroitg. s. w. l. hip $4.00 July, 1863
26,656Burns, Chas. F.Detroitg. s. w. l. thigh $8.00 Apr., 1864
222,404Burns, HiramRedforddis. eyes $4.00 Dec., 1882
117,351Burns, Wm. E.Bell Branchdisease of eyes $12.00 June, 1872
201,339Busmell, Wm. D.Plymouthdisltn. r. shoulder $2.00 Jan., 1882
-Butterfield, JaneDetroitwidow $8.00 -
71,859Cadieux, Dan. J.Grosse Point- $4.00 -
96,727Calanan, Edm'dDetroitwd. l. arm $2.00 -
3,165Calkins, SaphroniaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
156,900Callaghan, Mary A.Detroitwidow $20.00 Mar., 1874
57,055Campbell, Cath'rDetroitwidow $8.00 -
8,717Campbell, CathrineDetroitwidow $8.00 Nov., 1863
34,059Campbell, Rob't.Detroitg. s. w. r. shoulder $5.00 -
106,591Campeau, GlodeWyandotteinj. chest $6.00 -
112,615Campewa, AntoineTrentontotal blindness $50.00 -
73,196Carpenter, Alfred W.Northvillew. r. foot $8.00 -
533Carpenter, RachelNew Bostonwidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1873
110,794Carr, Luther D.Redfordinj. spine $10.00 -
107,701Carter, AliceTaylor Centredept. mother $8.00 Feb., 1868
99,020Carter, NancyWhitewooddept. mother $8.00 -
75,839Carter, Rich'dWhitewoodg. s. w. r. thigh $2.00 Dec., ______
172,257Case, AmyFlat Rockdep. mother $8.00 Feb., 1876
47,451Caserly, Pat'kDetroitg. s. w. head & res. dis. l. eye $24.00 -
218,811Cashway, MagloireDetroitinj. l. knee & rheum. & reslts $4.00 Oct., 1882
144,339Chadwick, Charles C.Detroitw. l. sholdr. & l. side $6.00 -
31,910Chamberlin, Alvinsie H.Detroitloss r. thigh $24.00 -
137,688Chamberlin, And. C.Flat Rockinj. to abdm. $4.00 -
171,732Chapin, LouisaFlat Rockwidow $30.00 -
68,490Chapman, Oscar D.Perrinsvillewd. of neck $6.00 Mar., 1869
10,042Charleston, David S.Detroitg. s. w. l. arm $4.00 -
203,727Church, Wm. L.Detroitg. s. w. l. hand $2.00 Feb., 1882
36,325Clarey, Pat'kDetroit- $24.00 -
174,198Clark, Charles L.Detroitw. of neck $8.00 Sept., 1880
112,616Clark, HenryDetroitg. s. w. l. hand $3.00 -
83,696Clark, Wm.Detroitg. s. w. l. arm $1.00 -
198,661Clarkson, Isaac L.Detroitsh. wd. head & res. dis. eyes $10.00 Dec., 1881
151,127Clay, JohnInksterinj. of back $12.00 -
139,595Clement, Ursula M.Mead's Millswidow $8.00 -
151,258Coffee, Pat'kDetroitdisease of heart $24.00 Feb., 1878
713,302Cole, MartinDetroitchr. rheum. $18.00 Sept., 1866
193,659Cole, Wm.Detroitg. s. w. r. shoulder $4.00 July, 1881
-Colesby, AlfredDetroitpistol shot r. hand $4.00 Mar., 1879
151,325Collins, AmmiDetroitg. s. w. r. arm $4.00 -
50,478Collins, JuliatteDetroitwidow $15.00 July, 1865
38,242Conger, Mary A.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
22,301Conley, Wm. B.Detroitwd. r. thigh $12.00 -
49,949Conner, MichaelDetroitg. s. w. l. hand $4.00 Sept., 1865
72,034Conner, Rch'dDetroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 Oct., 1866
37,542Conrad, MaryFlat Rockwidow $8.00 Jan., 1865
31,603Cook, EstherDetroitwidow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1881
64,534Cooley, Amos B.Detroitwd. l. side $3.00 -
91,765Cooley, John C.Detroitg. s. w. l. side head $6.00 -
101,192Coppings, JohnDetroitg. s. w. l. groin $4.00 Nov., 1869
211,235Corey, JamesWayne- $4.00 -
2,665Coughlin, Margaret E.Detroitmother $8.00 -
13,780Covell, John S.Detroitwd. l. arm $6.00 July, 1863
44,876Covert, Henry A.Detroitwd. l. foot & r. arm $8.00 -
63,147Coyle, Sam'l B.Detroittotal blindness $72.00 -
73,197Craft, EzraDetroitw. l. hand $4.00 -
12,492Crandall, Theod. P.Detroitg. s. w. l. hip $4.00 -
20,735Craner, JeremiahPlymouthg. s. w. l. shoulder $4.00 Nov., 1863
177,667Crawford, HonoraDetroitwidow $8.00 June, 1877
17,608Crocker, UrsulaWaynewidow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
41,902Crolius, James M.Detroitw. r. leg $4.00 Jan., 1870
391Cromer, JacobRedford- $8.00 June, 1871
87,504Cronague, Wm.Dearbornwd. r. leg $2.00 -
219,196Crowe, Thos.Detroitg. s. w. res. l. of left l. finger $2.00 Oct., 1882
6,937Crowley, Norton B.Detroitchr. diarr $8.00 -
43,894Crysler, Marcus W.West Sumpterg. s. w. l. foot $3.00 June, 1865
78,481Culhan, Pat'kDetroitg. s. w. r. groin $4.00 -
43,244Cummings, MaryHand Stationwidow $8.00 -
180,482Cundy, Mary A.Detroitwidow $29.00 Mar., 1878
520Cunningham, Eliz.Detroitwidow $8.00 June, 1858
172,225Curtis, LeanderDetroitinj. r. knee $4.00 Aug., 1880
13,046Curtis, Orson B.Detroit- $18.00 July, 1866
10,961Curtis, Wm. L.Detroitg. s. w. l. elb., anch. at joint $8.00 -
161,226Dakin, Dan'l. L.Detroitinj. l. leg $6.00 June, 1879
152,763Daley, JohnDetroitg. s. w. l. shoulder $6.00 Apr., 1878
296,824Dalley, Fred'k.Detroitchr. diar., res. dis. of abd. vis. $4.00 Apr., 1882
91,792Daram, ElizbthDetroitwidow $8.00 -
178,198Dauer, JohnDetroitscrofula $2.00 Feb., 1880
208,838Daugherty, Geo. J.Detroitdis. lungs $12.00 May, 1882
49,682Davey, Thos.Detroitwd. r. hand - -
46,537Davis, Benj. W.Detroitloss l. leg $18.00 Aug., 1866
38,816Davis, D. DarwinDetroitloss l. leg $24.00 -
53,324Davis, HenryBellevillewd. l. leg $5.33½ -
62,276Davis, MarthaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
45,802Davis, TryphenaBellevilledep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1865
69,175De Claire, TheodoreDetroitg. s. w. l. thigh $2.00 -
62,350De Long, Sarah A.Detroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Jan., 1866
74,926De Lown, StephenDetroitg. s. w. r. hand $2.66⅔ -
59,766Dean, CalistaStarkwidow $8.00 -
10,765Dean, WilkinsonBellevillesurv. 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1872
148,021Deherty, JosephDetroitg. s. w. l. shoulder & forearm $10.00 Sept., 1877
70,062Delavan, FrancisDetroitg. s. w. l. wrist $8.00 -
81,782Delplace, Maria A.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
38,808Dely, MaryDetroitg. s. w. l. leg $8.00 Jan., 1865
93,333Deudler, JohnDetroitwd. r. side & arm $6.00 -
56,863Devlin, JohnDetroitg. s. w. r. arm & head $6.00 -
25,427Deyo, Wm.Dentonchr. rheum. $8.00 -
201,293Dillmana, LouisDetroitrheum't'm $22.50 Jan., 1882
73,198Dingwell, Geo.Detroitloss index finger $2.00 -
74,486Dixon, IsabelDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 May, 1866
87,707Donahue, DanielDearborng. s. w. r. thigh, hip $5.00 -
152,107Donaldson, Wm. H.Wyandottedis. of abdominal viscera $2.00 Mar., 1878
190,010Doneney, JohnDetroitsynovitis l. knee $4.00 June,1 881
28,499Dority, Nancy A.Starkwidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1880
40,711Doruran, Frances E.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
140,941Dougherty, Charles S.Bellevilleinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
175,176Dounlin, MichaelDetroitg. s. w. of face $4.00 Feb., 1880
7,232Downing, Sarah JaneDetroitwidow $8.00 -
59,565Doyle, FrancesGibraltarwidow $8.00 -
70,933Drahmer, NicholasDetroitw. l. ulna $12.00 Sept., 1866
167,331Drew, Dan'l.Detroitmalarial poisoning $4.00 Apr., 1880
49,683Drummond, TimothyDetroitwidow $18.00 -
10,827Duncan, Margt.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
92,178Dungrow, Edw'dWhitewoodinjury to spine & injury to abdomen $10.00 -
15,760Dunlap, SarahNorthvillewidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
57,954Dunsley, Cynthia M.Plymouthwidow $8.00 -
10,810Dupont, Chas., jr.Detroitg. s. w. face, loss r. eye, aft. l. $12.00 -
34,562Durfee, Edgar O.Detroitloss rt. arm $24.00 -
179,128Durquette, DuffleDetroitg. s. w. abdom. & l. ind. finger $1.00 Nov., 1880
13,513Ecklift, William H.Flat Rockfr. l. wrist $18.00 -
197,363Eddy, OtisPlymouthdept. father $8.00 Oct., 1882
159,766Ege, MarthaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
42,269Eldred, Sam'l.New Bostonw. l. clavicle $6.00 -
7,857Ellis, Wm.Bellevillelameness knee & rheum. $8.00 -
93,697Engle, Seth E.Detroitwd. chest. $6.00 -
75,572Estell, MaragoDetroitg. s. w. l. thigh & knee $10.00 -
57,783Evers, BarneyDetroitamp. r. leg $18.00 Mar., 1867
83,234Ewalt, TryphenaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
131,010Faleer, HenryGreenfieldinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
127,775Falvey, TimothyDetroitg. s. w. l. hand $4.00 -
8,517Fargo, UrsulaWaynewidow $8.00 -
195,068Farrand, Emma M.Plymouthwidow $20.00 Apr., 1882
11,676Farwell, ReubenNankinwd. l. foot $6.00 -
86,267Fellman, JoeDetroitwd. l. hand $3.00 -
18,667Felt, Jehiel D.Waltzdiarrh. $2.00 -
112,357Fenner, David E.Detroitinjury to abdomen $18.00 -
57,254Fenton, jamesDetroitg. s. w. r. arm $2.00 -
30,629Fielding, Henry C.Detroitg. s. w. l. leg & ankle $10.00 -
118,775Filkins, Wm.Cantong. s. w. r. arm & foot $8.00 -
113,407Finley, Marg.Grosse Pointwidow $8.00 May, 1868
44,296Finn, Wm.Detroitg. s. w. head $7.50 -
111,549Fisher, Benj.Detroitfracture, l. clavicle $2.00 -
91,031Fisher, Geo. W.Detroitchr. ophthalmia $5.00 -
14,018Fisher, JohnDetroitg. s. w. l. foot $12.00 -
-Fisher, Samuel A.Detroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 Dec., 1858
32,999Fissette, George S.Detroitg. s. w. l. shldr. and lower jaw $14.00 -
140,064Fitzgerald, Ric'dDetroitg. s. w. r. hand $4.00 Aug., 1876
54,493Flanigan, MarkDetroitloss l. leg $30.00 -
201,509Fletcher, John H.Detroitg. s. w. of l. arm & injury to abdomen $4.00 Jan., 1882
30,080Flord, Patience A.Detroitwidow 1812 $8.00 July, 1880
45,986Forbes, Fernando D.Flat Rockpartl. par. r. arm $2.00 -
88,745Ford, Chas R.Wyandottewd. r. thigh $4.00 -
82,355Forisie, Jos.Detroitg. s. w. r. knee & ulcertn $24.00 -
88,187Forsyth, James H.Detroitwd. chest $4.00 -
160,370Foster, George T.Detroitw. lower jaw & inj. to abd. $6.00 June, 1879
218,617Fox, John G.Detroitg. s. w. l. forearm $4.00 -
6,079Franchy, JohnDetroitg. s. w. of hips $4.00 -
182,263Francly, Wm.Detroitinj. r. leg $8.00 Feb., 1881
198,976Freimann, FrederickDetroitchr. lympanites $2.00 Dec., 1881
50,259French, Geo. W.Detroitg. s. w. l. leg $12.00 -
96,672French, LafayetteDetroitg. s. w. l. hip & groin $5.00 -
40,871Freund, Jos.Detroitwd. l. side of face $8.00 -
59,985Frigge, HenryDetroitg. s. w. l. thigh $12.00 -
111,393Fuller, Emily A.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
137,207Funda, Chas. H.Detroitinj. r. knee $8.50 Dec., 1875
123,102Furgason, William H.Detroit- $2.00 -
141,140Gabler, AnthonyDetroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 Aug., 1876
88,970Gaffeny, CatharineDetroitwidow $8.00 -
74,924Gafney, Chas.Detroitg. s. w. l. hand $2.00 -
13,429Gagnais or Gonia, MaryDetroitwidow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
91,240Galagher, JamesDetroitg. s. w. l. forearm $6.00 -
159,983Gannon, Deborah C.Detroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Oct., 1872
32,472Gaquier, ArchangeConner's Creeksurv. 1812 $8.00 June, 1882
6,615Garfield, MariettaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
184,929Garretson, MinervaFlat Rockwidow $8.00 Jan., 1879
180,397Gaylord, Mary E.Detroitwidow $10.00 Mar., 1878
85,122Geathram, JaneDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Nov., 1866
46,579Geegge, Joanna W.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
92,061Genet, Henry A.Detroitw. r. thigh $8.50 Mar., 1866
35,900Gericke, FredGreenfieldwd. l. hand $8.00 -
172,581Gibbons, Thos.Detroitdis. eyes $18.00 Aug., 1880
-Gibbs, Mary E.Detroitwidow $8.00 Sept., 1882
76,854Giles, Eliz'bRockwoodwidow $8.00 -
-Gillespie, LouisDetroitw. r. shoulder $6.00 -
89,661Girardin, Peter N.Detroitg. s. w. l. shoulder $4.00 -
179,290Glendenning, Mary A.Detroitwidow $8.00 Dec., 1877
101,189Glode, Solo.Wyandotteg. s. w. left thigh and right shoulder $4.00 May, 1872
200,141Goebel, AugustaDetroitdeafn. l. ear and partl. r. ear $8.50 Jan., 1882
78,372Golden, Chas.Detroitg. s. w. l. jaw. &c $4.00 -
173,100Goldwafer, IgnatiusDetroitminors of $12.00 Apr., 1876
24,899Goodell, Dan'l.Ecorse- $8.00 Feb., 1879
166,117Gore, Albert A.Detroitinj. r. ankle $10.00 Mar., 1880
-Gore, JuliaDetroitwidow $8.00 May, 1872
73,561Goychea, NelsonDetroitloss l. arm $18.00 -
46,117Graham, JohnDetroitchr. ophthalmia $24.00 -
57,418Green, AnnElmwidow $8.00 Oct., 1865
83,822Green, Maria C.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
10,632Greenalt, MichaelDetroitw. l. ankle & r. thigh $8.00 -
211,541Greffley, LeeDetroitdis. throat & lungs $8.00 June, 1882
201,520Gregg, John W.Wayneg. s. w. l. thigh $4.00 Jan., 1882
10,960Grenville, Geo. H.Detroitchr. rheum. $8.00 -
64,270Gridley, Wm.Detroitwd. l. leg $2.00 -
59,489Griffin, Hiram M.Detroitloss l. thigh $24.00 -
174,574Grills, Elz.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
47,170Growl, John P.Detroitg. s. w. neck $18.00 -
45,801Grubner, MaryNorrismother $8.00 Apr., 1865
202,724Gudith, FrancisTrentong. s. w. l. leg $2.00 Feb., 1882
57,334Gudith, JuliaTrentonwidow $8.00 -
174,465Guest, Steph'nWaynechr. diarh. $8.00 Oct., 1880
63,968Gunn, Geo.Detroitchr. rheum. $3.00 -
129,111Gunning, Mary A.Detroitwidow $15.00 -
112,732Guthree, JohnNorthvilledis. of lungs $8.00 -
90,752Haag, Jos.Hand Stationg. s. w. r. breast $3.00 May, 1868
77,078Haas, RosannaDetroitdept. mother $8.00 Oct., 1876
2,363Hale, Mary M.Detroitmother $15.00 -
145,631Hall, Alvah S.Inksterg. s. w. r. leg $2.00 -
23,735Hall, Mary E.Detroitmother $8.00 June, 1864
55,766Hall, Wm. H.Detroit- $4.00 Sept., 1867
92,141Hamming, Nichls.Detroitg. s. w. abdomen $4.00 July, 1876
134,273Hampton, Chas. G.Detroitg. s. w. r. shldr. & saber wd. face $10.00 June, 1875
37,736Harden, ChristiDetroitdept. mother $8.00 Jan., 1865
180,362Harding, ElmiraDetroitwidow $15.00 Mar., 1878
76,513Hardy, JohnDetroitg. s. w. back $4.00 June, 1867
9,454Harrington, JohnDetroitloss r. eye $4.00 May, 1866
101,566Harrington, Wm. H.Detroit- $6.00 Dec., 1869
9,824Harrison, CharlesInkster- $8.00 Dec., 1871
186,144Harrison, HarrietMead's Millsdep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1879
51,090Hartman, HarrietDetroitdept. mother $8.00 Jan., 1867
55,531Hartman, LouisDetroitwd. r. thigh $18.00 -
51,235Hartwell, Mary R.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
84,953Hatch, Edwd. W.Detroitchr. bronchitis $6.00 Sept., 1867
29,854Hawkins, Geo.Elmwidow $24.00 -
109,117Hearn, MarkBeechg. s. w. loss forefinger $3.00 Apr., 1866
75,527Heidt, Pauline M.Detroitwidow $17.00 -
41,962Heiggs, JohnDetroitg. s. w. l. knee & asthma $24.00 -
118,152Heilez, JacobDetroitg. s. w. l. leg $2.00 -
78,477Henderson, Chrn.Detroitwd. r. arm $2.00 Mar., 1867
157,692Hendrie, JohnDetroitdis. heart, result. of rheum. $12.00 -
134,050Hendson, Chas. T.Detroitg. s. w. r. shoulder $10.00 -
21,165Henry, Charlotte F.Detroitwidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
1124_8 Herrick, OliveWaynewidow $8.00 May, 1869
210,265Herring, Wm. R.Detroitchr. diarrhea $7.50 June, 1882
156,345Hewitt, Thos. W.Flat Rocktotal blindness $72.00 Nov., 1878
195,268Hickey, AnnieDetroitwidow $8.00 Mar., 1882
51,957Higgins, MaryDetroitdept. mother $8.00 July, 1865
53,939Higgins, Thos.Detroitg. s. w. both thighs $15.00 -
48,329Hilsendegen, ElizbthDetroitdept. mother $8.00 June, 1865
214,595Hindson, Pitts D.Detroitdis. of eyes & res. loss r. eye $6.00 June, 1882
38,674Hinman, CalvinDetroitg. s. wd. l. chest $5.33½ -
15,938Hirshman, MartinDetroitg. s. w. l. leg $4.00 Dec., 1875
93,095Hobman, FredDetroitwd. r. leg $4.00 Sept., 1868
106,932Hoff, AngenoraWyandottewidow $8.00 Jan., 1868
12,249Hoffman, AbrahamDetroitg. s. w. l. shldr. & arm $12.00 -
151,593Hofman, HenryDetroitloss part. l. ring finger $1.00 Mar., 1878
72,443Hofsmith, CathnDetroitdept. mother $8.00 May, 1866
149,268Hogarth, BetseyDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Apr., 1871
174,574Hohn, LouisDetroitw. l. arm $4.00 Oct., 1880
194,660Hoisel, CasperDetroitloss sight left eye & reslt. afft. right $8.00 Aug., 1881
71,069Holcomb, John W.Detroitg. s. w. l. hand $10.00 -
20,219Holden, Alonzo S.Detroitg. s. w. face & skull $8.00 -
44,639Holloway, AkinPlymouthg. s. w. l. lung $18.00 -
46,308Home, AbsalomWayneg. s. w. l. breast $14.00 Apr., 1875
21,082Hood, Abigail G.Plymouthwidow $8.00 -
2,152Hood, AnnaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
142,431Hopkins, James H.Detroitchr. diarrh. $4.00 Nov., 1876
109,421Hopkins, MariaDetroitdept. mother $8.00 Feb., 1869
33,911Hoppe, JohnDetroitloss r. leg $18.00 Sept., 1866
187,702Hopper, Geo. C.Detroitg. s. w. r. side and thigh $10.00 Mar., 1881
63,518Horton, Edwin S.Northvillewidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1866
110,605Hough, JamesDetroitshell wd. l. arm $50.00 -
71,032Howard, Shep. T.Dearbornwd. r. hand & scapula - -
14,177Hoyt, EmilyDetroitwidow $25.00 -
136,475Hozhauer, FredDetroitinjury to abdomen $7.50 -
43,940Hudson, Carlin W.Detroitg. s. w. r. elbow $18.00 Nov., 1867
21,471Huff, Robt. D.Detroit $24.00 -
72,934Hughes, Thos. G.Detroitg. s. w. l. arm $20.00 Dec., 1873
5,464Hunt, AliceDetroitwidow $35.00 Apr., 1860
86,932Hunt, Chas. J.Detroitfracture l. femur $8.50 -
15,840Hunt, ViolaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
121,000Huntington, Wm. A.Grosse Islewd. l. thigh $4.00 -
199,123Hurst, Bernandus C.Detroitw. l. thigh $2.00 Dec., 1881
100,544Huston, Abram J.Detroitchr. diarr. & g. s. w. r. groin $4.00 Oct., 1880
178,033Ingersoll, EzraPlank Roadinj. to abdom. $8.00 Oct., 1880
11,287Innis, AnnInksterdep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1863
212,206Irving, MajorDetroitchr. rheum. $8.00 June, 1882
26,452Irwin, Margt.Flat Rockwidow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1877
219,274Ives, Peter B.Detroitdis. lungs $6.00 Oct., 1882
85,129James, EuniceDetroitdept. mother $8.00 Dec., 1867
2,422Jarvis, AlbertDetroitwd. of leg $6.00 -
142,154Jeffries, DavidDetroitrheum., result in heart dis. $4.00 Oct., 1876
193,014Jennings, Henry M.Detroitw. r. hip $5.00 July, 1881
44,875Jock, Geo. T.Detroitwd. r. should. $2.00 -
20,857Johnson, Alvah C.Detroitw. r. leg $6.00 -
81,608Johnson, Charles S.Trentonw. l. hand $18.00 -
61,598Johnson, James H.Detroitwd. r. thigh $3.00 -
195,091Johnson, JohannahDetroitwidow $14.00 Apr., 1882
113,093Johnson, John (2d)Detroitg. s. w. r. shoulder $4.00 -
152,069Johnson, LouisDetroitg. s. w. of nose $6.00 Mar., 1878
19,418Johnson, RosannaPlymouthdept. mother $8.00 June, 1867
26,177Johnson, Wm.Starkwd. l. hip $4.00 -
80,705Johr, FrancisDetroitg. s. w. l. arm $8.00 -
46,605Jones, IsraelDetroitg. s. w. l. hip $8.00 -
133,809Jones, Jane E.Detroitdept. mother $8.00 Sept., 1869
107,950Jones, Thos. P., jr.Detroitg. s. w. r. thigh $3.00 -
142,302Jubenville, CharsDetroitinj. r. tibia $8.00 June, 1875
50,626Kading, Wilhelmina J.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
205,247Kart, AnthonyDetroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 Mar., 1882
133,592Kastel, AnnaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1869
24,901Keagle, JuliusDetroitdef'rm'ty & lameness l. ankle $6.00 -
22,603Keefer, ChristianDetroitloss l. leg $24.00 -
201,179Keeler, Gordon D.Detroitdis. heart $8.00 Jan., 1882
159,110Kelley, Elisha H.Plymouthinj. to abd. $4.00 Apr., 1879
175,271Kempke, SophiaEcorsedep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1876
38,321Kendall, Martha CoyWaynewidow $8.00 -
80,150Kerl, MarDetroitwidow $8.00 -
30,877Kershner, PhilipDetroitg. s. w. l. arm $20.00 -
58,393King, AnnDetroitwidow $8.00 -
212,210King, Harry A.Plymouthinj. to abd. $4.00 June, 1882
222,442King, JamesPlymouthg. s. w. neck $4.00 Dec., 1882
105,156Kingsbery, S'm'l R.Romulusg. s. w. l. foot $5.00 -
29,578Kivall, MarDetroitwidow $8.00 -
14,059Klemfield, LouisDetroitw. r. elbow joint $2.00 July, 1863
35,951Klink, John G.Detroitwd. l. hand $18.00 -
96,004Knapp,, Wm. D.Detroitg. s. w. r. thigh $4.00 -
179,299Knopp, GeorgeDetroitg. s. w. l. side $1.00 Dec., 1880
218,276Koers, Jasper G.Detroitdis. of eyes $12.00 Sept., 1882
75,014Kuenz, Anna M.Wyandottewidow $8.00 -
72,037Ladd, Henry C.Detroitchr. rheum. $4.00 Mar., 1880
48,389Lafontine, Chas. C.Northvilleloss r. arm $24.00 -
173,185Lahrer, CharlesRedforddept. father $8.00 Apr., 1876
51,044Laird, JamesDetroitg. s. w. r. arm $10.00 -
138,554Lamb, RichardNorrisshell w. perineum $8.00 Mar., 1876
144,923LaMore, JohnDetroitg. s. w. r. arm $4.00 -
27,850Lane, ChristinaBellevillewidow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1879
199,823Lang, JohnTaylor Centreshell wd. r. forearm $2.00 Dec., 1881
20,452Lang, JuliaWaynedept. mother $8.00 Apr., 1864
158,162Langdon, SpencerFlat Rockinj. abdom. $12.00 May, 1878
140,551Langley, BetseyDetroitwidow $8.00 -
21,478Langley, Geo. S.Detroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 -
65,062Langs, Chas. W.Flat Rockg. s. w. r. breast $8.00 -
114,556Langs, Enoch F.Flat Rockg. s. w. l. hip $4.00 -
99,037Lapparl, FebDetroitg. s. w. l. shoulder $8.00 -
26,523Lariviere, AdolphDetroitloss l. leg $18.00 -
180,236Lautenschlager, HenryRockwoodasthma $8.00 Dec., 1880
21,796Lawrence, JohnDetroitampt. r. thigh $2.00 -
59,153Lawrence, JohnDetroitampt. r. thigh & g. s. w. l. leg $31.25 -
198,192Lawson, Sarah AliceDetroitwidow $10.00 dec., 1882
59,779Le Furge, Henry G.Rawsonvilleg. s. wd. r. thigh $4.00 -
195,700Lee, KateDetroitwidow $18.00 May, 1882
15,531Lee, Mary E.Detroitwidow $8.00 June, 1869
6,443Leonard, CharlotteBellevillewidow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1874
75,038Leonard, Chas. C.Detroitminors of $12.00 Sept., 1876
19,636Leonard, JohnDetroitw. head $4.00 -
108,446Leslie, IsabelLivoniadep. mother $8.00 Feb., 1868
114,633Lindsay, MaryDetroitwidow $8.00 -
73,195Little, ElijahWyandotteinjury index finger right hand $2.00 -
81,366Littlefield, Cyrus E.Detroitinsane $50.00 -
136,174Livingston, Edw'd D.Detroitminors of $12.00 June, 1882
47,735Lockwood, Chas. H.Detroitg. s. w. r. foot & arm $8.00 -
195,957Lockwood, Huldah M.Detroitwidow $14.00 June, 1882
195,579Long, Geo. J.Northvilledis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 Sept., 1881
133,421Long, Wm.Detroitinj. r. leg & contus'n r. chest $6.00 -
61,949Loomis, CarolineDetroitwidow $8.00 -
29,072Lozo, DavidDetroitwd. r. knee $18.00 -
2_929 Luke, John B.Waltzdis. heart $12.00 -
87,176Lungerhausen, Chas.Detroitwd. l. arm $2.00 -
117,597Lunn, Chas. M.Detroitg. s. w. r. knee & chr. diarr. $31.25 -
73,560Lyon, Wm. D.Detroitg. s. w. l. thigh & results $14.00 -
115,987Mack, Ann JaneDetroitwidow $8.00 -
28,397Mack, AnnaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
92,954Magoonaugh, BernardDetroitloss both arms $72.00 Sept., 1874
10,988Maloney, John B.Detroitchr. bronchitis $2.00 -
76,601Mandel, AugustDetroitwd. r. leg $8.00 -
21,469Manning, Thos.Detroitloss 2 fingers r. hand $2.66½ Dec., 1863
74,553Mansfield, Fred'kDetroitchr. diarr. $8.00 Nov., 1866
78,590Mapes, IsaacDearbornwd. l. ankle $4.00 Mar., 1867
10,991Marburger, alias Masbar, AndrewDetroitg. s. w. l. forearm $2.00 -
118,126Markham, Marcus A.Detroitchr. diarr $4.00 July, 1872
10,282Marshall, Elizabeth C.Detroitwidow $8.00 Oct., 1878
27,507Martin, AnnDetroitdept. mother $8.00 Aug., 1864
149,045Martin, Aug.Wyandotteg. s. w. r. forearm $4.00 Nov., 1877
64,077Martin, MariaDetroitmother $8.00 Feb., 1866
20,269Martin, Stph'nDetroitvaricose veins l. leg $15.00 -
62,214Martinstein, AnnaDetroitdept. mother $8.00 Jan., 1866
150,988Mauchau, DanielDearborndis. eyes & g. s. w. r. knee $18.00 Feb., 1878
118,776Maxfield, CalvinPlymouthanchyl. r. arm $6.00 -
15,459May, Alfred F.Detroitg. s. w. r. leg $5.00 Aug., 1863
151,659McCann, CharlesDetroitchr. rheumatism $8.00 Mar., 1878
100,131McCormick, EdwardDetroitg. s. wd. r. thigh, lower jaw $8.00 June, 1877
97,953McDermott, BridgettDetroitwidow $8.00 Aug., 1867
187,239McDonald, JaneDetroitwidow $8.00 Mar., 1880
210,571McDonald, JohnWayneg. s. w. l. hand $2.00 Dec., 1882
18,899McDonald, RobtDetroitg. s. w. r. lung $8.00 -
53,046McDonald, SamuelDetroitw. r. hip $18.00 -
57,671McGraw, Jas.Detroitinj. r. shoulder joint $12.00 -
10,962McGraw, Thos. S.Detroitwd. shoulder $6.00 Apr., 1863
18,622McHenry, JamesDetroitchr. rheum. res. oedema legs $8.00 -
53,257McIlvain, CelestiaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
111,939McKendall, Edw'd J.Detroitresults malarial fever $10.00 July, 1871
144,608McLane, Maurice H.Detroitloss l. eye, affect'n right $24.00 Apr., 1877
150,595McMullen, LawrenceTrentonrheu. var. veins leg $8.00 Sept., 1880
31,427McReery, RobtDetroitsaber wd. l. thorax $10.00 -
134,458Meelock, RosannaTrentonmother $8.00 Sept., 1869
99,756Meer, CatharineDetroitwidow $8.00 -
186,442Mellen, EdwinDetroitg. s. w. l. knee & loss r. 2d toe $2.00 Apr., 1881
122,499Menor, FrancesWyandotteg. s. w. l. hand $2.00 Apr., 1873
33,955Menter, DelilahDetroitmother $8.00 Nov., 1864
94,474Merrill, Sarah A. C.New Bostonwidow $8.00 -
33,095Merritt, AnnDetroitdept. mother $20.00 Oct., 1864
101,544Meserve, Louisa R.Detroitwidow $8.00 Oct., 1867
209,712Mettrick, GeoDetroitloss r. l. finger $4.00 May, 1882
38,643Metzger, RaymondDetroitg. s. w. r. ankle $8.00 Feb., 1863
73,777Meyers, AlexDetroitg. s. w. l. lung $12.00 Nov., 1866
161,983Meyers, Chas.Detroitg. s. w. l. ankle $20.00 July, 1882
99,484Michel, ChristDetroitg. s. w. head $10.00 -
35,431Miller, Berry B.Detroitwd. r. shoulder $8.00 Dec., 1864
130,544Miller, Josiah G.Detroitg. s. w. r. foot $6.00 Mar., 1878
77,487Mills, Wm. G.Detroitpart. parl. lower exts. & arms $24.00 June, 1869
33,244Millspaugh, Dan'l E.Detroitloss index & mid. fing. r. h'nd $4.00 Jan., 1864
43,791Minkler, Chas. D.Detroitg. s. w. r. thigh $6.00 -
55,166Mitchell, ElizabethDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1865
134,777Mitte, JudithDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1869
82,249Mix, Lawrence W.Flat Rockg. s. w. lower jaw, dis. abd. vis. $14.00 -
165,945Montgomery, Caro. M.Detroitwidow $17.00 -
69,135Montgomery, Thos. S.Detroitwd. l. hand $6.00 July, 1868
157,407Montgomery, Wm. J.Detroitrheumatism $6.00 Jan., 1879
76,309Montry, LewisDetroitwd. l. side $18.00 -
28,854Mooney, RosettaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1864
32,248Moore, Edw'd S.Detroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 Aug., 1864
129,479Moore, EstherDetroitdep. mother $8.00 May, 1869
40,682Moore, Fernando W.Bellevillechr. diarr. & results $4.00 Apr., 1865
28,547Moore, Geo. E.Inksterdis. eyes $3.00 -
39,669Morean, Matilda E.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
64,749Morey, Henry J. C.Waynewd. l. hand $8.00 -
23,246Morris, GeoDetroitloss l. arm $24.00 -
155,994Morris, Robt. W.Detroitdis. lungs $4.00 Oct., 1878
202,149Mothersill, PhillipDetroitg. s. w. r. side $2.00 Jan., 1882
6,272Moynahan, MayDearborndep. mother $8.00 Jan., 1866
82,302Mueller, JosepheneDetroitwidow $8.00 -
52,410Mulford, RebeccaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
136,089Müller, GeoDetroitinjury to abdomen $8.00 Oct., 1875
191,717Mundock, John S.Northvilleloss part l. foot $1.00 Jan., 1881
67,384Munroe, David S.Detroitwd. face and fracture of jaw $12.00 -
24,169Murphy, James S.Detroitg. s. w. face $18.00 -
41,891Murray, ElizaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
16,781Nagle, MargaretDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1864
84,478Nardin, Marg't.Bell Branchdep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1866
66,085Nash, Mary A.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
31,843Nash, ReliefMead's Millswidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1881
71,077Neef, Mary A.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
106,250Nevins, HughDetroitg. s. w. r. thigh $3.00 Nov., 1870
124,445Newberry, SenecaDetroitg. s. w. l. thigh $6.00 Aug., 1873
135,031Newell, LydiaWaynedept. mother $8.00 Sept., 1869
159,365Nichols, Corria S.Northvilleinj. l. knee $12.00 Apr., 1879
180,318Nichols, LydiaDetroitwidow $8.00 Mar., 1878
133,589Nichols, PatrickGreenfielddep. father $8.00 Aug., 1869
129,361Nichols, Thos.Detroitg. s. w. l. knee $3.00 Aug., 1874
179,415Norton, Eugenie E.Detroitwidow $24.00 Dec., 1877
54,346Norton, Helena W.Detroitdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1865
4,926Noyes, AlfDetroitdis. bowels & g. s. w. of face $4.00 -
45,552Nugent, NevinDetroitwd. breast & hip $8.00 -
47,930O'Brien, DanlDetroitg. s. w. face & l. knee $12.00 -
1,729O'Connell, MaryDetroitwidow $8.00 -
27,041O'Dairr, AnnaDetroitwidow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1879
189,383O'Dea, Mary A.Detroitwidow $10.00 Aug., 1880
179,640Odell, Mary E.Detroitwidow $10.00 -
52,290Olney, Oliver A.Detroitw. l. ankle $6.00 Nov., 1865
127,469O'Reilly, FrancisDetroitw. chest & var. veins r. leg $10.00 -
24,028Osborn, Sarah A.Detroitdep. mother $8.00 June, 1864
59,314Osrunn, Gilbert B.Detroitg. s. w. l. thigh $8.00 -
89,619Otto, AmeliaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Feb., 1867
116,577Parher, BarbaraDetroitwidow $8.00 -
135,598Parish, JohnFlat Rockg. s. w. l. leg $3.00 May, 1875
141,845Parker, HannahDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1874
25,252Parks, Philena J.Detroitwidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
51,040Parritt, NelsonNew Bostonloss l. hip $8.00 -
60,492Pasco, Thomas H.Detroitw. l. elbow & l. hand $8.00 -
153,061Passage, Edw. W. M.Waynechr. diarr. $6.00 May, 1878
94,068Passage, HuldahPlymouthwidow $8.00 -
181,994Pattee, Adelia A.New Bostondep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1878
23,692Pender, TimDetroitg. s. w. of head $5.00 -
50,541Pepin, TheresaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 July, 1865
69,048Perkins, Harvey B.Flat Rockwd. rt. shoulder $18.00 Aug., 1866
93,334Perry, Chas M.Perrinsvillew. r. thigh $3.00 Oct., 1868
139,177Perry, Stewart W.Detroitchr. diarr. $4.00 May, 1876
203,668Peterhaus, John C.Plymouthdis. spine $4.00 Feb., 1882
47,403Petzold, HermanDetroitwd. r. hip $14.00 Aug., 1865
214,028Petzold, Wm.Detroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 June, 1882
165,010Peyschra, MaryDetroitdep. mother $8.00 May, 1874
22,912Peyton, CathaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 May, 1864
20,005Pfeifle, FredericaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
23,744Phelan, AnnaDetroitdep. mother $17.00 June, 1864
85,514Phillips, JamesDetroitloss l. leg at thigh $24.00 -
31,382Phillips, Sarah A.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
60,970Picard, FrancisDetroitg. s. w. r. thumb $2.00 -
111,964Piclra, ArchangeDetroitwidow $8.00 -
177,153Pierce, JasperDetroitch. diarr. & dis. lungs $8.00 Oct., 1880
174,075Pletch, Wm. J.Detroitg. s. w. r. lung $8.00 Sept., 1880
41,056Plummer, JuliaDetroitwidow $17.00 -
4,189Pollock, Wm.Detroitg. s. w. l. hip $18.00 -
159,148Porter, FrancisDetroitg. s. w. r. leg & shell w. head $10.00 Apr., 1879
144,305Pralton, AnnaConner's Creekdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1870
24,290Pratt, Sam'l, jr.West Sumpter- $8.00 Sept., 1878
93,379Preston, JohannaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
67,590Preston, MariettaDetroitwidow $17.00 Mar., 1866
59,251Priskett, Andrew J.New Bostonloss r. leg $18.00 Nov., 1866
68,491Proctor, JohnDetroitloss rt. thumb $3.00 -
125,401Pulsipher, Anna J.Detroitwidow $8.00 Mar., 1869
88,625Putnam, Alb. J.Detroitwd. r. shoulder $4.00 Jan., 1868
149,960Racho, DoriesDetroitwidow $8.00 -
53,255Randolph, AnneDetroitwidow $25.00 Aug., 1865
104,163Ranger, AnnWaynedept. mother $8.00 Dec., 1867
122,644Rau, GeoDetroitdept. father $8.00 Dec., 1868
51,755Redwood, CatherineDetroitwidow $8.00 July, 1865
114,312Reed, SmlDearborng. s. w. l. hip $3.00 Nov., 1871
102,436Rees, WilliamDetroitinj. to head, &c $18.00 Mar., 1870
9,466Reeves, SarahFlat Rockwidow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
10,918Reidel, JohnDetroitwd. r. shldr. $6.00 Apr., 1863
71,308Renton, JohnDetroitg. s. w. r. knee & l. thigh $5.00 -
83,818Reuck, CarolineDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Sept., 1866
36,269Rhines, JamesDetroitwd. l. shld. joint $18.00 Jan., 1865
144,797Riesen, FrankDetroitfrac. l. leg $6.00 Apr., 1877
127,474Riggs, LymanDetroitg. s. w. l. thigh $8.00 Apr., 1874
148,410Riley, RachelDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1871
189,335Rising, Frank L. C.Detroitg. s. w. r. knee $2.00 May, 1881
181,132Robertson, Jas. D.Detroitminors of $10.00 May, 1878
36,031Robertson, SophiaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
103,242Robinson, HenryPlymouthwd. in head $7.00 June, 1870
182,152Robinson, JaneDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1878
131,900Robinson, Mary H.Cantondep. mother $8.00 May, 1875
10,295Robinsou, Wm. G.Detroitg. s. w. r. side forearm $8.00 Jan., 1866
114,058Roe, EllenPlymouthwidow $15.00 May, 1868
1,885Roeke, Clarissa W. O.Detroitwidow $30.00 Oct., 1862
146,562Rogers, Cath. A.Flat Rockwidow $15.00 Dec., 1870
90,192Rogers, MatildaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Feb., 1867
161,468Ross, CatherineDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1873
37,493Ross, HoraceDetroitg. s. w. leg above knee $4.00 Apr., 1866
25,037Roulo, MaryWyandottewidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
40,291Rowland, Wm. S.New Bostonw. r. arm $6.00 Mar., 1865
80,421Rud, Alf'dDetroitg. s. w. l. forearm $6.00 -
63,786Russell, FrancisDetroitwd. l. side & back $5.00 -
70,734Russell, Jos.Detroitwd. top of head $8.00 -
173,423Ryan, JohnDetroitminors of $17.00 May, 1876
180,094Ryan, MargaretDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Feb., 1878
75,161Sackett, Elord H.Detroittotal blindness $72.00 -
88,909Salliotte, AntoineEcorsewd. l. hand $18.00 -
155,668Salliotte, GilbEcorseg. s. w. face $8.00 Oct., 1878
158,448Sanderson, LeviMartinsvilleg. s. w. r. hip $4.00 Mar., 1879
19,043Sandford, Edw'dDetroitdis. lungs & asthma $24.00 -
70,710Sandmann, ChristineDetroitwidow $8.00 -
180,529Sands, Laura E.Bellevillewidow $14.00 Mar., 1878
60,253Sanford, Reuben W.West Sumpterg. s. w. r. hip $4.00 -
50,253Sauer, LouisDetroitshell wd. r. arm $18.00 -
111,491Saunders, MariaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1868
114,793Savacool, MorillaDetroitmother $20.00 June, 1868
34,778Scanlan, BridgetDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1864
172,224Scerle, Johanna J.Detroitdep. mother $8.00 Feb., 1876
111,014Schaefer, JoeDetroitg. s. w. r. side $2.00 June, 1871
50,228Schmalzredt, ChristianDetroitloss l. arm $24.00 -
80,572Schmidt, UrsulaWyandottewidow $8.00 -
156,845Schott, Wm.Detroitch. diarr. $8.00 Dec., 1878
34,896Schrieve, Jos.Detroitg. s. w. r. forearm $12.00 -
42,238Schuman, Ric'dDetroitloss r. arm above elbow $24.00 -
21,193Schweiger, CasperDetroitinj. l. knee $2.00 Nov., 1867
217,411Scringer, John S.Detroitg. s. w. r. foot $2.00 Aug., 1882
2,799Sebring, Agnes C.Detroitwidow $8.00 Mar., 1879
57,252Secord, John T.Trentonchr. diar., wd. l. shoulder, & loss little finger r. hand $8.00 Dec., 1867
104,271Sedlon, Jos.Detroitloss portion r. thumb $3.00 -
12,422See, GarrettWayne- $8.00 -
69,397Seifert, JuliusDetroitg. s. w. r. foot $4.00 -
52,001Seiler, GeoDetroitg. s. wd. r. arm & thigh $6.00 -
183,720Selkirk, CatharineDetroitwidow $17.00 Apr., 1879
168,530Sennison, CathrDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1875
196,979Seram, ElizabethBeldendep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1882
16,163Sevenberg, Christ'nDetroitwd. l. thigh $5.00 -
166,668Severence, MariettaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1874
88,628Seward, Butler W.Redfordinj. abdm. $4.00 May, 1870
10,413Sewell, Augustus R.Detroitloss l. arm above elbow $24.00 -
152,904Shanley, EdwardDetroitinjury to abdomen $18.00 May, 1878
103,503Shannon, MayDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1867
204,425Sharp, JohnDetroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 Mar., 1882
-Sharpe, Eliza P.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
111,700Shaughnessey, MaryDetroitwidow - -
204,350Sheley, Geo. A.Detroitg. s. w. r. arm, &c $15.00 Mar., 1882
176,493Shelp, Marg. J.Detroitwidow $12.00 Feb., 1877
16,897Shepard, CatharineDetroitdep. mother $8.00 May, 1864
96,213Sheridan, Thos. S.Detroitdis. lungs $6.00 Mar., 1869
206,537Sherman, Wm. H.Detroitbed sores and realt. atrophy $6.00 Apr., 1882
110,382Shockror, JohnDetroitinj. r. leg $3.00 May, 1871
197,785Shook, Edgar H.Detroitg. s. w. r. shoulder & chr. diarr. $17.75 Nov., 1881
42,099Shover, EliDetroitg. s. w. through pelvis $18.00 -
67,915Shuell, RosannaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1866
153,703Shultz, John C.Detroitim. r. wrist $12.75 June, 1878
203,555Sidey, James G.Detroitg. s. w. r. shoulder $6.00 Feb., 1882
39,803Sieger, JohnDetroitwd. r. tibia $6.00 Mar., 1865
79,818Simma, ThomasDetroitwd. l. ankle $4.00 Apr., 1867
65,212Sink, AugustusDetroitwd. throat & l. scapula $3.00 -
159,952Smith, Alb. W.Flat Rockpartial loss l. index finger $2.00 -
31,550Smith, Benj. H.New Bostonw. l. hand $18.00 -
43,183Smith, CynthiaBeldenwidow - -
13,883Smith, Ebenzr., 2dStarksurv. 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1872
13,175Smith, Eliza RootDetroitwidow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
75,180Smith, EugeneDetroitepilepsy $4.00 Dec., 1866
216,581Smith, Henry M.Rockwoodchr. di $4.00 Aug., 1882
171,940Smith, Jos.Wayneepilepsy $12.00 Aug., 1880
30,120Smith, Mary D.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
38,761Smith, Oscar J.Detroitwd. chest $6.00 -
40,288Smith, Sam'l F.Flat Rockg. s. w. both thighs $8.00 -
97,343Smith, Wm.Detroitg. s. w. l. shoulder $5.00 -
23,939Smith, Wm.Detroitloss arm above elbow $24.00 -
87,787Smith, Wm.Detroittotal blindness $72.00 -
42,458Snedeker, CharlesDetroitw. leg $18.00 Sept., 1871
143,053Sollinger, JohnDearbornasthma $18.00 Sept., 1877
121,847Somers, GeorgeWyandotteg. s. w. l. foot $6.00 Mar., 1873
32,385South, CathDetroitwidow $8.00 -
95,122Spann, Christ'nDetroitwd. of face $8.00 -
72,032Spillane, John S.Detroitg. s. w. r. arm $2.00 -
58,220Springstein, Wm. E.Detroitloss l. leg $18.00 -
12,458Sprout, AmandaDetroitwidow $17.00 -
41,237Stackpole, Thos.Detroitwd. r. thigh $6.00 -
29,521Staffin, PeterDetroitg. s. w. r. hand $18.00 -
81,677Stamm, Robt.Detroitloss l. eye $18.00 Sept., 1869
28,693Stanley, Alb. J.Detroitg. s. w. hip joint $18.00 Nov., 1866
185,992Stearns, Debrath P.Detroitmother $8.00 Nov., 1879
52,397Stehfest, HermannDetroitloss l. arm above elbow $24.00 -
194,564Steward, MartinDetroitdept. father $8.00 Feb., 1882
31,004Stockfleth, ChristPlymouthwd. r. leg $6.00 -
118,988Stoll, JeromePlymouthw. l. foot $4.00 -
62,626Stolte, DorotheaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
47,405Strather, DavidDetroitwd. l. hand $2.00 Aug., 1865
219,337Strewing, Chas.Flat Rockshell wound l. leg $8.00 Oct., 1882
76,387Stringer, Orville W.Elmwd. l. foot $6.00 -
211,612Sullivan, CorneliusDetroitdis. heart $8.00 June, 1882
195,503Sullivan, Maurice P.Detroitg. s. w. l. arm $4.00 Sept., 1881
191,830Sullivan, Meyron D.Detroitshell wd. r. breast & real. dis. lung $4.00 June, 1881
6,447Supple, MichaelDetroitg. s. w. r. leg $6.00 Apr., 1851
58,513Sutton, Jeptha H.Waltzwd. l. leg $6.00 -
28,899Swartz, NicholasDetroitloss r. arm above elbow $24.00 -
178,498Swayzie, Ansolette, alias ColkinsDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1877
51,571Sweet, Albt. K.Detroitg. s. w. l. arm $5.00 -
111,207Tallman, John H.Detroitg. s. w. r. thigh $6.00 -
116,670Taylo, De Witt C.Plymouthchr. diarrhea $8.00 -
174,200Taylor, HowardDetroitg. s. w. r. index finger $2.00 Sept., 1880
163,927Taylor, JamesDetroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 Dec., 1879
147,997Taylor, Wm. C.Detroitg. s. w. r. wrist & both thighs $6.00 Aug., 1877
109,360Teaker, WilliamBeldenw. r. breast $8.00 -
19,397Terriss, Augusta T.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
192,910Thatcher, Marshall G.Detroitchr. diarr. & nasal catarrh $17.00 July, 1881
153,5_4 Thiemer, GuntherDetroitg. s. w. l. shoulder $4.00 Jan., 1878
22,960Thompson, Almira E.Detroitwidow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1869
129,660Thompson, Isaac D.Waynedis. eyes $18.00 June, 1875
192,355Throop, Wm. A.Detroitg. s. w. r. foot & of head afft. l. eye $17.50 July, 1881
51,551Tismann, Jos. P.Plymouthfractur. ribs r. side & lg. l. side $10.00 -
102,163Todd, JamesDetroitshell wd. l. side of head $8.00 -
184,280Toohey, BridgetDetroitwidow $8.00 May, 1879
30,306Torrey, Polina L.Bellevillewidow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1880
168,699Tranka, Marg'tDetroitwidow $10.00 -
92,394Tripler, EuniceDetroitwidow $25.00 -
69,873Trisket, LeoDetroitg. s. w. l. arm $6.00 -
183,806Trowbridge, Clara W.Detroitwidow $22.00 Apr., 1879
148,183Trowbridge, WarrenInksterg. s. w. of face $4.00 Sept., 1877
161,053Truesdale, EphramCantong. s. w. r. breast $2.00 June, 1879
168,439Truesdale, HoraceCantonminors of $10.00 Apr., 1875
34,491Tucker, Charles H.Detroitw. l. hand, loss thumb & ind. finger $10.00 -
43,344Turber, CatharineDetroitdepdt. mother $8.00 Mar., 1865
75,239Turko, LudwigDetroitg. s. w. face $8.00 -
147,532Tuttle, CharlesBeechg. s. w. r. thigh $2.00 Aug., 1877
223,088Twombley, Benj.Detroitrheum. & result, dis. heart $4.00 -
6,751Twombley, CeceliaDetroitwidow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1876
23,871Tyler, Mary G.Detroitwidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1878
38,145Tyler, Randolphus D. S.Detroitg. s. w. r. arm $20.00 -
117,924Uhelboer, FredDetroitg. s. w. l. thigh $2.00 July, 1872
195,074Ulrich, MargaretDetroitwidow $16.00 Apr., 1882
35,993Vallar, JosephDetroitloss l. arm above elbow $24.00 Aug., 1866
84,237Van Deusen, Buel H.Detroitepilepsy $18.00 Aug., 1867
193,762Van Dusen, JanetDetroitwidow $7.00 Dec., 1881
22,218Van Horn, Elzb.Detroitwidow 1812 $8.00 -
196,436Van Riper, Jac. M.Flat Rockshell wound l. side & chest $2.00 Oct., 1881
59,222Van Tassell, MiltonDenton $16.00 Oct., 1866
82,721Van Vleet, IsaacDetroitdis. heart $8.00 Dec., 1868
174,808Van Wagner, Wm. Detroitg. s. w. r. side $3.00 Oct., 1880
11,450Vanderbelt, LouisaDetroitwidow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
82,639Vermenlen, PeterDetroit- $2.00 Dec., 1868
173,645Vreeland, Mary M.Gibraltarwidow $21.00 June, 1876
88,259Wadsworth, Thos. A.Detroitwd. r. foot $4.00 -
1,010,860Wakefield, MariaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
89,155Walker, Edw.Detroitg. s. w. both legs $6.00 -
20,094Walker, Geo. O.Detroitloss r. arm above elbow $24.00 -
78,679Walker, Jas.Detroitg. s. w. of back $6.00 -
161,439Walker, Thos.Flat Rockinjury to abdomen $4.00 July, 1879
205,005Walles, JohnDetroitg. s. w. r. shoulder $12.00 Mar., 1882
134,461Walsh, Elzb.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
135,125Walters, HarryDetroitch. rheum. $8.00 -
33,895Waring, James H.Detroitwd. l. ankle $4.00 -
72,538Warren, Jesse H.Detroitg. s. w. r. arm $10.00 -
43,614Warrier, Jeston R.Wayneg. s. w. l. knee $6.00 -
44,290Waterman, DavidDetroitg. s. w. head & ch. diarr. $2.00 June, 1865
11,211Watkins, Washing'n F.Detroitw. l. arm $18.00 Apr., 1863
68,738Watts, AlbertDetroitg. s. w. head $3.00 July, 1866
78,660Weber, FrederickDetroitwd. r. arm $3.00 -
82,540Weber, PhilipinaDetroitdep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1866
58,578Webster, Braton G.Northvilleloss l. arm $24.00 -
107,178Weed, Everett D.Detroit $18.00 Dec., 1870
60,455Weeks, EdgarDetroitfracture l. arm $8.50 Mar., 1866
137,974Wells, JohnFlat Rockdis. lungs $8.00 Feb., 1876
76,386Wells, John H.Detroitwd. r. thigh $2.00 Jan., 1867
111,015Westfall, Chas.Livoniainjury to abdomen $4.00 June, 1871
26,432Weston, LivDetroitsunstroke $6.00 -
59,069Wheeler, AdelaideDetroitwidow $8.00 -
99,218Whelan, MichaelDetroitg. s. w. l. thigh $6.00 -
39,438WhippleDelrayparalysis agitans $14.00 -
130,548Whipple, Edgar J.Detroitw. l. shoulder $4.00 -
102,081Whipple, Sarah A.Flat Rockwidow $8.00 -
110,224Whitall, Catharine E.Detroitwidow $25.00 -
58,517White, GeorgeDetroit $1.00 Feb., 1866
111,766Whyte, AlexanderDetroitw. l. leg $2.00 -
57,838Wier, JohnDetroitg. s. w. l. foot $6.00 -
29,832Wight, Edwin B.Detroitg. s. w. r. thigh $12.50 June, 1864
139,234Wilcox, Francis M.Detroitchr. diarr. $8.50 May, 1876
19,767Wilkinson, JohnDetroitfracture l. leg, &c $16.00 -
43,089Will, AdolphDetroitwd. both thighs & legs $4.00 -
47,174Willhelm, CatherineDetroitdep. mother $8.00 May, 1865
127,869Williams, Christ. C.Detroitg. s. w. r. leg $6.00 Apr., 1874
-Williams, EdwardDetroitloss r. leg $24.00 -
128,613Williams, Maria J.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
131,465Williams, MondantNorthvillew. r. side of back $4.00 Jan., 1875
16,050Willis, PhebeNorthvillewidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
60,182Willits, Martha J.Detroitwidow $20.00 -
149,752Willson, EllicottDetroitg. s. w. l. thigh $2.00 Dec., 1877
21,683Wilson, Cath. B.Plymouthwidow $8.00 -
133,483Wilson, John W.Detroitinjury to abdomen - May, 1875
76,279Wilson, Philo F.Detroitg. s. w. r. thigh $8.00 -
181,996Wilson, Sarah S.Dearborndep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1878
1,754Winchell, JohnDetroitg. s. w. l. arm $8.00 Mar., 1882
167,253Winslow, Lewis J.Detroitw. r. leg $2.00 Apr., 1880
159,159Wishart, DavidWhitewoodchr. diarr., ax. locomotr. $50.00 July, 1879
107,196Witherspoon, AlexDetroitg. s. w. r. hip $4.25 Dec., 1870
8,243Witherspoon, JoannaDetroitwidow $8.00 -
182,684Witherspoon, JohnDetroitg. s. w. r. wrist $2.00 Feb., 1881
11,675Wockrodt, ChristianDetroitinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
110,639Wolcott, JohnWyandotteinj. breast & hand $3.00 May, 1871
50,439Wolf, DavidDetroitg. s. w. l. leg $8.00 -
215,210Wolf, John B.Detroitsaber wd. l. hand $2.00 July, 1882
15,390Wood, Sarah A.Detroitdep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1864
17,141Woodard, Esther W.Plymouthwidow $8.00 -
73,556Woods, Thos. M.Detroitamp. 3d finger l. hand $4.00 Nov., 1866
63,532Wordell, Francis A.Detroitw. of spine $8.00 -
23,537Wrankle, CatharineWaynewidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1864
197,983Wright, FrederickDetroitdis. r. eye $2.00 Nov., 1881
25,475Wright, Mary E.Bell Branchwidow $8.00 -
66,384Wyman, JaneDetroitwidow $8.00 -
221,066Young, Elbert A.Detroitinjury to abdomen $4.00 Nov., 1882
81,672Young, Johannette M.Detroitwidow $8.00 -
175,190Youngblood, Sam'l S.Beldeng. s. w. l. thigh $2.00 -
50,250Ziesso, AdolphDetroitloss use r. arm, res. of g. s. w. $18.00 -
17,570Ziesso, NicholsDetroitloss l. leg above knee $24.00 -
70,885Zoll, Henrietta C.Detroitwidow $8.00 -

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