New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Washtenaw County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Washtenaw County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
2,648Joyner, James RDexterchr. diarrhea $2.00 -
37,321Smith, WilliamYpsilantiloss index finger r. hand $3.00 -
71,897Goodell, BurdettManchesteratrophy of l. hand$4.00 -
116,196Kellogg, MarionAnn Arborinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
21,800Blodgett, WoosterDexterwd. left shoulder$4.00 -
86,868Derby, William WAnn Arborwd.l. hip$4.00 -
1,146,925Losec, Daniel HYpsilantiwd.l. leg$4.00 -
90,690Huff, WmYpsilantiwd.l. shl. & inj. l. arm$4.00 -
75,382Millin, JohnYpsilantiwd.r. forearm & foot$4.00 -
113,960Kraff, HermanAnn Arborwd.r. hip$4.00 -
107,118Herrick, Chas. DAnn Arborwd.r. leg$4.00 -
161,826Albright, James EYpsilantiwd.r. leg$4.00 -
143,452Carter, JohnSalinewd.r. shoulder$4.00 -
38,825Vorhies, Abraham CSaline-$4.00 -
113,258Spawn, JamesYpsilantiwd. left leg$5.00 -
17,743Atchinsin, HenrySalemanchylosis l. elbow & part of arm$6.00 -
31,450Doig, JohnAnn Arborg.s.w.l. thigh$6.00 -
116,833Douglass, JamesManchesterl. sight r. eye & dis. of left$6.00 -
138,025Stofflet, FrancisAnn Arborw.l. arm$6.00 -
-Clark, Henry CAnn Arborw.l. hip & groin$6.00 -
181,057O'Neill, JohnAnn Arborwd. chest$6.00 -
71,860Niles, Solomon RNewcombwd. l. side of back$6.00 -
90,897Sumner, EdwardManchesterwd. left hand$6.00 -
57,855Kleindienst, JohnAnn Arborwd. rt. hand $6.00 -
129,115Storms, IrvingAnn Arborwd.l. knee$6.00 -
13,384Felton, Hiram DYpsilantiwd.r. arm & hand $6.00 -
110,584Litchfield, De Forrest MDexterwd.r. thigh$6.00 -
78,707Webster, Orville FAnn Arborchr. diarrhea $7.00 -
72,380Pickett, Peter MAnn Arborwd. back & c$7.00 -
109,120Schulth, John JAnn Arborchr. Rheumatism$8.00 -
115,215Curtis, HenryWhittakerchr. Rheumatism$8.00 -
137,322Flowers, Geoge NYpsilantichr. ulcers r. leg $8.00 -
96,068Carr, JohnNewcombheart disease$8.00 -
99,770Coleman, Charles DDexterl. shoulder$8.00 -
33,081Somerby, John LChelseawd. Larynx$8.00 -
49,594Noll, ConradAnn Arborwd. left thigh$8.00 -
73,459Bigalke, TheodoreAnn Arborwd. pt. arm & head$8.00 -
27,220Stebbins, SmithDexterwd. right knee, thigh & arm$8.00 -
44,101Rodman, LeonardDexterwd.l. leg$8.00 -
21,632Conroth, CharlesAnn Arborwd.l. shoulder$8.00 -
21,792Branton, James IIYpsilantiwd.l. thigh$8.00 -
37,414Seigle, WilliamYpsilantiwd.r. hand$8.00 -
39,807Hanna, JamesDexterwd.r. hand, amp'n thumb$8.00 -
117,498Church, Geo. CMilanwd.r. side head & resulting in partial deafness$8.00 -
20,738Jacobs, HiramMilanwd.r. thigh$8.00 -
59,739Smith, George FYpsilantiwd.r. thigh$8.00 -
36,249Frink, CelindaAnn Arborwidow$8.00 -
54,349Cummings, RhodaAnn Arborwidow$8.00 -
53,712Hall, Emma FAnn Arborwidow$8.00 -
13,637Leonard, Adelaide CAnn Arborwidow$8.00 -
8,909Bierman, FrederickaAnn Arborwidow$8.00 -
10,820Hotchkin, Francis LSalinewd.r. knee$2.00 Apr. 1863
18,023Griffin, Mary AnnAnn Arbormother$8.00 Apr. 1864
44,772Shier, Sarah HYpsilantiwidow & minor children$20.00 Apr. 1865
70,488Fox, RoxannaYpsilantiwidow$8.00 Apr. 1866
149,248Ward, MaryetteChelseamother$8.00 Apr. 1871
116,284Spoor, John WYpsilantichr. Rheumatism$17.00 Apr. 1872
6,885Hobbs, PollyYork widow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1877
152,653Childs, William KAnn Arbordisease of lungs$10.00 Apr. 1878
152,668Greenfield, LymanYork chr. diarrhea $12.00 Apr. 1878
22,508Johnson, Olive ADextersurv. 1812$8.00 Apr. 1879
39,977Tripp, JohnManchesterwd. right knee$8.00 Apr. 1879
22,870Mitchell, ClavissaSalinewidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1879
23,082Louis, PamelaYpsilantiwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1879
22,869Farrington, SarahYpsilantiwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1879
22,472French, AmandaMilanwidow 1812 (Thomas C Howard, gdn.)$8.00 Apr. 1879
9,182Fitzgerald, Lottie EAnn Arborwidow & chldn$20.00 Aug. 1864
60,095Vanmatter, WilliamDexterg.s.w. abdomen$8.00 Aug. 1866
65,702Haight, LorenzoSaline-$18.00 Aug. 1866
105,235Billsen, JohnDexterwd. left shoulder$2.00 Aug. 1870
113,211Van Riper, Adrian HYpsilantiwd.r. forearm$3.00 Aug. 1871
124,486Campbell, RobertAnn Arborsunstroke$8.50 Aug. 1873
23,937Crossman, SamuelAnn Arbor-$8.00 Aug. 1878
23,976Smith, BlodgettSaline-$8.00 Aug. 1878
172,292Burch, Calhoun MManchesterwd.l. side head$2.00 Aug. 1880
216,795Come, PeterAnn Arborchr. diarrhea $4.00 Aug. 1882
216,928McGill, Thos. Ypsilantiinjury to abdomen$6.00 Aug. 1882
216,845Gallup, Horace MYpsilantichr. diarr. & dis. abd. vis.$20.00 Aug. 1882
87,718Johnson, SusannahChelseamother$8.00 Dec. 1866
79,078O'Hara, MichaelAnn Arborinj. breast $8.00 Dec. 1867
104,029Greenfield, PollyYork mother$8.00 Dec. 1867
20,471McDougall, John AYpsilantiwd.l. shl$8.00 Dec. 1868
13,386Wilsey, SarahPittsfieldwidow 1812$8.00 Dec. 1878
179,784Van Antwerp, Lewis HChelseavaricose veins l. leg $4.00 Dec. 1880
180,275Freeman, Harvey BAnn Arborinj. r. ankle$6.00 Dec. 1880
30,989Ruff, Delia SYpsilantiwidow 1812$8.00 Dec. 1880
199,840Squier, WilliamYpsilantipartial deafness both ears & disese of kidneys$6.00 Dec. 1881
222,680Savery, Isaac SSalemwd.r. leg$4.00 Dec. 1882
65,513Bontell, Hiram SYpsilantiwd.l. thigh$6.00 Feb. 1860
58,855Bontell, Henry SYpsilantiwd.r. hand & l. forearm$17.00 Feb. 1866
58,079Harper, BenjamiYpsilantiwd.l. arm$2.66 2/3Feb. 1866
72,169Sackett, ArdenYpsilantiwd.r. hand$8.00 Feb. 1867
40,340Childs, Lewis EYpsilantiwd. left side$20.00 Feb. 1867
148,275Scott, SusanAnn Arborwidow$8.00 Feb. 1871
12,970Harvey, DavidYpsilanti-$8.00 Feb. 1872
176,346Mead, MariahAnn Arbormother$8.00 Feb. 1877
20,450Barnes, Mary AnnAnn Arbormother$8.00 Feb. 1879
17,603Pool, SallyMilanwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1879
183,037Northrup, Mary AAnn Arborwidow & minor children$10.00 Feb. 1879
28,763Van Dake, BetseySalemwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1880
186,857Whipple, Enoch AYpsilantiminor children$10.00 Feb. 1880
38,320Hatfield, Eliza CAnn Arbormother$8.00 Jan. 1865
138,295McCarty, MarySciomother$8.00 Jan. 1870
107,490Beardsley, Leslie WAnn Arborw.r. lung$6.00 Jan. 1871
115,271Marshall, ArthurAnn Arborloss r. thumb$4.00 Jan. 1872
163,660Merritt, MinervaMilanmother$8.00 Jan. 1874
167,023Robbins, BenjaminDexterdep. father $8.00 Jan. 1875
150,817Bingham, Wm. HYpsilantiinjury to abdomen$4.00 Jan. 1878
14,596Butler, MaryMilanwidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 1879
194,258Lyon, RebeccaYpsilantiwidow$8.00 Jan. 1882
211,601Schlech, John Ann Arborpartial deafness$12.00 Jan. 1882
26,068Pasko, AnnNewcombwidow 1812$8.00 July 1870
103,863McCann, James WAnn Arbordis. l. knee$8.00 July 1871
1,150Stuck, GeorgeYpsilantisurv. 1812$8.00 July 1871
154,515Scripture, Langdon WYpsilantiwd.r. thigh$4.00 July 1878
22,828Green, HenrySaline-$8.00 July 1878
25,490Munger, Hester BManchesterwidow 1812$8.00 July 1879
192,343Reinhart, RobertYpsilantiwd. left shl.$6.00 July 1881
106,858Wiederoder, DorathyAnn Arbormother$8.00 June 1868
486Rogers, IsraelYpsilantisurv. 1812$8.00 June 1871
550Shonerman, TimothyYpsilantisurv. 1812$8.00 June 1871
146,450Bennett, William Chelseawd. left arm$4.00 June 1877
146,434O'Neil, EdwardManchesterwd. head $6.00 June 1877
22,546Thompson, James OYpsilantisurv. 1812$8.00 June 1878
22,270Shankland, RobertAnn Arbor-$8.00 June 1878
25,040Harris, FlorillaAnn Arborwidow 1812$8.00 June 1879
103,241Putnam, Nathan CMilaninj. to l. knee & lum'r vert., & c$24.00 June 1879
212,467Harrington, Sidney DChelseachr. diarrhea $6.00 June 1882
212,141Slenon, TalbertAnn Arborwd. left arm$6.00 June 1882
78,061Hayner, LoranMilan-$4.00 Mar. 1867
91,965Phillips, Rachel MAnn Arborwidow$8.00 Mar. 1867
92,082Welch, Celice NAnn Arbormother$30.00 Mar. 1867
89,922Bell, Wm. EYpsilantiwd.r. hand$6.00 Mar. 1868
140,812Jones, Sarah AYpsilantimother$8.00 Mar. 1870
87,112Williams, Geo. RMilan-$12.00 Mar. 1870
147,006Warden, Anna EAnn Arborwidow & minor children$19.00 Mar. 1874
132,276Morton, Andrew NChelseawd.l. leg$4.00 Mar. 1875
138,249Gage, Arthello HYpsilantiwd. side of head$8.00 Mar. 1876
176,757Rowan, AbigailYpsilantimother$8.00 Mar. 1877
151,937Chubb, PhiloSalemwd.r. breast$2.00 Mar. 1878
151,992Straley, JohnChelseavaricose veins r. leg $8.00 Mar. 1878
143,847Seeger, WilliamAnn Arbordeaf. both ears & wd. head $12.00 Mar. 1878
21,781Judd, AmandaYpsilantiwidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1879
24,972Spoford, Thomas LManchester-$8.00 Mar. 1879
184,648Shier, William RYpsilantiloss part of l. index finger$2.00 Mar. 1881
185,150Clark, MichaelAnn Arborw.l. breast & r.n. hip $6.00 Mar. 1881
184,177Gardener, Augustus SYpsilantipar. paralysis of lower limbs$12.00 Mar. 1881
204,535Minnis, Chas Ann Arborchr. diarrhea $6.00 Mar. 1882
20,261McFall, SchuylerWhittakerwd. l. knee$6.00 Mar. 1882
3,658Sheafer, WilliamWhitmore Lakewd.l. thigh & chest$12.00 May 1848
22,910Reid, Lucy CAnn Arbormother$8.00 May 1864
46,827Corselus, Clementia AAnn Arbormother$8.00 May 1865
72,479Duncan, MaryWhitmore Lakemother$15.00 May 1866
63,910Batwell, EdwardYpsilantichr. diarrhea $16.66 2/3May 1866
93,932Norton, MaryAnn Arbormother$8.00 May 1867
92,839Hill, CatherineAnn Arbormother$8.00 May 1869
22,098Hiscock, ElishaYork surv. 1812$8.00 May 1878
139,606Logan, ErasmusManchestershell wound of head$2.00 May 1879
24,120Haines, SophroniaAnn Arborwidow 1812$8.00 May 1879
168,555Sherwood, George BManchesterdis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 May 1880
29,250Downer, NancyAnn Arborwidow 1812$8.00 May 1880
209,327Richards, EvanBirkettinjury to abdomen$4.00 May 1882
209,547Garlingthouse, NelsonAnn Arborchr. diarrhea $6.00 May 1882
195,885Schaible, John GAnn Arborminor children$18.00 May 1882
209,782Fallen, MichaelChelseawd.l. groin and rheumatism, resulting disease of spine$18.00 May 1882
195,587McMahon, BrigetAnn Arborwidow & minor children$20.00 May 1882
57,253Hudler, James MChelsea-$18.00 Nov 1867
19,531Slaughter, Wm. PMilandis. of spine$8.00 Nov. 1862
34,417Lambart, ElizabethYpsilantimother$8.00 Nov. 1864
102,421Dusick, MariaYpsilantidep. mother$8.00 Nov. 1867
123,700Stephenson, LouisaAnn Arbormother$8.00 Nov. 1869
136,314Stewart, IsaYpsilantimother$8.00 Nov. 1869
160,062Buckalow, AdelvaDexterwidow$12.00 Nov. 1872
149,116Moran, JohnAnn Arborwd.r. hip$6.00 Nov. 1877
22,116Scranton, WarrenAnn Arborsurv. 1812$8.00 Nov. 1878
182,569Doty, HarrietYpsilantiwidow$12.00 Nov. 1878
163,463Burch, Daniel MManchesterwd.rt. thigh $4.00 Nov. 1879
220,414Farrington, Wallace FMilandis. of rectum$2.00 Nov. 1882
221,305Park, RobertWhitmore Lakechr. diarrhea resulting dis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Nov. 1882
221,398Sweet, WilliamWordenvaricose veins$4.00 Nov. 1882
32,757Foster, PhilindiaAnn Arborwidow 1812$8.00 Nov. 1882
136,261Bargley, SarahAnn Arbormother$8.00 Nov.1 869
32,120Tompkins, Miranda LAnn Arbormother$8.00 Oct. 1864
33,254Chatfield, MargaretAnn Arborwidow$8.00 Oct. 1864
50,758Packard, Harvey CSalemfracture of lower jaw$6.00 Oct. 1865
75,252McCourt, RoseyAnn Arbormother$8.00 Oct. 1866
85,422Edson, AlviraYpsilantimother$8.00 Oct. 1866
119,832Ferguson, MaryChelseamother$8.00 Oct. 1868
107,912Woodmansee, AzelMilanampt'n r. thumb$3.00 Oct. 1871
153,912Newton, PriscillaYpsilantimother$8.00 Oct. 1871
6,563Baldwin, WilliamManchester-$8.00 Oct. 1871
6,561Sober, JamesSalem-$8.00 Oct. 1871
113,932Sellers, GeorgeChelseaphthisis & pulmonalis & disease of spine$12.00 Oct. 1871
156,196Anderson, Charles HYpsilantiwd.l. hand $3.00 Oct. 1878
175,809Wise, John WYpsilantiinj. to back$4.00 Oct. 1880
175,189Collins, FrankYpsilantiwd.l. thigh$4.00 Oct. 1880
175,182Edgington, HarmonYpsilantishell wd.l. ankle$6.00 Oct. 1880
219,933Sheldone, CrittendonYpsilantichr. diarrhea & scurvy$8.00 Oct. 1882
17,448Newland, Richard MAnn Arborinjury to abdomen$2.66 2/3Sept. 1863
55,165Elwell, Ann EYpsilantimother$8.00 Sept. 1865
134,540North, Caroline MChelseamother$8.00 Sept. 1869
153,487Giles, Betsey FAnn Arbormother$8.00 Sept. 1871
24,319Moore, DavidYpsilantisurv. 1812$8.00 Sept. 1878
195,370Newville, Van RensselainMilanchr. diarrhea & dis. of abd. vis.$2.00 Sept. 1881
158,615Sheehan, MarthaAnn Arborwidow$8.00 -
91,685Cole, Sarah AChelseawidow$8.00 -
56,743Cashman, JaneManchesterwidow$8.00 -
44,261Ryan, BridgetManchesterwidow$8.00 -
90,109Myers, RachelManchesterwidow$8.00 -
51,147Bailey, Lodicia CManchesterwidow$8.00 -
7,278Rhoades, SusanMilanwidow$8.00 -
113,495Harris, JanettSalinewidow$8.00 -
31,302Smith, Mary AStony Creekwidow$8.00 -
38,814Harper, Leticia SStony Creekwidow$8.00 -
27,149Franklin, LydiaSylvanwidow$8.00 -
20,198Smith, MargaretteYpsilantiwidow$8.00 -
31,694Talcott, Priscila SYpsilantiwidow$8.00 -
131,293Smith, Mary AYpsilantiwidow$8.00 -
140,500Stone, CatherineYpsilantiwidow$8.00 -
10,174Miller, Mary EYpsilantiwidow$8.00 -
45,199Lilley, HannahYpsilantiwidow$8.00 -
2,234Barney, Margaret JYpsilantiwidow$8.00 -
659Norton, JaneYpsilantiwidow, act June 1858$8.00 -
95,228Guerin, Oscar BChelseadis. of kidneys$10.00 -
3,618O'Brien, MichaelAnn Arborwd., fract. l. tibia near ankle$10.00 -
80,708Revenaugh, Sam'l BAnn Arborwd.r. hip, hand & c$10.00 -
125,092Godfrey, Isaac BSalinechr. diarr. & results$12.00 -
83,027Featherby, ThomasWhitmore Lakechr. diarrhea $12.00 -
53,465Walker, GeorgeAnn Arborshell wound rgt. leg $12.00 -
37,950Rane, Wm. BWhitmore Lakewd. chest$12.00 -
126,861Clark, William AAnn Arborwd. face$12.00 -
43,247Miller, ChasYpsilantiwd.l. shl$12.00 -
38,819Monroe, Gilbert MAnn Arborwd.r. arm & hand $12.00 -
57,152Williams, ElliottYpsilantiwd.r. thigh$12.00 -
39,229Brownell, Joseph HYork w.l. arm & hip$14.00 -
76,407Treuntner, PaulYpsilantiwd. left leg$14.00 -
54,252Ryder, William HAnn Arborw.r. thigh$15.00 -
76,340Sclbeck, Ed. NYork g.s.w.r. arm$16.00 -
59,940Gardner, AlbertAnn Arborwd.l. thigh & chest$17.00 -
3,204Hunt, ElizabethAnn Arborwidow & chldn$17.00 -
43,374Clark, JacobAnn Arbor-$18.00 -
117,843Jacobs, HarveyMilandis. of eyes$18.00 -
50,648Shanty, John JAnn Arborloss right leg$18.00 -
63,072Donovan, DanielAnn Arborloss rt. Forearm$18.00 -
123,103Comer, GeorgeYpsilantiwd.l. forearm & elbow$18.00 -
1,007De Puy, Frances MAnn Arborwidow$20.00 -
17,454Culver, Martha WAnn Arborwidow & minor children$20.00 -
46,057Blood, EllaDexterwidow & minor children$20.00 -
30,631Manley, Eli SAnn Arborloss l. arm$24.00 -
28,071Manley, Chas. HAnn Arborloss l. arm$24.00 -
58,082Rase, Preston BAnn Arborloss l. leg above knee$24.00 -
37,282Spencer, ClintonYpsilantiloss r. leg$24.00 -
62,098White, James DAnn Arborloss rgt. arm above elbow$24.00 -
23,763Ketchum, John RYpsilantipartl. parys. l. arm & c$24.00 -
35,117Fairchild, StephenAnn Arborwd. neck and par'l extrem$24.00 -
64,792Hinman, John LYpsilantiwd.r. forearm$24.00 -
16,890Comstock, Lucia MAnn Arborwidow & minor children$30.00 -
104,270Stebbins, Jerome AYpsilantiinj. to r. knee$72.00 -
67,039Richards, George WChelsealoss l. arm, inj. r. hand$72.00 -
30,879Arm, Geo. RYpsilantiwd.r. arm & hand $2.66 2/3-
88,542VanValkenberg, Randall TManchesterw.r. hand--
64,176Southworth, Candace AStony Creekwidow--

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