New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Van Buren County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Van Buren County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
135,093Acker, Charles WHartfordinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
14,459Albright, HenryBangoramputation index finger$2.00 -
77,399Allen, IrenaGoblevilledept. mother $8.00 Apr. 1866
73,200Anderson, ThomasDecaturg.s.w. of head$18.00 -
166,290Andrews, JosiahPaw Pawchr. diarrhea $25.00 Mar. 1880
47,372Angus, BarbaraHartfordwidow$8.00 -
49,478Anton, MarvinGlendalewd. of lung, and resulting dis. of heart--
163,553Arnold, Edward RDecaturchr. diarrhea $8.00 Nov. 1879
222,712Austin, Augustus SDecaturinj.l. hip, and resulting fistula in arm$18.00 Dec. 1882
132,582Austin, Harvey HBloomingdaleg.s.w.r. forearm$6.00 -
221,215Austin, HenryBerlamontdis. of lungs$8.00 Nov. 1882
20,544Baird, Walter ALawrenceg.s.w.l. knee$12.00 Nov. 1862
196,363Baker, AbrahamBangorchr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.$4.00 Oct. 1881
214,400Baker, Charles WPaw Pawg.s.wd. right thigh & injury to abdomen$6.00 June 1882
140,911Baldwin, Shephard HGoblevilleg.s.w. rt. leg$8.00 Aug. 1876
57,868Baldwin, Wm. HDecaturw.r. leg$6.00 Feb. 1868
10,779Banks, Jacob FBloomingdaleg.s.wd.r. leg$4.00 -
186,416Barker, John CLawtonbay't wd. right side & g.s.w. right foot$6.00 Apr. 1881
32,241Barnes, Harlan GLawrenceinjury to spine$10.00 -
92,764Beatty, WmHartfordw.l. hand $2.00 -
102,109Becker, JacobBerlamontloss rt. thumb $8.00 Feb. 1870
192,658Beebe, Miles FPaw Pawbronchitis and partial deafness both ears$8.00 July 1881
57,064Beetley, Rentverford MSouth Haveng.s.w. left hip & right thigh$8.00 -
168,446Belcher, AdamBangorg.s.wd. rt. Leg$2.00 May 1880
115,668Benwire, PeterLawtonwd.rt. hip$8.00 Feb. 1872
15,505Bilbo, ArchilbaldPaw Pawwd.l. hip & back$8.00 -
211,923Birdsall, VanransalearGoblevilleinjury rt. hip $2.00 June 1882
51,159Bishop, HenrySouth Havenampt. l. arm$24.00 -
83,047Biteley, JacobLawtonsurv. 1812$8.00 July 1878
160,436Blew, AbramDecaturinj. spine, resulting paralysis$72.00 May 1879
176,572Bond, ClaraDecaturwidow$10.00 Mar. 1877
84,130Bookner, MartinPaw Pawwd.rt. Arm$8.00 -
220,130Branch, VineHartfordg.s.w.l. hand with loss middle finger$4.00 Nov. 1882
114,750Brewer, BenjaminIrvingoninj. back $4.00 -
223,391Brewer, Clark KAlmenachr. rheum. & diarr$4.00 Dec. 1882
189,787Bridgeford, GeorgeKeelersvilleg.s.wd. rt. side $1.00 June 1881
117,491Bridges, LymanHartfordg.s.wd. rt. Leg$8.00 June 1873
184,112Brown, JaneWaverlywidow$10.00 May 1879
57,255Bryant, Chas. TSouth Haveng.s.wd. left groin$12.00 -
97,853Bryant, Wm. FPaw Pawdis. lungs $6.00 May 1869
116,467Buck, AlbertCovertdis. of lungs from chr. diarr.$8.00 Dec. 1872
130,909Buck, JohnGlendalechronic diarrhea$8.00 Dec. 1874
12,803Burdick, WarrenSouth Havenw. head $18.00 -
93,467Burlington, BenjaminLawtonw.l. shr$2.00 Oct. 1868
42,149Burlington, James WLawtong.s.wd.l. foot$8.00 -
220,344Bush, EliGoblevillechronic diarrhea$4.00 Nov. 1882
58,907Butcher, SarahLawrencewidow$8.00 -
28,153Butler, CharityPaw Pawwidow 1812$8.00 Dec. 1879
78,072Campbell, BetseySouth Havenmother$8.00 July 1866
194,530Carr, JacobPaw Pawinjury to back$6.00 Aug. 1881
148,426Carr, MaryGlendaledept. mother $8.00 Mar. 1871
168,316Cary, Aquilla RGoblevillecontused wd. of chest, affecting heart & lungs$8.00 May 1880
119,254Cary, Willard EDecaturvaricose v's leg & thigh$18.00 -
27,693Case, Chester JBloomingdaleshell w.l. leg$2.00 -
33,773Chamberlin, HarrietBreedsvillewidow$17.00 -
120,231Chapman, Robert HPaw Pawdisease of eyes$6.00 Aug. 1875
91,986Churchill, PollyPaw Pawmother$8.00 Mar. 1867
194,748Clark, AnnaMcDonaldmother$8.00 Mar. 1882
16,276Clemmens, JohnLawtonwd.r. leg$5.00 Nov. 1869
63,280Clingston, ClarissaKendallwidow$8.00 -
166,745Cole, AnnDecaturmother$8.00 Dec. 1874
94,928Cole, John FHartfordchr. diarr. & g.s.w.l. arm$6.00 -
144,3?3Combs, Benjmain CIrvingong.s.w.l. thigh$4.00 -
206,819Conklin, LumanLawtonchr. diarr. and ascites$4.00 Apr. 1882
152,823Conolly, GeorgeHartforddisease l. lung$10.00 Sept. 1878
90,081Cook, Alfred HSouth Haveng.s.w.l. leg$8.00 -
20,125Cook, JannettaSouth Havenwidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1879
213,725Cook, SullivanHartfordloss of part of index and middle fingers of r. hand$4.00 June 1882
71,605Coon, CatherineMattawanmother$8.00 Apr. 1866
7,738Cooper, JosephCovertinjury to abdomen$8.00 Nov. 1853
106,589Cooper, Orrin PBangorg.s.w.l. foot$6.00 -
179,614Cornwall, HarrietBerlamontmother$8.00 Jan. 1878
21,472Crandall, James CHartfordg.s.w.l. foot$8.00 -
10,003Crittenden, MortimerDecaturdisease of lungs$8.00 -
87,793Crowley, PatrickLawtoninjury of l. side $8.00 -
930Culver, IraPaw Pawwidow 1812$8.00 July 1871
139,235Cumings, Adelbert WPaw Pawinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
96,047Daggett, DanfordBerlamontinj. r. leg$10.00 -
85,762Daniels, MariaBerlamontmother$8.00 oct. 1866
149,083Daverr, TimothyLawtoninjury to abdomen$4.00 -
59,954Davey, GeorgeLawrenceg.s.w.l. arm$12.00 -
27,571Davis ElizaPaw Pawwidow 1812$8.00 Oct. 1879
42,175Davis, Geo. HDecaturloss r. thumb$4.00 May 1865
56,152Dean, MonroePaw Pawg.s.w. chest$8.00 -
185,260DeFountain, La FayetteSouth Haveng.s.w.l. side & resulting dis. of lungs$8.00 Mar. 1881
96,291DeHaven, AdamAlmenag.s.w.r. sh'l$8.00 -
59,742Delong, SilasBangorwd.l. hip$8.00 -
158,568Dennis, Charles WDecaturg.s.w.r. side$2.00 Mar. 1879
202,072Denton, JohnLawrenceg.s.w.l. hand, with loss mid. fing. & inj. to ring finger$4.00 Jan. 1882
35,885Dickison, IsaacBangorg.s.w.l. hip & thigh$8.00 -
172,869Dixon, GeorgePaw Pawchr. dis. of liver & resulting ascites$10.00 Aug. 1880
115,157Dolbee, Mary ABloomingdalewidow--
58,556Dorahue, James SSouth Havenampt. l. thigh$24.00 -
63,434Doyle, MaryHartfordwidow$8.00 -
176,376Dwideer, James EKeelersvillechr. diarrhea $2.00 Oct. 1880
170,439Dyer, CharlesDecaturdis. of heart$8.00 June 1880
80,470Earl, Wm. BHartfordw.r. side$6.00 -
163,772Eastman, Norman WBangorinj. of spine & par. deafness $8.00 Dec. 1879
106,924Ellison, JosephLawtong.s.w. neck$2.00 -
12,138Farmer, Edwin RDecaturg.s.w.l. shoulder$6.00 -
25,183Farwell, EbenezerIrvingonsurv. 1812$8.00 June 1879
61,937Feegles, Henry CKeelersvillew.l. breast & hip$8.00 -
43,041Ferguson, MarivaDecaturwidow$8.00 Mar. 1865
188,284Ferris, John ABerlamontchr. bronchitis $4.00 May 1881
191,610Fields, SamuelBloomingdaleshell wd. r. arm$6.00 June 1881
113,404Finch, Nathan VLawtonpar'l amaurosis both eyes$8.00 -
87,547Finehout, Mary JKendallwidow$8.00 -
172,811Fish, Hiram CWaverlyminor child $10.00 Sept. 1881
15,651Fish, Sarah WLawrencewidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 1879
221,450Fisher, LegrantBangorchr. diarrhea $4.00 Nov. 1882
220,353Fitch, Harlon MPaw Pawloss l. finger l. hand, g.s.w$2.00 Nov. 1882
76,097Fitzpatrick, MaryHartfordwidow$8.00 -
202,537Folk, HenryBangorw.r. leg$4.00 Feb. 1882
195,678Foote, Jason B., alias WhitneyPaw Pawchronic rheumatism$4.00 Oct. 1881
199,321Forbes, Charles VGrand Junctiong.s.w.l. thigh$6.00 Dec. 1881
88,491Frary, RachelBreedsvillemother$8.00 Jan. 1867
185,258Freeman, EleanorMattawanmother$8.00 Aug. 1879
122,274Gage, Martin CPaw Pawg.s.w.r. leg$2.00 -
180,844Galligan, Charles EPaw Pawinj. of back & res. dis. of kidneys$12.00 Jan. 1881
9,676Gates, Polly ELawrencewidow$8.00 -
189,967Gieser ErnestLawtondis. abd. vis., chr. rheum., dis. of heart$6.00 June 1881
110,119Gilbert, JamesBangordis. of heart$4.00 -
54,994Gillet, CharlesBangorinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
197,612Graham, John MDecaturminor children$12.00 May 1882
10,622Gray, LauraLawrencewidow 1812$8.00 Nov. 1878
18,666Green, Thomas WKendallchr. rheum. & res. dis. heart $8.00 -
4,045Griffin, LucyHartfordwidow$8.00 -
103,626Grover, Samuel BSouth Havenchr. diarr $6.00 -
19,514Hall, Wesley MLawtong.s.w.r. shld'r & chest$8.00 -
11,178Hamlin, AlbertBloomingdaleg.s.wd. r. hand$4.00 -
97,133Hamlin, ElizabethEdgelmother$8.00 July 1867
66,004Harmon, Rowland CBloomingdalewd.r. thigh$4.00 June 1866
37,110Harper, HarveyLawtondis. of heart$12.00 -
73,225Harrington, PollyBangormother$8.00 May 1866
123,164Hart, EberHartfordg.s.w.l. arm$12.00 -
191,350Harvey, Thomas MBangorg.s.w. left great toe$2.00 June 1881
80,893Hasner, SylvesterSouth Havenwd.l. thigh$6.00 -
49,068Hastler, John TLawtong.s.w.r. arm$20.00 -
335,406Hayes, OangeDecaturinj. to spine, urinary organ$18.00 -
162,667Hayes, RichardPaw Pawg.s.w.r. wrist$1.00 Oct. 1879
108,079Heald, John SHartfordg.s.w.l. breast & lung$12.00 -
115,574Heffron, ElizabethPaw Pawwidow$8.00 -
23,410Heix, Grace GHartfordwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1879
20,740Henry, Wm.Edgelwd.l. arm & c$6.00 Nov. 1863
159,236Hess, CatherineSouth Havenmother$8.00 Aug. 1872
190,187Hewey, LucyPaw Pawmother$8.00 Oct. 1880
204,655Hill, AlexanderKendallinj. of l. side & back, neuralgia & asthma$4.00 Mar. 1882
200,736Hill, Wm. AAlmenaepilepsy$6.00 Jan. 1882
98,000Hitchcock, Chas. HLawtong.s.w. neck$6.00 -
18,269Hodges, HerrickSouth Haveng.s.w.l. lung & leg$16.00 -
148,168Holdeman, Absalom ABerlamontw.l. thigh & var. veins$8.00 -
153,983Holmes, John CSouth Haveng.s.w.l. forearm$2.00 June 1878
121,329Holmes, WesleyLawtonchr. diarrhea $6.00 -
201,978Hoover, Harion FHartfordg.s.w. both thighs$2.00 Jan. 1882
159,271Hoxie, JaneLawrencemother$8.00 Aug. 1872
149,897Hubbard, Wm. HBangorinj. l. hip$8.00 Dec. 1877
103,280Hudson, MariaBreedsvillewidow$8.00 -
19,155Hughes, Margaret APaw Pawwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1879
111,674Humiston, HenrySouth Havenincised wd. great toe$2.00 July 1871
67,850Huntley, Cadmus CHartfordg.s.w.l. scapula & thorax & resulting dis. of lungs$50.00 -
20,064Hurd, Lorenzo CPaw Pawwd.r. thigh$18.00 Feb. 1867
86,736Hutchins, William HSouth Havenaccidental wound$18.00 -
184,700Huzzard, Elijah CLawrencechronic diarrhea$24.00 Mar. 1881
171,577Irish, Delilah AHartfordwidow$8.00 Jan. 1876
16,873Johnson, Catherine AIrvingonmother$8.00 Mar. 1864
192,322Johnson, Gilbert DLawtong.s.w.r. forearm$5.00 July 1881
143,616Jones, AllenLawtondis. of stomach$31.25 -
11,245Jones, MarvinLawtonsurv. 1812$8.00 Jan. 1872
-Jones, Mary EPaw Pawwidow$8.00 -
37,835Jones, WilliamKendallampt. l. leg$18.00 -
162,498Jordan, Andrew JSouth Havenchr. rheu $4.00 Oct. 1879
221,139Kelley, Charles JBangorchr. diarrhea $8.00 Nov. 1882
85,773Kelly, Franklin NLawrenceconjunctivitis$18.00 -
7,546Kennicott, HannahKeelersvillewidow$8.00 -
160,818Kepler, John DIrvingong.s.w.r. forearm$4.00 Aug. 1879
27,247Ketchum, AznhaleSouth Havenwidow 1812$8.00 Oct. 1879
12,762Kidder, John Decaturg.s.w. hand and shoulder$18.00 -
199,337Kidder, John MBreedsvillechr. diarr $8.00 Dec. 1881
165,146Kimble, Harrison Lawtondiarr$2.00 Mar. 1880
18,356Kinney, MaryLawtonwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1879
26,080Klapp, CyrusBloomingdaleinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
51,808Klett, John Keelersvilleampt. l. thigh$24.00 -
84,562Klett, John MKeelersvilleg.s.w.l. hip & thigh$10.00 -
45,551Knapp, FrankSouth Havenwd.l. leg$7.00 -
180,776Knight, Daniel BDecaturg.s.w.r. side$6.00 Jan. 1881
60,169Knowles, CharlesBangorwd.l. thigh$4.00 -
139,886Laberteaux, WilliamDecaturdis. eyes $18.00 Dec. 1877
38,717Lackey, GeorgeBloomingdaleinj. spine & back$4.00 -
175,388Lamont, EllenPaw Pawwidow$8.00 Oct. 1876
110,865Lander, Thos. MHartfordw.l. arm$1.00 -
101,830Lane, William DGlendalechr. diarr. & gen. debility $8.00 -
96,973Laselles, RichardBangorloss r. eye, g.s.w.l. leg$12.00 -
75,102Lawton, George HLawtonwd.r. shoulder$10.00 -
179,044Lee, GeorgeKeelersvilleg.s.w.r. shoulder$4.00 Nov. 1880
1,818Leet, NaomiBangorwidow$8.00 -
183,881Lewis, MaryKeelersvillemother$8.00 Apr. 1879
148,840Libbie, AlonzoPaw Pawdis. of lungs$8.00 Oct. 1877
182,001Loveland, Henry JPaw Pawchr. rheumatism $8.00 Jan. 1881
53,872Lucas, MaryDecaturwidow$8.00 -
197,077Lutz, Ann Eliz'thSouth Havenwidow$16.00 Aug. 1882
20,741Mahar, JohnLawtoninj. l. elbow$6.00 -
206,386Mason, LeeGoblevillechr. rheumatism $14.00 Apr. 1882
111,013Mason, MichaelPine Grove Millsstrain of back$2.00 June 1871
191,192Mather, Chas. HHartfordg.s.w.r. thigh$4.00 June 1881
219,032Maxam, Samuel HLawtondisease of r. lung$6.00 Oct. 1882
162,187McCabe, Henry WPaw Pawg.s.w.l. ankle$4.00 Aug. 1879
44,941McCombs, LydiaSouth Havenwidow$8.00 -
19,285McCormick, Wm. HMattawang.s.w. left hip$8.00 -
80,569McGinnis, ClaraSouth Havenwidow$8.00 Aug. 1866
16,931McGlaughlin, JohnPine Grove Millsg.s.w. chest$8.00 -
148,390McGrath, JohnBangorw.r. hand$2.00 Sept. 1877
19,521McGregor, DanielKendallg.s.w.r. hand$8.00 -
204,588McLain, John CLawtong.s.w.r. ankle$4.00 Mar. 1882
121,960McNeal, Thos. JHartfordg.s.w.l. arm$12.00 July 1874
62,542McNeil, IrenaLawtonwidow$8.00 -
32,238McNett, NancyBangormother$8.00 Oct. 1864
96,950Meachum, SimeonHartfordwd. left groin$8.00 -
201,415Mead, Gilbert EDecaturg.s.w.l. forearm$4.00 Jan. 1882
172,140Minnick, MaryPaw Pawmother$8.00 Feb. 1876
127,737Morse, Manley MKendallg.s.w.l. shl. & r. side neck$10.00 -
204,960Morse, NathanLawtonch. diarr. & res. dis. abd. vis $4.00 Mar. 1882
217,442Myers, AlfredDecaturdisease of lungs$4.00 Aug. 1882
132,826Myers, Henry BDecaturg.s.w.r. arm$3.00 Apr. 1875
32,366Nelson, GeoKendallwound l. side$15.00 Sept. 1864
175,220Nelson, Nancy JLawtonmother$8.00 Oct. 1876
95,252Nelson, WilliamLawrenceg.s.w. of thigh$8.00 Jan. 1869
86,177Newton, Zelora ELawrenceinjury to abdomen$8.00 Oct. 1867
195,529Nichols, RosanaBloomingdalemother$8.00 May 1882
111,963Nightingale, Mary AGoblevillewidow$8.00 -
6,340Northam, SarahEdgelwidow 1812$8.00 Oct. 1871
20,123Olds, TabithaLawrencewidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1879
204,336Olk, JohnMcDonaldchr. bronchitis $6.00 Mar. 1882
32,182Olmstead, Jesse APaw Paww.l. thigh & c$4.00 May 1866
141,734Palmer, John MGoblevilledisease of eyes$6.00 Oct. 1876
138,711Patterson, Dennis DBangorg.s.w.r. thigh$6.00 Apr. 1876
69,027Payne, Philemon RMattawaninjury rt. knee joint$24.00 -
201,739Pease, CharlesIrvingong.s.wd. of left knee$4.00 Jan.1 882
168,164Perkins, HenryPaw Pawdisease eyes$18.00 Oct. 1879
60,493Perry, EliSouth Haveng.s.w.l. hand & loss thumb$4.00 -
95,989Phillips, Chas. CBangorwd.l. arm$2.00 Apr. 1876
11,519Pierce, ChesterDecaturw. face $12.00 May 1863
48,932Powell, OrrinGoblevillewd.l. hand$6.00 -
219,425Pritchard, Orville MDecaturrheum., result. dis. of heart$4.00 Oct. 1882
49,879Prosser, Bell CLawrencewidow$8.00 -
80,422Rainey, BenjaminBerlamontg.s.w.r. hand$12.00 -
141,728Ramsey, BartonBangorg.s.w.r. hand & rheum$12.00 Oct. 1876
149,612Randall, Sarah MPaw Pawwidow$8.00 -
30,138Rasco, Stephen SGoblevilledisease heart$12.75 June 1864
16,422Rawson, ZenasPaw Pawsurv. 1812$8.00 May 1872
50,007Ray, JohnBangorg.s.w. neck & head--
221,580Ray, John BHartfordg.s.w.r. shl$4.00 Dec. 1882
113,336Ray, WilliamEdgelshell w.l. arm$18.00 -
105,922Rayman, Geo. WPaw Pawdiarr$6.00 -
97,416Reed, JanePaw Pawmother$8.00 July 1867
24,966Reed, SimonSouth Haveng.s.w.l. elbow & back$14.00 -
163,305Rees, NilisIrvingonw.r. heel$2.00 Oct. 1879
166,884Reeve, FranklinSouth Havenfather$8.00 Dec. 1874
46,077Remington, George HBangorloss of index finger$3.00 July 1865
153,680Retallick, Wm. HHartfordg.s.w.l. thigh$4.00 June 1878
102,233Reynolds, Margaret AMattawanwidow$8.00 -
68,493Reynolds, Oscar ABangorwd.l. thigh$6.00 -
199,358Rice, Charles HSouth Havendisese of eyes$6.00 Dec. 1881
201,595Richardson, EugeneHartfordg.s.w.l. leg$4.00 Jan. 1882
95,627Richmond, Betsey MLawtonmother$8.00 June 1867
47,455Riley, George WDecaturloss of l. leg$24.00 -
144,526Rinard, Wm. HBloomingdaledis. of eyes & injury to back$16.00 Apr. 1877
98,574Roath, Dorcas Irvingondept. mother $8.00 Aug. 1867
195,855Robbins, AnnMattawanmother$8.00 May 1882
16,283Roberts, Lyman ADecaturanchylosis of finger, ampt. of arm$18.00 Jan. 1873
155,412Robinson, John TBloomingdaledis. of lungs$18.00 Sept. 1878
207,374Rogers, LeRayMattawang.s.w. both thighs$4.00 Apr. 1882
-Rogers, RichardSouth Havensurv. 1812$8.00 -
210,699Root, Daniel TGoblevillerheumatism$6.00 June 1882
182,596Root, MiloHartfordminor children$12.00 Dec. 1878
179,826Roscoe, Lucinda MBloomingdalemother$8.00 Jan. 1878
175,900Rowe, LouisaGrand Junctionmother$8.00 Dec. 1876
9,980Rowles, ChristainDecatursurv. 1812$8.00 Oct. 1878
169,113Rubert, JamesKeelersvillefather$8.00 May 1875
167,508Sage, PatrickGoblevillechr. diarrhea and general debility, from prison life$8.00 May 1880
134,776Salisbury, Harriet ADecaturmother$8.00 Sept. 1868
90,313Saxton, Hiram GPaw Pawwound right hand & l. arm$4.00 -
120,073Schleich, AugustKeelersvilleinjury to abdomen$12.00 -
124,979Scott, WilberforceEdgelshell wound l. side & l. hip $4.00 -
89,792Shaff, Andrew JLawtong.s.w.r. side$6.00 -
19,320Shaver, Robert EDecaturg.s.w. right shoulder$12.00 -
28,637Shaw, MercyPaw Pawwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1880
201,091Sheldon, Hiram HHartfordg.s.w.l. side of head and resulting epilepsy$8.00 Jan. 1882
50,164Sheldon, Mary ALawtonwidow$8.00 -
220,894Shepard, William MPaw Pawinjury to abdomen$4.00 Nov. 1882
51,500Sherman, John JPaw Pawchr. diarr., inj. to hand and wrist$10.00 -
159,122Simmons, Louisa MLawtonwidow$8.00 -
126,633Smith, JamesSouth Haveng.s.w. right cheek$6.00 Feb. 1874
156,078Smith, JamesBangorg.s.w. left foot$4.00 Oct. 1878
150,441Smith, Silas APaw Pawpart. deafness & inj. to spine$14.00 Jan. 1878
92,107Southworth, Gillespie BGoblevillechr. rheumatism $12.00 -
158,843Spaulding, Alva CHartfordinjury to abdomen$4.00 Apr. 1879
119,584Spaulding, HenryHartfordg.s.w. right hand$10.00 Sept. 1874
67,473Spencer, Giles AWaverlyg.s.w. face$8.00 -
60,247Spicer, DanielPaw Pawwound right forearm$15.00 -
73,184Squires, JaneLawrencewidow$8.00 -
158,705Stanley, George RHartforddisease of lungs$12.00 -
221,704Stanton, Bradley WPaw Pawrheumatism$6.00 Dec. 1882
124,226Stedman, Huldah MGoblevillewidow$8.00 -
101,529Steele, CharlesDecaturinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
179,687Storey, AnnAlmenamother$8.00 Jan. 1878
32,127Storey, Wm. RKendallinj. l. hip & back, res. abscess$6.00 Aug. 1864
131,901Stowe, FreemanHartfordinjury to abdomen, g.s.w. both nates$8.00 Apr. 1876
45,633Strickles, Joseph RBangorloss l. thigh$24.00 -
178,300Strong, Nathan MBangordis. throat$4.00 Oct. 1880
100,261Stroud, ElizaBangorwidow$8.00 Oct. 1867
22,302Sutton, LutherHartfordinj. to scalp & spinal column$24.00 Dec. 1863
222,035Sweet, AaronDecaturdisease of lungs$4.00 Dec. 1882
175,227Sweet, John HHartfordpartial loss of third finger rgt. hand from g.s.w.$2.00 Oct. 1880
21,794Sweet, Wm. WLawrenceinj. to back$10.00 -
50,427Swisher, GeorgeBangorg.s.w.r. leg$10.00 -
10,268Tamor, FlandersPaw Pawsurv. 1812$8.00 Oct. 1878
50,425Taylor, AmeliaDecaturwidow$8.00 -
53,026Taylor, John Keelersvilleampt. of rgt. thigh $24.00 -
167,623Thompson, Albert HLawtoninj. to spine & res. paralysis $24.00 Apr. 1880
25,604Timmons, OliveKeelersvillewidow 1812$8.00 -
110,613Tow, DanielBloomingdaleg.s.w.l. hip & thigh$3.00 -
140,703Town, Ralph WPaw Pawvar. veins r. leg $8.00 -
76,661Tracy, Edward NLawtonfracture rgt. arm$12.00 -
75,590Truax, HarrietBloomingdalewidow$8.00 -
144,357Turner, J. DillonDecaturg.s.w.l. shoulder$4.00 Mar. 1877
65,569Tuttle, MarcusHartfordg.s.w. of left hand$8.00 -
146,293Tweed, Milton SBangorw.r. hip$6.00 June 1877
21,918Twitchell, DavidBloomingdaleg.s.w. hand$6.00 -
155,770Upham, Hannah NSouth Havenmother$8.00 Feb. 1872
31,575Upton, HenryDecaturg.s.w. should., affecting lung$24.00 Aug. 1884
174,453Van Lent, John WKendallchronic rheumatism$4.00 Oct. 1880
7,725Vanatwerp, MaryPaw Pawwidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 1878
37,883Vandecar, HenryIrvingong.s.w.r. arm$18.00 Feb. 1865
47,892Vandervoort, Harriet EHartfordwidow$8.00 -
9,691Vanfleet, Samuel NLawtontotal blindness$72.00 Nov. 1865
19,623Wait, ThomasDecatur-$4.00 -
220,225Walker, AbsalomBerlamontdisease of heart$4.00 Nov. 1882
20,566Ward, AnnBloomingdalewidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1879
125,019Ward, Anson BPaw Pawg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 Sept. 1873
197,644Ward, ElizaMattawanmother$8.00 Nov. 1882
223,015Warner, Jerome CPaw Pawg.s.w. left thigh$2.00 Dec. 1882
58,101Waters, James JLawtonw. lumbar region$8.00 -
12,960Welcher, CharlesDecaturloss right leg$18.00 -
152,654Wells, George WLawtonchr. diarrhea $6.00 Apr. 1878
93,781West, Reuben HSouth Haveng.s.w. of left hand & rgt. leg $8.00 Nov. 1868
106,178Weston, JamesHartford-$3.00 Oct. 1876
43,881Wheaton, ElanorDecaturwidow$20.00 -
208,021Wheaton, HoraceDecaturg.s.w. left hand$4.00 May 1882
156,549Wheeler, Charles EMattawang.s.w.l. thigh$2.00 Nov. 1878
24,078Wheeler, EliashibPaw Pawsurv. 1812$8.00 Sept. 1878
166,446Wheeler, Rhoda APaw Pawdept. mother $8.00 Nov. 1874
210,151Whitbeck, Luther WPaw Pawdiarr., disease of abdominal viscera, inj. to back & partial paralysis$8.00 -
135,315White, Benj. FGoblevilleg.s.w. rgt. lower jaw, penetrating chest$12.00 Sept. 1876
21,795White, James Jr.Lawrence-$4.00 -
213,328Whitford, Miles VPaw Pawtyphoid fever and res. otites, dis. eyes and gen. debility $8.00 June 1882
187,393Whitmore, Orson VHartfordinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
130,632Wilberton, ElizabethPaw Pawwidow$8.00 July 1869
70,561Wilcox, William HSouth Havenloss right index finger$3.00 -
174,396Williams, AbrahamBangorw.l. hand & r. foot$8.00 Oct. 1880
99,228Withey, Esther EBangorwidow$8.00 -
59,020Woodman, EdsonPaw Pawwound rgt. thigh$6.00 -

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