New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
St. Joseph County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 St. Joseph County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
10,385Allen, Abraham DSturgisw.l. hand$10.00 -
18,596Annidon, Edmund S Jr.Sturgiswd.r. arm$6.00 -
28,997Armstrong, Emily MCentrevillewidow$8.00 -
157,988Arnold, Edwin PThree Riversg.s.wd.l. side of neck$2.00 Mar. 1879
100,689Austin, Elizabeth CSturgisdep. mother $8.00 Oct. 1867
182,451Austin, EmilyBurr Oakdep. mother $8.00 Nov. 1878
23,729Avery, SarahConstantinewidow 1812$8.00 May 1879
32,442Babcock, Elizabeth Nottawawidow 1812$8.00 June 1882
52,067Babcock, Elizabeth LThree Riverswidow$8.00 July 1865
199,209Backus, Chas. WThree Riversdis. of stomach & liver$18.75 Dec. 1881
79,814Bany, Herbert LConstantinechr. diarrhea $5.33 1/3Apr. 1867
207,674Barker, Byron CLeonidasrheumatism$6.00 Apr. 1882
142,021Beebe, Geo. MSturgischr. diarrhea $8.00 Dec. 1876
39,769Beebe, Henry HMendonloss r. arm$18.00 -
9,843Beilby, Geo. WConstantinew.l. arm$8.00 July 1882
198,966Bell, FrancisColonchr. diarrhea $6.00 Dec. 1881
203,912Bellings, John DNottawadis. of lungs & cho. diarr $8.00 Mar. 1882
10,536Belote, Harriet JNottawawidow$8.00 -
192,047Bennett, EdgarColonchr. diarrhea $6.00 June 1881
16,510Bennett, LorettaBurr Oakwidow$25.00 -
111,268Berger, Dan'lSturgischr. diarrhea $8.00 June 1871
223,430Bisby, JohnWhite Pigeong.s.w.l. forearm$4.00 Dec. 1882
111,012Bloom, John JParkvilledis. of eyes$6.00 June 1871
96,414Bower, Peter FColonwd.r. wrist & hip$6.00 Mar. 1869
210,622Bowman, EdwinMendonloss finger$2.00 Jne 1882
182,071Bumphrey, Marvin HThree Riverschr. diarrhea $4.00 Feb. 1881
165,996Burns, Sam'l RParkvilledis. of abdominal viscera$4.00 Mar. 1880
12,025Bush, LoisColonsurv. 1812$8.00 Nov. 1878
177,826Carts, LewisSturgisg.s.wd.l. ankle & l. leg$6.00 Oct. 1880
114,792Chapman, JamesColonepilepsy$8.00 -
23,387Choffer, JosephThree Rivers-$8.00 July 1878
86,492Churchill, ByronBurr Oak-$12.00 -
16,895Churchill, DrusillaBurr Oakdep. mother $8.00 Mar. 1864
185,138Clark, ElizabethMottvilledep. mother $8.00 Aug. 1879
196,497Clement, ChasColonchr. diarrhea $8.00 Oct. 1881
58,299Cole, Jas. PConstantinew.l. hand$6.00 Feb. 1866
17,248Corkenord, NicholasMendonchr. rheum $2.00 Nov. 1864
144,911Corwin, StephenConstantineinjury to back$6.00 Apr. 1877
189,480Covey, Daniel BMendonchr. rheu. & diarr$6.00 June 1881
-Cowles, ElizaBurr Oakwidow$8.00 -
43,896Coyle, AndrewThree Riversinj. to r. arm & shoulder$6.00 -
129,444Cramer, George WMendong.s.wd. both hips & chr. Rheu$16.00 -
45,475Craner, Alex'rMendon-$12.00 -
50,248Cross, Edward ABurr Oakwd.l. shoulder $8.00 -
43,709Culver, Wm. ASturgisg.s.wd.l. side and arm & c$18.00 -
100,665Cusman, ElizabethThree Riverswidow$8.00 -
100,915Davey, Camilla LThree Riversdep.$8.00 Oct. 1867
177,109Davidson, Wm.White Pigeonw.r. arm$8.00 -
211,733Dickerson, JohnConstantinechr. diarrhea $4.00 June 1882
187,921Dickinson, Augustus EColong.s.wd. r. hand$3.00 May 1881
139,042Dickinson, Sam'l CColondiarrhea$3.00 May 1876
177,017Dowling, SarahMendondep. mother $8.00 Apr. 1877
141,459Dulcher, AnneltaSturgisdep. mother $8.00 Mar. 1870
92,582Dunten, Elias FBurr Oakinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
144,794Eastwood, Wm.White Pigeoncontr. of r. leg from scurvy$18.00 Feb. 1878
65,827Egelshofer, JohnThree Riversg.s.wd.r. hand$6.00 -
207,702Elsworth, NicholasColonrheum'm$2.00 Apr. 1882
85,700Ennis, ElizaCentrevilledep. mother $8.00 Oct. 1866
219,558Evans, MonroeSturgischr. diarrh. & parys. l. side$11.25 Oct. 1882
201,505Everett, GastonSturgisdis. of eyes$4.00 Jan. 1882
78,238Ewing, MaryMendonwidow $8.00 -
123,919Fast, Orlando JMendong.s.wd.l. hip$4.25 -
149,428Fayor, JosephThree Riversloss sight l. eye, resul'g imp. vision of l. eye $6.00 Nov. 1877
187,932Feas, Dan'l WThree Riversg.s.wd.r. thigh$4.00 May 1881
117,251Findley, Mary JCentrevillewidow$8.00 -
62,633Fitzsimmons, AdalineMendonwidow$8.00 -
23,487Foot, Jacob H.BMottvillediarrhea$6.00 -
181,541Ford, GeorgeMendonchr. diarrhea $2.00 Jan. 1881
182,663Fordam, Aug MThree Riversdep. mother $8.00 Dec. 1878
69,982Fordham, PhebeWhite Pigeonwidow$8.00 -
71,941Fry, Geo WLeonidasg.s.wd. face$6.00 -
26,123Gardner, EliCentrevilleinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
129,476Gibbons, MatildaMendonwidow$8.00 Ma 1869
24,889Goodrich, Byron QWasepiw.l. shr.$10.00 -
132,995Green, Chas. HMendong.s.wd.r. hand$8.00 -
178,028Green, Leonard CSturgisdis. of eyes$4.00 Oct. 1880
164,522Green, MaryWhite Pigeondep. mother $8.00 Apr. 1874
22,552Griffiths, JasWhite Pigeonwd.l. elbow$8.00 -
5,498Gross, EvaBurr Oakwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1875
194,481Haff, Mary StuartConstantinewidow$8.00 Feb. 1882
207,115Hall, John EMendonvaricose veins & ulcer r. leg$10.00 Apr. 1882
61,854Hall, LavaleConstantinewidow$8.00 -
27,589Hall, Sarah ASturgiswidow$8.00 -
174,786Handy, John BThree Riversg.s.wd.r. thigh, dyspepsia$18.00 Oct. 1880
197,884Harvey, JohnThree Riverschro. rheuma. & diarrhea, parl. deafness both ears$4.00 Nov. 1881
89,852Hatch, ThosMendong.s.w.r. side$3.00 -
166,759Hazard, Maria LBurr Oakdep. mother $8.00 Dec. 1874
158,706Heberice, MosesSturgisdis. of eyes$24.00 Apr. 1879
179,322Hendrickson, WmMottvillechr. diarrhea $8.00 Dec. 1880
110,016Hewes, HollisBurr Oakg.s.wd. r. thigh, r. big toe$4.00 May 1871
92,759Hoag, Ruth MMendonwidow$8.00 -
89,652Hodges, RoxanaThree Riversdep. mother $8.00 Feb. 1867
147,072Hoffnall, ChristianWhite Pigeon-$3.00 -
75,090Holben, SamlThree Riverswd.l. arm & chro. rheuma $10.00 May 1869
138,975Honts, EliHowardsvillesprain r. hip and back$4.00 -
155,740Hopkins, Mary JThree Riverswidow$8.00 -
157,170Houts, GeoThree Riversg.s.wd.r. thigh$2.00 Jan. 1879
150,591Huff, Jas. MMendong.s.wd. thigh, inj. to abd$6.00 -
219,599Huff, JohnWhite Pigeon-$2.00 Oct. 1882
64,272Huner, HenryCentrevilleg.s.w.r. foot$8.00 -
85,088Hutton, John HMottvillewd.l. leg & c$8.50 -
50,520Jacobs, LouisLeonidasw.r. hand$8.00 -
33,584Jones, Albert ACentrevilleg.s.wd. R\r. wrist & l. forearm$16.00 -
21,804Jordon, Moses LSturgisdiarrhea$8.00 -
144,611Kemmerling, JamesColong.s.wd. of head$4.00 Apr. 1877
215,014Ketchum, JamesWasepiw.l. cheek$4.00 July 1882
99,667Ketchum, Sarah RCentrevillewidow$20.00 Sept. 1869
24,849Kine, MarthaLeonidaswidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 1879
71,460Kirk, Marcus DSturgisw.l. leg$15.00 Sept. 1866
100,819Knapp, MariahHowardsvillewidow$8.00 -
178,155LaBarge, Wm.Constantineinj. upper jaw r. side $2.00 Oct. 1880
40,807Lafayette, CadyFlowerfieldg.s.w.l. leg$4.00 -
138,372Lagro, Lewis NWhite Pigeonw.l. forearm$3.00 Mar. 1876
214,001Lamb, Andrew JSturgischr. diarrhea & part'l deafn.$4.00 June 1882
178,150Lamport, AnselColonrheum. & pleurisy$8.00 Oct. 1880
191,671Lane, Bradley LThree Riversg.s.w.r. hand$3.00 June 1881
125,033Leppley, JosephBurr Oakg.s.w. head$4.00 -
131,994Lester, Henry DSturgisg.s.wd.l. shol$6.00 -
93,671Lincoln, Jane SCentrevilledep. mother $8.00 Feb. 1869
208,063List, WmMendonrheumatism$12.00 May 1882
195,600Losh, Isaac NConstantineinj. to back$4.00 Sept. 1881
194,552Lyon, Festus VLeonidasnecrosis of l. ulna$6.00 Aug. 1881
-Magee, AlbertCentrevillepleurisy & dis. of heart$18.00 -
38,379Mahney, HuldahThree Riversdep. mother $8.00 Dec. 1864
59,504Mandeville, LouisaConstantinewidow$15.00 Nov. 1865
197,304Manley, Susan HThree Riversdep. mother $8.00 Sept. 1882
82,680Marion, Calvin OBurr Oakgen'l paralysis$24.00 -
122,062Masher, BradleyBurr Oakg.s.w. neck$4.00 Mar. 1873
183,247Mathews, TimothyBurr Oakg.s.wd. l. leg$6.00 Feb. 1881
173,761May, LeahThree Riverswidow$30.00 June 1876
26,305McCracken, SamlThree Riversg.s.w. shoulder$6.00 Apr. 1864
144,921McNiel, NeilWhite Pigeonchr. diarrhea $8.00 Apr. 1877
98,533Meinberg, Reuben GThree Rivers-$6.00 -
111,788Melvin, Lambert SConstantineg.s.wd.l. leg$12.00 -
211,442Millard, Willard AWhite Pigeoninjury to abdomen$6.00 June 1882
96,804Miller, MaryThree Riversdep. mother $8.00 July 1867
214,009Miller, ReubenSturgisg.s.wd.l. shoulder$6.00 June 1882
178,149Morehead, JaromeSturgisdis. lungs & kidneys$8.00 -
106,458Morrison, NancyCentrevilledep. mother $8.00 Jan. 1868
135,928Pattison, Wm. FMendondis. of eyes$7.00 -
188,610Pease, ElizaBurr Oakdep. mother $8.00 June 1880
73,807Poppine, John HSturgischr. ophthalmia $24.00 -
166,184Powers, Barna BColonnervous debility$12.00 Mar. 1880
106,591Ramsey, MargaretThree Riverswidow$8.00 -
137,246Renner, RobertColong.s.w.l. foot$3.00 Dec. 1875
196,920Renner, Wm. LColonchr. diarrhea $8.00 Oct. 1881
59,777Rice, Chs.Three Riversg.s.wd.r. side & lung$14.00 -
103,368Robinson, Wm. HLeonidasg.s.w. both thighs$5.00 Apr. 1874
141,797Rodecker, Chas. WMottvillew.l. leg$6.00 -
140,650Roe, Asa FConstantineg.s.wd. r. thigh, r. big toe$2.00 Nov. 1877
147,854Rossman, WmConstantineg.s.wd.l. arm$4.00 Aug. 1877
191,799Rumsey, EllisColong.s.wd.l. wrist$4.00 June 1881
53,383Rupert, MarySturgiswidow$17.00 Aug. 1865
24,531Russell, Henry VSturgischr. diarrhea $8.00 -
155,876Ryon, EsbonFlowerfieldinjury to abdomen$4.00 Oct. 187?
85,256Salter, JohnThree Riversdis. eyes$10.00 -
130,099Sanborn, Martin EFawn Riverinjury to abdomen$4.00 Sept. 1874
219,661Schulthers, GeorgeThree Riversloss of sight r. eye $4.00 Oct. 1882
84,537Scofield, SmithCentrevilleg.s.wd. r. side $6.00 -
76,405Seales, HenryBurr Oakdis. of throat$4.00 Jan. 1867
13,388Seckell, Mary EWhite Pigeonwidow$8.00 Feb. 1864
164,488Shaffer, Alex'rSturgisg.s.wd.r. hand$2.00 Feb. 1880
57,153Shaver, AndrewWhite Pigeonparal. & g.s.w. lumb. region$72.00 -
178,602Shaw, Emily SLeonidaswidow$20.00 Sept. 1877
197,979Shaw, Wm. FBurr Oakdep. father $8.00 Dec. 1882
100,315Sheats, JacobThree Riversdis. eyes g.s.wd. thro' body$10.00 -
20,093Sherman, FranklinThree Riversg.s.wd.l. arm & sacrum$8.00 -
90,199Shunk, Sam'l ENottawainj. to r. knee$4.00 Apr. 1868
99,483Skirvin, Francis MSturgisloss r. forefinger$3.00 Aug. 1869
87,953Skirvin, MariaSturgisdep. mother $17.00 Dec. 1866
154,685Smith, Erastus LThree Riversinj. of spine$6.00 Aug. 1878
101,496Snork, AdamMottvilleg.s.wd.r. thigh$8.00 June 1873
13,369Spencer, AltantaThree Riversdep. mother $8.00 Feb. 1864
147,758Stamp, Emanuel HMottvilleg.s.wd.l. hip$6.00 Aug. 1877
28,072Still, IsaacThree Riversg.s.wd., pary'sis r. arm$8.00 May 1864
51,042Stoughton, Wm. LSturgis-$30.00 Oct. 1865
179,343Street, Sam'l FThree Riversinjury to abdomen$8.00 Dec. 1880
217,902Stutter, WmThree Riverschr. diarrhea $6.00 Sept. 1882
77,700Summuiller, AbigailThree Riverswidow$8.00 Feb. 1867
81,493Suttan, DilplomaCentrevilledep. mother $8.00 Aug. 1865
206,548Taylor, Jas. PColoninj. to perinaeum & results$8.00 Apr. 1882
223,735Terny, GeoMottvillew. head $2.00 Dec. 1882
209,504Thorn, Rob't NWhite Pigeonatrophy of l. leg $8.00 May 1882
133,066Thornton, Wm. CWasepiw.l. hand$4.00 Jan. 1877
55,449Tibble, Edw'dMendonwd. of face$12.00 -
209,505Timm, FrederickThree Riversdiarrhea$4.00 May 1882
166,552Todd, Jas. A Burr Oakdis. of heart$8.00 Apr. 1880
184,653Tompkins, Julius HColong.s.wd. R.high$4.00 Mar. 1881
80,418Tritewiler, SydnorLeonidas-$4.00 Apr. 1867
30,518Tucker, LydiaHowardsvillewidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 1880
49,029Tuttle, Catharine FMendonwidow$8.00 -
167,521Valentine, MarySturgisdep. mother $8.00 Feb. 1875
142,739VanMeter, JamesNottawachr. diarrhea $2.00 Dec. 1874
134,288VanVorst, Abner JSturgissciatica$6.00 June 1875
181,610Wagner, AugustThree Riversdis. of lungs $4.00 Jan. 1881
73,563Wallet, JosiahThree Riversg.s.wd. both lungs & abd.$10.00 -
203,349Ward, Hiram HColonchro. rheumatism $8.00 Feb. 1882
15,259Watson, JosephBurr Oakdis. of lungs & cho. diarr $6.00 -
183,602Webble, WmMendong.s.wd.r. arm & r. thigh$6.00 Mar. 1881
222,704Wells, Wm. HBurr Oakcho. diarrhea $2.00 July 1881
69,769Wheeler, Chas. MThree Riversw.l. leg$4.00 -
9,140Whitman, RebeccaBurr Oakwidow$8.00 -
216,614Wolf, Herman GConstantineg.s.wd. l. arm$4.00 Aug. 1882
2,472Wood, Julia ASturgiswidow$20.00 May 1863
82,456Youngman, Adam GThree Rivers-$6.00 June 1867

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