New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Shiawassee County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Shiawassee County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
125,111Adams, Jno CGlass Riverwd. of face $8.00 -
143,020Adams, Jno. QBancroftdis. of lungs $8.00 Apr. 1880
20,259Allen, Charles DNew Lothropw.r. lung $18.00 Nov. 1863
506,693Amidon, Andrew JNew Lothropdiarre. & dis. of abd. vis $6.00 Jan. 1878
91,620Andrews, Marcus PPittsburghfrac. r. leg $4.00 -
192,008Angell, Artemus WCorunnainj. spine & reslt'g curvature $8.00 June 1881
178,190Angell, Jno. WWest Havenwd. of head $3.75 Oct. 1880
119,167Aris, GeoCorunnawd. of face $8.00 -
53,083Arthur, AlmiraVernonwidow $8.00 -
80,706Atherton, Jno. RBancroftwd.r. arm $4.00 -
86,491August, Ira ECorunnaw. arm & chest, involv. lungs $10.00 -
160,664Baker, WmOwossochr. diarre $4.00 June 1879
183,892Balcom, Reuben ABancroftinjury to abdomen $8.00 Mar. 1881
10,825Baldwin, BetseyByronwidow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 1878
6,287Barker, BetseyDurandwidow $8.00 -
148,056Bastard, SusanCorunnawidow $10.00 Feb. 1871
53,521Bates, SylvesterByronwd.l. leg $14.00 -
108,067Batsford, Laura BByron- $8.00 -
53,341Beckwith, Wm.Corunnawd.r. hand $8.00 -
197,189Benjamin, Jno. RByronwd.r. arm $4.00 Nov. 1881
222,726Benniss, Sanford SPittsburghwd.l. leg $2.00 Dec. 1882
16,632Benson, ElizaCorunnawidow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 1879
118,253Bently, Jacob CVernonchr. diarre $8.00 July 1872
80,622Betts, DudleyBurtonwd.l. lung $10.00 -
34,561Bixby, AlpheusLaingsburghwd.r. foot $8.00 -
2036?2Blair, David TOwossoinj. to l. knee, rheumatism & resulting dis. of heart $8.00 Feb. 1882
75,840Blair, Geo LOwossowd.l. hip $14.00 -
60,682Blunden, ChasVernonwd.r. leg $10.00 -
141,218Bogue, HarrietBurtonmother $8.00 Mar. 1870
33,287Boice, JacobByronwd. breast & arm $12.00 Oct. 1864
151,220Bouck, Orson DVernondis. of lungs $6.00 Feb. 1878
87,537Bowen, Jno. HLaingsburghwd.r. arm $6.00 -
21,793Bowles, Robt.Owossovaricose veins l. leg $12.00 -
49,744Bradley, Robt. TOwossowd.r. hip & results $31.25 -
40,643Brewer, Emory LOwossowd.l. shoulder $18.00 -
129,933Brooks, JnoOwossoinjury to abdomen $8.00 Sept. 1874
451Brown, ElizaByronwidow $8.00 -
12,493Brown, JamesCorunnawd.l. arm $4.00 -
146,447Brown, Martin LVernoninj. r.side & hip $8.00 June 1877
49,743Brown, OramelNew Lothropwd.l. wrist $18.00 -
65,512Brown, Willis EMorricewd.r. eye $12.00 -
169,693Buck, LorenzoDurandchr. diarr. $12.00 June 1880
47,454Burch, MelvinCorunnawd.r. shl. $18.00 -
79,922Caldwell, WmByronchr. diarr $17.00 Jan. 1869
195,882Caldwell, WmHendersonrheumatism & dis. of heart $18.00 Sept. 1881
12,574Calkin, David CCorunnaspinal irritation result of typhoid fever, chr. diarr., & dis. abdominal viscera $8.00 -
39,589Call, Henry CGlass Riverwd.l. foot, r. arm & r. ankle $12.00 -
163,098Carmody, JamesHendersonchr. bron. & res. dis. of lungs $24.00 Oct. 1879
85,255Chapman, MalindaByronwidow $8.00 Oct. 1866
75,529Chipman, Lydia AOwossowidow $8.00 Mar. 1881
103,004Chrouch, Geo. WShaftsburghinjury to abdomen $3.00 -
66,?27Clark, ArchilbaldMorricewd.l. hand $8.00 -
25,027Clark, Ashley BCorunnaw. head $2.00 -
37,410Clark, Henry, alias Jos. MartinVernonampt. r. leg & part l. foot $24.00 -
51,887Clark, LeviBancroftwd.l. shoulder $12.00 -
76,654Clark, MarthaOwossowidow $8.00 -
45,898Clary, Thomas EVernonwd.r. eblow $6.00 July 1865
184,788Clough, Henry DOwossochr. diarre. & inj. r. knee $6.00 Mar. 1881
45,334Clus, AnthonyPerry- $8.00 -
36,664Clus, HenryPerrywd.r. hip $4.00 -
90,751Coles, Chas. FBancroftinj. to spine, l. side & to head $8.00 -
84,438Coles, Chas. Laingsburghwd.l. shl $4.00 -
191,290Colter, MichaelHendersonwd.r. hip $6.00 June 1881
110,665Comstock, Jno. EOwossowd.l. foot $8.00 -
10,044Conyue, JaneBancroftwidow $8.00 -
161,480Crook, Wm. RVernonwd.l. leg $4.00 July 1879
114,311Cudaback, Eli FVernongangrene of r. heel $8.00 Nov. 1871
114,640Cummings, Ira PMorricewd.r. hand $4.00 -
36,104Debble, Henry BLaingsburghwd.r. arm $12.00 -
49,454Delbridge, Jno. LHazeltonwd.r. shoulder $18.00 -
142,495Denison, Rob'tDurandwd.l. groin $8.00 Nov. 1876
41,501Derham, AlfredCorunnawd.l. leg $3.00 Apr. 1865
87,832Drown, LydiaOwossomother $8.00 Dec. 1866
2,575Eddy, EnochCorunnasurv 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1871
180,282Eldridge, PenelopeCorunnamother $8.00 Mar. 1878
198,824Ely, Wm.Corunnachr. rheum. & dis. kidneys $4.00 Dec. 1881
112,402Emmons, Asabel BCorunnachr. diarr. $2.00 -
125,511Fellows, Gilbert HBancroftdis. heart $8.00 Oct. 1873
199,163Ford, Chas.Bancroftchr. diarr $18.00 Dec. 1881
176,768Ford, Salina NCorunnamother $8.00 Mar. 1877
211,086Fox, Wells BBancroftinj. back, resulting dis. spine $25.00 June 1882
25,923Freeman, Chas.Owossowd.l. hand $3.00 -
214,864Gilbert, Edward POwossowd. of head $4.00 June 1882
59,567Gleason, HarrietCorunnawidow $8.00 -
210,250Goge, Ellis HCorunnainj. back & reslt'g curvature $6.00 -
155,707Goodhae, Millard FHendersonwd.r. knee $6.00 Oct. 1878
24,629Gould, RuthOwossowidow 1812 $8.00 June 1879
149,901Gove, Wm. SByronwd.l. hand & r. side $4.00 Dec. 1877
79,947Grace, Chas. SOwossowd.r. leg $4.00 -
41,192Graves, Charlotte ABurtonwidow $8.00 -
26,485Green, Benj. FByroninjury to abdomen & c $6.00 -
174,629Gutting, Mary EVernonwidow $8.00 July 1876
105,950Hadden, SanfordByronwd.l. leg $24.00 -
197,232Haight, MarianVernonwidow $8.00 Sept. 1882
161,406Halstead, Nathaniel ALaingsburghwd.r. thigh $6.00 July 1879
200,242Harback, Sam'l WDurandwd.r. arm $4.00 Jan. 1882
160,464Harrington, Dan'l BBancroftchr. diarr., rheumatism, resulting dis. of heart $18.00 June 1879
158,984Harris, Geo. WBancroftwd. Head $2.00 Apr. 1879
88,194Harris, Geo. WBancroftg.s.w.l. leg $8.00 Feb. 1869
174,416Hath, EmilyLaingsburghmother $8.00 July 1876
17,591Hewitt, Geo. WLaingsburghchr. rheumatish & diarr $8.00 -
216,206Himes, Albert LCorunnalumbago & aciatica $4.00 Aug. 1882
19,251Hopkins Fredr'k NCorunnawd.r. knee $6.00 Nov. 1863
159,091Houghton, JamesByronpar'l loss great toe l. foot with tender cicatrix $4.00 May 1869
44,642Howe, GeoOwosso- $18.00 Oct. 1869
146,016Huff, JosephVernondis. of lungs $4.00 June 1877
104,549Huff, PeterVernonwd.r. shl $6.00 July 1870
115,917Hunt, JeffersonBancroftinjury to abdomen $6.00 -
181,855Huntington, Wm. SBancroftchr. diarr $4.00 Jan. 1881
166,262Huntley, EstherCorunnamother $8.00 Oct. 1874
171,174Huntley, PhebeCorunnawidow $10.00 Nov. 1875
161,008Hutchings, Reuben CPerrywd.r. hand $2.00 June 1879
151,788Hyde, NoahCorunnavar. veins l. leg $12.00 Mar. 1878
197,885Isham, Ebenezer MOwossowd.r. arm $2.00 Nov. 1881
99,842Jackson, Wealthy MCorunnawidow $8.00 -
190,192Jameson, ClarissaLaingsburghmother $8.00 Oct. 1880
13,103Jewell, Geo. WVernonwd.r. forearm $12.00 -
203,150Johnson, DavidPerrychr. diarre. & diabetes $8.00 Feb. 1882
216,888Johnson, HiramBancroftwd.r. shoulder, res. atrophy $6.00 Aug. 1882
124,884Johnson, HiramCorunnawd.l. thigh $8.00 -
201,177Jokaway, Jno. BLaingsburghdis. eyes & wd.l. leg $4.00 Jan. 1882
197,781Jones, NancyOwossomother $8.00 Nov. 1882
143,421Judd, Jno JrJudd's Cornerspar'l loss r. thumb $2.00 Jan. 1877
68,900Kendall, AdelineVernonwidow $8.00 -
-Kendall, Simeon BPerryinj. spine, & c $4.00 -
98,737Keyes, Geo. WByronwd.l. knee $4.00 -
38,815Keytes, Geo. SOwossowd.l. humerus $4.00 -
49,689Kirkpatrick, Rich'rdCorunnawd. chest $50.00 -
73,684Kraft, Oliver JVernonw. both thighs $10.00 -
97,956Kyle, Margaret ACorunnawidow $8.00 -
14?,843Lackenby, ThomasLaingsburghw.r. knee $2.00 Feb. 1877
54,237Lancock, Thos.Corunnawd.l. leg $8.00 -
156,279Langbond, JohnPerryinjury to abdoment $4.00 Nov.1 878
124,177Lemnyon, AlfredBenningtoninjury to abdomen $4.00 -
168,366Lovejoy, Annie EPerrywidow $10.00 Mar. 1875
5,629Lovejoy, Wm.Durandsurv 1812 $8.00 -
87,444Lyon, JnoMorricewd.l. knee $8.00 -
192,518Maltoon, Gersham WVernonwd.r. side of face $2.00 July 1881
28,443Mapes, David DOwossowd.r. thigh $6.00 Feb. 1867
18,518Markham, Levi ABurtonwd.r. shl. & back $4.00 Oct. 1863
182,553Marsh, Robt. ROwossowd.r. shoulder $4.00 June 1882
26,808Martin, Elizabeth MBancroftwidow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 1879
19,727Masher, AbrahamJudd's Cornersvar. veins legs & abdomen $24.00 Oct. 1867
214,229McClintock, Jas. ALaingsburghwd.l. side $4.00 June 1882
13,516McDevitt, Wm. FMorricevar. veins l. leg & chr. bron $6.00 Feb. 1882
19,419McNance, MaryCorunnawidow $8.00 -
112,564Mead, Wm. ROwossodis. of lungs $3.00 -
112,071Meirhoff, ChasNew Lothropwd.l. leg $6.00 -
142,887Meserault, Joseph LJudd's Cornersvar. veins l. leg from scurvy $14.00 Aug. 1877
163,044Messmore, Jos. TCorunnachild $10.00 Oct. 1873
181,540Miller, Laura ALaingsburghwidow $10.00 July 1878
130,353Mills, Geo. EBancroftwd.r. leg $4.00 Oct. 1874
75,012Minchen, ElizabethVernonwidow $8.00 -
153,807Monroe, HiramVernondis. heart $8.00 Oct. 1879
13,205Moore, CarolineOwossowidow $8.00 -
153,047Moore, EuniceMorricemother $8.00 Aug. 1881
187,722Morehouse, Dan'l WBurtondis. of heart $18.00 Apr. 1881
21,574Morgan, ClarisaaJudd's Cornersmother $8.00 May 1864
203,661Morris, Joseph LNew Lothropchr. diarre. & rheumatism $4.00 Feb. 1882
209,673Morton, Sanford GVernondis. of mouth, resul. fm. scur. $2.00 May 1882
40,289Munger, Daniel RCorunnawd.l. foot $6.00 -
202,062Munson, Enos BNew Lothropwd.r. arm & back $6.00 Feb. 1882
144,972Murray, ThomasCorunnawd.l. shl $4.00 May 1877
192,584Muzzy, Dan'lCorunnachr. diarr., rheum., & scurvy $6.00 July 1881
13,487Nearing, EuniceCorunnamother $8.00 Feb. 1874
32,761Neff, Wm. WallaceCorunnaloss l. leg $18.00 -
3,493Nelan, ThosOwossodis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 -
1065?8North, Granville FOwossowd.l. hand & hip $4.00 Nov. 1870
10,699Northwood, JnoNew Lothroploss r. arm above elbow $24.00 -
177,777Odell, Mary AOwossowidow $10.00 June 1877
149,749Ormsbee, Ira GWest Havendis. heart & l. par. l. ind. Fing $12.00 Dec. 1877
118,405Ormsby, Lydia JNew Lothropwidow $8.00 -
220,880Osborn, Gilbert LOwossowd.r. cheek & chr. diarre $4.00 Nov. 1882
206,974Owen, JepthaOwossochr. diarre $12.00 Apr. 1882
133,351Paddock, Anthony HPerrywd.r. foot $2.00 -
17,685Palmer, PhebeCorunnawidow $8.00 -
168,825Palmer, Susan AByronmother $8.00 May 1875
155,385Paris, Chas. LOwossoloss 5th toe of l. foot $2.00 Sept. 1878
64,268Parker, Wm. SLaingsburghwd.r. arm $4.00 -
96,760Parkhurst, Isaac TWest Haveninjury to abdomen $4.00 -
39,867Parshall, Harriet MCorunnawidow $8.00 -
162,141Parshall, Israel DLaingsburghchr. diarre. $8.00 Aug. 1879
39,924Peacock, James JCorunnawd.l. knee $8.00 -
157,507Pearsoll, EmeryCorunnawd.l. thigh $4.00 Feb. 1879
97,990Peirce, JamesShaftsburghwd.l. side $6.00 May 1869
211,797Perce, Byron CHendersondis. of lungs, res. dis. of heart $8.00 June 1882
198,904Perkins, Chas. EOwossorheumatism & dis. of lungs $12.00 Dec. 1881
221,477Perkins, FranklinOwossochr. diarr., resul'g dis. stom $6.00 Nov. 1882
138,302Piper, Wm. HLaingsburghwd.l. side $2.00 Mar. 1879
90,404Place, Amasa DShaftsburghconjunctivitis $10.00 Aug. 1869
215,989Porter, AndrewCorunnainjury to abdomen $4.00 July 1882
30,835Porter, Leander SVernonloss l. foot $18.00 -
176,637Pounds, AsaLaingsburghchr. rheumatism $4.00 Oct. 1880
42,951Punches, Eliza KOwossowidow $8.00 -
150,573Purdy, FrancisMorricew. face $4.00 Jan. 1878
103,876Putnam, Lewis JCorunnawd.r. breast $12.00 -
220,959Rack, JohnPerrychr. diarre. & dis. of kidneys $6.00 Nov. 1882
49,508Rhodes, Betsey ACorunnamother $8.00 June 1865
?0,042Richmond, Jno. DOwossowd. instep & r. foot $18.00 -
128,048Ridley, Mark HOwossochr. diarr. & dis. abd. vis $2.00 May 1874
177,134Robbins, HenryOwossowd.l. hip $4.00 Oct. 1880
196,434Roberts, EvanBancroftdis. of r. leg $6.00 Oct. 1881
110,563Robinson, Warren MCorunnawd.r. leg $2.00 May 1871
173,398Rogers, ThadeusCorunnachr. diarr $2.00 Sept. 1880
147,659Rolfe, WmNew Lothroploss part r. thumb $2.00 Aug. 1877
140,066Root, Benj. EHendersoninj.l. leg & dis. of stomach $6.00 -
21,028Schidnore, BenjCorunnasurv 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1873
197,223Schnabel, PhillipOwossochr. diarre. & result. dyspep. $6.00 Nov. 1881
149,093Schweikert, JosephByronwd.l. arm $8.00 Nov. 1877
174,804Sciler, JacobByronwd.l. knee $1.00 Oct. 1880
91,085Shafer, ElizabethByronwidow $8.00 -
143,451Shaft, Wm. HShaftsburghpar. loss r. thumb $2.00 Jan. 1877
60,080Shaw, WilliamWest Havenconsumption $6.00 Mar. 1866
166,963Shelters, FannyOwossodep. mother $8.00 Jan. 1875
1?4,477Shepard, Chauncey FOwossodis. of lungs $50.00 Feb. 1880
53,704Showerman, PhebeLaingsburghwidow $8.00 -
98,576Shuman, SanfordBenningtonchr. diarr., dis. of abd. vis., result. gen'l debility $12.00 June 1869
46,230Simonson, HarrietNorth Newbergmother $8.00 May 1865
100,816Simonson, Martha MByronwidow $8.00 -
73,810Simpson, MartinBurtonwd.r. thumb $2.00 Nov. 1866
105,081Sloat, BethiuaLaingsburghwidow $8.00 -
2,107Smalley, ChilionOwossosurv 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1871
141,322Smith, Elliott VOwossowd.r. thigh $3.00 Sept. 1876
136,902Smith, Geo WLaingsburghchr. diarre. $6.00 Nov. 1875
223,084Smith, HarryBancroftwd.r. arm $2.00 Dec. 1882
9,192Smith, VirginiaOwossowidow $8.00 Nov. 1863
18,901Smith, Wm. ROwossowd.l. leg $12.00 -
60,258Spaulding, Wm. FOwossowd.l. groin & results $6.00 -
152,450Spencer, Ambrose FBancroftdis. of lungs $8.00 Apr. 1878
207,505Stee?s, Sam'lLaingsburghwd.l. hand, loss ring finger $6.00 Apr. 1882
145,156Stiles, DianaVernonmother $8.00 Oct. 1870
67,392Strain, Samuel OPerryparalysis lower extrem $18.00 -
168,287Sweet, Jno. ELaingsburghcr. diarr. $6.00 May 1880
185,226Tauth, WmCorunnawd.knee, inj. l. ankle, chr. diarr., & scurvy $8.00 Mar. 1881
165,129Taylor, Sarah CPerrywidow $10.00 -
85,555Taylor, Wm. HBancroftwd. through r. lung $8.00 -
30,878Thomas, Jared CCorunnachr. diarr. & dis. lungs $8.00 -
125,175Thomas, Phillip PCorunnainj. to back & reslt'g debil $24.00 Sept. 1873
128,325Thomas, PollyBancroftmother $8.00 Apr. 1869
80,660Trocksell, FrederickOwossodis. of lungs $24.00 -
181,983Uhl, Maria ALaingsburghmother $8.00 Sept. 1878
148,529Vandoren, Oliver BOwossowd.r. forearm $4.00 Oct. 1877
88,744Vandyne, Geo LBurtoninj. r. knee $4.00 July 1882
149,819Vantine, Chas. Corunnafather $8.00 Apr. 1871
215,122Vogler, WmBenningtonwd.r. knee $4.00 July 1882
221,338Wallace, AlonzoWest Havendis. of lungs $6.00 Nov.1 882
25,044Walter, CatherineDurandwidow 1812 $8.00 June 1879
29,919Warner, PollyDurandwidow 1812 $8.00 July 1880
160,670Warriner, Willard BCorunnawd. Through peritoneum $6.00 June 1879
156,748Waters, PatrickOwossowd. of head $6.00 Nov. 1878
212,155Watson, Joel HCorunnachr. diarr $4.00 June 1882
215,373Webb, Albert JWest Havenwd.r. heel $4.00 July 1882
116,836Weeden, Wm. ACorunna- $2.00 May 1872
154,529Whitney, CalvinLaingsburghwd.r. chest $2.00 July 1878
50,802Whitney, LoannaLaingsburghwidow $8.00 -
58,962Wicking, Mary AOwossodep. mother $8.00 Nov. 1865
49,947Wigglesworth, Rob'tByronwd.l. knee $8.00 Sept. 1865
97,999Wiley, Thomas MOwosso- $4.00 May 1869
140,287Williams, Wm. FWest Havenwd.r. leg $6.00 Aug. 1876
46,900Willoughby, Martin WOwossowd.r. thigh $12.75 -
78,617Wilson, ThomasHazeltonwd.r. thigh $4.00 -
112,963Wood, JamesOwossowd.l. shoulder $6.00 -
165,031Wright, WellsOwossofather $8.00 May 1874
157,765Wyman, Rich'rdCorunnafather $8.00 May 1872

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