New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Otsego County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Otsego County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
-Adgate, Eleazer B.Berryvillew.r. thighg6-
-Beebe, Alpheus M.Gaylorddis. lungs10-
Binker, John W.Gaylordswd wd. l hand4Feb 1874
-Brigden, Howard A.Otsego Lakeinj. l. elbow4-
-Butler, Lehens S.Gaylordfract l. ankle8-
-Call, Joseph W.Gaylordw.l. arm12-
-Chapin, Marshall H.Vanderbiltg.s.w.r. thigh6Oct 1874
-Chapman, Wm. S.Gaylordinj. to spine, &c18-
-Cook, Jos, 1stVanderbiltsh. w. both legs10-
-Corlett, JosephGaylordg.s.w.r. hand6-
-Covert, John A.Gaylordsynovitis l. knee4June 1879
-Dounes, Esther M.Gaylorddep. mother8-
-Downs, EdwinGaylordinj. to abdomen & var. veins8-
-Farrand, Jas. H.Gaylordchr. rheumatism18Mar 1882
-Finecut, ClarkVanderbiltshell wd. r. shoulder6Jun 1877
-Fisher, HannahOtsego Lakedep. mother8-
Gagnier, Barney J.Berryvillew.l. cheek$2.00 Aug 1865
-Hall, Wm. R.Gaylordabscess r. arm8-
-Helms, DavidGaylordchr. diar. & ch rheum18-
-House, FloraBradford Lakewidow8June 1869
-Howard, Francis B.Gaylordw.l. arm4Nov 1879
-Howe, Frank M.Gaylordg.s.w.l thigh24May 1879
-Huffman, Eliza E.Berryvillewidow8-
-Jessup, JosephGaylordwd. thr'gh body10June 1882
-Kettler, JohnGaylorddeafness13Sept 1880
-Kimberly, Edward P.Gaylordloss l. thigh24-
-Klingingsmith, JohnGaylordinjury to abdomen6July 1881
Lambert, JesseGaylordwd. l knee4Feb 1874
-Lyons, Joseph J.Gaylordg.s.w.l. heel, back--
-Maile, John L.Gaylorddyspep & heart dis14-
-Mallary, FranklinGaylordloss. r. arm24Sept 1865
-Parker, Josiah T.Vanderbiltrheum4Aug 1881
-Pennock, John W.Gaylordwd. r. thigh4-
-Rundlett, JohnGaylorddropsy, diarrh. &c24Nov 1880
-Searles, WalterGaylordchr. diarrh6Sep 1878
-Smith, Geo. H.Gaylorddis. lungs12Apr 1876
-Stott, GeoGaylordg.s.w. l. arm & r. hand8Nov 1868
-Van Buren, EugeneGaylordw.r. side & back6May 1866
-Yonman, Andrew H.Vanderbiltw.l. shr & foot10Aug 1871

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