New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Oakland County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Oakland County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
223,503Adams, DelosOrtonvillechr. diarrhea $8.00 Dec., 1882
9,241Allen, JohnClarkston-$8.00 -
18,915Allen, JosephMilfordwd. right forearm $12.00 -
195,168Angle, Maliban L.Oriondisease of brain $8.00 Aug., 1881
93,155Asle, MariaWaterfordwidow$8.00 -
190,524Austin, Andrew V.Milfordg.s.w. of head $4.00 June, 1881
99,019Austin, BarbaraThayerwidow$8.00 Sept., 1865
17,485Austin, CorneliusWalled Lake-$8.00 June, 1871
41,826Bachanon, Jas. G.Pontiacinjury to abdomen$12.00 -
5,676Baldwin, LauraWaterfordwidow$8.00 -
59,373Balls, JamesTroyg.s.w. left thigh $8.00 Mar., 1866
23,276Barber, DanielOxfordsurv. 1812$8.00 July, 1878
44,637Barber, GardnerWalled Lakechr. rheumatism $6.00 -
82,495Barron, AlmonThayerchr. diarrhea $6.00 -
33,318Beach, Samuel E.Pontiacwd. left thigh $30.00 Oct., 1866
112,772Beardslee, MaryClarkstonwidow$8.00 -
12,834Benedict, HenryBirminghamwd. r. thigh $4.00 June, 1863
143,013Bentley, AndrewHollyrheumatism $24.00 Dec., 1876
180,114Beon, LauraClawsondep. mother $8.00 Feb., 1878
117,357Berger, Alto A.Frankling.s.w. right thigh $6.00 June, 1872
185,407Bessell, FannyPontiacwidow$12.00 Aug., 1879
12,627Bickster, ElizabethOrtonvillewidow 1812$8.00 Dec., 1878
49,664Bigelow, J. AllenBirminghamloss l. arm $24.00 -
68,431Billings, HymanNovitotal blindness$72.00 -
97,330Bird, Delora J.Austinwidow$8.00 -
30,754Blackmkan, Geo. W.Royal Oakg.s.w.l. elbow $8.00 July, 1864
196,837Blanchard, MaryOxfordmother$8.00 July, 1883
47,301Blanchord, Wm. H.Oriong.s.w. face $18.00 -
85,461Blodget, HuldahClarkstondep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1866
79,333Blood, Alva G.Walled Lakewound through neck$12.00 -
3,384Blumberg, MichaelBirminghamsurv. 1812$8.00 Aug., 1871
195,589Boget, MariniWixomadherent cicatrix r. hip from abscess.$1.00 Sept., 1881
140,987Botsford, EdwinDavisburghlung disease$12.00 Aug., 1876
10,542Boyce, HenrySouth Lyonsurv. 1812$8.00 Jan., 1872
46,662Boyd, FrankPontiacwd. of face $6.00 -
122,277Bragg, Miles W. Pontiacdis. of lungs from internal inj $8.00 -
54,286Briggs, Ann M.Royal Oakmother$8.00 Aug., 1865
220,240Broderick, JohnPontiacinjury to abdomen$4.00 Nov., 1882
57,937Brotherton, Caroline M.Rochesterwidow$8.00 -
39,136Brown, GeoOriong.s.w. right hand $14.00 -
72,241Brown, John H.Rosew.l. hand $8.00 Oct., 1866
140,949Brown, LoranyOxforddep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1870
214,157Brown, Marvey J.Milfordheart disease $8.00 June, 1882
106,076Brown, SamuelSouthfieldw.l. hand, &c $3.00 Oct., 1870
131,698Buckley, Henry O.Birminghamw. both legs $10.00 July, 1876
207,607Buddington, Chas. O.Pontiacdis. of brain from sunstroke $8.00 Apr., 1882
61,118Buffington, Mary E.Noviwidow$8.00 -
133,376Bump, Chas. W.Pontiacscurvy and mumps $8.00 May, 1875
38,830Burnham, PhilipMilfordwd. of right leg $8.00 -
105,117Burras, Zalmond W.Oxfordg.s.w. right forearm $8.00 Aug., 1870
83,433Burroso, WmSeymour Lakerheum $5.00 Feb., 1881
69,156Burt, Warren P.Pontiacg.s.w. left foot $4.00 -
87,546Bush, JaneHollymother$8.00 Dec., 1866
204,380Calhoun, WalterBirminghamw.r. arm $4.00 Mar., 1882
114,002Calkins, ChalettSouth Lyontuberculosis & diarrhea $8.00 -
198,006Calkins, MaryHollywidow$17.00 -
65,511Campbell, JamesDavisburghwd. left shoulder $6.00 -
59,778Casamor, Frederick B.Oriong.s.w. right arm $14.00 -
30,998Caswell, MalindaBirminghamwidow 1812$8.00 Dec., 1880
74,175Chase, ElbutSouth Lyonwound right arm $6.00 Jan., 1869
99,983Childs, DecaturMilfordcommensted frac. of l. leg $18.00 -
221,511Clark, Elisha R.Oxforddis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Dec., 1882
8,453Clark, Lewis G.Pontiacdiarrhea $8.00 Feb., 1856
92,202Clark, Wm. C.Oriong.s.w. left leg & dis. of eyes $14.00 -
73,138Clarkson, Geo. A.Milfordchr. diar. and dis. of abd. visc$16.00 -
33,286Cole, George O.Pontiacg.s.w. left leg $12.00 -
15,842Connolly, ElizabethRoyal Oakwidow$17.00 -
21,164Cooley, LouisaFour Townswidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
125,385Cooley, Merrick D.Waterfordg.s.w. left thigh and injury to abdomen$12.00 -
91,998Cooper, William S.Ortonvilleg.s.w. right arm $4.00 Jan., 1869
92,627Coskey, MaryRoyal Oakwidow$8.00 Kime. 1967
169,803Cox, Henry S.Franklininj. to left ankle & rheu. $8.00 June, 1880
144,569Crawford, Maurice M.Amyinj. head, &c. $12.00 Apr., 1877
3,127Crawford, RobertFarmingtonsurv. 1812$8.00 Aug., 1871
37,450Crebbins, MichaelOriong.s.w. left arm $5.00 -
177,122Crosby, DariusOxfordchr. diarrhea and disease of brain from sunstroke.$18.00 Oct., 1880
194,877Curtis, RachelClydemother$8.00 Mar.,1882
35,889Cushman, MarySouth Lyonwidow$8.00 Dec., 1864
43,727Darwin, MargaretPontiacwidow$8.00 -
187,525Davenport, JesseeDavisburghg.s.w.r. leg $2.00 Apr., 1881
45,489David, William O.Hollywound of both legs $5.33-1/2-
90,717Davis, Thos. A.Hollychr. rheumatism $12.00 -
11,832Davis, William T.Farmingtonwound of neck$3.00 -
12,084Day, MarkWalled Lakewound right side $6.00 -
70,467Denton, Willis G.Pontiacdis. of abdominal viscera $12.00 -
81,886Devon, Philo O.Ortonvilletotal blindness and heart dis. $72.00 -
39,878Dewey, Ezekiel H.Rochesterchr. diarrhea $5.00 -
21,378Dewey, PhilaPontiacwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
129,303Dewitt, ElizabthRochestermother$8.00 May, 1869
24,396Dewy, John K.Four Townssurv. 1812$8.00 Oct., 1878
51,750Dickenson, Lydia A.Pontiacmother$8.00 July, 1865
29,947Donton, Fanny M.Pontiacwidow$8.00 Sept., 1864
40,642Downey, Jno. J.Orion-$6.00 -
27,070Eaton, MaryOrtonvillewidow 1812$8.00 Sept., 1879
141,166Edeker, FrederickOxfordPar. anchylosis r. ankle joint, partial loss of use of foot. $6.00 Aug., 1876
45,899Efferts, AndrewPontiacg.s.w. right thigh $15.00 -
168,116Elliot, Marcus D. Hollychr. diarrhea $5.00 -
132,329Elliott, ElizabethSouth Lyonwidow$8.00 -
182,615Ellis, James M.South Lyonheart disease $8.00 Feb., 1881
219,693Evrett, Wm. R.Rochesterlung dis. and chr. diarrhea $4.00 Oct., 1848
12,623Ezekiel, SusanPontiacwidow$8.00 -
203,0 2Fall, HenryBirminghamw.r. thigh $4.00 June, 1881
98,488Fall, Mary AnnFour Townsmother $8.00 Aug., 1867
197,605Farnham, PhilipKensingtong.s.w. of back $7.50 Nov., 1881
51,895Findley, EmelineHollymother$8.00 Oct., 1864
183,466Follett, Frances H.Clarkstonwd. r. thigh $6.00 Mar., 1881
52,542Foot, MaryKensingtonmother $8.00 Aug., 1865
40,510Foot, MinervaMilfordwidow$8.00 -
183,468Forsyth, SamuelOrtonvilleloss 3rd finger left hand $2.00 Mar., 1881
25,036Freeman, HannahMilfordwidow 1812$8.00 June, 1879
191,688Frost, Nelly V.Pontiacmother$8.00 Mar., 1881
119,748Fuller, Burdick J.Pontiacg.s.w. left hand $2.00 -
132,071Gage, Marshall U.Pontiacchr. dia. from typhoid fever $8.00 -
164,334Gage, Stephen M.Walled Lakelung disease $6.00 Jan., 1880
87,047Gallagher, CatherineMilfordmother$17.00 Nov., 1866
2,599Gallagher, CharlesMilforddis. lungs $24.00 -
17,831Gardner, MarthaHollywidow$25.00 -
50,689Garvin, JayOxfordg.s.w. left arm $18.00 -
45,977Geurich, ChristineBig Beavermother$8.00 Apr., 1865
132,687Gibbs, Mary E.Goodisonwidow$8.00 -
103,369Gilboa, AlbertPontiacg.s.w. left elbow $14.00 -
95,372Glaspie, Andrew P.Oxfordepilepsy $18.00 -
16,787Goit, Martin S.Waterfordwound right arm$14.00 -
64,378Goodrich, RebeccaHollymother$8.00 Feb., 1866
13,122Gorton, GeorgeRochesterwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1872
195,383Gray, Francis C.Pontiacwidow$20.00 Apr., 1882
184,193Hall, BetseyRoyal Oakwidow$8.00 -
101,926Halzschuher, OscarMilfordinjury to abdomen$4.00 Jan., 1870
196,646Hammond, Mary A.Orionwidow$16.00 June, 1882
7,381Harris, George R.Troydiarrhea and lung disease $6.00 June, 1852
120, 13Hathaway, Dwight E.Hollyg.s.w. right thigh $6.00 -
52,192Hibrier, CharlesWhite Lakeloss r. leg$18.00 -
87,201Hickey, JamimaPontiacmother$8.00 Nov., 1866
104,747Hill, Geo. W.Amyw.r. hip $12.00 -
70,564Horton, Jas. L.Ortonvillechr. diarrhea $14.00 -
303,512Horton, SalmonPontiacw.r. knee, &c$4.00 Feb., 1882
158,788Horton, William S.Pontiacchr. diarrhea $2.00 Apr., 1879
148,890Hotchkiss, Joseph E.Pontiacg.s.w. right knee $4.00 Oct., 1877
30,079Hovey, Chester A.Oxfordsurv. 1812$8.00 July, 1880
20,563Howard, David S.Pontiacw.l. hip joint $18.00 -
103,309Howser, John F.South Lyondis. of eyes $12.00 -
148,704Hoyt, Chas. A.Hollyg.s.w. right leg $10.00 -
200,122Hubbard, James I.Davisburghscurvy$8.00 Jan., 1882
142,010Hucky, Hepsabeth M.Davisburghwidow$17.00 Apr., 1870
11,750Hunt, HuldahOakwoodwidow 1812$8.00 Nov., 1878
27,696Hunt, NaomiPontiacwidow 1812$8.00 Nov., 1879
7,381Hurlbert, ElizaHollywidow 1812$8.00 July, 1878
147,527Jackson, WilliamPontiacg.s.w. left thigh $4.00 Aug., 1877
105,393Jones, JamesHollyinjury to back and pelvis $8.00 -
42,414Jones, JanetteHighland Stationwidow$8.00 -
102,621Ketchum, Daniel P.Rochesterchr. rheumatism $8.00 -
13,047Keyes, George R.Pontiacg.s.w.r. side $2.00 May, 1881
164,003King, ElizaClarkstondep. mother $8.00 Feb., 1874
18,982King, MaryPontiacwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1879
171,681King, MatthewPontiacg.s.w. right groin $2.00 July, 1880
174,480Kittle, NicholasPontiacchr. diarrhea $6.00 Oct., 1880
8,020Knowles, AltheaOrionsurv. 1812$8.00 -
111,266Knox, WalterClarkstondiarr $11.25 -
150,305Kriser, PeterBirminghamw.l. foot $4.00 -
115,897Lamson, HowardSouth Lyondiarr. & inj. shr $10.00 -
12,400Laper, Sarah E.Pontiacwidow$8.00 -
125,289Large, Samuel R.Oakwoodw.r. leg $4.00 -
171,789Lebring, Wm. H.Commerceinj. l. hip $4.00 July, 1880
84,670Leichtnan, Geo.Milfordw.r. hip $6.00 -
196,539Lighterness, JanePontiacmother$8.00 June, 1882
21,161Livermore, OrphaTroysurv. 1812$8.80 Mar., 1879
181,886Lobdell, Abel H.Hollylung disease$18.00 Jan., 1881
66,974Lockwood, Mary A.Highland Stationwidow$17.00 -
47,334Long, JosephCommercew.r. leg $6.00 -
53,024Lorey, CorneliusOxfordg.s.w. left thigh$11.33-1/2-
38,267Luce, JohnMilfordwound of l. forearm $18.00 -
180,584Marshall, Owen B.North Farmingtonneural., rheu., dis. ht. & paral $24.00 Jan., 1882
215,709Martin, Chas. P.Pontiacchr. rheumatism $4.00 July, 1882
15,216Martz, John B.Rochesterwd. right arm $5.00 -
181,263Masters, Thos. W.Pontiacchr. diar., dis. of abd. viscera $12.00 May, 1882
137,119Matthews, Almeron S.Pontiaclung disease $17.00 Dec., 1875
52,194Matthews, Amasa E.Milfordg.s.w.l. shoul. & result. anchylosis.$20.00 -
72,553Matthews, Salmon S.Pontiacg.s.w. left leg & right shoulder.$20.00 -
70,017McCarter, RebecaHollywidow$8.00 -
59,950McClure, Frances A.Farmingtonwidow$8.00 -
24,390McCrumb, PhoebeNoviwidow 1812$8.00 May, 1879
58,061McGill, JohnWalled Lakes.w. neck and r. arm $14.00 -
30,591McLane, RosannaRoyal Oakmother$8.00 Sept., 1864
99,052Merritt, JohnPontiacw. l. side $8.00 -
99,299Millard, IsiahOrionchr. ophthalmia $31.25 Nov., 1869
62,968Molther, Robert R.Hollyinj. back, &c $4.00 May, 1866
11,265Morgan, GeorgePontiacwd. right knee $4.00 May, 1863
66,236Morgan, Mary J.Birminghamwidow$8.00 -
44,725Morrison, Thos.Oxfordloss r. arm $24.00 June, 1865
190,706Nall, William H.Hollydis. of eyes and lungs $4.00 June, 1881
93,842Nanin, Dewitt C.Ortonvillefrac. p. humerus $5.00 -
94,080Nash, GeoLakevillew. head $6.00 Dec., 1868
183, 31Negris, BetseyBirminghamdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1860
4,969Newbold, BetseyHollywidow$8.00 -
146,437Newell, Richard G.Pontiacg.s.w. left shoulder$4.00 June, 1877
114,577Newell, SallyPontiacwidow--
162,493Newnan, Stphen R.Clawsonw.l. thigh $5.00 Sept., 1879
80,537Noble, SethWixomlung and heart disease $12.00 Apr., 1867
13,785Nore, Rob't L.Commercew.l. leg$12.00 -
147,984Norris, JohnRoyal Oakparalysis right arm $12.00 Aug., 1877
10,418Olive, Laura A.Birminghamwidow 1812$8.00 Oct., 1878
198,513Osborn, Wm. J.New Hudsonw. head & l. hip $6.00 Nov., 1881
177,274Parkhurst, Anna M.Pontiacmother$8.00 May, 1877
32,449Parshall, ClarissaDrayton Plainswidow 1812$8.00 June, 1882
173,759Patten, ElizabethPontiacwidow$8.00 June, 1876
74,670Patterson, Simeon B.Hollyinflammation eyes $18.00 -
70,611Pearson, Edward T.H.Pontiacg.s.w. left leg $10.00 -
131,272Perry, OscarHollychr. diarrhea $6.00 Jan., 1875
146,451Person, DavidRochesterw.r. foot$4.00 May, 1875
110,009Peters, Sarah E.Hollydep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1868
23,629Plumer, JemimaHollywidow 1812$8.00 May, 1879
210,086Post, James A.Birminghaminjury to abdomen$17.00 May, 1882
5,307Potter, LydiaHollywidow 1812$8.00 May, 1873
202,162Powell, John W.Rochesterchr. diarrhea $6.00 Jan., 1882
160,911Prior, AsaMilfordinjury to abdomen$8.00 June, 1879
86,622Quick, Perry I.Hollychr. diar., wound r. thigh $8.00 June, 1871
27,996Randall, HenryBirminghamw.l. hand $14.00 -
162,493Raseve, RansomClydeinjury to abdomen $6.00 Apr., 1872
159,429Richmond, Geo. M.Drayton Plainsw.l. shr $8.00 Apr., 1879
142,784Robbins, James F.Birminghamdiarr $8.00 -
181,074Robinson, SusannahPontiacmother $8.00 May, 1878
28,403Robinson, Wm.Rochesterchr. rheumatism $8.00 -
146,432Rowe, James D.Highland Stationw. forehead $6.00 -
102,865Russell, William W. Farmingtong.s.w. left forearm $4.25 Apr., 1865
53,203Sabine, ElizaMilfordmother $8.00 Oct., 1865
149,652Schermerhorn, Almond L.Oxfordg.s.w. neck $2.00 Nov., 1877
108,556Schooley, George T.Hollychr. rheu. & diarrhea $6.00 -
34,917Sealy, Joseph W.Pontiacloss of left arm and result nervous dis. of stump & spinal cord. $50.00 -
31,021Sha, RebeccaPontiacwidow 1812$8.00 Jan., 1881
140,501Shanklin, Sarah E.Southfieldwidow$8.00 -
220,308Shannahan, Wm. H. Big Beaverpart. deaf $4.00 Nov., 1882
194,117Shelter, AbramOrtonvillediarrhea and sunstroke $12.00 Aug., 1881
28,648Shepherd, Clarence A.Pontiacw.l. arm & chest $18.00 May, 1864
58,514Shoughnessy, FrancisHollyloss left arm $24.00 -
131,344Sievers, Carl D.Pontiaccurvature of spine $18.00 -
91,401Silts, MorganPontiacincised wound left foot $6.00 June, 1868
194,208Sloat, DelilahOxfordmother$8.00 Jan., 1882
178,169Smith, AbagailOrionmother $8.00 July, 1877
1,866Smith, AnnRoyal Oakmother$8.00 May, 1865
67,472Smith, FrederickFranklinw. rt. arm $18.00 -
83,117Smith, Judah M.Hollyinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
66,299Smith, MaryKensingtonwidow$8.00 -
221,903Smith, Sylvenus A.South Lyonchr. diarrhea $4.00 Dec., 1882
9,009Smith, ThomasHollychr. gastro enl $8.00 Jan., 1858
33,663Smith, William H.H.Farmingtonwd. left leg $7.00 Oct., 1864
134,883Smith, Willis L.Milfordchr. diarrhea $6.00 -
203,685Southerland, David J.Oxfordchr. bronchitis $4.00 Feb., 1882
120,331Southerland, PollyOxfordmother$8.00 Oct. 1868
193,869Stanton, ClarkHollyg.s.w. right thigh & forearm --
26,284Stett, SarahCommercewidow 1812$8.00 Aug., 1879
96,966Stevens, JuliaWixommother$8.00 July, 1867
127,198Stewart, George H.Hollychr. diarrhea $8.00 Dec., 1877
15,598Stickney, Anna S.Birminghamwidow 1812$8.00 Jan., 1879
137,044Stoddard, SarahMilfordmother$8.00 Dec., 1869
153,784Sturgis, Wm.Birminghamdiarr $16.00 June, 1878
17,453Tanner, Anson W.Oxfordwd. left thigh $8.00 -
24,122Taylor, JemmimaRochesterwidow 1812$8.00 May, 1879
25,073Terry, Elsa A.South Lyonwidow 1812$8.00 June, 1884
67,476Thayer, Frankln W.Thayerwound of left arm $6.00 -
167,544Thomas, NathanielDavisburghg.s.w. of right hand $3.00 Apr., 1880
102,082Thompson, EmilyPontiacwidow$8.00 -
216,382Thompson, John E.Davisburghlung disease$4.00 Aug., 1882
132,127Thorp, John J.Hollyloss sight rgt. eye $4.00 Mar., 1875
18,131Tibbits, AugustusBirminghamw.r. leg & var. veins $10.00 -
5,522Toms, IraBirminghamsurv. 1812$8.00 Oct., 1871
17,446Tremper, John W.Pontiac-$2.00 -
74,820Trim, JeromeDavisburgh-$4.00 Dec., 1888
185,067Truesdale, ElizaBig Beavermother$8.00 July, 1869
58,577Tummer, JasHollyg.s.w. left hand $8.00 -
184,006Tusbie, Jas. E.Davisburghinj. to abd. & g.s.w. left hip $6.00 -
17,660Utley, MaryFarmingtonwidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1879
124,368Van Horn, ColumbusSouth Lyoninjury to abdomen$6.00 July, 1873
168,822Van Tassel, Wealthy A.Oxfordmother$8.00 May, 1875
51,241Vlert, Eliza A.Clarkstonwidow$8.00 -
109,565Walter, Jeffries J.Ortonvilleg.s.w. left arm$4.00 Apr., 1871
87,231Walter, LukeClarkstonw.l. leg $8.00 -
21,708Ward, Jane E.Pontiacwidow$8.00 -
57,719Ward, ThomasMilfordg.s.w.r. arm and breast, res. dis. of lungs.$18.00 -
82,007Washburn, LodenraPontiacwidow 1812$8.00 Nov., 1881
11,500Waterhouse, JohnMilford-$8.00 -
58,248Watson, Hugh S.Clarkstondysentery$15.00 -
38,826Watson, WilliamOrtonvilleloss of right leg $18.00 -
137,221Webb, JeremiahPontiacinjury to abdomen$8.00 Dec., 1875
162,071Webb, MaryHollymother$8.00 May, 1873
184,661Webster, Truman C.Hollyinj. to r. leg & resultg. ulcer -Mar., 1881
89,154Welch, Daniel A.Farmingtong.s.w. head, partial deafness $4.00 Dec., 1888
138,973Welles, John H.Ortonvilleasthma and rheumatism $8.00 Apr., 1876
68,911West, Mary A.Pontiacwidow$8.00 -
175,807West, Philander G.Orioninjury to abdomen$10.00 Oct., 1880
134,592Wilders, James F.Ortonvilledis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 -
20,291Willetts, RachelBirminghamwidow 1812$8.00 Mar., 1879
120,894Williams, MaryMilfordwidow$8.00 -
170,220Willis, ChesterOriondis. of liver and intermittent fever.$2.00 -
85,018Wilson, Geo. N.Commercedis. liver $10.00 Sept., 1867
64,000Wilson, JohnFarmingtonwound of right ankle $12.00 May, 1866
106,243Wilson, John P.Pontiacpart'l deafness and general debility from typhoid fever $25.00 Nov., 1870
208,466Wilson, Sam'l J.Royal Oakg.s.w.l. temple, mal. poisoning, and res. dyspepsia.$20.00 May, 1882
22,059Wisner, AngeolinaPontiacwidow$30.00 May, 1864
3,881Wolf, JohnSeymour Lakesurv. 1812$8.00 Sept., 1871
44,453Wood, Abram T.Kensingtonloss of l. arm at shoulder $24.00 -
74,091Wright, Charles L.Novig.s.w. right ilium $6.00 -
185,224Young, AlbertClarkstondis. eyes & inj. to abdomen $8.00 Mar., 1881
113,136Young, AmandaBirminghammother $8.00 Jan., 1869
7,770Young, Miranda R.Hollywidow$8.00 -

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