New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Midland County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Midland County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
127,646Randall, Aurelia BMidlandmother$8.00 Apr. 18??
152,636Brooks, UriahNorth Bradleywd.l. thigh$4.00 Apr. 1878
167,563Brink, George WSandfordwd. of l. foot $2.00 Apr. 1880
206,988Shirts, AmosSandforddiarr. & dis. of abd. vis $4.00 Apr. 1882
140,906Arsnoe, PeterMidlandwd.r. leg$12.00 Aug. 1876
162,196Rexford, Raswell BMidlandloss l. eye & defective sight of right$8.00 Aug. 1879
54,460Thrasher, William RSandford-$4.00 Dec. 1865
75,443Norton, NelsonMidlandsequel of typho-mala. fevers$10.00 Dec. 1866
24,657Carr, OrrisHopewidow 1812$8.00 Dec. 1878
163,790Taft, EthanMidlandpartial deafness$6.00 Dec. 1879
179,386Smith, GeorgeMidlandvaricose veins l. leg $4.00 Dec. 1880
198,208Coons, WilliamMidlandfather$8.00 Dec. 1882
37,995Tryon, Luke JMidlandloss l. leg $18.00 Feb. 1865
70,142Smith, Lydia MStearnswidow$8.00 Feb. 1867
137,945Whitman, RobertMidlanddis. of ab. vis., diar. & dropsy$6.00 Feb. 1876
189,422Averhill, Harrison ENorth Bradleych. diarr. & dis. of spl$6.00 Feb. 1881
37,539Bradley, JanetteMidlandwidow & minor childn$20.00 Jan. 1865
160,693Garnet, AlbertMidlandwd.r. forearm$4.00 Jan. 1879
83,261Clarke, Robert GHopesaber wd.l. arm$6.00 July 1867
196,768Graves, Betsey SMidlanddep. mother $8.00 July 1882
128,608Archer, Alvin NMidlandg.s.w.l. leg$2.00 June 1874
146,603Weed, Daniel Sandfordwd.l. leg$4.00 June 1877
214,730Evans, Samuel MMidlandg.s.w.l. arm$2.00 June 1882
126,051Hubbard, Lucinda HMidlandmother$8.00 Mar. 1869
184,705Lee, AlfredMidlandrheu. & dis. of heart$12.00 Mar. 1881
186,043Lewis, JosephLee's Cornerwd.r. shoulder $2.00 Mar. 1881
192,251Anderson, Sally AMidlandwidow & minor childn$22.00 Mar. 1881
80,896McElroy, MichaelMidlandwd. shoulder $6.00 May 1867
189,359Bacon, Theodore BMidlandinjury to abdomen$8.00 May. 1876
19,406Hubbell, Chas. HMidlandwd.l. hip$4.00 Nov. 1863
53,031Waldron, RufusMidland-$6.00 Nov. 1865
103,153Holhrook, CatherineMidlandwidow$8.00 Nov. 1867
149,258Freeland, GeorgeMidlandinj. r. leg$4.00 Nov. 1877
182,513Whitcomb, Benj. FMidlandminor children$10.00 Nov. 1878
40,623Campbell, Joseph LSandfordwd.l. arm$18.00 Oct. 1866
196,941Lounsbury, James VMidlanddis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 Oct. 1881
84,786Holly, EdwardWright's Bridgewidow$2.00 Sept. 1867
4,785Robinson, AlansonPortersurv. 1812$8.00 Sept. 1871
135,546Burton, Edwin NEdenvilledis. of abdominal viscera$12.00 Sept. 1875
162,341Swift, PhineasMidlanddis. of heart & lungs$4.00 Sept. 1879
217,911Butters, Francis EMidlandchr. diarr & dis. of abd. vis $4.00 Sept. 1882
90,956Backes, Egbert BMidlanddis. of heart & lungs$24.00 -
13,575Raymond, AlexHopedisabil--
46,613Richardson, Caleb AMidlandg.s.w.l. arm$15.00 -
60,728Smith, Cornelius FMidlandg.s.w.l. arm & r. side$6.00 -
4,152Lyon, HarveyMidlandg.s.w.l. shr$4.00 -
19,530Vankleck, JamesMidlandg.s.w.l. side & neck$24.00 -
102,064Mills, ChasHopeg.s.w.r. arm & back$8.00 -
94,193Thomas, Charles HMidlandg.s.w.r. thigh$4.00 -
63,348Richardson, George GMidlandg.s.w.r. thigh$4.00 -
3,211Odell, LoranMidlandinj. ankle-joint$8.00 -
41,132Perry, JustusMidlandinj. spine $4.00 -
62,413Murphey, JohnMidlandinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
47,453Kent, SimeonMidlandloss r. arm above elbow$24.00 -
161,395Magoon, Benjamin PLee's Cornersh. wd. l. temple, chr. diarr $6.00 -
148,706Rinehart, JohnNorth Bradleywd. both thighs$6.00 -
27,261Davis, Elias WMidlandwd. knee, l. thigh $6.00 -
109,122Owen, James ENorth Bradleywd. neck $4.00 -
74,686Bellinger, Allyn LMidlandwd. r. leg$6.00 -
80,020Burtless, Wm. EMidlandwd.l. foot$4.00 -
52,621Swanton, JohnEdenvillewd.r. arm$18.00 -
55,363Blair, John Midlandwd.r. arm$8.00 -
94,419VanEpps, Andrew JMidlandwd.r. breast$8.00 -
128,117Coolidge, FrancisEdenvillewd.r. foot$4.00 -
73,199Chamberlin, James ALee's Cornerwd.r. hand$4.00 -
71,965Muncil, HenryMidlandwd.r. leg$8.00 -
65,313Loyer, JohnMidlandwd.r. shoulder $6.00 -
63,642Brooks, John W. H.Sandfordwd.r. thigh$24.00 -
126,601Hall, NicholasMidland-$4.00 -

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