New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Manistee County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Manistee County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
170,606Acken, FannyPierportmother$8.00 Sept. 1875
162,607Arnold, AndrewManisteefract. of r. patella$4.00 Oct. 1879
43,708Beale, Henry EStronachwd. shr.$10.00 -
18,624Brain, Wm. Thos.Manisteewd.l. foot$4.00 -
73,554Bullis, George WManisteegeneral debility$8.50 -
-Coady, JohnManisteetotal deaf. l. ear, aff. Right$2.00 -
177,262Cole, Agnes FBear Lakewidow$8.00 -
10,458Collins, AnthonyManistee-$6.00 -
156,533Conklin, JeremiahPierportdis. lungs $4.00 Nov. 1878
21,182Connell, Daniel OManisteewd. of face$4.00 -
191,716Culver, IsaiahManisteewidow$17.00 Apr. 1881
193,198Curtis, AbagailManisteemother$8.00 Aug. 1881
165,976Curtiss, Emerson GManisteeinj. to abdomen & neural$12.00 Mar. 1880
123,056Davidson, John SBear Lakewd. Abdomen$2.00 -
3,075Derby, Franklyn MManisteewd.r. hand$4.00 -
98,465Fisher, Walter GManisteewd.l. hand$4.00 -
-Green, DeWitt CManisteech. diarr., inj. to back$4.00 June 1881
137,891Green, William DBear Lake-$2.00 -
199,465Haines, GyrusBear Lakewd.r. leg$2.00 Dec. 1881
123,389Hart, Geo. AManistee-$4.00 -
93,200Henderson, MaryManisteemother$8.00 June 1867
47,222Hilliard, AdamBear Lake-$8.00 -
169,464Hurlbert, Richards'n W.Manisteewd.r. thigh$2.00 June 1880
1,601Hyland, ElizaManisteewidow$8.00 -
158,917Johnson, FrankBear Lakesunstroke$8.00 Apr. 1879
166,093Johnston, Lewis JManisteewd.l. thigh$1.00 Mar. 1880
216,903Kaufman, GottliebManisteeinjury to abdomen$4.00 Aug. 1882
99,419Kelley, CatharineManisteemother$8.00 Sept. 1867
99,701Kellogg, Lewis TManistee-$4.00 -
124,258Kinsley, JohnManisteewd.r. arm$5.00 -
217,550Matteson, Henry CPierportrheu & contrac. l. leg$8.00 Aug. 1882
177,420Maxted, JohnManisteerheu & dis. of heart$8.00 Oct. 1880
93,988McClure, JohnManisteewd.l. thigh$6.00 Nov. 1868
164,624Moore, Mary LManisteewidow$8.00 -
-Moss, EdgarManisteewd.l. leg$6.00 -
127,570Oury, MichaelStronachwd.l. breast$2.00 Apr. 1874
196,429Pratt, Wm. WBear Lakemal. fever & dis. of liver$4.00 Oct. 1881
25,602Sawyer, EsterManisteewidow 1812$8.00 July 1879
24,845Sears, JacobManistee-$4.00 Mar. 1864
186,507Shanks, Andrew TOnekamag.s.w.l. leg$2.00 Apr. 1881
158,165Shipman, Almira LManisteewidow$17.00 -
58,535Shiria, AdamManisteewd.r. thigh$4.00 Aug. 1873
78,320Sloan, WilliamBear Lake-$8.00 -
-Solomon, Edwin AManisteewd.r. arm$4.00 -
1,403Stout, Almiatia MManisteemother$8.00 -
163,568Swank, Samuel CManisteewd.l. breast$4.00 Nov. 1879
13,211Wait, AlonzoManisteewd.r. forearm$5.00 -
17,442Wells, Myron HArcadiainjury to abdomen$8.00 Sept. 1863
66,946Wergin, BernhardManistee-$4.00 June 1866
174,451Wherry, DavidBear Lakewd. both thighs, l. leg & l. elbow$8.00 Oct. 1880
120,663Wilson, Edwin AManistee-$4.25 -
138,471Young, Watson JBear Lakewd.l. thigh$4.00 Mar. 1876

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