New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Livingston County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Livingston County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
31,464Armstrong, Stephen JHowellloss left foot$18.00-
66,460Axtell, Geo. W.Howellwd. of neck$8.00-
60,681Baker, WarrenHowellwd. cheek & rt. shoulder$8.00Mar. 1866
25,592Baldwin, BenedictFowlervillesurv. 1812$8.00May 1881
159,097Barry, ThomasFowlervillechr. diarra & rheu$24.00Apr. 1879
61,667Bentley, LeymaHowellwidow$8.00-
153,176Billsen, Oliver SBrightonw.r. side$4.00May 1878
13,906Billson, Octavia SBrightonwidow$8.00Feb. 1864
33,366Bitten, Louis CBrightonloss rt. leg$18.00-
62,545Blodgett, AnnaCohootahwidow$8.00-
122,186Boothly, NoahHowellg.s.wd. l. thigh$8.00Mar. 1873
64,981Bowers, JacobIoscog.s.wd. l. arm, hand & thigh$10.00-
30,016Bowers, Martha MFowlervillewidow$8.00-
5,829Bradford, MaryMadisonwidow$8.00-
27,508Brockway, NancyHowellwidow$8.00Aug. 1864
201,335Brown, DavidFowlervillechr. diarr. & rheumatism$6.00Jan. 1882
59,565Brown, LcanderFowlervilleloss left arm$24.00-
177,257Brown, MarkHowellchronic diarrhea$4.00Oct. 1880
21,627Bunting, John RMadisonloss left foot$18.00-
195,769Bushnell, Malvura EFlemingmother$8.00May 1882
118,151Bussey, JeromeHartlandg.s.wd. l. thigh$3.00May 1873
192,545Butler, PeterBrightonchronic diarrhea$12.00July 1881
25,306Carl, CatherineHowellwidow 1812$8.00July 1879
20,743Carpenter, AzelHowellchr. diarrhea $2.00-
90,716Carpenter, Siney C.H.Flemingwd. of chest$10.00Jan. 1869
33,740Chambers, Mary AFowlervillewidow$8.00-
181,426Childs, JesseHowellfather$8.00June 1878
5,538Chipman, EnsevaPlainfiledwidow 1812$8.00Apr. 1873
141,324Clark, AlexanderFowlervillechr. diarrhea $6.00-
32,816Clark, Charlotte SFowlervillewidow$8.00Oct. 1864
13,874Clark, Henry Howellg.s.w.l. arm$14.00-
69,176Clark, Lawson EHartlandg.s.w. of head$72.00-
219,150Cole, Webster KHowellchr. diarr'e $4.00Oct. 1882
32,833Collins, Charles EUnadillainjury to abdomen$8.00-
97,699Counsell, John FHowellg.s.w. right arm$4.00Sept. 1879
113,907Cox, William hHartlandepilepsy from g.s.w. of head$72.00-
148,551Crippen, Henry LBrightonloss index finger$3.00-
56,369Culver, CharlesHowellfracture l. scapula$8.00-
171,807Denson, WilliamFowlervillechr. diarrhea $8.00July 1880
167,002Dewitt, MaryBrightonmother$8.00Jan. 1875
-Donahoe, MichaelFowlervillew.r. hand$8.00-
99,942Dourgherty, CatherineFowlervillemother$8.00Oct. 1867
138,710Dunn, JamesHowellchr. diarrhea $8.00Apr. 1876
175,191Easton, Charles MOak Groveg.s.w.r. arm$4.00Oct. 1880
42,270Elliott, George WIoscoloss l. arm$24.00-
58,575Farrell, WilliamHowellwd.r. hand$6.00-
197,091Fasket, LydiaDeer Creekmother$8.00Aug. 1882
67,857Fawcett, RobertCohootahw.r. ear & face $6.00-
17,746Ferguson, John GHowellhypdroperitenem$8.00-
177,322Fisher, George LFowlervillechronic diarrhea$6.00Oct. 1880
219,493Fritz, CharlesHowellchr. rheu.and inj. to eyes$8.00Oct. 1882
99Fultord, WilliamFowlervillesurv. 1812$8.00June 1871
110,121Gaston, DwightFowlervilledis. of lungs$6.00-
10,055Gilbert, John VHowellg.s.w.r. foot$6.00Jan. 1879
10,541Gilluly, AlviraBrightonwidow$30.00-
74,277Glover, Howard EHowellg.s.w. neck$6.00-
201,683Gould, MarvinHowellinj. l. hip$2.00Jan. 1882
83,266Graham, ThomasBrightoninj. l. knee$4.00-
32,038Green, Mary JUnadillawidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1881
89,354Greer, JamesPinckneydis. of liver & c$12.00-
84,787Griesson, JohnBrightoninj. r. shoulder and head, result. parl. r. side$18.00-
83,386Griggs, AmandaCohootahmother$8.00Sept. 1866
94,591Handy, Homer AFowlervillechr. diarr $50.00-
142,241Hanse, Silas KChubb's Cornersg.s.w.r. leg$6.00Apr. 1878
223,321Hart, EdmondHowellchr. rheu $6.00Dec. 1882
62,333Haviland, Lewis APlainfiledg.s.w.r. arm$4.00-
158,770Hayner, Conrad CFowlervillechr. diarrha. & dis. of lungs$12.00Apr. 1879
32,162Haynes, Maria BPinckneywidow$8.00-
196,054Herrington, Asahel L., alias Louis SmithHowellchr. diarr'e, inj. of chest & resulting dis. of lungs$18.00Sept. 1881
136,920Hesse, JulisHowellg.s.w.r. shl.$6.00July 1876
21,944Hetsler, AnnaPinckneywidow 1812$8.00Apr. 1879
37,064Hitchocock, Delinda JHowellwidow$8.00-
209,105Hodd, David E.C.Fowlervillechr. diarrhea $4.00May 1882
111,155Hodges, Parna OHowellmother$8.00Apr. 1868
77,007Holmes, Wm. SUnadillag.s.w. back, inj. l. lung$8.00Feb. 1867
12,971Holt, Ira EHowellg.s.w.r. elbow$6.00-
77,533Jackett, LouisaFowlervillewidow$8.00-
84,439Jacobs, CharlesBrightonwd.r. thigh$8.00-
70,695Johnson, AdalineHartlandmother$8.00Apr. 1866
220,862Johnson, AlfredParshallvilleg.s.w.r. thigh$6.00Nov. 1882
61,371Johnson, CharlesHowellinj. lungs $18.00-
190,112Johnson, Robt. EFowlervilledis. lungs $4.00June 1881
97,541Jones, LucindaPlainfiledwidow$8.00-
176,849Jones, WealthyParshallvillemother$8.00Mar. 1877
200,248Jordan, JohnHowellg.s.w. of nose$1.00Jan. 1882
122,927Kelley, DanielFowlervilleg.s.w. back, inj. l. lung$8.00-
207,600Kells, WilliamCohootahchr. diarrhea & g.s.w.l. hand & injury l. knee$12.00Apr. 1882
61,661Kennedy, Cynthia AFowlervillewidow$8.00-
92,997Kirk, Newton THowellwd. thro. Chest$14.00-
191,378Kitchen, James DPlainfiledw.r. foot$4.00June 1881
17,577Lake, NicholasHowellsurv. 1812$8.00June 1872
221,144Lamb, Aroswell Hartlanddis. of throat & lungs$4.00Nov. 1882
56,741Lamb, MadalineUnadillamother$8.00Oct. 1865
113,210LaRowe, HenryHowelldis. lungs & liver$12.00-
221,865Layton, Hiram WHowellg.s.w.r. thigh$4.00Dec. 1882
111,946Loree, IsaacFowlervilleophthalmia & dis. of ears$4.00-
12,709Lumbard, BenjaminBrightonsurv. 1812$8.00Feb. 1872
18,354Lyons, Martha BBrightonwidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1879
197,068Maguire, MargaretUnadillawidow$10.00Aug. 1882
190,387McDonnell, JamesBrightong.s.w.r arm$4.00Jan. 1882
198,978McDowell, GriswoldParshallvilledis. of lungs$4.00Nov. 1881
96,551McFail, HenriettaHartlandwidow$8.00-
16,537McIntyre, AlexanderPinckneyinj. to ab., g.s.w. l. thigh$6.00-
102,194McKenley, EdwinHowellg.s.w.r. thigh$4.00Feb. 1870
77,363Meade, Dyer WBrightondis. eyes $8.00-
189,322Merrill, HirmanHowells.wd. l. thigh$4.00May 1881
18,658Metcalf, Eveline AFowlervillewidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1879
50,330Miles, Stephen CHowellwd. face & jaw, res. dis. l. eye$12.00Sept. 1865
76,735Miller, FrederickaHowellwidow$8.00-
27,767Mills, ElizabethHowellmother$8.00Aug. 1864
176,898Mills, John HFowlervillechr. diarrhea $12.00Oct. 1880
98,941Mower, Geo. WUnadilladis. eyes $18.00-
192,083Munson, Phebe AFowlervillemother$8.00Apr. 1881
162,753Musson, ElijahHowellinj. l. leg, varicose veins$4.00Oct. 1879
71,861Neely, Chas. LBrightonwound left hip$6.00Sept. 1866
85,962Neely, DanielCohootahwd.r. leg$4.00-
191,733Noble, EdgarHowellg.s.wd. left leg$4.00June 1881
26,924Norton, Loring GHowellwd.l. shoulder$6.00Apr. 1864
204,179O'Connell, PatrickParshallvilles.w.rgt. arm & shoul., partial deafness of both ears$6.00Mar. 1882
47,159Page, IsaacFowlervilleloss l. arm$24.00-
165,547Papworth, Alfred EHowellscurvy, loss 4th toe right foot$4.00Mar. 1880
100,498Pardee, Samuel MFowlervillechronic diarrhea$6.00-
11,994Parish, MortimerHowellg.s.wd. left leg$4.00-
214,896Parker, DanfordHowellchronic diarrhea$4.00June 1882
26,923Parshall, AsaHartlandloss r. arm above elbow$24.00-
100,748Parshall, Richard EHartlandchr. rheu. l. hip & leg$12.00-
174,807Parsons, Adelbert FHowellg.s.wd. of left shoulder & rt. hip$4.00Oct. 1880
38,487Pentlin, BetseyBrightonwidow$8.00-
191,757Phelps, Henry PHartlandg.s.wd. rt. knee$4.00June 1881
125,176Phillips, Geo. H.H.Fowlervilleg.s.wd. rt. Thigh$3.00Sept. 1873
18,830Pickard, JohnHamburghlaryngitis & c$24.00Nov. 1863
16,898Pope, HenryFowlervilleg.s.wd. l. knee$4.00-
198,085Pratt, AmosFowlervilleg.s.wd. l. side head & inj. l. ankle$10.00Nov. 1881
216,658Price, James RFowlervilledisease of heart$12.00Aug. 1882
215,836Pritchard, Benjamin FUnadillavaricose veins of left leg$5.00July 1882
-Pullen, Milton HFowlervillew. head, left sholdr. & arm$6.00-
36,213Pullen, Wm. HFowlervilleloss l. leg$24.00-
6,715Ramsdell, MaryHowellwidow 1812$8.00Nov. 1875
84,954Rase, Wm.Fowlervilleinjury to both eyes$3.00Sept. 1867
91,644Rathbun, MarindaFowlervillewidow$8.00-
37,949Rice, Charles HBrightong.s.w. l. hand $6.00Apr. 1869
59,609Roatch, NorrisUnadillag.s.w. breast, l. leg & ankle$18.00-
210,358Roberts, Wm. WFowlervillediar. rhoea $4.00June 1882
180,872Roff, SarahFowlervillemother$8.00Apr. 1878
137,402Rossetter, John OHartlandchr. diarrhea $18.00Jan. 1876
191,797Rounds, Andrew JHowellchronic rheumatism$6.00June 1881
186,154Royce, John MHamburghminor children$14.00Nov. 1879
60,322Ruel, GeorgeFowlervilleg.s.w.l. leg$18.00-
120,749Rustin, Martha PBrightonwidow$8.00Nov. 1868
86,404Sargent, Everett DFlemingwound right side$6.00June 1869
14,352Silsby, MargaretFowlervillewidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1879
206,716Simmons, Wm. HHowellg.s.w. right foot$2.00Apr. 1882
85,556Simpson, George IFowlervillewound left leg$4.00Sept. 1867
136,381Simpson, Wm. HHowellg.s.w. rgt. Foot$6.00Aug. 1876
80,565Slater, Sally AnnFowlervillemother$8.00Aug. 1866
105,227Smith, Chauncey PPlainfiledw.l. forearm$18.00-
68,980Smith, Daniel HIoscog.s.w. right hip$8.00July 1866
25,364Smith, IsraelMadisonsurv. 1812$8.00Fe.b 1880
87,445Smith, Junius SHowellwd. abdomen $8.00Dec. 1868
17,658Smith, SallyBrightonwidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1879
144,915Smith, Thomas HFowlervillelung dsease$50.00Apr. 1877
68,096Smock, Mark SHowellwd. both legs$8.00July 1866
19,540Snook, TrypheniaFowlervillewidow 1812$8.00Mar. 1879
7,340Snyder, RosettaHamburghwidow$17.00-
134,248Stage, James FFowlervilleincised wound l. hand$5.00Apr. 1876
73,188Staley, SusanHowellwidow$8.00-
208,013Stebbins, HardingHartlandinjury l. shoulder$4.00May 1882
165,924Stewart, Ivella MCohootahwidow$8.00Aug. 1874
123,101Thomas, Nelson CBrightong.s.w. of left hip$6.00May 1873
77,329Tucker, Chalres HFowlervillewd. left shoulder$4.00Nov. 1869
163,996Turner, JohnBrightoninj. to abdomen$6.00Jan. 1880
91,092Tuttle, William HOak Grove-$4.00Jan. 18??
44,168Van Wornar, Mary LHowellwidow$8.00-
198,075VanBlarcom, EdnaPinckneywidow$8.00Dec. 1882
184,662Wallace, SamuelHartlandchr. diarrhea $6.00Mar. 1881
197,982Warner, John O.F.Fowlervilleinjury to abdomen$4.00Nov. 1881
53,941Wehnes, JohnHowell-$5.00Nov. 1865
115,475Welch, JuliaHartlandwidow$8.00June 1868
167,501West, LouisaHowellmother$8.00-
150,242White, CatherineFowlervillewidow$8.00May 1871
65,996White, George AHartlandg.s.w. rgt. arm$10.00-
11,520White, MaryPinckneywidow 1812$8.00Nov. 1878
182,030White, RuthranBrightonchr. pneumonia, with resulting dis. of heart & lungs$8.00Feb. 1881
93,929Whittaker, EzraHowellg.s.w. of neck$6.00-
61,943Whittaker, Lewis EHowellg.s.w. left arm$6.00-
73,414Wickman, Andrew JFowlervillewound l. arm $4.00-
202,687Wilkin, JohnFowlervillechr. diarrhea $6.00Feb. 1882
174,445Winder, RebeccaHowellwidow$8.00July 1876
59,484Wing, Charles AHowellwound both hands$10.00-
68,906Woll, MaryHowellwidow$8.00Apr. 1866

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