New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Kalkaska County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Kalkaska County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
36,043 Abbott, Gardner C Crofton wd. l. shoulder $8.00 -
154,992 Banks, Jno W Kalkaska w.r. thigh & par'l deafness of ears $8.00 Aug. 1878
154,652 Beach, Hiland S Barker Creek chr. dysentery $4.00 Aug. 1878
22,800 Beebe, David P Kalkaska - $4.00 Sept. 1864
135,096 Beelmon, Henry A Kalkaska part'l deafness $6.00 -
148,837 Bookmeyer, Chas Kalkaska w.l. thigh $4.00 Oct. 1877
42,046 Brigham, Warren C Leetsville injury to abdomen $24.00 -
164,442 Bullock, Rebecca D Kalkaska mother $8.00 Apr. 1874
41,801 Burt, Benj. F Kalkaska w.r. ankle $18.00 May 1865
152,928 Carlisle, Geo L Kalkaska w.l. side $6.00 May. 1878
41,923 Cohoon, Ann E Crofton widow $8.00 -
204,159 Crippen, Wm. Kalkaska dis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Mar. 1882
77,877 Cross, Chas. M Kalkaska chr. ophthalmia $6.00 -
75,379 Dean, Lawrence Leetsville w.l. leg $8.00 -
144,765 Dorman, Gersham Kalkaska injury to abdomen $8.00 Apr. 1877
216,808 Dorman, Henry Kalkaska chr. diarr., resulting dis. of abdominal viscera $8.00 Aug. 1882
160,446 Dunton, Ezra Westwood chr. diarr $6.00 May 1869
178,619 Earls, Wm. H Kalkaska w.r. hand & loss mid. finger $8.00 Nov. 1880
10,666 Eckler, Wm. H Kalkaska loss part thumb & 1st & 2nd fingers $4.00 -
147,002 Esty, Albert E Kalkaska atrophy r. thigh $8.00 July 1877
82,790 Ferguson Wm. B Kalkaska w.l. thigh $12.00 -
22,713 Gifford, Caleb W Leetsville injury to abdomen & w.l. shl $10.00 -
99,497 Greacen, Jas Kalkaska diarr & dis. of lungs $6.00 -
168,169 Hill, Henry V Kalkaska dis. liver & lungs $4.00 May 1880
165,025 Hogan, Heman E Westwood injury to abdomen $12.00 Feb. 1880
189,467 House, Affle South Boardman widow $8.00 Aug. 1880
123,731 Kinny, Douglas F Lodi dis. of spine $1,800.00 -
218,972 Lewis, Jno Kalkaska fever sore on l. leg, result of typhoid fever $4.00 Oct. 1882
122,705 Lewis, Wm Kalkaska w.r. arm $4.00 -
185,484 Manning, Martin H Leetsville dis. eyes $6.00 Mar. 1881
71,332 Morley, John W Kalkaska w.r. leg $4.00 Sept. 1876
205,855 Myers, Geo. A Kalkaska chr. diarr., resulting dis. of abdominal viscera $8.00 Mar. 1882
50,813 Nash, Chas. V Kalkaska w.r. shl $8.00 -
153,191 Pierson, Chas. W Lodi w.l. elbow $2.00 May 1878
71,598 Rainbow, Jno E Westwood w.l. arm $4.00 -
72,171 Sabadie, Anthony C Kalkaska - $4.00 -
180,313 Selkrig, Chas. V Kalkaska injury to abdomen $8.00 Dec. 1880
190,641 Sheridan, Henry H Lodi dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 June 1881
99,491 Sherwood, Nathan Y Kalkaska dis. of lungs $8.00 Aug. 1869
85,278 Simonson, Geo W Crofton wd. hips $8.00 Sept. 1867
175,426 Spiess, John N Leetsville diarr & rheum $4.00 Oct. 1880
160,115 Stiles, Augustus H Westwood chr. diarr & dis. kidneys $18.00 May 1879
95,879 Turk, Walter Westwood - $8.00 -
170,056 VanBuren, Chas Clear Water rheum $8.00 June 1880
89,736 Wallace, Hiram Kalkaska chr. bronchitis $12.00 -
133,922 Wansey, Alvin M South Boardman w.r. foot $4.00 June 1875
46,736 Washington, Paul Kalkaska w.l. thigh, resulting paraly, dis. l. side $18.00 -
113,297 Wilson, Wilbur J Kalkaska loss finger l. hand $2.00 -

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