New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Ionia County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Ionia County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
37,475 Abfalter, Jacob Pewamo - $4.00 -
110,814 Ackley, Janas Portland disease of eyes $24.00 -
57,901 Ainba, Wm. T. Iona chronic diarrhea $6.00 -
8,236 Airs, Meptilla Keene widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 1878
172,953 Akins, John H. Muir pleurisy of left side $4.00 Oct. 1880
197,243 Allen, Agnes Smyrna dep. mother $8.00 Sept. 1882
138,870 Allen, Ethel M. Portland g.s.w. both shoulders $10.00 Apr. 1876
215,249 Anderson, John Hubbardston deafness of both ears $13.00 July 1882
20,260 Arms, Geo. H. Portland loss of left leg $18.00 -
205,789 Arms, James Portland chronic diarrhea & dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 -
138,718 Armsden, Albert Lyons inj. of face $5.00 Apr. 1876
53,622 Arthur, Rich'd. E. Saranac g.s.w. left thigh $8.00 -
61,821 Autcliff, Fanny Kiddville dep. mother $8.00 -
93,536 Barber, Emma Belding widow $8.00 -
135,861 Barden, Alonzo J. Portland - $4.00 Sept. 1875
139,422 Barr, Miles B. Iona g.s.w. right hand $3.00 May 1876
40,976 Barrows, Henry Palo wd. right arm $18.00 -
13,551 Bartlett, Esther M. Iona widow $8.00 -
82,826 Beadle, Justice Iona - $4.00 July 1867
215,742 Beard, Jacob F. Campbell chronic diarrhea $4.00 July 1882
97,273 Belcher, Rosetta Portland widow $8.00 -
80,480 Bell, Smith C. Palo chronic diarrhea & dis. of hip $6.00 -
185,231 Bennett, Miles Iona g.s.w. neck $2.00 Mar. 1881
62,830 Bennett, Niles Iona - $2.00 -
2,792 Benton, Betsey Iona widow $8.00 -
28,277 Benton, Daniel Belding g.s.w. right shoulder $6.00 -
148,858 Bessey, Jacob Iona g.s.w. right knee $4.00 Oct. 1877
223,512 Bever, Martin Rosina g.s.w. both thighs $2.00 Dec. 1882
31,381 Bishop, Rich'd. Iona wd. right thigh $12.00 Aug. 1864
34,745 Blatt, Joseph Otisco disease of eyes $18.00 -
57,780 Blough, Peter Saranac g.s.w. left arm $6.00 Feb. 1866
51,339 Bond, Rebecca Rosina widow $8.00 -
178,791 Booker, Wm. C. Belding inj to back, rheum., heart disease, &c. $10.00 Nov. 1880
125,828 Bradley, Henry Lyons g.s.w. left thigh $4.00 Nov. 1873
91,351 Britton, Jacob A. Sebawa g.s.w. left arm & eryspip. r. arm $6.00 June 1868
193,277 Brooks, Sam'l. A. Matherton chronic diarrhea, disease of abdominal viscera $6.00 July 1881
104,426 Brown, Charles Belding disease of lungs $5.00 July 1870
151,154 Brown, Henry W. Hubbardston chronic diarrhea $12.75 Feb. 1878
106,982 Brown, Herman S. Sebawa wound right foot $6.00 -
126,412 Brown, Wm. D. Hubbardston amp'd. 1st, 2d, 3d, toes left foot $6.00 Jan. 1872
214,071 Bryant, Martin V. Muir chr. diarrhea & rheumatism $4.00 June 1882
128,264 Buckley, Calvin Palo - $4.00 May 1874
108,995 Bullard, Edwin Portland chr. diarrhea & bronchitis $4.00 Mar. 1871
161,731 Burbans, Frederick N. Portland dis. right leg $6.00 July 1879
204,451 Burrows, Wm. S. Lyons dis. heart $15.00 Mar. 1882
33,664 Buxton, Rufus Saranac chronic diarrhea $4.00 -
158,365 Bywater, Abel T. Campbell g.s.w. of back $2.00 Mar. 1879
162,559 Canfield, Joseph H. Iona disease of eyes $12.00 Oct. 1879
112,685 Canfield, Pomeroy Danby w. right thigh $3.00 -
28,151 Carkins, Louisa Iona widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 1879
127,336 Carnahan, Wm. C. Hubbardston chronic diarrhea & scurvy $12.00 -
20,795 Carpenter, Elkanah L. Sebawa disease of abdominal viscera $4.00 -
210,198 Carpenter, Jonah H. Sebawa disease of heart $8.00 June 1882
141,485 Carter, Job Lyons chronic diarrhea $12.00 -
159,249 Chapin, Enos Clarkville w. left forearm $3.00 Apr. 1879
134,524 Chapin, Jos. Clarkville w. right forearm $3.00 July 1875
102,831 Chase, Frank R. Smyrna varicose veins both legs $17.00 -
200,721 Choate, Wm. Smyrna inj. r. leg, disease of eyes $4.00 Jan. 1882
197,361 Clark, Josias C. West Sebewa chronic diarrhea $6.00 Nov. 1881
180,190 Clark, Michael Portland injury to abdomen $8.00 May 1881
20,531 Clark, Polly Portland widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1879
25,743 Compton, Hannah Smyrna widow 1812 $8.00 July 1879
193,124 Conner, Virgil G. Iona g.s.w. left side $2.00 July 1881
72,640 Cook, Wm. C. Saranac g.s.w. left foot $2.00 Oct. 1866
99,939 Coon, Emeline Lyons dep. mother $8.00 -
8,112 Cooper, Sarepta H. Palo widow $8.00 -
140,047 Copenhaven, Henry H. Portland g.s.w. left arm $2.00 -
121,029 Cramer, James Belding - $6.00 -
73,569 Crary, Prosper Hubbardston w. left side of nose $7.00 Nov. 1865
223,289 Crawford, David C. Lyons disease of kidney, &c. $7.50 -
12,578 Cross, Joseph Portland injury to abdomen $8.00 -
145,696 Curtiss, Andrew Belding w. right thigh $4.00 June 1877
114,471 Daniels, Orrin H. Rosina g.s.w. left groin $6.00 -
138,673 Darb, Geo. H. Algodon - $4.00 Apr. 1876
191,425 Daskan, Julvana E. Muir widow $10.00 Mar. 1881
92,897 Davidson, Barbara Iona widow $8.00 Apr. 1867
62,903 Davis, George G. Iona - $24.00 -
218,936 Day, Oscar A. Otisco g.s.w. left great toe $2.00 Oct. 1882
182,779 Dean, Maria Iona dep. mother $8.00 Dec. 1878
72,939 Dennis, John Muir wd. left humerus $24.00 -
41,708 DePey, Margaret Hubbardston widow $8.00 -
92,843 Derby, Rollin D. Sebawa wound right thigh $4.00 -
109,080 Dexter, Miles R. C. Wood's Corners injury to spine $8.00 -
139,543 Dick, John Iona - $5.00 June 1876
106,593 Dillingham, Mary A. Campbell widow $8.00 -
78,830 Dillon, Thaddeus Portland inj. to abdomen, result of wound $4.00 -
200,128 Dingley, Chas. Iona chronic diarrhea $8.00 Jan. 1882
29,791 Dodge, Rhoda Pewamo widow $8.00 Sept. 1864
29,948 Dolphin, Sarah M. Iona widow $8.00 -
96,628 Douglass, John A. Muir injury left leg $8.00 Mar. 1880
171,931 Drake, J. Benson Otisco chronic diarrhea $2.00 Aug. 1880
223,305 Drake, John H. Maple chronic rheumatism $2.00 Dec. 1882
79,257 Drensmore, Cornelius E. Iona rheumatism $4.00 -
11,287 Dresser, Alvira Lyons mother $17.00 -
121,414 Dunn, John H. Hubbardston - $8.00 -
204,016 Dunn, Wm. H. Iona chr. diarr., dis. lungs, genl. deb. $4.00 Mar. 1883
62,684 Earl, Spauling Orleans wd. left hip $4.00 -
22,129 Earles, H. Edwin Smyrna g.s.w. left hand $6.00 -
13,779 Egbert, James J. Iona injury to abdomen $16.00 -
143,084 Everest, Stephen E. Iona - $4.00 -
25,343 Everest, Wm. B. Iona surv. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 1880
203,815 Fish, Geo. B. Otisco disease of heart $4.00 Mar. 1882
32,939 Fletcher, George West Sebewa wd. right thigh $2.00 Sept. 1864
30,862 Foedick, Maria S. Palo widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 1880
23,674 Fox, Truman Lyons - $8.00 Aug. 1878
173,681 Frank, John P. West Sebewa minor of $12.00 June 1876
57,419 Frazer, Elvira A. Saranac widow $8.00 -
64,347 Frost, Chas. L. Saranac wd. right hand $4.00 -
174,563 Furman, Edwin Muir chronic diarrhea, disease of abdominal viscera $4.00 Oct. 1880
78,659 Gallop, Wm. S. Lyons w. left thigh $4.00 -
165,122 Gamage, Smith P. Portland chronic diarrhea & debility, disease of abd. vis. $20.00 Mar. 1880
76,330 Gates, Sam'l. K. Portland injury right knee $6.00 -
43,239 Gibbs, Marion Portland dep. mother $8.00 -
57,626 Gidden, Chas. Portland w. lower jaw $8.00 -
190,008 Gilbert, Lucinda Portland widow $12.00 Oct. 1880
131,891 Gilmore, Patrick Iona w. right hand $2.00 -
66,336 Gleason, Francis T. Lyons wd. right leg, &c. $8.00 -
81,098 Graft, George Portland injury to abdomen $4.00 -
117,922 Graham, Marion P. Matherton g.s.w. abdomen $8.00 -
103,409 Gray, Andrew J. Lyons - $4.00 -
222,551 Green, Jonathan Saranac w. left leg $4.00 -
5,102 Gregory, Eliza E. Iona widow $8.00 -
132,409 Griswold, Milon I. Clarkville asthma $18.00 Mar. 1875
208,334 Grovesteen, Harvey H. Saranac chronic diarrhea $8.00 May 1882
38,071 Guernsey, Dinnis Iona w. left shoulder $6.00 -
151,449 Gunn, Stephen J. West Campbell loss right thumb $6.00 Mar. 1878
105,867 Gurnsey, Albert Matherton injury to abdomen $6.00 Oct. 1870
84,952 Haight, Frederick G. Iona disease of eyes $12.00 -
12,247 Haight, Peter B. Iona - $6.00 June 1868
17,653 Haladay, Henry Otisco surv. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 1876
43,793 Hale, Chas. W. Saranac - $4.00 -
193,349 Hale, Minerva E. Orleans dep. mother $8.00 Sept. 1881
2,165 Hall, Candis Smyrna widow $8.00 -
66,929 Harlow, James Hubbardston - $3.00 July 1866
147,230 Hastings, Chas. Portland g.s.w. left chest $8.00 -
159,619 Hawley, Clark Iona disease of heart $4.00 May 1879
72,104 Heath, Oits B. Sebawa injury to right foot $6.00 -
73,460 Hendee, Oscar P. Portland - $18.00 -
57,781 Henry, Mary M. Saranac widow $8.00 -
22,235 Hess, Byron E. Bonanza - $24.00 -
174,790 Heth, Levi Shiloh injury to abdomen $4.00 Oct. 1880
170,176 Higbee, Myron Muir chronic diarrhea, inj. of back resulting paralysis left side $4.00 June 1880
115,609 Hindirter, Henry Smyrna - $6.00 Feb. 1872
54,207 Hitchcock, Thos. H. Portland g.s.w. head $6.00 Dec. 1865
14,003 Hodges, Ralph Hubbardston total deafness, loss of voice $18.00 Apr. 1873
205,821 Hollis, Henry Iona g.s.w. left leg $2.00 Mar. 1882
65,704 Horner, John Portland - $18.00 -
40,978 Horton, Hiram A. Saranac - $8.00 Apr. 1880
80,613 Hotaling, Elijah Iona - $4.00 -
86,264 Howard, Henry Iona w. left leg $4.00 Oct. 1867
106,085 Howard, Wm. H. Portland - $5.00 -
88,156 Howe, Harvey Portland - $18.00 -
27,766 Howe, Sarah A. Lyons mother $8.00 -
157,457 Howell, Ceriah C. Iona bronchitis $6.00 Jan. 1879
177,665 Howitt, Jas. Otisco rheumatism, &c. $6.00 Oct. 1880
147,522 Hubbell, Nathan T. Saranac g.s.w. right forearm, loss part of thumb - -
182,499 Huff, Abe C. Belding chronic diarrhea $2.00 Feb. 1881
49,255 Hughson, Wealthy Chandler widow $8.00 -
223,559 Hull, Erastus Saranac chronic diarrhea, disease of lungs, injury of back $6.00 Dec. 1882
133,521 Hull, Geo. W. Iona - $5.00 -
161,617 Hunt, Chas. N. Pewamo loss r. eyesight $4.00 July 1879
145,777 Isham, Frederick H. Lyons disease of eyes $12.00 -
119,163 Jessup, Jacob S. Pewamo w. right side head $12.00 -
223,329 Joles, Hurum H. Kiddville inj. to end right fore finger & chronic diarrhea $4.00 Dec. 1882
71,899 Jones, Cyrus G. Maple loss left arm above elbow - -
60,404 Justice, Thos. J. Clarkville anchylosis r. foot $18.00 -
140,058 Kebbey, Oscar W. Portland disease of eyes $18.00 Nov. 1877
200,448 Kelley, Daniel Lyons inj. to right foot & chr. diarr. $15.00 Jan. 1882
189,537 Kelly, Margarette S. Lyons widow $23.00 Aug. 1880
40,977 Kemp, Alfred Hubbardston saber wound of head & neck $12.00 -
108,768 Kennedy, Bridget Hubbardston mother $8.00 -
197,125 Kentfield, Adelbert Matherton chronic diarrhea, disease of abdominal viscera $4.00 Oct. 1881
18,497 Kern, Riley Belding injury to abdomen $12.00 Mar. 1881
203,002 Ketchum, Chas. B. Orleans partial paralysis both legs $8.00 Feb. 1882
17,148 Kibbey, Amanda S. Bonanza widow $8.00 -
67,848 Kilbourne, Mary A. J. Iona widow $8.00 -
128,470 King, Eli H. Iona inj. left ankle, varicose veins $6.00 May 1874
126,674 Knight, Oscar H. Muir g.s.w. right thigh $4.00 -
79,993 Kown, Sarah M. Iona widow $8.00 -
161,536 La Don, Jacob Iona injury to abdomen $6.00 -
145,455 Lane, Andrew Saranac g.s.w. left leg $4.00 June 1877
105,576 Langer, John Smyrna paralysis left leg $8.00 -
220,189 Lanning, Joseph Iona g.s.w. left forearm $2.00 Nov. 1882
31,822 Lanz, Chas. Iona g.s.w. of left arm $18.00 -
62,273 Latham, Jane A. Iona dep. mother $8.00 -
25,484 Leak, Thomas Rosina - $8.00 -
3,164 Leit, Emiline Portland widow $8.00 -
140,252 Lenia, Hiram Portland heart disease $8.00 Aug. 1876
135,716 Leonard, George S. Portland chr. diarrhea, dis. abd. vis. $6.00 -
40,752 Little, Elizabeth Muir mother $8.00 Feb. 1865
187,549 Livermore, Jay P. Saranac - $3.00 Jan. 1876
31,267 Lonewell, Wallace Campbell injury to back, leg $5.00 -
181,022 Lowry, Ebenezer N. Iona g.s.w. of neck $6.00 Jan. 1881
12,078 Lyon, Egbert Iona compound fracture right leg $6.00 -
122,925 Manning, Perry Portland injury to abdomen $4.00 -
162,478 Mapes, Alfred L. Portland partial loss 2nd finger $1.00 Sept. 1879
190,963 Markham, Orlando Clarkville chronic diarrhea $6.00 Feb. 1882
62,040 Marlett, Wm. H. Hubbardston w. left arm $4.00 Jan. 1867
43,429 Masher, Dan'l H. Pewamo amputation right leg $24.00 -
60,067 Maxwell, Wm. E. Iona amp. right leg $18.00 Mar. 1866
100,206 McBride, Ellen Hubbardston dep. mother $8.00 -
132,903 McCawsey, Louisa Sebawa widow $8.00 -
23,055 McConnell, Aaron Saranac g.s.w. left hip $12.00 -
23,632 McCoy, Cynthia Palo dep. mother $8.00 Sept. 1869
134,581 McCoy, Cynthia Palo dep. mother $8.00 Sept. 1869
145,089 McCrumb, Marine L. Portland g.s.w. left side of head $2.00 May 1877
12,073 McVeigh, Sam'l. A. Portland g.s.w. left leg $12.00 June 1863
162,731 Mead, Wm. N. Belding injury to abdomen $6.00 Oct. 1879
94,963 Meginley, Priscilla Chadwick widow $8.00 -
25,957 Merritt, Chas. Hubbardston paralysis left side $18.00 Jan. 1869
13,387 Merryfield, Rosannah Sebawa dep. mother $8.00 Feb. 1864
110,454 Mickel, Jas. V. Iona loss right leg above knee $24.00 -
103,205 Miller, Sophronia A. Lyons widow $8.00 -
43,517 Mills, Geo. N. Muir loss left arm $18.00 Sept. 1866
1,935 Mills, Harriet C. Palo widow $8.00 -
144,145 Mills, Lucius F. Iona partial deafness $5.00 Apr. 1877
16,630 Miner, Henrita C. Palo widow $20.00 -
13,386 Moore, Margaret Portland widow $8.00 -
9,424 Morehouse, Oliver Portland - $8.00 Dec. 1871
214,460 Morgan, Homer Saranac injury to abdomen $4.00 June 1882
154,381 Morris, Geo. W. Collins g.s.w. left arm & side $2.00 July 1878
41,615 Morse, Allen B. Iona loss left arm $24.00 -
128,763 Mosely, Rhoda Portland dep. mother $8.00 -
- Moss, Adelphin Muir chronic rheumatism $6.00 -
67,034 Murray, Thos. Chadwick wd. right foot $4.00 July 1866
10,931 Nichols, John Kiddville injury to abdomen $4.00 -
25,254 Noel, Netta Palo widow 1812 $8.00 June 1879
162,608 Olds, Wm. R. Smyrna injury of feet $4.00 Oct. 1879
53,698 Olmstead, Andrew J. Portland g.s.w. right elbow joint $18.00 -
178,024 Olmstead, John A. H. Palo chronic rheumatism $4.00 Oct. 1880
130,534 Olmstead, King R. Saranac shell wd. right shoulder $8.00 June 1876
93,506 Osborn, Sam'l. Iona g.s.w. right arm & chr. diarr. $12.00 Oct. 1868
130,447 Otis, Norman L. Palo dis. abd. vis., result of diarrhea $20.00 Oct. 1874
9,014 Parmenter, Abby Iona widow $8.00 -
199,820 Patrick, Jordan Hubbardston varicose veins both legs $6.00 Dec. 1881
33,174 Patrick, Wm. E. Portland wd. pelvis $12.00 -
184,114 Patterson, Bridget Lyons widow $12.00 May 1879
161,031 Peck, Russel S. Portland disease of heart $12.00 June 1879
140,808 Pennington, Ella R. Pewamo widow $8.00 -
3,556 Perrin, Sarah Portland widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1872
42,288 Pettibone, Mary E. Palo widow $8.00 -
194,561 Phillips, Chas. H. Matherton g.s.w. left arm & side $1.00 Aug. 1881
191,088 Phillips, Wm. E. Maple g.s.w. right side of head $4.00 June 1881
176,043 Pickett, Rob't. M. Iona partial paralysis right hand & injury to abdomen $12.00 Oct. 1880
118,805 Pike, Murray S. Iona g.s.w. left foot $5.00 -
88,719 Preston, Joseph S. Lyons inj. back & var. veins left leg $10.00 Jan. 1868
128,867 Proser, Hannah Saranac widow $8.00 -
42,852 Quayle, John W. Iona g.s.w. shoulder $8.00 -
92,844 Raby, Edw'd. Iona g.s.w. left shoulder $6.00 -
124,311 Rehue, Frederick Iona dep. father $8.00 -
24,985 Ring, William Smyrna - $8.00 Mar. 1879
152,975 Roberts, Hiram Lyons - $2.00 -
221,483 Robertson, Duncan Iona chr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $6.00 Nov. 1882
10,322 Robertson, Jas. H. Pewamo - $24.00 -
42,098 Roe, Franklin Portland wound of head $18.00 May 1868
33,839 Roose, Mary H. Iona widow $8.00 -
85,353 Rupe, Wm. H. Iona s. wd., dis. right arm & shoulder $4.00 Apr. 1870
141,525 Russell, Joseph A. Bonanza disease of lungs $4.00 Sept. 1876
185,310 Russell, Julia C. Hubbardston widow $17.00 Aug. 1879
43,613 Sage, James A. Iona - $5.66 2/3 June 1865
223,847 Scadin, Wilford H. Danby disease of throat $4.00 Dec. 1882
119,763 Scading, Syrena H. Portland dep. mother $8.00 Oct. 1866
60,122 Scott, John Iona - $6.00 -
44,318 Seaver, Wm. E. Pewamo - $5.33 1/3 June 1864
198,699 Sessions, Nathaniel Hubbardston g.s.w. left thigh $2.00 Dec. 1881
191,098 Shinnway, David G. Algodon injury to abdomen $8.00 June 1881
214,045 Shuster, Philip Iona rheumatism $6.00 June 1882
147,205 Simmons, Wm. W. Iona dep. father $8.00 -
157,504 Siter, Anthony Muir chronic diarrhea $8.00 Feb. 1879
83,267 Skellinger, Lemuel Otisco - $8.00 -
204,980 Smith, Charles Portland g.s.w. left foot $4.00 -
101,780 Smith, Cyrenius W. Belding g.s.w. right cheek $4.00 -
31,844 Smith, Jonathan T. Iona - $8.00 Sept. 1864
178,907 Smith, Maria Portland widow $10.00 Oct. 1877
168,539 Smith, Melon G. Portland fracture left leg $4.00 Mar. 1880
72,710 Snow, Jacob Portland rheumatism $12.00 Apr. 1867
47,798 Snyder, Joseph B. Saranac g.s.w. left foot $6.00 Aug. 1865
116,195 Southard, Ahira D. Portland g.s.w. right arm $4.00 -
116,888 Stair, Jacob Portland disease of eyes $6.00 -
149,844 Standon, Wm. Iona chronic diarrhea $5.00 Nov. 1877
4,011 Stanton, Martha Iona widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 1872
149,284 Stewart, Joseph Portland inj. left side & chest, g.s.w. right arm $4.00 Nov. 1877
54,177 Stillwell, Caroline Clarkville widow $8.00 -
115,484 Stimson, Theron H. Portland chronic diarrhea $4.00 Mar. 1882
177,920 Stowell, Sam'l. Iona - $4.00 Jan. 1872
203,559 Stringham, Daniel H. Portland g.s.w. right thigh & reasulting varicose veins $8.00 Feb. 1882
25,583 Stringham, Keturah Portland widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1879
51,408 Struck, Albert F. Hubbardston - $6.00 Oct. 1865
161,912 Summers, Edw'd. C. Iona g.s.w. right side $2.00 Aug. 1879
62,362 Suter, Jacob Portland g.s.w. left side $8.00 -
173,827 Sutton, Lorenzo A. Lyons dis. of spine $6.00 Sept. 1880
182,334 Sutton, Louisa Lyons widow $8.00 Oct. 1878
155,972 Tanner, Lewis Iona g.s.w. left great toe $4.00 Oct. 1878
208,234 Tanner, Marshall Saranac disease of lungs & chr. diarr. $4.00 May 1882
14,506 Taylor, Lucy Iona widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 1879
121,170 Thayer, Ezra N. Lyons - $4.00 June 1873
75,448 Therry, Thomas Muir wd. left scapula $6.00 Dec. 1866
169,592 Thomas, Charles W. Hubbardston anasarca, res. of kidney disease $4.00 June 1880
145,137 Thomas, Danl. C. Iona g.s.w. right shoulder $4.00 May 1877
113,005 Thomas, Wm. B. Iona - $18.75 -
20,799 Tillson, Chas. H. Iona chronic nephritis $12.00 Nov. 1868
101,981 Tower, Wm. Portland - $18.00 -
33,364 Toynton, Wm. Muir - $8.00 Oct. 1864
205,568 Travis, John Matherton sunstroke, result of $2.00 Mar. 1882
155,640 Trittle, Jary A. Chadwick g.s.w. right arm $4.00 Sept. 1878
202,195 Truce, George Portland g.s.w. left shoulder & left hand $6.00 Jan. 1882
142,249 Tupper, Ira Smyrna disease of lungs $18.00 -
114,452 Tyler, Annie Palo widow $8.00 -
137,900 Van Dyke, Lewis Muir w. left thigh $6.00 Feb. 1876
50,326 Van Horn, John Portland g.s.w. right foot $6.00 -
24,688 Vans Aeenburg, Cynthia Muir widow 1812 $8.00 June 1879
147,969 Walker, Wm. W. Lyons w. left foot $4.00 -
116,456 Waller, Elizabeth Clarkville dep. mother $8.00 -
121,846 Walters, Andrew A. Saranac - $4.00 Mar. 1873
104,441 Walters, Jonathan Iona - $4.00 July 1870
151,793 Wandel, James H. Iona injury to abdomen $6.00 Mar. 1878
89,472 Wandel, John Belding chronic diarrhea & results $50.00 Mar. 1868
198,086 Ward, John M. Portland rheumatism $6.00 Nov. 1881
87,059 Ward, Lucius H. Chadwick - $4.00 -
30,198 Warden, Edward H. Muir - $4.00 -
29,212 Warner, Louisa Portland widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 1880
56,281 Wasnich, Wendel Iona wd. right ankle $8.00 -
173,975 Watson, Wm. Saranac disease of right hip $12.00 Sept. 1880
103,122 Way, Nathan C. Portland g.s.w. head and back $6.00 -
37,532 Weaver, Emeline C. Otisco widow $8.00 -
1,981 Weeks, David P. Hubbardston - $24.00 -
60,734 Weiderwax, Susan Iona widow $8.00 -
160,317 Welliver, Sam'l. Portland fracture left clavicle $8.00 Oct. 1879
24,464 Whipple, Mary A. Iona widow $8.00 -
46,445 White, Ruth A. Iona widow $8.00 -
99,115 White, Sanford Clarkville g.s.w. left thigh $6.00 July 1869
94,052 Williams, Jas. W. Shiloh wd. right thigh $4.00 Dec. 1868
56,359 Williams, Wm. H. Portland - $17.00 -
16,902 Wilson, Alfred Shiloh - $6.00 -
69,183 Wood, Lavancy J. Hubbardston widow $8.00 -
19,209 Woodbeck, John Pewamo surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 1872
161,450 Woodruff, Wm. E. Saranac injury to abdomen $4.00 July 1879
218,899 Wooldridge, Sam'l. Iona g.s.w. right buttock $2.00 Oct. 1882
143,659 Worden, Amos Portland - $4.00 Feb. 1877
179,454 Worden, Olive A. Iona widow $8.00 -
165,224 Worden, Paedon Saranac dep. father $8.00 -
145,864 Wright, Owen Pewamo partial deafness $1.00 June 1877
26,427 Wyman, Charles W. Portland - $18.00 -
24,407 Yeomans, Erastus Iona surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 1878

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