New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Clinton County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Clinton County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
82,719 Abraham, Johan Fowler wd. neck & effects $18.00 -
158,697 Aldrich, Franklin Ovid dis. ears & throat $18.00 Apr. 1879
59,398 Aldrich, John C. Ovid wd. l. leg $18.00 -
217,756 Allen, Lindon H. Ovid dis. r. leg $4.00 Sept. 1882
74,547 Allen, Silas E. Saint John's wd. r. thigh & shldr. - -
221,797 Anderson, Gabriel Maple Rapids dis. of spine $4.00 Dec. 1882
205,139 Anderson, James Maple Rapids wd. r. foot $2.00 -
202,026 Anderson, Robt. Maple Rapids wd. l. leg & r. side $4.00 Jan. 1882
128,162 Arris, Anna Maple Rapids widow $8.00 -
9,617 Avery, John Saint John's - $8.00 Dec. 1871
49,786 Baker, Amanda D. Saint John's widow $8.00 June 1865
100,691 Baker, Mary A. Saint John's widow $8.00 -
184,157 Bannister, Charlotte Eureka mother $8.00 May 1879
146,703 Barlow, William Maple Rapids w. l. gluteal region $4.00 June 1877
215,669 Barnes, Henry M. Wacousta chr. diarr. $4.00 July 1882
93,045 Barnum, Olive Saint John's widow $8.00 -
219,256 Bartlett, Geo. S. Ovid w. r. leg $4.00 Oct. 1882
156,437 Baughn, Dan'l. Saint John's chr. diarr. $4.00 Nov. 1878
38,268 Baylis, Rich'd. Wacousta wd. r. shoulder $17.00 -
131,291 Beardsley, Eliza A. Ovid widow $8.00 -
27,356 Beeds, Sally Eagle widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 1879
123,100 Belding, Benj. F. Saint John's chr. diarr. $24.00 -
181,570 Bennett, Alfred M. Ovid diarr. $4.00 Jan. 1881
208,547 Bennett, Bradley B. Elsie dis. of heart $18.00 May 1882
177,591 Benringer, William Ovid injury to abdomen $4.00 Oct. 1880
94,939 Bentley, Salmon Saint John's pulm'y consumption $24.00 -
17,124 Bermingham, Dennis Shepardsville injury to back $4.00 -
19,324 Bigelow, Levi Ovid chr. diar., dis. of abd. vis. $18.00 Nov. 1863
60,248 Black, Mathew DeWitt par'l. paralysis l. leg $10.00 Mar. 1866
153,554 Bliss, Sidney J. Riley wd. r. shldr. $4.00 June 1878
49,785 Blizzard, Mary Maple Rapids widow $8.00 -
84,899 Blood, Albert DeWitt wd. l. elbow $6.00 -
7,417 Bolvanan, Freelove Ovid mother $8.00 Oct. 1863
64,751 Boyle, Stephen M. Maple Rapids wd. chest $6.00 -
115,045 Bradle, Joseph R. Saint John's w. l. thigh $6.00 Jan. 1872
157,708 Bronson, James W. Saint John's w. lft. leg & result. vari. veins $4.00 Mar. 1879
222,515 Brooks, Ransom M. Wacousta wd. l. leg & foot $4.00 Dec. 1882
191,501 Brown, David D. F. Eagle diarr. $8.00 June 1878
69,095 Brown, Elizabeth DeWitt mother $8.00 Apr. 1866
73,544 Brown, Hiram W. Maple Rapids wd. pelvis bone $10.00 Oct. 1866
74,927 Brown, Jasper Saint John's wd. l. lung $12.00 -
150,812 Brown, Thos. Elsie w. r. groin $8.00 -
57,994 Bullis, Amity Maple Rapids widow $8.00 -
118,527 Bushard, David, jr. Eureka wd. neck & r. lung $4.00 Nov.1878
162,963 Bushey, Joseph Bath wd. r. foot $2.00 Oct. 1879
64,533 Butler, Fred'k. R. Saint John's wd. l. hand $6.00 -
103,518 Call, Andrew Elsie - $18.00 -
158,820 Campbell, James P. Maple Rapids wd. r. shoulder $12.00 Apr. 1879
201,111 Campbell, Wm. Shepardsville dis. of eyes $10.00 Jan. 1882
119,065 Carpenter, Eunice DeWitt mother $8.00 Sept. 1868
150,674 Carter, George W. Bath - $8.00 -
125,375 Case, Chas. Ovid inj. to spine, breast, stomach & liver $6.00 -
178,391 Case, Edward Saint John's inj. to abd., dis. of lungs $8.00 Nov. 1880
107,953 Caster, Wm. H. Ovid wd. l. shldr $6.00 -
205,625 Chapman, Charles Saint John's w. l. cheek $4.00 Mar. 1882
75,245 Chapman, James A. Saint John's w. chest & shr. $8.00 -
24,527 Clawes, Richard B. Saint John's bronchitis & diarr. $18.00 -
69,713 Cole, Monroe DeWitt wd. r. hand $8.00 -
32,760 Coray, Almira H. Saint John's widow $8.00 Oct. 1864
22,548 Crandall, Edmund F. Saint John's - $8.00 June 1878
5,314 Crane, Mary A. Victor mother $8.00 Aug. 1865
176,646 Cross, James P. Ovid chr. diarr. $8.00 Oct. 1880
118,954 Cross, Oliver Ovid phthisis pul $24.00 -
151,995 Crowley, Lyman Maple Rapids - $18.00 Mar. 1878
13,910 Culp, Melinda DeWitt widow $8.00 -
26,409 Curtis, Wm. H. H. Bath chr. diarr. $5.33 1/2 Apr. 1864
30,249 Cutter, Henry P. Wacousta - $4.00 -
39,871 Davidson, Joseph R. Elsie wd. r. wrist $18.00 -
197,963 Davidson, Mary R. Elsie mother $8.00 Dec. 1882
107,775 Davidson, Wm. H. Elsie wd. both hips $8.00 -
147,764 Davis, James Fowler wd. r. side & breast $8.00 Aug. 1877
145,938 Davis, Reuben P. Ovid - $2.00 -
205,948 Day, John Elsie abscess of back $4.00 -
127,227 De Claire, Alexis Saint John's catarrh & dis. lungs $8.00 Mar. 1874
172,143 Deihl, Ludwig Saint John's father $8.00 Feb. 1876
29,917 Deits, Sarah M. Westphalla widow 1812 $8.00 July 1880
160,837 Dennis, Wm. W. Ovid inj. of spine $6.00 -
71,804 Dillingham, Rich'd. Wacousta wd. r. arm $8.00 -
67,211 Doly, Don A. Union Home w. l. side $24.00 -
161,422 Dooling, Jeremiah Saint John's chr. diarr. $14.00 July 1879
18,608 Doty, Franklin Union Home w. r. shr. & hip $12.00 -
31,927 Doty, Sarah Saint John's widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1881
69,037 Downing, Francis H. Saint John's wd. r. hand $4.00 -
222,418 Dranke, Isaac W. Ovid chr. diarr. $7.50 Dec. 1882
83,295 Dufee, Gideon Elsie wd. r. leg $18.00 -
Durfey, Asa A. Wacousta loss fingers $6.00 -
151,638 Eaton, Hannah B. Elsie dep. mother $8.00 Apr. 1875
32,006 Eddy, Margaret Eagle widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 1881
114,239 Evarts, Jesse Fowler wds. l. chest & r. thigh $8.00 -
192,112 Fay, Alfred Maple Rapids injury to abdomen $8.00 June 1881
190,297 Fenn, Lillian J. L. Ovid widow $10.00 Nov. 1880
157,506 Ferguson, James Saint John's dis. of liver $8.00 Mar. 1882
15,818 Finch, Catharine Elsie widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 1879
78,623 Fleshman, Mary Maple Rapids mother $8.00 July 1866
24,628 Forman, Marion R. DeWitt widow 1812 $8.00 June 1879
154,390 Forney, Horace H. Maple Rapids wd. of head $2.00 July 1878
90,080 Freeman, Phineas R. DeWitt dis. lungs & sores on skin $12.00 -
223,131 Fulton, Nicholas Maple Rapids dis. of heart $8.00 Dec. 1882
182,176 Gates, Geo. H. Maple Rapids w. r. leg $4.00 Feb. 1881
41,613 Gibbard, Jacob Victor w. l. ankle $18.00 -
27,889 Gilbert, John N. Ovid loss l. leg $18.00 -
156,997 Gilson, William Ovid frozen feet $8.00 Dec. 1878
67,037 Gilson, Wm. Saint John's wd. of chest $8.00 -
138,200 Gitchell, Martin C. Ovid wd. forearm $8.00 Mar. 1876
64,345 Gleason, John E. Du Plain wd. l. thigh, &c. $12.00 -
161,958 Gloster, Henry C. Eureka chr. diarr. $4.00 Aug. 1879
218,831 Goodrich, Wm. H. Bath wd. head, l. forearm $4.00 Oct. 1882
19,431 Grant, Charles Saint John's surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct. 1872
178,584 Green, Hannah M. Maple Rapids mother $8.00 Sept. 1877
195,013 Guio, Augustus Ovid chr. diarr. $4.00 Oct. 1880
219,084 Hall, Caleb Elsie chr. diarr. $4.00 Oct. 1882
102,510 Hammond, Stephen M. Saint John's wds. l. hand & l. thigh $8.00 Mar. 1870
40,388 Harrington, Sarah Elsie mother $8.00 July 1865
27,043 Harris, Margaret Elsie widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 1879
121,221 Head, Smith Ovid loss index & 2 finger l. hand $4.00 Nov. 1876
142,876 Hehl, Sampert Westphalla wd. l. side head $6.00 Dec. 1876
198,481 Helliker, James Saint John's scurvy, blindness, & chr. diarr. $18.00 Nov. 1881
218,304 Helms, Jehiel Maple Rapids chr. diarr. $4.00 Sept. 1882
124,633 Heyer, August Westphalla wd. l. leg $4.00 -
131,998 Hinkley, Mary J. Eureka widow $8.00 -
1,149 Hiscock, James Saint John's - $8.00 July 1871
77,880 Hogle, Elias Eagle chr. diarr. $8.00 -
77,880 Hogle, Elias Eagle diarr. $8.00 -
159,981 Hogle, Josiah Eagle wd. r. thigh $4.00 May 1879
87,644 Hollister, Margaret J. Ovid widow $8.00 -
120,716 Holmes, Morris Ovid chr. diarr. $18.00 -
174,253 Hopkins, John I. Eagle father $8.00 July 1876
119,656 Horsington, Margaret Elsie widow $8.00 -
185,519 Horton, Wm. Elsie child $10.00 Sept. 1877
59,622 House, Polly Saint John's mother $8.00 Nov. 1865
80,388 House, Simon H. Saint John's paral. & anchylosis l. knee $8.00 -
103,155 Howell, James C. Maple Rapids - $4.00 -
43,790 Hubbell, John A. Ovid wd. r. leg $10.00 -
91,241 Hubbell, John  Ovid chr. bronchitis $8.00 Jan. 1869
36,324 Hugus, Wm. P. Saint John's heart disease & wd. of arms $8.00 Sept. 1870
64,544 Humaston, Emily Saint John's mother $8.00 Feb. 1866
116,111 Humaston, Wm. W. Saint John's wd. r. leg $2.00 Mar. 1872
203,730 Hutchinson, Bick'd. P. Maple Rapids dis. of abdominal viscera $17.00 Feb. 1882
42,777 Johnson, Phebe E. Eagle widow $8.00 -
184,194 Jones, Thankful O. Maple Rapids mother $8.00 May 1879
91,891 Keck, David Saint John's w. l. ankle $8.00 -
159,715 Kirbey, Thompson Eureka chr. diarr. & dis. abd. visc. $8.00 May 1879
59,345 Kitson, Alonzo Bath wd. l. arm $8.00 -
178,156 Knickerbocker, Jas. A. Maple Rapids chr. diarr. & heart disease $8.00 Oct. 1880
122,494 Kniffen, John J. Saint John's consumption, chro. bronchitis, wd. l. shldr. $31.25 -
59,490 Kreps, John Saint John's wd. l. hand $18.00 -
54,222 Langford, Susan Saint John's mother $8.00 Aug. 1865
124,657 Lemon, Julia A. DeWitt mother $8.00 Oct,. 1872
137,690 Letts, Wm. E. Elsie scurvy  $12.00 -
23,869 Lockey, Sophia Saint John's widow 1812 $8.00 May 1879
217,262 Lott, Albert DeWitt chr. diarr. $6.00 Aug. 1882
178,038 Luscher, Randolph Maple Rapids wd. r. leg & thigh $8.00 Oct. 1880
196,486 Lyon, Sarah Maple Rapids mother $8.00 June 1882
81,212 Magee, Thos. B. Saint John's wd. r. breast $8.00 -
222,956 Martin, Aaron Ovid sunstroke & resulting dis. $4.00 June 1863
51,889 Martin, Anthony Westphalla wd. r. thigh $10.00 Oct. 1866
146,835 Mavey, Maria Maple Rapids mother $8.00 Dec. 1870
157,602 McCarty, Wm. Ovid injury to abdomen $12.00 Jan. 1881
188,115 McConnell, Huldah Ovid widow $10.00 May 1880
137,268 McCullough, James Elsie wd. l. hand $4.00 Dec. 1875
51,091 McDowell, Clarissa Ovid widow $8.00 -
68,690 Miller, Catharine Westphalla mother $8.00 -
77,456 Miller, David Saint John's w. r. shr. & lung $7.50 -
68,335 Miller, Jonathan DeWitt wd. l. thigh $6.00 July 1866
133,175 Miller, Mathias Shepardsville rheum. $2.00 -
65,199 Moore, Catherine Victor widow $8.00 -
187,153 Moreland, Alonzo B. Saint John's child $12.00 Mar. 1880
29,386 Mores, Byron DeWitt scurvy & chr. diarr. $12.00 -
160,160 Morrison, Wm. H. Eureka wd. of back $4.00 May 1879
153,662 Mudge, Jay L. Elsie dis. abd. visc. from diarr. $18.00 Feb. 1881
175,852 Mummey, Elizabeth Eureka dep. mother $8.00 Dec. 1876
148,581 Mundell, Walter L. Fowler wd. l. ankle & r. breast $6.00 Oct. 1877
124,460 Munick, Mary Bath mother $8.00 Feb. 1868
159,335 Munson, John F. Maple Rapids wd. l. leg $4.00 Apr. 1879
57,670 Myers, Mathew Ovid wd. neck & result. paralysis of spine $12.00 -
32,447 Neal, Thos. Ovid loss l. foot $18.00 -
174,455 Nelson, Ezra P. Saint John's injury to abdomen $12.00 Oct. 1880
206,521 Newton, Geo. H. Maple Rapids wd. l. leg $4.00 Apr. 1882
153,975 Nichols, Mariah Saint John's mother $8.00 Oct. 1871
58,856 Nurenburg, Joseph Westphalla wd. l. side $14.00 Feb. 1866
215,408 Otto, Ampter B. Wacousta chr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $8.00 July 1882
45,284 Outcalt, John W. Saint John's wd. l. leg $4.00 -
208,948 Page, Jackson Eureka wd. back & right shldr. $4.00 Mar. 1882
110,565 Paine, James L. Maple Rapids inj. to spine $8.00 May 1871
70,015 Palmer, Amanda Saint John's mother $8.00 Apr. 1866
45,453 Parker, Wm. B. Ovid loss left leg $18.00 -
21,669 Parks, Davis Fowler - $8.00 -
29,851 Parks, Orrin Fowler dis. kidneys $18.00 -
42,239 Passage, Jacob Elsie wd. r. shldr. & hand $18.00 -
124,678 Payne, Thos. R. Maple Rapids wd. l. side abdomen $6.00 -
31,191 Pearson, Alfred Ovid wd. both legs $12.00 -
131,513 Pearson, Rhoda Ovid mother $8.00 July 1869
170,166 Perkins, Herman W. Ovid dis. of abdominal viscera $8.00 June 1880
156,004 Peterson, Jane M. Ovid mother $8.00 Dec. 1874
190,481 Pierce, Wm. Bath chr. diarr. $6.00 June 1881
34,520 Place, Olive Geary widow $8.00 -
167,235 Poland, Patrick Saint John's wd. l. hip $8.00 Apr. 1880
1,186 Portre, Benoni Saint John's - $8.00 July 1871
71,788 Potter, Olive M. Bath widow $8.00 -
114,163 Price, Wm. Ovid chr. rheumatism $18.00 -
156,652 Randolph, James F. Eureka chr. diarr. $4.00 Nov. 1878
29,374 Reed, Elizabeth Maple Rapids widow 1812 $8.00 May 1880
137,602 Reed, Jas. F. Ovid varicose ulcers both legs $14.00 Jan. 1876
88,619 Reed, John, jr. Maple Rapids w. side head $4.00 -
67,727 Renwick, James Ovid - $2.00 July 1866
117,044 Reynolds, Martha A. Maple Rapids widow $8.00 -
90,306 Richards, Michael Maple Rapids wd. l. hand $8.00 -
178,712 Richmond, Geo. A. Maple Rapids child $12.00 Sept. 1877
222,367 Richmond, Orlin D. Eureka chr. diarr. $4.00 Dec. 1882
22,182 Robbin, Relief Du Plain widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 1879
151,817 Roberts, Thos. DeWitt father $8.00 July 1871
48,328 Robinson, Deborah Saint John's mother $8.00 June 1865
57,164 Roth, Eliza Shepardsville widow $8.00 -
84,862 Rowley, George W. Maple Rapids wd. l. hip - -
109,689 Sage, Hiram A. Saint John's heart disease   $8.00 Apr.1871
172,339 Sanborn, Andrew J. Wacousta injury to abdomen $8.00 Aug. 1880
96,453 Sargent, Lydia Saint John's mother $8.00 June 1867
27,202 Sargent, Susan Fowler widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 1879
68,925 Schoineach, Nicholas Westphalla wd. l. leg $4.00 -
81,055 Schwartz, Fred'k. Fowler wd. l. hand $6.00 -
30,559 Sheldon, Rufus Elsie dropsy & dis. liver $18.00 -
61,409 Silvers, Harriet Saint John's widow $8.00 -
108,445 Sink, Sidney A. Ovid dep. mother $8.00 Feb. 1868
217,097 Skinner, Lathrop R. Maple Rapids chr. diarr. $4.00 Aug. 1882
39,871 Smith, Adaline Shepardsville mother $8.00 Jan. 1865
169,541 Smith, Alfred R. Bath wd. l. side $2.00 June 1880
143,456 Smith, Mary A. DeWitt widow $8.00 -
140,769 Smith, Wm. H. Union Home inj. back & loss fingers $6.00 Aug. 1876
99,591 Snider, Edwin R. Saint John's disl'n. l. hip $4.00 Sept. 1869
58,780 Snow, Rich'd E. Saint John's loss l. arm $18.00 -
67,216 Soule, Horace A. Maple Rapids loss l. leg $24.00 -
39,803 Southworth, Silas B. Ovid wd. r. thigh & partial paralysis r. arm & leg $18.00 -
198,136 Stafford, Electa H. Saint John's mother $8.00 Aug. 1881
18,997 Stanton, John Ovid wd. r. thigh $24.00 -
81,885 Stedman, Geo. L. Maple Rapids w. l. leg $8.00 -
126,377 Steel, Jacob M. Maple Rapids sabre wd. head $10.00 -
122,708 Steinhardt, Theodore DeWitt wd. l. arm $6.00 Apr. 1873
185,104 Steves, Margaret Saint John's widow $8.00 Aug. 1879
38,341 Stiles, Geo. W. Saint John's dis. of l. arm $18.00 -
174,468 Stone, Jesse E. Du Plain lumbago $4.00 Oct. 1880
211,336 Stroyer, Rory Union Home diarr., &c. $6.00 June 1882
28,600 Suffin, Maria Shepardsville widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 1880
112,568 Sweeney, James Bath wd. r. leg $6.00 Aug. 1871
39,978 Tabor, Joseph Elsie wd. r. hand, l. thigh $12.00 -
88,152 Taylor, Sam'l. C. Shepardsville inj to ab. & dis. of abd. vis. $8.00 -
188,528 Teets, Mary A. Elsie widow $8.00 June 1880
178,026 Terry, Edwin R. Maple Rapids dis. spine $8.00 Oct. 1880
116,671 Terwiller, Homer Maple Rapids shell wd. r. shlder $8.00 Apr. 1872
118,410 Theill, John Saint John's wd. l. thigh $4.00 Aug. 1872
206,804 Thomas, Geo. Saint John's dis. of stomach $2.00 Apr. 1882
154,560 Thomas, Philip Eureka dis. of nose & head $6.00 Aug. 1878
195,373 Towers, Mary A. Saint John's widow $16.00 Apr. 1882
93,129 Townsend, Lyman DeWitt - $11.33 1/2 -
204,855 Tripp, Erasmus D. Saint John's dis. of lungs $8.00 Mar. 1882
53,751 Tromp, Wm. F. Saint John's wd. r. shldr. $24.00 -
105,135 Tucker, Joseph S. Saint John's inj. r. leg & bronchitis $12.00 Aug. 1870
110,566 Turner, Silas Eureka wd. l. side & lung $24.00 -
137,608 Twinning, Sally Ovid mother $8.00 Dec. 1869
177,319 Upton, Hart L. Victor dis. heart $18.00 -
220,222 Valentine, Chas. Ovid dis. throat & lungs $4.00 Nov. 1882
149,142 Van Amburg, Chas. H. Fowler varicose veins legs $8.00 Nov. 1877
69,802 Van Auken, Mortimer Wacousta wd. r. shr. $6.00 Nov. 1866
71,051 Van Douser, John Ovid wd. r. leg $4.00 Sept. 1866
96,046 Van Dyke, Wm. T. Saint John's inj. l. knee $18.00 Aug. 1871
27,918 Van Ostram, Louisa Bath mother $8.00 Aug. 1864
53,855 Van Ransler, Lemm DeWitt g.s.w. l. elbow $10.00 -
103,935 Van Sice, John H. Ovid inj. r. leg $18.00 -
58,585 Van Sickle, Martha Maple Rapids widow $8.00 -
129,737 Vanburger, Josiah D. Geary wd. r. hand $18.00 Sept. 1874
65,042 Vorhies, Margaret S. Ovid widow $8.00 -
205,994 Vredenburg, Chas. C. Saint John's chr. rheum. & chr. diarr. $4.00 Apr. 1882
208,241 Vreeland, Orin L. Saint John's dis. of spine & kidneys $6.00 May 1882
42,947 Wager, Andrew H. Saint John's wd. r. thigh $8.00 -
30,115 Watkins, Sarah R. Du Plain widow $8.00 -
96,331 Weatherby, Amos Eureka loss l. thumb, wd. l. thigh $8.00 -
191,919 Weaver, Martin Maple Rapids inj. to breast, back & l. side $6.00 Jan. 1881
196,208 Webster, Chancy D. South Riley w. face & l. shr. $6.00 -
112,414 Webster, Miles D. Maple Rapids - $3.00 July 1871
1,511 Webster, Nancy A. DeWitt widow $8.00 -
47,793 Whitaker, Oramel Saint John's wd. of buttock $8.00 -
157,971 White, Lysander M. Maple Rapids wd. index finger r. hand $1.00 Mar. 1879
196,238 Willington, Dan'l T. DeWitt malarial poisoning & resulting nerv. pros., wd. eyes $15.00 Oct. 1881
33,096 Wilson, Mary A. Bath widow $8.00 -
216,393 Wilson, Orin Saint John's dis. of kidneys $8.00 Aug. 1882
62,506 Wilson, Warren Bath wd. r. hip $10.00 Apr. 1866
112,643 Woodby, Geo. Elsie - $4.00 Aug. 1871
44,634 Woodruff, James H. Maple Rapids w. l. hand, loss thumb, forefinger, paral. remaining fingers $18.00 -
22,408 Wright, William Maple Rapids wd. l. ilium $6.00 Jan. 1864
39,648 Young, Robt. Saint John's loss l. arm above elbow $24.00 -
41,343 Zqick, Diency M. Ovid widow $8.00 -

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