New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Berrien County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Berrien County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
13, 100Alleger, JohnBuchananloss of right eye$4.00 June, 1863
48, 209Allen, ElectraGalienwidow$8.00 Mar., 1865
188, 107Allen, JohnGalieninjury to abdomen$8.00 -
55, 526Allen, JohnGalienloss of r eye affecting left$18.00 -
194, 136Allison, Justice MNew Troych diarr  $6.00 Aug., 1881
195, 800Anderson, MarySaint Josephmother$8.00 May, 1882
187, 651Armstrong, Elijah FNilesheart disease$10.00 Apr., 1881
82, 635Austin, SmithBenton Harborg.s.w thigh, pelvis & r but$4.00 -
187, 408Avery, WmNew Buffaloloss of thumb from g.s.w$4.00 Apr., 1881
133, 846Bacon, Arabella KNiles-$20.00 -
38, 520Bacon, DavidNileswound of shoulder$15.00 Feb., 1865
129, 976Banyon, John TBenton Harborwound right thigh$2.00 Sept., 1874
5, 671Barker, JaneSodusdep mother$8.00 Sept., 1862
22, 124Barleon, GeorgeBerrien Centreloss l leg$24.00 -
150, 253Barmore, John FBuchanang.s.w left foot$4.00 Dec., 1877
129, 949Barnes, Nathan MStevensvilleloss r gt toe$8.00 Sept., 1874
88, 941Bartholomew, L ABerrien Springswidow$8.00 -
111, 975Barton, HiramThree Oaksinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
44, 263Beall, Eleanor ABerrien Springswidow$8.00 -
143, 527Becker, Saml WBerrien Centrewd l shr$4.00 Jan., 1877
56, 150Beemon, Henry LSawyersg.s.w face, mouth & neck$18.00 -
89, 553Berhard, EdwardNileswound right forearm$16.00 Mar., 1868
62, 552Beswick, Henry CNileswound left forearm$6.00 Apr., 1867
161, 204Blakeman, JoelBridgmaninj r sh'r and side$8.00 June, 1879
147, 525Boers, Andrew JSaint Josephchr diar  $8.50 -
7, 410Bonnell, Elizabeth DSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
188, 272Bothom, Thos HSaint Josephvaricose veins & rheum$20.00 May, 1881
174, 456Bourdon, JamesNilesheart disease$8.00 Oct., 1880
201, 033Bowen, Chas BNew Buffalolung disease$6.00 Jan., 1882
82, 248Bradley, Thos CThree Oaksg.s.w face $12.75 -
7, 408Branch, Mary ABridgmanwidow$8.00 Oct., 1863
32, 249Breithaupt, Jno MStevensvilleg.s.w l lung$8.00 Aug., 1864
143, 694Bromhall, JosephThree Oakschronic diarrhea$4.00 Feb., 1877
115, 998Bronson, Marenus ABenton Harborinj r knee$4.00 -
184, 933Brown, DariusBerrien Springsinjury to abdomen$20.00 Mar., 1881
84, 437Brown, Geo ACalomawd left arm & shoulder$6.00 -
115, 916Caroni, David SLakesideg.s.w r breast$8.00 -
218, 118Cathcart, MarvinBuchananchr diarrhea$4.00 Sept., 1882
37, 716Chamberlain, Eliza APipestonewidow$8.00 -
17, 210Chase, Geo WGalienwd left hand  $2.66 2/3-
90, 733Chipman, Cassius HBuchanantotal blindness$72.00 -
41, 792Clanser, Sam'lWatervlietdisabil$18.00 Nov., 1866
205, 284Clark, JohnPipestoneg.s.w right thigh$4.00 Mar., 1882
62, 544Clark, Mary MNileswidow$8.00 -
133, 143Clenendenen, Van Br'nBuchananchronic diarrhea$6.00 May, 1878
100, 495Conroy, FrancisBridgmaninj back & inj to abd$18.00 -
177, 083Cook, Edwin DBenton Harborgen debility from prison life$8.00 Oct., 1880
218, 814Copeland, Sylvester MThree Oakschr diarr & nervous debil$4.00 Oct., 1882
76, 243Corkrite, MargaretBenton Harborwidow$8.00 -
140, 556Covell, Robt CBuchananinjury to spine$8.00 Aug., 1876
182, 492Crocker, WelfordHagerHeart & lung dis & diarr$12.00 Feb., 1881
20, 556Cromer, EdwardSaint Josephdisabil$4.00 -
164, 949Cross, Charles LNileschr rheumatism$4.00 Feb., 1880
109, 861Crum, Elizabeth LBerrien Springsmother$8.00 Nov., 1868
188, 913Cummings, Martha CNew Buffalowidow$8.00 June, 1880
75, 122Cunningham, Elanor ENileswidow$17.00 -
76, 308Cutshon, FranklinGalienwd left arm  $12.00 -
85, 636Dakin, William HThree Oakswd right hand$2.66 2/3-
188, 794Davis, Andrew JBerrien Springsch diarr and indig$8.50 May, 1881
142, 863Davis, WilliamNilesloss of index finger & inj to 2d finger from g.s.w$4.00 Dec., 1876
28, 275Davis, William HNileswound right thigh$2.00 -
11, 987Day, CharlesBertrandSurv 1812$8.00 Feb., 1872
203, 499Denell, ChasNew Buffaloheart disease$4.00 Feb., 1882
166, 298Denison, Stephen AGalieninj to back$8.50 -
87, 956Diamond, LauraBenton Harborwidow-
41, 969Dix, Roscoe DBerrien Springsg.s.w both hips$4.00 -
22, 904Donahoe, SusanCalomawidow$8.00 -
61, 467Douglas, Wm IGalienwd l hand and arm$12.00 -
159, 172Drake, LorenzoBuchanandis of eyes $8.00 Apr., 1879
6, 289Durham, Marjan SNileswidow$8.00 -
111, 343Eastman, AlfredBuchananinsanity$50.00 -
-Eastman, Harry EBenton Harborinj l arm and leg$12.50 -
192, 675Eberling, CarlNew Buffalochr diarrhea$6.00 -
55, 041Edson, RachelRoyalstondep mother$8.00 -
216, 160Edwards, RockBenton Harborlumbago$2.00 Aug., 1882
215, 600Elliott, Thos TBerrien Springsscurvy and ch diar$12.00 July, 1882
74, 925Ensley, Wm JSaint Josephloss l thumb$2.66 2/3-
151, 594Enson, Titus ABerrien Springslung disease$4.00 -
163, 941Eralt, Elvira ABerrien Springswidow$22.00 -
127, 760Farling, AmosBuchananepilepsy$24.00 -
214, 084Farnum, Charles HHagerrheum $6.00 June, 1882
51, 562Fay, Julia AWatervlietwidow$8.00 -
55, 939Fenton, Geo WRiversideinj spine$12.00 -
37, 594Fernhorn, AugBenton Harborwd right ankle$12.00 -
27, 955Ferry, EmeryGalien-$31.25 -
89, 355Fikes, JacobSaint Josephpart'l loss 2d finger & rheum$8.00 -
77, 976Finch, SarahCalomamother$8.00 July, 1866
31, 146Fisher, DeliveranceBerrien SpringsWidow 1812$8.00 Jan., 1881
162, 791Fisher, Wm HBuchanang.s.w right thigh$4.00 -
14, 920Fitzgerald, LucyNilesWidow 1812$8.00 Jan., 1879
2, 946Fonger, MariaBenton Harborwidow$8.00 -
134, 103Foster, Jacob BThree Oaksch diarr  $4.00 June, 1875
136, 590Freed, SarahBerrien Springsmother$8.00 Nov., 1869
-Garland, Martha FUnion Pierwidow$8.00 -
175, 188Garland, PeterUnion Pierg.s.w lower jaw$1.00 Oct., 1880
151, 854Gates, John CBenton Harborinj to r hand & arm, erysipelas$6.00 Dec., 1880
32, 178Gerrish, AnnaSaint JosephWidow 1812$8.00 Apr., 1879
86, 946Gilbert, AnnaBuchananwidow$8.00 Dec., 1879
184, 185Gilson, Alonzo DCalomag.s.w right thigh$4.00 Mar., 1881
19, 526Gilson, Jeremiah CPipestonelumbago$8.00 -
16, 890Gilson, Warren DCalomabronch and diarrhea$8.00 -
142, 430Godfrey, JaphetStevensvilledis r lung$2.00 Nov., 1876
153, 935Gonder, James SNew Troyrheum, diarr & lung$24.00 June, 1878
197, 117Goodenough, AlonzoThree Oaksg.s.w r shoulder$6.00 Oct., 1881
55, 937Goodenough, Francis HThree Oaksg.s.w thro l hip$10.00 -
14, 595Gould, DeborahBenton HarborWidow 1812$8.00 Jan., 1879
214, 649Grabfelter, LouisSaint Josephch diarr  $4.00 Mar., 1882
108, 698Gray, Amy EBenton Harbormother$8.00 Feb., 1869
61, 374Green, BenjSaint Josephwd l leg$6.00 -
23, 197Green, Hannah LMillburghWidow 1812$8.00 Apr., 1879
22, 901Green, Helen P SBuchananwidow$8.00 -
116, 545Gregg, Russell BCalomainj left shoulder$10.00 -
6, 563Grey, William BNilesulceration right leg$10.00 -
57, 215Griffin, Harriet MNileswidow$25.00 -
212, 878Griffith, StephenGalieng.s.w left arm $2.00 June, 1882
186, 465Grover, Elizabeth JBuchananwidow$10.00 Dec., 1879
221, 258Haager, HenryUnion Pierg.s.w r thigh$4.00 Nov., 1882
40, 244Hagener, TheodoreSawyerswd l leg$5.33 ½Mar., 1865
170, 547Hahn, LewisNilesright axillary tumor$8.00 June, 1880
128, 001Haimon, LouisaNew Buffalowidow$8.00 -
53, 037Haller, Frederick JBridgmanpart paral neck$18.00 Nov., 1865
152, 067Hanover, FrancisGalieng.s.w right hand$4.00 -
45, 388Hanover, JohnBuchanan-$18.00 -
35, 836Harris, LydiaGalienwidow$8.00 -
20, 335Hart, ChasStevensvilleloss r leg$18.00 Sept., 1866
320, 770Haskins, Chas WPipestoneg.s.w left thigh$4.00 Nov., 1882
24, 118Heath, ChristianaSaint JosephWidow 1812$8.00 May, 1879
111, 820Henchman, BurwellSawyersinj l hand and diarr$6.00 -
123, 767Henderson, Joseph RGalieng.s.w l hand & heart dis$10.00 -
158, 057Hermon, ChristopherNilesg.s.w left forearm$2.00 Mar., 1879
169, 859Hiller, Geo B, jrNew Troyinj back  $18.00 June, 1880
163, 437Hines, Walter IBerrien Springslung dis  $6.00 Nov., 1879
21, 464Hobart, Henry RBuchananwd right leg$6.00 Apr., 1878
84, 021Hodges, Cyrus CNew Buffalofracture left leg$4.00 -
10, 348Holbrook, Featus AThree OaksSurv 1812$8.00 Dec., 1871
78, 478Hollis, ChasStevensvilleg.s.w r wrist$10.00 -
39, 642Hortman, JeremiahCaloma-$24.00 -
170, 721Howe, Chas EBuchanang.s.w left leg$3.75 June, 1880
174, 515Hubbard, Mary ABerrien Springswidow$8.00 Aug., 1876
222, 775Hummeston, Lewis JBerrien Springsdis of bowels & of abd vis$18.00 Dec., 1882
201, 300Hungerford, Calvin ABenton Harborinj to r thigh, g.s.w r leg$6.00 Jan., 1882
202, 736Hurlbutt, Wm FBuchananchr diar $2.00 Feb., 1882
80, 420Hyde, MiloSaint Joseph-$32.00 Apr., 1869
222, 589Irwin, Shollas CAveryinj back$4.00 Dec., 1882
196, 692Ives, Francis MNileschr diarrhea$4.00 Oct., 1881
95, 295Jacob, SteelSaint Josephg.s.w left hip$6.00 -
57, 908Jennings, Milo APipestonewd right thigh$4.00 -
222, 779Johnson, BasilNilesinj right hand, loss finger$6.00 Dec., 1882
82, 664Johnson, Sam'lBuchananshell wd l leg$2.00 June, 1867
76, 312Jones, ElizaNileswidow$8.00 -
92, 201Jones, Thos WEau Clairedisabil$6.00 -
223, 153Judoy, Harvey HBuchanandis of eyes, ears & r leg$6.00 Dec., 1882
176, 885Keeler, Charles ASaint Josephg.s.w both legs$4.00 Oct., 1880
43, 345Keller, AnnSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
208, 405Kennecott, ChasWatervlietch diarr  $4.00 May, 1882
65, 799Kentner, MichaelSaint Josephg.s.w right leg$6.00 -
55, 231Kibbler, Jos ENilesg.s.w left hand$18.00 -
27, 697Kidder, MargaretSaint JosephWidow 1812$8.00 Nov., 1879
29, 920Knight, AbigailBuchananWidow 1812$8.00 July, 1880
24, 651Kruger, ChasNew Buffalog.s.w r & l legs$4.00 -
149, 145Lane, JohnBenton Harborg.s.w right leg$6.00 -
72, 448Lawrence, ElizabethBenton Harborwidow$8.00 -
228, 251Letcher, TheronNilesg.s.w left leg$4.00 Dec., 1882
17, 725Lewis, AnsonPipestoneg.s.w left forearm$6.00 -
138, 933Lewis, FletcherBenton Harborlung disease$12.00 Apr., 1879
24, 031Lewis, JamesNilesSurv 1812$8.00 Sept., 1878
152, 713Lobb, LewisSaint Josephg.s.w r side$4.00 Apr., 1878
45, 662Lohmon, ChasNew Buffaloshell wd left ankle$4.00 -
132, 172Lookingbill, Sam'l ENew Buffalog.s.w r leg$6.00 -
65, 585Marston, Wm ABenton Harborg.s.w wrist & leg$18.00 Nov., 1867
10, 720Martin, Geo HBerrien Springswd right foot$4.00 Apr., 1863
33, 380Matchett, Martha ABuchananmother$8.00 Oct., 1864
19, 532McCleary, James K PNilesg.s.w l arm, hip, thigh, & r thigh, knee & leg$18.00 -
115, 810McClellan, Marg't ANileswidow$20.00 -
158, 629McDaniel, WmHill's Cornersdis eyes$6.00 May, 1879
21, 629McKean, Joshua LCalomaloss right arm$18.00 Aug., 1866
205, 689McKenny, Thos JNew Buffalog.s.w left leg$4.00 Mar., 1882
23, 280McMaster, WmGalienkidney disease$4.00 Jan., 1864
145, 934McWilliams, Wm GBuchananchr diarrhea$8.00 June, 1877
31, 594Merchant, Leonard JSaint Josephg.s.w r hand$8.00 -
219, 969Metzel, PeterThree Oakslung dis  $8.00 Oct., 1882
220, 874Meyers, FrancisStevensvillech diarr  $4.00 Nov., 1882
130, 441Misner, CharlesSawyersscurvy, diarr, and dis of abdominal viscera$8.00 -
30, 081Montague, Hannah WBuchananWidow 1812$8.00 July, 1880
170, 658Montey, LewisBenton Harbordis of back & kidneys$6.00 June, 1880
123, 544Montgomery, HarrietSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
181, 648Moore, LutherCalomadis of legs$4.00 Jan., 1881
128, 402Moore, Zara WPipestonechr diar & dis of abd vis$8.00 May, 1874
131, 439Moosebrugger, JosephNew Buffaloinjury to abdomen$4.00 Jan., 1875
223, 170Morley, Milton JHill's Cornersrheum $2.00 Dec., 1882
136, 925Moss, GilbertGalienresult of sunstroke$4.00 Nov., 1875
171, 516Murdock, Geo HBerrien Springsg.s.w righ side of heel$10.00 Aug., 1881
212, 726Murphy, Wm HBridgmaninjury to abdomen$2.00 June, 1883
113, 349Murphy, Wm  Nilesg.s.w left leg$4.00 Sept., 1871
189, 218Ness, HenryBerrien Centreg.s.w r lung$4.00 May, 1881
179, 969Nichols, John MBenton Harborlung dis & spinal irritation$12.00 Dec., 1880
214, 243Niles, ChesterNilesinjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1882
90, 858Northrop, RosetthraNileswidow$8.00 -
75, 844O'Brien, Patrick ENileswound left side$4.00 Dec., 1866
43, 053O'Brien, Sarah FNilesmother$8.00 May, 1864
211, 305O'Connor, HenryPipestoneg.s.w left hip$4.00 June, 1882
222, 968Odill, Greenleaf NBerrien Springsdis of eyes$12.00 Dec., 1882
182, 603Olds, William SBenton Harborinjury to abdomen$8.00 Apr., 1873
115, 365Padley, Rose MSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
194, 688Parkhurst, Stephen ONilesinjury to abdomen$4.00 Aug., 1881
84, 279Parshall, MyronBenton Harborwd left hand & wrist$6.00 Oct., 1867
45, 263Patton, Clarissa FSaint Josephdep mother$20.00 Apr., 1865
66, 636Peaslee, Charles LBenton Harborg.s.w left arm$4.00 -
25, 894Perkins, Sarah ABuchananWidow 1812$8.00 July, 1879
143, 931Perry, Theo NRiversidedis heart  $6.00 Mar., 1876
83, 371Peters, LauraBainbridgewidow$8.00 -
220, 430Pinnell, Franklin JNilesdis of throat$2.00 Nov., 1882
-Plumb, Wm FSaint Josephch diarr, scurvy, and frost bite l foot$8.00 Oct., 1882
107, 135Potter, Fanny MNew Troywidow$8.00 -
5, 251Potter, SarahNileswidow$8.00 -
169, 029Powers, WilliamNilesg.s.w left thigh$4.00 June, 1880
100, 097Poynes, EdwinSaint Josephg.s.w left hand$10.00 Sept., 1869
195, 697Pratt, NathanHill's Cornerspart deafness$6.00 Sept., 1881
177, 079Price, ChristopherNew Troylung dis  $6.00 Oct., 1880
160, 373Price, Geo WEau Claireg.s.w l thigh$8.00 June, 1879
30, 764Rainyer, AnnaGalienWidow 1812$8.00 Apr., 1881
107, 625Randall, LucretiaMillburghdep mother$8.00 Feb., 1868
203, 805Rapp, Jonathan JBerrien Centrewd head and l thigh$10.50 Mar., 1882
203, 043Redmond, WmSaint Josephpart'l paralysis r side$18.00 Feb., 1882
24, 119Rees, Angeline MNilesWidow 1812$8.00 May, 1879
113, 560Richards, LauraStevensvillewidow$8.00 -
22, 632Richardson, LucyBuchananwidow$8.00 -
49, 581Roberts, LewisGalieng.s.w head, loss r eye & deafness r ear, g.s.w hip$18.00 -
106, 447Rogers, AmosThree Oaksloss sight r eye & pt loss l$12.00 -
31, 626Rogers, FannyCalomaWidow 1812$8.00 May, 1881
155, 623Rogers, JamesSodusg.s.w l thigh$4.00 Sept., 1878
22, 810Rogers, SarahNileswidow$8.00 -
204, 794Room, Charles DRiversidedis heart & l eye$6.00 Mar., 1872
23, 972Rounds, HenryNilesSurv 1812$8.00 Aug., 1878
111, 265Rowe, Ambros HBenton Harborg.s.w right arm$2.00 -
162, 088Rozell, HenryDaytong.s.w r leg$4.00 Aug., 1879
164, 309Russell, Alex C MSaint Josephchr diar & rheum$12.00 Jan., 1880
42, 909Ryneorson, IsaiahThree Oaksloss of leg$18.00 Nov., 1866
15, 044Sarles, StephenSaint Joseph-$8.00 -
180, 309Schmille, GodfreyThree Oaksdeafness of both ears$13.00 Dec., 1880
132, 566Schriner, Jno ACalomahyp of heart$4.00 Apr., 1875
106, 485Scofield, EgbertBenton Harborg.s.w left arm, r hip &Â lumbar region$8.00 Nov., 1870
26, 722Sebring, CharlesGalienloss left arm abv elbow$24.00 -
223, 707Shaffer, ZephonaBerrien Centreg.s.w r chest$4.00 Dec., 1882
104, 468Sharples, HannahNilesmother$8.00 Apr., 1874
216, 573Sheldon, John ADaytonch diarr  $4.00 Aug., 1882
116, 835Sherman, Franklin BBenton Harborg.s.w l hand & r shoulder$12.00 Feb., 1875
146, 598Shonback, MinnieSaint Josephmother$8.00 Dec., 1870
193, 491Shook, SusannaHill's Cornersdep mother$8.00 Oct., 1881
118, 777Shultz, HenryNew Buffalog.s.w left side$6.00 Sept., 1872
78, 662Simmons, LeonardNilesg.s.w left leg$2.00 -
212, 365Smith, ElijahBenton Harborvaricose veins left leg$6.00 June, 1882
65, 838Smith, ElizabethPipestonewidow$8.00 -
9, 281Smith, GeoWatervlietSurv 1812$8.00 Dec., 1871
208, 446Smith, HenryGalienvaricose veins l arm$4.00 May, 1882
71, 577Smith, Margarett ABuchananwidow$8.00 -
100, 978Smith, SophoniaBenton Harbormother$8.00 Oct., 1867
-Soper, Eliza FSaint JosephWidow 1812$8.00 Aug., 1878
3, 613Span, Sarah EBuchananwidow$8.00 -
5, 923St. John, JohnsonBenton HarborSurv 1812$8.00 Oct., 1871
184, 073Stainbrook, Sam'l FCalomainjury to abdomen$8.00 Mar., 1881
223, 215Stanoge, BentonSaint Josephdis of eyes $6.00 Dec., 1882
144, 875Stearns, George NBuchanang.s.w mouth$5.00 Apr., 1877
78, 329Sterling, Collins MNilesg.s.w chest$10.00 -
61, 190Stinebeck, BermodotteBerrien Springswd right leg$8.00 -
178, 045Stone, John WNilesinj to left leg & chr diarr$8.00 Oct., 1880
1, 734Strackley, Nancy JNileswidow$8.00 -
179, 220Stranahan, PeterNilesfather$8.00 Nov., 1877
156, 271Strong, Chas WStevensvilledropsy, affec heart$6.00 Nov., 1878
164, 536Summers, Saml FBerrien Springsvaricose veins & ulcer r leg$6.25 Feb., 1880
222, 371Sworn, Theo DBertrandheart disease$2.00 Dec., 1882
28, 635Sylvester, ElizabethBerrien SpringsWidow 1812$8.00 Feb., 1880
80, 152Taffehmire, ElizaUnion Pierwidow$8.00 -
100, 950Taylor, Francis HSaint Josephfrac's of tibia & fibula$4.00 Nov., 1869
127, 431Tennont, Catherine MBerrien Springswidow$20.00 -
9, 177Tewksbury, ElizabethNileswidow$8.00 -
39, 596Thaldey, Fred'k LThree Oakswound left arm$18.00 -
85, 019Tibbs, Andrew JPipestoneloss sight left eye & partial loss r eye$10.00 Nov., 1868
179, 423Unruh, JnoGalieng.s.w right great toe$2.00 Dec., 1880
37, 037Van Camp, SandersBenton Harborwd left leg$8.00 -
92, 035Van Nordstrond, DavidThree Oaksamp left leg abv knee$24.00 Aug., 1874
13, 381Van Tassel, Rob't WNew Buffalochr diarrhea$6.00 -
196, 185Venson, DanielBenton Harborchild$10.00 June, 1882
177, 077Walker, Faber MBenton Harbordis of lungs and heart$6.00 Oct., 1880
7, 928Warner, MargarettThree Oakswidow$8.00 -
167, 033Warren, DwightThree Oaksdis of heart & chr diar$4.00 Apr., 1880
114, 322Weigle, GeorgeNew Buffalo-$4.00 Mar., 1871
177, 320Welcher, FannyBenton Harbormother$8.00 May, 1877
114, 712Wenborn, AlexanderNiles-$4.00 Dec., 1871
209, 719Whipple, Abner SBridgmandis heart and lungs$4.00 May, 1882
91, 172White, PeterNiles-$8.00 May, 1870
164, 569White, Susan BWatervlietwidow$17.00 -
91, 789White, Wm LCalomawd r leg$4.00 -
177, 321Williams, JohnSaint Josephdisease of eyes & deafness$6.00 Oct., 1880
142, 904Wilson, ThomasNilessunstroke$4.00 Dec., 1876
148, 945Winmon, JohnPipestoneg.s.w l hand, loss mid fing-Oct., 1877
160, 621Wirick, SolomonBuchananinj of left ankle$8.00 June, 1879
65, 999Witherall, William SSaint Josepheffects of typhoid fever$12.00 -
204, 805Withey, Wm TBenton Harborlung disease$4.00 Mar., 1882
183, 781Wondlin, SamuelBridgmaninjury to abdomen$3.00 May, 1881
156, 003Woods, JaskBuchanan-$4.00 -
141, 121Woodworth, Oscar ABuchananrheumatism$6.00 Sept., 1877
218, 136Word, LafayetteSaint Josephlung dis  $4.00 Sept., 1882
44, 643Wright, Orlando HCalomag.s.w r thigh$18.00 -
216, 420Yaw, Ephriam MGalienchr diarrhea$4.00 Aug., 1882
113, 561Young, Cornelius HNilesvaricose veins & diarr$10.00 -

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