New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Benzie County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Benzie County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
148, 874 Anness, George W Inland wd r shr $4.00 -
223, 507 Barker, Geo F Benzonia g.s.w l thigh $4.00 Dec., 1882
115, 425 Bush, Zunriah S Homestead chr diar & dis of abd vis $8.00 Jan., 1872
44, 308 Carrier, Sarah A B Benzonia widow $8.00 -
232, 546 Dart, Byrom H Platte part deaf l ear, total deaf r ear $4.00 Dec., 1882
87, 987 Derry, Wm P Frankfort - $4.00 -
82, 217 Forney, Christian C Frankfort ch diarr $4.00 -
72, 397 Francis, Wm H Frankfort dis of eyes $14.00 -
206, 749 Fuller, Marcellus Joyfield chr diarrhea $6.00 Apr., 1882
26, 809 Hinkson, Sarah Frankfort Widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1879
156, 570 Johnson, Gordon T Joyfield chr diarrhea $8.00 Nov., 1878
162, 891 Joy, William Joyfield chr diarrhea $2.00 Aug., 1879
26, 058 Judson, Lyman P Benzonia inj spine $6.00 -
19, 019 Jure, Harriet L Benzonia widow $8.00 Apr., 1864
127, 828 Lake, Edwin C Almira g.s.w r hand & leg $8.00 May, 1881
37, 318 Lenkletter, Elihu Almira loss l arm $18.00 -
32, 691 Lewis, Sarah Inland Widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1882
120, 408 Link, John Benzonia ch diarr $14.00 -
115, 855 Mead, Isaac Homestead lung disease $10.00 -
2, 110 Melton, Lucinda J Inland widow $8.00 -
31, 780 Miller, Christian Frankfort g.s.w abdomen $4.00 -
139, 741 Morris, David G B Frankfort g.s.w left shoulder $2.00 Nov., 1874
40, 460 Morrow, John A Benzonia disabil $6.00 -
69, 279 Northrop, Clarence L Benzonia g.s.w l leg $6.00 Mar., 1866
47, 399 Parker, N Augustus Frankfort shell wd right arm $7.00 -
29, 321 Pratt, Mary B Inland Widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1880
131, 745 Ricket, Don A Print g.s.w shoulder & thigh $5.00 Jan., 1875
153, 008 Smith, John Frankfort inj to foot & toe, loss finger $6.00 May, 1878
144, 191 Stephens, Nathan W Almira injury to abdomen $4.00 Mar., 1877
55, 373 Taylor, James Frankfort wd l ft $4.00 -
101, 953 Vaughn, Joshua B Benzonia wd r thigh $2.00 -
30, 558 Vourheis, Chas A Frankfort g.s.w right leg $6.00 -
112, 918 Wedge, Harriet Print widow $8.00 -
121, 095 West, Asa Platte dis heart, impair hear & sight l eye & part paral l arm $8.00 -
165, 351 Wilson, William Benzonia inj r leg $2.00 Mar., 1880

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