New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Barry County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Barry County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
133, 220 Abbott, Lorenzo D Hickory Corner chr diarr & res dizziness $10.00 Apr., 1875
19, 298 Abbott, Perry Hastings w r leg $8.00 -
160, 759 Alexander, Fred'rk Parmalee inj of r ankle $2.00 June, 1879
150, 676 Angel, Mylon Nashville Aphonia & inj to abdomen $14.00 Jan., 1878
50, 598 Armstrong, Chas W Bowen's Mills w r thigh $4.00 Oct., 1865
87, 102 Ashby, Jno Prairieville w l shlr $10.00 -
59, 915 Babcock, Orson Hastings w l arm and back $8.00 Mar., 1866
9, 137 Baker, Catherine Dowling widow $8.00 -
70, 702 Baldwin, Agnes Irving widow $8.00 -
12, 232 Ball, Wm Z Hastings w r shl $4.00 -
189, 454 Bassett, Geo Middleville chr diarr $6.00 June, 1881
126, 143 Beck, Israel Middleville g.s.w l foot $2.00 -
78, 658 Benjamin, Jesse C Hastings w l arm $4.00 Mar., 1867
173, 027 Bennett, Anderson D Middleville w of l chest $4.00 Sept., 1880
72, 071 Bergman, Fredr'k Hastings w l leg $6.00 Oct., 1866
38, 403 Bessmer, Jno M Hastings w of breast $8.00 Feb., 1865
9, 596 Betts, Thos S Irving - $4.00 -
37, 509 Birdenstine, Wm N Woodland w r hand $8.00 -
40, 975 Birdsall, Daniel E Hastings w r forearm $15.00 Apr., 1865
65, 312 Blake, Lydia Prairieville widow $8.00 -
124, 304 Blinton, Thos M Carlton Centre loss 1st fingr l hand $3.00 July, 1873
187, 518 Boastwick, Freeman H Orangeville Mills wd l leg $4.00 Apr., 1881
116, 288 Bolton, Alfred Coat's Grove chr diarr $4.00 Apr., 1872
190, 894 Bolton, Jno Woodland chr diarr & dis of abd vis & of eyes $8.00 June, 1881
77, 543 Bosserman, Luther L Orangeville Mills injury to abdomen $4.00 -
208, 882 Bronson, Henry C Hastings - $4.00 -
61, 829 Bronson, Jno W Hastings w r leg $6.00 Apr., 1866
174, 251 Brown, Rosamond Morgan mother $8.00 -
212, 632 Brown, Royal H Hastings chr diarr $4.00 June, 1882
159, 598 Brown, Wm H Hastings w l shl $6.00 May, 1879
18, 500 Buck, Lavina Nashville Widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
90, 456 Bullings, Jno Woodland w of pelvis $6.00 Feb., 1869
105, 183 Burke, Thos Hastings dis of lungs $8.00 -
120, 035 Burkhart, Eli Hickory Corner w l leg $4.00 Nov., 1872
16, 324 Burkhart, Jacob Prairieville w l shlr $24.00 -
73, 873 Calkins, Warren Hastings w of head $8.00 -
99, 258 Care, Jas L Nashville w r side of face $5.00 -
32, 675 Carlisle, Sam'l Orangeville Mills - $10.00 -
64, 152 Carmer, Peleg O Middleville w of head $6.00 -
153, 890 Carpenter, Calvin L Prairieville w l shl'r $2.00 Oct., 1878
94, 504 Chase, Elnathan H Prairieville - $14.00 -
107, 580 Clark, Norman E Lacey varicose veins l leg $2.00 Jan., 1871
12, 077 Clemence, Nathaniel F Dowling - $4.00 Dec., 1866
124, 541 Clever, Conrad Hastings - $4.00 -
123, 731 Cock, Chas F Hastings - $4.00 -
90, 962 Collester, Jas U Hastings chr diarrh $4.00 -
12, 577 Collins, Elbert S Hastings injury to abdomen $6.00 June, 1863
194, 630 Cook, Jno Prairieville inj of l foot $8.00 Aug., 1881
29, 631 Coon, Geo P Orangeville Mills w of neck $6.00 -
130, 152 Cooper, Rachel A Prairieville mother $8.00 June, 1869
178, 390 Corwin, Chas W Morgan w l arm $2.00 Nov., 1880
193, 011 Cotton, Lydia E Hastings widow $8.00 July, 1881
38, 138 Count, Rob't Ynakee Spring - $18.00 -
85, 772 Count, Wm Ynakee Spring w of chest $8.00 -
196, 083 Crane, Jannett Nashville mother $8.00 June, 1882
83, 064 Crane, Jannett A Hastings widow $8.00 -
77, 690 Crawford, Alexander Carlton Centre ch diarr, rheum, and var veins $14.00 Feb., 1867
74, 361 Crosby, Seth Prairieville w l elbow $10.00 -
216, 093 Crose, Russell W Nashville Rheum & chr diarr $6.00 July, 1882
6, 238 Cross, Lucy Orangeville Mills widow $8.00 -
140, 937 Crout, Susan Freeport mother $8.00 Mar., 1876
72, 985 Cummings, Elizabeth A Orangeville Mills widow $8.00 -
159, 568 Custer, Jno W Hastings injury to abdomen $6.00 May, 1879
149, 776 Cutler, Jas W Hastings inj r leg $2.00 -
96, 598 Dean, Robt Hastings catarrh of eyes, resul'g loss sight l eye & par of r $12.00 -
216, 150 Dickinson, Jas D Nashville chr diarr and rheumatism $6.00 -
207, 694 Dillenbeck, Albert W Woodland w l side of neck & chin $4.00 Apr., 1882
32, 815 Dillenbeck, Lucy A Woodland widow $8.00 -
192, 104 Doud, John G Hickory Corner w of head & sunstroke $4.00 June, 1881
195, 106 Downs, Charity N Nashville widow $14.00 Apr., 1882
146, 772 Durkee, Clarissa Hastings mother $8.00 -
137, 319 Easton, Albert Nashville chr diarr $6.00 Jan., 1876
86, 604 Ellis, Abraham H B Hastings par paralysis $24.00 -
176, 384 Elliston, Richard Nashville dis of eyes $6.00 Oct., 1880
139, 121 Evans, Eli P Nashville chr rheumatism $17.00 -
75, 475 Evans, Jos M Freeport w l hand $3.00 -
193, 441 Everett, Edward J Nashville ch diarr $6.00 June, 1881
200, 812 Forbes, Hiram Parmalee chr diarr & dis of abdominal viscera $8.00 Jan., 1882
70, 216 Forbes, Maria Parmalee mother $8.00 -
96, 107 Ford, Geo H Ynakee Spring w pelvis $6.00 -
158, 982 Ford, Thos J Lacey w of perineum $6.00 Apr., 1879
11, 087 Fox, Wm G Hickory Corner - $8.00 -
131, 348 Freeman, Jno H Prairieville chr diarr $5.00 -
203, 757 French, Wm H Middleville Rheum & dis of kidneys $6.00 Mar., 1882
105, 110 Frisby, Geo Hastings chr rheum & varicose veins $10.00 -
193, 590 Fuller, Josephus Hastings w of neck $2.00 July, 1881
55, 604 Fuller, Philo Hastings w r arm & wrist $14.00 -
30, 267 Funk, David R Nashville lung dis $4.00 -
65, 285 Gates, Edward Banfield w face $8.00 -
54, 995 Gerkey, Geo C Hastings w r shl $18.00 -
195, 600 Gibbs, Isaac Middleville dis of eyes $4.00 Sept., 1881
47, 171 Gibson, Jno Nashville - $18.00 -
46, 808 Gillaspie, Levi C Prairieville w l hand $6.00 -
76, 098 Goodspeed, Minervis Bowen's Mills widow $8.00 -
69, 173 Gordon, Wm Middleville chr diarr $10.00 -
21, 215 Gregory, De Witt Hastings - $6.00 -
80, 507 Gunnish, Ann Hastings widow $8.00 -
152, 105 Gunton, Wm L Bowen's Mills injury to abdomen $10.00 Mar., 1878
170, 424 Hall, Jno Hastings dis of l leg, from fever $4.00 June, 1880
95, 801 Hammond, Orasho Dowling - $3.00 Sept., 1869
13, 164 Hampton, Mahala Hastings Widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
177, 381 Hardenburgh, Jane Dowling mother $8.00 May, 1877
95, 691 Harmon, Erwin E Dowling - $8.00 -
38, 890 Harper, Sam'l Orangeville Mills - $24.00 -
215, 951 Hart, Lorenzo S Nashville gen'l debility from chr diarr $4.00 July, 1882
86, 121 Heath, Elizabeth Nashville mother $8.00 Nov., 1866
128, 816 Heath, Sarah Nashville mother $8.00 May, 1869
15, 761 Hendershall, Hannah Irving Widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
110, 568 Henry, Thos Hastings - $4.00 -
22, 212 Hess, Sally A Nashville widow $8.00 -
164, 752 Hildinger, Viet Woodland loss sight l eye & affecting sight r & w r hip $8.00 Feb., 1880
139, 320 Hill, Alson Hastings - $4.00 -
223, 318 Hinds, Jno Hastings chr rheum & chr diarr $4.00 Dec., 1882
166, 551 Hinkley, Jno Lacey dis of abdominal viscera $6.00 Apr., 1880
55, 095 Hodge, Marcus M Middleville w r arm $10.00 Nov., 1867
98, 069 Holman, Peninah Hickory Corner widow $8.00 -
104, 592 Hopkins, Julia A Hastings mother $8.00 -
181, 816 Howell, Dan'l C Morgan chr diarr $6.00 Jan., 1881
13, 450 Hubbard, Daniel Middleville Surv 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1873
80, 536 Hudson, Enos Hastings - $4.00 May, 1867
221, 135 Huling, Geo W Hastings ch diarr, resul'g dis abd vis $4.00 Nov., 1882
50, 812 Hyde, Emerson W Nashville - $24.00 -
199, 077 Jales, Alfred Middleville dis of lungs $4.00 Dec., 1881
125, 572 Jenner, Chas J Hastings w l side of head $12.00 -
174, 244 Johnson, Mary J Middleville widow $8.00 -
166, 174 Johnson, Wm Hastings scurvy $6.00 May, 1879
207, 482 Jones, Hiram Hastings inj of back & res lameness $4.00 Apr., 1882
37, 451 Jones, Wm Hastings chr diarr $6.00 -
71, 581 Joy, Maria Lacey widow $8.00 -
146, 356 Karns, Parmer R Hastings inj r hip $6.00 June, 1877
96, 682 Keelogg, Jno A Maple Grove w l arm $4.00 -
220, 784 Kelley, Albert Banfield w l leg $4.00 Nov., 1882
158, 884 Kelley, Jonathan Banfield w l thigh $4.00 Apr., 1879
109, 320 Kelley, Michael Hastings w r hand & loss forefinger $4.00 -
155, 305 Kelley, Thos J Cedar Creek w l side head $4.00 Sept., 1878
100, 880 Kennedy, Gideon Nashville g.s.w face $6.00 -
68, 775 Keys, Daniel E Assyria var veins both thighs $8.00 July, 1866
143, 254 Kidder, Alonzo Cedar Creek - $8.00 Jan., 1877
65, 421 King, Aaron, jr Prairieville - $24.00 -
30, 951 Knickerbocker, Tabitha Bowen's Mills Widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1880
219, 031 Kohler, Jacob Hastings dis of eyes & inj r side $4.00 Oct., 1882
160, 778 Lamorezux, Frank Orangeville Mills chr rheumatism $24.00 June, 1879
109, 872 Lancaster, Geo W Fillmore dis lungs $24.00 -
123, 069 Lathrop, Egbert H Hastings chr diarr $6.00 -
105, 027 Lathrop, Henry A Morgan - $6.00 -
165, 546 Lawton, Samuel Hastings inj r hand $12.00 Apr., 1880
162, 850 Leonard, Aaron Hastings injury to abdomen $4.00 Oct., 1879
78, 499 Leonard, Helen M Hastings widow $8.00 -
218, 124 Lewis, Chas R Hastings chr diarr $4.00 Sept., 1882
58, 173 Lewis, Wm J Assyria - $8.00 -
18, 678 Lischy, Lewis C Middleville w of l chest $4.00 -
- Lowell, Alfred B Nashville g.s.w r thigh $6.00 -
214, 829 Mallison, Wm F Carlton Centre chr diarr $4.00 June, 1882
55, 647 Marvin, Wm J Woodland dis heart $8.00 -
141, 856 McBain, Duncan Hickory Corner w head & r shl $4.00 Oct., 1876
99, 670 McCarthy, M A Nashville mother $8.00 -
116, 941 McCauley, Dorothy Carlton Centre mother $8.00 -
27, 444 McClintock, Nancy Irving Widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1879
17, 178 McDonald, Jas A Cedar Creek w l leg $4.00 -
147, 754 McIntosh, Alexander F Hastings dis l eye $8.00 Jan., 1878
54, 805 McMurray, Clarissa Hastings widow $8.00 -
141, 210 Mead, Marion Morgan dis of abdominal viscera $12.00 Sept., 1876
133, 811 Merlan, Geo Prairieville w r leg $8.00 -
82, 916 Merritt, Henry M Hastings chr diarr & rheum resul'g dis l hip $16.00 -
64, 099 Messenger, Joseph Hastings dis lungs and loss voice $8.00 May, 1866
218, 001 Miller, Henry Hastings chr diarr & resul'g debility $4.00 Oct., 1883
107, 021 Miller, Jas D Morgan chr rheumatism $8.00 -
115, 639 Mishler, Henry Freeport dis of abdominal viscera $31.25 -
159, 523 Mix, Jno D Nashville asthma $8.00 July, 1881
146, 453 Moore, Geo Hastings typ fever, resul'g dis stom $4.00 June, 1877
183, 332 Morgan, Cynthia A Hastings mother $8.00 Mar., 1879
102, 295 Moulton, Jas Freeport dis spine $18.00 -
196, 016 Munnion, Oscar F Hastings father $8.00 June, 1882
61, 592 Mussy, Wm H Hastings w l thigh $12.00 -
219, 805 Newton, Augustus J Hastings w l thigh $4.00 Oct., 1882
74, 120 Nichols, Squire M Orangeville Mills loss l arm above elbow $24.00 -
157, 906 Norris, Benj F Ynakee Spring w l leg $4.00 Mar., 1879
81, 717 Norton, Russell B Cedar Creek dis of abdominal viscera $8.00 Sept., 1868
174, 628 Oler, Asshel Woodland w r leg $4.00 Oct., 1880
174, 204 Orwin, Jas D Dowling injury to abdomen $4.00 Sept., 1880
133, 349 Owen, Sam'l A Cedar Creek chr diarr $6.00 Dec., 1876
8, 454 Paine, Dan M Hastings w r hip $6.00 -
21, 648 Palmer, Betsey Hastings Widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
208, 434 Palmer, Calvin H Hastings w r forefinger & dis of eyes $4.00 May, 1882
161, 930 Palmer, Close R Maple Grove dis of lungs $12.00 Aug., 1879
124, 503 Pangburn, Nathaniel Hastings dis of l leg $4.00 Aug., 1873
105, 883 Panstle, Wm Hastings inj to abd & w of r thumb $10.00 -
96, 166 Park, Alonzo Assyria w thro l hip & pelvis $4.00 Mar., 1869
72, 567 Pendill, Cortez P Hickory Corner w of chest $10.00 -
187, 741 Phillips, Spary Hastings chr diarr & dis of kidneys $6.00 Apr., 1881
50, 249 Phinisey, Wm Maple Grove w of r shl $8.00 -
97, 988 Pickle, Christopher Morgan inj to l eye $8.00 May, 1869
86, 489 Pierce, Ezekiel Hastings ulcer l leg $8.00 Feb., 1873
57, 994 Pierce, Franklin Hastings w r arm $4.00 -
92, 439 Pierce, Wm Jas Hastings inj l ankle $4.00 Apr., 1869
35, 901 Potter, Elbridge Nashville w r leg $12.00 -
91, 934 Potter, Jno J Nashville w r hand & wrist $5.00 -
100, 535 Potter, Lucius B Maple Grove w of r side $11.25 -
44, 748 Powers, Polly L Dowling widow $8.00 -
190, 130 Preston, Seymour B Morgan injury to abdomen $8.00 June, 1881
197, 636 Pryor, Louisa L Middleville mother $8.00 Nov., 1882
179, 416 Putnam, Amanda M Hastings widow $16.00 Dec., 1877
185, 791 Quackenbush, Hannah Hastings mother $8.00 Oct., 1879
172, 513 Quick, Jesse Hickory Corner inj r shl $6.00 Aug., 1880
116, 287 Ream, Wm Hastings - $2.00 Apr., 1872
176, 041 Reed, Merrick D Hastings par loss r index finger $2.00 Oct., 1880
164, 206 Rhinehart, Elizabeth Morgan mother $8.00 -
179, 595 Rich, Nelson Hastings chr diarr $4.00 Dec., 1880
53, 503 Roberts, Francis M Hastings total blindness $72.00 -
129, 691 Roberts, Jno L Nashville varicose veins l leg $8.00 -
130, 788 Rork, Ester Hastings - $2.00 Jan., 1873
216, 321 Rose, Benj R Hastings dis of lungs & abd viscera $4.00 Aug., 1882
141, 904 Roush, Michael Freeport inj to spine $8.00 Oct., 1876
66, 931 Ruggles, Norman Prairieville - $18.00 Feb., 1867
9, 623 Russell, Stephen P Banfield w chest $10.00 Aug., 1862
2, 768 Sackett, Alvira Woodland widow $8.00 -
203, 059 Saidmore, Jas H Hastings injury to abdomen $6.00 Feb., 1882
141, 507 Sandy, Wellington J Cedar Creek w l thigh $4.00 -
137, 778 Savacoal, Chester Hastings - $4.00 Feb., 1876
51, 313 Schobey, Wm Hastings w l foot $6.00 Oct., 1865
205, 714 Scudder, Wm M Hastings w r leg $4.00 Mar., 1882
190, 568 Searles, Fitch M Orangeville Mills dr diar & dis of abd vis $6.00 Dec., 1881
199, 835 Sebring, Sam'l C Middleville w r side of head $4.00 Dec., 1881
217, 350 Sellick, Albert A Nashville malarial pois & chr diarr $4.00 Aug., 1882
107, 435 Senter, Cornelius Hastings - $6.00 Jan., 1871
122, 363 Shively, Solomon Hastings dis heart $4.00 Mar., 1873
76, 729 Sixburg, Mary E Hastings mother $8.00 -
158, 603 Skiff, Abner Middleville chr diarr $8.00 Apr., 1879
144, 873 Slater, Geo W Nashville chr diarr $6.00 Sept., 1877
63, 384 Smith, Jno H Parmalee w l leg & r foot $6.00 May, 1866
110, 702 Smith, Maria Prairieville widow $8.00 -
127, 337 Smith, Reuben C Nashville dis of eyes $6.00 Mar., 1874
92, 138 Smith, Sidney B Middleville - $18.00 -
41, 772 Snyder, Amos S Nashville w back & l shl $6.00 -
93, 077 Soden, Thos Middleville w l hand $2.00 Sept., 1868
53, 101 Soules, Friend D Morgan - $11.33 1/3 -
49, 686 Spencer, Harry A Hastings - $8.00 Sept., 1865
120, 224 Stairs, David M Hastings - $6.00 -
194, 045 Stanley, Stephen A Hastings scurvy $6.00 Aug., 1881
168, 672 Still, Alonzo D Bowen's Mills loss isght l eye & parl sight r eye $4.00 May, 1880
191, 066 Stocking, Elvira Nashville mother $8.00 Feb., 1881
118, 779 Strayton, Chas W Hastings - $3.00 -
195, 790 Strickland, Jno Hastings dis of kidneys $4.00 Sept., 1881
96, 671 Sturdevant, Sam'l W Middleville - $4.00 Apr., 1869
34, 655 Suits, Eleanor Carlton Centre widow $8.00 -
67, 920 Sweezey, Delia Middleville widow $8.00 -
196, 400 Swin, Olive Hastings widow $8.00 June, 1882
44, 879 Tallers, Dan'l P Hickory Corner - $6.00 -
177, 825 Teadt, Fredr'k Middleville rheumatism $4.00 Oct., 1880
120, 564 Thompson, Henry H Fillmore dis heart $18.00 -
174, 143 Todd, Michael B Hastings injury to abdomen $8.00 Sept., 1880
174, 765 Townsend, Louisa Nashville mother $8.00 Aug., 1876
57, 681 Trask, Howell H Hastings w l leg $15.00 -
50, 491 Traver, Robt Hastings - $4.00 Oct., 1865
113, 665 Trego, David R Hastings dis of throat & ch diarr $6.00 Dec., 1863
212, 802 Tyler, Geo W Woodland chr diarr & dis of heart $10.00 June, 1882
19, 969 Underhill, Rowland L Hastings epilepsy $72.00 -
82, 546 Valentine, Henry L Ynakee Spring w l hand $12.00 June, 1867
93, 990 Van Shoten, Jas A Hastings w l knee & resul'g paralysis $24.00 -
90, 974 Varney, Wm Hastings w r thigh $6.00 -
196, 240 Wait, Adin C Cedar Creek chr diarr $4.00 Oct., 1881
146, 639 Warner, Warren L Dowling dis lungs $8.00 -
12, 611 Warner, Wm B Hastings - $4.00 Feb., 1874
65, 322 Warren, Stanley S Assyria w l hip $6.00 -
136, 112 Washburn, Wm I Hastings ch diarr $8.00 -
10, 297 Waters, Chas H Hastings w of face $8.00 -
158, 425 Watkins, Geo W Middleville inj of l shl & res tumor $8.00 Mar., 1879
159, 054 Webster, Harriet Middleville widow $8.00 -
85, 729 Webster, Hiram Nashville wd r hand $2.66 2/3 -
78, 587 Wertz, John Nashville paralysis $24.00 -
171, 430 Wheeler, Geo L Hastings w of face $4.00 June, 1880
135, 279 Wheeler, Wm R Hastings - $8.00 Aug., 1875
176, 046 Whitaker, Wm Middleville dis of lungs $8.00 Oct., 1880
208, 022 Whitmore, Edward Middleville chr diarr & dis of heart $10.00 May, 1882
22, 370 Whitney, Jane Hastings Widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
154, 654 Wickham, Jno D Hastings chr diarr $8.00 Aug., 1878
106, 065 Wilcox, Job K Maple Grove - $4.00 Oct., 1870
33, 526 Wilcox, Lydia J Irving widow $8.00 -
30, 174 Williams, Christiana Hickory Corner Widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1880
196, 721 Williams, Elias D Nashville Vertigo & nervous debility, resulting from sunstroke $6.00 Oct., 1881
93, 763 Williams, Jno J Orangeville Mills - $4.00 Nov., 1868
121, 150 Williams, Jno L Bowen's Mills dis r hip $6.00 Jan., 1873
127, 257 Williams, Thomas Dowling chron rheum $6.00 -
163, 862 Williams, Wm Carlton Centre wd l arm $2.00 Dec., 1879
25, 074 Willison, Margaret Hickory Corner Widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1879
43, 895 Willison, Sam'l R Hickory Corner - $18.00 -
19, 968 Woodmansee, Mat'w C Hastings - $8.00 Nov., 1863
138, 020 Young, Jacob Nashville - $4.00 Feb., 1876

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