New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Allegan County, Michigan

January 1, 1883

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1883 Allegan County, Michigan List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
207, 951 Adait, Roger Otsego inj to spine, chr diarrhea, & dis of abdominal viscera $6.00 May, 1882
150, 063 Allen, John W P Wayland loss of part of index finger $2.00 Dec., 1877
35, 042 Allen, Wm T Hopkins Station g.s.w r hand $4.00 -
194, 207 Amway, Sylvester Plainwell inj of left arm & resulting partial paral and atrophy $4.00 Aug., 1881
199, 295 Anderson, Samuel E Martin chronic diarrhea $6.00 Dec., 1881
49, 477 Anderson, Wm Martin g.s.w l thigh $4.00 -
182, 207 Andrews, Austin A Bradley g.s.w r foot $2.00 Feb., 1881
58, 644 Babbitt, John C Allegan inj left hip & spine $10.00 -
201, 287 Bailie, Wm J Ganges inj back head & resulting paralysis agitans $10.00 Jan., 1882
210, 162 Baily, Alexander Monterey chronic diarrhea $4.00 June, 1882
15, 245 Baird, Ebenezer J Allegan g.s.w r buttock $6.00 Apr., 1878
38, 098 Baird, George L Otsego w r arm $4.00 -
203, 479 Baldwin, John H Ganges g.s.w l hand $4.00 Feb., 1882
14, 048 Ball, Dan Wayland wd r thigh $3.00 July, 1863
209, 416 Banus, Joseph Dunningville chronic diarrhea $4.00 May, 1882
222, 401 Barker, Milo H Fennville injury to abdomen $4.00 Dec., 1882
194, 627 Barney, David Plainwell inj to abd & dis of eyes $8.00 Aug., 1881
200, 234 Barney, Simon Z Plainwell g.s.w r chest $2.00 Jan., 1882
21, 220 Bartholomew, Wm H Plainwell injury to abdomen $2.00 -
54, 279 Barton, Nathan S Fennville g.s.w left leg $4.00 -
210, 439 Belcher, Charles M Otsego total deafness $1.00 June, 1882
17, 180 Bellinengs, James Fennville g.s.w r forearm $8.00 Aug., 1880
162, 499 Bice, John J Otsego g.s.w r hand with loss little finger $3.00 Oct., 1879
172, 333 Blanchard, John Dunningville inj to back, res curvature $4.00 Aug., 1880
111, 958 Blodgett, Dorathy Allegan dep mother $8.00 Apr., 1868
146, 449 Blozen, Theadore Fillmore Centre disease of eyes $24.00 June, 1877
87, 499 Boyle, Eliza Bradley widow $8.00 -
172, 122 Boyle, Laura Hamilton dep mother $8.00 Feb., 1876
148, 623 Boyles, James Douglas wd l hip $4.00 Oct., 1877
173, 499 Briggs, Winneford Allegan dep mother $8.00 June, 1876
177, 827 Brodock, Harry B Allegan chr diarr & shell wd l foot $8.00 Oct., 1880
148, 198 Bryan, Edward J Fennville g.s.w of r ring finger $2.00 Sept., 1877
118, 261 Bullen, Channoy Monterey injury of left knee $4.00 July, 1872
147, 452 Burnett, Wm W Hamilton g.s.w l side jaw & l shold'r $4.00 July, 1877
22, 376 Carpenter, Thomas G Plainwell - $8.00 June, 1878
217, 306 Carroll, Joseph Monterey g.s.w of l forearm and side $6.00 Aug., 1882
36, 711 Carter, Charles Allegan - $18.00 -
61, 721 Caruthers, Andrew Plainwell w l foot $8.00 -
38, 714 Castor, Theadore Burnip's Corners - $24.00 -
87, 344 Chamberlin, Mary Otsego dep mother $8.00 Dec., 1866
163, 534 Chambers, John Otsego dis of abdominal viscera, rheumatism & scurvy $6.00 Nov., 1879
23, 745 Chase, Pauline Douglas dep mother $8.00 June, 1864
184, 141 Chilson, James B Plainwell g.s.w l shoulder $4.00 Mar., 1881
165, 298 Cole, Edward Dorr chr diarrhea & dropsy $18.00 Mar., 1880
135, 088 Comstock, Bula H Monterey widow $8.00 -
155, 919 Coon, Phillips J Hopkins g.s.w r thigh $2.00 Oct., 1878
177, 088 Crandall, John R Plainwell chr diarr & dis abd viscera $6.00 Oct., 1880
33, 801 Crane, Ira M D Allegan wd l thigh $6.00 -
100, 979 Croswell, David Monterey g.s.w r arm $5.66 2/3 -
39, 137 Cummins, John Allegan - $18.00 Aug., 1869
145, 203 Curtis, Christina Wayland widow $8.00 Nov., 1871
110, 006 Curtis, John T Plainwell heart disease & dis of lungs $18.00 -
175, 808 Davis, David L Spring Grove g.s.w r hand $2.00 Oct., 1880
148, 670 Davis, Susan Saugatuck dep mother $8.00 Dec., 1870
200, 006 De Mill, Ganeston Otsego dis of lungs & rheumatism $2.00 -
15, 947 De Prey, Leander Bradley g.s.w l arm $6.00 -
45, 426 Deamer, George W Monterey g.s.w $10.00 -
158, 994 Dean, John M Bradley inj of r leg $2.00 -
97, 222 Doane, Elisha Hilliard's w r hand & l shoulder $6.00 -
27, 671 Drew, Sally Otsego Widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1879
112, 118 Dunklee, Sylvester J Allegan g.s.w l arm $4.00 -
196, 458 Eager, Julia A Allegan dep mother $8.00 June, 1882
67, 177 Easton, Betsey A Plainwell widow $30.00 -
19, 045 Eddy, Scott W Bravo g.s.w l hip $6.00 -
25, 526 Edgeler, Geo W Hamilton g.s.w l leg $4.00 -
113, 305 Edgerton, Henry D Allegan chronic rheum l knee joint $4.00 -
152, 880 Edmonds, Charles M Otsego dis of abdominal viscera $8.00 May, 1878
199, 802 Esley, Joseph W Allegan partial loss of l ring finger from g.s.w $1.00 Dec., 1881
46, 829 Fairbanks, Sarah Fillmore Centre widow $8.00 -
80, 542 Farwell, Elias Plainwell g.s.w neck, r ankle & foot $12.00 -
148, 507 Faste, Henry Allegan g.s.w l great toe $2.00 Oct., 1877
187, 929 Fay, Henry W Hamilton inj of spine, res from part'l paralysis r side $18.00 May, 1881
10, 378 Ferdan, Charles Bravo amp l arm $24.00 -
193, 934 Fisher, Parker G Plainwell minor child $10.00 Dec., 1881
133, 202 Fisher, William Otsego g.s.w r foot $3.00 -
146, 441 Flitcroft, Theadore Allegan chronic diarrhea $4.00 June, 1877
1, 237 Force, Ellen W Plainwell widow $25.00 -
84, 798 Fraisee, Wm East Sangatuck injury to abdomen $4.00 -
191, 325 Freer, James Hilliard's g.s.w r knee $1.00 June, 1881
71, 768 French, James S Otsego g.s.w head, res in epilepsy $72.00 -
63, 078 Gibe, Philip W Burnip's Corners wd r leg $8.00 -
178, 553 Gibson, James Douglas g.s.w thigh & r ankle $8.00 Nov., 1880
27, 977 Gilbert, Nahum Allegan paralysis from wd $24.00 -
44, 914 Gillispie, Clark Douglas loss part l foot $18.00 -
71, 419 Gliddon, Alexander Otsego g.s.w l foot $12.00 -
43, 624 Golias, Sarah Wayland widow $8.00 -
74, 489 Goodman, Mary Burnip's Corners widow $8.00 -
117, 798 Goodrich, Peter Fennville g.s.w thorax $8.00 -
18, 068 Goshorn, Perry Saugatuck wound r thigh & c $4.00 -
33, 367 Gravelink, Phebe R Allegan widow $8.00 -
110, 015 Green, Isaac N Allegan injury to abdomen $4.00 -
209, 986 Green, Stephen L Otsego chr diarrhea $4.00 -
176, 378 Guest, Henry F Otsego chr diarrhea $2.00 Oct., 1880
185, 111 Hackhouse, Emeline Fillmore Centre widow $14.00 Aug., 1879
3, 639 Hamilton, Charlotte Wayland Widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1872
216, 512 Hane, Deloss W Otsego inj to r hip & back $4.00 Aug., 1882
176, 353 Hanoy, Hiram H Moline minor child $10.00 Feb., 1877
43, 936 Harrington, James H Allegan - $24.00 -
43, 615 Hart, Hannibal Allegan w l forearm $4.00 June, 1865
130, 480 Hartshorn, Geo H Allegan inj to spine & 1st & 2d fing r hand $6.00 -
19, 086 Havins, John S Plainwell - $18.00 Sept., 1866
74, 819 Heath, John Plainwell Pleurisy & contusion of chest $10.00 Nov., 1868
165, 184 Heins or Haines, Nancy Otsego dep mother $8.00 June, 1874
144, 715 Helsel, Joseph Allegan g.s.w r thigh $2.00 -
172, 755 Herspool, Mary E Otsego widow $12.00 Mar., 1876
51, 553 Hewitt, Samuel A Monterey g.s.w l foot $10.00 -
221, 132 Hill, John Hilliard's ulcers l arm, breast & legs, res of impure vaccination & prison life $4.00 Nov., 1882
42, 859 Himer, Christine Ganges widow $8.00 -
193, 449 Hodge, Frederick Hopkins disease of heart $4.00 July, 1881
33, 072 Hodges, George Bravo g.s.w r heel $4.00 -
53, 938 Hoffman, James Allegan g.s.w l side & r side paral $18.00 -
19, 524 Holt, Henry Saugatuck wd l elbow, anchylosis joint $8.00 Dec., 1875
214, 604 Homan, John Cheshire chr diarr $4.00 June, 1882
156, 573 Howe, Jerusha Douglas dep mother $8.00 Mar., 1872
112, 896 Hoyt, Wm V Wayland disease of lungs $4.00 -
87, 447 Hughes, Stephen Allegan wd l forearm $2.00 Oct., 1867
51, 557 Hull, Marcus C Bradley g.s.w r arm $10.00 -
159, 875 Hull, Mary J Plainwell widow $17.00 Oct., 1872
60, 401 Humphrey, James W Wayland - $4.00 -
57, 903 Hyatt, David Bravo - $14.00 -
18, 232 Jameson, Archibald Silver Creek Surv 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1872
196, 269 Johnson, William E Allegan g.s.w r thigh $2.00 Oct., 1881
174, 506 Jones, Albert Wayland inj to back $4.00 Oct., 1880
188, 740 Kelley, Abner L Dunningville g.s.w l forearm & inj to abd $12.00 May, 1880
3, 453 Kent, William Martin - $8.00 Aug., 1871
3, 454 Kerns, Wm J Plainwell dis lungs, inj back, dis kid and wd r foot $18.00 -
124, 508 Kibbey, Walter A Hopkins Station injury to abdomen $4.00 -
12, 831 Kilgore, Alexander Hamilton - $12.00 -
201, 302 Killam, Jacob Allegan rheum, res var veins l leg $4.00 Jan., 1882
22, 902 Knowles, Betsey Bradley Widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1876
185, 410 Knowles, David Bradley injury to abdomen $8.00 Mar., 1881
71, 298 Knowlton, John Allegan loss l eye & imp r eye $8.00 -
163, 021 Kurry, Russell W Spring Grove rheum, res dis of heart $4.00 Oct., 1879
48, 467 Laporte, Williamson Fennville - $6.00 -
201, 867 Lilley, Augustus Allegan Sunstroke & resulting nervous cerebral trouble $7.50 Jan., 1882
168, 756 Lince, Harry Hilliard's loss right index finger $3.00 May, 1880
53, 971 Lindsley, Amrett J Cheshire widow $8.00 -
151, 189 Livingston, Neil Otsego inj back $8.00 -
138, 813 Lods, Charles Moline g.s.w l foot $6.00 July, 1877
41, 974 Lundgrew, John M Saugatuck wd l arm $10.00 -
68, 231 Lynes, Cynthia E Allegan dep mother $8.00 Mar., 1866
88, 186 Macomber, Clark Plainwell - $18.00 Jan., 1868
17, 048 Markwith, Rachel Abronia Widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
168, 254 Mason, Geo Dorr inj to r foot, r arm & head $14.00 Feb., 1881
18, 577 McCall, Sanford West Casco g.s.w neck and frac jaw $6.00 Oct., 1863
146, 601 McCarty, Char E Bravo chronic rheumatism $2.00 June, 1877
157, 619 McCrea, John Moline varicose veins r leg $4.00 Feb., 1881
56, 076 McCune, James Saugatuck g.s.w l thigh, pelvis $2.00 -
58, 298 McKeal, Oscar Plainwell wound head $4.00 Feb., 1866
35, 790 McLeed, Donald Martin wd r hand, loss middle fing, & part other fingers $6.00 Nov., 1866
57, 619 McLeod, Wm Moline g.s.w r leg, l arm & l side $10.00 -
157, 915 McNutt, John Diamond Springs g.s.w r leg $2.00 Mar., 1879
92, 316 McWilliams, Wm Hamilton g.s.w l leg $4.00 Apr., 1875
18, 235 Merchant, Mary Allegan widow $8.00 -
129, 572 Millard, John B Otsego varicose ulcers r leg $8.00 -
157, 051 Miller, Andrew Saugatuck dep father $8.00 Apr., 1872
181, 123 Miller, Joseph Ganges g.s.w r thigh $2.00 Jan., 1881
129, 302 Miller, Wm H Monterey spinal injury & inj to abd $4.00 July, 1874
72, 361 Monroe, David Plainwell loss of l thumb $4.00 Oct., 1866
140, 321 Moses, Zelinda A Allegan dep mother $8.00 Feb., 1870
191, 405 Munger, Sylvester Hawkhead injury to abdomen $8.00 June, 1881
143, 623 Nelson, Edward Plainwell g.s.w of face $4.00 Feb., 1877
94, 816 Nelson, Joseph Martin - $4.00 -
36, 078 Nelson, Marietta Allegan widow $8.00 -
135, 387 Nichols, Albert R Allegan injury to abdomen $4.00 -
199, 961 Nichols, George F Saugatuck minor child $10.00 Dec., 1881
54, 256 Nill, Barbara Allegan widow $8.00 -
141, 068 Noble, James R Hopkins Station dis of abdominal viscera $4.00 Aug., 1876
139, 528 Nolan, Mathew Martin g.s.w r hand $3.00 June, 1876
47, 402 Norton, Carlton Plainwell wound l hip $8.00 Aug., 1866
207, 635 Ockford, Ruluf T Bravo dis of lungs $4.00 Apr., 1882
68, 712 Olvitt, George W Allegan g.s.w r hand $4.00 -
79, 674 Orton, Mary A Moline widow $8.00 -
209, 578 Ostrander, Thomas H Allegan loss part ring finger l hand from g.s.w $2.00 May, 1882
109, 803 Otto, Charles D, jr Otsego inj both wrists $12.00 -
175, 229 Palmer, Martin Hopkins Station injury to abdomen $8.00 Oct., 1880
57, 067 Pardee, Wm S Allegan wd r knee $8.00 Feb., 1866
74, 269 Parker, Lucinda L Allegan - $8.00 -
197, 260 Patterson, Robert A Martin g.s.w r thigh $4.00 Oct., 1881
29, 223 Payne, Mary A Bravo widow $8.00 -
104, 796 Payne, Robert Ganges dislocated l arm $2.00 -
63, 367 Peck, Fidelia Allegan widow $8.00 Jan., 1867
13, 402 Perkins, Elisha O Allegan dis of abdominal viscera $4.00 -
173, 847 Perry, James Douglas injury to abdomen $8.00 Sept., 1880
22, 179 Pierce, Mary Douglas Widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
27, 888 Pike, Osteen G Cheshire Diarrhea & c $8.00 -
184, 044 Piper, Giles A Allegan g.s.w l shoulder, scurvy & resulting loss of teeth $6.00 Mar., 1881
88, 945 Plast, Mary S Mill Grove widow $8.00 -
223, 186 Platts, Moses Monterey g.s.w r hip & dis of ab vis $2.00 Dec., 1882
123, 838 Poore, Chancy J Plainwell Phlebitis & res of var veins $24.00 July, 1873
67, 474 Pope, Lyndon A Allegan wd l hand $6.00 -
84, 888 Potter, Washington West Casco g.s.w l leg & ampt of 3 toes $6.00 -
176, 852 Prindle, Ephraim J Bradley chr diarr & dis of abd vis $4.00 Oct., 1880
161, 502 Pullen, William W Otsego disease of lungs $4.00 July, 1879
61, 188 Purdy, Alexander Plainwell wd l arm & r thumb $4.00 Apr., 1866
196, 800 Raab, Casper Burnip's Corners rheum, res dis of heart $8.00 Oct., 1881
38, 194 Raplee, Eliza J Ganges widow $8.00 -
168, 490 Rauf, Caroline Plainwell widow $8.00 -
106, 372 Reed, Sarah Allegan widow - -
2, 563 Reeve, Elim West Casco dep mother $8.00 June, 1880
178, 031 Reynolds, David S Otsego chr rheumatism $6.00 Oct., 1880
- Reynolds, Lucretia Ganges Widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1880
175, 581 Rich, James Allegan inj l knee $2.00 Oct., 1880
140, 835 Roe, George W Allegan chronic diarrhea $4.00 Aug., 1876
120, 801 Roff, Achsah Otsego dep mother $8.00 Nov., 1868
75, 843 Rose, Harvey Allegan loss l leg $24.00 -
10, 886 Rosier, Ephraim D Burnip's Corners Rheumatism & dis of eyes $6.00 -
1, 784 Ross, Benjamin Plainwell - $8.00 Dec., 1874
197, 615 Ross, Peter Wayland inj to abd, res of mumps $4.00 Nov., 1881
126, 862 Rouse, Sidney Otsego g.s.w l shoulder $2.00 Feb., 1874
208, 610 Runion, Wesley Hopkins Station loss sight r eye $4.00 May, 1882
207, 792 Runnels, Chillion B Wayland g.s.w r arm $4.00 Apr., 1882
191, 833 Sadler, John M Wayland injury to abdomen $8.00 June, 1881
45, 855 Schneider, Theodore North Dorr - $6.00 -
12, 140 Scofield, Edward H Wayland wd r arm $2.00 June, 1863
115, 224 Scott, Pamelia Allegan dep mother $8.00 June, 1868
- Seeley, Eunice Allegan Widow 1812 $8.00 -
17, 080 Selkaig, Hannah Bradley Widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1878
46, 310 Semkins, John L Dunningville phthisis pulmon $2.00 -
56, 628 Shaffer, Lorenzo G Hilliard's - $4.00 Jan., 1866
178, 327 Sharpless, Wm H Allegan chronic rheumatism $4.00 Nov., 1880
46, 737 Shaw, Joseph Allegan chronic ulcers r leg $4.00 July, 1865
130, 081 Simmons, William Martin chr diarrhea $6.00 Sept., 1874
26, 428 Slagel, Joseph Burnip's Corners inj to knee-joint $6.00 -
176, 377 Slotman, Garret H Overisel Scurvy & rheumatism, result of prison life $12.00 Oct., 1880
26, 879 Smith, Eunice Otsego Widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1879
178, 544 Snow, Mary A Otsego dep mother $8.00 Sept., 1877
23, 555 Sooy, Samuel Wayland inj to r leg $4.00 -
116, 149 Sprague, Pash-key-heg-o-quay J Wayland widow $8.00 -
181, 122 Staring, John Allegan g.s.w l groin $2.00 Jan., 1881
84, 561 Stark, Henry Otsego chr diarrhea & lumbago $20.00 Aug., 1880
159, 458 Steadman, Horatio G Bravo g.s.w back $2.00 Apr., 1879
212, 773 Stearns, Benjamin Allegan dis of heart $8.00 June, 1882
132, 215 Stevenson, Joseph Lee g.s.w l leg $4.00 Mar., 1875
79, 100 Storms, William J Plainwell insanity $12.00 -
59, 606 Stratton, Henry S Plainwell wound r thigh $6.00 -
211, 904 Sullivan, James Allegan asthma $12.00 June, 1882
52, 412 Summers, Harriet Allegan widow $8.00 -
20, 590 Sutherland, Francis Plainwell loss fingers l hand $8.00 -
32, 545 Symonds, Sarah Hilliard's Widow 1812 $8.00 June, 1882
206, 719 Teal, Archer M Otsego chr diarr & chr rheum $18.00 Apr., 1882
178, 034 Thayer, Stephen P Allegan chronic diarrhea $4.00 Oct., 1880
188, 169 Theobald, Lewis Plainwell chr diarrhea $4.00 May, 1881
110, 813 Thompson, Anthony Hamilton injury to abdomen $4.00 May, 1871
156, 587 Thompson, Fanny M Saugatuck dep mother $8.00 Mar., 1872
178, 389 Tifft, Friend Bradley chr diarr & var veins r leg $4.00 Nov., 1880
177, 828 Todd, Morris Plainwell dis of bowels $6.00 Oct., 1880
10, 624 Travis, Mercy Otsego Widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
75, 092 Turner, Joel S Otsego injury to abdomen $4.00 Oct., 1867
99, 916 Tuttle, Levi Ganges saber wound of head $8.00 -
149, 043 Vahen, Charles S Allegan loss of left index finger $3.00 Nov., 1877
167, 735 Van Patten, Edgar D Allegan paralysis $12.00 May, 1880
120, 655 Varney, Allison Dorr g.s.w abdomen $2.00 Dec., 1872
136, 197 Waldo, George W Douglas g.s.w of hand $4.00 -
101, 485 Waterman, Cynthia Allegan widow $8.00 -
158, 229 Watkins, Stiles A Wayland g.s.w l side $2.00 Mar., 1879
204, 363 Watterman, Randall C Allegan g.s.w r foot $2.00 Mar., 1882
101, 701 Webster, Leonard M Allegan - $6.00 Jan., 1870
181, 337 Weed, William Douglas nasal catarrh & g.s.w r leg $4.00 Jan., 1881
59, 223 Weeks, William C Allegan - $18.00 Mar., 1866
157, 118 Welch, Andrew Saugatuck dis of heart $4.00 Jan., 1879
192, 938 Wellman, Sophia Plainwell dep mother $8.00 July, 1881
63, 034 Wells, Hiram K Dunningville g.s.w l hand & r thigh $8.00 -
59, 639 Werner, Henry Saugatuck g.s.w of face, frac both jaws $12.00 -
200, 703 Wetmore, Albert D Allegan chronic diarrhea $4.00 Jan., 1882
220, 818 White, William Peach Belt scurvy $4.00 Nov., 1882
1, 244 Williams, Jane Bradley widow $8.00 -
106, 305 Williams, Lewis D Otsego - $17.00 -
11, 269 Winchell, James Allegan aptn l arm above elbow $24.00 -
96, 117 Winters, Martha Allegan widow $8.00 -
107, 484 Wisner, Tamson Allegan dep mother $8.00 -
203, 994 Witherall, William Martin chr diarrhea & res indigest $4.00 Mar., 1882
129, 827 Wood, Charles E Allegan g.s.w r arm and hip $4.00 Sept., 1874
203, 838 Wynn, John Douglas g.s.w r thigh & r shoulder $4.00 Mar., 1882
219, 592 Yeakey, Henry K Bradley chr diarr, dis of ab vis & rheumatism $4.00 Oct., 1882
39, 734 Zook, William Spring Grove loss use of l hand $18.00 -

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