New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Washington County, Maine

January 1, 1883

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1883 Washington County, Maine List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
40,058 Kelley, Aaron W Addison Point wd. l. leg $18.00 -
207,909 Small, Eugene E Addison Point g. s. w. r. shoulder $4.00 May 1, 1882
149,405 Berry, Obed Addison Point father $8.00 Apr. 14, 1871
37,856 Lowe, Sarah A Addison Point widow $8.00 May 13, 1867
31,223 Merritt, Esther Addison Point widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 18, 1881
193,071 Bohanan, George W Alexander father $8.00 Aug. 11, 1881
147,913 Faley, Joanna Alexander mother $8.00 Feb. 11, 1871
197,782 Lyons, Hannah Alexander mother $8.00 Nov. 23, 1882
194,575 Hunnewell, Susanna Alexander mother $8.00 June 30, 1882
22,014 Strout, Mary A Alexander widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 2, 1879
192,983 Sears, Mary A Baileyville mother $8.00 July 28, 1881
129,269 Davis, Jason C Baring g. s. w. l. forearm $4.00 July 17, 1874
57,444 Hall, John H Baring wd. l. arm $18.00 Apr. 5, 1867
203,302 Martin, Peter A Baring inj. l. arm, shoul, chr. rheum $12.00 Feb. 20, 1882
66,829 Smith, James R. N Baring dis. of eyes $6.00 -
131,641 Davis, Eliza Baring mother $8.00 May 27, 1881
176,582 Samson, Margaret Baring mother $8.00 Mar. 6, 1877
136,842 Seymore, Ann M Baring mother $8.00 Nov. 29, 1869
17,966 Bailey, Eliza Baring widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 15, 1879
74,872 Oakes, Eli Beddington chr. rheum., heart dis. $8.00 -
127,027 Kidder, Joseph Calais g. s. w. l. breast, dis. lungs $18.00 -
211,426 King, Charles W Calais mal. fever, enlar. liver & spleen $4.00 June 15, 1882
162,364 Linton, James Calais inj. r. side & chest $8.00 Sept. 13, 1879
44,880 Leach, Frank R Calais loss r. arm $24.00 -
26,154 Tunney, Patrick Calais loss r. leg $24.00 -
45,583 Thistlewood, Robert K Calais shell wd. l. leg $14.00 -
214,281 Trimble, William Calais dis. throat, stomach, dyspepsia $6.00 June 30, 1882
91,900 Spearin, John Calais shell wd. l. side $10.00 -
174,896 Sears, John A Calais mal. pois'ng, diarr., dis. Of abdominal viscera $14.00 Oct. 6, 1880
212,604 Spinney, John H Calais chr. diarr $4.00 June 28, 1882
218,321 Stanhope, George A Calais inj. to l. ankle $4.00 Sept. 22, 1882
131,477 Scott, Henry Calais loss part r. thumb, dis. kidney $8.00 -
190,203 Rapley, James Calais inj. l. ankle $4.00 June 10, 1881
79,328 Call, Charles Calais g. s. w. r. thigh $14.00 -
192,081 Card, Charles Calais chr. rheum $12.00 June 30, 1881
12,413 Collins, Daniel J Calais g. s. w. l. leg and ankle $18.00 -
210,206 Clark, Ebed W Calais mal. poisng., chills, and fever $6.00 June 1, 1882
80,278 Apt, Benjamin S Calais g. s. w. l. hip $10.00 -
65,411 Scott, Andrew J Calais g. s. w. rt. knee $8.00 -
166,241 Doyle, Dennis Calais chr. rheum, g. s. w. r. shoul $14.00 Mar. 31, 1880
198,656 Barcley, Samuel R Calais dis. throat, lungs, and rheum $12.75 Dec. 5, 1881
32,385 Robb, jr., Hugh Calais g. s. w. r. thigh $10.00 -
60,853 Stanhope, Aaron Calais g. s. w. neck and l. hand $16.00 -
133,364 Smith, Alonzo Calais chr. diarr., dis. kidneys, heart $14.00 -
81,667 Marshall, Bradford Calais dis. of lungs $10.00 -
169,799 McElvoy, David Calais g. s. w. r. ankle $4.00 -
65,126 White, Thomas F Calais loss l. arm $24.00 -
212,831 Winchell, Stephen A Calais g. s. w. r. leg $6.00 June 29, 1882
88,757 Young, Henry S Calais trac. r. humerus $8.00 -
197,107 Allen, William H Calais dyspepsia and gen. disability $12.00 Oct. 29, 1881
66,390 McLeod, Thomas Calais wd. l. thigh $8.00 June 25, 1866
72,510 McDonald, Thomas H Calais rheum., chr. diarr., dis of abdominal viscera $12.00 -
32,417 Woodman, Alvin Calais wd. l. forearm $12.00 -
84,122 O'Keefe, Patrick Calais g. s. w. l. forearm $8.00 -
159,408 Whiteknact, John N Calais g. s. w. l. arm $6.00 -
136,984 Ward, John C Calais wd. l. arm and breast $6.00 Nov. 29, 1875
57,662 Walker, James B Calais wd. l. arm and head $8.00 Feb. 9, 1866
68,364 Watson, Isaac Calais g. s. w. r. leg $14.00 -
70,261 Beverly, Henry S Calais wd. r. groin and l. thigh $8.00 -
74,734 Bean, John Calais g. s. w. r. arm, inj. eyes $18.00 -
100,177 Corr, Philip Calais wd. l. arm $18.00 -
178,162 Cochrane, Samuel Calais mal. poisoning $12.00 Oct. 30, 1880
74,150 Malloy, John Calais wd. r. leg $12.00 -
138,468 Flint, Benjamin M Calais chr. rheum., nephritis, diarr. $17.00 Mar. 18, 1876
162,693 McPherson, John H Calais disrr. chills and fever $8.00 -
47,299 McKusick, Marshall N Calais wd. r. shoulder $18.00 Aug. 7, 1865
126,852 McLaughlin, Michael Calais wd. both legs $8.00 Feb. 11, 1874
26,720 McGarry, Noah S Calais loss r. hand $18.00 Aug. 25, 1866
212,194 Follett, Henry H Calais inj. l. leg $2.00 June 23, 1882
163,087 Hall, Albert Q Calais chr. rheum $14.00 -
208,397 Howe, Ephriam W Calais injury to abdomen, rheum., dis. Kidney $8.00 May 9, 1882
78,169 Fisher, John Calais g. s. w. l. arm $14.00 -
152,617 Fleming, John Calais g. s. w. l. hand $8.00 -
129,174 Flood, Levi Calais g. s. w. r. hip $8.00 -
94,747 Greenlaw, Augustus Calais wd. r. thigh $6.00 -
77,117 Granzer, George F Calais wd. l. thigh $12.50 Feb. 6, 1867
217,182 Grass, Hiram W Calais inj. of back $4.00 Aug. 26, 1882
102,302 Gaijar, John Calais inj. r. lumbar reg., dis. kidney $50.00 -
100,347 Hennigar, James H Calais wd. thro. l. lung $10.00 -
100,367 Haddock, Joseph Calais wd. r. shoulder $8.00 -
72,513 Howe, Samuel C Calais g. s. w. l. shoulder $8.00 -
69,984 Clark, George H Calais g. s. w. l. arm $6.00 -
42,733 Chamberlain, James A Calais loss l. arm $24.00 -
5?,423 Cleaves, James S Calais chr. gastroenteritis $20.00 Feb. 22, 1866
87,246 McIntee, Hugh Calais g. s. w. l. foot, loss 3d and 4th toes $6.00 -
212,192 Elsemore, George S Calais g. s. w. l. arm $4.00 June 23, 1882
75,117 Dawe, Richard W Calais wd. r. thigh $8.00 Dec. 10, 1866
48,914 Elsmore, John W Calais injury to abdomen $8.00 July 28, 1876
129,381 Farnsworth, Adrial Calais dis. stomach, liver, lungs $12.00 -
195,832 McNamara, James Calais int. fever, diarr, rheum $12.00 Sept. 17, 1881
138,125 Downes, Michael Calais inj. l. side $8.00 -
59,582 Billyea, Alvaridis Calais g. s. w. r. shoulder, side $6.00 Mar., 1866
69,430 Mulligan, Michael Calais chr. diarr $10.00 Aug., 1866
15,045 O'Neil, John Calais g. s. w. l. knee $18.00 Aug., 1863
131,673 Murphy, Michael Calais g. s. w. r. hand, inj. of head $3.00 -
2,881 Vickery, Lebbins S Calais chills and fever (Navy) $8.00 -
176,643 Carlow, John P Calais mal. pois $8.00 Oct. 18, 1880
46,346 Chase, Asa D Calais w. l. side $2.66 2/3 June 25, 1865
23,698 Whittier, Catharine Calais widow $8.00 June 17, 1867
46,871 Taylor, Elizabeth A Calais widow $8.00 Apr. 2, 1867
185,050 Trask, Elizabeth S Calais widow $12.00 July 26, 1879
193,330 Estabrook, Sarah C Calais widow $8.00 Sept. 13, 1881
62,068 Barber, Kate B Calais widow $8.00 Feb. 20, 1867
48,167 Gildart, Catharine Calais widow $8.00 May 30, 1865
180,878 Hume, Augusta J Calais widow $15.00 Apr. 30, 1878
58,681 McLalan, Jennet Calais widow $8.00 May 10, 1867
92,360 Condan, Mary Calais mother $8.00 -
193,307 Wilson, Lydia Calais mother $8.00 Sept. 9, 1881
136,672 Stanhope, Sarah Calais mother $8.00 Nov. 24, 1869
135,970 Smith, Mary A Calais mother $8.00 Nov. 4, 1869
87,125 Reding, Esther P Calais mother $8.00 Nov. 28, 1866
22,726 Millen, Mary Calais mother $8.00 May 25, 1864
118,808 Kingston, Honora Calais mother $8.00 Sept. 16, 1868
156,946 Leahan, Mary Calais mother $8.00 Mar. 29, 1872
90,565 Munson, Charlotte Calais mother $8.00 Feb. 19, 1867
183,468 McNamara, Eliza Calais mother $8.00 Mar. 24, 1879
180,053 McGlaughlin, Louisa Calais mother $8.00 Feb. 18, 1878
175,926 Estey, Jane Calais mother $8.00 Dec. 30, 1876
182,736 Collins, Charity G Calais mother $8.00 Dec. 23, 1878
183,689 Haycock, Lucinda A Calais mother $25.00 Apr. 8, 1879
101,876 Butler, Frances Calais mother $8.00 Oct. 29, 1867
1,435 Ferguson, Martha A Calais widow (Navy) $8.00 -
22,845 Dyer, Samuel Calais surv. 1812 $8.00 July 10, 1878
28,956 Palmer, Liless Calais surv. 1812 $8.00 Mar. 27, 1880
12,665 Beverly, Sarah A Calais widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 6, 1878
24,464 Todd, Harriet J Calais widow 1812 $8.00 May 28, 1879
10,472 Thurston, Margaret Calais widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 26, 1878
8,784 Hall, Susan Calais widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 18, 1878
22,221 Pickens, Vashti Calais widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 3, 1879
29,003 Runnels, Margaret Calais widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 8, 1880
147,932 Stanhope, Willard Calais father $8.00 Feb. 11, 1871
59,469 Annas, John H Charlotte wd. r. leg $4.00 Mar. 10, 1866
74,881 Farries, Daniel Charlotte chr. diarr $8.00 Dec. 3, 1866
143,321 Morrison, David J Charlotte g. s. w. l. leg $6.00 -
41,394 Thompson, Silas Charlotte g. s. w. l. thigh $10.00 -
62,336 Bridges, Mary E Charlotte mother $8.00 Jan. 16, 1866
136,537 Griflin, Susannah P Charlotte mother $8.00 Nov. 19, 1869
3,514 Archer, Sally Charlotte widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 7, 1872
10,058 Harrison, Deborah Charlotte widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 15, 1878
8,492 Gardner, Leah Charlotte widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 7, 1878
15,535 McGlauflin, Hitty Charlotte widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 20, 1879
104,650 Leighton, Thomas Cherryfield chr. diarr $6.00 -
23,960 Keith, David B Cherryfield par. paraly. lower extrem $18.00 Jan. 8, 1881
65,029 Leighton, Jason Cherryfield g. s. w. l. foot $10.00 -
209,885 Tracy, Willard Cherryfield injury to abdomen $6.00 Jan. 17, 1882
118,457 Tucker, William S Cherryfield chr. diarr. $6.00 -
162,926 Shorey, Jeremiah Cherryfield par. loss r. index fing. From g. s. w. $2.00 Oct. 29, 1879
222,656 Sinclair, Joshua Cherryfield chr. diarr. and chr. rheum $4.00 Dec. 16, 1882
43,873 Cousins, Benjamin Cherryfield wd. r. shoulder $18.00 Nov. 14, 1866
100,349 Case, Alexander Cherryfield chr. diarr., inj. r. leg, side $8.00 -
177,370 Buck, Willmot N Cherryfield g. s. w. r. hand $6.00 Oct. 22, 1880
150,142 Abbott, Orson Cherryfield shell wd. l. thigh $6.00 -
140,254 Cunningham, Timothy Cherryfield g. s. w. l. ankle $8.00 -
122,421 Dorr, Everett Cherryfield inj. hips, back, thigh, abdomen $16.00 -
58,418 Bridgham, Leverett C Cherryfield g. s. w. r. thigh $12.00 -
58,421 Brennan, Patrick Cherryfield g. s. w. l. arm $8.00 -
64,977 Cunningham, Michael Cherryfield g. s. w. l. hd., arm, and r. sho $12.00 -
77,129 Anderson, Thomas A Cherryfield g. s. w. r. thigh and groin $6.00 -
129,107 Wilson, Charles E Cherryfield chr. diarr. and neuralgia $8.00 July 6, 1874
90,929 Brazille, James H Cherryfield wd. r. hand and l. knee $6.00 May 19, 1868
107,509 Brazil, John Cherryfield chr. rheum $18.00 -
88,564 Burk, Lewis Cherryfield chr. diarr. &c $4.00 -
40,747 McCollum, John Cherryfield wd. r. hand $18.00 Dec. 10, 1866
60,740 Mitchell, John E Cherryfield g. s. w. l. wrist $8.00 -
162,256 Farrar, Elisha C., jr Cherryfield chr. diarr., mal poisng $8.00 Dec. 23, 1879
142,290 Grant, Timothy L Cherryfield wd. mouth $4.00 Oct. 30, 1876
159,680 Feeney, Martin Cherryfield inj. to back $8.00 May 9, 1879
146,746 Conners, Horatio B Cherryfield g. s. w. r. thigh $1.00 June 28, 1877
62,411 McClure, George W Cherryfield shell w. l. leg $8.00 -
61,969 Dunbar, Oscar Cherryfield wd. r. arm $12.00 -
190,107 Bussell, Samuel S Cherryfield father $8.00 Oct. 26, 1880
71,797 Willey, Betsey B Cherryfield widow $8.00 Aug. 8, 1867
54,620 Torrey, Nancy Cherryfield widow $8.00 June 14, 1867
145,977 Tucker, Pamelia Cherryfield widow $8.00 Nov. 17, 1870
56,865 Cox, Loricie Cherryfield widow $8.00 Oct. 4, 1865
39,525 Downs, Elvina Cherryfield widow $8.00 May 2, 1867
63,751 Mitchell, Caroline Cherryfield widow $8.00 May 18, 1867
45,662 Mitchell, Ann Cherryfield widow $8.00 June 3, 1867
90,806 Harrington, Octavia Cherryfield widow $8.00 May 24, 1876
39,851 Wilson, Mary T Cherryfield widow $8.00 Mar. 15, 1867
25,856 Worster, Hannah L Cherryfield widow $8.00 Aug. 8, 1867
117,112 Willey, Eliza Cherryfield mother $8.00 Aug. 10, 1868
130,037 Tracy, Diadanna Cherryfield mother $8.00 June 5, 1869
144,623 Small, Harriet Cherryfield mother $8.00 Aug. 30, 1870
65,423 Hart, Mary S Cherryfield mother $8.00 Feb. 26, 1866
117,115 Pinkham, Susan Cherryfield mother $8.00 Aug. 10, 1868
198,325 Nichels, Frances G Cherryfield mother $8.00 May 17, 1881
89,253 Newenham, Bridget Cherryfield mother $17.00 Jan. 22, 1867
134,307 Longfellow, Deborah T Cherryfield mother $8.00 Sept. 14, 1869
42,996 McIntosh, Grissel Cherryfield mother $8.00 Mar. 16, 1865
61,748 Haycock, Lucretia Cherryfield mother $8.00 Jan. 9, 1866
90,272 Grant, Elmira Cherryfield mother $8.00 Feb. 14, 1867
100,209 Bunnham, Mary Cherryfield mother $8.00 Nov. 27, 1868
13,076 Cole, Abigail Cherryfield widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 11, 1878
9,405 Colson, Maria B Cherryfield widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 30, 1878
26,852 Dyer, Maria Cherryfield widow 1812 $8.00 Sept. 9, 1879
140,540 Allen, William H Columbia inj. to abdomen, w. head $10.00 -
43,662 Pinco, Jonathan Columbia wd. r. leg $10.00 -
120,686 Buzzell, Stephen Columbia Falls g. s. w. l. arm & side $4.00 Dec., 1872
33,096 Leighton, Fonze G Columbia Falls g. s. w. l. chest $12.00 -
64,978 Talbut, Zimrey D Columbia Falls dis. of throat $4.00 -
88,674 Smith, Harrison G Columbia Falls chr. diarr $5.00 -
98,625 Archer, Henry H Columbia Falls int. fever $6.00 -
44,784 Buckman, Samuel, jr. Columbia Falls wd. r. index finger $4.00 June 27, 1865
59,002 Phipps, Stephen E Columbia Falls g. s. w. face, dis. of brain $50.00 -
98,764 Nash, Joshua I Columbia Falls chr. diarr., dis. of lungs $4.00 July 7, 1867
94,237 Worcester, Joseph W Columbia Falls wd. r. shoulder $2.66 2/3 Dec. 11, 1868
36,681 Farnsworth, George W Columbia Falls rheum., dis. of liver, &c $4.00 Jan. 17, 1865
21,638 Foren, Patrick Columbia Falls injury to abdomen $6.00 Dec. 17, 1863
158,223 Grant, Bassam Columbia Falls father $8.00 June 5, 1872
138,316 Reynolds, Ezekiel Columbia Falls father $8.00 Jan. 11, 1870
59,919 French, Sally Columbia Falls mother $8.00 Nov. 21, 1865
127,737 Sinclair, Deborah Columbia Falls mother $8.00 Apr. 16, 1869
85,540 Carroll, Louisa Columbia Falls mother $8.00 Oct. 24, 1866
56,490 Worster, Elsie Columbia Falls widow $8.00 Aug. 16, 1866
26,365 Wars, Dency Columbia Falls widow $8.00 Mar. 14, 1867
13,183 Snow, Sarah Columbia Falls widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 12, 1878
13,326 Nash, Susan H Columbia Falls widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 19, 1878
126,075 Watson, George H Cooper wd. throat $6.00 -
202,295 Frost, Jeremiah, jr Cooper mal. poisng., chills, and fever $8.00 Feb. 3, 1882
70,260 Henderson, Isaac N Cooper g. s. w. r. hand $6.00 -
53,979 Brisley, Mary Cooper mother $8.00 Aug. 23, 1865
23,113 Carey, Luther Cooper surv. 1812 $8.00 July 18, 1878
19,457 Averill, Frank S Crawford g. s. w. r. thigh $12.00 -
168,729 Bailey, Jane Crawford mother $8.00 Apr. 30, 1875
92,123 Clark, Wilham W Cutler g. s. w. l. arm & side $6.00 -
84,235 Speed, George W Danforth g. s. w. both knees, r. side $18.00 -
64,604 Sabins, George W Danforth frac. r. scap., injury to abdomen $12.00 -
163,660 Sargent, John H Danforth g. s. w. l. thigh $4.00 Nov. 24, 1879
90,323 Lyens, Henry W Danforth inj. r. knee, chr. diarr. $12.00 -
198,114 McGran, Timothy Danforth g. s. w. r. hip $4.00 Nov. 26, 1881
99,367 Williams, Chandler Danforth deafness $10.00 -
144,671 Butterfield, John H Danforth mal. poisoning $6.00 -
187,024 Butterfield, Lyman E Danforth mal. pois'ng, dis. liver $4.00 Apr. 19, 1881
186,234 Mandwell, John Danforth chr. diarr $6.00 Apr. 6, 1881
206,954 Jenkins, William F Danforth mal. pois'ng diarr., deafness $10.00 Apr. 15, 1882
45,297 French, Harriet Danforth widow $8.00 Apr. 17, 1871
88,278 Crabtree, Elizabeth Danforth widow $8.00 Dec. 28, 1866
173,455 Shaw, Harriet Danforth mother $8.00 May 18, 1876
24,533 Hea, Gilbert Danforth surv. 1812 $8.00 Nov. 6, 1878
15,449 Gilpatrick, Mary H Danforth widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 18, 1879
23,934 Harding, Sarah J Danforth widow 1812 $8.00 May 13, 1879
60,565 Scott, Nancy Danforth widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 21, 1867
24,245 Phillips, Southard Danforth surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept. 23, 1878
187,385 Smith, Edwin N Dennysville g. s. w. l. side, head, dis. Of abdomin l. viscera $10.00 -
145,672 Stanhope, Frederick Dennysville chills & fever, dis. lungs $50.00 -
133,017 Norwood, Nehemiah Dennysville g. s. w. r. shoulder & thigh $8.00 -
176,530 Preston, Enoch R Dennysville chr. diarr., mal. pois'ng $8.00 -
83,678 Cambridge, Samuel Dennysville mal. poisn'ng $8.00 -
200,734 Gardner, Nathaniel Dennysville chr. diarr., mal. pois'ng $6.00 Jan. 13, 1882
61,832 Harrison, Ezekiel Dennysville wd. l. thigh $6.00 Apr. 18, 1866
46,344 Hayward, George H Dennysville g. s. w. back $18.00 -
54,375 Farley, Hiram Dennysville g. s. w. face, loss r. eye $12.00 -
2,733 Dudley, Ephraim M Dennysville wd. l. leg (Navy) $6.00 -
167,028 Wentworth, Elvira R Dennysville widow $8.00 Jan. 21, 1875
45,973 Hayward, Mary J Dennysville widow $8.00 Apr. 28, 1865
48,339 Proctor, Lydia Dennysville widow $8.00 July 19, 1867
141,003 Wilder, Sally G Dennysville mother $8.00 Mar. 15, 1870
135,322 Reynolds, Nancy Dennysville mother $8.00 Oct. 6, 1869
171,914 Ball, Harriet N Dennysville mother $8.00 Jan. 25, 1876
168,330 Dykes, Abigail Dennysville mother $8.00 Mar. 30, 1875
186,459 Page, David Dennysville minor of $12.00 Dec. 27, 1870
26,489 Smith, Deborah Dennysville widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 20, 1879
1,229 Kilby, Abigail Dennysville widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 13, 1871
22,220 Gardner, Jane Dennysville widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 3, 1879
150,139 Rushton, William East Machias g. s. w. l. shoulder $8.00 -
118,248 Black, Thomas East Machias g. s. w. forehead, afft. r. eye $8.00 -
172,871 Ackley, Charles L East Machias rheum & malaria $4.00 -
65,630 Sullivan, John East Machias w. l. shoulder $18.00 -
140,846 Marshall, Edwin D East Machias dis. lungs $24.00 -
63,140 Pearl, Richard H East Machias g. s. w. r. side, head $10.00 -
67,159 Crosby, Samuel J East Machias g. s. w. l. chest, heart dis $14.00 -
94,766 Munson, James H East Machias chr. diarr $6.00 -
34,202 Frye, Charles East Machias wd. l. arm $8.00 -
122,137 Foster, Artemus East Machias bronchitis $8.00 Mar. 22, 1873
43,652 Huntley, Christopher C East Machias wd. l. should., r. arm $5.33 1/3 June 7, 1865
198,360 Huntley, George E East Machias chr. diarr $6.00 Nov. 29, 1881
29,190 Hill, Lyman O East Machias loss l. arm $24.00 -
160,461 Maloon, Horace G East Machias piles $12.00 -
61,531 Rainey, Thomas East Machias chr. diarr $14.00 -
47,873 Munson, Lucy F East Machias mother $8.00 May 27, 1865
197,148 Gardner, Sarah G East Machias mother $8.00 Sept. 4, 1882
98,507 Berry, Ruth F East Machias mother $8.00 Aug. 22, 1867
42,876 Chaloner, Sarah E East Machias widow $8.00 Mar. 29, 1873
28,732 Chase, Mary G East Machias widow $17.00 Feb. 21, 1874
85,418 Ramsdell, Hannah W East Machias mother $8.00 Oct. 20, 1866
23,980 Richards, Isaac East Machias surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 26, 1878
17,730 Hughes, John East Machias surv. 1812 $8.00 July 3, 1872
26,209 Perkins, Hannah L East Machias widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 6, 1879
13,699 Hall, Joanna East Machias widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 23, 1878
27,689 McQuillan, Almira East Machias widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 10, 1879
24,943 Beverly, Elizabeth East Machias widow 1812 $8.00 June 17, 1879
72,868 Powell, Joseph J East Machias chr. diarrh $8.00 Mar. 22, 1873
74,140 Dean, Ezra Eastport wd. l. leg $8.00 Nov. 15, 1866
105,006 Robinson, John Eastport wd. of breast $8.00 Aug. 20, 1870
30,077 Thompson, Hugh Eastport loss l. leg $18.00 Aug. 25, 1866
116,434 Demott, Joseph H Eastport g. s. w. l. shoul., paral. blad., &c $50.00 -
81,013 Lincoln, George O Eastport loss l. eye, varicose veins $8.00 -
186,145 Lowe, John A Eastport chr. diarr $6.00 Apr. 5, 1881
120,399 Lincoln, Otis, jr Eastport g. s. w. l. arm & thigh $4.00 -
57,747 Logan, William Eastport wd. l. hand $6.00 -
162,895 Matthews, Charles Eastport g. s. w. l. arm $4.00 Oct. 23, 1879
125,157 Presley, John W Eastport g. s. w. r. side $10.00 -
175,835 Peters, James Eastport uneurism, abdominal norta $12.00 Oct. 13, 1880
194,787 Bibber, Andrew H Eastport injury to abdomen $12.75 Aug. 24, 1881
162,365 Matthews, Robert Eastport g. s. w. r. foot, l. chest $14.00 -
155,944 McGee, Richard Eastport g. s. w. back & r. ind. finger $8.00 Oct. 17, 1878
37,240 McAdams, William Eastport wd. r. thigh $4.00 Jan. 20, 1885
171,643 Quinn, George W Eastport dis. lungs & heart $8.00 July 24, 1880
137,534 Wadsworth, Henry H Eastport Ozaena follow small pox $17.00 -
153,573 Ward, Asa Eastport inj. r. arm $4.00 June 8, 1878
65,898 Bell, Charles H Eastport g. s. w. r. foot, l. thigh $8.00 -
70,332 Paine, Frederic Eastport g. s. w. r. hip $12.00 -
83,169 McGregor, John Eastport w. r. thigh $18.00 Mar. 2, 1868
87,044 Moholland, Joseph Eastport w. l. leg $8.00 Nov. 15, 1867
128,141 Frost, John M Eastport asthma $6.00 May 12, 1874
91,815 Gilligan, Edward J Eastport w. r. thigh, inj. head $18.00 -
184,448 Hinkley, Jacob S Eastport int. fever, inj. head, shoul $8.00 Mar. 21, 1881
117,609 Hutchinson, James Eastport inj. l. knee $6.00 July 1, 1872
205,101 Ingoldsby, James Eastport epilepsy $8.00 Mar. 24, 1882
115,896 Cox, Henry B Eastport dislo. r. ankle, frac. tibula $8.00 Mar. 9, 1872
96,498 Beale, Frank Eastport g. s. w. r. arm $8.00 Mar., 1869
92,153 Abrams, John Eastport inj. l. leg back $12.00 -
2,618 Powell, James H Eastport w. face, blind r. eye, deaf r. ear (Navy) $6.00 -
977 Bowman, Edward R Eastport inj. l. leg $8.00 -
159,448 Colson, Miriam W Eastport widow $8.00 Aug. 31, 1872
151,813 McDearmaid, Mary Eastport widow $8.00 July 8, 1871
298 Sweat, Catharine M Eastport widow $17.00 May 15, 1873
45,063 Sears, Emily Eastport widow $8.00 Aug. 15, 1867
37,356 Norwood, Deborah Eastport widow $8.00 Jan. 7, 1865
193,476 Patterson, Emma W Eastport widow $10.00 Oct. 10, 1881
157,369 McAnce, Martha Eastport mother $8.00 Apr. 17, 1872
129,507 Lawrence, Jane Eastport mother $8.00 Sept. 26, 1879
180,116 Colson, Mary Eastport mother $8.00 Feb. 21, 1878
194,332 Logan, Mary Eastport mother $8.00 Feb. 4, 1882
127,059 Farrow, Elizabeth Eastport mother $8.00 Apr. 3, 1869
175,864 Field, Jane Eastport mother $8.00 Dec. 26, 1876
196,925 Swett, Hiram F Eastport minor of $17.00 Aug. 18, 1882
- Murphy, Margaret Eastport mother (Navy) $8.00 -
20,393 Huft, Alice Eastport widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 7, 1879
21,266 Hinkley, Sarah A Eastport widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 15, 1879
3,148 Newcomb, Henry Eastport surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 23, 1871
72,512 Haley, John E Forest City g. s. w. l. thigh $8.00 -
119,477 Blanchard, David D Forest City inj. l. side, face, head, &c $4.00 Oct. 14, 1872
22,479 Patterson, John M Forest City surv. 1812 $8.00 June 20, 1878
197,903 Doten, Mary Ann Grand Lake Stream mother $8.00 Dec. 2, 1882
221,350 Cole, Jason C Harrington dis. lungs & inj. back $2.00 Nov. 28, 1882
61,517 Coffin, George H Harrington w. r. hip $4.00 Apr. 11, 1866
208,494 Hall, Enoch L Harrington chr. dis. liver, enteralgia $4.00 May 10, 1882
42,850 Harden, Cushman E Harrington w. r. leg $4.00 Feb. 7, 1866
195,736 Coffin, Otis P Harrington chr. diarr. & rheum $6.00 Sept. 14, 1881
110,035 Mitchell, William Harrington w. r. foot $4.00 May 3, 1871
65,975 Lindsey, Nahum Harrington g. s. w. r. arm $6.00 -
78,366 Dorman, Ephraim P Harrington chr. diarr. $8.50 Nov. 28, 1868
177,073 Plummer, Otis S Harrington father $8.00 Apr. 16, 1877
124,228 Nash, Levi L Harrington father $8.00 Feb. 4, 1869
193,433 Nash, Freeman K Harrington father $8.00 Sept. 29, 1881
174,647 Frye, John Harrington father $8.00 Aug. 3, 1876
47,304 Bennett, Elizabeth B Harrington mother $8.00 May 18, 1865
186,079 Alline, Louisa Harrington mother $8.00 Nov. 15, 1879
185,655 Allen, Charlotte Y Harrington mother $8.00 Oct. 4, 1879
81,180 Huntley, Lucy Harrington mother $8.00 Aug. 17, 1866
55,157 Foster, Diadanna Harrington mother $8.00 Sept. 9, 1865
1,252 Small, Jane Harrington mother (Navy) $8.00 -
13,837 Nash, Abner Harrington surv. 1812 $8.00 Mar. 14, 1872
14,251 Lord, Oliver Harrington surv. 1812 $8.00 Mar. 22, 1872
185,360 Wilson, Sophia C Harrington mother $8.00 Aug. 20, 1879
57,642 Emerson, Charles Indian River w. l. arm $4.00 -
88,709 Emerson, William H Indian River injury to abdomen $6.00 -
70,655 Emerson, Stillman M Indian River inj. r. hand, foot $8.00 -
99,859 Gray, Ezra C Indian River w. l. thigh, injury to abdomen $6.00 -
213,346 Chandler, Reuben Indian River injury to abdomen $4.00 June 30, 1882
72,320 Leighton, Lyman P Indian River w. face $8.00 Oct. 5, 1866
89,501 Leighton, Isaac W Indian River g. s. w. r. leg $12.00 -
260,726 Darr, Joseph P., jr Indian River total deafness $13.00 Jan. 13, 1882
150,937 Barney, Ira Indian River father $8.00 June 5, 1871
78,619 Leighton, Susannah Indian River mother $8.00 July 17, 1866
23,008 Johnson, Mary W Indian River widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 24, 1879
218,280 Monk, John A Jackson Brook g. s. w. l. leg $2.00 Sept. 21, 1882
55,705 Hanscomb, Temperance Jackson Brook mother $8.00 Sept. 18, 1865
182,831 Kinney, Relettess Jackson Brook mother $8.00 Jan. 10, 1879
93,700 Noyes, Warren T Jonesborough g. s. w. neck, shoul., back $6.00 -
37,205 Foss, Benjamin F Jonesborough g. s. w. l. thigh, p. paral. l. ft $4.00 -
10,898 Shoppee, Fanny Jonesborough widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 7, 1878
37,947 Leighton, Coflin S Jonesport g. s. w. l. leg r. hand $8.00 -
19,441 Look, Mary J Jonesport widow $8.00 Mar. 20, 1867
82,656 Chandler, Cecelia A Jonesport widow $8.00 Sept. 6, 1866
187,926 Smith, Sarah E Jonesport widow $12.00 Apr. 23, 1880
9,486 Smith, Mary M Jonesport widow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 2, 1878
24,688 Dobbins, William Jonesport surv. 1812 $8.00 Jan. 8, 1879
100,693 Winship, Ephraim Lambert Lake g. s. w. r. arm, head $12.00 -
215,707 Morrison, George Lubec injury to abdomen $6.00 July 31, 1882
139,119 Fanning, Thomas Lubec g. s. w. r. shoulder $8.00 -
86,056 Miller, Joseph E Lubec g. s. w. r. side, abdomen, &c $8.00 -
168,827 Nickerson, Salathiel E Lubec chr. hepatitis, dis. lungs $50.00 -
111,277 Blackwood, Andrew J Lubec g. s. w. l. side $4.00 -
78,685 Kelley, Elijah S Lubec g. s. w. r. chest, &c $14.00 -
149,274 Small, Alfred Lubec rheum & dis. heart $8.00 Nov. 17, 1877
191,348 Ramsdell, Darius Lubec inj. r. hip $8.00 June 27, 1881
117,815 Keive, Charles Lubec father $8.00 Aug. 27, 1868
164,751 Trefry, Mary A Lubec mother $8.00 May 4, 1874
163,760 Ring, Jane O Lubec mother $8.00 Jan. 24, 1874
119,325 Brawn, Abigail Lubec mother $8.00 Sept. 26, 1868
166,115 Chase, Ellen Lubec mother $8.00 Sept. 23, 1874
158,323 Coflin, Margaret E Lubec widow $8.00 June 12, 1872
191,666 Lamson, Henrietta V Lubec widow $12.00 Mar. 31, 1881
197,929 Mitchell, Sarah E Lubec widow $8.00 Dec. 4, 1882
184,570 Nickerson, Cornelius Lubec minor of $10.00 June 20, 1879
- Best, William J Lubec ten yrs. service (Navy) $24.00 -
13,602 Sumner, Sarah B Lubec widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 21, 1878
53,822 Pierce, John L Machias wd. foot $17.00 Feb. 24, 1866
72,322 Reynolds, George W Machias w. r. foot, arm l. leg $18.00 -
182,246 Reynolds, Hilman Machias dis. of abdominal viscera $12.00 -
135,119 Reynolds, Simon P Machias inj. shoulder, back $2.00 Aug. 6, 1875
43,506 Stone, Charles f Machias injury to abdomen $18.00 -
126,028 Barry, Westbrook Machias chr. diarr $8.00 Dec. 18, 1873
37,212 Armstrong, Alonzo F Machias loss r. thigh $24.00 -
124,495 Allen, George H Machias g. s. w. l. breast, dis. lungs $8.00 -
199,992 Albee, Isaac N Machias chr. diar., indigestion, &c $8.00 Dec. 29, 1881
193,549 Roberts, Lewis Machias int. fever, chr. diarr $6.00 July 28, 1881
137,754 Stevens, Leander H Machias dis. stomach, liver $10.00 -
31,212 Stone, jr., Luther Machias int. fever $8.00 July 30, 1864
100,694 Davis, Gilbert G Machias g. s. w. r. breast $6.00 -
62,949 Lyon, George M Machias g. s. w. face, head $12.00 -
61,522 Thompson, Charles A Machias w. r. arm $8.00 Apr. 11, 1866
101,919 Longfellow, Alphonzo W Machias chr. diarr $8.00 -
107,699 Lincoln, Daniel W Machias total blindness $72.00 -
133,813 Means, Eliphalet Machias spinal inj. weak stomach $8.00 June 7, 1875
217,149 Perry, John Machias inj. face, l. eye $6.00 Aug. 25, 1882
125,151 Palmer, James M Machias w. r. shoulder $2.00 Sept. 23, 1873
211,120 McGuire, Patrick Machias loss, 2d toe from g. s. w. $2.00 June 12, 1882
121,751 McCabe, William H Machias g. s. w. r. thigh, varicose vein $10.00 -
138,760 Preble, William H Machias dis. liver $12.00 -
83,213 Preble, Abiel E Machias w. l. leg $18.00 Jan. 11, 1868
145,180 Blycher, Benjamin F Machias mal. poisng $12.00 May 15, 1877
46,813 Perry, George W Machias w. both thighs $8.00 -
132,093 Mulhern, John Machias injury to abdomen $18.00 -
47,966 Mahler, John D Machias g. s. w. r. shoulder, lung $18.00 -
66,833 Hooper, Andrew Machias w. l. thigh $18.00 Nov. 3, 1866
61,802 Hadley, Charles A Machias w. r. thigh $15.00 -
57,644 Hanscom, Enoch L Machias w. l. arm $15.00 -
172,425 Harrington, George H Machias g. s. w. l. arm $4.00 -
66,831 Foss, Israel P Machias g. s. w. l. shoulder $14.00 -
74,080 Foss, Jacob P Machias w. l. chest $16.00 -
65,445 Foss, James A Machias w. l. leg $18.00 Aug. 29, 1866
69,706 Foss, John W Machias w. l. shoul. & foot $18.00 -
45,115 Greene, Daniel Machias g. s. w. l. hand & leg $10.00 -
62,173 Getchell, Horace W Machias amp. l. leg $18.00 Aug. 29, 1866
151,057 Heffron, James Machias dis. lungs $4.00 Feb. 8, 1878
65,098 Hurley, Jeremiah Machias g. s. w. l. ankle & foot $18.00 -
132,148 Hooper, Nathaniel Machias w. r. hand $3.00 -
196,026 McIntosh, Henry Machias chr. rheum., heart dis. $18.00 Sept. 27, 1881
69,438 Eldrige, Charles W Machias w. r. elbow $12.00 -
185,080 Budd, Nathaniel Machias mal. poisng $4.00 Mar. 29, 1881
129,741 Ricahrds, John G Machias g. s. w. r. leg $3.00 -
183,728 Davis, George R Machias father $8.00 Apr. 10, 1879
181,116 Getchell, Sarah A Machias mother $8.00 May 21, 1878
132,834 Gay, Mary Machias mother $8.00 Aug 5, 1864
142,481 Blyther, Charity Machias mother $8.00 Apr. 28, 1870
94,715 Whitney, Rebecca W Machias mother $8.00 May 17, 1867
185,875 Foss, Sarah Machias mother $8.00 Oct. 25, 1879
116,359 Foss, Betsey Machias mother $8.00 July 23, 1868
150,378 Holland, Elizabeth Machias widow $8.00 May 13, 1871
190,996 Henderson, Caroline M Machias widow $8.00 Jan. 29, 1881
25,522 Ballinger, Mary A Machias widow $20.00 Dec. 6, 1873
100,067 Davis, Mary H Machias widow $8.00 Oct. 4, 1867
197,845 Babb, Belia G Machias minor of $12.00 Dec. 9, 1882
21,259 Longfellow, Susan B Machias widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 15, 1879
26,096 Preston, Mary Machias widow 1812 $8.00 July 30, 1879
17,194 Ramsdell, Annie Machias widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 4, 1879
- Longfellow, Sarah Machias widow $8.00 -
41,618 Bowers, Ira M Machias Port w. r. shoulder $11.25 Apr. 29, 1865
150,137 Goff, James E Machias Port loss r. ind. fing. form g. s. w. $4.00 Dec. 20, 1867
109,891 Dobbin, William, jr Machias Port w. r. knee $4.00 Apr. 29, 1871
156,793 Tobey, James F. F Machias Port chr. diarr., dis. of abdominal viscera $14.00 -
156,295 Colson, David C Machias Port father $8.00 Oct. 24, 1874
129,127 Phinney, John Machias Port father $8.00 Oct. 2, 1869
194,994 Sanborn, Pamela A Machias Port mother $8.00 Mar. 29, 1882
65,353 Colbeth, Pamelia A Machias Port widow $8.00 Feb. 21, 1867
2,469 Travis, Mary L Machias Port mother (Navy) $8.00 -
20,639 Libbey, Lucy F Machias Port widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 12, 1879
134,775 Allen, Achsah S Marion mother $8.00 Sept. 24, 1869
9,144 Bridges, Abraham Marion surv. 1812 $8.00 Dec. 6, 1871
212,717 Lombard, William A Meddybemps dis. eyes & rheum $10.00 June 28, 1882
196,619 Williamson, Charles F Meddybemps g. s. w. l. arm & foot $8.00 Oct. 12, 1881
222,985 Small, Amaziah R Millbridge chr. diarr., and dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 Dec. 19, 1882
29,305 Shaw, William Millbridge loss l. hand $18.00 -
191,913 Wallace, William 2d Millbridge chr. diarr. $6.00 June 30, 1881
99,467 Wallace, Samuel C Millbridge chr. diarr $11.25 Aug. 25, 1869
81,666 Wallace, Nelson C Millbridge w. l. arm $18.00 -
129,097 McCaslin, Warren H Millbridge injury to abdomen $8.00 -
57,698 Walbridge, Everett L Millbridge w. l. arm $4.00 Feb. 10, 1866
212,177 Connor, Richard Millbridge g. s. w. l. hand and face $3.00 June 23, 1882
84,384 Evans, Nathaniel Millbridge ulcers l. leg $10.00 -
70,725 Wallace, Maria S Millbridge widow $20.00 Sept. 5, 1873
58,324 Cain, Susan Millbridge widow $8.00 Aug. 19, 1868
41,373 Sawyer, Martha H Millbridge widow $8.00 July 25, 1867
11,224 Pinkham, Eliza A Millbridge widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 9, 1878
66,052 Wood, Matthew Milltown g. s. w. r. arm $6.00 June, 1866
220,312 Sherman, Daniel W Milltown injury to abdomen, abscess l. arm $8.00 Nov. 4, 1882
163,566 Clark, Eugene B Milltown effects of prison life $18.00 Nov. 18, 1879
72,509 Tracey, William H Milltown dis. stomach $24.00 -
33,060 Pineo, Josiah H Milltown loss use l. arm $18.00 Nov. 30, 1866
44,787 McGraw, Thomas Milltown loss l. arm $24.00 -
16,892 Powers, Thomas Milltown w. l .thigh $3.00 -
36,295 Balcom, Henry A Milltown w. r. shoulder $18.00 June 27, 1867
215,928 Grant, Martin N Milltown mal. pois'ng, chron. diarr $6.00 July 31, 1882
97,451 Hayes, Edward Milltown g. s. w. r. leg $6.00 -
180,085 Chase, James N Milltown mal. pois'ng $6.00 Dec. 21, 1880
180,766 Decie, Charles H Milltown g. s. w. l. hand, head $4.00 Jan. 6, 1881
151,310 Lee, Margaret A Milltown mother $8.00 June 20, 1870
136,193 Bridgham, Jane F Milltown mother $8.00 Nov. 9, 1869
55,778 Frost, Eliza Milltown mother $8.00 Sept. 19, 1866
64,731 Murphy, Catharine Milltown mother $8.00 Feb. 17, 1865
179,270 Field, Sarah Milltown mother $8.00 Dec. 7, 1866
13,415 Butter, Kezia Milltown widow $8.00 May 6, 1867
53,982 McGraw, Annie Milltown widow $8.00 Aug. 23, 1865
- Wadsworth, Jane H Milltown mother (Navy) $8.00 -
32,589 Emerson, Mary W Milltown widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 18, 1882
22,394 Mitchell, Sarah E Milltown widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 4, 1879
22,025 Pineo, Mary Milltown widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 2, 1879
73,283 Barney, Joseph F Northfield g. s. w. l. arm $12.00 -
37,933 Harmon, Andrew J Northfield g. s. w. l. foot $10.00 -
46,343 Miller, George H Northfield amp. r. arm $24.00 -
164,735 Barnard, Melinda H Northfield mother $8.00 May 2, 1874
133,740 Clark, Charles H North Lubec chr. gastritis $8.00 -
188,014 Coffin, Reuben D N. Perry father $8.00 Apr. 28, 1880
145,906 Moore, Lucy N. Perry mother $8.00 Nov. 14, 1870
22,691 Patterson, William N. Perry surv. 1812 $8.00 July 2, 1878
87,076 Bowden, Samuel Pembroke g. s. w. r. hand $12.00 -
138,244 Annas, Alonzo Pembroke dis. lungs and scurvy $8.00 -
59,658 Anthony, Bela Pembroke w. head $12.00 Mar. 15, 1866
53,723 Campbell, B. Atkinson Pembroke g. s. w. l. leg $12.00 -
116,646 Smith, Hosea Pembroke mal. pois'ng chr. diarr $8.00 Apr. 27, 1872
202,313 Smith, Lyman, G Pembroke chill and mal. pois'ng $8.00 Feb. 3, 1882
136,897 Taylor, John Pembroke varicose veins, both legs $12.00 Nov. 24, 1875
136,624 Seeley, Samuel S Pembroke scurvy and debility $8.00 Nov. 12, 1875
86,273 Lyons, Reuben Pembroke g. s. w. l. arm $6.00 -
108,680 Moore, Alonzo V Pembroke injury to abdomen $6.00 -
44,781 Porter, Hugh F Pembroke loss r. arm $24.00 -
25,106 Palmer, Ambrose H Pembroke g. s. w. l. thigh $4.00 July 22, 1882
143,357 Boyce, Daniel Pembroke rheum $8.00 Jan 15, 1877
151,562 Campbell, Reynold D W Pembroke asthma, chr. diarr $8.00 Mar. 12, 1878
69,277 Clark, Robert C Pembroke w. r. shoulder $8.00 -
171,272 Carson, Samuel W Pembroke chills, fever, indigestion $6.00 July 13, 1880
163,633 Hersey, Azor H Pembroke inj. l. leg $6.00 Nov. 24, 1879
147,422 Gardner, Calvin R Pembroke chr. diar. and hepatic dis $10.00 July 30, 1877
41,294 Sampson, Ichabod Pembroke w. r. leg $14.00 -
55,375 Pattangall, Frances M Pembroke widow $20.00 Sept. 13, 1865
55,507 Farley, Eliza M Pembroke widow $8.00 Mar. 21, 1867
28,511 Cameron, Jane Pembroke widow $8.00 -
194,827 Campbell, Mary B Pembroke mother $8.00 Mar. 18, 1882
164,900 Knowlton, Hannah Pembroke mother $8.00 May 15, 1874
2,714 Hickey, Eliza Pembroke mother (Navy) $8.00 -
19,545 Reynolds, Nathaniel Pembroke surv. 1812 $8.00 Nov. 7, 1872
16,679 Basley, Susan Pembroke widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 28, 1879
70,210 Cox, Cyrus Perry w. r. thigh $12.00 -
46,846 Lincoln, William H Perry g. s. w. r. arm $12.00 -
45,948 Potter, Josiah T Perry w. r. leg $8.00 -
75,428 McPhail, William H Perry loss all toes both feet $12.00 -
96,738 Pottle, Simon Perry w. l. arm $8.50 Apr. 6, 1869
47,296 Brown, Jesse Perry w. l. shoulder $12.00 -
171,203 Lincoln, Ezekiel Perry father $8.00 Dec. 3, 1875
159,249 Cook, Alice Perry mother $8.00 Aug. 16, 1872
181,284 Bulmer, Lydia Perry mother $8.00 June 7, 1878
175,413 Morrison, Susan Perry mother $8.00 Oct. 26, 1876
55,710 Morrison, Mary J Perry widow $8.00 Apr. 12, 1867
93,571 Bowen, Mary Perry widow $8.00 May 1, 1867
13,129 Nutt, James Perry surv. 1812 $8.00 Feb. 27, 1872
24,296 Seeley, Joseph Perry surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept. 26, 1878
170,163 Phipps, William W Plantation No. 14 chr. diarr., dis. of ab. vise. $8.00 -
218,721 Dresser, David Princeton inj. r. hip $8.00 Oct. 5, 1882
207,840 Anderson, Harris W Princeton chr. diarr., inj. to back $8.00 May 1, 1882
64,563 Shaw, Isaac B Princeton w. r. thigh $6.00 May 30, 1866
177,589 Smith, Hiram F Princeton mal. pois'ng $18.00 Oct. 25, 1880
65,796 Smith, George W Princeton g. s. w. r. thigh $31.25 -
171,926 Smith, Richard Princeton g. s. w. l. side $4.00 July 31, 1880
152,516 Varney, Sumner T Princeton g. s. w. r. foot $6.00 Apr. 18, 1878
124,607 Gower, William N Princeton w. l. hip & r. leg $8.00 Aug. 14, 1873
102,099 Farrell, William Princeton w. r. arm & wrist, &c $6.00 -
143,361 Glidden, John C Princeton w. l. leg, chr. diarr $8.00 Jan. 18, 1877
136,891 McDowell, George Princeton chr. diarr $9.00 Nov. 24, 1875
173,112 Moore, James Princeton sunstroke $12.00 -
124,706 Farrell, Charles R Princeton g. s. w. r. breast $8.00 Aug., 1873
134,536 Fiehett, Rebecca C Princeton mother $8.00 Sept. 18, 1869
170,306 McCurdy, Anna Princeton mother $8.00 July 22, 1875
170,676 Legacy, Mary Princeton mother $8.00 Sept. 21, 1875
133,316 Chapin, Mary M Princeton mother $8.00 Aug. 20, 1869
133,058 Porter, Elizabeth H Princeton mother $8.00 Aug. 12, 1869
123,606 Smith, Martha Princeton mother $8.00 Jan. 19, 1869
19,922 Heath, Lorain Princeton widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 4, 1879
17,472 Berry, Lavinia Princeton widow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 11, 1879
200,354 Smith, Charles M Red Beach mal. pois'ng, dis. liver, &c $14.00 Jan. 7, 1882
195,964 Lane, Elias S Red Beach mal. pois'ng, chr. diarr $14.00 Sept. 24, 1881
218,731 Lowe, Seth G Red Beach dis. lungs $6.00 Oct. 5, 1882
187,077 Brown, David M Red Beach heart dis $12.00 -
57,631 Merry, James E Robbinston dis. great toe, leg, typh. fever $16.00 -
173,382 Gates, Humphrey P Robbinston dis. throat, lungs $8.00 -
92,497 Vose, Thatcher Robbinston w. r. leg $8.00 -
88,708 Buck, Albert G Robbinston chr. diarr $10.00 -
139 Rice, George E Robbinston g. s. w. r. hip $8.00 -
141,651 Hinton, Joseph Robbinston father $8.00 Apr. 1, 1870
139,740 Campbell, Olive M Robbinston mother $8.00 Feb. 15, 1870
141,908 Gates, Mary Robbinston mother $8.00 Apr. 17, 1870
67,529 Simpson, Elizabeth A Robbinston mother $8.00 Mar. 23, 1866
132,185 Stanton, Mary Robbinston mother $8.00 July 23, 1869
22,926 Hume, Lucy B Robbinston widow, 1812 $8.00 Apr. 16, 1879
11,605 Briggs, Mary Robbinston mother $8.00 Jan. 4, 1864
214,301 Clark, Ebenezer L S. Charlotte chr. diarr. & dis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 June 30, 1882
202,748 James, Horatio N S. Charlotte dis. of lungs $4.00 Feb. 11, 1882
166,798 Marston, Emma S. Lubec widow $8.00 Jan. 8, 1875
50,422 Case, Melissa L S. Lubec widow $8.00 July 1, 1865
87,663 Morse, Elmira S. Lubec mother $8.00 Nov. 12, 1868
132,689 Harlow, Ebenezer D S. Robbinston w. lower jaw $4.00 Apr. 2, 1875
46,917 Johnson, George E S. Robbinston w. l. elbow joint $15.00 -
190,039 McNutt, John S. Robbinston int. fever, chr. rheum, &c $12.00 June 8, 1881
59,338 Scotney, Elizabeth S. Robbinston widow $8.00 May 29, 1867
162,672 Kerr, Clara S S. Robbinston widow $8.00 Aug. 4, 1873
151,869 Tucker, Mary S. Robbinston mother $8.00 July 10, 1871
140,124 Smith, Avril P Steuben typh fever, diarr., dis. liver &c $8.00 -
138,587 Cleaves, Charles G Steuben g. s. w. r. hand $8.00 -
153,052 Small, Joseph Steuben g. s. w. r. arm $2.00 May 16, 1878
84,778 Day, Josiah S Steuben dis. of abdominal viscera $12.00 -
122,887 Whitten, William P Steuben chr. psoriasis, chr. rheum $4.00 -
104,619 Parker, James E Steuben w. r. thigh $4.00 July 27, 1870
77,228 Phinney, Albert C Steuben loss r. ind. finger $2.00 Apr. 24, 1866
128,478 Pinkham, Alvah L Steuben inj. l. side, dis. lung $12.00 -
151,801 Wakefield, Leonard H Steuben chr. diarr $4.00 Mar. 19, 1878
151,856 Pinkham, Eben A Steuben neuralgia & rheum., &c $24.00 -
86,058 Good, Joseph Steuben g. s. w. l. arm $18.00 -
180,445 Davis, Oliver W Steuben mal. pois'ng, dis. liver, &c $8.00 -
167,688 Leighton, James Steuben father $8.00 Feb. 16, 1875
59,847 Pinkham, Ann Steuben mother $8.00 Nov. 20, 1865
147,033 Robinson, Joann Steuben mother $8.00 Jan. 10, 1871
48,340 Pinkham, Bular F Steuben widow $8.00 Mar. 28, 1867
12,550 Stevens, Julia A Steuben widow $8.00 July 21, 1881
28,957 Leighton, Abigail Steuben widow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 27, 1880
181,462 Low, Betsey M Steuben mother $8.00 June 28, 1878
148,360 Huff, Justus E Topsfield g. s. w. r. hand $8.00 -
39,131 Getchell, Emerson T Topsfield amp. l. arm $24.00 -
135,456 Getchell, William A Topsfield dis. of kidneys $8.00 Aug. 21, 1875
88,429 McPhail, John Topsfield dis. heart $14.00 -
181,427 White, George S. S Topsfield inj. spine, dis. kidneys $8.00 Jan. 21, 1881
205,975 Malkson, William H Topsfield dis. liver & heart $8.00 Apr. 1, 1882
137,103 Carey, Michael Topsfield inj. r. shoulder $10.00 -
173,127 Knox, Ward A Topsfield dis. eyes $12.00 Sept. 6, 1880
44,783 Cain, William H Topsfield w. r. arm $14.00 Oct. 3, 1876
136,535 Huff, Phebe Topsfield mother $8.00 Nov. 19, 1869
37,841 Noyes, Sarah D Topsfield mother $8.00 Jan. 13, 1865
132,462 Merrill, Nancy L Topsfield mother $8.00 July 29, 1869
135,485 Malkson, Margery A Topsfield mother $8.00 Oct. 12, 1869
137,134 Hill, Abigail Topsfield mother $8.00 Dec. 6, 1869
134,194 Hodsdon, Esther W Topsfield mother $8.00 Sept. 11, 1869
193,538 Murphy, James Topsfield minor of $12.00 Oct. 28, 1881
15,945 Pinco, Jane Topsfield widow 1812 $8.00 Jan. 27, 1879
26,211 Scott, Frances Topsfield widow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 6, 1879
24,007 Cain, David Topsfield surv. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 26, 1878
13,144 Crabtree, Isabella Topsfield widow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 11, 1878
47,425 Dow, John H Waite g. s. w. l. groin, r. hip $12.00 -
41,697 Williams, Margaret Waite widow $8.00 June 17, 1867
28,736 Hodgman, Jane E Waite widow $8.00 Mar. 29, 1867
174,337 Day, Jacob L Wesley mal. poisng., dis. liver &c $8.00 -
115,797 Munson, Albion K Wesley chr. diarr., debility $6.00 -
60,650 McRae, Asa T Wesley shell w. l. thigh $12.00 -
96,332 Hayward, Eben S Wesley w. r. wrist $4.00 Mar. 19, 1869
99,415 Fenlason, Stillman M Wesley dis. lungs $18.00 -
65,974 Hayward, John W Wesley w. l. shoulder $6.00 June 26, 1866
137,039 McLaughlin, Ira Wesley w. l. side $4.00 Dec. 8, 1875
5,107 Robinson, Vienna B Wesley widow $17.00 Mar. 13, 1874
116,043 Grace, Leonard D W. Harrington int. fever, dis. liver $4.00 Mar. 21, 1872
193,278 Murray, Catharine W. Lubec mother $8.00 Sept. 5, 1881
12,195 Davis, Phillippa W. Lubec widow 1812 $8.00 Nov. 26, 1878
205,200 Sinclair, Benjamin J W. Pembroke injury to abdomen $4.00 Mar. 25, 1882
143,835 Reynolds, Samuel W. Pembroke dis. lungs $16.00 Feb. 20, 1877
193,539 Leighton, William E W. Pembroke mal. pois'ng, dis. heart $8.00 July 28, 1881
141,331 Murray, jr., Benjamin B W. Pembroke inj. r. ankle $10.00 -
44,790 Wilbur, Orrin S W. Pembroke g. s. w. r. thigh $12.00 -
120,400 Woodworth, William L W. Pembroke dis. heart $18.00 -
124,780 Wilder, William H W. Pembroke w. r. shoulder $6.00 -
77,490 Page, Josiah W. Pembroke valvular dis. heart $6.00 Feb. 19, 1867
196,592 Brown, Allen R W. Pembroke inj. r. hip, sciatica $12.00 Oct. 12, 1881
57,466 Carter, Jonathan E W. Pembroke g. s. w. r. shoulder $8.00 -
143,012 Clark, John W W. Pembroke varicose veins, both legs $10.00 -
86,343 Matz, Raymond P W. Pembroke g. s. w. r. side, head, &c $8.00 -
167,179 Owen, Charles H W. Pembroke chr. diarr., dis. heart, &c $10.00 -
104,313 Wilder, George E W. Pembroke g. s. w. l. hand $12.00 -
64,611 Wilbur, David W. Pembroke loss r. leg $24.00 -
47,986 Bosworth, Leonard P W. Pembroke w. l. shoulder $14.00 -
55,842 Griffin, Samuel E W. Pembroke w. near r. shoulder $8.00 -
174,515 Farnsworth, Albert S W. Pembroke dis. brain from sunstroke $6.00 Oct. 2, 1880
53,823 Metz, James C W. Pembroke g. s. w. r. thigh $10.00 -
176,000 Cushing, Permelia W. Pembroke mother $8.00 Jan. 8, 1877
135,969 Bosworth, Hannah W. Pembroke mother $8.00 Nov. 4, 1869
194,326 Driscoll, Catharine W. Pembroke widow $8.00 Feb. 4, 1882
25,784 Farrow, Jane W. Pembroke widow 1812 $8.00 July 12, 1879
23,241 Farnsworth, Abi W. Pembroke widow 1812 $8.00 Apr. 26, 1879
23,439 Sprague, Abigail W. Pembroke widow 1812 $8.00 May 3, 1879
46,255 Saunders, John Whiting w. r. arm $4.00 -
34,390 Smith, Benjamin F Whitneyville mal. pois'ng $12.00 -
153,793 Albee, Thomas S Whitneyville mal. pois'ng $18.00 -
213,581 Allen, William Whitneyville dis. of abdominal viscera, part deaf. both ears $8.00 June 30, 1882
44,785 Bridgham, Charles W Whitneyville g. s. w. l. chest $1.00 -
34,415 Flynn, William M Whitneyville chr. diarr., fever & ague $16.00 -
180,565 McDonald, Emma Whitneyville mother $8.00 Mar. 29, 1878
134,305 Ahern, Honora Whitneyville mother $8.00 Sept. 14, 1869
18,863 Nagle, Hannah D Whitneyville widow $8.00 Apr. 5, 1867

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