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January 1, 1883
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1883 Washington County, Maine List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
40,058 | Kelley, Aaron W | Addison Point | wd. l. leg | $18.00 | - |
207,909 | Small, Eugene E | Addison Point | g. s. w. r. shoulder | $4.00 | May 1, 1882 |
149,405 | Berry, Obed | Addison Point | father | $8.00 | Apr. 14, 1871 |
37,856 | Lowe, Sarah A | Addison Point | widow | $8.00 | May 13, 1867 |
31,223 | Merritt, Esther | Addison Point | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 18, 1881 |
193,071 | Bohanan, George W | Alexander | father | $8.00 | Aug. 11, 1881 |
147,913 | Faley, Joanna | Alexander | mother | $8.00 | Feb. 11, 1871 |
197,782 | Lyons, Hannah | Alexander | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 23, 1882 |
194,575 | Hunnewell, Susanna | Alexander | mother | $8.00 | June 30, 1882 |
22,014 | Strout, Mary A | Alexander | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 2, 1879 |
192,983 | Sears, Mary A | Baileyville | mother | $8.00 | July 28, 1881 |
129,269 | Davis, Jason C | Baring | g. s. w. l. forearm | $4.00 | July 17, 1874 |
57,444 | Hall, John H | Baring | wd. l. arm | $18.00 | Apr. 5, 1867 |
203,302 | Martin, Peter A | Baring | inj. l. arm, shoul, chr. rheum | $12.00 | Feb. 20, 1882 |
66,829 | Smith, James R. N | Baring | dis. of eyes | $6.00 | - |
131,641 | Davis, Eliza | Baring | mother | $8.00 | May 27, 1881 |
176,582 | Samson, Margaret | Baring | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 6, 1877 |
136,842 | Seymore, Ann M | Baring | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 29, 1869 |
17,966 | Bailey, Eliza | Baring | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 15, 1879 |
74,872 | Oakes, Eli | Beddington | chr. rheum., heart dis. | $8.00 | - |
127,027 | Kidder, Joseph | Calais | g. s. w. l. breast, dis. lungs | $18.00 | - |
211,426 | King, Charles W | Calais | mal. fever, enlar. liver & spleen | $4.00 | June 15, 1882 |
162,364 | Linton, James | Calais | inj. r. side & chest | $8.00 | Sept. 13, 1879 |
44,880 | Leach, Frank R | Calais | loss r. arm | $24.00 | - |
26,154 | Tunney, Patrick | Calais | loss r. leg | $24.00 | - |
45,583 | Thistlewood, Robert K | Calais | shell wd. l. leg | $14.00 | - |
214,281 | Trimble, William | Calais | dis. throat, stomach, dyspepsia | $6.00 | June 30, 1882 |
91,900 | Spearin, John | Calais | shell wd. l. side | $10.00 | - |
174,896 | Sears, John A | Calais | mal. pois'ng, diarr., dis. Of abdominal viscera | $14.00 | Oct. 6, 1880 |
212,604 | Spinney, John H | Calais | chr. diarr | $4.00 | June 28, 1882 |
218,321 | Stanhope, George A | Calais | inj. to l. ankle | $4.00 | Sept. 22, 1882 |
131,477 | Scott, Henry | Calais | loss part r. thumb, dis. kidney | $8.00 | - |
190,203 | Rapley, James | Calais | inj. l. ankle | $4.00 | June 10, 1881 |
79,328 | Call, Charles | Calais | g. s. w. r. thigh | $14.00 | - |
192,081 | Card, Charles | Calais | chr. rheum | $12.00 | June 30, 1881 |
12,413 | Collins, Daniel J | Calais | g. s. w. l. leg and ankle | $18.00 | - |
210,206 | Clark, Ebed W | Calais | mal. poisng., chills, and fever | $6.00 | June 1, 1882 |
80,278 | Apt, Benjamin S | Calais | g. s. w. l. hip | $10.00 | - |
65,411 | Scott, Andrew J | Calais | g. s. w. rt. knee | $8.00 | - |
166,241 | Doyle, Dennis | Calais | chr. rheum, g. s. w. r. shoul | $14.00 | Mar. 31, 1880 |
198,656 | Barcley, Samuel R | Calais | dis. throat, lungs, and rheum | $12.75 | Dec. 5, 1881 |
32,385 | Robb, jr., Hugh | Calais | g. s. w. r. thigh | $10.00 | - |
60,853 | Stanhope, Aaron | Calais | g. s. w. neck and l. hand | $16.00 | - |
133,364 | Smith, Alonzo | Calais | chr. diarr., dis. kidneys, heart | $14.00 | - |
81,667 | Marshall, Bradford | Calais | dis. of lungs | $10.00 | - |
169,799 | McElvoy, David | Calais | g. s. w. r. ankle | $4.00 | - |
65,126 | White, Thomas F | Calais | loss l. arm | $24.00 | - |
212,831 | Winchell, Stephen A | Calais | g. s. w. r. leg | $6.00 | June 29, 1882 |
88,757 | Young, Henry S | Calais | trac. r. humerus | $8.00 | - |
197,107 | Allen, William H | Calais | dyspepsia and gen. disability | $12.00 | Oct. 29, 1881 |
66,390 | McLeod, Thomas | Calais | wd. l. thigh | $8.00 | June 25, 1866 |
72,510 | McDonald, Thomas H | Calais | rheum., chr. diarr., dis of abdominal viscera | $12.00 | - |
32,417 | Woodman, Alvin | Calais | wd. l. forearm | $12.00 | - |
84,122 | O'Keefe, Patrick | Calais | g. s. w. l. forearm | $8.00 | - |
159,408 | Whiteknact, John N | Calais | g. s. w. l. arm | $6.00 | - |
136,984 | Ward, John C | Calais | wd. l. arm and breast | $6.00 | Nov. 29, 1875 |
57,662 | Walker, James B | Calais | wd. l. arm and head | $8.00 | Feb. 9, 1866 |
68,364 | Watson, Isaac | Calais | g. s. w. r. leg | $14.00 | - |
70,261 | Beverly, Henry S | Calais | wd. r. groin and l. thigh | $8.00 | - |
74,734 | Bean, John | Calais | g. s. w. r. arm, inj. eyes | $18.00 | - |
100,177 | Corr, Philip | Calais | wd. l. arm | $18.00 | - |
178,162 | Cochrane, Samuel | Calais | mal. poisoning | $12.00 | Oct. 30, 1880 |
74,150 | Malloy, John | Calais | wd. r. leg | $12.00 | - |
138,468 | Flint, Benjamin M | Calais | chr. rheum., nephritis, diarr. | $17.00 | Mar. 18, 1876 |
162,693 | McPherson, John H | Calais | disrr. chills and fever | $8.00 | - |
47,299 | McKusick, Marshall N | Calais | wd. r. shoulder | $18.00 | Aug. 7, 1865 |
126,852 | McLaughlin, Michael | Calais | wd. both legs | $8.00 | Feb. 11, 1874 |
26,720 | McGarry, Noah S | Calais | loss r. hand | $18.00 | Aug. 25, 1866 |
212,194 | Follett, Henry H | Calais | inj. l. leg | $2.00 | June 23, 1882 |
163,087 | Hall, Albert Q | Calais | chr. rheum | $14.00 | - |
208,397 | Howe, Ephriam W | Calais | injury to abdomen, rheum., dis. Kidney | $8.00 | May 9, 1882 |
78,169 | Fisher, John | Calais | g. s. w. l. arm | $14.00 | - |
152,617 | Fleming, John | Calais | g. s. w. l. hand | $8.00 | - |
129,174 | Flood, Levi | Calais | g. s. w. r. hip | $8.00 | - |
94,747 | Greenlaw, Augustus | Calais | wd. r. thigh | $6.00 | - |
77,117 | Granzer, George F | Calais | wd. l. thigh | $12.50 | Feb. 6, 1867 |
217,182 | Grass, Hiram W | Calais | inj. of back | $4.00 | Aug. 26, 1882 |
102,302 | Gaijar, John | Calais | inj. r. lumbar reg., dis. kidney | $50.00 | - |
100,347 | Hennigar, James H | Calais | wd. thro. l. lung | $10.00 | - |
100,367 | Haddock, Joseph | Calais | wd. r. shoulder | $8.00 | - |
72,513 | Howe, Samuel C | Calais | g. s. w. l. shoulder | $8.00 | - |
69,984 | Clark, George H | Calais | g. s. w. l. arm | $6.00 | - |
42,733 | Chamberlain, James A | Calais | loss l. arm | $24.00 | - |
5?,423 | Cleaves, James S | Calais | chr. gastroenteritis | $20.00 | Feb. 22, 1866 |
87,246 | McIntee, Hugh | Calais | g. s. w. l. foot, loss 3d and 4th toes | $6.00 | - |
212,192 | Elsemore, George S | Calais | g. s. w. l. arm | $4.00 | June 23, 1882 |
75,117 | Dawe, Richard W | Calais | wd. r. thigh | $8.00 | Dec. 10, 1866 |
48,914 | Elsmore, John W | Calais | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | July 28, 1876 |
129,381 | Farnsworth, Adrial | Calais | dis. stomach, liver, lungs | $12.00 | - |
195,832 | McNamara, James | Calais | int. fever, diarr, rheum | $12.00 | Sept. 17, 1881 |
138,125 | Downes, Michael | Calais | inj. l. side | $8.00 | - |
59,582 | Billyea, Alvaridis | Calais | g. s. w. r. shoulder, side | $6.00 | Mar., 1866 |
69,430 | Mulligan, Michael | Calais | chr. diarr | $10.00 | Aug., 1866 |
15,045 | O'Neil, John | Calais | g. s. w. l. knee | $18.00 | Aug., 1863 |
131,673 | Murphy, Michael | Calais | g. s. w. r. hand, inj. of head | $3.00 | - |
2,881 | Vickery, Lebbins S | Calais | chills and fever (Navy) | $8.00 | - |
176,643 | Carlow, John P | Calais | mal. pois | $8.00 | Oct. 18, 1880 |
46,346 | Chase, Asa D | Calais | w. l. side | $2.66 2/3 | June 25, 1865 |
23,698 | Whittier, Catharine | Calais | widow | $8.00 | June 17, 1867 |
46,871 | Taylor, Elizabeth A | Calais | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 2, 1867 |
185,050 | Trask, Elizabeth S | Calais | widow | $12.00 | July 26, 1879 |
193,330 | Estabrook, Sarah C | Calais | widow | $8.00 | Sept. 13, 1881 |
62,068 | Barber, Kate B | Calais | widow | $8.00 | Feb. 20, 1867 |
48,167 | Gildart, Catharine | Calais | widow | $8.00 | May 30, 1865 |
180,878 | Hume, Augusta J | Calais | widow | $15.00 | Apr. 30, 1878 |
58,681 | McLalan, Jennet | Calais | widow | $8.00 | May 10, 1867 |
92,360 | Condan, Mary | Calais | mother | $8.00 | - |
193,307 | Wilson, Lydia | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 9, 1881 |
136,672 | Stanhope, Sarah | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 24, 1869 |
135,970 | Smith, Mary A | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 4, 1869 |
87,125 | Reding, Esther P | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 28, 1866 |
22,726 | Millen, Mary | Calais | mother | $8.00 | May 25, 1864 |
118,808 | Kingston, Honora | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 16, 1868 |
156,946 | Leahan, Mary | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 29, 1872 |
90,565 | Munson, Charlotte | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Feb. 19, 1867 |
183,468 | McNamara, Eliza | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 24, 1879 |
180,053 | McGlaughlin, Louisa | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Feb. 18, 1878 |
175,926 | Estey, Jane | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Dec. 30, 1876 |
182,736 | Collins, Charity G | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Dec. 23, 1878 |
183,689 | Haycock, Lucinda A | Calais | mother | $25.00 | Apr. 8, 1879 |
101,876 | Butler, Frances | Calais | mother | $8.00 | Oct. 29, 1867 |
1,435 | Ferguson, Martha A | Calais | widow (Navy) | $8.00 | - |
22,845 | Dyer, Samuel | Calais | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | July 10, 1878 |
28,956 | Palmer, Liless | Calais | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 27, 1880 |
12,665 | Beverly, Sarah A | Calais | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 6, 1878 |
24,464 | Todd, Harriet J | Calais | widow 1812 | $8.00 | May 28, 1879 |
10,472 | Thurston, Margaret | Calais | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct. 26, 1878 |
8,784 | Hall, Susan | Calais | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept. 18, 1878 |
22,221 | Pickens, Vashti | Calais | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 3, 1879 |
29,003 | Runnels, Margaret | Calais | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 8, 1880 |
147,932 | Stanhope, Willard | Calais | father | $8.00 | Feb. 11, 1871 |
59,469 | Annas, John H | Charlotte | wd. r. leg | $4.00 | Mar. 10, 1866 |
74,881 | Farries, Daniel | Charlotte | chr. diarr | $8.00 | Dec. 3, 1866 |
143,321 | Morrison, David J | Charlotte | g. s. w. l. leg | $6.00 | - |
41,394 | Thompson, Silas | Charlotte | g. s. w. l. thigh | $10.00 | - |
62,336 | Bridges, Mary E | Charlotte | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 16, 1866 |
136,537 | Griflin, Susannah P | Charlotte | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 19, 1869 |
3,514 | Archer, Sally | Charlotte | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 7, 1872 |
10,058 | Harrison, Deborah | Charlotte | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct. 15, 1878 |
8,492 | Gardner, Leah | Charlotte | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept. 7, 1878 |
15,535 | McGlauflin, Hitty | Charlotte | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 20, 1879 |
104,650 | Leighton, Thomas | Cherryfield | chr. diarr | $6.00 | - |
23,960 | Keith, David B | Cherryfield | par. paraly. lower extrem | $18.00 | Jan. 8, 1881 |
65,029 | Leighton, Jason | Cherryfield | g. s. w. l. foot | $10.00 | - |
209,885 | Tracy, Willard | Cherryfield | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | Jan. 17, 1882 |
118,457 | Tucker, William S | Cherryfield | chr. diarr. | $6.00 | - |
162,926 | Shorey, Jeremiah | Cherryfield | par. loss r. index fing. From g. s. w. | $2.00 | Oct. 29, 1879 |
222,656 | Sinclair, Joshua | Cherryfield | chr. diarr. and chr. rheum | $4.00 | Dec. 16, 1882 |
43,873 | Cousins, Benjamin | Cherryfield | wd. r. shoulder | $18.00 | Nov. 14, 1866 |
100,349 | Case, Alexander | Cherryfield | chr. diarr., inj. r. leg, side | $8.00 | - |
177,370 | Buck, Willmot N | Cherryfield | g. s. w. r. hand | $6.00 | Oct. 22, 1880 |
150,142 | Abbott, Orson | Cherryfield | shell wd. l. thigh | $6.00 | - |
140,254 | Cunningham, Timothy | Cherryfield | g. s. w. l. ankle | $8.00 | - |
122,421 | Dorr, Everett | Cherryfield | inj. hips, back, thigh, abdomen | $16.00 | - |
58,418 | Bridgham, Leverett C | Cherryfield | g. s. w. r. thigh | $12.00 | - |
58,421 | Brennan, Patrick | Cherryfield | g. s. w. l. arm | $8.00 | - |
64,977 | Cunningham, Michael | Cherryfield | g. s. w. l. hd., arm, and r. sho | $12.00 | - |
77,129 | Anderson, Thomas A | Cherryfield | g. s. w. r. thigh and groin | $6.00 | - |
129,107 | Wilson, Charles E | Cherryfield | chr. diarr. and neuralgia | $8.00 | July 6, 1874 |
90,929 | Brazille, James H | Cherryfield | wd. r. hand and l. knee | $6.00 | May 19, 1868 |
107,509 | Brazil, John | Cherryfield | chr. rheum | $18.00 | - |
88,564 | Burk, Lewis | Cherryfield | chr. diarr. &c | $4.00 | - |
40,747 | McCollum, John | Cherryfield | wd. r. hand | $18.00 | Dec. 10, 1866 |
60,740 | Mitchell, John E | Cherryfield | g. s. w. l. wrist | $8.00 | - |
162,256 | Farrar, Elisha C., jr | Cherryfield | chr. diarr., mal poisng | $8.00 | Dec. 23, 1879 |
142,290 | Grant, Timothy L | Cherryfield | wd. mouth | $4.00 | Oct. 30, 1876 |
159,680 | Feeney, Martin | Cherryfield | inj. to back | $8.00 | May 9, 1879 |
146,746 | Conners, Horatio B | Cherryfield | g. s. w. r. thigh | $1.00 | June 28, 1877 |
62,411 | McClure, George W | Cherryfield | shell w. l. leg | $8.00 | - |
61,969 | Dunbar, Oscar | Cherryfield | wd. r. arm | $12.00 | - |
190,107 | Bussell, Samuel S | Cherryfield | father | $8.00 | Oct. 26, 1880 |
71,797 | Willey, Betsey B | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 8, 1867 |
54,620 | Torrey, Nancy | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | June 14, 1867 |
145,977 | Tucker, Pamelia | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | Nov. 17, 1870 |
56,865 | Cox, Loricie | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | Oct. 4, 1865 |
39,525 | Downs, Elvina | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | May 2, 1867 |
63,751 | Mitchell, Caroline | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | May 18, 1867 |
45,662 | Mitchell, Ann | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | June 3, 1867 |
90,806 | Harrington, Octavia | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | May 24, 1876 |
39,851 | Wilson, Mary T | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 15, 1867 |
25,856 | Worster, Hannah L | Cherryfield | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 8, 1867 |
117,112 | Willey, Eliza | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 10, 1868 |
130,037 | Tracy, Diadanna | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | June 5, 1869 |
144,623 | Small, Harriet | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 30, 1870 |
65,423 | Hart, Mary S | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | Feb. 26, 1866 |
117,115 | Pinkham, Susan | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 10, 1868 |
198,325 | Nichels, Frances G | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | May 17, 1881 |
89,253 | Newenham, Bridget | Cherryfield | mother | $17.00 | Jan. 22, 1867 |
134,307 | Longfellow, Deborah T | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 14, 1869 |
42,996 | McIntosh, Grissel | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 16, 1865 |
61,748 | Haycock, Lucretia | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 9, 1866 |
90,272 | Grant, Elmira | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | Feb. 14, 1867 |
100,209 | Bunnham, Mary | Cherryfield | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 27, 1868 |
13,076 | Cole, Abigail | Cherryfield | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 11, 1878 |
9,405 | Colson, Maria B | Cherryfield | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept. 30, 1878 |
26,852 | Dyer, Maria | Cherryfield | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept. 9, 1879 |
140,540 | Allen, William H | Columbia | inj. to abdomen, w. head | $10.00 | - |
43,662 | Pinco, Jonathan | Columbia | wd. r. leg | $10.00 | - |
120,686 | Buzzell, Stephen | Columbia Falls | g. s. w. l. arm & side | $4.00 | Dec., 1872 |
33,096 | Leighton, Fonze G | Columbia Falls | g. s. w. l. chest | $12.00 | - |
64,978 | Talbut, Zimrey D | Columbia Falls | dis. of throat | $4.00 | - |
88,674 | Smith, Harrison G | Columbia Falls | chr. diarr | $5.00 | - |
98,625 | Archer, Henry H | Columbia Falls | int. fever | $6.00 | - |
44,784 | Buckman, Samuel, jr. | Columbia Falls | wd. r. index finger | $4.00 | June 27, 1865 |
59,002 | Phipps, Stephen E | Columbia Falls | g. s. w. face, dis. of brain | $50.00 | - |
98,764 | Nash, Joshua I | Columbia Falls | chr. diarr., dis. of lungs | $4.00 | July 7, 1867 |
94,237 | Worcester, Joseph W | Columbia Falls | wd. r. shoulder | $2.66 2/3 | Dec. 11, 1868 |
36,681 | Farnsworth, George W | Columbia Falls | rheum., dis. of liver, &c | $4.00 | Jan. 17, 1865 |
21,638 | Foren, Patrick | Columbia Falls | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | Dec. 17, 1863 |
158,223 | Grant, Bassam | Columbia Falls | father | $8.00 | June 5, 1872 |
138,316 | Reynolds, Ezekiel | Columbia Falls | father | $8.00 | Jan. 11, 1870 |
59,919 | French, Sally | Columbia Falls | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 21, 1865 |
127,737 | Sinclair, Deborah | Columbia Falls | mother | $8.00 | Apr. 16, 1869 |
85,540 | Carroll, Louisa | Columbia Falls | mother | $8.00 | Oct. 24, 1866 |
56,490 | Worster, Elsie | Columbia Falls | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 16, 1866 |
26,365 | Wars, Dency | Columbia Falls | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 14, 1867 |
13,183 | Snow, Sarah | Columbia Falls | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 12, 1878 |
13,326 | Nash, Susan H | Columbia Falls | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 19, 1878 |
126,075 | Watson, George H | Cooper | wd. throat | $6.00 | - |
202,295 | Frost, Jeremiah, jr | Cooper | mal. poisng., chills, and fever | $8.00 | Feb. 3, 1882 |
70,260 | Henderson, Isaac N | Cooper | g. s. w. r. hand | $6.00 | - |
53,979 | Brisley, Mary | Cooper | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 23, 1865 |
23,113 | Carey, Luther | Cooper | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | July 18, 1878 |
19,457 | Averill, Frank S | Crawford | g. s. w. r. thigh | $12.00 | - |
168,729 | Bailey, Jane | Crawford | mother | $8.00 | Apr. 30, 1875 |
92,123 | Clark, Wilham W | Cutler | g. s. w. l. arm & side | $6.00 | - |
84,235 | Speed, George W | Danforth | g. s. w. both knees, r. side | $18.00 | - |
64,604 | Sabins, George W | Danforth | frac. r. scap., injury to abdomen | $12.00 | - |
163,660 | Sargent, John H | Danforth | g. s. w. l. thigh | $4.00 | Nov. 24, 1879 |
90,323 | Lyens, Henry W | Danforth | inj. r. knee, chr. diarr. | $12.00 | - |
198,114 | McGran, Timothy | Danforth | g. s. w. r. hip | $4.00 | Nov. 26, 1881 |
99,367 | Williams, Chandler | Danforth | deafness | $10.00 | - |
144,671 | Butterfield, John H | Danforth | mal. poisoning | $6.00 | - |
187,024 | Butterfield, Lyman E | Danforth | mal. pois'ng, dis. liver | $4.00 | Apr. 19, 1881 |
186,234 | Mandwell, John | Danforth | chr. diarr | $6.00 | Apr. 6, 1881 |
206,954 | Jenkins, William F | Danforth | mal. pois'ng diarr., deafness | $10.00 | Apr. 15, 1882 |
45,297 | French, Harriet | Danforth | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 17, 1871 |
88,278 | Crabtree, Elizabeth | Danforth | widow | $8.00 | Dec. 28, 1866 |
173,455 | Shaw, Harriet | Danforth | mother | $8.00 | May 18, 1876 |
24,533 | Hea, Gilbert | Danforth | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 6, 1878 |
15,449 | Gilpatrick, Mary H | Danforth | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 18, 1879 |
23,934 | Harding, Sarah J | Danforth | widow 1812 | $8.00 | May 13, 1879 |
60,565 | Scott, Nancy | Danforth | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct. 21, 1867 |
24,245 | Phillips, Southard | Danforth | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Sept. 23, 1878 |
187,385 | Smith, Edwin N | Dennysville | g. s. w. l. side, head, dis. Of abdomin l. viscera | $10.00 | - |
145,672 | Stanhope, Frederick | Dennysville | chills & fever, dis. lungs | $50.00 | - |
133,017 | Norwood, Nehemiah | Dennysville | g. s. w. r. shoulder & thigh | $8.00 | - |
176,530 | Preston, Enoch R | Dennysville | chr. diarr., mal. pois'ng | $8.00 | - |
83,678 | Cambridge, Samuel | Dennysville | mal. poisn'ng | $8.00 | - |
200,734 | Gardner, Nathaniel | Dennysville | chr. diarr., mal. pois'ng | $6.00 | Jan. 13, 1882 |
61,832 | Harrison, Ezekiel | Dennysville | wd. l. thigh | $6.00 | Apr. 18, 1866 |
46,344 | Hayward, George H | Dennysville | g. s. w. back | $18.00 | - |
54,375 | Farley, Hiram | Dennysville | g. s. w. face, loss r. eye | $12.00 | - |
2,733 | Dudley, Ephraim M | Dennysville | wd. l. leg (Navy) | $6.00 | - |
167,028 | Wentworth, Elvira R | Dennysville | widow | $8.00 | Jan. 21, 1875 |
45,973 | Hayward, Mary J | Dennysville | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 28, 1865 |
48,339 | Proctor, Lydia | Dennysville | widow | $8.00 | July 19, 1867 |
141,003 | Wilder, Sally G | Dennysville | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 15, 1870 |
135,322 | Reynolds, Nancy | Dennysville | mother | $8.00 | Oct. 6, 1869 |
171,914 | Ball, Harriet N | Dennysville | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 25, 1876 |
168,330 | Dykes, Abigail | Dennysville | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 30, 1875 |
186,459 | Page, David | Dennysville | minor of | $12.00 | Dec. 27, 1870 |
26,489 | Smith, Deborah | Dennysville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 20, 1879 |
1,229 | Kilby, Abigail | Dennysville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 13, 1871 |
22,220 | Gardner, Jane | Dennysville | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 3, 1879 |
150,139 | Rushton, William | East Machias | g. s. w. l. shoulder | $8.00 | - |
118,248 | Black, Thomas | East Machias | g. s. w. forehead, afft. r. eye | $8.00 | - |
172,871 | Ackley, Charles L | East Machias | rheum & malaria | $4.00 | - |
65,630 | Sullivan, John | East Machias | w. l. shoulder | $18.00 | - |
140,846 | Marshall, Edwin D | East Machias | dis. lungs | $24.00 | - |
63,140 | Pearl, Richard H | East Machias | g. s. w. r. side, head | $10.00 | - |
67,159 | Crosby, Samuel J | East Machias | g. s. w. l. chest, heart dis | $14.00 | - |
94,766 | Munson, James H | East Machias | chr. diarr | $6.00 | - |
34,202 | Frye, Charles | East Machias | wd. l. arm | $8.00 | - |
122,137 | Foster, Artemus | East Machias | bronchitis | $8.00 | Mar. 22, 1873 |
43,652 | Huntley, Christopher C | East Machias | wd. l. should., r. arm | $5.33 1/3 | June 7, 1865 |
198,360 | Huntley, George E | East Machias | chr. diarr | $6.00 | Nov. 29, 1881 |
29,190 | Hill, Lyman O | East Machias | loss l. arm | $24.00 | - |
160,461 | Maloon, Horace G | East Machias | piles | $12.00 | - |
61,531 | Rainey, Thomas | East Machias | chr. diarr | $14.00 | - |
47,873 | Munson, Lucy F | East Machias | mother | $8.00 | May 27, 1865 |
197,148 | Gardner, Sarah G | East Machias | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 4, 1882 |
98,507 | Berry, Ruth F | East Machias | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 22, 1867 |
42,876 | Chaloner, Sarah E | East Machias | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 29, 1873 |
28,732 | Chase, Mary G | East Machias | widow | $17.00 | Feb. 21, 1874 |
85,418 | Ramsdell, Hannah W | East Machias | mother | $8.00 | Oct. 20, 1866 |
23,980 | Richards, Isaac | East Machias | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 26, 1878 |
17,730 | Hughes, John | East Machias | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | July 3, 1872 |
26,209 | Perkins, Hannah L | East Machias | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 6, 1879 |
13,699 | Hall, Joanna | East Machias | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 23, 1878 |
27,689 | McQuillan, Almira | East Machias | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 10, 1879 |
24,943 | Beverly, Elizabeth | East Machias | widow 1812 | $8.00 | June 17, 1879 |
72,868 | Powell, Joseph J | East Machias | chr. diarrh | $8.00 | Mar. 22, 1873 |
74,140 | Dean, Ezra | Eastport | wd. l. leg | $8.00 | Nov. 15, 1866 |
105,006 | Robinson, John | Eastport | wd. of breast | $8.00 | Aug. 20, 1870 |
30,077 | Thompson, Hugh | Eastport | loss l. leg | $18.00 | Aug. 25, 1866 |
116,434 | Demott, Joseph H | Eastport | g. s. w. l. shoul., paral. blad., &c | $50.00 | - |
81,013 | Lincoln, George O | Eastport | loss l. eye, varicose veins | $8.00 | - |
186,145 | Lowe, John A | Eastport | chr. diarr | $6.00 | Apr. 5, 1881 |
120,399 | Lincoln, Otis, jr | Eastport | g. s. w. l. arm & thigh | $4.00 | - |
57,747 | Logan, William | Eastport | wd. l. hand | $6.00 | - |
162,895 | Matthews, Charles | Eastport | g. s. w. l. arm | $4.00 | Oct. 23, 1879 |
125,157 | Presley, John W | Eastport | g. s. w. r. side | $10.00 | - |
175,835 | Peters, James | Eastport | uneurism, abdominal norta | $12.00 | Oct. 13, 1880 |
194,787 | Bibber, Andrew H | Eastport | injury to abdomen | $12.75 | Aug. 24, 1881 |
162,365 | Matthews, Robert | Eastport | g. s. w. r. foot, l. chest | $14.00 | - |
155,944 | McGee, Richard | Eastport | g. s. w. back & r. ind. finger | $8.00 | Oct. 17, 1878 |
37,240 | McAdams, William | Eastport | wd. r. thigh | $4.00 | Jan. 20, 1885 |
171,643 | Quinn, George W | Eastport | dis. lungs & heart | $8.00 | July 24, 1880 |
137,534 | Wadsworth, Henry H | Eastport | Ozaena follow small pox | $17.00 | - |
153,573 | Ward, Asa | Eastport | inj. r. arm | $4.00 | June 8, 1878 |
65,898 | Bell, Charles H | Eastport | g. s. w. r. foot, l. thigh | $8.00 | - |
70,332 | Paine, Frederic | Eastport | g. s. w. r. hip | $12.00 | - |
83,169 | McGregor, John | Eastport | w. r. thigh | $18.00 | Mar. 2, 1868 |
87,044 | Moholland, Joseph | Eastport | w. l. leg | $8.00 | Nov. 15, 1867 |
128,141 | Frost, John M | Eastport | asthma | $6.00 | May 12, 1874 |
91,815 | Gilligan, Edward J | Eastport | w. r. thigh, inj. head | $18.00 | - |
184,448 | Hinkley, Jacob S | Eastport | int. fever, inj. head, shoul | $8.00 | Mar. 21, 1881 |
117,609 | Hutchinson, James | Eastport | inj. l. knee | $6.00 | July 1, 1872 |
205,101 | Ingoldsby, James | Eastport | epilepsy | $8.00 | Mar. 24, 1882 |
115,896 | Cox, Henry B | Eastport | dislo. r. ankle, frac. tibula | $8.00 | Mar. 9, 1872 |
96,498 | Beale, Frank | Eastport | g. s. w. r. arm | $8.00 | Mar., 1869 |
92,153 | Abrams, John | Eastport | inj. l. leg back | $12.00 | - |
2,618 | Powell, James H | Eastport | w. face, blind r. eye, deaf r. ear (Navy) | $6.00 | - |
977 | Bowman, Edward R | Eastport | inj. l. leg | $8.00 | - |
159,448 | Colson, Miriam W | Eastport | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 31, 1872 |
151,813 | McDearmaid, Mary | Eastport | widow | $8.00 | July 8, 1871 |
298 | Sweat, Catharine M | Eastport | widow | $17.00 | May 15, 1873 |
45,063 | Sears, Emily | Eastport | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 15, 1867 |
37,356 | Norwood, Deborah | Eastport | widow | $8.00 | Jan. 7, 1865 |
193,476 | Patterson, Emma W | Eastport | widow | $10.00 | Oct. 10, 1881 |
157,369 | McAnce, Martha | Eastport | mother | $8.00 | Apr. 17, 1872 |
129,507 | Lawrence, Jane | Eastport | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 26, 1879 |
180,116 | Colson, Mary | Eastport | mother | $8.00 | Feb. 21, 1878 |
194,332 | Logan, Mary | Eastport | mother | $8.00 | Feb. 4, 1882 |
127,059 | Farrow, Elizabeth | Eastport | mother | $8.00 | Apr. 3, 1869 |
175,864 | Field, Jane | Eastport | mother | $8.00 | Dec. 26, 1876 |
196,925 | Swett, Hiram F | Eastport | minor of | $17.00 | Aug. 18, 1882 |
- | Murphy, Margaret | Eastport | mother (Navy) | $8.00 | - |
20,393 | Huft, Alice | Eastport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 7, 1879 |
21,266 | Hinkley, Sarah A | Eastport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 15, 1879 |
3,148 | Newcomb, Henry | Eastport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 23, 1871 |
72,512 | Haley, John E | Forest City | g. s. w. l. thigh | $8.00 | - |
119,477 | Blanchard, David D | Forest City | inj. l. side, face, head, &c | $4.00 | Oct. 14, 1872 |
22,479 | Patterson, John M | Forest City | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | June 20, 1878 |
197,903 | Doten, Mary Ann | Grand Lake Stream | mother | $8.00 | Dec. 2, 1882 |
221,350 | Cole, Jason C | Harrington | dis. lungs & inj. back | $2.00 | Nov. 28, 1882 |
61,517 | Coffin, George H | Harrington | w. r. hip | $4.00 | Apr. 11, 1866 |
208,494 | Hall, Enoch L | Harrington | chr. dis. liver, enteralgia | $4.00 | May 10, 1882 |
42,850 | Harden, Cushman E | Harrington | w. r. leg | $4.00 | Feb. 7, 1866 |
195,736 | Coffin, Otis P | Harrington | chr. diarr. & rheum | $6.00 | Sept. 14, 1881 |
110,035 | Mitchell, William | Harrington | w. r. foot | $4.00 | May 3, 1871 |
65,975 | Lindsey, Nahum | Harrington | g. s. w. r. arm | $6.00 | - |
78,366 | Dorman, Ephraim P | Harrington | chr. diarr. | $8.50 | Nov. 28, 1868 |
177,073 | Plummer, Otis S | Harrington | father | $8.00 | Apr. 16, 1877 |
124,228 | Nash, Levi L | Harrington | father | $8.00 | Feb. 4, 1869 |
193,433 | Nash, Freeman K | Harrington | father | $8.00 | Sept. 29, 1881 |
174,647 | Frye, John | Harrington | father | $8.00 | Aug. 3, 1876 |
47,304 | Bennett, Elizabeth B | Harrington | mother | $8.00 | May 18, 1865 |
186,079 | Alline, Louisa | Harrington | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 15, 1879 |
185,655 | Allen, Charlotte Y | Harrington | mother | $8.00 | Oct. 4, 1879 |
81,180 | Huntley, Lucy | Harrington | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 17, 1866 |
55,157 | Foster, Diadanna | Harrington | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 9, 1865 |
1,252 | Small, Jane | Harrington | mother (Navy) | $8.00 | - |
13,837 | Nash, Abner | Harrington | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 14, 1872 |
14,251 | Lord, Oliver | Harrington | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 22, 1872 |
185,360 | Wilson, Sophia C | Harrington | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 20, 1879 |
57,642 | Emerson, Charles | Indian River | w. l. arm | $4.00 | - |
88,709 | Emerson, William H | Indian River | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | - |
70,655 | Emerson, Stillman M | Indian River | inj. r. hand, foot | $8.00 | - |
99,859 | Gray, Ezra C | Indian River | w. l. thigh, injury to abdomen | $6.00 | - |
213,346 | Chandler, Reuben | Indian River | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | June 30, 1882 |
72,320 | Leighton, Lyman P | Indian River | w. face | $8.00 | Oct. 5, 1866 |
89,501 | Leighton, Isaac W | Indian River | g. s. w. r. leg | $12.00 | - |
260,726 | Darr, Joseph P., jr | Indian River | total deafness | $13.00 | Jan. 13, 1882 |
150,937 | Barney, Ira | Indian River | father | $8.00 | June 5, 1871 |
78,619 | Leighton, Susannah | Indian River | mother | $8.00 | July 17, 1866 |
23,008 | Johnson, Mary W | Indian River | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 24, 1879 |
218,280 | Monk, John A | Jackson Brook | g. s. w. l. leg | $2.00 | Sept. 21, 1882 |
55,705 | Hanscomb, Temperance | Jackson Brook | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 18, 1865 |
182,831 | Kinney, Relettess | Jackson Brook | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 10, 1879 |
93,700 | Noyes, Warren T | Jonesborough | g. s. w. neck, shoul., back | $6.00 | - |
37,205 | Foss, Benjamin F | Jonesborough | g. s. w. l. thigh, p. paral. l. ft | $4.00 | - |
10,898 | Shoppee, Fanny | Jonesborough | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 7, 1878 |
37,947 | Leighton, Coflin S | Jonesport | g. s. w. l. leg r. hand | $8.00 | - |
19,441 | Look, Mary J | Jonesport | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 20, 1867 |
82,656 | Chandler, Cecelia A | Jonesport | widow | $8.00 | Sept. 6, 1866 |
187,926 | Smith, Sarah E | Jonesport | widow | $12.00 | Apr. 23, 1880 |
9,486 | Smith, Mary M | Jonesport | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Oct. 2, 1878 |
24,688 | Dobbins, William | Jonesport | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 8, 1879 |
100,693 | Winship, Ephraim | Lambert Lake | g. s. w. r. arm, head | $12.00 | - |
215,707 | Morrison, George | Lubec | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | July 31, 1882 |
139,119 | Fanning, Thomas | Lubec | g. s. w. r. shoulder | $8.00 | - |
86,056 | Miller, Joseph E | Lubec | g. s. w. r. side, abdomen, &c | $8.00 | - |
168,827 | Nickerson, Salathiel E | Lubec | chr. hepatitis, dis. lungs | $50.00 | - |
111,277 | Blackwood, Andrew J | Lubec | g. s. w. l. side | $4.00 | - |
78,685 | Kelley, Elijah S | Lubec | g. s. w. r. chest, &c | $14.00 | - |
149,274 | Small, Alfred | Lubec | rheum & dis. heart | $8.00 | Nov. 17, 1877 |
191,348 | Ramsdell, Darius | Lubec | inj. r. hip | $8.00 | June 27, 1881 |
117,815 | Keive, Charles | Lubec | father | $8.00 | Aug. 27, 1868 |
164,751 | Trefry, Mary A | Lubec | mother | $8.00 | May 4, 1874 |
163,760 | Ring, Jane O | Lubec | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 24, 1874 |
119,325 | Brawn, Abigail | Lubec | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 26, 1868 |
166,115 | Chase, Ellen | Lubec | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 23, 1874 |
158,323 | Coflin, Margaret E | Lubec | widow | $8.00 | June 12, 1872 |
191,666 | Lamson, Henrietta V | Lubec | widow | $12.00 | Mar. 31, 1881 |
197,929 | Mitchell, Sarah E | Lubec | widow | $8.00 | Dec. 4, 1882 |
184,570 | Nickerson, Cornelius | Lubec | minor of | $10.00 | June 20, 1879 |
- | Best, William J | Lubec | ten yrs. service (Navy) | $24.00 | - |
13,602 | Sumner, Sarah B | Lubec | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 21, 1878 |
53,822 | Pierce, John L | Machias | wd. foot | $17.00 | Feb. 24, 1866 |
72,322 | Reynolds, George W | Machias | w. r. foot, arm l. leg | $18.00 | - |
182,246 | Reynolds, Hilman | Machias | dis. of abdominal viscera | $12.00 | - |
135,119 | Reynolds, Simon P | Machias | inj. shoulder, back | $2.00 | Aug. 6, 1875 |
43,506 | Stone, Charles f | Machias | injury to abdomen | $18.00 | - |
126,028 | Barry, Westbrook | Machias | chr. diarr | $8.00 | Dec. 18, 1873 |
37,212 | Armstrong, Alonzo F | Machias | loss r. thigh | $24.00 | - |
124,495 | Allen, George H | Machias | g. s. w. l. breast, dis. lungs | $8.00 | - |
199,992 | Albee, Isaac N | Machias | chr. diar., indigestion, &c | $8.00 | Dec. 29, 1881 |
193,549 | Roberts, Lewis | Machias | int. fever, chr. diarr | $6.00 | July 28, 1881 |
137,754 | Stevens, Leander H | Machias | dis. stomach, liver | $10.00 | - |
31,212 | Stone, jr., Luther | Machias | int. fever | $8.00 | July 30, 1864 |
100,694 | Davis, Gilbert G | Machias | g. s. w. r. breast | $6.00 | - |
62,949 | Lyon, George M | Machias | g. s. w. face, head | $12.00 | - |
61,522 | Thompson, Charles A | Machias | w. r. arm | $8.00 | Apr. 11, 1866 |
101,919 | Longfellow, Alphonzo W | Machias | chr. diarr | $8.00 | - |
107,699 | Lincoln, Daniel W | Machias | total blindness | $72.00 | - |
133,813 | Means, Eliphalet | Machias | spinal inj. weak stomach | $8.00 | June 7, 1875 |
217,149 | Perry, John | Machias | inj. face, l. eye | $6.00 | Aug. 25, 1882 |
125,151 | Palmer, James M | Machias | w. r. shoulder | $2.00 | Sept. 23, 1873 |
211,120 | McGuire, Patrick | Machias | loss, 2d toe from g. s. w. | $2.00 | June 12, 1882 |
121,751 | McCabe, William H | Machias | g. s. w. r. thigh, varicose vein | $10.00 | - |
138,760 | Preble, William H | Machias | dis. liver | $12.00 | - |
83,213 | Preble, Abiel E | Machias | w. l. leg | $18.00 | Jan. 11, 1868 |
145,180 | Blycher, Benjamin F | Machias | mal. poisng | $12.00 | May 15, 1877 |
46,813 | Perry, George W | Machias | w. both thighs | $8.00 | - |
132,093 | Mulhern, John | Machias | injury to abdomen | $18.00 | - |
47,966 | Mahler, John D | Machias | g. s. w. r. shoulder, lung | $18.00 | - |
66,833 | Hooper, Andrew | Machias | w. l. thigh | $18.00 | Nov. 3, 1866 |
61,802 | Hadley, Charles A | Machias | w. r. thigh | $15.00 | - |
57,644 | Hanscom, Enoch L | Machias | w. l. arm | $15.00 | - |
172,425 | Harrington, George H | Machias | g. s. w. l. arm | $4.00 | - |
66,831 | Foss, Israel P | Machias | g. s. w. l. shoulder | $14.00 | - |
74,080 | Foss, Jacob P | Machias | w. l. chest | $16.00 | - |
65,445 | Foss, James A | Machias | w. l. leg | $18.00 | Aug. 29, 1866 |
69,706 | Foss, John W | Machias | w. l. shoul. & foot | $18.00 | - |
45,115 | Greene, Daniel | Machias | g. s. w. l. hand & leg | $10.00 | - |
62,173 | Getchell, Horace W | Machias | amp. l. leg | $18.00 | Aug. 29, 1866 |
151,057 | Heffron, James | Machias | dis. lungs | $4.00 | Feb. 8, 1878 |
65,098 | Hurley, Jeremiah | Machias | g. s. w. l. ankle & foot | $18.00 | - |
132,148 | Hooper, Nathaniel | Machias | w. r. hand | $3.00 | - |
196,026 | McIntosh, Henry | Machias | chr. rheum., heart dis. | $18.00 | Sept. 27, 1881 |
69,438 | Eldrige, Charles W | Machias | w. r. elbow | $12.00 | - |
185,080 | Budd, Nathaniel | Machias | mal. poisng | $4.00 | Mar. 29, 1881 |
129,741 | Ricahrds, John G | Machias | g. s. w. r. leg | $3.00 | - |
183,728 | Davis, George R | Machias | father | $8.00 | Apr. 10, 1879 |
181,116 | Getchell, Sarah A | Machias | mother | $8.00 | May 21, 1878 |
132,834 | Gay, Mary | Machias | mother | $8.00 | Aug 5, 1864 |
142,481 | Blyther, Charity | Machias | mother | $8.00 | Apr. 28, 1870 |
94,715 | Whitney, Rebecca W | Machias | mother | $8.00 | May 17, 1867 |
185,875 | Foss, Sarah | Machias | mother | $8.00 | Oct. 25, 1879 |
116,359 | Foss, Betsey | Machias | mother | $8.00 | July 23, 1868 |
150,378 | Holland, Elizabeth | Machias | widow | $8.00 | May 13, 1871 |
190,996 | Henderson, Caroline M | Machias | widow | $8.00 | Jan. 29, 1881 |
25,522 | Ballinger, Mary A | Machias | widow | $20.00 | Dec. 6, 1873 |
100,067 | Davis, Mary H | Machias | widow | $8.00 | Oct. 4, 1867 |
197,845 | Babb, Belia G | Machias | minor of | $12.00 | Dec. 9, 1882 |
21,259 | Longfellow, Susan B | Machias | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 15, 1879 |
26,096 | Preston, Mary | Machias | widow 1812 | $8.00 | July 30, 1879 |
17,194 | Ramsdell, Annie | Machias | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 4, 1879 |
- | Longfellow, Sarah | Machias | widow | $8.00 | - |
41,618 | Bowers, Ira M | Machias Port | w. r. shoulder | $11.25 | Apr. 29, 1865 |
150,137 | Goff, James E | Machias Port | loss r. ind. fing. form g. s. w. | $4.00 | Dec. 20, 1867 |
109,891 | Dobbin, William, jr | Machias Port | w. r. knee | $4.00 | Apr. 29, 1871 |
156,793 | Tobey, James F. F | Machias Port | chr. diarr., dis. of abdominal viscera | $14.00 | - |
156,295 | Colson, David C | Machias Port | father | $8.00 | Oct. 24, 1874 |
129,127 | Phinney, John | Machias Port | father | $8.00 | Oct. 2, 1869 |
194,994 | Sanborn, Pamela A | Machias Port | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 29, 1882 |
65,353 | Colbeth, Pamelia A | Machias Port | widow | $8.00 | Feb. 21, 1867 |
2,469 | Travis, Mary L | Machias Port | mother (Navy) | $8.00 | - |
20,639 | Libbey, Lucy F | Machias Port | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 12, 1879 |
134,775 | Allen, Achsah S | Marion | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 24, 1869 |
9,144 | Bridges, Abraham | Marion | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 6, 1871 |
212,717 | Lombard, William A | Meddybemps | dis. eyes & rheum | $10.00 | June 28, 1882 |
196,619 | Williamson, Charles F | Meddybemps | g. s. w. l. arm & foot | $8.00 | Oct. 12, 1881 |
222,985 | Small, Amaziah R | Millbridge | chr. diarr., and dis. of abdominal viscera | $4.00 | Dec. 19, 1882 |
29,305 | Shaw, William | Millbridge | loss l. hand | $18.00 | - |
191,913 | Wallace, William 2d | Millbridge | chr. diarr. | $6.00 | June 30, 1881 |
99,467 | Wallace, Samuel C | Millbridge | chr. diarr | $11.25 | Aug. 25, 1869 |
81,666 | Wallace, Nelson C | Millbridge | w. l. arm | $18.00 | - |
129,097 | McCaslin, Warren H | Millbridge | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | - |
57,698 | Walbridge, Everett L | Millbridge | w. l. arm | $4.00 | Feb. 10, 1866 |
212,177 | Connor, Richard | Millbridge | g. s. w. l. hand and face | $3.00 | June 23, 1882 |
84,384 | Evans, Nathaniel | Millbridge | ulcers l. leg | $10.00 | - |
70,725 | Wallace, Maria S | Millbridge | widow | $20.00 | Sept. 5, 1873 |
58,324 | Cain, Susan | Millbridge | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 19, 1868 |
41,373 | Sawyer, Martha H | Millbridge | widow | $8.00 | July 25, 1867 |
11,224 | Pinkham, Eliza A | Millbridge | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 9, 1878 |
66,052 | Wood, Matthew | Milltown | g. s. w. r. arm | $6.00 | June, 1866 |
220,312 | Sherman, Daniel W | Milltown | injury to abdomen, abscess l. arm | $8.00 | Nov. 4, 1882 |
163,566 | Clark, Eugene B | Milltown | effects of prison life | $18.00 | Nov. 18, 1879 |
72,509 | Tracey, William H | Milltown | dis. stomach | $24.00 | - |
33,060 | Pineo, Josiah H | Milltown | loss use l. arm | $18.00 | Nov. 30, 1866 |
44,787 | McGraw, Thomas | Milltown | loss l. arm | $24.00 | - |
16,892 | Powers, Thomas | Milltown | w. l .thigh | $3.00 | - |
36,295 | Balcom, Henry A | Milltown | w. r. shoulder | $18.00 | June 27, 1867 |
215,928 | Grant, Martin N | Milltown | mal. pois'ng, chron. diarr | $6.00 | July 31, 1882 |
97,451 | Hayes, Edward | Milltown | g. s. w. r. leg | $6.00 | - |
180,085 | Chase, James N | Milltown | mal. pois'ng | $6.00 | Dec. 21, 1880 |
180,766 | Decie, Charles H | Milltown | g. s. w. l. hand, head | $4.00 | Jan. 6, 1881 |
151,310 | Lee, Margaret A | Milltown | mother | $8.00 | June 20, 1870 |
136,193 | Bridgham, Jane F | Milltown | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 9, 1869 |
55,778 | Frost, Eliza | Milltown | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 19, 1866 |
64,731 | Murphy, Catharine | Milltown | mother | $8.00 | Feb. 17, 1865 |
179,270 | Field, Sarah | Milltown | mother | $8.00 | Dec. 7, 1866 |
13,415 | Butter, Kezia | Milltown | widow | $8.00 | May 6, 1867 |
53,982 | McGraw, Annie | Milltown | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 23, 1865 |
- | Wadsworth, Jane H | Milltown | mother (Navy) | $8.00 | - |
32,589 | Emerson, Mary W | Milltown | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 18, 1882 |
22,394 | Mitchell, Sarah E | Milltown | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 4, 1879 |
22,025 | Pineo, Mary | Milltown | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 2, 1879 |
73,283 | Barney, Joseph F | Northfield | g. s. w. l. arm | $12.00 | - |
37,933 | Harmon, Andrew J | Northfield | g. s. w. l. foot | $10.00 | - |
46,343 | Miller, George H | Northfield | amp. r. arm | $24.00 | - |
164,735 | Barnard, Melinda H | Northfield | mother | $8.00 | May 2, 1874 |
133,740 | Clark, Charles H | North Lubec | chr. gastritis | $8.00 | - |
188,014 | Coffin, Reuben D | N. Perry | father | $8.00 | Apr. 28, 1880 |
145,906 | Moore, Lucy | N. Perry | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 14, 1870 |
22,691 | Patterson, William | N. Perry | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | July 2, 1878 |
87,076 | Bowden, Samuel | Pembroke | g. s. w. r. hand | $12.00 | - |
138,244 | Annas, Alonzo | Pembroke | dis. lungs and scurvy | $8.00 | - |
59,658 | Anthony, Bela | Pembroke | w. head | $12.00 | Mar. 15, 1866 |
53,723 | Campbell, B. Atkinson | Pembroke | g. s. w. l. leg | $12.00 | - |
116,646 | Smith, Hosea | Pembroke | mal. pois'ng chr. diarr | $8.00 | Apr. 27, 1872 |
202,313 | Smith, Lyman, G | Pembroke | chill and mal. pois'ng | $8.00 | Feb. 3, 1882 |
136,897 | Taylor, John | Pembroke | varicose veins, both legs | $12.00 | Nov. 24, 1875 |
136,624 | Seeley, Samuel S | Pembroke | scurvy and debility | $8.00 | Nov. 12, 1875 |
86,273 | Lyons, Reuben | Pembroke | g. s. w. l. arm | $6.00 | - |
108,680 | Moore, Alonzo V | Pembroke | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | - |
44,781 | Porter, Hugh F | Pembroke | loss r. arm | $24.00 | - |
25,106 | Palmer, Ambrose H | Pembroke | g. s. w. l. thigh | $4.00 | July 22, 1882 |
143,357 | Boyce, Daniel | Pembroke | rheum | $8.00 | Jan 15, 1877 |
151,562 | Campbell, Reynold D W | Pembroke | asthma, chr. diarr | $8.00 | Mar. 12, 1878 |
69,277 | Clark, Robert C | Pembroke | w. r. shoulder | $8.00 | - |
171,272 | Carson, Samuel W | Pembroke | chills, fever, indigestion | $6.00 | July 13, 1880 |
163,633 | Hersey, Azor H | Pembroke | inj. l. leg | $6.00 | Nov. 24, 1879 |
147,422 | Gardner, Calvin R | Pembroke | chr. diar. and hepatic dis | $10.00 | July 30, 1877 |
41,294 | Sampson, Ichabod | Pembroke | w. r. leg | $14.00 | - |
55,375 | Pattangall, Frances M | Pembroke | widow | $20.00 | Sept. 13, 1865 |
55,507 | Farley, Eliza M | Pembroke | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 21, 1867 |
28,511 | Cameron, Jane | Pembroke | widow | $8.00 | - |
194,827 | Campbell, Mary B | Pembroke | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 18, 1882 |
164,900 | Knowlton, Hannah | Pembroke | mother | $8.00 | May 15, 1874 |
2,714 | Hickey, Eliza | Pembroke | mother (Navy) | $8.00 | - |
19,545 | Reynolds, Nathaniel | Pembroke | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 7, 1872 |
16,679 | Basley, Susan | Pembroke | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 28, 1879 |
70,210 | Cox, Cyrus | Perry | w. r. thigh | $12.00 | - |
46,846 | Lincoln, William H | Perry | g. s. w. r. arm | $12.00 | - |
45,948 | Potter, Josiah T | Perry | w. r. leg | $8.00 | - |
75,428 | McPhail, William H | Perry | loss all toes both feet | $12.00 | - |
96,738 | Pottle, Simon | Perry | w. l. arm | $8.50 | Apr. 6, 1869 |
47,296 | Brown, Jesse | Perry | w. l. shoulder | $12.00 | - |
171,203 | Lincoln, Ezekiel | Perry | father | $8.00 | Dec. 3, 1875 |
159,249 | Cook, Alice | Perry | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 16, 1872 |
181,284 | Bulmer, Lydia | Perry | mother | $8.00 | June 7, 1878 |
175,413 | Morrison, Susan | Perry | mother | $8.00 | Oct. 26, 1876 |
55,710 | Morrison, Mary J | Perry | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 12, 1867 |
93,571 | Bowen, Mary | Perry | widow | $8.00 | May 1, 1867 |
13,129 | Nutt, James | Perry | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 27, 1872 |
24,296 | Seeley, Joseph | Perry | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Sept. 26, 1878 |
170,163 | Phipps, William W | Plantation No. 14 | chr. diarr., dis. of ab. vise. | $8.00 | - |
218,721 | Dresser, David | Princeton | inj. r. hip | $8.00 | Oct. 5, 1882 |
207,840 | Anderson, Harris W | Princeton | chr. diarr., inj. to back | $8.00 | May 1, 1882 |
64,563 | Shaw, Isaac B | Princeton | w. r. thigh | $6.00 | May 30, 1866 |
177,589 | Smith, Hiram F | Princeton | mal. pois'ng | $18.00 | Oct. 25, 1880 |
65,796 | Smith, George W | Princeton | g. s. w. r. thigh | $31.25 | - |
171,926 | Smith, Richard | Princeton | g. s. w. l. side | $4.00 | July 31, 1880 |
152,516 | Varney, Sumner T | Princeton | g. s. w. r. foot | $6.00 | Apr. 18, 1878 |
124,607 | Gower, William N | Princeton | w. l. hip & r. leg | $8.00 | Aug. 14, 1873 |
102,099 | Farrell, William | Princeton | w. r. arm & wrist, &c | $6.00 | - |
143,361 | Glidden, John C | Princeton | w. l. leg, chr. diarr | $8.00 | Jan. 18, 1877 |
136,891 | McDowell, George | Princeton | chr. diarr | $9.00 | Nov. 24, 1875 |
173,112 | Moore, James | Princeton | sunstroke | $12.00 | - |
124,706 | Farrell, Charles R | Princeton | g. s. w. r. breast | $8.00 | Aug., 1873 |
134,536 | Fiehett, Rebecca C | Princeton | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 18, 1869 |
170,306 | McCurdy, Anna | Princeton | mother | $8.00 | July 22, 1875 |
170,676 | Legacy, Mary | Princeton | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 21, 1875 |
133,316 | Chapin, Mary M | Princeton | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 20, 1869 |
133,058 | Porter, Elizabeth H | Princeton | mother | $8.00 | Aug. 12, 1869 |
123,606 | Smith, Martha | Princeton | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 19, 1869 |
19,922 | Heath, Lorain | Princeton | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 4, 1879 |
17,472 | Berry, Lavinia | Princeton | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Feb. 11, 1879 |
200,354 | Smith, Charles M | Red Beach | mal. pois'ng, dis. liver, &c | $14.00 | Jan. 7, 1882 |
195,964 | Lane, Elias S | Red Beach | mal. pois'ng, chr. diarr | $14.00 | Sept. 24, 1881 |
218,731 | Lowe, Seth G | Red Beach | dis. lungs | $6.00 | Oct. 5, 1882 |
187,077 | Brown, David M | Red Beach | heart dis | $12.00 | - |
57,631 | Merry, James E | Robbinston | dis. great toe, leg, typh. fever | $16.00 | - |
173,382 | Gates, Humphrey P | Robbinston | dis. throat, lungs | $8.00 | - |
92,497 | Vose, Thatcher | Robbinston | w. r. leg | $8.00 | - |
88,708 | Buck, Albert G | Robbinston | chr. diarr | $10.00 | - |
139 | Rice, George E | Robbinston | g. s. w. r. hip | $8.00 | - |
141,651 | Hinton, Joseph | Robbinston | father | $8.00 | Apr. 1, 1870 |
139,740 | Campbell, Olive M | Robbinston | mother | $8.00 | Feb. 15, 1870 |
141,908 | Gates, Mary | Robbinston | mother | $8.00 | Apr. 17, 1870 |
67,529 | Simpson, Elizabeth A | Robbinston | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 23, 1866 |
132,185 | Stanton, Mary | Robbinston | mother | $8.00 | July 23, 1869 |
22,926 | Hume, Lucy B | Robbinston | widow, 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 16, 1879 |
11,605 | Briggs, Mary | Robbinston | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 4, 1864 |
214,301 | Clark, Ebenezer L | S. Charlotte | chr. diarr. & dis. of abdominal viscera | $6.00 | June 30, 1882 |
202,748 | James, Horatio N | S. Charlotte | dis. of lungs | $4.00 | Feb. 11, 1882 |
166,798 | Marston, Emma | S. Lubec | widow | $8.00 | Jan. 8, 1875 |
50,422 | Case, Melissa L | S. Lubec | widow | $8.00 | July 1, 1865 |
87,663 | Morse, Elmira | S. Lubec | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 12, 1868 |
132,689 | Harlow, Ebenezer D | S. Robbinston | w. lower jaw | $4.00 | Apr. 2, 1875 |
46,917 | Johnson, George E | S. Robbinston | w. l. elbow joint | $15.00 | - |
190,039 | McNutt, John | S. Robbinston | int. fever, chr. rheum, &c | $12.00 | June 8, 1881 |
59,338 | Scotney, Elizabeth | S. Robbinston | widow | $8.00 | May 29, 1867 |
162,672 | Kerr, Clara S | S. Robbinston | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 4, 1873 |
151,869 | Tucker, Mary | S. Robbinston | mother | $8.00 | July 10, 1871 |
140,124 | Smith, Avril P | Steuben | typh fever, diarr., dis. liver &c | $8.00 | - |
138,587 | Cleaves, Charles G | Steuben | g. s. w. r. hand | $8.00 | - |
153,052 | Small, Joseph | Steuben | g. s. w. r. arm | $2.00 | May 16, 1878 |
84,778 | Day, Josiah S | Steuben | dis. of abdominal viscera | $12.00 | - |
122,887 | Whitten, William P | Steuben | chr. psoriasis, chr. rheum | $4.00 | - |
104,619 | Parker, James E | Steuben | w. r. thigh | $4.00 | July 27, 1870 |
77,228 | Phinney, Albert C | Steuben | loss r. ind. finger | $2.00 | Apr. 24, 1866 |
128,478 | Pinkham, Alvah L | Steuben | inj. l. side, dis. lung | $12.00 | - |
151,801 | Wakefield, Leonard H | Steuben | chr. diarr | $4.00 | Mar. 19, 1878 |
151,856 | Pinkham, Eben A | Steuben | neuralgia & rheum., &c | $24.00 | - |
86,058 | Good, Joseph | Steuben | g. s. w. l. arm | $18.00 | - |
180,445 | Davis, Oliver W | Steuben | mal. pois'ng, dis. liver, &c | $8.00 | - |
167,688 | Leighton, James | Steuben | father | $8.00 | Feb. 16, 1875 |
59,847 | Pinkham, Ann | Steuben | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 20, 1865 |
147,033 | Robinson, Joann | Steuben | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 10, 1871 |
48,340 | Pinkham, Bular F | Steuben | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 28, 1867 |
12,550 | Stevens, Julia A | Steuben | widow | $8.00 | July 21, 1881 |
28,957 | Leighton, Abigail | Steuben | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Mar. 27, 1880 |
181,462 | Low, Betsey M | Steuben | mother | $8.00 | June 28, 1878 |
148,360 | Huff, Justus E | Topsfield | g. s. w. r. hand | $8.00 | - |
39,131 | Getchell, Emerson T | Topsfield | amp. l. arm | $24.00 | - |
135,456 | Getchell, William A | Topsfield | dis. of kidneys | $8.00 | Aug. 21, 1875 |
88,429 | McPhail, John | Topsfield | dis. heart | $14.00 | - |
181,427 | White, George S. S | Topsfield | inj. spine, dis. kidneys | $8.00 | Jan. 21, 1881 |
205,975 | Malkson, William H | Topsfield | dis. liver & heart | $8.00 | Apr. 1, 1882 |
137,103 | Carey, Michael | Topsfield | inj. r. shoulder | $10.00 | - |
173,127 | Knox, Ward A | Topsfield | dis. eyes | $12.00 | Sept. 6, 1880 |
44,783 | Cain, William H | Topsfield | w. r. arm | $14.00 | Oct. 3, 1876 |
136,535 | Huff, Phebe | Topsfield | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 19, 1869 |
37,841 | Noyes, Sarah D | Topsfield | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 13, 1865 |
132,462 | Merrill, Nancy L | Topsfield | mother | $8.00 | July 29, 1869 |
135,485 | Malkson, Margery A | Topsfield | mother | $8.00 | Oct. 12, 1869 |
137,134 | Hill, Abigail | Topsfield | mother | $8.00 | Dec. 6, 1869 |
134,194 | Hodsdon, Esther W | Topsfield | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 11, 1869 |
193,538 | Murphy, James | Topsfield | minor of | $12.00 | Oct. 28, 1881 |
15,945 | Pinco, Jane | Topsfield | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 27, 1879 |
26,211 | Scott, Frances | Topsfield | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 6, 1879 |
24,007 | Cain, David | Topsfield | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 26, 1878 |
13,144 | Crabtree, Isabella | Topsfield | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec. 11, 1878 |
47,425 | Dow, John H | Waite | g. s. w. l. groin, r. hip | $12.00 | - |
41,697 | Williams, Margaret | Waite | widow | $8.00 | June 17, 1867 |
28,736 | Hodgman, Jane E | Waite | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 29, 1867 |
174,337 | Day, Jacob L | Wesley | mal. poisng., dis. liver &c | $8.00 | - |
115,797 | Munson, Albion K | Wesley | chr. diarr., debility | $6.00 | - |
60,650 | McRae, Asa T | Wesley | shell w. l. thigh | $12.00 | - |
96,332 | Hayward, Eben S | Wesley | w. r. wrist | $4.00 | Mar. 19, 1869 |
99,415 | Fenlason, Stillman M | Wesley | dis. lungs | $18.00 | - |
65,974 | Hayward, John W | Wesley | w. l. shoulder | $6.00 | June 26, 1866 |
137,039 | McLaughlin, Ira | Wesley | w. l. side | $4.00 | Dec. 8, 1875 |
5,107 | Robinson, Vienna B | Wesley | widow | $17.00 | Mar. 13, 1874 |
116,043 | Grace, Leonard D | W. Harrington | int. fever, dis. liver | $4.00 | Mar. 21, 1872 |
193,278 | Murray, Catharine | W. Lubec | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 5, 1881 |
12,195 | Davis, Phillippa | W. Lubec | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Nov. 26, 1878 |
205,200 | Sinclair, Benjamin J | W. Pembroke | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | Mar. 25, 1882 |
143,835 | Reynolds, Samuel | W. Pembroke | dis. lungs | $16.00 | Feb. 20, 1877 |
193,539 | Leighton, William E | W. Pembroke | mal. pois'ng, dis. heart | $8.00 | July 28, 1881 |
141,331 | Murray, jr., Benjamin B | W. Pembroke | inj. r. ankle | $10.00 | - |
44,790 | Wilbur, Orrin S | W. Pembroke | g. s. w. r. thigh | $12.00 | - |
120,400 | Woodworth, William L | W. Pembroke | dis. heart | $18.00 | - |
124,780 | Wilder, William H | W. Pembroke | w. r. shoulder | $6.00 | - |
77,490 | Page, Josiah | W. Pembroke | valvular dis. heart | $6.00 | Feb. 19, 1867 |
196,592 | Brown, Allen R | W. Pembroke | inj. r. hip, sciatica | $12.00 | Oct. 12, 1881 |
57,466 | Carter, Jonathan E | W. Pembroke | g. s. w. r. shoulder | $8.00 | - |
143,012 | Clark, John W | W. Pembroke | varicose veins, both legs | $10.00 | - |
86,343 | Matz, Raymond P | W. Pembroke | g. s. w. r. side, head, &c | $8.00 | - |
167,179 | Owen, Charles H | W. Pembroke | chr. diarr., dis. heart, &c | $10.00 | - |
104,313 | Wilder, George E | W. Pembroke | g. s. w. l. hand | $12.00 | - |
64,611 | Wilbur, David | W. Pembroke | loss r. leg | $24.00 | - |
47,986 | Bosworth, Leonard P | W. Pembroke | w. l. shoulder | $14.00 | - |
55,842 | Griffin, Samuel E | W. Pembroke | w. near r. shoulder | $8.00 | - |
174,515 | Farnsworth, Albert S | W. Pembroke | dis. brain from sunstroke | $6.00 | Oct. 2, 1880 |
53,823 | Metz, James C | W. Pembroke | g. s. w. r. thigh | $10.00 | - |
176,000 | Cushing, Permelia | W. Pembroke | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 8, 1877 |
135,969 | Bosworth, Hannah | W. Pembroke | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 4, 1869 |
194,326 | Driscoll, Catharine | W. Pembroke | widow | $8.00 | Feb. 4, 1882 |
25,784 | Farrow, Jane | W. Pembroke | widow 1812 | $8.00 | July 12, 1879 |
23,241 | Farnsworth, Abi | W. Pembroke | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 26, 1879 |
23,439 | Sprague, Abigail | W. Pembroke | widow 1812 | $8.00 | May 3, 1879 |
46,255 | Saunders, John | Whiting | w. r. arm | $4.00 | - |
34,390 | Smith, Benjamin F | Whitneyville | mal. pois'ng | $12.00 | - |
153,793 | Albee, Thomas S | Whitneyville | mal. pois'ng | $18.00 | - |
213,581 | Allen, William | Whitneyville | dis. of abdominal viscera, part deaf. both ears | $8.00 | June 30, 1882 |
44,785 | Bridgham, Charles W | Whitneyville | g. s. w. l. chest | $1.00 | - |
34,415 | Flynn, William M | Whitneyville | chr. diarr., fever & ague | $16.00 | - |
180,565 | McDonald, Emma | Whitneyville | mother | $8.00 | Mar. 29, 1878 |
134,305 | Ahern, Honora | Whitneyville | mother | $8.00 | Sept. 14, 1869 |
18,863 | Nagle, Hannah D | Whitneyville | widow | $8.00 | Apr. 5, 1867 |
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